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News Story 2: Stacy Carol

Sophomore Stacy Carol was suspended for three days for refusing to remove her lip
piercing. Since she came back to school with the same lip piercing, she has been in suspension
for the past nine days. On April 10, the school will have a disciplinary hearing in an attempt to
remove Carol to an alternative school until she removes the lip jewelry.
Carol and her mother, Lareina, belong to the Church of Body Modification. It is an
interfaith church that practices ancient and modern body modification rites as ways of
experiencing the divine.
“We don't worship a tattooed god or anything like that,” Carol said. “Our spirituality
comes from what we choose to do ourselves. Through body modification, we can change how
we see ourselves and the world around us.”
Superintendent said he is not allowed to talk about a specific case about an individual
student, but he talks about how the dress code was made, and why it was made too.
“I cannot comment on this specific case or discuss an individual student’s discipline
issues. When we created this dress code in 2009, the district sought input from students, faculty
and community members.” Gordon said, “Together, we designed a plan that was appropriate for
our district. Facial jewelry did not make the cut.”
Stacy Carol said she thinks that her First Amendment Rights are being violated. But the
constitutional lawyer thinks otherwise.
“People cry First Amendment violations all of the time. Freedom of religion is a big one.
Just because a few people get together and call themselves a church doesn’t mean that they
are a church in the eyes of the law. Heck, in Australia, there is a movement for a Jedi church.”
Said Ramirez, “Does that mean we have to allow all teenage boys to wear Jedi Knight robes
and carry lightsabers to school? The school district should hold its ground.”
The local chapter of the American Civil Liberties Union agreed to defend Carol at her
disciplinary hearing and said if she lost, it would pursue the issue in court.
“Stacy has a solid case. It is in the best interest of the school district to allow her a
religious exemption from the dress code.” Said Stephens, “The district doesn’t have much to
stand on since it already has two religious exemptions on file. It will be hard pressed to defend
that in a court,”
A student thinks that Carol shouldn’t compare the exemption of the hijab with her Church
of Body modifications.
“I don’t think you can compare the Muslim religion to the Church of Body Modification.
We have a rich and long history. There are more than a billion muslims worldwide. Our beliefs
are documented.” Said Shakuri “I don’t have a problem with Stacy’s lip piercing, but comparing
her lip piercing to my hijab is absurd.”
This is a case that will be hard pressed for the courts. Both sides have strong
arguments, and will most likely be pursued further.
“It will be hard pressed to defend that in a court.” Said Stephens.

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