Ce 199.01

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BSCE V Dec. 21, 2020

- Is a lower portion of building structure that transfers its gravity loads to the earth.
- Generally broken into two categories:
1. Shallow Foundations – moderate loads
2. Deep Foundations – very high loads

Soil Improvement
 Compaction – Vibro Compaction, Dynamic-/Surface Compaction
 Reinforcement – Stone Columns, Rigid Inclusions
 Consolidation – PVD + Surcharge, Vacuum Consolidation, Stone Columns + Surcharge with
or without PVD

Soil Improvement Techniques – Applicability

- Silt and Clay (C and D) are suited for reinforcement and consolidation.

Stone Columns: General

- Useful and Efficient in:
 Prevention of liquefaction in silty sands and sandy silts
 Reduction of differential settlements is more important than reduction of total
 Embankments on soft soils that need accelerated drainage, stability increase and
settlement reduction
- Cannot be used in:
 Very soft clays
 High loads

Stone Columns Methods

- Dry Bottom Feed Method
1. Penetration
 Vibro probe penetrates by vibration and compressed air
2. Installation
 By adding gravel through the separate gravel duct alongside the vibroprobe
3. Completion
 Surface is levelled and eventually rolled
- Wet Top Feed Method
1. Penetration
 Create water filled ring room around Vibro probe
2. Installation
 Feed stone to the tip of the vibroprobe
3. Completion
 Build stone column on surface by repeating up/down movement of the

Rigid Inclusions: General

- Useful and Efficient in:
 Requirements of differential settlements and total settlements are strict
 Prevention of liquefaction
 Very soft sols where stone columns cannot be used
- Cannot be used in:
 High horizontal loads in combination with very soft silts
 For very high loads on a very limited footprint

Installation Methods
- Full displacement auger
- Partial displacement auger
- Continuous flight auger
- Soil cement mixing
- Pgf system

Vibro Compaction
- Useful and Efficient in:
 Manmade loose reclamation fills
 Loose and clean sand or gravel layer not intermixed with cohesive soils
 Fine content < 10-15%
 Clay content < 1%
- Cannot be used at all in:
 Sensitive or collapse soils
 Existing buildings or underground services
 Not enough headroom fro an excavation
- Method
1. Penetration
 Vibratory action of the vibroprobe together with the jetting action water or
compressed air
2. Installation
 Raise the vibroprobe in stages and hold at each stage whilst compaction takes
3. Completion
 Continue raising the vibroprobe in stages to the surface

Dynamic/Surface Compaction Methods

1. Dynamic Compaction
2. Rapid Impact Compaction
3. High Energy Impact Compaction
Dynamic Compaction: General
- Useful and efficient in:
 Up to 12 m deep clean sand and gravel and sands with not more than 20% fines
- Cannot be used at all in:
 Closer than 30 m to existing buildings
 Near underground services
 Soft cohesive soils in the upper part of the compaction profile
Surface Compaction: Dynamic Compaction
 Compaction by surface impact
 20 to 30 m drop height
 10 to 30 tons in weight
Surface Compaction: Rapid Impact Compaction
 40 to 60 drps per minute
 1.2 m drop height
 9 tons in weight
 Reach up to 6 m
Surface Compaction: High Energy Impact Compaction
 2 to 3 m of compaction
 Unbeatable low price in that depth range

Pressurized Grouted Full Displacement (PGF) Pile System

- Prefab piling solution, made from high strength ductile cast iron pipes
- Can address a wide-range of geotechnical and construction challenges
- Load capacity between 375 KN and 3772 KN per pile.

Non – Grouted Piles

- Driven until refusal
- Without concrete on the outside

Grouted Piles
- Driven to design depth
- With concrete on the outside and inside

BAUER (PGF) Pile System

 For Building Construction
 Industrial building
 Slpe protection
 Silo foundation
 Bridge construction
 Retrofitting/underpinning

Suitable for all ground conditions

- Pile length can be adjusted for each foundation separately

End Bearing Pile

- Installation without external grouting
1. End Bearing – Non-Grouted Piles
 Drive to refusal or set criterion following design
 Stop criteria – penetration rate ≤ 30 mm/min
2. Skin Friction – Grouted Piles
 Based on skin friction along pile shaft over pile full length
 If soil investigation is poor, it is recommended to carry out a pile test to confirm
load capacity
 Skin friction values can be estimated

PGF Piles are highly ductile

 Damaged piles can continue to provide stability fo permanent loads with residual load capacity
 Design Examples:
BSCE V Dec 21, 2020

- A webinar for graduating CE students as they adapt from students to a responsible individual
- How to adapt also as a professional engineer in the future
- How to face and be prepared for future dealings with clients, bosses and different people.

How to transition from student to a professional one?

 While in college, start building your profile
 College has not prepared you for everything
 Work on your soft skills
 Master the hard skills
 Acknowledge that you’re in transition
 Finding employment probably wont be easy
 Create your breakthrough

These are some of the things discuss also in personality development

 Important traits to be successful in life
 How to deal stress in life.
 How to deal with people with different behavior
 How to face failed expectations in life.

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