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British Journal of Mathematical and Statistical Psychology (2005), 58, 55–63
q 2005 The British Psychological Society

Estimating population or group sensitivity

and its precision from a set of individual d0

Jian Bi*
Sensometrics Research and Service, Richmond, Virginia, USA

A commonly used method of estimating population sensitivity is the so-called averaged

d 0 method. In this method, the arithmetic mean of a set of individual d 0 is usually taken as
a population sensitivity estimator. This practice ignores the fact that the individual d 0
itself is an estimator with an inherent variance. For observations with different levels of
precision, the arithmetic mean is not the best estimator of a population parameter. It may
lead to an estimate with a large variation. Another fact, which is often ignored, is that the
variance of individual d0 involves both between- and within-subject variations in a random
effects model when population sensitivity and its level of precision are estimated. Failing
to account for both components of variance leads to an underestimate of variation and
an overestimate of precision for the estimator. In this paper a lognormal distribution
rather than a normal distribution is assumed for individual sensitivity. An iterative
weighting procedure is proposed for estimating population sensitivity on the log scale on
the basis of a random effects model. An ordinary weighting procedure is proposed for
estimating group sensitivity on the log scale on the basis of a fixed effects model.
The levels of precision of population and group sensitivity estimators are also given.
Numerical examples illustrate the estimation procedures.

1. Introduction
In signal detection theory (Green & Swets, 1974), the index d 0 is a measure of individual
sensitivity. The major advantage of using d 0 to measure sensitivity is that the index is
theoretically unaffected by the decision criteria and methods used. In many situations,
however, researchers are interested in estimating population sensitivity from a set of
participants. The set of participants is a random sample of a population.
There are two main methods, averaging and pooling, to estimate population
sensitivity (Swets & Pickett, 1982; Hautus, 1997). The ‘pooling’ method involves
pooling all data from a set of participants and then calculating a d 0 value from the pooled
data as if the data pooled over participants were data obtained from a single participant.
The ‘averaging’ method involves calculating individual d 0 for each participant and then
averaging the set of individual d 0 to obtain an estimate of population sensitivity.

* Correspondence should be addressed to J. Bi, 9212 Groomfield Rd, Richmond, VA 23236, USA (e-mail:

56 Jian Bi

Macmillan and Kaplan (1985), Hanley (1989), Metz (1989), Macmillan and Creelman
(1991), Irwin, Hautus, and Stillman (1992), Hautus (1997) and others discussed the
topic with emphasis on the ‘pooling’ method. Dorfman and Berbaum (1986) developed
a jackknife procedure and a computer program to estimate population parameters
including sensitivity and their standard errors from pooled rating-method data. Hautus
(1997) conducted Monte Carlo simulations for the two methods.
The most important reason for using the ‘pooling’ method is that when individual d 0
cannot be calculated due to sparse data for each participant, the ‘pooling’ method might
be the last resort for estimating population sensitivity. However, there are a few hazards
involved in unnecessary pooling. It is the consensus in the literature that the ‘pooling’
method should be used only when data are too sparse for each participant under the
rather restrictive conditions that the sensitivities and decision criteria of participants are
very close (Metz, 1989; Dorfman, Berbaum, & Metz, 1992). If these conditions are not
met, the estimate of population sensitivity using the ‘pooling’ method may be distorted
and biased, sometimes by a substantial amount (Metz, 1989). In this situation the
jackknife procedure developed by Dorfman and Berbaum (1986) for pooled ratings data
might avoid these pitfalls (Irwin et al., 1992). Another weakness of the ‘pooling’ method
is that it often overestimates the precision of the estimator for sensitivity because the
values in a pooled data set are not independent (Metz, 1989). The ‘averaging’ method
does not suffer from the problems normally associated with the ‘pooling’ method.
Another merit of the ‘averaging’ method is that it can handle individual d 0 obtained from
different methods. The ‘averaging’ method is usually preferred in the literature and
should be used whenever possible (Macmillan & Kaplan, 1985; Metz, 1989; Hautus,
There is relatively little discussion of the ‘averaging’ method in the literature. The
implicitly assumed and commonly used estimator in the ‘averaging’ method is
arithmetic mean. An issue does arise if the arithmetic mean is an appropriate estimator
in estimating population or group sensitivity. It is noted that using the arithmetic mean
estimator ignores the fact that individual d 0 itself is an estimator of individual sensitivity
with an inherent variance. In the situation of heterogeneous variances, arithmetic mean
is not a good estimator of a population parameter. Using this estimator may lead to an
estimate with high variation. Another important fact, which is also often ignored in
estimating population sensitivity using the arithmetic mean, is that the variance of
individual d 0 involves both between- and within-subject variation in a random effects
model for the estimation of population sensitivity and its precision. Failing to account
for both of these components of variance leads to an underestimate of the variation and
an overestimate of the precision of a population sensitivity estimator.
The objective of the present paper is to propose a kind of weighted mean instead of
the arithmetic mean to estimate population or group sensitivity. No particular novelty in
statistics is claimed for the proposed approach. The justification for presenting it is that
it is valid and relevant to the issue. As far as the author is aware, the approach has not
previously been proposed, and the unsuitability of the arithmetic mean in estimating
population d 0 certainly has not been given adequate attention in the psychometric

2. Lognormal distribution versus normal distribution

It is widely accepted that for continuous positive data, a log-transformed analysis should
frequently be preferred to an untransformed analysis (e.g. Keene, 1995). There is also
Estimating population 57

general agreement that sensitivity data are lognormally distributed rather than normally
distributed (Gaddum, 1933; Bliss, 1934). As a measure of sensitivity, d 0 always takes non-
negative values. Strictly speaking, d 0 cannot be normally distributed, but its logarithm
can be because only the transformed variable is defined over the whole of the range
from 2 1 to 1. It is reasonable to assume that individual sensitivity in terms of d 0
follows a lognormal distribution. Analysis of d 0 data should be conducted after they have
been log-transformed.
In order to estimate population sensitivity using the averaged d 0 method, the
individual d 0i , i ¼ 1, 2, : : : , k, should be log-transformed as d 0i  ¼ logðd 0i Þ, where logðd 0i Þ
is the natural logarithm of d 0i , and d 0i  is assumed to be normally distributed.

In this paper, d* denotes a true population or group sensitivity and di denotes the

true individual sensitivity, while d 0p  (or d 0g  ) and d 0i  denote the estimates of d * and di on
the log scale. As soon as the population or group sensitivity and the variance of the
estimator, V ðd 0p  Þ or V ðd 0g  Þ, are estimated, a confidence interval for d * can be
constructed based on the assumption of normal distribution for the log-transformed
The estimated population or group sensitivity and the 1 2 a confidence limits on the
log scale should be back-transformed to the original scale.

3. Models for population and group sensitivities

Individual sensitivity in terms of d 0i  on the log scale can be modelled by

d 0i  ¼ d þ Li þ ei ; i ¼ 1; 2; : : : ; k: ð1Þ

In this paper, population sensitivity and group sensitivity are different concepts with
different meanings. If the k subjects are a random sample of a population, (1) is a
random effects model, where d* is the population sensitivity, Li is the effect of the ith
subject, Li ¼ di 2 d , di is the sensitivity of the ith subject and ei is the deviation of d 0i 

from di . Assume that Li and ei are mutually independent, and that Li , Nð0; s 2 Þ and
ei ~ Nð0; s 2i Þ, where s 2and s 2i are the between-subject and within-subject variances,
respectively. The expectation and variance of d 0i  are given by

Eðd 0i  Þ ¼ d ; Varðd 0i  Þ ¼ s 2 þ s 2i :

If the k participants are not a random sample of a population, in other words, interest is
confined to the sensitivity of the specified k participants, (1) is a fixed effects model. In
the model, d * represents group sensitivity and Li is not a variable, that is, s 2 ¼ 0. Hence

Eðd 0i  Þ ¼ d  ; Varðd 0i  Þ ¼ si2 :

In practice, the true variance of individual d 0 is not known and must be estimated from
data. Furthermore, because a set of participants are randomly chosen from a population,
a random effects model with two sources of variation, between- and within-subject
variances, should be accounted for in estimating population sensitivity and the variance
of the estimator. This paper proposes an iterative procedure to estimate population
sensitivity and variance of the estimator. The procedure is based on a random effects
If interest is confined to the sensitivity of a particular group of participants, for
example a panel, then the consensus value of a set of individual d 0 represents group
58 Jian Bi

sensitivity. The estimate of group sensitivity is based on a fixed effects model. This paper
also shows how to estimate group sensitivity and its precision.

4. Estimates of population and group sensitivities

In a random effects model, because Varðd 0i  Þ ¼ s 2 þ s 2i , the weights w
^ i ¼ 1=ðs^ 2 þ s^i2 Þ
should be used to obtain a weighted mean statistic, d p , to estimate population
sensitivity d *. This is given by
0 ^ i d 0i 
i¼1 w
dp ¼ P k ; ð2Þ
i¼1 w

where s^ 2 and s^i2 are estimates of s 2and si2 , respectively.

In (2), the estimated within-subject variance, s^i2 , can be obtained based on the
methods used. Some authors have developed different variance estimators of individual
d0 for different methods. Gourevitch and Galanter (1967) and Miller (1996) gave the
variance estimator of d0 in the yes/no method. Ogilvie and Creelman (1966, 1968) and
Dorfman and Alf (1968, 1969) gave the variance estimator of d0 in the yes/no and rating
methods by using the maximum likelihood estimation procedure. Bi, Ennis, and
O’Mahony (1997) gave the variance estimators of d0 in four force-choice methods – the
two-alternative forced choice (2-AFC), the three-alternative forced choice, the triangular
and the duo-trio methods – based on the psychometric functions of the methods. Bi
(2002) gave the variance estimator of d0 obtained from the same-different method on the
basis of Taylor series expansion with one variable and two variables. The within-subject
variances, s^2i , are assumed to be given when the procedures in this paper are used. The
only problem here is to estimate the between-subject variance, s^ 2 . The weighted mean
in (2) has been called the semi-weighted mean because s^ 2 in the weights is the same,
hence the weights are intermediate between those of the weighted mean and the equal
weights of the ordinary arithmetic mean.
Cochran (1954) discussed in detail the semi-weighted mean in a random effects
model, that is, in a model with two components of variability: between- and within-
subject variances. Mandel and Paule (1970), Paule and Mandel (1982) and Mandel
(1991) developed an algorithm to estimate the semi-weighted mean in a random effects
model. According to the Mandel–Paule algorithm, s^ 2 can be obtained using an iterative
calculation approach from
k ðd 0  2 d 0  Þ2
X i p
¼ k 2 1: ð3Þ
i¼1 s^ 2 þ s^i2
Equation (3) is based on the fact that Var d 0i  = s 2 þ si2 ¼ 1 and, according to the
definition of variance, the expected value of ðd 0i  2 d  Þ2 =ðs 2 þ si2 Þ is unity. Apart from
sampling fluctuations, (3) is true. For given d 0i  , s^i2 and k, (3) is a nonlinear function of
s^ 2 . In order to obtain a numerical solution of the function, an iterative procedure should
be used. The Appendix gives the procedure using Newton’s method for estimating s^ 2 .
It is easy to demonstrate that if s^ 2 and s^i2 are consistent estimators of s 2 and si2 , the
variance of d 0p  in (2) should be estimated by
Estimating population 59

V ðd 0p  Þ ¼ ^i
w : ð4Þ

Rukhin & Vangel (1998) investigated the theoretical properties of the Mandel–Paule
algorithm and compared it with the maximum likelihood estimator. They show that the
Mandel–Paule solution for the semi-weighted mean can be interpreted as a simplified
version of the maximum likelihood method and concluded that it is a satisfactory rule
from many perspectives. They also show that a better variance estimator than (4) for the
semi-weighted mean in (2), considering that the estimator s^ 2 in (3) is not a consistent
estimator of the between-subject variance s 2, is given by
^ 2i ðd 0i  2 d 0p  Þ2
i¼1 w
V ðd p Þ ¼ Pk
2 : ð5Þ
i¼1 w ^i

In a fixed effects model, however, there is no between-subjects variability, that is,

s 2 ¼ 0 and Li in (1) is no longer a variable. In that situation, d denotes only the
sensitivity of a particular group of subjects. The estimator of d* is now
^ 0
i¼1 Wi d i
dg ¼ P k ; ð6Þ
i¼1 Wi

where W^ i ¼ 1=s^i2 . No iteration is needed for calculation of the ordinary weighted mean.
The variance of the weighted mean in (6) can be estimated from
V ðd 0g  Þ ¼ Pk : ð7Þ
i¼1 Wi

It is obvious that the population sensitivity estimator in a random effects model is

different from the group sensitivity estimator in a fixed effects model. The variance in a
random effects model is larger than that in a fixed effects model because an additional
source of variation, between-subjects variation, appears in a random effects model.
S-PLUS code for computing population or group sensitivity and the precision of the
corresponding sensitivity estimate is available from the author on request.

5. Numerical examples
5.1 Estimating sensitivity of a consumer population
As an illustration of the procedure for estimation of population sensitivity, the artificial
data in Table 1 are used. The data relate to 30 consumers, drawn randomly from a
consumer population, and consist of individual d 0i s and variances on both the original
and log scales.
In order to estimate the sensitivity of the population that the 30 consumers
represent, an iterative procedure based on (3) is used to estimate between-subjects
variance, s^ 2 , on the log scale, for the population. The results for the first ten iterations
are given in the Appendix. We can see that the process converges to 0.0995 after the
seventh iteration. According to (2) and (6), the population sensitivity on the log scale is
d 0p  ¼ 0:6351 and the precision of the estimate is V ðd 0p  Þ ¼ 0:0035. Hence, the
estimated population sensitivity and the 95% confidence limits on the original scale are
60 Jian Bi

Table 1. Individual d0 and its variance for the example in Section 5.1

No. d 0i s ^2i d 0i  s^i2

1 3.2 0.066 1.163 0.006

2 2.5 0.043 0.916 0.007
3 2.3 0.046 0.833 0.009
4 2.2 0.048 0.788 0.010
5 2.7 0.120 0.993 0.016
6 1.9 0.050 0.642 0.014
7 1.8 0.040 0.588 0.012
8 1.4 0.060 0.336 0.031
9 1.6 0.030 0.470 0.012
10 1.9 0.100 0.642 0.028
11 2.1 0.040 0.742 0.009
12 2.2 0.060 0.788 0.012
13 2.7 0.070 0.993 0.010
14 1.6 0.050 0.470 0.020
15 2.5 0.060 0.916 0.010
16 1.8 0.092 0.588 0.028
17 1.9 0.087 0.642 0.024
18 1.8 0.040 0.588 0.012
19 1.9 0.020 0.642 0.006
20 0.8 0.011 20.2233 0.017
21 1.8 0.013 0.588 0.004
22 2.8 0.009 1.030 0.001
23 1.9 0.020 0.642 0.006
24 2.7 0.008 0.993 0.001
25 2.6 0.007 0.956 0.001
26 0.9 0.080 20.105 0.099
27 1.0 0.013 0.000 0.013
28 1.2 0.011 0.182 0.008
29 1.7 0.017 0.531 0.006
30 1.2 0.007 0.182 0.005

d 0p ¼ expð0:6351Þ ¼ 1:89;
d 0L ¼ expð0:6351 2 1:96 £ 0:0035Þ ¼ 1:68;
d 0U ¼ expð0:6351 þ 1:96 £ 0:0035Þ ¼ 2:12:

5.2 Estimating sensitivity of a panel (group)

A panel consists of ten panellists. Table 2 gives the individual sensitivity estimates of the
panellists and the variances on both the original and log scales. The aim is to determine
the group sensitivity of the panel with the ten panellists. In this situation, the differences
of the true sensitivities among the panellists in the panel are fixed.
The estimate of the group sensitivity of the panel and its precision on the log scale
can be obtained directly from (6) and (7) without iteration. They are d 0g  ¼ 0:79512 and
V ðd 0g  Þ ¼ 0:00083, respectively. Hence, on the original scale, the group sensitivity (dg0 ) is
2.21 and the 95% confidence limits are 2.09 and 2.34.
Estimating population 61

Table 2. Individual d0 and its variance for the example in Section 5.2

No. d 0i s^i2 d 0i  s^i2

1 3.2 0.063 1.163 0.006

2 1.5 0.053 0.405 0.024
3 1.3 0.036 0.262 0.021
4 4.2 0.063 1.435 0.004
5 1.7 0.012 0.531 0.004
6 1.9 0.035 0.642 0.010
7 1.8 0.024 0.588 0.007
8 1.4 0.016 0.336 0.008
9 1.6 0.053 0.470 0.021
10 1.0 0.044 0.000 0.044

6. Summary and conclusion

As a measure of sensitivity, d0 is constrained to be non-negative. For this kind of data, it is
reasonable to assume a lognormal rather than a normal distribution. Analysis should be
carried out on the log-transformed data, d0 *.
Individual d0 * itself is an estimator with a different variance. This fact reveals that the
weighted mean of a set of individual d0 *, rather than the arithmetic mean, is the best
estimator of population or group sensitivity. The precision of the weighted mean of a set
of individual d0 * is higher than that of the arithmetic mean. Another important fact is that
the variance of individual d0 * contains two components of variance, between and within
subjects, in a random effects model. Both sources of variation should be accounted for
when population sensitivity is estimated. An iterative weighting procedure is proposed
for estimating population sensitivity, d 0p  in (2), and precision of the estimator, V ðd 0p  Þ in
(5), on the basis of a random effects model. A simple weighting procedure is also
proposed for estimating group sensitivity, d 0g  in (6), and precision of the estimator,
V ðd 0g  Þ in (7), on the basis of a fixed effects model.
The approach proposed in this paper might also be used to estimate individual
sensitivity if the data for an individual observer are collected from different experimental
sessions, assuming that the sensitivity and response bias of the individual observer vary
over sessions. In this situation, d0 and its variance for each of the sessions should first be

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Received 4 April 2002; revised version received 14 April 2004

Appendix: Newton’s method for estimation of between-subject variance

F¼ ^ i ðd 0i  2 d 0p  Þ2 2 k þ 1;
w ð8Þ
where d 0p  ¼ i¼1 w ^ i d 0i  ^i
i¼1 w ^ i ¼ 1=ðs^ 2 þ s^i2 Þ. For given p, di0 * and s^i2 ,
and w
where i ¼ 1, 2, : : : , k, F is a nonlinear function of s^ 2 , denoted Fðs^ 2 Þ. Here s^ 2 denotes
estimator of between-subjects variance.
Estimating population 63

Using Newton’s method, the solution of function Fðs^ 2 Þ ¼ 0 can be obtained by the
iterative process
Fðs^ 2 ðnÞÞ
s^ 2 ðn þ 1Þ ¼ s^ 2 ðnÞ 2 ; ð9Þ
F 0 ðs^ 2 ðnÞÞ
where s^ 2 ðnÞ and s^ 2 ðn þ 1Þ denote the s^ 2 values at the nth and the (n þ 1)th
iterations, respectively; Fðs^ 2 ðnÞÞ denotes the value of function Fðs^ 2 Þ at s^ 2 ðnÞ;
and F 0 ðs^ 2 ðnÞÞ
Pk denotes the derivative of F at s^ 2 ðnÞ. It can be shown that
F ðs Þ < 2 i¼1 wi ðd i 2 d 0p  Þ2 .
^ 2 ^ 2 0

For example, using the data in Table 1 for d 0i , s^2i and k ¼ 30, selecting an initial value
s^ 2 ¼ 0:001, the values of s^ 2 at the first ten iterations are as below. The process
converges to 0.0995 at the seventh iteration.

n 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

s^ 2 0.0010 0.0058 0.0168 0.0363 0.0632 0.0877 0.0983 0.0995 0.0995 0.0995 0.0995

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