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PSGIM Cultural Audit Questionnaire

Use these questions to discover the “real” culture of

PSGIM versus the stated culture. You can use them to
uncover the “shared assumptions” or the “actual” culture
that guide behavior within PSGIM. Then summarize what
you discover in a succinct description of the “Culture of
PSG Institute of Management.”

For the following cultural dimensions, interview an

employee or faculty member of PSGIM:

Mission and Strategy

How do faculty and staff describe the company’s mission
(reason for being, purpose)?
Basically, started to inculcate education to society
and the education for deprived people with low cost and
without cost.

To what degree does the stated mission (the formal mission
statement) Actually reflect faculty and student behavior
within the organization?
To motivate the poor persons to study and give
qualitative education to them
How do important decisions get made at PSG?
The decision with among the facilities and higher
authorities are made the welfare of the students.
What is most important when hiring a new employee?
Well qualified, right person for right job those who are
qualified deserved to teach PSG IM.(They will be tested for
their skills)

Measuring Results
What does PSG look at to measure success?
The follow disciplines which are structured and fixed the
models for the others.
 Timings.
 Staff workings are systemized.
Free hours compensated
What does success look like at PSG (i.e., what
behavior/outcomes are valued)?
They strictly were following the disciplines.

How do people communicate with one and other around
Moderate, they maintain etiquette.
How does conflict gets resolved?
Over the time get resolved, with or without rasping
resolves over time.
Power and Status
How does one acquire power and status in this
Experience and knowledge potential and other
specialized skills

What would you tell a new hire about how to really

succeed in this organization?
Complete the work and relax yourself.

Peer relationships
How do peers demonstrate closeness and support for one
and other?
Very supportive
How do people act if they disagree with one another?
They bring it to common form for discussions.

What gets rewarded around here?
All individual efforts are recognized assigned duties
are blatancy rewarded.

What gets punished around here?

Not stringently
Walk around PSG and report what you actually observe.
In addition, reflect on your own experience here to
describe the following cultural dimensions:
□ Myths (what are the long-held beliefs and stories told
about PSG?)
Psg is known for its charities ,logo

□ Rituals (what are the repeated ceremonies, celebrations,

traditions, etc. held at PSG?)
Fresher’s day, diwali, onam,
exhibition,wow,wog,brain tick

□ Heroes (who are considered the people who embody the

values at PSG and why?)
Dr.Nanthagopal ,sri vidya ,umesh

□ Norms (what behavioral norms are observed at PSG?)

Punctuality,formal dressing,discipline

□ Values (how are PSG’s values apparent in faculty and

student behaviors and decision-making?)
ethical standards

□ Symbols (what visible symbols do you see around that

represent the essence
of PSG?)
steel bridge,psg logo

□ Physical space and structure (what messages are

conveyed by the buildings, offices, grounds, etc. about
Amphitheatre, Canteen, Library,

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