Tapping Into Global Markets For Canadian Farmed Fish, Seafood

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Tapping Into Global Markets for Canadian

Farmed Fish, Seafood

Info publikasi: Targeted News Service ; Washington, D.C. [Washington, D.C]23 Nov 2017.

Link dokumen ProQuest

Agriculture and Agri-Foods Canada, an arm of the Canadian government, issued the following news release:
Canadian aquaculture farmers are increasingly important contributors to the Canadian economy, particularly in
smaller coastal and rural communities. Surging global consumer demand for high-quality and sustainably-sourced
seafood products is making aquaculture one of the fastest growing industries worldwide. With exports valued at
$1 billion in 2016, fish and seafood are a key part of meeting our government's ambitious goal of reaching $75
billion in annual agri-food exports by 2025 with the ability to create well-paying jobs for Canadians.
The Honourable Dominic LeBlanc, Minister of Fisheries, Oceans and the Canadian Coast Guard, on behalf of the
Honourable Lawrence MacAulay, Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food, announced today an investment of $2.48
million to support the Canadian Aquaculture Industry Alliance (CAIA) in their efforts to increase awareness and
demand for Canadian farmed fish and seafood in the United States, Asia and Europe.
CAIA will implement a diverse range of both traditional and innovative marketing activities targeting the markets of
the United States, Europe and Asia.
"Canada's seafood farmers produce the best quality farmed fish and seafood products in the world. This
investment will help Canada's high-quality farmed seafood find new markets around the world while creating well-
paying jobs especially in our rural and coastal communities."
- Lawrence MacAulay, Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food
"Canada's seafood farmers make an important contribution to the world's food supply. As a regulator, we are
committed to ensuring a responsible and sustainable aquaculture industry that can create jobs and grow the
economy in coastal and Indigenous communities."
- The Honourable Dominic LeBlanc, P.C., Q.C., M.P., Minister of Fisheries, Oceans and the Canadian Coast Guard
"Our industry's ultimate goal is further developing Canadian farmed seafood excellence, and delivering uniquely
responsible, healthy and nutritious seafood that is in high demand from consumers around the world. This
program continues to help our industry to establish new and long-term global demand for Canadian farmed
seafood products like salmon, mussels, oysters and more. This investment in the market development of our
sector will deliver jobs, growth and opportunity for rural and coastal communities across Canada."
- Timothy Kennedy, Executive Director of CAIA
Quick Facts
Canada's aquaculture top species produced in 2016 were salmon (Atlantic, coho and chinook), mussels, rainbow
trout, oysters, and clams.
The Canadian Aquaculture Industry Alliance represents Canada's seafood farmers, from coast to coast to coast,
including finfish, shellfish and aquatic plant farmers, feed companies and suppliers, and works to promote the
quality and sustainability of farmed seafood to domestic and international markets.
Canada is the fourth-largest producer of farmed salmon in the world and mussel is our top shellfish aquaculture
According to a 2009 study, aquaculture employs about 14,000 people in full-time, well-paying jobs and generates a


little more than half a billion dollars in labour income.
Budget 2017 set an ambitious goal of growing Canada's agri-food exports to $75 billion by 2025.
Budget 2017 focused on agri-food as one of the top industries in our Government's Innovation and Skills Plan, an
ambitious effort to make Canada a world leader in innovation, with a focus on expanding growth and creating
good, well-paying jobs.
This investment is being made under the Growing Forward 2, AgriMarketing Program.
Guy Gallant, 613-773-1059
This document was posted showing the date: Nov. 22, 2017


Subjek: Aquaculture; Innovations; Agriculture; Food; Fisheries; Shellfish; Rural areas;

Exports; Coasts; Fish; Salmon

Lokasi: United States--US Canada Asia Europe

Orang: LeBlanc, Dominic A MacAulay, Lawrence

Judul: Tapping Into Global Markets for Canadian Farmed Fish, Seafood

Judul publikasi: Targeted News Service; Washington, D.C.

Tahun publikasi: 2017

Tanggal publikasi: Nov 23, 2017

Garis Tanggal: OTTAWA, Ontario

Penerbit: Targeted News Service

Tempat publikasi: Washington, D.C.

Negara publikasi: United States, Washington, D.C.

Subjek publikasi: Public Administration

Jenis sumber: Newspapers

Bahasa publikasi: English

Jenis dokumen: News

ID dokumen ProQuest: 1967374869

URL Dokumen: https://search.proquest.com/newspapers/tapping-into-global-markets-canadian-


Hak cipta: Copyright © Targeted News Service. All Rights Reserved.


Terakhir diperbarui: 2017-11-23

Basis data: Research Library

Hak cipta basis data  2021 ProQuest LLC. Semua hak cipta dilindungi.

Syarat dan Ketentuan Hubungi ProQuest


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