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Apex Learning - Discussion 2/5/21, 9:56 AM

6.1.4 Discuss: Robber Barons Discussion

U.S. History Sem 1 Name: Matthew Harris
Points Possible: 15 Date:

Answer the following questions to help you organize your thoughts before posting them
for your classmates to read.

Use these questions to help you think through your answers before you present them in public.

1. List at least 3 examples of the robber barons' business and labor practices that have been
considered unfair:

2. In what ways could these practices have been harmful or unfair? Page 1 of 2
Apex Learning - Discussion 2/5/21, 9:56 AM

3. Did the Robber Barons hurt America more than they helped it? Does it matter how much good
you do, if you hurt anyone at all?

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