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LTD Form No: 013

Garbage Management Plan Familiarization


This Familiarization must be carried out prior of Crew Members’ undertaking duties related with Garbage Management,
in order to be informed of the Revised MARPOL Annex V (Regulations for the Prevention of Pollution by Garbage from
Ships), including amendments adopted by Resolution MEPC.277(70), the Polar Code, emerging requirements through
above regulations and general instructions, as described in the GARBAGE MANAGEMENT PLAN.
This familiarization has to be reapeted at least every six (6) months for each seafarer onboard.


1. Briefed of the Regulations of MARPOL Annex-V, Including the amendments
adopted by resolution MEPC.277(70).
2. Briefed of GMP (Garbage Management Plan) and understood about the
Garbage types that allowed to be discharged at sea.
3. Recognition of Person Designated for GMP Implementation – the Garbage
Officer (Chief Officer) and the Assistant Garbage Officer (2nd Engineer).
Only Food wastes allowed to be discharged at sea and as follows:
a. Within Special Areas:
Only Comminuted or Ground Food Wastes & out of 12nm from shore or ice-shelf;
b. Outside Special Areas:
Comminuted or Ground Food Waste out of 3nm from shore or ice-self; and
Uncomminuted or Unground Food Waste out of 12nm from shore or ice-shelf;
c. In Arctic and Antarctic Waters, Food Wastes shall not be discharged onto ice;
d. All other garbage, of any kind, will be stored and/or incinerated onboard, according
to their specification, in compliance with Regulations of MARPOL Annex-V and with
the procedures and restrictions described in the GMP.
4. Garbage Collection Prcedures, location of related garbage bins, Person in charge per
department for collection and Support Staff.
a. Person-In-Charge and Support Staff per Department for garbage collection;
b. Distinguish the Colour Code of Gargage Bins, per Garbage Category;
c. Collection Points: Galley – Pantries – Mess Rooms – Bridge – Ship’s Office –
Cabins – Deck – Engine Room and related garbage bins;
d. Garbage Separation and Segregation requirements;
e. Waste that requires special handling (Potentially hazardous Waste).
5. Garbage Processing.
a. Location and Operating Procedures of Food grounder/comminuter;
b. Restrictions to the use of Food grounder/comminuter (location where it can be used
and kinds of food waste can be processed);
c. Location of Garbage incinerator;
d. Person in charge for the incineration;

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e. Types of garbage allowed for incineration;
f. Temporary storage location of garbage until incinerated;
g. Compaction of garbage to minimize their volume and area where it can be done.
6. Storing of Garbage.
a. Location of Garbage Store Room;
b. Route to be followed by the Crew for the transfer of garbage from collecting and
processing locations to Garbage Storage Room;
c. Factors of storing arrangement.
7. Discharge Procedures.
a. Garbage can be discharged at Sea or at Port only under the full concent and by
permission of Garbage Officer;
b. For any food waste discharge at sea, the Garbage Officer shall be consulted;
The latter, in communication with Navigating Officer On Duty, will confirm the
distance from shore (or ice-shelf) before granding permission for such discharge;
c. Discharge to Shore Reception Facilities:
Before of such discharge, Persons In Charge for collection, per department, shall be
ordered to deliver all garbage to garbage storage area;
All garbage must be into plastic bags, well tighten by cord or fasterner;
Discharge to shore or barge shal carefully be done, to avoid spoiling garbage at sea.
d. Record keeping requirements of garbage discharges (for persons in charge of
maintaining the garbage record book[s] {Garbage Officer} and incineration {Assistant
Garbge Officer}).

Garbage Officer: Date Completed: 01 MARCH 2018

Name & Signature
Chief Officer I was dully informed and familiarized of the above
SPITALIORAKIS EMMANOUIL requirements, procedures and restrictions
(Seaferer’s handwritten Name & Signature)

Verified by Master: Capt. FRAGKISKOS MAVROGENAKIS Name & Signature

NOTE: Upon completion, this form to be filed in the Ship’s Filing System

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