What Is Spi Technology?

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What is SPi technology?

SPi (Samsung S-Plasma ion) is a cutting edge air

sterilization technology which was researched
and developed by Samsung Electronics; a world
technology leader.
SPi Device

VIRUS ZERO is designed and manufactured by

VIRUS ZERO USA Incorporation with Samsung Electronics.

How Does SPi Work?

Process #2
-e O2 HOO -
Process #1 HOO -
-e HOO -
Newly generated active hydrogen
(H) and the oxygen ions (O2-) forms
Process #2 Hydroperoxy Radical (HOO-).
Pin electrode(- electrode)
Process #1
Ceramic electrode(+electrode) Emits electrons which react
with H+ and O2 to form active
Splits water molecules in the air
hydrogen (H) and oxygen ion
and forms positively charged
active hydrogen. H + e-  H

4H2O  2H2O + O2 + 4H+ O2 + e-  O2-

How Does SPi Work?

How does SPi eliminate harmful air contaminants?

Hydroperoxy Radical (HOO-) surrounds the positively charged biological contaminants and then,
react with three hydrogen elements of its protein structure, forming water vapor.

The process of eliminating the harmful substances is completely harmless to human body.

Effectiveness of the SPi

Inactivation of biological contaminants

Influenza Virus Corona Virus MRSA
Airborne Influenza Virus, which is the Corona Virus, which is equally serious Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus
most common virus, was eliminated as SARS, was eliminated by SPi up to Aureus, which is tough to eliminate even
up to 99.68% by the SPi device. 99.6% within 20 minutes. with the antibiotics, was eliminated
99.99% with the SPi device.
[Pfu/ml] 5 [Elimination%] 0 [Elimination%] 0
99.68% 20 99.6% 20 99.99%
3 40 40
2 60 60
1 80 80
0 20 40 60 [min] 100 10 20 [min] 100 20 40 60 [min]

Efficiently eliminates the allergens such as the mites, dust and
animal hair which cause rhinitis, asthma, fever and rash etc.

The SPi is certified from many academic research organizations for its effective elimination of the
biological contaminants. SPi Virus Zero provides the healthy and clean environments by removing
viruses, fungi and allergens from the air you breathe everyday.

Certified Effectiveness of the SPi

SPi technology was granted with 81 patents worldwide

99.7% Elimination Kitasato Environmental Science Center
Influenza virus type A
99.6% Elimination Yonsei University
Corona virus 99.6% Elimination
Kitasato Medical Center
(Strain of SARS-Corona Virus)
Penicilium 98.4% Elimination
Aspergillus 96.4% Elimination
Cladosporium 98.9% Elimination
Kitasato Environmental Science Center
Staphylococcus aureus 99.96% Elimination
Micrococcus 99.86% Elimination

MRSA (Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus) 99.99% Elimination

Mold (Staphylococcus aureus / E. coli) 99.9% Elimination Korea Consuming Science Research Center

Effectiveness certified Acquired British Allergy Foundation (U.K) Seal

Allergen (Dust Mite, Cat/Dog Allergen)
Effectiveness certified Research Triangle Institute Test (U.S.A)

Indoor contaminants Over 90% Elimination Shanghai Ji-Kong Assessment Center for safety & health

Animal toxicity test Non-toxic Seoul Toxicology Laboratory

SPi device has demonstrated that SPi technology can eliminate the biological contaminants with
the collaboration of academic research organizations around the world.

Safe Technology to Human Body

Free from harmful positive ion

SPi rarely generates harmful positive ions which cause discomfort of breathing and symptoms such
as headaches and nausea.

Free from toxic

Tested and proved its safety to human body. There were no signs of toxic symptoms observed at the
animal test and no side effects of the ionizer, particularly on respiratory organs.

Free from ozone

SPi controls the ozone emission level less than 10ppb.
50ppb Limitation

JEMA EPA HC IEC CA 20ppb Odor recognition

(Japan) (USA) (Canada) (EU) (Korea)

World O3 Restrictions

VIRUS ZERO, What is Different?

Traditional Air Purifier SPi VIRUS ZERO Air Sterilization

Definition of “Air Purifier” : Definition of “Air Sterilization” :

Removes air contaminants The complete elimination or destruction
of air contaminants

The traditional air purifier removes the air contaminants with filters. However,
SPi VIRUS ZERO eliminates the air contaminants in the air without a filter.

VIRUS ZERO, What is Different?

Traditional Air Purifier with Filter System

Pollutant Sources
- Ventilation / fan system
- Toxic chemicals
(VOC-Volatile Organic compounds)
- CO (Carbon monoxide)
- Patients

The surrounding air contaminants travels into the induction (#3) area
to be purified. Then, releases back into the room.
Conventional UV, Electrostatic or HEPA filtration tries to filter the air Cost of Operation
contaminants, however, releases back into the contaminated air, thus
never really protects us from breathing the surrounded harmful air  Constant filter change
contaminants.  High energy consumption
 Noisy operation

VIRUS ZERO, What is Different?

VIRUS ZERO Air Sterilization

Pollutant Sources
- Ventilation / fan system
- Toxic chemicals
(VOC-Volatile Organic compounds)
- CO (Carbon monoxide)
- Patients

Filterless VIRUS ZERO Air Sterilization

VIRUS ZERO constantly emits the sterilization agents (SPi) directly into Cost of Operation
air; forming a shield within.
Released SPi agents eliminate over 99% of the harmful air  No Filters to change
contaminants at where they generate. Any incoming air contaminants  Low energy consumption
are destroyed even before we breathe. (4 watts)
 Quiet operation
(29 dBA)

VIRUS ZERO, Applications

Those who are at risk the most - Hospitals

Medical Practitioners

Eliminate airborne
infection from patients;
even MRSA

People with possible fragile immune systems


VIRUS ZERO, Applications

Respiratory Symptoms - Patients

Asthma & Allergy Triggers

VIRUS ZERO eliminates asthma and

allergy triggers such as:
- Dust mites
- Mold
- Pollen
- Pet dander
- Cigarette – smoke

Effectiveness of SPi technology

tested and certified by BAF
(British Allergy Foundation)

VIRUS ZERO, Applications

OH-Radical - Aging & Skin Diseases

SPi neutralizes the active oxygen radical

<Relative intensity>
70% Generated active hydrogen
Neutralization atom (H) interacts with active
to H2O
hydrogen atom (OH-radical)
and form a water molecule


“If you live in the city, you now have one more thing to worry about;
accelerated aging of the skin.”
- Kerry Pack, spokesperson for the skin-care industry


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