Art Is Made To Be Seen

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 Art is made to be seen. Don't be so scared to let people see what you've done.

 Keep old drawings/paintings/sculptures etc. to encourage you as you see your


 Always continue learning new techniques. The great thing about art is that there is
such a vast variety of mediums and styles and techniques. There's always something
to explore. Don't become complacent or think you already know enough.

 Doodling actually helps your perspective...When you draw recklessly, it helps you
see what you're capable of.

 Understand that no one has to be born with a talent. Those that are, are lucky. Art
can be developed with interest. No two people are exactly alike. No two artists paint
the same way, and no two see things in the exact colors. Art can be learned,
discovered and can develop with the proper exposure.

 Do every day work with cheap mediums.

 Show everyone your art work, draw things for people, and see what they think.

 Try new things. Practice the skills that you think that you may need to hone or
perfect. Doing this and taking the time to work towards improving will eventually
help you to improve.

 Watch YouTube speed arts, when you see a specific aspect of the piece done, you
might be able to pick up some tips.

 Dont give up, even if you deal with a lot of criticism.

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