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SINYO: Healthy Drink Metabolic Syndrome Funtional Food

Proposed to take part in Asean Innovative Science Environmental, and Entrepreneur Fair
(AISEEF) 2021

Arranged by

Anak Agung Gede Ari Laksana

Anak Agung Intan Praniti

Ade Yukia Febriyanti

Ni Putu Debby Adista Jenarsi



A. Summary and Background

1. Summary

Food is the main factor determining health status. Seeing the high risk of metabolic
syndrome, we have innovated to create a product that has the property to alleviate the metabolic
syndrome disease. Metabolic Syndrome Yogurt is a combination of metabolic yoghurt and purple
sweet potato flour, the combination of the two produces great health benefits. Yogurt that is good
for health is also called sinbiotic yogurt (Yaumi et al, 2020). This yogurt has probiotic and prebiotic
bacteria and is functional (Korengkeng et al, 2020). The addition of purple sweet potato flour to
yogurt is thought to increase the fiber content in inhibiting glucose absorption in the digestive tract
so that the increase in blood glucose levels can be suppressed.

2. Background

Food is the main factor determining health status. Health problems such as obesity,
hypertension, dyslipidemia, and insulin resistance are known as metabolic syndrome (Wiardani et
al, 2011).

Yogurt is a fermented milk product that is fermented by lactic acid bacteria from the species
Streptococcus thermophiles and Lactobacillus bulgaricus (Rahmwati et al, 2017). Yogurt that is
good for health is also called synbiotic yogurt (Yaumi et al, 2020). This yogurt has probiotic and
prebiotic bacteria and is functional (Korengkeng et al, 2020). Prebiotics in yogurt come from the
addition of food ingredients containing fructooligosaccharides (FOS) (SNI, 2009). The addition of
purple sweet potato flour to yogurt is thought to increase the fiber content in inhibiting glucose
absorption in the digestive tract so that the increase in blood glucose levels can be suppressed.
Based on this, this study will examine the manufacture of synbiotic yogurt using flour from purple
sweet potato.

B. The Company Description

name of our company is SINYO which is taken from the name Sinbiotic Yoghurt. Given that
the product we make is a drink in the form of yogurt (Figure 1). Seeing the high risk of metabolic
syndrome, we have innovated to create a product that

has the ability to alleviate metabolic syndrome through synbiotic yogurt.

Picture 1. Synbiotic Yoghurt

Our business focuses on processing purple sweet potato flour combined with Sinbiotic yoghurt to
produce a different flavor variant than regular yogurt.

Sample Packa- Distributi-

Prepa- Proce-
Product on And
ration ssing Test ging Marketing

C. Market Analysis

The importance of market analysis is that we can compare our products with other products. There
are several yogurt products that can compete with our products that consumers have known so far.
The following is data on some of the superior products along with information on prices, flavors,
and advantages of existing products.

No. Brand Price Information

1. Elle & Vire Yogurt Rp. 11,500 - Rp. 12,000 The Yogurt variants are Plain, Strawberry,
Apricot, Manggo, Lychee, and Blueberry.
This yogurt has more fruit pieces than
other yogurt brands. Besides being
healthy, consumers will also feel fresher
after consuming them.

2. Yogurt Heavenly Rp. 5.500 - Rp. 608.550 Yoghurt flavor variants This yogurt is
Blush strawberry, peach and blackcurrant.
Yogurt It is suitable for diet food and
drinks because it is rich in calcium, low in
calories, and low in sugar.

3. Cimory Yogurt6,666 Rp 6.666 - Rp. 290,399. Variants of this yogurt taste are blueberry,
strawberry, original, mixed berry, mixed
fruit, and mango. This yogurt has high
calcium and sodium content and is
beneficial for immunity.
4. Biokul Greek Rp. 45,900 - Rp. 204,000 The flavors of this yogurt are Plain,
Yoghurt Honey, Mango, Strawberry and Blueberry.
This yogurt is low in fat, and high in
calcium which is suitable for controlling
your weight.

5. Greenfields Yogurt Rp. 12,000 - Rp. 46,500 This yogurt has flavors including Original,
Strawberry, Mango and Blueberry. Rich in
Calcium and Phosphorous as well as food
fiber which is good for digestion and the
growth of good bacteria in the intestines.

6. Yummy Greek Yogurt Rp. 15,000 - Rp. 58,000 This yogurt has several flavors, namely
Original, Blueberry, Strawberry. This
yogurt contains higher protein and
carbohydrates lower and suitable for
limiting the intake of the number of
calories into the body.

D. Products and Services

Yogurt metabolic syndrome functional food, this is the latest innovation product that has many
benefits for the health of the body. Yogurt which has the latest flavors and advantages that are
different from ordinary yohgurt. Yogurt Metabolic Syndrome is a combination of metabolic
yoghurt and purple sweet potato flour, the combination of which results in extraordinary health
benefits. Yogurt has probiotic bacteria and prebiotic ingredients and it works. The addition of
purple sweet potato flour to yogurt is thought to increase the fiber content in inhibiting glucose
absorption in the digestive tract so that the increase in blood glucose levels can be suppressed.

However, there are drawbacks to our products, where Yogurt Metabolic Syndrome cannot last
long. Even though if consumed too much it can also be bad for health. Then consumer demand
consumes moderately.

Our target market is the community, especially adolescents, this is because our survey results show
that adolescents are more dominant in yogurt. Apart from that, from the literature that we do, the
problem of metabolic syndrome is currently showing an alarming number if we don't care well.
E. Marketing Sales

An alternative solution that is used to overcome the competitive market we will carry out a
promotion for the product. Start form promote to friends at school As well as providing a tester to
consumers to try their way of opinion about the product. And we will work closely with influencer
to increase market interest, as well as entrust business partners such as restaurants, shops and hotels
as a welcome drink, participating in making booths at FnB events.

F. Budget Plann and Funding

Type of Expenditure Unit Unit Price Total price

Yoghurt 90 psc 𝑅𝑝 10.000 𝑅𝑝 900.000
Purle Sweet Potato 45 kg 𝑅𝑝 24.000 𝑅𝑝 1,080.000
Electrik 1 bln 𝑅𝑝 50.000 𝑅𝑝 50.000
3 kg LPG gas 1 pcs 𝑅𝑝 18.000 𝑅𝑝 18.000
1,5 liters of pure UHT milk 90 psc 𝑅𝑝 18.000 𝑅𝑝 1.620.000
Cost of packing 450 pcs 𝑅𝑝 2.000 𝑅𝑝 900.000

Point-of-impact analysis is an analysis used to determine the relationship between several variables
in the production process and the income received by the company.

𝑅𝑝 750.000
𝐵𝐸𝑃 = = 𝑅𝑝 2.320.119,16
𝑅𝑝 4.568.000
1- 𝑅𝑝 6.750.000

The results of this analysis indicate that the minimum profit that must be achieved in 1 production
for 1 month is IDR 2,320,119.16. While the business planning analysis provides a total profit of
IDR. 1,082,000. So that this business is very worthy of attention.


Sinyo (Sinbiotic Yogurt) is a combination of metabolic yoghurt and purple sweet potato flour, the
combination of the two resulting in tremendous health benefits.

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