216 Assignment 1

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ENG216: Research Methodology for Humanities

Fall 2020
Section: 01
Assignment 01: Research Proposal
Done By:
Name: Shanzida Sultana Powshi
ID No: 1821443615
Submitted To:
Faculty: Nasrin Pervin (NPn)
Date of Submission: 25th November 2020
RESEARCH PROPOSAL: Send the Drug Addicts to Rehabilitation and Drug Dealers to
SUBJECT: Proposal to conduct a research project on the topic where drug addicts must be sent
to rehabilitation for getting proper treatment and drug dealers to imprisonment as they are
exploiting the youth
‘Part of me wants to be hospitalized
Part of me wants to stay home
Part of me wants to die
Part of me wants to live
Part of me want to relapse
Part of me wants to recover’- Muriel99 (Boldomatic)

A drug addict went through different sentiments and unwillingly involved themselves in different
crimes due to the unconscious mind. But in the end, they want to recover and live a healthy life
in a delightful environment. We often confuse ourselves regarding the roles of a drug addict and
a drug dealer. Maximum of us presume that a drug dealer and a drug addict are equally
responsible for the drug abuse crime and hence both of them should be punished. Whereas the
reality is far different from our presumption.

Drug abuse is nothing new in this era. We came across people who are drug addicts. Some of
them might be our relatives or friends or even neighbors. We always have that obvious
expression of them being criminal and being involved in crimes. So as a matter of precaution, we
maintain a safe distance from them or even press police charges against them. Are we really
doing justice to them in this way? We are holding the drug dealers and addicts equally
responsible and sending the addicts to jail instead of rehab! By doing so we are putting an end to
their little hope and dream, which is to live a drug free life and breath the fresh air. Addiction is a
disease where the patient’s mind remains dead to the world. It only grows over time and
ultimately becomes uncontrollable. . As per National Institute on Drug Abuse, most addicts stop
taking drugs, curtail their criminal activities and progress in their life activities by remaining in
treatment. (Turnbridge) They are a patient to drug abuse and rehabilitation is the appropriate
place to treat them by counseling, medication, therapies and other sessions. (Meredith Watkins)
This will even help them to be a better person then they were before. Whereas, jail represents
loneliness, homelessness, darkness and punishments. So, if the drug addicts are sent to jail, there
will be high chances of them getting into trouble with their already deteriorating mental and
physical health condition. Researchers claimed that sending a drug addict to addiction treatment
programs rather than in incarceration is not only a humanitarian choice but also it will reduce the
crime rates. (Zarkin) Nourishing the addicts with proper treatment will stop the nation’s war

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against drugs, not by sending them to jail. The drug addicts are nothing but the victims of the
drug dealers. Today’s youths and young generation, from an adolescent, teenagers to the young
adults, all are the easy prey of the money hungry drug dealers. Generally youth these days can
easily be influenced or brainwashed, drug dealers don’t fail to take that opportunity and spread a
web to trap them. Drug offence is a heinous crime and drug dealers are the criminals committing
the crime by supplying drugs to our young generation. The focus point of charging imprisonment
for this crime should always be drug dealers, not the other way around.
My research topic ‘Drug Addicts to Rehabilitation and Send Drug Dealers to Incarceration’ has
mainly two parts. The first part contains the reasons why drug addicts should be sent to
rehabilitation and how rehabilitation will help them to get better rather than being in
incarceration. The other part presents why incarceration is the appropriate place for the drug
dealers. I will be talking in favor of my topic. And to prove my opinion I will state some
important facts regarding my topic. I will talk about how we assume addiction as a crime but not
a disease and how we hold both drug dealers and addicts equally responsible and send them to

My research will address the following research questions:
 What do you know about drug addiction?
 What do you think about the phrase ‘drug addiction is a disease’?
 How is our young generation at high risk for getting involved in drug addiction?
 What are the probable reasons that come to your mind for a person being addicted to
 Why do people press charges against drug addicts and want them to be punished because
of drug abuse crimes?
 How do you think sending drug addicts to rehabilitation might be fruitful to them?
 What might be the ultimate scenario of a drug addict if they are sent to prison?
 Why do people hold both drug addicts and drug dealers equally responsible for drug
 Why should drug dealers be incarcerated and drug addicts be treated?

The people, who don’t have a clear idea about drug addiction, drug addicts and drug dealers,
always hold the drug addicts and dealers equally responsible for the drug abuse crimes. Also
what people don’t understand is that drug addiction itself is not any crime but a mental disease.
An addict’s mind remains unconscious and uncertain. Easy availability of drugs in our society is
increasing the number of addicts and this is happening only because of drug dealers. From my
research, the outcomes I am expecting are the reasons why rehabilitation is a better place to treat
drug addiction diseases of drug addicts. Also how drug dealers are exploiting the youth by

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supplying drugs and why the drug dealers should be the one to be punished by charging lifelong
imprisonment. I also expect to get a clear idea about people’s misconception of drug addiction
being a crime but not a disease. Whereas the reality is contrary.

My research will contain the data which will be collected from the primary and secondary
research sections. Since the current situation is not favorable to conduct any person to person
interviews, I will be conducting an online survey having a set of questionnaires with divergent
questions to get a range of beneficial information and data. I plan to conduct this survey with the
youth generations especially students of school, college and university to know about their
opinion about my topic. I will also conduct an online interview of a few of my faculty members
from North South University and a few teachers with whom I am well acquainted with, who
have clear ideas about drug addicts and drug dealers. These interviews will be counted as my
expert’s opinion. For my secondary research, I have the intention to use all sorts of online data
which will include the information from the website article, journals, books and newspaper

My research paper will be organized according to four distinct chapters or segments which are
mentioned below:
Chapter 1: Introduction and Background
Chapter 2: Research Methods and Procedures
Chapter 3: Presentation, Analysis and Interpretation of Data
Chapter 4: Summary, Conclusions and Recommendations.
Alongside these mentioned segments, my research paper will also consist of the part
acknowledgement and abstract foregoing to the chapters. In text citations will be included in the
paper. The part of references and appendix will be added at the end of the chapters. All the
paperwork and drafts will also be provided which will be required to accomplish my research

I plan to complete my primary research by 20st December, 2020 and my secondary research by
31st December, 2020. I shall complete writing the final draft of my Research Paper by 7th of
January, 2021 and submit it by the 16th of January, 2021.

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I hereby request your approval for my research proposal. If you wish me to modify or improve
my proposal, I will submit it after incorporating the necessary changes. I would also be grateful
for your advice and help in conducting my research and completing the project. I thank you in
anticipation of the approval of the research proposal.

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