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Notes on Minute Taking

 Preparation
o Understanding the meeting: Understand the agenda, review previous minutes, and
also related documents
o Allow time – before the meeting to prepare, arrive early; after the meeting to write-
up minutes
o Arrive early. Review meeting location and time beforehand.
 During meeting
o Maintain neutrality
o Know when to write – list, rephrase and summarise
o Determine depth of coverage, i.e. level of detail required
o Use a minute-taking template
 After meeting
o Review minutes with another party, for feedback and clarity
 Content
o For each agenda item, include:
 Summary of issue and info shared
 Achievements to-date
 Decisions (incl. motions and votes)
 Major points in the discussion (to help those not present understand why a
decision was taken)
 Plans / next steps
 Tasks and assignments resulting – who, what, when, where and how
 Distribution
o Remember required level of privacy and confidentiality
o Distribution should be prompt

ABC of Minute taking

 Accurate
o decisions and proposals: verbatim
o Fact separated from fiction and opinion
 Agreement
o Minutes to be agreed to confirm contributions and avoid misrepresentations
 Allocation
o Allocate assignments and tasks
 Brief but informative
 Clear to those not present at the meeting.
 Complete – include supplementary documents.

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