A Study of Classification and Feature Extraction Techniques For Brain

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International Journal of Multimedia Information Retrieval (2020) 9:271–290



A study of classification and feature extraction techniques for brain

tumor detection
Vatika Jalali1 · Dapinder Kaur1

Received: 28 July 2020 / Revised: 10 October 2020 / Accepted: 16 October 2020 / Published online: 12 November 2020
© Springer-Verlag London Ltd., part of Springer Nature 2020

Medical imaging aids in the analysis of interior parts of the human body such as the functioning of the organs or tissues for
early treatment of diseases. Many different types of medical imaging technologies exist, for example, X-ray radiography,
magnetic resonance imaging, endoscopy, positron emission tomography, CT scan (computed tomography), and many more. A
tumor is an abnormal tissue in the brain which causes damage to the functioning of the cell. Therefore, brain tumor detection
is an incredibly tricky task. Manual detection of a tumor is quite risky as it involves the insertion of a needle in the brain.
Thus, there is a need for automated brain tumor detection systems. The well-timed detection of the tumor can add to accurate
treatment and can increase the survival rate of patients. From machine learning techniques, namely K-nearest neighbor,
support vector machine, and more to soft computing techniques, namely artificial neural network, self-organizing map, and
others hold a significant stand in detection and categorization of brain tumor. Various methods including deep learning-based
classifiers such as convolutional neural network, recurrent neural network, deep belief network (DBN), and others are used to
make it easier to detect the tumor. Hybrid classifiers were also used for classification systems such as combining the machine
learning approach with soft computing. This study is to summarize and compare the work of various authors on automatic
brain tumor detection using medical imaging. Based on the accuracy, specificity, and sensitivity parameters, the results of
different techniques are analyzed and compared graphically.

Keywords Tumor · MRI · Feature extraction · Classifier

1 Introduction duces the required output. A range of algorithms is used

for performing various operations such as image sharpening,
Digital image processing is one of the emerging techniques zooming, blurring, noise removal, edge detection, and many
that have been explicitly used for past decades. It is a method more [2]. The output of these computer systems provides use-
to process a digital image through an algorithm to enhance ful information about the image. It is used in many different
the image to extract useful information. A digital image is a fields as it provides clear images. It brings into play has been
two-dimensional representation of a real image. It consists amplified exponentially in the past few years [3]. It became
of a finite number of pixels. Various noise removing filters a core area of research in computer science and engineer-
and contrast enhancement algorithms are used to improve ing. It has various applications extending from biomedical
the quality of the image. Enhanced image delivers the skill- imaging, face detection, signature recognition, and biomet-
ful information for further processing [1]. The input to the ric verification to remote sensing. The primary goal of image
computer-aided system is the digital image which is further processing is to remove human labor. Image processing con-
processed by using a large number of algorithms and pro- sists of essential steps which are explained below, and Fig. 1
shows the steps of digital image processing.
B Vatika Jalali Step 1: Image acquisition
It is the foremost step in digital image processing. This
Dapinder Kaur step involves collecting MRI images (digital image) from
the relevant sources and further performing pre-processing
1 Computer Science, Chandigarh Engineering College, operations on it [5]. Pre-processing involves operations like
Landran, Punjab, India grayscale conversions, scaling, etc.

272 International Journal of Multimedia Information Retrieval (2020) 9:271–290

Fig. 1 Digital image processing steps [4]

Step 2: Image enhancement It performs the morphological operations on the image to dig
Image enhancement is an important step in digital image out the components of the image [5].
processing. The main concept behind the image enhancement
is to highlight the areas of interest in an image [5]. This is Step 8: Segmentation
done to bring out the hidden details of the image. The basic Segmentation is a crucial step in digital image processing.
operation performed under this section is the adjustment of Segmentation refers to divide the image into several parts
brightness and contrast. [5]. As per the interest, the segmented part of the digital
image is selected.
Step 3: Image restoration
Unlike image enhancement, the image restoration step is Step 9: Representation and description
based on the upgrading the look of an image [5]. Its main Representation and description is based on the segmented
objective is to remove noise and to regain a resolution that image for representing the required region such as boundary
was lost in an image. representation or region representation [7]. Sometimes the
focus is on the interior parts, and the other times, the focus
Step 4: Color image processing is on the exterior parts of a segmented image [5].
Color image processing increases its importance in many
fields due to the use of the digital image [5]. Various color Step 10: Object recognition
models are performed to obtain color features of the image. The object in object recognition differs for different processes
just like in, the vehicle in vehicle detection, tumor in tumor
Step 5: Wavelets and multi-resolution processing detection, quality in quality detection, the disease in disease
Images are represented in different degrees of resolution by detection, and other processes [5].
using wavelets [5]. Its objective is to signify the scale of
features. One of the major applications is image compression. Step 11: Knowledge base
One of the difficult steps in digital image processing is the
Step 6: Compression knowledge base [5]. The knowledge can be fine points of
This step includes techniques that deal with reducing the size regions of the image where certain information of the image
of images to store it and bandwidth [5]. At this instant, it is is stored [8].
very useful on the internet to compress various amounts of Image processing is a key aspect of the research work. The
data to transfer it or communicate it with others [6]. functioning of image processing varies for different fields.
Step 7: Morphological processing In the direction to resolve the real problems in engineering

International Journal of Multimedia Information Retrieval (2020) 9:271–290 273

automation and robotics, image processing comes into res- image, there comes the use of high-level programming
cue. Rim detection and dimensional verification in automatic that is image processing algorithms [15]. Thus, this algo-
wheel images are the application of digital image process- rithm provides clarity in medical images and helps to
ing in the field of automation and robotics [9]. Environment segment the choice of interest from the entire medical
and geographical conditions are analyzed by satellite image image.
processing which helps to detect forthcoming disasters and
changes brought on the earth’s surface [10]. Just like the Outstanding advancement in medical science and com-
India Meteorological Department (IMD) issued a warning puter engineering, there exist different modalities of medical
about the cyclone amphan in West Bengal, which helped imaging. Each technique has its pros and cons. The below
to evacuate people in time [11]. Defense and security dis- Table 1 shows images of different medical imaging tech-
cipline widely used image processing for missile guidance, niques along with its advantages, disadvantages, and its uses.
target detection, and vehicle navigation [12]. Pattern recogni- According to the national brain tumor society, an estimate
tion is the other application of image processing. It includes of 700,000 people will suffer from a primary brain tumor in
text detection, handwriting recognition, and data analysis. the USA and around 87,000 more people will be diagnosed
Some other applications of digital image processing are space in 2020. About 69.8% will be benign tumors and 30.2% will
image processing, remote sensing, biological image process- be malignant tumors.
ing, and automatic character recognition [9]. Only 36% will be the average survival rate of malignant
Biomedical imaging is one of the prominent trends of tumor patients [16]. The worldwide medical imaging indus-
digital image processing. Biomedical imaging is advancing try in 2015 amounted to $30.05 billion and is anticipated
scientifically. Over the last few decades, its application has $40.56 billion will be achieved in 2021. From 2016 to 2021,
been increased. Biomedical imaging is acquiring its achieve- it is expected to increase by 5.1% [1]. Figure 2 shows the
ments in basic research to the clinical uses [13]. It is a graph that depicts the number of new cancer cases expected
technique to analyze the human body at a granular level by to increase. It indicates that from 2010 to 2020, the expected
visualization. It involves acquiring data, processing it, and number of new cases will increase from 1.5 million per year
extracting useful information, which eventually helps in fur- to 1.9 million per year [17].
ther diagnosis of diseases such as brain tumors, breast cancer,
lung cancer, skin cancer, etc. There are various techniques 1.1 Brain tumor
for biomedical imaging like CT scan, MRI scan, positron
emission tomography (PET), X-rays, endoscopy, and many A brain tumor is a collection or mass of abnormal cells within
more [14]. These techniques are used to analyze, improve, the brain. Brain tumors may be cancerous (malignant) or
and display images. These medical images are interpreted non-cancerous (benign). When benign or malignant tumors
by the specified experts that are radiologist so that decision develop, they can boost the stress inside your skull [19]. This
making can be increased. The major hindrances that occur in can trigger brain damage, and it may be life-threatening.
biomedical imaging are as follows [15]: As a result of brain tumors, the numbers of people who
will die in developed countries has increased by 300% as
1. Heterogeneity of images Biomedical imaging has a great stated by the National Brain Tumor Foundation (NBTF) [20].
advantage in medical science for representing internal There are about 150 different brain tumors that have been
parts of the human body at a granular level. This helps recorded. World Health Organization (WHO) categorized
to depict the organs, blood flow, cells, and living tis- tumors on the basis of their microscopic characteristics as
sues of the human body. But sometimes, these medical a primary brain tumors and secondary brain tumor. Primary
images differ dramatically even if captured with the brain tumors are mostly originated in the brain, whereas Sec-
same technique for the same patient as well as differ- ondary brain tumors are caused by the tumor present in other
ent patients [15]. Biological systems are susceptible to parts of the body. Following Table 2 shows the categorization
inter-and intra-individual changeability. of brain tumor and its description.
2. Unspecified depiction of objects Medical images not only A Benign tumor is the abnormal division of cells in the
show the organs of the human body but with the back- brain that do not have the property of invading other tis-
ground. Medical images do not separate the interesting sues of the brain or surrounding body parts of the body and
part from the background [15]. Thus, the segmentation of usually grow slowly. These are non-cancerous tumors. It is
the interesting region in the entire medical image is con- less life-threatening and can be removed easily. There are
sidered to be the most complicated task in biomedical no such accurate causes, but family history, diet, chemical
imaging. exposure, and stress may be a threat [21]. Meningioma, pitu-
3. Robustness of algorithm Due to the complication in iden- itary adenomas, and hemangioblastomas are most commonly
tifying the interesting region from the whole medical diagnosed with benign tumors. Malignant tumors are the can-

274 International Journal of Multimedia Information Retrieval (2020) 9:271–290

Table 1 Different modalities of medical imaging

Medical imaging modalities Advantages Disadvantages

1. CT scan It is known as computed tomography Harmful exposure to ionization radiations

It is rapid and painless Poor resolution
It provides detailed information on bone-like
It can also classify lesions
Detection of tumors and vascular diseases, and
examining of chest, abdomen, and pelvis

2. PET It is known as positron emission tomography It is expensive to use

It visualizes the functioning of organs and soft Radiations are harmful to pregnant women
It provides higher resolution images
It can be used in areas like pharmacology,
neurology, neuropsychology, and others

3. X rays X-rays are the cheapest imaging modality It provides a lack of information
It is a mostly used and convenient technique The higher the exposure, the higher is the
Uses chances of skin cancer
It can be in areas of medicine and It uses causes a change in DNA
pharmacology. It is used to detect any injuries
in bones, examining organs, and soft tissues

4. MRI It is known as magnetic resonance imaging It is highly not recommended for people who
It does not produce any ionization radiations are claustrophobic
It provides better resolution in medical images A lot of noise is produced by its use
It is used to detect tumors, injuries, cysts,
infections, and hemorrhage

Million Cancer Cases



2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020
New Cancer Cases 1.57 1.6 1.62 1.65 1.68 1.7 1.75 1.8 1.83 1.87 1.9

Fig. 2 Estimated number of new cases [18]

International Journal of Multimedia Information Retrieval (2020) 9:271–290 275

Table 2 Brain tumor types

Types of brain tumor Definition Medical image Example

1. Primary brain tumor They arise within the brain and are mainly Gliomas, astrocytoma, glioblastoma
from glial cells known as gliomas. They are multiforme, meningiomas, pituitary
further categorized as benign or malignant adenomas

2. Secondary brain tumor These are caused due to tumors present in Metastatic cancer
other parts of the body such as lung cancer,
breast cancer, and more. Tumor cells float
from other parts through the blood and
reach the brain to cause a brain tumor

cerous cells that have the property of invading other tissues 1.2 Automatic brain tumor detection system
and other body parts. Blood is the only way through which
contaminated cells float to other areas. Its growth is rapid and Detection of tumors in the brain is a key step for the
can certainly grow back when removed. It is life-threatening tumor diagnosis. Automatic brain tumor detection system
[22]. A common example is lung cancer that may spread to is a programmed system that uses various machine learning
the breast, liver, bones, or brain. algorithms and deep learning algorithms to identify tumors
The biopsy of the brain for the detection of tumors is the in the brain and further classify tumors. The programmed
manual method. A biopsy is a method to examine a removed system consists of a variety of filtering algorithms, segmen-
abnormal cell from the brain under a microscope. The exam- tation algorithms, feature extraction, selection algorithms,
ination will show the results that are whether the brain cell and tumor classification algorithms [25]. It overcomes the
is normal or tumor. It involves high risk, bleeding in the limitations of manual detection of the tumor. It helps to spot
brain, swelling in the brain, infections, clotting, and many tumors in the brain at a premature stage which indeed helps
more [23]. Thus, to overcome these mentioned drawbacks in early dealing with diseases. Figure 4 illustrates the basic
medical imaging is used. Medical imaging is a technique process of the automated brain tumor detection system.
used for creating visual representations of the human body The basic process of the programmed brain tumor detec-
for the clinical examination. It helps to analyze the working tion system consists of a six-step procedure. Each step has its
and functioning of various parts of the body as well as the tis- significant importance in the discovery and categorization of
sues. It also helps to detect a problem at the early stage which brain tumors. Image segmentation and tumor detection are
indeed helps for diagnosis of the problem. It overcomes the the two major steps for tumor recognition. The functioning
drawback of the manual method [24]. Magnetic resonance of every step in the process is explained in a further section.
imaging (MRI) is a technique that uses radio waves, magnets,
and computers to deliver detailed information on the human
body. It is used to diagnose tumors as well as injuries [6]. It • Image acquisition
enables doctors to get information about the human body at
a granular level. MRI scan is one of the best imaging tests
used to get exquisite details of the brain and other parts of Image acquisition means a collection of data for extracting
the body. It can visualize the organ into three planes, namely helpful information. The researcher can select any imaging
axial, sagittal, and coronal as shown in Fig. 3 [6]. method as per preference. A mainly MRI scan is used by
the researchers due to its immense benefits. Images can be
acquired from the online dataset sources like Medical Image
Repository, Kaggle, Figshare, and many more. Hospitals are
the secondary source to obtain datasets [26]. All the dataset
contains the information regarding the medical images it con-

276 International Journal of Multimedia Information Retrieval (2020) 9:271–290

Fig. 3 MRI imaging planes

Fig. 4 Steps for automatic brain tumor detection system

tains, namely image format, image size, number of images, Image segmentation means dividing an image into several
and type of tumor. parts on basis of similarities or dissimilarities properties.
This is done to extract the useful segment from the medi-
• Pre-processing cal image. In the case of a brain tumor, it segments the tumor
part. Thus, it is an extremely tricky step [25]. The threshold
Preprocessing consists of noise removal and contrast method, the edge-based method, the region-based method,
enhancement. Medical images incorporate noises due to sig- and the clustering-based method are some of the segmenta-
nals. There are different types of noise that can be present tion techniques.
in a medical image, namely salt and pepper, Gaussian noise,
impulse noise, and more. Each noise has a different impact on • Feature extraction and selection
medical images. Therefore, to eliminate these different noises
from the image by various noises removal filters are used. The output image of the segmentation step undergoes the
Median filter, Wiener filter, Mean filter, and so on, filters exist feature extraction step. Every image has its significant fea-
to remove noise [25]. Images obtained after noise reduction tures which are helpful for tumor detection and classification.
are more accurate to provide essential information. Later than Thus, the researcher needs to extract those essential features.
comes the contrast enhancement, which is used to increase A range of feature extraction techniques exists such as gray
the contrast of the low-intensity region to the high-intensity level co-occurrence matrix (GLCM), histogram of gradient
region. There are various contrast enhancement techniques (HOG), local binary pattern (LBP), speeded up robust fea-
such as bi-histogram equalization, histogram equalization, tures (SURF), and more [25]. Feature extraction techniques
and even optimization is used. Thus, it helps to get clarity in are classified into three basic categories as shown in Fig. 5.
the medical image. Sometimes, author uses hybrid features for the extraction,
which indeed makes the training process complicated. There-
• Image segmentation fore, feature selection comes into role. The feature selection

International Journal of Multimedia Information Retrieval (2020) 9:271–290 277

Fig. 5 Feature extraction techniques

process selects only the essential features for tumor detection. tumor detection systems and achieved appropriate results
It keeps the vital features and eliminates unneeded fea- [27]. Some of the researchers had worked on the detection
tures [25]. A variety of feature selection methods is present of a tumor that is whether a patient suffers from a tumor or
for example principal component analysis (PCA), particle not. Other authors had worked on the classification of brain
swarm optimization (PSO), Wrapper method, and so on. tumors. Authors had used different technologies for tumor
detection and classification.
• Image classification
2.1 Techniques used for brain tumor detection
Then, feature selection is followed by classification which
refers to classify a medical image into a normal or abnormal A classifier is a broadly used technique for the detection of
image. It is also used to categorize the tumor type [25]. A lot a brain tumor. A classifier is an algorithm that is used to
of techniques have been identified for example support vec- allocate class labels to unlabeled data. One of the popular
tor machine (SVM), KKNN, convolutional neural network examples of the classifier is the classification of emails into
(CNN), and many more. Image classification techniques are a spam or non-spam. Just like the above example, a classifier
based on different types of approaches as shown in below is also used for classifying brain MRI images into normal,
Fig. 6. abnormal, and further its tumor type. Different types of clas-
sifiers exist on the basis of different approaches like machine
• Tumor detection learning, deep learning, hybrid, and many more. The use
of different approaches leads to different outcomes on the
At last, comes the output image that depicts whether the basis of input factors. The accuracy of any automated sys-
patient suffers from a tumor or not. It further provides infor- tems directly depends on the accuracy of the classifier for
mation regarding tumor mainly type of tumor and tumor size classification. Thus, the correct use of classifiers plays a crit-
[25]. Thereafter, doctors provide the proper medication to ical role in any automated system.
patients which would indeed help in lower the risk of the
life of the patients. Thus, automated brain tumor detection 2.1.1 Machine learning-based detection
system plays a vital role to help outpatients by diagnosing at
an early stage. In the medical field, machine learning is one of the dom-
inant tools used for solving a range of complex problems
2 Related work with the aim of extremely high accuracy and specificity.
It has gained immense attention in recent years. Machine
The need for an automatic brain tumor detection system has learning-based classifiers are widely used in programmed
increased as the people suffering from it have increased. Till brain tumor detection system. The success of this system
to date, researchers have worked a lot on programmable brain depends on how efficient the classification algorithm works

278 International Journal of Multimedia Information Retrieval (2020) 9:271–290

Fig. 6 Classification techniques

Fig. 7 Classification techniques based on machine learning

which is to classify new medical images of abnormality and were extracted through GLCM. The proposed system imple-
normality. Many researchers have worked on this classifica- ments an SVM classifier for classifying benign and malignant
tion algorithm boosting techniques to increase the accuracy tumors. 99.7% of segmentation accuracy and 93% of clas-
even higher. SVM, K-nearest neighbor (KNN), decision tree, sification accuracy were achieved by the proposed system.
naïve Bayes, and others are some of the machine learning- Rajan et al. [30] proposed K-means clustering integrated
based classifiers used for classifying brain tumor type as with fuzzy c-means along with active contour by level set
shown in below Fig. 7. for image segmentation. SVM was used as a classifier. The
Anjali et al. [28] proposed a system to diagnose the brain proposed system provides better segmentation. Vallabha-
tumor from MRI Scan. They used a median filter for noise neni et al. [31] proposed a novel technique for automatic
removal. Further, texture feature was used to extract features, brain tumor detection. Edge adaptive total variation denois-
and then, important features were selected by using PSO. ing technique was used for removing noise from the MRI
A combination of CART classification and ensemble SVM- images. Mean shift clustering was used for image segmenta-
based classification was used for classifying benign and tion. GLCM was used for feature extraction techniques. At
malignant tumors. The proposed system achieved 92.31% last, multi-class SVM was used for the classification of MRI
accuracy. Another author Chander et al. [29] proposed an images. Devkota et al. [32] proposed a computer-aided sys-
improved system for tumor detection and classification. Seg- tem for brain tumor detection. A median filter was used for
mentation was performed by adaptive k-means clustering noise removal, mathematical morphological operations were
followed by morphological operations, and further features used for image segmentation, statistical and texture features

International Journal of Multimedia Information Retrieval (2020) 9:271–290 279

were extracted from segmented images, and at last SVM attained by local, BRATS 2013, and BRATS 2015 dataset,
was used for image classification. Machine learning-based respectively.
classifier was used classifying MRI images into benign and
malignant. 2.1.2 Detection using deep learning
Kumar et al. [33] used a machine learning approach for
brain tumor detection. The proposed system uses PSO (par- One of the functions of artificial intelligence is deep learning.
ticle swarm optimization) for the feature selection and SVM It is inspired by the working of the human brain. Thus, it tries
(support vector machine) for the classification of the type of to mimic the human brain to process the data for identifying
tumor. A hybrid model POS-SVM was used to select min- objects and patterns, making decisions, recognizing speech,
imum features that are important for tumor detection. As a and translating language. Deep learning is also referred to
consequence, less number of features results in higher accu- as a subset of machine learning. It is sometimes known as a
racy, efficiency in classification, and consumes less time. In deep neural network. It works without being supervised by
this paper, the accuracy of the POS-SVM model was 95.23% the human that is it learns from the data that is fed to it (both
in comparison with the simple SVM model was 86.82%. unstructured and unlabeled) [38]. It is various applications
In the proposed system, the specificity and sensitivity of in real life. One of the most popular uses is in the medi-
the POS-SVM model were 94.8% and 100%, respectively, cal field to detect abnormalities in the human body. A deep
whereas another author Song et al. [34] proposed a system learning classifier is used to predict the abnormalities in the
that uses machine learning-based methods for the detection of medical image with the least possible error. Previously, var-
gliomas. Firstly, preprocessing was performed that includes ious authors did adapt a deep learning classifier in the work
noise removal and image standardization. Then, dynamic his- to achieve the highest accuracy. Figure 8 shows a classifier
togram equalization is used to enhance low contrast standard based on the deep learning approach.
images. The proposed system uses PSO-KSVM for the detec- Mehekare et al. [25] proposed a novel CNN-based tech-
tion of the tumor. PSO-KSVM was used to train the classifier. nique for brain tumor division in MRI images. This paper
The accuracy, sensitivity, and specificity of the proposed was able to successfully implement a CNN-based approach
model were 98.36%, 99.17%, and 97.83%, respectively. to segment tumors from MRI scans. In this paper, a glioma
Kaplan et al. [35] used modified local binary patterns tumor was detected. Glioma is a wide category of tumors
(nLBP and aLBP) for feature extraction followed by clas- in the brain and spinal cord that originate from glial cells,
sification of brain tumor types namely glioma, meningioma, brain cells that can evolve into tumors. Glioma leads to a
and pituitary. Different classification techniques were imple- very short lifespan. In previous segmentation techniques, the
mented such as KNN, artificial neural network (ANN), algorithm accuracy is less. It used an automatic method of
random forest, averaged one dependence estimators, and segmentation based on convolutional neural networks (CNN)
linear discriminant analysis, and was noted that KNN pro- to overcome the above drawbacks. The performance was
duced the highest accuracy that is 95.56% with nLBP (d  evaluated using a confusion matrix. The accuracy of CNN
1). The importance of image segmentation and detection in was 86%, the misclassification rate was 14%, precision was
brain tumor detection is to differentiate between different 61%, and sensitivity was 94%.
regions of the brain. Abbasi et al. [36] proposed an auto- Another researcher Afshar et al. [39] proposed a capsule
mated detection system for a brain tumor in 3D MRI images. network (Caps Net) architecture that includes both brain MRI
Firstly, preprocessing is performed by bias field correlation images and tumor course boundaries to identify tumors. The
and histogram matching to improve the contrast in 3d MRI proposed Caps Net architecture has mainly two advantages.
images. Then, the interesting region is segmented by using Firstly, there is no need for accurate notation of tumors. Sec-
Otsu thresholding. Features are extracted from the segmented ondly, it helps us to focus on the main area and establish its
regions by using LBP and HOG. At last, a random forest relationship with the surrounding tissues. Caps Net was used
classifier is used for classification. The proposed method- to overcome the CNN shortcomings. CNN could not focus
ology was performed on BRATS 2013 dataset. Amin et al. on the main area of the tumor as well as it could not consider
[37] presented methodology based on machine learning for its relationship with the surrounding tissues as it is a critical
brain tumor detection. The proposed framework consists of indicator of tumor type. The proposed system is capable of
Weiner filter for noise removal from MRI images, potential enhancing the precision of classification accuracy to prior
field clustering for MRI image segmentation, LBP and GWT Caps Nets and CNNs. Caps Nets have certain properties that
for feature extraction, and different classifier is used for clas- increase interpretability, i.e., parameters can explain whether
sifying tumor and non-tumor MRI images. The proposed or not the network has captured correct features. Maharjan
framework was implemented on local, BRATS 2013, and et al. [40] intended to increase the multi-class classification
BRATS 2015 dataset. 90%, 93%, and 97% of accuracy were accuracy and reduce the problem of overfitting problems. It
proposed a methodology that consists of enhanced softmax

280 International Journal of Multimedia Information Retrieval (2020) 9:271–290

Fig. 8 Classification techniques

based on deep learning

loss function and CNN. It attained an accuracy of 98.9% and image. This technique was implemented on BRAST’17 orga-
322.56 ms processing time. Das et al. [41] proposed two steps nized by MICCAI that consisted of 210 high-grade glioma
for the brain tumor detection system. Firstly, preprocessing (HGG) and 75 low-grade glioma (LGG) MRI images. The
was done by resizing, filtering, and contrast enhancement. proposed technique helps to learn about the shapes of the
Secondly, classification was done by CNN. The proposed tumor region along with its characteristics which indeed
system was implemented on3064 MRI images that consist helps o segment out the tumor part from the rest of the MRI
of three different types of tumors. 94.39% of accuracy was image. This novel technique overcomes the drawback of the
achieved. traditional methods used for brain tumor detection. The pro-
Image segmentation and classification tasks are two major posed system is efficient and provides accurate results. Amin
steps in brain tumor detection and classification. Kumar [42] et al. [46] also proposed a detection system that employed
proposed an optimized deep learning technique for clas- deep CNN for tumor segmentation. The proposed method
sification. The fuzzy deformable fusion model along with was implemented on all the BRATS datasets. Zhang et al.
dolphin-SCA (dolphin echolocation-based sine cosine algo- [47] proposed a framework that improved the performance
rithm) technique was used for image segmentation. Further of image segmentation. It presented a deep feature learn-
features were extracted from LDP, and then, extracted fea- ing framework to segment out the tumor region from MRI
tures were used for classification by deep CNN. The proposed images. This framework consists of two learning processes,
system was performed on MRI images that were obtained i.e., cross-modality feature translation process (CMFT) and
from the BRATS database and the SimBRATS database. cross-modality feature fusion process (CMFF). Dong et al.
96.3% of accuracy was achieved by the proposed system. [48] proposed a fully automated system for brain tumor
Ghahfarrokhi et al. [43] proposed a computer-aided diag- segmentation. U-Net-based CNN was used for image seg-
nosis system for classifying brain tumors into benign and mentation. The proposed methodology was implemented on
malignant. FCM was used for image segmentation tasks, and BRATS 2015 dataset. It showed that the proposed method
GLCM was used for extracting features. Theses extracted provides promising results. Naser et al. [49] presented the
features were used by three different classifiers, i.e., SVM, potential of using deep learning and transfer learning mod-
KNN, and Pattern Net, and further the results of theses els for brain tumor detection grading of lower grade glioma
classifiers were compared by accuracy parameter. 98.9% of tumor. The proposed methodology was implemented on MRI
accuracy was the highest accuracy achieved by the Pattern images obtained from 110 patients that are available at The
Net. Cancer Imaging Archive (TCIA). CNN based on U-Net
Saba et al. [44] proposed a framework that consists of the architecture was used for image segmentation. It achieved
Grab Cut method for image segmentation, and the transfer 92% accuracy.
learning model visual geometry group (VGG-19) is used for Apart from image segmentation and classification, fea-
extracting essential features. A single feature vector is created ture extraction is also done by the deep learning techniques.
of an optimized feature that is fused with the help of the Özyurt et al. [50] proposed a novel detection system for clas-
serial fusion approach. Later classification is performed by sifying MRI images into benign and malignant. Firstly, image
various classifiers. This methodology is applied to BRATS segmentation was done by the use of neutrosophic set–ex-
2015, BRATS 2016, and BRATS 2017 datasets. Here, deep pert maximum fuzzy sure entropy (NS-EMFSE). Then, deep
learning was used to extract deep features for the accurate learning technique CNN was used to extract the features from
detection of a brain tumor. the segmented MRI images. Later, these features were used
Deep learning is not only used for classification tasks but to classify MRI images into benign and malignant tumor
also for image segmentation tasks. U-Net is a well-known by using different classifiers such as SVM and KNN. The
technique for deep learning. Garg et al. [45] proposed a novel performance of these two classifiers was compared and ana-
technique that is U-Net-based deep learning. Here, U-Net- lyzed. SVM classifier with CNN extracted features yielded
based CNN for segmenting tumor region from the whole MRI the highest accuracy, i.e., 95.62%. Praveen et al. [51] pro-

International Journal of Multimedia Information Retrieval (2020) 9:271–290 281

posed a methodology based on ANN and fuzzy c-means. learning approach along with the use of a fusion of two texture
Image segmentation was done to point out the area of the feature extraction techniques. Piecewise-triangular-prism-
tumor through fuzzy c-means. Further, important features surface-area (PTPSA) and fractional Brownian motion (fBm)
were extracted from segmented MRI images by GLRLM are the two feature extraction algorithms. Self-organizing
technique. At last, ANN was used to classify MRI images. It map (SOM) is used as a feature fusion model and seg-
was performed on 120 MRI images. The proposed method- mentation. Further to classify MRI images into the tumor
ology provides 87.50% of accuracy. Selvapandian et al. [52] and non-tumor image, a feed-forward neural network with a
proposed a method for the detection of gliomas tumors in Bayesian regularization classifier is used. It was implemented
MRI images. Detection of gliomas tumor is a difficult task as on 204 MRI images. ROC was used for performance evalua-
it has a low sensitive boundary pixel. Non-sub-sampled con- tion. The value of true positive fraction (TPF) ranges between
tourlet transform (NSCT) was used to enhance the quality 75 to 100% for different patients, and the average value is
of MRI images. Morphological operations were performed 90% at 0.7 thresholds. Sharma et al. [58] proposed a hybrid
for image segmentation. ANIFIS is used as a classifier to technique for retrieving information from MRI images. K-
classify into normal MRI images and gliomas tumors. It was means and artificial neural network model was used for the
performed on the BRATS dataset. The result of the proposed classification of MRI images. GLCM was used for extract-
methodology was compared with a different state of the arts. ing features from segmented MRI images. The experiment
Vijay et al. [53] also used ANIFIS as a classifier, but the results showed the effectiveness of our approach.
tracking algorithm was used for preprocessing, Gaussian fil-
ter for image enhancement, and enhanced Darwinian particle
2.2 Comparison of various previous works
swarm optimization (EDPSO) for segmentation.
There are some existing approaches that were proposed for
2.1.3 Detection using hybrid approach
the detection and classification of brain tumors, but these
approaches are not fully accurate. The previously proposed
To enhance the classification of the model, a hybrid approach
techniques vary from soft computing to deep learning. Some
is used in the model. The hybrid approach means combin-
of the researchers have used accuracy, sensitivity, and speci-
ing two or more classifiers to increase the accuracy of the
ficity as performance evaluation parameters. The accuracy
model and minimize the error rate of the model. Shakeel
parameter states the total correct prediction over the avail-
et al. [54] proposed a classification system that uses Machine
able data. The sensitivity parameter has the ability to identify
learning based on a backpropagation neural network. This
unhealthy patients, whereas the specificity parameter has the
classification algorithm was used to classify the medical
ability to identify healthy patients. Table 3 analyzes some of
image into normal and abnormal images. Accuracy, sensi-
the research papers on the automatic detection of the brain
tivity, and specificity are the performance parameters used to
tumor. The table shows the results of the existing papers.
measure the performance of the classification model. 93.33%
While Fig. 9 shows the taxonomy of the brain tumor detec-
of accuracy, 71.42% of sensitivity, and 88.88% of specificity
tion system in machine learning as well as deep learning.
were attained by the proposed model. Raju et al. [55] pro-
posed a model that was Bayesian HCS-based multi-SVNN.
Accuracy, sensitivity, and specificity were used to measure
the performance of the proposed classification model. 93% 3 Performance analysis and results
of accuracy, 96.9% of sensitivity, and 99.29% of specificity
were attained by the proposed model. Every author had analyzed their work through some perfor-
Hashemzehi et al. [56] proposed a hybrid model based on mance parameters and on the basis of those parameters work
deep Learning. The proposed methodology was implemented of various authors where compared. This analysis will depict
in 3064 MRI images taken from 233 patients. The presented which technology provides better results. There exist dif-
architecture consists of neural autoregression distribution ferent parameters for the performance measure for example
estimation (NADE) and CNN. It removes the unwanted accuracy, sensitivity, and specificity. These parameters are
features and extracts only the essential features for image evaluated by the confusion matrix [28]. Tables 4, 5, and 6
classification. It consists of 708 MRI images of meningioma, depict techniques analysis through parameters.
1426 MRI images of glioma, and 930 MRI images of pituitary
brain tumor. This hybrid technology is also compared with
• Accuracy
other popular methods in the literature. The hybrid CNN-
NADE achieved 95.05% of accuracy. Iftekharuddin et al.
[57] proposed a framework for improved tumor segmentation Accuracy refers to the total accurate predictions over the
and classification. It was based on machine learning and deep dataset [78]. A comparison of different techniques through

282 International Journal of Multimedia Information Retrieval (2020) 9:271–290

Table 3 Comparative analysis of the work of various authors

Author Year Datasets Techniques Accuracy (%) Sensitivity (%) Specificity (%)

Anjali et al. [28] 2017 NA CART classification and 92.31 96.67 77.78
ensemble SVM-based
Minz et al. [59] 2017 50 MRI images Threshold method, gray 89.90 88.23 62.5
level co-occurrence
matrix (GLCM),
Amin et al. [60] 2017 Three different datasets GLCM and SVM 97.1 91.9 98
were used, namely
Nashtar Hospital
Multan, Harvard dataset,
and TCIA
Cheng et al. [61] 2019 3064 MRI images ConvCaps 93.5 NA NA
Bahadure et al. [62] 2017 DICOM and Brain Web GLCM and SVM 96.51 97.72 94.2
Raju et al. [55] 2018 BRATS database Bayesian HCS-based 93 96.9 99.29
Kumar et al. [33] 2018 354 MRI images were Features extracted shape, 95.23 100 94.8
taken from online texture and intensity, and
database BRATS-2015 PSO-SVM
Shakeel et al. [54] 2018 NA MLBPNN (machine 93.33 71.42 88.88
learning-based back
propagating neural
Chaudhary et al. [63] 2018 NA DWT and SVM 94.6 NA NA
Mallick et al. [64] 2019 RIDER NEURO-MRI Deep wavelet 96 NA NA
which contains data on auto-encoder-based deep
19 patients neural network
Song et al. [34] 2019 306 MRI images Adaptive threshold, PCA, 98.36 99.17 97.83
hybrid model of
Kumar et al. [65] 2019 NA Ensemble classifier 91.17 95.47 NA
contains FFANN, SVM
and extreme learning
machine (EML)
Sriramakrishana et al. [66] 2019 BRATS 2013 and BRATS FCM and SVM 98 NA NA
Sert et al. [10] 2019 200 MRI images in SISR, MFES, CNN, and 95 NA NA
DICOM format SVM
Marghalani et al. [67] 2019 TCIA, XNAT, Oasis, and SVM 97 NA NA
few from Google search
Deepak et al. [68] 2019 Figshare Deep CNN via transfer 98 NA NA
Ghassemi et al. [69] 2019 3064 MRI images DNN 95.6 NA NA
Kurup et al. [70] 2019 3064 MRI images Capsulenet 92.6 NA NA
Eluri et al. [71] 2019 Brain Web dataset GLCM and SVM 96.66 97.74 94.54
Arasi et al. [72] 2019 NA BSVM 97.69 NA NA
Chandra et al. [73] 2020 BRATS dataset SVM 97.50 NA 96.08
Raja et al. [74] 2020 BRATS 2015 Hybrid deep auto-encoder 98.5 96 99.54
with Bayesian fuzzy
Hamid et al. [75] 2020 DICOM format MRI SVM 95 NA NA

International Journal of Multimedia Information Retrieval (2020) 9:271–290 283

Table 3 continued
Author Year Datasets Techniques Accuracy (%) Sensitivity (%) Specificity (%)

Çinar et al. [76] 2020 Kaggle site Hybrid CNN 97.2 NA NA

Begum et al. [77] 2020 1000 MRI images Texture feature and RNN 96.26 100 92.85
Kaplan et al. [35] 2020 3064 MRI images LBP and KNN 95.56 NA NA

Fig. 9 Taxonomy of brain tumor detection system

accuracy is shown in Table 4. A graphical representation of Sensitivity is defined as the total number of true positive pre-
the author’s work through accuracy is depicted in Fig. 10a. dictions divided by the total number of positives [78]. Table 6
shows the comparison of various existing techniques used in
True positive + true negative
Accuracy  (1) Table 2 through sensitivity. Figure 10c shows a performance
Positive + negative analysis through sensitivity.

True positive
Sensitivity  (3)
• Specificity Positive

Specificity is defined as the total number of correct negative

predictions divided by the total number of negatives [78]. 4 Conclusion
Table 5 shows the comparison of various existing techniques
used in Table 2 through specificity. Figure 10b shows the The increase in the number of brain tumors over the world
performance analysis through specificity. has led to an increase in the rate of deaths of people. Tumor
detection is a crucial step in the identification of the tumor.
True negative Early detection of the brain tumor may increase the survival
Specificity  (2)
Negative rate of the patient. Here, a range of previous work of authors
has been considered and their performance is analyzed. Fig-
• Sensitivity ure 11 shows the line graph of performance parameters such

284 International Journal of Multimedia Information Retrieval (2020) 9:271–290



Accuracy Authors









Specificity Authors









Sensitivity Authors

Fig. 10 Performance analyses a accuracy parameter, b specificity parameter, c sensitivity parameter

International Journal of Multimedia Information Retrieval (2020) 9:271–290 285





40.00% Sensitivity



Fig. 11 Performance analyses through line graph

as accuracy, specificity, and sensitivity of the techniques used timely diagnosis of diseases more efficiently and accurately.
in pre-existing research. It shows that Raja et al. [74] had the Therefore, it can be applied to clinical needs.
best accuracy, i.e., 98.5% and best specificity, i.e., 99.54%
that employed hybrid deep auto-encoder with Bayesian fuzzy 4.1 Future challenges
clustering. Kumar et al. [33] used SVM as a classifier and
Begum et al. [77] used recurrent neural network (RNN) as a The neuro-oncologists community had acknowledged exten-
classifier both had the highest sensitivity, i.e., 100%. sive consideration of various challenges that exist for making
While Fig. 12 shows, analysis of techniques implemented correct diagnostic systems for brain tumor detection. The
in pre-existing works. In automatic brain tumor detec- numbers of brain tumor affected patients are increasing day
tion system, a lot of diverse classification methods were by day with the increase in population which indeed ampli-
used specifically machine leaning techniques (KNN, SVM, fies the demand for computer-aided systems and health care
CART, and others), deep learning techniques (CNN, RNN, services. Grading of brain tumors is done to provide bet-
and others), and hybrid techniques (soft computing and ter treatment and analysis of brain tumors. A brain tumor is
machine learning). It plays a significant role in the detec- divided into four grades. Grade 1 and Grade 2 are low aggres-
tion and categorization of brain tumors. These classification sive brain tumors. Grade 3 and Grade 4 are highly aggressive
techniques have been compared and analyzed through a pie brain tumor. High-grade tumors affect the health of patients
chart to see what percent of the techniques had been used so and even lead to death if not treated properly. Therefore, the
far as shown in Fig. 12a. It shows machine learning-based identification of a brain tumor is a very challenging task. The
classifier has been widely used for brain tumor classification following are the future challenges that may be considered
over other methods. On the other hand, feature extraction is in the research community.
a key factor in this task. It considers the overall features of
the medical image. A range of different feature extraction 1. Brain tumor segmentation
techniques exists, namely GLCM, intensity based, LPB, and Image segmentation is one of the important steps for the
many more. The relationship between various feature extrac- detection of tumors in the brain. It is a method used for the
tion techniques has been compared as shown in Fig. 12b. It division of brain MRI images into different segments as
depicts texture features are extensively used by authors over a result only essential segments of the brain MRI image
the past years. Thus in the future, we can explore other tech- will be processed rather than processing the whole brain
niques of feature extraction and classification thoroughly, MRI image. Various techniques were used in prior state
which might provide better results and would help in the of art like soft computing-based techniques, machine

286 International Journal of Multimedia Information Retrieval (2020) 9:271–290

Feature Extraction Techniques

Fig. 12 Analysis through pie
chart a feature extraction
technique analysis,
b classification technique

37% 37%
Texture Feature
Deep Feature
Hybrid Feature


Classification Techniques


29% Machine Learning

Deep Learning
Hybrid Technique

learning-based techniques, and deep learning-based tech- the MRI image into essential parts. The correct segmen-
niques. Fuzzy deformable fusion model, NS-EMFSE, tation technique should be selected for the diagnostic
K-means, SVM, morphological operation, and many system. The better the accuracy of the segmentation, the
more were used for brain tumor segmentation [29, 32, 42, better will be the classification accuracy. This will indeed
50, 79]. The major future challenges are to remove a vari- increase the whole performance of the computer-aided
ety of noises from brain MRI images, further to enhance system. Therefore, in the future researcher can explore
the quality of the image, and at last to efficiently segment more segmentation techniques that would provide 100%

International Journal of Multimedia Information Retrieval (2020) 9:271–290 287

Table 4 Analysis of techniques through accuracy Table 5 Analysis of techniques through specificity
Author Techniques used Accuracy (%) Author Techniques used Specificity (%)

Anjali et al. [28] CART classification and 92.31 Anjali et al. [28] CART classification and 77.78
ensemble SVM-based ensemble SVM-based
classification classification
Minz et al. [59] Adaboost 89.90 Minz et al. [59] Adaboost 62.5
Amin et al. [60] SVM 97.1 Amin et al. [60] SVM 98
Cheng et al. [61] GLCM and SVM 93.5 Bahadure et al. [62] GLCM and SVM 94.2
Bahadure et al. [62] ConvCaps 96.51 Raju et al. [55] Bayesian HCS-based 99.29
Raju et al. [55] Bayesian HCS-based 93 multi-SVNN
multi-SVNN Kumar et al. [33] SVM 94.8
Kumar et al. [33] SVM 95.23 Shakeel et al. [54] MLBPNN (machine 88.88
Shakeel et al. [54] MLBPNN (machine 93.33 learning-based back
learning-based back propagating neural
propagating neural network)
network) Song et al. [34] Hybrid model Of PSO-SVM 99.17
Chaudhary et al. [63] DWT and SVM 94.6 Eluri et al. [71] GLCM and SVM 94.54
Mallick et al. [64] Deep wavelet 96 Chandra et al. [73] SVM 96.08
auto-encoder-based Raja et al. [74] Hybrid deep auto-encoder 99.54
deep neural network with Bayesian fuzzy
Song et al. [34] Hybrid model Of 98.36 clustering
PSO-SVM Begum et al. [77] RNN 92.85
Kumar et al. [65] Ensemble classifier 91.17
contains FFANN,
SVM, and extreme Table 6 Analysis of techniques through sensitivity
learning machine
Author Techniques Used Sensitivity (%)
Sriamakrishana et al. FCM and SVM 98 Anjali et al. [28] CART classification and 96.67
[66] ensemble SVM-based
Sert et al. [10] SVM 95 classification
Marghalani et al. [67] SVM 97 Minz et al. [59] Adaboost 88.23
Deepak et al. [68] Deep CNN via transfer 98 Amin et al. [60] SVM 91.9
learning Bahadure et al. [62] GLCM and SVM 97.72
Ghassemi et al. [69] DNN 95.6 Raju et al. [55] Bayesian HCS-based 96.9
Kurup et al. [70] Capsulenet 92.6 multi-SVNN
Eluri et al. [71] GLCM and SVM 96.66 Kumar et al. [33] SVM 100
Arasi et al. [72] BSVM 97.69 Shakeel et al. [54] MLBPNN (machine 71.42
learning-based back
Chandra et al. [73] SVM 97.50
propagating neural
Raja et al. [74] Hybrid deep 98.5 network)
auto-encoder with
Song et al. [34] Hybrid model Of PSO-SVM 99.17
Bayesian fuzzy
clustering Kumar et al. [65] Ensemble classifier contains 95.47
Hamid et al. [75] SVM 95
extreme learning machine
Çinar et al. [76] Hybrid CNN 97.2 (EML)
Begum et al. [77] RNN 96.26 Eluri et al. [71] GLCM and SVM 97.74
Kaplan et al. [35] LBP and KNN 95.56 Raja et al. [74] Hybrid deep auto-encoder 96
with Bayesian fuzzy
Begum et al. [77] RNN 100
accuracy and efficiency along with less time consump-
tion [32]. Stated that the segmentation techniques should
be tested up to evaluation stage and tested in large dataset
with loads of variations [46]. Stated that the segmenta-
tion work should stretch to deep learning approaches. The
community [29, 42, 46, 50] stated that the deep learning

288 International Journal of Multimedia Information Retrieval (2020) 9:271–290

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