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Volume 4, No 1, 2013
© Copyright 2010 All rights reserved Integrated Publishing services
Research article ISSN 0976 – 4380

Quantitative Morphometric analysis of Kosasthalaiyar sub basin (Chennai

basin) using remote sensing (SRTM) data and GIS techniques
Vibhu Nayar1, Kavitha Natarajan2
1- Founder Mentor, Center of Excellence for Change, III Floor, Chief Architect Building,
PWD Complex, Chepauk, Chennai-600 005
2- GIS and Water Specialist, Center of Excellence for Change, III Floor, Chief Architect
Building, PWD Complex, Chepauk, Chennai-600 005


The growing competition demand for water from industrial, domestic, and environmental
sectors, along with increasing intensity of quality and quantity challenges as a result of rapid
urbanization, call for scientific approaches to water resource management. Drainage basins,
catchments and sub catchments are the hydrological units ideally suited for planning purposes
focused on conserving land and water resources. The availability of remote sensing data and
enabling GIS platform lend scope for understanding the morphometric properties of the
catchment area and surface drainage characteristics of many river basins in different parts of
the globe. Kosasthalaiyar sub basin with an area of 2835.06 km2 playing a vital role for the
water supply, food security and economic development of Chennai city was taken up for the
study. SRTM data and Arc GIS 10, spatial analyst tools along with arc hydro tools were used
for morphometric analysis of the sub basin to derive linear, relief, and aerial aspects. Strahler
stream ordering techniques and analysis were followed for further analysis. The results
revealed that the elongated sub basin is reasonably homogeneous in geology without
structural disturbances with low relief and moderate to gentle slope in all the constituent sub-
watersheds. The low drainage density is because of the highly permeable subsoil, with good
permeability of sub-surface material and dense vegetative cover with low relief. The overland
flow is significantly affected by infiltration and percolation through the soil, both varying in
time and space. The analysis output leads to the conclusion that structural interventions are
needed to improve the surface storage and landuse modifications for better water

Keywords: SRTM data, GIS techniques, Morphometric analysis, Kosasthalaiyar sub basin.

1. Introduction

Given India’s burgeoning population, the water crisis has reached critical levels. Growing
demands for water resources from industrial, domestic, and environmental sectors, along with
increasing quality and quantity issues as a result of rapid urbanization, have made water
resource management imperative in India. As the opportunity costs of water increase, and
management of water resources and their allocation among competing demands assumes vital
importance, demand management must indubitably receive preference over traditional supply
management (Rajagopal, 2007). Drainage basins, catchments and sub catchments are the
hydrological units for planning purposes to conserve natural resources. The watershed
management concept recognizes the interrelationships and the linkages between the
topography, landuse, geomorphology, slope and soil. Soil and water conservation is the key
issue in watershed management. However, while considering watershed conservation work, it

Submitted on June 2013 published on August 2013 89

“Quantitative Morphometric analysis of Kosasthalaiyar sub basin (Chennai basin) using remote sensing
(SRTM) data and GIS techniques”
Vibhu Nayar, Kavitha Natarajan

is not feasible to take the whole area at once. Thus the whole basin is divided into several
smaller units, as sub watersheds or micro watersheds, by considering its drainage system
(Sangita Mishra and Nagarajan, 2010).

The morphometric analysis of the drainage basin and channel network play a vital role in
understanding the geo-hydrological behavior of drainage basin and expresses the prevailing
climate, geology, geomorphology, structural, etc. antecedents of the catchment. The
relationship between various drainage parameters and the aforesaid factors are well
recognized and recently, the availability of remote sensing (RS) data and enabling
Geographical Information System (GIS) platform for understanding the morphometric
properties of the catchment area and surface drainage characteristics of many river basins in
different parts of the globe. (Horton, 1945; Strahler, 1957; Melton, 1958; Morisawa, 1959;
Krishnamurthy, 1996; Agarwal, 1998; Pakhmode, 2003; Gangalakunta,,
2004; Nag, 1998; Das and Mukherjee, 2005).

2. Advantage of using SRTM data and GIS techniques in Morphometric analysis

Morphometric analysis is an important aspect of hydrological and hydrogeological studies

(Agarwal, 2000). It helps to understand the hydrological characters and the results will
be useful input for a comprehensive water resource management plan (Jawahar raj,
1998; Kumaraswami, 1998 and Sreedevi, 2001). Morphometric studies in the field
of hydrology were first initiated by Horton (1940) and Strahler (1950). Morphometric
analysis requires measurement of the linear features, gradient of channel network, and
contributing ground slopes of the drainage basin. It is a significant tool for prioritization of
sub watersheds even without considering the soil map (Biswas, 1999). For
morphometric analysis RS and GIS techniques were used for watershed prioritization, sub
watershed analysis and management and also many research reports have been reported
(Srinivasa, 2004, Chopra, 2005, Khan, 2001, Nookaratnam, 2005).
Major advantages of RS and GIS techniques are its rapid access to latest spatial information
over a large geographical area including inaccessible areas, at a relatively economical cost
with high degree of precision. It helps to develop base maps even in the absence of field
survey, which is user friendly, scalable and flexible at a shortest possible time. The present
study is in a complex sub basin and the analysis was challenging but with results confirming
the reality.

3. Study area

Kosasthalaiyar sub basin is located between the latitudes and longitudes of 12053’30” to13021’
23’ N and 79017’09” to 80020’12”E with an area of 2835.06 km2 (Figure-1). It is one of the
eight sub basins in Chennai basin and lies almost at the centre of Chennai basin in between
Araniyar and Coovam Sub basin. This Sub-basin has a sub-tropical climate. The temperature
in the plains has a minimum of 19.40C and a maximum of 35.70C. The average normal
rainfall of the District is 1104 mm. Out of which 52% is received during north east monsoon
period and 41% during south west monsoon period. The Kosasthalaiyar River (Kortalaiyar)
originating near Kaveripakkam (Vellore District) is one of the three rivers that flows in the
Chennai Metropolitan area (North East direction) and drains into the Bay of Bengal. A
branch of the river from Kesavaram Anicut flows to the city as Coovam River and the main
Kosasthalaiyar River flows to Poondi reservoir. From Poondi reservoir, the river flows
through Thiruvallur District, enters the Chennai metropolitan area, and joins the sea at
Ennore creek. There are two check dams across the river at Tamaraipakkam and Vallur. The

International Journal of Geomatics and Geosciences 90

Volume 4 Issue 1, 2013
“Quantitative Morphometric analysis of Kosasthalaiyar sub basin (Chennai basin) using remote sensing
(SRTM) data and GIS techniques”
Vibhu Nayar, Kavitha Natarajan

excess discharge in the river is controlled by the Tamarapakkam Anicut located across the
river in the downstream of Poondi reservoir. Vallur Anicut is a small check dam constructed
near Minjur across the river to control water levels and feed irrigation channels in the area. It
flows to a distance of 16 km in the Chennai metropolitan area (CMA Report).

Figure-1 Location map of the Kosasthalaiyar sub basin

4. Data used and methodology adopted for the study

Quantitative analysis of morphometric parameters for the present study is done using the
Digital Elevation Model (DEM) from the Shuttle Radar Topographic Mission (SRTM) of
90m resolution data (GLCF, 2000). Arc GIS 10, spatial analyst tools and Arc hydro tools
were used for the sub basin delineation and further analysis of the morphometric parameters
of the sub basin like linear, topographic, relief and aerial aspects. Strahler stream ordering
technique was followed for stream ordering and other mathematical formulae were followed
for further analysis using various methods.

5. Results - Morphometric analysis and output

Morphometery the mathematical analysis of the configuration of the earth's surface shape and
dimensions of its landform provides the basis of the investigation of the watershed (Clarke,
1996). The area, altitude, volume, slope, profile and texture of landforms comprise principal
parameters of investigation. Dury (1952), systematic description of the geometry of a
drainage basin and its stream channel requires measurement of linear aspects of the drainage
network, aerial aspects of the drainage basin, and relief (gradient) aspects of the channel
network and contributing ground slopes Strahler (1964). The overall output of the
morphometric analysis of the Kosasthalaiyar sub basin is represented in Figure-2

International Journal of Geomatics and Geosciences 91

Volume 4 Issue 1, 2013
“Quantitative Morphometric analysis of Kosasthalaiyar sub basin (Chennai basin) using remote sensing
(SRTM) data and GIS techniques”
Vibhu Nayar, Kavitha Natarajan

5.1 Morphometric analysis of the Kosasthalaiyar sub basin – Linear aspects

The Kosasthalaiyar morphometric analysis of the linear aspects includes stream order, stream
length, mean stream length, stream length ratio and bifurcation ratio (Table-1).

1. Stream order (Su)

‘Stream ordering’ is the first step in quantitative analysis of watershed expresses the
hierarchical relationship between stream segments, their connectivity and the discharge
arising from contributing catchments. In the present study, stream ordering has been carried
out using Strahler method (1964). Kosasthalaiyar sub basin is characterized upto VI order
stream network. It is observed that the maximum frequency is in the case of first order
streams and that there is a decrease in stream frequency as the ‘stream order’ increases.

Figure 2: Morphometric analysis output of Kosasthalaiyar Sub Basin using SRTM data

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Volume 4 Issue 1, 2013
“Quantitative Morphometric analysis of Kosasthalaiyar sub basin (Chennai basin) using remote sensing
(SRTM) data and GIS techniques”
Vibhu Nayar, Kavitha Natarajan

Table 1: Morphometric analysis of Kosasthalaiyar sub basin - Linear aspects

Stream No of Length of Log Log Bifurcation Stream No of

Order Streams stream Nu Lu ratio Length streams
(km) Ratio used in
Su Nu Lu Rb Rl Ratio
I Order 1021 1416.12 3.009 3.151
II Order 256 705.72 2.408 2.849 3.988 0.498 1277
III Order 46 365.33 1.663 2.563 5.565 0.516 302
IV Order 13 154.61 1.114 2.189 3.538 0.420 59
V Order 3 90.74 0.477 1.958 4.333 0.580 16
VI Order 1 77.66 0.000 1.890 3.000 0.845 4
Total 1340 2810.2 8.671 14.60 20.425 2.860 1658
Mean 223.33 468.4 4.09 0.57

2. Stream Number (Nu): The total of order wise stream segments is known as stream
number. Horton (1945) states that the numbers of stream segments of each order form
an inverse geometric sequence with order number. Total and mean stream number of
Kosasthalaiyar sub basin is 1340 and 223.33. Total log value is 8.671.

3. Stream Length (Lu): Stream length is computed based on the Horton law (1945).
Kosasthalaiyar sub basin I order streams have the maximum length (1416.2km)
compared to that of other orders. It decreases as stream order increases. The total
length, mean length and total log value of the stream in Kosasthalaiyar sub basin is
about 2810.2km, 468.4km and 14.60.

4. Stream Length Ratio (Rl): The mean stream length is calculated by dividing the total
stream length of given order by number of stream of that order. Mean stream length of
the Kosasthalaiyar sub basin is about 0.57. Generally its value of the given order is
greater than that of the lower order and less than that of its next higher order. Changes
in Rl from one order to another indicate the late youth to mature stage of the
geomorphic development (Singh and Singh, 1997).

5. Bifurcation ratio (Rb): Bifurcation ratio is the ratio of the number of stream
segments of given order to the number of segments of next higher order. It is an index
of relief and dissection (Horton, 1945 and Schumm, 1956). Total and mean
Bifurcation ratio of the Kosasthalaiyar sub basin is 20.42 and 4.09. It has been found
that the bifurcation ratio characteristically ranges between 3 and 5 for watershed in
which geology is reasonably homogeneous without structural disturbances to the
drainage basin.

5.2 Morphometric analysis of the Kosasthalaiyar sub basin – Geometric aspects

Generally sub basin geometry is characterized by various factors among them the important
factors are the sub basin area (A), perimeter (P), length (Lb), relative perimeter (Pr), mean
width (Wb), length area relation (Lar), lemniscate (k), form factor ratio (Rf), elongation ratio
(Re), drainage texture (Dt), texture ratio (Rt) and circularity ratio (Rc). Geometric aspects
values of Kosasthalaiyar sub basin aspects is represented in table 2.

International Journal of Geomatics and Geosciences 93

Volume 4 Issue 1, 2013
“Quantitative Morphometric analysis of Kosasthalaiyar sub basin (Chennai basin) using remote sensing
(SRTM) data and GIS techniques”
Vibhu Nayar, Kavitha Natarajan

Table 2: Morphometric analysis of Kosasthalaiyar sub basin - Geometric aspects

No Geometric - Parameters Formula Method Result
1. Area (km2) A GIS output Arc GIS 10 2835.06
2. Perimeter (km) P GIS output Arc GIS 10 554.36
3. Length (km) Lu GIS output Arc GIS 10 178.17
4. Relative perimeter (Pr) Pr = A/P Schumn(1956) 5.11
5. Mean width (Wb) Wb = A/Lb Horton (1932) 15.91
6. Length area relation km (Lar) Lar = 1.4*A0.6 Hack (1957) 165.07
7. Lemniscate (k) k = Lb2/ A Chorley (1957) 11.19
8. Form factor ratio (Rf) Rf = A / Lb2 Horton (1932) 0.09
9. Elongation ratio (Re) Re = 2/ Lb*(A/π) Schumn (1956) 0.34
10. Drainage texture (Dt) Dt = Nu/ P Horton (1945) 2.42
11. Texture ratio (Rt) Rt = Nu/ P Schumn (1956) 1.84
12. Circularity ratio (Rc) Rc = 4* π (A/P ) Miller (1953) 0.12
13. Centre of gravity of the sub basin (Gc) GIS output Arc GIS 10 13008’12”N
79044’14” E
1. Area of the sub basin (A): The area of the watershed is another important parameter
like the length of the stream drainage. Schumm (1956) established an interesting
relation between total watershed area and total stream length, which are supported by
the contributing area. Area of the Kosasthalaiyar sub basin is 2835.06 km2. Basin area
is the direct outcome of the drainage development in a particular basin. It is usually
seen that the basin is pear shaped in early stages, but as the cycle advances, the shape
tends to become more elongated (Padmaja Rao, 1978).
2. Perimeter of the sub basin (P): Basin perimeter is the outer boundary of watershed
that enclosed its area. It is measured along the divides between watersheds and may
be used as an indicator of watershed size and shape (Schumm, 1956). The perimeter
and relative perimeter of the Kosasthalaiyar sub basin is 554.36km and 5.11km.
3. Length of the sub basin (Lb): Horton (1932) defined basin length as the straight-line
distance from a basin mouth to the point on the water divide intersected by the
projection of the direction of the line through the source of the main stream, the length
of the Kosasthalaiyar sub basin is arrived as 178.17km.
4. Length area relation (Lar): Hack (1957) found that for a large number of basins, the
stream length and basin area are related by simple power functions. The length area
relation of the Kosasthalaiyar sub basin is 165.07.
5. Lemniscate (k): Chorley (1957), express the lemniscate’s value to determine the
slope of the basin. The lemniscate (k) value for the Kosasthalaiyar sub basin is 11.19.
6. Form factor ratio (Rf): Horton (1932), form factor may be defined as the ratio of
basin area to square of the basin length. The value of form factor would always be
less than 0.754 (for a perfectly circular watershed). The form factor ratio of
Kosasthalaiyar sub basin is a 0.09.
7. Elongation ratio (Re): The shape of the basin is conveyed by the elongation ratio.
Schumm (1956) elongation ratio is the ratio of diameter of a circle of the same area as
the drainage basin and the maximum length of the basin (Strahler states that this ratio

International Journal of Geomatics and Geosciences 94

Volume 4 Issue 1, 2013
“Quantitative Morphometric analysis of Kosasthalaiyar sub basin (Chennai basin) using remote sensing
(SRTM) data and GIS techniques”
Vibhu Nayar, Kavitha Natarajan

runs between 0.6 and 1.0 over a wide variety of climatic and geologic types. The
varying slopes of watershed can be classified with the help of the index of elongation
ratio, i.e. circular (0.9-0.10), oval (0.8-0.9), less elongated (0.7-0.8), elongated (0.5-
0.7), and more elongated (< 0.5). These values are further categorized as circular
(>0.9), oval (0.9-0.8) and less elongated (<0.7). The elongation ratio of
Kosasthalaiyar sub basin is 0.34.
8. Drainage texture (Dt): Horton’s (1945) drainage texture is considered as one of the
important concept of geomorphology which shows the relative spacing of the
drainage lines. Smith (1939) classified drainage texture into five different textures i.e.,
very coarse (<2), coarse (2 to 4), moderate (4 to 6), fine (6 to 8) and very fine
(>8).The drainage texture value of the Kosasthalaiyar sub basin is 2.42.

9. Texture ratio (Rt): Schumm (1963) texture ratio is an important factor in the
drainage morphometric analysis which is dependent on the underlying lithology,
infiltration capacity and relief aspect of the terrain. Texture ratio of the Kosasthalaiyar
sub basin is 1.84 and categorized as low in nature.

10. Circularity ratio (Rc): Miller’s (1953) Circularity ratio is the ratio of the basin area
to the area of a circle having the same circumference perimeter as the basin, which is
dimensionless and expresses the degree of circularity of the basin. The circularity
ratio of the Kosasthalaiyar sub basin is 0.12.

11. Centre of gravity of the sub basin (Gc): It is the length of the channel measured
from the watershed to a point on the stream nearest to the centre of the watershed.
Centre of gravity of the Kosasthalaiyar sub basin is located at the latitude and
longitude of 13008’12”N and 79044’14” E.

5.3 Morphometric analysis of the Kosasthalaiyar sub basin – Relief aspects

The relief aspects determined basin relief (H), relief ratio (Rh), relative relief (Rhp) and
ruggedness number (Rn). Kosasthalaiyar sub basin analysis output of the relief aspects is
represented table 3.

Table 3: Morphometric analysis of Kosasthalaiyar sub basin - Relief aspects

No Relief - Parameters Formula Method Result
1. Basin Relief (H) H = Z-z Strahler (1957) 530
2. Relief Ratio (Rh) Rh = H / Lb Schumm (1956) 2.97
3. Relative Relief (Rhp) Rhp = H*100/P Melton (1957) 95.61
4. Ruggedness Number (Rn) Rn= D*( H/1000) Strahler (1957) 0.53

1. Basin Relief (H): Strahler (1957) defined the total relief of the river basin as the
difference in the elevation between the highest point of a watershed and the lowest
point on the valley floor. The Kosasthalaiyar sub basin relief is 530.

2. Relief Ratio (Rh): Schumm’s (1954) relief ratio is obtained when basin relief “H” is
divided by the maximum basin length (Lb) which results in a dimensionless ratio
which is equal to the tangent of the angle formed by two planes intersecting at the
mouth of the basin called relief ratio which measures the overall steepness of a
drainage basin and it is an indicator of the intensity of erosional process operating on

International Journal of Geomatics and Geosciences 95

Volume 4 Issue 1, 2013
“Quantitative Morphometric analysis of Kosasthalaiyar sub basin (Chennai basin) using remote sensing
(SRTM) data and GIS techniques”
Vibhu Nayar, Kavitha Natarajan

slope of the basin. The overall relief of Kosasthalaiyar sub basin is 2.97 which
indicate low relief and moderate to gentle slope.

3. Relative Relief (Rhp): Melton’s (1957) maximum basin relief was obtained from the
highest point on the watershed perimeter to the mouth of the stream. The relative
relief of the Kosasthalaiyar sub basin is 95.61.

4. Ruggedness number (N): Strahler’s (1956) ruggedness number is the product of

maximum basin relief and drainage density, where both parameters are in the same
unit. An extreme high value of ruggedness number occurs when both variables are
large and the slope is not only steep but long as well. The value of ruggedness number
of the Kosasthalaiyar sub basin is 0.53. It is low which indicates gentle slope for sub-

5.4 Morphometric analysis of the Kosasthalaiyar sub basin – Aerial aspects

The aerial aspects generally include stream frequency (Fs), drainage density (Dd), drainage
pattern (Dp), drainage intensity (Di), constant of channel maintainace (C), infiltration no (If)
and Length of overland flow (Lg) of the sub basin. Basin area is hydrologically important
because it directly affects the size of the storm hydrograph, magnitudes of peak and mean
runoff. It is interesting that the maximum flood discharge per unit area is inversely related to
the size (Chorley, 1957). The drainage texture analysis and output of Kosasthalaiyar sub
basin is summarized in table-4.

1. Stream Frequency (Fs): Horton’s (1932) stream frequency is defined as the total
number of stream segments of all orders per unit area. The stream frequency of the
Kosasthalaiyar sub basin area is 0.47. Greater the drainage density and stream
frequency in a basin, the runoff is faster, and therefore, flooding is more likely in
basins with a high drainage and stream frequency (Kale, 2001).
2. Drainage Density (D): Horton’s (1932) drainage density is an important indicator of
the linear scale of landform element in stream eroded topography and defines as the
total length of stream of all orders/drainage area. The drainage density indicates the
closeness of spacing of channels, thus providing a quantitative measure of the average
length of stream channel for the whole basin. The drainage density of the
Kosasthalaiyar sub basin is about 0.99.
3. Drainage Pattern (Dp): Drainage pattern is a factor of slope lithology and structure
and also it helps in identifying the stage of cycle of erosion. Howard (1967) related
drainage patterns to geological information. It is possible to deduce the geology of the
basin, the strike and dip of depositional rocks, existence of faults and other
information about geological structure from drainage patterns. Kosasthalaiyar sub
basin is having ‘dendritic’ type of drainage pattern.
4. Drainage Intensity (Di): Faniran (1968) defines the drainage intensity as the ratio of
the stream frequency to the drainage density. Drainage intensity of the Kosasthalaiyar
sub basin is 0.48.
5. Constant of Channel Maintenance (C): Schumm (1956) used the inverse of
drainage density or the constant of channel maintenance as a property of landforms.
The constant of channel maintenance indicates the relative size of landform units in a

International Journal of Geomatics and Geosciences 96

Volume 4 Issue 1, 2013
“Quantitative Morphometric analysis of Kosasthalaiyar sub basin (Chennai basin) using remote sensing
(SRTM) data and GIS techniques”
Vibhu Nayar, Kavitha Natarajan

drainage basin and has a specific genetic connotation (Strahler, 1957). Constant
channel maintenance of the Kosasthalaiyar sub basin is 1.01.
6. Infiltration Number (If): Infiltration number of a drainage basin is the product of
drainage density and stream frequency. It is the number by virtue of which an idea
regarding the infiltration characteristics of the basin is obtained. Kosasthalaiyar sub
basin has the infiltration number of 0.47. The higher the infiltration number, the lower
will be the infiltration and higher will be the run-off (Rao Liaqat, 2011).
7. Length of Overland Flow (Lg): Length of overland flow is one of the most important
independent variable affecting both hydrologic and physiographic development of
drainage basins and relates reciprocally to the average slope of the channel and is
quiet synonymous with the length of sheet flow to a large extent. It is defined as the
length of flow path, projected to the horizontal, non channel flow from point on the
drainage divide to a point on the adjacent stream channel. This term refers to the
length of the run of the rainwater on the ground surface before it is localized into
definite channels (Horton, 1945). Length of overland flow of the Kosasthalaiyar sub
basin is 0.45.
Table 4: Morphometric analysis of Kosasthalaiyar sub basin - Drainage texture
No Morphometric Parameters Formula Method Result
1. Stream frequency (Fs) Fs = Nu / A Horton (1932) 0.47
2. Drainage density (Dd) Dd = Lu / A Horton (1932) 0.99
3. Drainage Pattern (Dp) GIS output Arc GIS 10 Dendritic
4. Drainage Intensity (Di) Di= Fs / Dd Faniran (1968) 0.48
5. Constant of Channel Maintainace (C) C= 1 / Dd Schumn (1956) 1.01
6. Infiltration No (If) If = Fs * Dd Faniran (1968) 0.47
7. Length of overland flow (Lg) Lg = A/2 * Lu Horton (1945) 0.5

6. Discussion - Morphometric analysis

The critical morphometric characteristics of a drainage basin which influence the drainage
functions are discussed here. Kosasthalaiyar sub basin bifurcation ratio indicates that the
geology is reasonably homogeneous without structural disturbances to the drainage basin.
Higher value of the bifurcation ratio indicates some sort of geological control and lower
indicates that the basin produces a sharp peak in discharge and if it is high, the basin yields
low, but extended peak flow (Agarwal, 1998). In well developed drainage network the
bifurcation ratio is generally between 2 to 5 (Horton, 1945 and Strahler, 1964).

Circularity ratio of the Kosasthalaiyar sub basin indicates that the sub basin is elongated in
shape. It bears an inverse relation to the basin area (Zavoiance, 1985). It is influenced more
by the length, frequency and gradient of streams of various orders rather than slope
conditions and drainage pattern of the basins. The elongation ratio of the Kosasthalaiyar sub
basin value indicates that it is more elongated in shape and the same is confirmed by the form
factor ratio. A circular basin is more efficient in discharge of run-off than that of an elongated
basin (Singh and Singh 1997). The watershed with high form factors have high peak flows of
shorter duration, whereas elongated watershed with low form factor will have a flatter peak
of flow for longer duration. The drainage texture value of the Kosasthalaiyar sub basin
clearly indicates that it has coarse texture category.

International Journal of Geomatics and Geosciences 97

Volume 4 Issue 1, 2013
“Quantitative Morphometric analysis of Kosasthalaiyar sub basin (Chennai basin) using remote sensing
(SRTM) data and GIS techniques”
Vibhu Nayar, Kavitha Natarajan

Drainage density value of Kosasthalaiyar sub basin indicates that it has highly permeable
subsoil, dense vegetative cover and low relief (Nag, 1998). It has been observed that this
measurement made over a wide range of geologic and climatic types that a low drainage
density is more likely to occur in regions of highly resistant of highly permeable subsoil
material under dense vegetative cover, and where relief is low. Low drainage density leads to
coarse drainage texture while high drainage density leads to fine drainage texture (Strahler,
1964). High drainage density is the resultant of weak or impermeable subsurface material,
sparse vegetation and mountainous relief. The low drainage density is also indicative of
relatively long overland flow of surface water; it is also related to the climate, surface
roughness and runoff of the area. The type of rock also affects the drainage density.
Generally, lower values tend to occur on granite, gneiss and schist regions. Kosasthalaiyar
sub basin has dendritic pattern, which is most common pattern formed in a drainage basin
composed of fairly homogeneous rock without control by the underlying geologic structure.
In a dendritic system, there are many contributing streams, which join together into the
tributaries of the main river. They develop where the river channel follows the slope of the
terrain (Lambert david, 1998). The longer the time of formation of a drainage basin is, more
easily the formation of dendritic pattern. Kosasthalaiyar sub basin has low value of drainage
intensity that implies that the drainage density and stream frequency have little effect on the
extent to which the surface has been lowered by agents of denudation. With these low values
of drainage density, stream frequency and drainage intensity, surface runoff does not happen
quickly from the watershed, making it highly susceptible to flooding.

Kosasthalaiyar sub basin has low value of relief ratios are mainly due to the resistant
basement rocks of the basin and low degree of slope (Kuldeep pareta and Upasana pareta,
2011) and low ruggedness value of the watershed implies that area is less prone to soil
erosion and have intrinsic structural complexity in association with relief and drainage
density. The higher the infiltration number the lower will be the infiltration and higher will be
the run-off and length of overland flow indicates low surface runoff flow. Overland flow is
significantly affected by infiltration and percolation through the soil, both varying in time and
space (Schmid, 1997).

Even though Kosasthalaiyar sub basin morphometric parameters are favorable for run-off and
infiltration, floods occur during heavy rainfall especially during north east monsoon which is
characterized by high intensity, short duration rainfall. This is mainly due to the inefficiency
of the surface storage facilities like reservoirs, tanks and degeneration of streams and landuse
changes due to urban impact. The discharge capacity of the Kosasthalaiyar River is
110,000 m3/s and the anticipated flood discharge capacity is about 125,000 m3/s (Lakshmi,
2011). Every year, whenever the floodgates of Poondi reservoir are opened, a considerable
volume of water gets drained into the sea through the Kosasthalaiyar River near the Ennore

7. Conclusion

The quantitative morphometric analysis using SRTM data and GIS techniques is a simple
economical and time saving methodology to study the river basin with an output of good
quality and high degree of accuracy. Kosasthalaiyar sub basin geology is reasonably
homogeneous without structural disturbances which is elongated in shape and hence will
have a flatter peak of flow for longer duration lower efficiency in discharge of run-off. This
sub basin has ‘coarse’ drainage texture. The stream frequency and drainage density of this
sub basin indicate clearly the high permeable subsoil, dense vegetative cover and low relief.

International Journal of Geomatics and Geosciences 98

Volume 4 Issue 1, 2013
“Quantitative Morphometric analysis of Kosasthalaiyar sub basin (Chennai basin) using remote sensing
(SRTM) data and GIS techniques”
Vibhu Nayar, Kavitha Natarajan

It is an indication of relatively long overland flow of surface water; which is also related to
the climate, surface roughness and runoff of the area. This sub basin has a ‘dendritic’ type of
drainage pattern composed of fairly homogeneous rock and does not interface with the
underlying geologic structure. Low values of drainage density, stream frequency and
drainage intensity indicate that the surface runoff is not quickly removed from the watershed,
making it highly susceptible to flooding, soil erosion and movements. This sub basin has the
low infiltration number which indicates high infiltration and low surface run-off which is
confirmed by the length of overland flow. Even though Kosasthalaiyar sub basin
morphometric parameters are favorable for run-off and infiltration floods occur during heavy
rainfall this is mainly due to the inefficiency of the surface storage facilities like reservoirs,
tanks and degeneration of streams and landuse changes due to urban impact.

8. Recommendation

All the above outputs clearly lead to the conclusion that the Kosasthalaiyar sub basin has the
potential to perform its drainage function more effectively. Increasing the storage capacity of
the water bodies, rehabilitation and restoring channels to standards will enhance the sub
basins water holding capacity which will be of immense use to meet the urban water demands
of the Chennai city apart from meeting the agriculture, domestic and industrial demands.

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