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Floor Hockey

Grade/Subject: Grade 5 Phys Ed

Lesson Duration: 30 minutes
General Learning Outcomes:
 Students will acquire skills through a variety of developmentally appropriate
movement activities; dance, games, types of gymnastics, individual activities and
activities in an alternative environment; e.g., aquatics and outdoor pursuits.
 Students will interact positively with others.
 Students will assume responsibility to lead an active way of life.

Specific Learning Outcomes:

A5-1: select, perform and refine more challenging locomotor sequences
A5-5: select, perform and refine more challenging ways to receive, retain and send an object
with control
A5-11: demonstrate basic strategies and tactics that coordinate effort with others; e.g., team,
in order to achieve a common activity goal in lead-up games
C5-1: identify and demonstrate respectful communication skills appropriate to cooperative
participation in physical activity
C5-3: demonstrate etiquette and fair play
C5-4: select and demonstrate responsibility for various roles while participating in physical
education; and, accept ideas from others that relate to changing/adapting, movement
C5-5: identify and demonstrate practices that contribute to teamwork
C5-6: identify and demonstrate positive behaviours that show respect for self and others
D5-3: identify and follow rules, routines and procedures for safety in a variety of activities
D5-4: participate in, and identify the benefits of, safe warm-up and cool-down activities
D5-5: identify safe practices that promote an active, healthy lifestyle; e.g., water safety
Students will:
 Practice their stick holding and passing abilities with a partner
 Practice their dribbling with a stick by moving a puck or ball through plastic cones in
a drill fashion
 Practice their passing and interception skills in a game of ‘piggy in the middle’
 Practice their shooting and aim with a stick by completing ‘floor hockey bowling’
 Play a traditional game of floor hockey

 Observation of students hand placement on a stick, physical stance, physical
manipulation of the stick, ability to control where they are shooting an item
 Observation of students participation, dribbling, aim control, ability to cooperate with
a team, demonstration of fair play, ability to follow and respect rules and safety of

 Hockey sticks
 Hockey nets
 Markers
 Pucks or floor hockey balls
 Plastic bowling pins
 Pinnies
1. Review expectations and rules for:
 how a hockey stick is to be held (i.e. no swinging sticks, both hands on the stick at all
 how a disagreement with another team members is to be resolved
 What amounts, if any, of physical contact is allowed (i.e. no body checking)
 What is considered goalie’s puck (when the ball is in the net, it is the goalies)
2. Do not shout over students if they refuse to finish speaking to one another during
3. Inform students that complaining about the game or rules being unfair will result in
longer participating in the group activities and instead completing an individual work
a. If a student continues to disrupt their classes learning and game play with
complaining, they will not be able to join in again until after:
i. delivering an explanation on why complaining does not have a place in
physical education
ii. apologizing to their class
iii. apologizing to myself
4. To ensure that all students are participating, pre-determine teams ahead of time to
eliminate the ‘standing around’ of certain groups
Feb 8
 Ensure that students are aware of the day’s warm up exercises before making their
way to the gymnasium
 When students are completed warm ups, demonstrate the proper stance for floor
hockey and how to properly hold a hockey stick.
 Explain the day’s activities
o Ex. Today we will be starting with practicing our skills of passing and
controlling the floor hockey balls, and then we will be playing a game
 Explain the dribbling drill
o Students will weave a floor hockey ball in between markers across the length
of the gymnasium
o Students will participate in drill
 Explain the passing drill
o Students will separate themselves into pairs and begin passing back and forth
to one another. Students must remain between 6-20 feet away from one

o Students will participate in the passing drill
 Explain the game, ‘piggy in the middle’
o Students will take turns trying to intercept the ball and remove themselves
from the center, or from being the ‘piggy in the middle’
o Students will play the game, may choose their own groups of 3
o Be prepared to join in on a game if students are missing

Feb 12
 Ensure that students are aware of the day’s warm up exercises before making their
way to the gymnasium
 When students are completed warmups, explain the day’s events:
o Students will be completing an aim/control activity, and then we will play a
slightly altered version of floor hockey
 Explain the aim/control activity:
o students will be placed into 4 groups and take turns shooting a floor hockey
ball into a net, while avoiding the 2 markers inside the net, or will attempt to
hit and knock down plastic bowling pins
o students will participate in the activity
 Explain the slightly altered game of floor hockey
o Students will be divided into 6 teams to play on two courts. Each time one
team scores a goal, they will switch with the team sitting off of court.
o Remember to review rules and expectations about raising sticks, body
checking, fair play, and goalie balls.
o Students will play the game

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