Constipation HTP Geria

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Constipation related to insufficient dietary habits as evidenced by change in bowel pattern, hard formed stool and straining with defecation

Learning Time, Venue

Learning Content Strategy Strategy Rationale Resources Evaluation
Objectives and Date
Objectives: I. What is Constipation? For the Feb. 28, 2021 Manpower: After 1 hour of
interventions, the Afternoon 1. 5 student health teaching,
After 15 minutes Constipation is the infrequent group will conduct 2:20-2:35PM nurses the client will be
of health an interactive able to acquire
teaching, the and difficult passage of stool. health teaching Client’s Materials: knowledge and
client will be Constipation is generally for the client residence: 1. understanding of
able to acquire described as having fewer than utilizing different 1. This will allow Nagcarlan, PowerPoint constipation. The
knowledge and methodologies. the client to Laguna presentation client was also
three bowel movements a week.
understanding of understand able to apply the
constipation. The Though occasional constipation 1. The group will constipation 2. Visual aids necessary
client will also is very common, some people discuss and comprehensivel practices to
be able to apply explain y and prevent 3. Pamphlet further prevent
experience chronic constipation
the necessary constipation situations that the incidence of
practices to that can interfere with their including its may predispose constipation.
further prevent ability to go about their daily causes, health her to health ___Not Met
the incidence of tasks. Chronic constipation is complications, risks. ✓ Met
constipation. and prevention
infrequent bowel movements or through the use After 5 minutes
Specific difficult passage of stools that of PowerPoint of nursing
Objectives: persists for several weeks or presentation, 2. This will allow intervention and
After 5 minutes relating it with the client to health teaching,
longer. Chronic constipation recall and
of nursing the client’s the client was
intervention and may also cause people to strain current sustain the able to verbalize
health teaching, excessively in order to have a situation. information the meaning of
the client will be discussed and constipation.
bowel movement.
able to verbalize 2. The group will engaged to ___Not Met
the concept of initiate a clarify any
constipation. question-and- confusion. ✓ Met
II. Causes answer portion
 Insufficient fiber intake in After 3 minutes,
After 3 minutes, regarding the 3. This will allow
the diet the client was
the client will be topics the client to
able to identify 3
able to identify 3  Insufficient daily fluid further grasp out of 4 causes of
out of 4 causes intake discussed. the idea of constipation.
of constipation.  Insufficient exercise constipation and ___Not Met
 Prescription and/or over- have a readily
After 3 minutes, available ✓ Met
the-counter pain relief
the client will be medications or chronic 3. The group will information. After 3 minutes,
able to identify 3 health conditions provide the client was
out of 5 health pamphlets to able to identify 3
complications of the client that 4. This will allow out of 5 health
constipation. III. Health Complications covers the the client to implications of
entire apply the topics constipation.
After 2 minutes,  Swollen veins in the anus discussion. discussed on ___Not Met
the client will be (hemorrhoids). Straining to real life
able to have a bowel movement situations. ✓ Met
enumerate 3 out may cause swelling in the
of 4 After 2 minutes,
veins in and around the 4. The group will
interventions to the client was
anus. encourage the
prevent able to
 Torn skin in your anus (anal client to
constipation. enumerate 3 out
fissure). A large or hard verbalize
of 4 interventions
stool can cause tiny tears in understanding
After 2 minutes, to prevent
the anus. of the topics
the client will be  constipation.
Stool that cannot be and the client’s
able to state ___Not Met
expelled (fecal impaction). takeaway on
willingness to Chronic constipation may preventing ✓ Met
perform healthful cause an accumulation of constipation.
lifestyle After 2 minutes,
hardened stool that gets
practices. stuck in the intestines. the client was
 Intestine that protrudes from
able to state
the anus (rectal prolapse).
Straining to have a bowel willingness to
movement can cause a small
perform healthful
amount of the rectum to
stretch and protrude from lifestyle practices
the anus.
___Not Met
 Can exacerbate heart
disease ✓ Met
 Excessive pressure to
defecate can also cause
unconsciousness which is
dangerous especially for the
elderly because it can hit the
head or other parts of their
body which can worsen
their condition.

IV. Prevention

 Stay as active as possible

and try to get regular
 Drink plenty of fluids.
 Eat fewer foods with low
amounts of fiber such as
processed foods, and dairy
and meat products.
 Include plenty of high-fiber
foods in your diet, including
beans, vegetables, fruits,
whole grain cereals and
bran. There are two types of
1. Soluble fiber - draws
water from our body
that softens and enlarges
the stool which makes it
easier and more
comfortable for adults to
release. Some examples
of this are: oats, beans,
nuts, peas, apple, and
citrus Fruits.
2. Insoluble fiber -  helps
the proper flow of food
and other materials into
our stomach, resulting in
regular bowel
movements. Some
examples of this are:
wheat, brown rice,
vegetables (such as
cauliflower, green
beans, potatoes), skins
of fruits

V. Additional

Try the 4 fruits that start with

the letter “P”.

1. Pakwan (Watermelon) -
Watermelon contains 92%
alkaline water. It is high in
vitamin A, Vitamin B, Vitamin
C, lycopene and potassium.
Eating 2 slices of watermelon a
day can soften the stool.
Watermelon also has benefits
for the mouth, stomach and

2. Papaya is a very effective

fruit for those who cannot
defecate. Eating 1 or 2 slices of
papaya can definitely soften
stool. Papaya contains a
substance called papain that is
an enzyme that helps soften
stools. It is also high in vitamin
C. Remember to not overeat
because the frequency of bowel
movements may not turn out

3. Pears - Pears are rich in fiber

and sorbitol which help with
constipation. Fiber gives shape
(or bulk) to stool. Sorbitol, on
the other hand, sweetens the
pear and draws water into the
intestines to soften the stool.

4. Prunes - Prunes have long

been a remedy for constipation.
Like pears, prunes contain fiber,
sorbitol and antioxidants. For
every half glass of prune juice
(100 ml) it contains 6.1 grams
of sorbitol. As a result, prunes
soften the dirt. According to
experts, prunes also help with
bone and prevent osteoporosis.

These 4 fruits help cure

irregular bowel movements and
keep the body healthy. It should
be noted that it is also not
advisable to take herbal
medicine or herbal tea to
defecate because it can have a
bad effect on the body over

Constipation (2019). Mayo Clinic.
Constipation and Bowel Control (nd). Continence Foundation of Australia.
Dietary fiber: Essential for a healthy diet (2021). Mayo Clinic.
Gandell, D., Straus, S. E., Bundookwala, M., Tsui, V., & Alibhai, S. M. H. (2013). Treatment of constipation in older people. Canadian Medical
Association Journal, 185(8), 663–670.

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