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Adnan Ahmad iadnanmalik9@gmail.


Computer Scientist
Khushab, Pakistan
Adaptive to new environments, always
enthusiastic, committed manager and a creative

Bachelors of Sciences Computer Science C++ Python Django Numpy Data Mining
FAST National University of Computer and
Emerging Sciences, Islamabad MERN Stack Pandas React Sklearn R
08/2017 - Presnt, CGPA 3.31
AI JavaScript Java MVC .NET
FSc Pre Engineering
Django REST
District Public School and Inter College
03/2015 - 03/2017,

Web Development Intern at Aims Lab FAST Islamabad
PERSONAL PROJECTS (07/2020 - 08/2020)
Datal Labeling Portal | Django Python, CSS3, HTML5,
Bootstrap, JavaScrip Teaching Assistant Computer Organization and
A portal for labeling data which can be beneficial for NLP Assembly Language (08/2020 - 02/2021)

Sentence Sense Making Classification Head Seminars -NUCS (08/2019 - 12/2020)

Trained a Neural Net for the classification of whether a sentence Organized different seminars providing value to CS students and lead a
is making sense or not team of 10 people.

Sentiment Analysis of Tweets Head Web Development NaSCon (02/2019 - 05/2019)

Trained a classification algorithm for sentiment analysis of tweets Managed Web Development event in NaSCon'19

Data Scrapper for extracting Information | Python,

A data scrapper was made to extract plots information of FAST-NUCES
different areas of Islamabad Student

Hospital Blood bank & appointments Management

System | Django Python, CSS3, HTML5, Bootstrap,
Developed a system where patients can make appointments and Best Performance | Computing Society
doctors can see them. Organized most creative ideas and most successful events in the
computing society
Sports Club Portal | MEAN Stack
A fully working portal of a sports club was designed using Winner Speed Programming | IntraFAST
Angular, Node and Mongodb. Winner of Speed Programming competition at FAST-Islamabad.

Course Selection Portal | MVC .NET Certificate of Completion | Blockchain decentralized

The portal was made in which students can register/unregister applications(dapps) development
different courses An online course offered by LinkedIn Learning

Maximum Spanning tree using Kruskal's Algo | Data

Structures, C++
Worked on finding the maximum spanning tree from a graph LANGUAGES
using Kruskal's algorithm. Trees and graphs data structures were
used. English Urdu
Full Professional Proficiency Native or Bilingual Proficiency
Mario | Assembly Language
Developed Super Mario Using Assembly language. All the
graphics and movements were designed in Assembly language
Asteroid Shooter Game | C++
Business Intelligence Machine Learning
Focused on the implementation of concepts of OOP a game was
made using OpenGL library
Web Apps Algorithm Design AWS

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