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∂ Practice


Andreas Keil
∂ Practice

Pedestrian Bridges


Andreas Keil

Edition Detail

Andreas Keil, Dipl.-Ing.

Arndt Goldack, Dr.-Ing. (Dynamics)
Sebastian Linden, Dipl.-Ing. (Finishings)
Christiane Sander, Dipl.-Des. (Lighting)

Jantje Bley, Dipl.-Ing. (Project Manager),
Sandra Hagenmayer, Dipl.-Ing.; Frauke Fluhr


Editorial services:
Steffi Lenzen, Dipl.-Ing. Architect (Project Manager);
Cosima Frohnmaier, Dipl.-Ing. Architect; Sandra Leitte, Dipl.-Ing.

Editorial assistant:
Carola Jacob-Ritz, M. A.

Ralph Donhauser, Dipl.-Ing.; Daniel Hajduk, Dipl.-Ing.; Martin Hemmel, Dipl.-Ing.;
Nicola Kollmann, Dipl.-Ing. Architect; Emese M. Köszegi, Dipl.-Ing. Architect

Translation into English:

Christina McKenna, Keiki Communication, Berlin

Rachel Hill, Keiki Communication, Berlin

© 2013 Institut für internationale

Architektur-Dokumentation GmbH & Co. KG, Munich
An Edition DETAIL book

ISBN 978-3-920034-91-1 (Print)

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ISBN 978-3-95553-158-4 (Bundle)

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∂ Practice Contents
Pedestrian Bridges

6 Introduction

Functional requirements
9 Bridge width
11 Clearance gauge
12 Route layout and access
14 Railings
15 Surfaces

Statics and dynamics

17 Statics
19 Dynamics

27 Wood
28 Stone
29 Concrete
29 Steel
31 Aluminium
31 Glass

Design and construction

33 Design
34 Definitions of terms
35 Arch bridges
38 Beam and slab bridges
43 Truss bridges
47 Suspension bridges
53 Cable-stayed bridges
56 Stress ribbon bridges
60 Curved bridges

65 Surfaces
68 Railings
70 Furniture
70 Expansion joints
71 Drainage
72 Bearings
72 Lighting

Economic aspects
77 Construction principles
78 Costs
79 Life cycle considerations
80 Cost calculations

Special pedestrian bridges

83 Movable bridges
87 Closed bridges
88 Platforms

Examples of projects
90 Completed pedestrian bridges

110 Literature, standards
111 Picture credits
112 Index

In recent decades a series of spectacular were funded by ambitious clients whose that is free of vanity and remains focused
structures have established the pedes- names remain inseparably linked with on the design, allowing everyone involved
trian bridge as a genre all of its own within the bridges. The situation is no different to join forces to develop good, beautiful
the broader field of bridge construction. today: an ambitious planner needs the solutions. Many outstanding structures –
Built in the most diverse locations, in backing of a committed client to achieve especially pedestrian bridges – prove
cities, parks and landscapes, across a successful result. Only then will they that this discourse is already ongoing
streets, railways, rivers or canyons, these achieve their shared goal of creating in some areas. Many of the pedestrian
bridges’ striking constructions, interest- something beautiful as well as useful. bridges portrayed in this book have been
ing trajectories, welcoming qualities and Highly complex projects in particular – developed in competitions by architects
often sculptural appearance are astonish- whether structurally or organisationally and engineers working successfully to-
ing. Pedestrian bridges have long led a complex – run an increased risk of en- gether and complementing each other.
marginal existence and we have only countering unexpected problems; they
gradually become aware that they could require a high degree of cohesion and The often daring constructions of the
be more than purely functional structures. the willingness of all involved to overcome antiquity did not rest on any particular
Pedestrian bridges must of course pri- very difficult phases of the project. Suc- methods of calculation. Their construction
marily be functional, but they should also cessful structures rarely result from the was based on empiricism and painful
engage with a site’s unique features, its work of one individual; they require com- experience and often cost many human
routes, topography and context. Their mitted and motivated clients, planners lives. Only at the end of the 16th century
presence in public space offers not only and contractors. did Galileo Galilei formulate the first prin-
the potential to connect separated spaces, ciples of structural engineering and lay
but also to give a place its own identity. Interdisciplinary collaboration between the foundations for scientific structural
During 19th century industrialisation, architects and engineers is also impor- engineering, which was further devel-
rolled girders revolutionised bridge build- tant in bridge construction – to a different oped by mathematicians such as Isaac
ing and cost-effective serial structures extent than is the case in other civil en- Newton, Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz, Jacob
were developed, meaning that other gineering projects. Engineers need to Bernoulli and Leonhard Euler. This repre-
aspects faded more and more into the engage intensively with the structure’s sented a decisive step away from crafts-
background. It was only later that in- design as well as with the purely eco- manly, empirical and intuitive bridge
creasing technical progress successfully nomic and structural aspects in develop- building to more precisely calculated
counteracted this development. ing support structures. They must think in engineering and technology-based con-
terms of variations and justify decisions struction.
There are fewer restrictive functional made from the complete range of possi-
and static demands on pedestrian bilities, penetrating and understanding In today’s digital era, computer pro-
bridges than there are on road and rail- the context. These skills used to be – and grammes can be used to very quickly
way bridges. They therefore give design- still are – inadequately taught in engineer- carry out parameter studies, optimising
ers the necessary freedom to react to ing training; this inadequacy can be seen a structure’s design so that ideas can
a bridge’s site and uses and to develop in some small and medium span bridges. be quickly confirmed or discarded. Com-
bespoke solutions. Seating, niches, plat- puter programmes can also precisely cal-
forms or beautiful views on some bridges Architects must engage with a bridge’s culate a structure’s dynamic behaviour.
can thus be especially welcoming, invit- urban context, its formal language and Synchronisation phenomena, which have
ing pedestrians to linger there. the arrangement of its details. A high recently occurred in various bridges, can
degree of sensitivity to design is essen- be simulated, their causes and effects
The master builders of the antiquity laid tial in creating a good pedestrian bridge, and the effectiveness of measures taken
the foundations for bridge construction especially if it is to be installed in a cen- understood. This is an essential prerequi-
by developing the load-bearing round tral urban area or special landscape. site for the construction of light and fili-
arch. They created audacious technical Architecture is indivisible, so it relies on gree pedestrian bridges.
masterworks and succeeded in building a respectful and trusting discourse be- Furthermore, the computing capacity
imposing bridges with large spans, which tween the two disciplines; an approach available today leads some planners to


1 Pedestrian bridge over the Carpinteíra River,

Covilhã (P) 2009, João Luís Carrilho da Graça 1

design structures down to the last detail Apart from concrete, steel has particu- descriptions of individual materials, an
at a very early stage of planning, gener- larly influenced bridge construction, introduction to various types of bridge
ating immense quantities of data. This be it construction steel, steel cables or structures and considerations of the
means that the results cannot be com- reinforced steel. Steel is now the main economic aspects of manufacture and
pletely comprehended in detail so it can material used for pedestrian bridges. maintenance, to an overview of out-
be easy to lose sight of the essentials Bold, breathtakingly light structures tes- standing bridge structures. The book
and first principles. tify to this material’s potential. Continuing concludes with a documentation of
progress in the development of material selected pedestrian bridges, providing
The evolution of bridge construction, properties as well as in manufacturing, an insight into the diversity of pedestrian
ranging as it does from a simple tree joining and installation technologies, has bridge construction.
trunk laid across a stream through to produced three-dimensional support This book offers practical assistance
today’s spectacular three-dimensional structures that can be made with great with design issues and will hopefully
support structures, has been a long one. geometrical precision. Cast steel has motivate builders and designers to try
New materials, methods of calculation long since shed the stigma of being brittle new things in the fascinating field of
and manufacturing techniques have re- and is now often used at complex points bridge construction.
peatedly resulted in milestones in bridge in building pedestrian bridges because it
construction over the centuries. These is just as tough and weldable as normal
developments have been driven by a mild steel.
desire for more mobility, often for eco-
nomic and usually for peaceful reasons, Experience has shown that it takes a long
but sometimes also for imperial and mili- time to develop new construction materi-
tary ones. Each type of bridge – the als as great demands are placed on them
beam bridge, the arched bridge and the and numerous safety tests must be car-
suspension bridge – has its own history. ried out. They must be investigated in
terms of strength, cross-section design,
The main materials used to build bridges joining technology, ease of installation
used to be wood and stone, but since and durability. Universities are currently
the 19th century, steel and concrete have conducting intensive research into new
predominated in bridge building. materials, in particular into plastics, which
Although concrete has positively influ- would seem to have great advantages in
enced construction, with engineers such terms of durability and strength. A few
as Robert Maillart, Ulrich Finsterwalder prototypes have already been built using
and Eduardo Torroja in particular show- them so that they can be tested under
ing the potential of this material, it has long-term load stress. However steel is
also contributed to cost effectiveness unlikely to be replaced in the near future
becoming the priority, although it means by new materials in bridge construction,
that more materials are used (and wast- whether for high-strength tension ele-
ed) than really necessary, especially ments or superstructures.
in road bridge construction. It is a mis-
conception to think that it is less expen- This book provides architects, engineers
sive to choose a simple form that requires and technicians as well as manufacturers
more materials as it has a greater dead and interested clients with an overview
load. In contrast, structures that trace of current pedestrian bridge construction
the flow of force and look more appropri- trends. It is divided into seven chapters
ate and well-proportioned require less and supplemented with illustrations,
material but are more complicated to tables and drawings. The chapter topics
manufacture. range from an outline of the basics and

Functional requirements

Pedestrian bridges have the primary these aspects will not have to be taken Pedestrians usually move at speeds
function of allowing people to pass safely into account to the same extent in pedes- ranging from 0.50 m/s (30 m /min) to
over obstacles. In contrast to road and trian bridge construction. 1.80 m /s (108 m /min), depending on
railway bridges, pedestrian bridges not DIN 18 024-1 on »Barrier-free Construc- whether people are moving in commuter,
only have to connect two places with tion« makes further very general stipula- shopping or event traffic. Depending
each other by the shortest route, but tions on the minimum width of barrier-free on the kind of pedestrian traffic and its
people also directly experience them routes in public spaces. It prescribes total speed, there are appropriate reference
by touching them and walking on them. widths of 2 to 3 m, which result from the values for concentrations that specify
Well-chosen paths and delightful views movement area of 1.20 to 1.50 m required how many people should be on each
enhance a pedestrian bridge’s spatial by wheelchair users, plus the necessary 1 m2 of bridge. The basic rule that applies
qualities. It is therefore all the more im- meeting and passing spaces. to all types of pedestrian traffic is that
portant that a bridge’s functional require- These specifications are however sub- the denser the traffic, the more slowly it
ments be exactly analysed and defined ject to international variations. In Great moves forward. The load-bearing capac-
to form an individual basis for its design. Britain widths of 1.80 to 2 m for pedes- ity of a pedestrian bridge is calculated
Apart from the geometric properties of trian and cycle paths are acceptable, as follows:
the bridge itself, such as width and gradi- while Australia prescribes widths of up
ent, the requirements resulting from the to 3 m (Fig. 1). Q = v ∙ d [P/m ∙ s] (I)
obstacles to be crossed, such as the A bridge’s width is however not defined
clearance gauge, must also be defined. only by its use; its dimensions should Q Flow rate [P/m ∙ s]
Safety aspects such as slip resistance also fit in well with other design and v Traffic velocity [m /s]
and guard rails must also be taken into urban planning factors. A bridge’s width d Traffic density [P/m2]
account. also has a direct impact on the cost of its
Bridge width
A bridge’s width is determined by its use.
In Germany, figures and reference values
published by the Road and Transporta-
standard country min. path width [m] clearance [m] max. gradient [%]
tion Research Association (Forschungs-
gesellschaft für Straßen- und Verkehrs-
Austroads 13, 14, 92 Australia 1.5 – 1.8 (Pedestrians) 2.1 – 2.4 (Pedestrians) 12.5 (Pedestrians)
wesen – FGSV) in its recommendations 1.5 – 3.0 (Cyclists) 2.5 – 3.0 (Cyclists) 5.0 (Cyclists)
for pedestrian traffic facilities (»Empfeh- 2.5 – 3.0 (Mixed) 3.0 (Mixed)
lungen für Fußgängerverkehrsanlagen« –
EFA) provide guidelines in this area. EFA Structures Design Hong 2.0 (Pedestrians) – 5.0 – 8.3 (Pedestrians)
Manual Kong 3.0 (In metro stations) 4.0 – 8.0 (Cyclists)
defines basic requirements for pedes-
trian infrastructure facilities, deals with Japanese Footbridge Japan 3.0 (Pedestrians) – 5.0
different characteristics of pedestrian Design Code (1979)
traffic, and explains fundamental plan-
ning principles. According to EFA a Design Specifications South 1.5 – 3.0 (Pedestrians) 2.5 –
path’s width will depend on whether it of Road Structures Korea 3.0 (Cyclists)
is to be used purely as a cycle path, a
foot path or a mixed-use path. A width British Standard 5400 Great 1.8 (Pedestrians) – 5.0 – 8.3 (Pedestrians)
Britain 2.0 (Mixed)
of 1.80 m is recommended for footpaths, 2.7 (Pedestrians and cy-
cycle paths should be 2 m, and shared clists with separate
pedestrian and cycle paths 2.50 m wide. path)

Additional space may be required for

DIN 18 024-1 Germany 2.0 (Pedestrians) 2.5 6.0
open spaces in front of shop windows, 3.0 (Mixed)
at transport stops or for benches, but 1

Functional requirements
Bridge width

2 3 4

Fig. 5 shows dependencies of various

Speed [m/min] ([m/s])

(2.0) Commuter traffic
Rush hour pedestrian flows, which can be defined
Shopping traffic in a linear relationship between traffic
Event traffic density and speed. In the case of event
v = -0.45 · d + 1.55
(1.5) traffic for example, the following function

60 v = - 0.45 ∙ d + 1.55 [m /s] (II)


If you are designing a pedestrian bridge

with a maximum flow capacity, Q, for
a certain type of pedestrian traffic, the
density and speed at which this value
is at its maximum must be identified.
Using (II) in (I) results in a quadratic func-
tion for event traffic (Fig. 6).
0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0
Traffic density [P/m2]
Q = - 0,45 ∙ d2 + 1,55 ∙ d [P/m ∙ s]
Pedestrian concentration
5 empty pleasant full very full over-full Frequency
This function has its maximum at a speed
and related density of v = 0.78 m/s and
d = 1.72 P/m2. Its capacity would there-
fore be 4,829 P/h per metre of bridge
width. Conversely, a bridge’s required
width can be calculated based on the
capacity called for. If the requirement is,
for example, that 15,000 people should
Q [P/m·s]

1.4 be able to leave a large-scale event
1.3 within 10 minutes, the pedestrian bridge
1.2 will have to be 18.63 m wide.
It should also be noted that these are
maximum values, which should be used
to manage large numbers of pedestrians
and prevent the risk of panic breaking
0.8 out in very dense crowds of people.
0.6 Many pedestrian bridges rarely or never
0.5 reach the limits of their capacity. Their
function does however often determine
their width, ensuring that pedestrians or
pedestrians and cyclists can move easily
on the bridge without getting in each
0.1 other’s way. This results in most cases
0 in usable widths of 2.50 to 3.50 m.
0 0.3 0.6 0.9 1.2 1.5 1.8 2.1 2.4 2.7 3.0
(1.41) (1.28) (1.15) (1.01) (1.88) (0.74) (0.61) (0.47) (0.34) (0.20)
d [P/m2] While static loads do not depend on a
6 (v [m/s]) bridge’s use, it is recommended that

Functional requirements

1 Overview of common standard rules for pedes-

trian bridges worldwide
2 Pedestrian bridges with light traffic: comfortable
Usage: Comfort classes: Traffic classes: free movement and overtaking is possible.
• daily (max. traffic) • CC1 Maximum • TC1 very light (< 0.2 P/m2) 3 Pedestrian bridges with heavy traffic:
• weekly (max. traffic) • CC2 Medium • TC2 light (0.2 P/m2) Free movement is possible; overtaking may be
• monthly (max. traffic) • CC3 Minimum • TC3 heavy (0.5 P/m2) restricted at times.
• annually (max. traffic) • CC4 Unacceptable • TC4 very heavy (1.0 P/m2) 4 Pedestrian bridges with very heavy traffic:
• Exceptions • TC5 exceptionally heavy (1.5 P/m2) Free movement is restricted; overtaking no longer
5 The relationship between speed and traffic densi-
ty depends on the type of traffic
Safety factors Vibration behaviour Concentration of pedestrians 6 Capacity Q in persons per second per metre of
bridge width
7 Marginal conditions for footbridge design
8 Typical clearance gauges:
7 a River; b Rails; c Footpath; d Road

distinctions be made between various Clearance Waterways

design situations in considering dynamic Pedestrian bridges cross a very diverse Depending on the extent and type of
aspects. spectrum of obstacles, ranging from val- use by shipping, rivers and canals are
A distinction is made between traffic leys and rivers, roads and paths right subject to a range of very different clear-
classes, which basically define concen- up to railway lines. A clearance gauge ance requirements, which are prescribed
trations of pedestrians, and comfort is defined for all existing traffic routes. by local offices of the Waterways and
classes, which determine how much A clearance gauge is a line defining an Shipping Administration (Wasser- und
a pedestrian bridge can be allowed to open space that must be kept free of Schifffahrtsämter – WSA). For some rivers
vibrate and what speeds are permissible objects of any kind, including built struc- there is no specified clearance gauge,
on it. These traffic classes are divided tures. Fig. 8 shows typical clearances on others they cover the waterway’s entire
into five categories ranging from very for waterways, railway tracks, roads and width.
light traffic with a density of less than paths. The clearance gauge prescribed It may also be partly necessary to keep
0.2 P/m2 up to exceptionally heavy traffic for the traffic route or waterway to be banks clear to prevent damaged ships
of 1.5 P/m2. The comfort classes are crossed will determine a bridge’s height from endangering a pedestrian bridge’s
divided into four categories defining in many cases. The clearance gauge for stability. On some shipping routes there
requirements on the dynamic behaviour a waterway also depends on the highest are also “danger zones”: if parts of a
of bridges. Class CC1 allows for lots of water level of the river being crossed. bridge’s support structure are positioned
movement, in a suspension bridge for Depending on use of the route as a road in these zones, they and the bridge must
hikers, for example. By contrast, Class or railway line or for shipping, adjacent be able to bear the impact of a collision,
CC4 allows only very slight movement, for structural elements must also be de- which is simulated either through a single
inner-city bridges, for example (Fig. 7). signed to take impact loads. Compared static load or by compensation (dissipa-
with other impacts on a pedestrian bridge, tion) by a prescribed impact absorption.
These classifications must be individually these loads are very high and can thus This is designed to prevent bridges from
applied depending on the planned use of determine dimensions in a bridge’s collapsing if, for example, a ship’s super-
the bridge and dynamic considerations design. It is advisable to avoid position- structure is torn off while the ship is pass-
then based on them. This approach is ing structural elements in these critical ing under the bridge. It is often advisable
not regulated in any particular standard; areas as far as possible in the design. to avoid these large impact loads and
it was developed based on the results A clearance gauge often has to be danger zones, even if the consequent
of the research project RFS-CR-03019 maintained during construction and higher position of the superstructure re-
»Advanced Load Models for Synchro- may only be lifted for very brief breaks, sults in longer ramps.
nous Pedestrian Excitation and Optimised which can have decisive effects on the
Design Guidelines for Steel Footbridges process of manufacturing and installing
(SYNPEX)« [1]. a bridge.




Navigation channel


8a b c d

Functional requirements
Route layout and access


s s

s 50

a a a
9a b c 10

Railway lines regulates such matters in its guideline Traffic routes

Pedestrian bridges near railways bear 997.0101 and specification diagrams EBS A clearance gauge of 2.50 m is pre-
the risk of people coming into contact 02.05.19. Barriers to prevent people from scribed for pedestrian bridges. While
with live electrical parts and being injured touching live parts can be installed in the this is easily achieved with beam bridges,
as a result. Protective measures such as form of horizontal or vertical obstacles, it can greatly influence the geometry
distance or barriers must be adopted to such as plates that function as spacers. and form of bridge support structures, in
prevent this from occurring. A protective Since these elements can also influence particular of curving cable bridges and
distance from live parts accessible to a pedestrian bridge’s design, such arched bridges. A clearance gauge of
contact is regarded as sufficient when measures should be appropriately imple- 4.50 m is usually prescribed for roads for
there is a radius of at least 3.50 m from mented in coordination with the relevant vehicle traffic, but a clearance gauge of
where a person would be standing. The specialist departments. Planners should 4.70 m may also be stipulated so that
DIN EN 50 122-1 standard on »Railway take advantage of the leeway available subsequent road resurfacing can easily
applications – Fixed installations – Electri- to them in choosing the type of construc- be carried out.
cal safety, earthing and the return circuit« tion and materials.
provides more precise details on this In the case of tramways, the regulations Route layout and access
topic. If this distance cannot be adhered and requirements of individual local oper- The highest priority in building a pedes-
to, barriers preventing direct contact ators apply. Here too, there are few re- trian bridge is to bring people from one
must be installed. Their implementation strictions in regard to materials; concrete place to another – over a river, a road or
depends on the position of the bridge and steel as well as glass can be used. a valley – by the shortest possible route.
floor and the distance between the barri- Apart from incorporating elements to Architects and engineers must therefore
ers and the live parts. The dimensions protect against accidental contact with create the shortest possible access paths
of barriers must be chosen so that the live components, bridges that cross elec- and an appropriate route layout.
live parts accessible to contact cannot trified railway lines must be grounded. When designing the layout of bridges
be unintentionally touched by someone and ramps it is advisable to incorporate
reaching out in a straight line. This means that it is necessary to install flowing paths and to avoid hazardous
The Federal Highway Research Institute grounding rods at the lower edge of the corners and turns, especially for cyclists.
(Bundesanstalt für Straßenwesen – BASt) superstructure near the rails and connect Because pedestrian and cycle traffic
publishes “Civil Engineering Specifica- them with the rails by means of conduc- moves at slow speeds, there are few limi-
tion Diagrams”, (»Richtzeichnungen für tive transverse sections, using welded tations in terms of the radius of curvature.
Ingenieurbauten« – RiZ-ING), while the reinforcement rods running through the A wide range of free forms can be used,
German railway company, Deutsche Bahn, structure, for example. so narrow curves and multi-armed ramps

11 12

Functional requirements
Route layout and access

l1 l2 l1

Ramp Landing Ramp

s1 s2 s1

+36 ±0,0




150 30 600 150 600 30 150
13 14

that optimally connect to existing net- accordance with step length measure- wheelchair users, so that there is room
works of paths can be chosen. Breaking ments 2 s + a (s = rise [cm]; a = tread for up to two people standing and one
out of two-dimensionality into the third run [cm]) person in a wheelchair (Fig. 10).
dimension can also result in exciting • Minimum useable flight width r of
spatial structures. A pedestrian bridge’s 100 cm Ramps
superstructure can be freely formed and • If there are more than 18 steps, inter- The length of an access ramp will result
strongly curved in its layout, making mediate landing with a length of 90 cm from the prescribed clearance gauge,
crossing a bridge a unique spatial experi- is required the bridge’s construction height and the
ence for pedestrians (see Design and • Handrail on both sides at a height of permissible gradients (Fig. 13). A ramp
Construction, p. 60ff.). 85 cm above the deck surface can basically have a maximum gradient
of 6 % so that it meets the requirements
Stairs Possible stair construction variants range of people whose mobility is restricted. In
Germany’s restriction on the permitted from single-flight stairs through spiral or Germany this is regulated by DIN 18 024-1.
ramp gradient of 6 % often makes for long platform stairways up to Laurin stairs, Other countries apply different values.
access paths to bridges, such that it can which have variable gradients and riser In Australia for example, a gradient of
sometimes be expedient to offer direct heights (Fig. 9). 12.5 % is allowed for footbridge ramps
and quick access by providing stairs as (Fig. 1, p. 9). It can often be difficult to
well as a ramp. Lifts directly connect a ramp to an existing
If a ramp cannot be installed due to lack network of paths. To create a smooth
DIN 18 065 on “Stairs for buildings” of space, a bridge can be made barrier- transition between a network of paths
(»Gebäudetreppen«) regulates the form free with a lift (Figs. 11 and 12). Lifts and a bridge they should be coordinated
of such stairs, providing precise details in public space must be very robust (to and modified where necessary.
on their geometry, the formation of steps, withstand vandalism for example) and
gradients, landings and railings. operational safety and failsafe function- The following values are stipulated:
ing, especially during operation at night, • Maximum ramp gradient 6 %
The following values are stipulated: must also be taken into account. • Minimum useful flight width between
• Staircase pitch s of at least 14 cm, Rules on barrier-free building included in edge deflectors 120 cm (suitable for
or a maximum of 19 cm DIN 18 024 apply to the dimensions and wheelchair users)
• Stair tread a of at least 26 cm, or a design of lifts. A lift car must have a mini- • For ramps longer than 600 cm an inter-
maximum of 37 cm mum clear width of 110 cm and a clear mediate landing 150 cm in length is
• Rise-to run ratio of 59 to 65 cm in depth of 140 cm for it to be suitable for required

9 Minimum dimensions of stairs

a single-flight stairs
b stairs with a landing
c Laurin stairs
10 Minimum dimensions of lifts
11 Stairs and lift, Bridge for Deutsche Telekom,
Bonn (D) 2010, schlaich bergermann und partner
12 Stairs and lift, Salinensteg, Bad Rappenau (D)
2008, schlaich bergermann und partner
13 Dimensions of ramps with the maximum permit-
ted gradient of 6 % and an intermediate landing
with a maximum length of 6 m
14 Required vertical width DB of covering band
15 Ramps and landings, Römersteinbruch,
St. Margarethen (A) 2008,
15 AllesWirdGut; Gmeiner-Haferl

Functional requirements
Railings, surface


• 10 cm high edge deflectors facilities. If there are railings at that height

• Handrails on both sides at a height of it will be useful to also install a separate
85 cm above the deck surface handrail at an appropriate height of ap-
• at the beginning and end of the ramp proximately 85 cm (Fig. 16). The “Addi-
free space of 150 ≈ 150 cm tional technical terms of contract and
guidelines for civil engineering works”
Intermediate landings on ramps longer (»Zusätzliche Technische Vertragsbe-
than 600 cm prevent people using the dingungen und Richtlinien für Ingenieur-
ramp from tiring quickly. These inter- bauten« – ZTV-ING) prescribe not only
mediate landings result in the walking the height of railings but also provide
surface looking bent and reduce aver- precise specifications on the dimensions
age gradient sm from 6 to 5.3 % (Fig. 13, of posts and handrails and the distances
p. 13). This is determined by the following between them (Figs. 20 and 21).
formula: These very conservative guidelines
17 apply to road traffic bridges as well as
s1 ∙ l1 + s2 ∙ l2 + s1 ∙ l1 to pedestrian bridges, so they should
sm = [%]
l1 + l2 + l1 serve only as a guide for relevant safety
aspects and not as rules for construction.
sm average gradient [%] They would otherwise make filigree rail-
l length [m] ings, which can greatly contribute to a
pedestrian bridge’s transparency, im-
This means that the ramp must be ex- possible.
tended by a further 13 %. This bent sur-
face can be concealed by installing a Railing infill must be installed so that
cordon, which results in a continuous there is no danger of people – especially
view. The required vertical width ΔB small children – slipping through them or
of the cordon can be determined using climbing on them. Flat, closed elements
the following formula (Fig. 14, p. 13): (Fig. 17) or relieved elements can be
installed to avoid this danger (Figs. 16,
ΔB = (sm - s2) ∙ L2 = (-sm + s1) ∙ L1 [m] 18 and 19). Horizontal or vertical rods
18 and wire or cable nets prevent people
Railings from slipping through open infill. For rail-
Various demands are made onpedestri- ings with vertical infill rods, the maximum
an bridge railings. On the one hand they distance between the rods should be
serve to protect people from falling off 12 cm. People must be prevented from
the bridge, so they must be able to with- climbing on or over horizontal infill rods
stand horizontal loads of up to 0.8 kN/m. by inward sloping railings or handrails
On the other hand they are designed (see Finishing, p. 68ff.). Choosing a nar-
to offer support and guidance, especial- row-gauge mesh with a maximum of 60 ≈
ly for people whose mobility is impaired. 40 mm for cable net railings will prevent
The prescribed height of handrails for people from climbing on it.
pedestrians is 1.00 –1.10 m and for cy-
clists 1.20 m. The Forschungsgesell- Surface
schaft für Straßen- und Verkehrswesen A pedestrian bridge’s surface has many
e.V. (Road and Transportation Research functions. It provides the necessary slip-
Association) in Cologne actually recom- resistance as well as a continuous final
19 mends a height of 1.30 m for cycle traffic finish to the pedestrian deck. The sur-

Functional requirements

face also seals the bridge’s transverse resistance. A slip resistance in category Wood, glass or grid surfaces can also
section, minimising corrosion and pro- R 10 or R 11 is prescribed for outdoor be load-bearing elements, however, they
tecting the structure from mechanical walkways. This degree of slip resistance may have to be adapted to local single
damage. can be easily achieved by installing bitu- loads, such as for the wheel load of a
No slip resistance specifications are pro- minous or mineral surfaces. light commercial vehicle. These surfaces
vided in bridge construction regulations. Bituminous surfaces are tried and tested, require additional slip resistance meas-
BGR 181 issued by the “Berufsgenos- but have the disadvantage of also being ures when they are wet. More slip-re-
senschaft Handel und Warendistribution” very thick (60 –100 mm) and thus very sistant wood surfaces can be created
(“Retail and Goods Distribution Liability heavy. So-called ‘thin film surfaces’ made by grooving the wood or installing epoxy
and Insurance Association”) is helpful of epoxy resins can be used as an alter- resin strips with a sand finish. Glass can
here. It outlines five categories specifying native. These are 5 to 10 mm thick and be made more slip-resistant by etching
degrees of slip resistance. Surfaces in are interspersed with quartz sand to form or sandblasting the surface. The slip
the R 9 category must comply with the a surface. They can be laid on concrete resistance of grid surfaces can be im-
lowest and those in category R 13 must and steel, so they are particularly suitable proved by profiling the grid bars (see
comply with the highest degrees of slip for the construction of pedestrian bridges. Finishing, p. 65ff.).

Minimum dimensions for steel railings

Railing height • at a fall height of < 12 m ≥ 1000 mm
• at a fall height of > 12 m ≥ 1100 mm
• for cycle paths and pedestrian and cycle paths ≥ 1200 mm
Post positioning • for infill rods and cross-beam railings and railings 2000 – 2500 mm
with wire netting infill
• for short-post filled-rod railings ≤ 2000 mm
• for tubular railings 1500 – 2000 mm
• for vertical extension rails 2670 mm
Handrail width • for bridges over roads and paths ≥ 120 mm
• for pedestrian and cycle path bridges ≥ 80 mm
• for tubular railings and service roads ≥ 60.3 mm
• Clearance of infill rods ≤ 120 mm
Clearance between bases and ledges 120 mm
• for short-post filled-rod railings 80 mm
• for railings with wire netting infill 50 mm
Distance between the axes of the posts and the joint or end of the wing ≥ 250 mm
Projection of the handrail (lower section) above end posts 50 mm

Structural element Profile [mm]

Cold profiles Tubes

Handrail, not shared 120/28/27, 5/23/65/23/27, 5/28 ≈ 4 or equivalent 60.3 ≈ 2.9 16 Filled-rod railing
or 80/30/17, 5/12/45/12/17, 5/30 ≈ 4 for pedestrian 17 Railing made of glass plates set at different
and cycle path bridges angles
18 Railing made of woven steel
Handrail shared 19 Steel mesh railing
• Upper section 18/25/120/25/18 ≈ 4 20 Minimum dimensions for steel railings in compli-
• Lower section 15/50/80/50/15 ≈ 4 ance with ZTV-ING, Part 8
21 Cross-sections and thicknesses for steel railings
Cross beam 60 ≈ 40 ≈ 4 60.3 ≈ 2.9 in compliance with ZTV-ING, Part 8

Posts 70 ≈ 70 ≈ 5 60.3 ≈ 2.9

Short posts 60 ≈ 60 [1] RWTH Aachen et al. Advanced Load Models
for Synchronous Pedestrian Excitation and Opti-
Infill rods 15 ≈ 30 mised Design Guidelines for Steel Foot Bridges
21 (SYNPEX). 2008

Statics and dynamics

Pedestrian bridges must be designed large crowds of people. Even dense Horizontal loads
to be both static and dynamic. To test pedestrian traffic usually consists of just Pedestrian bridges often have a very
their stability, various impacts are simu- 1.5 persons /m2, which is a traffic load low width to length ratio, so horizontal
lated and a static calculation is used to of 1.20 kN/m2, not even a quarter of the transverse loads can influence their di-
determine the bridge’s dimensions and estimated maximum load. It is advisable mensions, especially if they have broad
behaviour. to estimate the probability of such un- spans. In contrast, horizontal longitudinal
usual crowding in advance and from this forces play a subordinate role.
Statics to derive a more nuanced and realistic
Static loads for pedestrian bridges are assessment of the maximum load, which Traffic loads
prescribed in individual countries’ regula- can also result in lower dimensions and Horizontal traffic loads with a longitudi-
tions. In Germany it is the DIN Technical costs. The usual standards (Fig. 2, p. 18) nal direction are estimated across the
Report 101 “Impacts on bridges” (DIN- do not allow for any differentiation in this board at 10 % of the vertical distributed
Fachbericht 101 »Einwirkungen auf area, so a little-used bridge for hikers area load and with the addition of vehi-
Brücken«), that specifies the load of a must be designed to have the same dis- cle loads at 60 % of the bridge’s own
bridge’s own weight as well as traffic tributed area load as an access bridge vertical load.
loads, wind, temperature, impact and for an event hall. Railings must also be designed to take
snow loads. European standardisation A more differentiated approach would horizontal loads, which will determine
means that Eurocodes are due to replace also be appropriate in determining load the dimensions of balusters and their
the DIN technical report but they will distributions in a lateral direction. It is anchoring in the superstructure. Horizon-
adopt the technical report’s main ap- highly unlikely that a crowd of panicked tal loads are usually bypassed in the
proaches, so no fundamental changes people would be on just one side of a support system, so that no loads from the
are expected. bridge with nobody on the other side. bridge deck affect the support columns
DIN Technical Report 101, however, only or abutment. The beam load on the hand-
Vertical loads allows for a more differentiated consider- rail, directed either outwards or inwards,
A bridge’s own weight and traffic loads ation of loads for bridges with a deck is set at 0.80 kN/m.
are the main vertical loads. Wind and width of 6 m and over. Yet even for nar-
snow loads are less important. rower bridges a differentiation between
loads on the two sides of just 50 % would
Traffic loads certainly be more realistic and given the
The vertical traffic load on a pedestrian torsional stress that often determines
bridge is estimated at 5 kN/m2 for bridges a bridge’s dimensions, which would
with spans of up to 10 m. Loads are lower also be reduced by 50 %, would result
for bridges with wider spans in accord- in major savings on the cross section
ance with the following formula: (Fig. 3, p. 18).
Two approaches can be used in the
120 ≤ 5.0 [kN/m2] local analysis of individual structural
2.5 ≤ qfk = 2.0 + d = 0.4 P/m2 d = 0.8 P/m2 d = 1.5 P/m2
lsj + 30 components: either an individual load
of 10 kN can be taken into account
lsj Individual span [m] or if emergency or service vehicles
qfk Distributed area load [kN/m] drive on it, the bridge’s load can be
calculated with a load model based on
This reduces traffic area loads for 25 m a 2-axle light truck with a total weight of
spans to 4.18 kN/m2, for 50 m spans 12 t (120 kN) (Fig. 4, p. 18). For second-
to 3.50 kN/m2 and for 100 m spans to ary structural components in particular
2.92 kN/m2. (e.g. cross girders), such a model can
Figure 1 makes it clear that the maximum be relevant to the bridge’s overall mea-
load per m2 is only reached with very surements. 1 acceptable full crowded

Statics and dynamics

Traffic load [kN/m2]


0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200
Length [m]
SIA 160 (CH) DIN Technical Report 101 (EU)
Fascicule Spécial 72-21 (F) BS 5400 (GB)
Austroads 92 (AUS) SABS 0160-1989 (ZA), NBR 7188 (BR)
2 CHBDC (CDN) Footbridge Design Code 1979 (J)

Impact load mon types of cross sections can be ex-

0.5 x bridge 0.5 x bridge DIN Technical Report 101 specifies a posed to wind loads ranging from 1.0 to
deck width deck width horizontal impact load for structural com- 3.0 kN per metre.
Beam ponents exposed to danger of 1,000 kN
100 % Traffic load loads in the traffic direction and 500 kN at a Measurements made on many bridges
50 % Traffic load
right angle to the traffic direction at an have shown that the loads specified in
impact height of 1.25 m (for bridges the standard are set mainly higher than
3 over roads). These loads are declared the values measured. Since the standard
exceptional impacts and may therefore makes only generalised statements, it
be subject to lower safety levels. They is often more useful to identify more real-
are however so large that they basically istic wind loads with a wind tunnel test.
preclude slender support pillars. If these In these tests, a model of the structure
are still desired, it must be proven that built to scale with appropriate pressure
their stability will be ensured, even if the sensors is placed in a wind tunnel and
3.00 m pillars fail or become very deformed. exposed to a turbulence flow similar to
Otherwise, the only solution is to build that of flows expected at the structure’s
thick support pillars, a massive, impact- site (Fig. 5).
resistant base or a robust protective or It is well worth using wind tunnel tests
Axial load Axial load deflective structure. to realistically assess loads, especially
1.30 m

80 kN 40 kN
when building large bridges, so that the
Wind loads structures can be designed to be more
0.20 m

Another component that often determines efficient and profitable. The costs of test-
a bridge’s dimensions, and for bridges ing will be more than offset by the sav-
0.20 m with broad spans sometimes also its ings made on materials and optimised
design, is wind load. Appendix N of DIN cross sections.
4 Direction of the bridge’s axis Technical Report 101 contains wind load Light pedestrian bridges are also often
specifications. Wind speeds depend on susceptible to vibration. This form of exci-
a bridge’s location (wind load zone) and tation by wind can easily be tested in a
height. A bridge’s cross-sectional shape wind tunnel.
also influences the wind load on its struc-
ture. The wind load resulting from wind Temperature loads
flow around a bridge is determined by Temperature loads may become impor-
the aerodynamic shape parameter cp and tant if they cause deformation and affect
by its surface area. a structure’s fitness for purpose. A tem-
Fig. 6 shows the values for wind loads perature change of 30 °C can cause a
on some common bridge cross sections stressed ribbon bridge with a 100 m
in zones 3 and 4. If there are pedestrians span and a 2 m ribbon sag to warp in
or cyclists on the bridge, the cross sec- mid-span by approx. 30 cm – a consider-
tion the wind is flowing around changes able magnitude.
accordingly. This can be accounted for Substantial forces can be induced if
in the design with a rectangular traffic expansions or contractions due to tem-
platform built at a height of 1.80 m. The perature changes are obstructed in stati-
wind load W can range from 0.8 kN/m2 cally-indeterminate structures. Integral
for slender piers close to the ground bridges having no bearings can only
in wind load zone 1 up to 4.7 kN/m2 for react to changes in the superstructure’s
very high, compact superstructures near length with increased secondary stress.
5 windy coasts (wind load zone 4). Com- Chapter V of DIN Technical Report 101

Statics and dynamics

Effect of wind W [kN/m2] Effect of wind W [kN/m2]

without traffic with traffic
on superstructures
b /d ze ≤ 20 m 20 m < ze ≤ 50 m 50 m < ze ≤ 100 m ze ≤ 20 m 20 m < ze ≤ 50 m 50 m < ze ≤ 100 m
≤ 0.5 2.55 3.55 4.20 2.10 2.95 3.45
=4 1.40 1.95 2.25 1.15 1.60 1.90
≥5 1.40 1.95 2.25 0.90 1.25 1.45
on pillars and piers 1
b /d ze ≤ 20 m 20 m < ze ≤ 50 m 50 m < ze ≤ 100 m
≤ 0.5 2.40 3.40 4.00
≥5 1.05 1.50 1.75
Wind effects on piers and pillars can be reduced by 50 % by using square piers or piers with square cross-
6 sections with curved corners with a ratio of r/d ≥ 0.20, r is the radius of the curve.

defines the temperature loads that com- • wind-induced vibration, such as tur- that it negatively affect its users.
bine in a cross section made of various bulence-induced transverse vibration Two approaches to controlling pedestrian
components (Fig. 7, p. 20). Even temper- and aeroelastic instability (e.g. flutter bridges’ dynamic behaviour are there-
ature changes (Fig. 7 a) and the linear or galloping, see p. 22) fore taken in their design:
variable temperature rate (Figs. 7 b and c) • Avoidance of wind-induced vibration
are usually estimated for bridges. Fluctuations in air pressure caused by and in particular aeroelastic instability
Temperature changes in structural com- passing vehicles can also make pedes- due to wind
ponents can range from 35 to +40 K. The trian bridges crossing just above roads • Avoidance of excessive vibration
linear variable temperatures in the cross or railway lines vibrate. and the resulting restriction of the
section can range from +18 to -18 K. bridge’s fitness for purpose due to
Adverse stresses can also be caused The issue of vibration in pedestrian human-induced vibrations
by temperature differences between dif- bridges is as old as bridge construction
ferent structural elements (e.g. tension itself. Historic suspension bridges, such Potential vibration problems should be
member and arch or hanger/cable stays as the Saint Georges bridge over the dealt with at an early stage in the pedes-
and superstructure). As well as a con- Saône in Lyon show, however, that vibra- trian bridge’s design when they can still
stant rate for all structural components, tion does not automatically cause prob- be responded to appropriately. During
15 K must be taken into account as a lems. This footbridge connects two Lyon the design process, when there is still no
possible differential. suburbs and many people walk across it precise data available on footing, damp-
every day. Its vibrations can be clearly ing, final cross sections and any pre-load
Vandalism felt but do not affect pedestrians. Many forces in the support cables, pre-static
Vandalism is often discussed, although of these suspension bridges remain in calculations should also be made to iden-
its impact is less of a load than a case use for several decades and none is tify the bridge’s natural frequencies and
of destructive activities and a related fail- known to have collapsed due to fatigue normal modes. These calculations can
ure of individual structural components or vandalism. provide a wealth of information on a
modifying the static system and reducing On the other hand, prominent examples structure’s expected vibration behaviour,
the bridge’s load-bearing capacity. A risk such as the Millennium Bridge in London allowing planners to react to possible
assessment should be able to realistically and the Passerelle Solférino in the centre excessive vibrations in the design phase
assess the probability of vandalism and of Paris, show that excessive vibration and to easily incorporate counter-mea-
its effects on a structure’s safety, ensur- can greatly impair a bridge’s fitness for sures. Extra dampers can, for example,
ing that no excessive demands will have purpose if the vibrations are strong enough be optimally integrated into the design
a significant effect. to make it hard for users to walk or to sub- and any necessary anchoring or rein-
stantially decrease their comfort. forcement provided.
Pedestrian bridge vibration is an impor- Both bridges attracted negative public-
tant but often neglected topic. Excessive ity. The Millennium Bridge was in partic-
vibration can greatly impair a bridge’s ular subject to horizontal vibration, which 1 Various pedestrian traffic densities
fitness for purpose and disturb pedestri- is especially uncomfortable for pedestri- 2 Traffic loads for pedestrian bridges in various
ans. Various effects can make a bridge ans. In both cases, the bridges were countries according to span length
3 Differentiated treatment of loads in the event of
vibrate, especially if it is very flexible and expensively refurbished and additional unilateral traffic loads
has a light cross section or broad spans. damper elements were installed after 4 Point loads of a light truck as load model for
calculating individual structural elements subject
Two dynamic excitations are especially completion (Fig. 8, p. 20). This is some- to exceptional loads
significant: thing of a balancing act, because on 5 Wind tunnel test for a pedestrian bridge in Lyon
• human-induced vibrations, including the one hand, dampers and tuned mass with turbulence field and wind rotors
6 Wind effects on bridges for the wind load zones
deliberate excitation or vandalism dampers should be avoided for economic 3 and 4 (inland)
(if people make a bridge vibrate ex- and often for design reasons, but on the b Bridge deck width [m]
d Top edge height including parapet if any
cessively by rhythmical jumping, knee other hand a bridge cannot be allowed to lower edge of the support structure [m]
bends or rocking). to move unpleasantly or accelerate such ze Wind-resulting

Statics and dynamics


= + + + x


Centre of gravity

7 a b c d 8

As the two examples mentioned above Like a guitar string, but much slower, < 0.8), the additional mass of pedestri-
show, it is possible to subsequently im- it has fundamental frequencies and ans in a continuous stream of pedestrians
prove the vibration behaviour of a com- harmonics, which are also called natu- should be taken into account, because
pleted bridge through measures such ral modes. These are consecutively this further lowers the natural frequency.
as the installation of dampers. Dampers numbered according to their oscillation The mass of individual people or groups
do not however always fit optimally into periods, with the longest oscillation of up to ten people can however gener-
a design and can tend to look like extra- period referred to as the first normal ally be safely neglected.
neous elements. mode. Normal mode is also referred to The modal mass of every normal mode
Experience gained systematically in as mode shape. It describes the bridge can also be calculated. FEM programmes
recent years in the area of human- in a deflected state, like a pendulum at often display this value in the eigenvalue
induced vibration and research into maximum deflection. calculation. It shows which mass is active
the synchronisation of pedestrians with Normal modes can be used to differen- in a vibration. It is not hard to transfer
lateral vibrations have helped to make tiate vertical and horizontal bending vi- the vibration problem from the complex
it possible to calculate excessive vibra- brations as well as torsional or rotational calculation model in the FEM programme
tion in advance and thus avoid it. The vibrations, of a beam bridge for example to an easily calculable single mass oscil-
EU-funded SYNPEX and HIVOSS [1] (Fig. 10). The cables of suspension lator. This makes it possible to carry
research projects and the French road bridges mean that coupled normal out the calculation with a concentrated
construction authority SETRA have devel- modes combining torsional and bending mass, which is positioned on a spring
oped new methods of measuring human- vibrations can often occur in this type with the same vibration period as the
induced vibration that planning engineers of bridge (Fig. 11). bridge (Fig. 9).
can easily use. These make it easy to Simple bridges’ natural frequencies can
estimate expected accelerations and be identified by means of tables or pen- Excitation, system response, resonance
compare them with the limits stipulated and-paper calculations. The natural fre- Dynamic excitations include loads that
in the comfort classes. quencies and normal modes of more change their position or size with varying
Wind engineers, who can carry out wind complex load-bearing systems, such as speed (e.g. pedestrians), and sudden
tunnel tests if necessary, should be con- suspension bridges, support structures loads, such as those caused by wind
sulted on designs likely to be subject trussed with sag rods or curved bridges, gusts. The bridge, and especially the
to wind-induced vibration and aeroelastic can be calculated by using the Finite bridge deck, responds with an elastic
instability. Element Method (FEM). This calculation deformation, depending on the load.
method is now used in the design phase Observing deformation changes over a
Natural frequencies and normal modes for preliminary calculations, allowing period of time will reveal the speeds and
A pedestrian bridge, like every structure, an initial assessment of the bridge’s accelerations, which can be used to
is a system capable of vibration. If a expected behaviour to be made at a assess the pedestrian bridge’s comfort.
bridge is briefly excited by an impact very early stage. In calculating natural A bridge’s ability to vibrate will only
to its deck, for example, it vibrates for frequencies, it must be noted that all become a problem in the presence
a certain period at a certain natural fre- additional loads such as the surfacing, of a relevant excitation. If there is a
quency, so this is a major key figure in deck structure and railings and their great disparity between a pedestrian
assessing its susceptibility to vibration. masses must also be taken into account. bridge’s excitation frequency and its
The natural frequency of a beam bridge This additional mass leads to a lowering natural frequency, any vibration will be
for example, depends mainly on its span of natural frequencies. A 20 % increase barely perceptible. If however, dynamic
length, bending stiffness and the mass in the mass of a beam bridge means a excitation frequencies correspond with
of the bridge’s deck. 10 % increase in the bridge’s vibration the bridge’s natural frequency, reso-
The greater the bridge’s bending stiff- period or, to put it another way, a 10 % nance, i.e. an amplified resonance re-
ness, the higher its natural frequency will reduction in its natural frequency. For sponse from the system, will occur. This
be. The longer or heavier the bridge, the light bridges, where the ratio between greatly increases the maximum system
lower its natural frequency. Every pedes- the bridge deck mass and the mass of response to a dynamic load, even under
trian bridge has its own vibration pattern. pedestrians is low (ratio bridge /people the same static load. Resonance occurs

Statics and dynamics

when accelerations result from the ratio Unstable behaviour means that a system
of the excitation to the vibrating mass is no longer in equilibrium. Aeroelastic
and to damping. The greater the damping instability occurs when both forces in-
or vibrating mass, the smaller the accel- crease due to an amplifying interaction
erations, i.e. given the same excitation between aerodynamic forces and vibra-
but double the mass, the accelerations tions. More energy is fed into the vibrating
will be only half. system than the structural damping and a
aerodynamic damping can dissipate, so
Damping the system vibrates at ever-increasing
Damping deflects the vibrations, reduc- amplitudes.
ing their amplitude and the vibrations
subside. The vibrating system’s kinetic Turbulence-induced transverse vibrations
energy is dissipated, i.e. converted Turbulence-induced transverse vibra-
into other forms of energy, such as heat. tions are caused by the periodic impact b
There are various kinds of damping. of turbulence on a cross section. If the
Structural damping describes the damp- frequency of turbulence corresponds with
ing behaviour of a structure, with its joints the bridge’s natural frequency, resonance
and supports, while material damping with large amplitude vibrations occurs.
describes only inner damping in the ele- Targeted damping measures can how-
ments due to varying loads. ever limit these amplitudes. 10 c
It is hard to reliably and realistically esti-
mate damping values in planning be-
cause many factors influence damping
behaviour. Damping may be modified
by different means of joining, depending
on whether joints are screwed or welded
together, for example. Experience has
shown that fittings such as an asphalt
surface and a wire mesh railing can greatly
contribute to damping, which can be
proven by subsequently measuring the a
7 Temperature curve for a single structural element
a Even changes in temperate ΔTN
Excitation by wind b Linear variable temperature rate at the
Wind can also make bridges vibrate. This x-z level ΔTMz
c Linear variable temperature rate at the
can result in excessive loads, although x-y level ΔTMy
less from vibrations caused by wind d non-linear temperature distribution ΔTE
gusts than from turbulence-induced trans- 8 Dampers, Millennium Bridge, London, (GB)
2000, Foster + Partners, Sir Anthony Caro;
verse vibrations and aeroelastic instabil- b
Ove Arup & Partners
ity. Aeroelastic instability includes phe- 9 A suspension bridge’s vibrations can be
transferred to an easily calculable single mass
nomena such as bending and torsional oscillator.
galloping, flutter and divergence. While 10 Normal modes of a beam bridge
aerodynamics deal with aerodynamic a Vertical flexural vibration
b Torsional vibration
forces, aeroelastics describes the often c Transversal vibration
very extensive interactions between a 11 Normal modes of a suspension bridge,
a Vertical flexural vibration
support structure’s elastic behaviour and b Torsional vibration
aerodynamic forces. c Transversal vibration 11 c

Statics and dynamics

Wind force



v ΔF = F1 - F2
v=0 F2

Wind α Wres α
= =

Reality Resulting wind force Wind tunnel α1 α2 Angle α

12 13

Galloping phenomenon is the Tacoma Narrows stiffness prevents the increase in rotation
Galloping is an aeroelastic instability Bridge in the American state of Washing- from becoming greater than the increase
typical of slender structures, occuring, ton, which collapsed in 1940 after just in the load caused by rotation.
for example, when icicles form on high- four months in operation. In most cases, the critical wind speed at
voltage power lines as well as in light pe- which divergence occurs is higher than
destrian bridges or those with long spans. Flutter occurs in particular with deforma- that for flutter, so this phenomenon is of
The vibrations in galloping are caused ble, slab-shaped cross sections, which secondary importance.
by the cross section’s own movement in bridge decks often are. DIN 10554 on Every bridge design should aim to avoid
the wind (Fig. 12) so that the bridge exe- »Wind loads« provides simple tips on aeroelastic instability. In contrast to hu-
cutes bending or torsional vibrations. This the conditions in which there is no danger man-induced vibrations, which can be
can easily be simulated in a wind tunnel of flutter occurring: controlled using dampers, thereby com-
in a static test by measuring wind force • The bridge deck should have an elon- plying with the maximum values, experi-
from various angles and ensuring that gated cross section with a width (d) to ence has shown that problems associ-
the change of wind force Δ F does not height (b) ratio of d /b > 4. ated with aeroelastic instability cannot be
become negative so no forces increase • The bridge deck’s axis of torsion must solved by increasing damping. Sound
the movement (Fig. 13). The amplitudes be parallel to the deck and at a right aerodynamic design of the cross section,
that occur can be several times higher angle to the prevailing wind direction. such as the attaching of deflector plates
than the cross section. To avoid this ef- A certain distance (d /4) must also to the side of the bridge deck, which re-
fect, the speed at which galloping starts be maintained between the centre of duces the impact of air flows on the cross
should always be greater than the maxi- movement and the edge of the cross section, can prevent aeroelastic instabil-
mum expected wind speed. If there is section facing the wind. The cross ity. Wind tunnel tests are usually essential
little disparity between the critical speed sections of bridges whose centres to a bridge’s design and in proving the
for turbulence-induced transverse vibra- of movement usually lie in the middle effectiveness of deflector plates. These
tions and the speed at which galloping of the bridge generally fulfil this re- tests are carried out on a model repre-
is initiated, interaction effects between quirement. senting a section of the bridge’s cross
turbulence-induced transverse vibrations • The bridge’s lowest natural frequency section that is mounted on springs so it
and galloping can occur. In this case, must be part of a torsional vibration or can be adjusted to ensure that the mod-
aeroelastic wind tunnel tests should be torsional natural frequency that is ap- el’s dynamic behaviour is consistent with
carried out. proximately double that of the lowest the real bridge’s.
flexural natural frequency. This means
Flutter that rotation movement’s frequency Excitation by pedestrians
Flutter is an aeroelastic phenomenon in must not be allowed to coincide with Pedestrians move at various speeds and
which vertical and torsional vibrations are the frequency of a vertical vibration have different step lengths and step fre-
coupled and wind flows cause variable and that they must be at a sufficient quencies. Average normal walking step
forces to impact the cross section, fur- distance from one another. frequency is 1.8 – 2.0 Hz, with the lower
ther amplifying the vibrations. These are limit at about 1.3 Hz and the upper limit
also self-induced vibrations, in which Divergence at approx. 2.3 Hz (Fig. 15). These two
movement in the wind leads to a further Another aeroelastic phenomenon is di- figures mark the critical area in which the
increase in the load. The system draws vergence. This is however not a dynamic bridge can be excited to cause vertical
energy from the flow and stores it in the problem that occurs in the context of vi- or torsional vibrations. Simplified assump-
form of elastic deformations. A small bration but a static problem. Wind forces tions made in the design may not hold
initial deflection, such as a gust of wind, often produce a torsional moment on a in reality, so forces impacting the bridge
can initiate this mechanism. If energy bridge’s cross section, causing it to rotate may fluctuate.
input into the bridge becomes greater more with increasing wind speed. This Individual pedestrians or groups can
than the energy dissipated by damping, imposes a higher torsion load, which in cause a bridge to vibrate in vertical and
vibration will greatly increase. A famous turn results in increased deformation. horizontal directions. Every step imposes
example of the destructive effect of this The structure will be stable as long as its a pulse-like load on the bridge; many

Statics and dynamics
Vertical force FV [kN]

Lateral force Fq [N]

Longitudinal force Fl [N]

Step frequency f L = 2,0 Hz
1.5 normal walking 40 160
Walking with firm steps
30 120
20 80
10 40
0 0
0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8
0.5 -10 -40
Time t [s] Time t [s]
-20 -80
-30 -120
0 -40 -160
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8
Time t [s]
14 a b c

steps can lead to excitation with a con- stress ribbon bridges could not be built 12 Simulation of forces F on a cross section from
varying angles α (galloping)
sistent rhythm. Every step results in a in compliance with this specification and v speed of the cross section in the wind
force component in a vertical direction designs with long spans would not be 13 Critical force vectors for galloping from various
(vertical force Fv) as well as a lateral economically viable. For this reason, the angles a
14 Vertical (a), lateral (b) and longitudinal forces (c)
(lateral force Fq) and a longitudinal com- SYNPEX and HIVOSS research projects on a bridge surface caused by walking
ponent (longitudinal force Fl) with respect developed a new method for calculating 15 Typical step frequency, speed and step length
of an adult
to the traffic direction and thereby ex- the natural frequencies of pedestrian
cites the pedestrian bridge to vertical or bridges in the range of pedestrians’ step
torsional vibrations or lateral oscillation frequencies. It recommends the following
(Figs. 14 and 16, p. 24). This especially steps:
effects natural frequencies in the range • Calculation of the bridge’s natural fre-
of the step frequency of pedestrians. quencies
• Testing whether the system’s natural
One phenomenon that was already well frequencies are in the critical range.
known when the Millennium Bridge in 0.5 –1.2 Hz is regarded as critical for
London was built, is that of horizontal lateral oscillation, while 1.25 – 2.30 Hz
vibration increasing to greater ampli- is seen as critical for vertical and tor-
tudes. This occurs because the deck’s sional vibrations. Natural frequencies
swaying leads pedestrians to change ranging from 2.5 to 4.6 Hz could also
their gait and adopt a kind of “sailor’s cause vertical and torsional vibrations,
walk”, which exerts a much greater although no cases of this range of fre-
transversal force than normal walking. quencies leading to excessive move-
If pedestrians try to move at the same ment are known.
frequency as the swaying, the problem • Selection of design situation, which
is magnified due to resonance. This is consists of traffic density and a comfort
referred to as the synchronisation of pe- criterion. The comfort criterion corre-
destrians with a bridge or “lock-in effect”. sponds with a maximum acceleration
After its problems with the Millennium of the walking surface. The probability
Bridge, the Arup firm carried out compre- and frequency of various impacts must
hensive investigations and summarised also be taken into account in choosing
their results in universal design propos- the design situation.
als for testing for the risk of the lateral • Estimate of the damping necessary for
lock-in effect. the design
Pedestrian bridges can and should move • Calculation of the speed of the speci-
when pedestrians use them and this must fied traffic density. The corresponding
not always be only regarded as disturb- load models have a constant vibration Step fre- Speed Step
ing. Swinging footbridges can be fun, but pattern over time, which can be found quency fs vs length ls
they must also always be fit for purpose. in the relevant specialist literature [2]. [Hz] [m/s] [m]
This calculation can be made in a slow
1.7 1.0 0.60
In some older regulations and standards, modal analysis or by using FEM pro-
natural frequencies of more than 5 Hz in grammes. walking
2.0 1.5 0.75
pedestrian bridges were recommended • Testing for the risk of lateral ”lock-in”
or called for so as to completely avoid • Proving fitness for purpose by compar- 2.3 2.3 1.00
human-induced vibrations. This frequency ing the accelerations identified with normal
2.5 3.1 1.25
criteria would unnecessarily restrict de- the comfort class specifications. If the running
sign diversity. Light pedestrian bridges specifications are not complied with, fast
> 3.2 5.5 1.75
with long spans such as suspension or further measures will be required. running

Statics and dynamics

Ground reaction force

from the left foot
lateral movement of
the centre of gravity

Ground reaction force

from the right foot

lateral deck
lateral deck
performed positive work = increase
+ + + + negative work = reduction
- - - -
16 Time

Perception and assessment of vibrations al requirements, p. 9ff.) will be helpful

Perceptions of vibrations vary not only in making decisions on the traffic densi-
from person to person, but also depend ty and comfort criteria relevant to the
on the vibration’s frequency and direc- design.
tion, duration of exposure and a person’s
posture. Perceived vibration is an impor- One-off or rarely occurring events, such
tant aspect of a bridge’s quality. Whether as the bridge’s opening ceremony at-
vibrations are in fact perceived as dis- tended by lots of people, may lead to
turbing will depend on perceptions and clearly perceptible vibrations, but do
expectations. An experiment carried not represent a static problem. In such
out by the RWTH Aachen as part of the cases, the maximum comfort class does
SYNPEX research project shows how not necessarily have to apply.
32 % different assessments of similar vibrations It is advisable to talk to clients at an early
can be. The bridges studied were com- stage about any vibrations that may occur
parable in terms of their span length and and point out to them that the new bridge
dynamic qualities, and even the human- will display certain »liveliness«. This will
58 %
induced vibration speeds were similar. prepare clients and they will support the
Only 10 % of pedestrians felt that the ideas behind the design of an excited,
vibrations of the decks of light suspen- vibrating bridge.
10 % sion bridges were disturbing (Fig. 17 a),
a while for arched bridges the figure was Measuring vibrations
40 % (Fig. 17 b). The expected vibration On-site measurements can precisely
of the light suspension bridge is obviously verify the natural frequencies of bridges
greater than that of a more rigid arched subject to vibration, so that damping can
bridge. When walking becomes difficult be calculated and the actual accelera-
or lateral movement impairs people’s bal- tions for small groups of pedestrians
ance, however it is no longer a case of identified. These measurements can
subjective perception, but an objective be made at comparatively little cost and
reduction in comfort. effort. The measuring equipment required
includes an accelerometer, a vibration
Important aspects in the measurement meter, and an apparatus for recording
of the human-induced vibrations of pe- the values measured. Vibration meters
destrian bridges are the bridge’s location, measure vibration speeds or accelera-
13 % traffic densities, the type of traffic and tions. Both systems are commonly used
expected usage. A bridge in an urban in practice. A sufficiently large number
park that people stroll over on weekends of vibration meters on a bridge can be
makes far fewer demands in terms of dy- used to determine not only the ampli-
namic design than an inner-city bridge tudes of vibrations but also a bridge’s
47 % that links transport hubs and is crossed natural frequencies and normal modes
by thousands of commuters daily on their and damping for every natural frequency.
way to work. For this reason, traffic class- These measurements form a basis for
es representing the relevant traffic densi- the exact design of the dampers, whose
40 % ties were introduced into the design pro- dimensions can be determined in ad-
b cess. Selection of a realistic traffic class vance based on the calculation. After
is an important basis for further planning. they are installed, their effectiveness
An engineering estimate of the frequency should be tested with further measure-
17 not disturbing disturbing amusing of various traffic densities (see Function- ments.

Statics and dynamics

18 19
a b
Experience has shown that structural • Changing the frequencies by modifying 16 Schematic depiction of synchronised walking
17 Comparison of vibration measurements of two
elements such as railings and surfaces the bridge’s mass or reinforcing it bridges
can contribute greatly to damping. Mea- • Increasing structure damping, e.g. a Kochenhofsteg, Stuttgart (D)
surements of new pedestrian bridges by installing a damping surface. b Wachtelsteg, Pforzheim (D)
18 Horizontal dynamic vibration absorbers
should therefore be made only after com- • Installing additional damping elements (pendulum dampers)
pletion, as far as possible. Sufficient time • Active vibration control, which uses a Installation of the dynamic vibration absorbers
b Underside of a bridge with installed dynamic
must also be planned for this and for the devices to feed active forces into the vibration absorbers
possible installation of damping or vibra- system to counteract vibrations and 19 Vertical dynamic vibration absorbers
tion absorption measures. reduce their amplitudes.

The experimental identification of specific Changing a bridge’s frequency or mass

dynamic values can be divided into two often involves an extensive and undesir-
steps in accordance with the time and able intervention in a bridge’s overall
effort they entail: design, so additive measures in the form
• Step 1: of dampers or dynamic vibration absorb-
Identification of specific dynamic values ers tend to be preferred. The following
such as natural frequencies, modal damping elements, which can be in-
shapes and damping properties. These stalled after completion, are frequently
specific values can be used to design used:
the damping elements. • viscous dampers
• Step 2: • tuned mass dampers
Measurement of vibrations caused • tuned pendulum dampers
by pedestrians. The goal is to test the • tuned liquid column dampers
comfort criteria and results of the calcu- • liquid dampers
lations of the dynamic testing carried
out in the design phase. A very effective approach for bridges
is to enhance the damping system by
The experimental tests in step 2 should installing tuned mass dampers (TMD).
consist of several series of measure- These consist of an additional mass, a
ments, measuring accelerations caused spring and a damper element, which
by a single person, a group of people, dissipates energy by the flowing back
and a flow of pedestrians. The latter and forth of viscous material. These
involves considerable time and effort, three components are pre-assembled
especially for very long bridges, because in housing then attached to the bridge.
it requires a large number of people. Because the TMD take up extra space,
Based on these measurements, a planner it can be advantageous to consider
can decide together with a client whether them during the design stage and plan
additional damping measures need to be the components required for their instal-
carried out. lation (Figs. 18 and 19).
[1] RWTH Aachen et. al.: Advanced Load Models
Vibration control Dynamic behaviour issues should be for Synchronous Pedestrian Excitation and Opti-
If the calculated or experimentally mea- included in pedestrian bridge planning mised Design Guidelines for Steel Foot Bridges
sured accelerations exceed the values from the outset. Due to efforts in this area (SYNPEX). 2008
RWTH Aachen et. al.: Human Induced Vibrations
in the desired comfort class, further in recent years, these issues can now of Steel Structures. Leitfaden für die Bemessung
measures will be required. The following easily be predicted, assessed and cor- von Fußgängerbrücken (HIVOSS). 2008
[2] Heinemeyer, Christoph et. al.: Design of Light-
options, among others, are available to rected through damping or dynamic vi- weight Footbridges for Human Induced Vibrations.
planners: bration absorption. JRC Scientific and Technical Reports. 2009


In bridge design the aim should always G = A ∙ γ ∙ Lr factor, the bridge’s maximum span will
be to use as little material as possible. P = βz ∙ A be about 4,800 m. Huge bridges such
The Modernist architecture motto »Less as the planned Messina Bridge, which
is more« still applies. Using less material From G = P follows: Lr = βz / γ or H = βd / γ. would link Italy‘s mainland with Sicily,
means dispensing with the superfluous could be built using conventional materi-
and, following the principles of light- G Weight als with spans approximately this maxi-
weight construction, building structures A cross section surface [m2] mum span size. Wider spans can only
to be as light as possible and as rigid γ specific weight [kN/m3] be built using glass or carbon fibre rein-
as necessary. This requires the inclu- P permissible force forced plastics, which have a much
sion of a range of materials. Individual βz maximum tensile strength [N/mm2] higher β /γ value (Fig. 2). Such maximum
materials have very different properties βd maximum compressive strength considerations are unnecessary for pe-
and their efficiency becomes especially [N/mm2] destrian bridges with their shorter spans.
clear in interaction with other materials. For light, filigree bridges however, the
But how can a material’s efficiency be This calculation can be applied to a sus- material’s capacity and effectiveness
evaluated? pension cable or pressure arc. If a work- always plays a decisive role.
Breaking length is a specific tensile load ing ratio f/l = 1/10 of the length between
measurement. It describes the length at the arch’s rise or pitch and its end point Wood
which a freely suspended cross section is assumed, the maximum span length Wood rates very highly in any considera-
breaks under its own weight. With pres- can be calculated by a factor of 0.8 of the tion of the efficacy of various materials
sure loads, the maximum height is the breaking length or maximum height. as construction materials. Wood types
height at which a material reaches its If a suspension bridge’s design is based range from soft balsa wood with a density
maximum compressive strength under its on the realistic assumption that its cable of 1–2 kN/m3 up to ironwood, with a den-
own weight. The breaking length L, and must be capable of bearing a load equiv- sity of more than 10 kN/m3. They differ
maximum height H of a constant cross alent to its own weight as well as its own from each other not only in strength, but
section can be calculated as follows; weight, and if you include a triple safety in durability, which is stipulated in the

Construction material Material tensile strength βz Material weight γ Breaking length R

[MN/m2] [kN/m3] [km]
High-quality construction steel 520 78 6.7
Highest quality steel cable 2,100 78 27
Spruce 80 4.7 17
Concrete ca. 2.5 ca. 25 0.13
Glass fibre 1,500 25 60
Carbon fibre 2,100 15 140

Resistance classes
1 2 3 4 5
very durable durable fairly durable not very durable not durable
Afzelia Oak /Sessile oak Pitch pine Fir Birch
Maobi Chestnut Spruce Beech
Bilinga Western red cedar Elm Ash
Greenheart Bangkirai Northern red oak European lime
Padauk Bubinga Yellow meranti White meranti
Asiatic teak Merbau
Makore Bongossi
1 Suspension bridge, Mariensteg, Wernstein (A)/ Mahagony
Neuburg (D), 2006, Erhard Kargel Black locust Pine, larch, Douglas fir
2 Tensile strength, weight and breaking length of
Yellow Cedar (Alaska cedar)
various construction materials
American white oak
3 Resistance classes of various kinds of woods 3


Common Shrinkage rate Density

types when
of wood axial radial tangen- kiln-
[%] [%] tial [%] dried
Stress on the Non-critical Non-critical
European softwoods component crack depth crack length
Spruce 0.2– 0.4 3.6 – 3.7 7.9 – 8.5 0.43 Bending < 0,7 ≈ 1/3 of the
component component
Pine 0.2– 0.4 3.7– 4.0 7.7– 8.3 0.49
height length
European 0.1– 0.3 3.4 – 3.8 7.8 – 8.5 0.55 < 0,6 – 0,7 ≈
larch component width
Douglas fir 0.1– 0.3 4.8 – 5.0 7.6 – 8.0 0.48 Shear < 0,7 ≈ 1/3 of the
component component
European hardwoods height length
Oak / 0.3 – 0.6 4.6 10.9 0.65 < 0,45 – 0,65 ≈
Sessile oak component width

Chestnut 0.6  3.8  6.5  0.56 Buckling < 0,5 ≈ 1/3 of the
component component
Black locust 0.1  3.9  6.3  0.72 width length
4 5

resistance classes included in DIN EN Wood preservatives are designed to pre-

350-2 (Fig. 3). vent or combat infestation by organisms
The question of whether the wood will that can discolour or destroy the wood.
be used in the primary support structure These biocidal products destroy or com-
(e.g. a truss) or in a secondary, sub- bat harmful organisms by chemical or
sidiary structural element (e.g. surface biological means.
planks) will be decisive in selecting a Wood is one of the most ecologically
type of wood. For small and medium friendly construction materials available,
spans wood can be used in a primary a renewable material that uses compara-
support structure in beam, arch and tively little energy in processing and is
truss elements (Figs. 6 and 7). Wood completely recyclable. Chemically treat-
can be an interesting material to use ing wood to protect it should be avoided
for wider spans in appropriate combina- if possible, because the treatment turns
tions with other materials. Joining tech- wood into hazardous waste so it loses
6 nique plays a decisive role in wooden the advantage of sustainability.
structural elements subject to high stress Wood shrinks and swells as humidity
levels. Wood‘s tensile strength is twice changes. The maximum shrinkage rate
as high as its compressive strength. for central European timber types is on
Tensile splices are however very com- average axial shrinkage 0.3 %, radial
plicated, because forces are transferred shrinkage 4 % and tangential shrinkage
not by contact, as with the much simpler 8 % (Fig. 4). The large tangential value
lap splice, but must be diverted and is explained by extensive radial crack
returned through steel components formation (shrinkage cracks). If cracks
(Fig. 6). of critical depths develop (Fig. 5), an
The durability of a pedestrian bridge’s expert should assess them to ensure
material is also important because these that the structure’s load-bearing capacity
bridges are often entirely exposed to is maintained.
weather and varying degrees of humidity.
Damage caused by weather, insects and Stone
fungus can make wood not only unsightly, Building with stone once involved great
7 but can also greatly diminish its load- artisanship, as Gothic cathedrals still
bearing capacity, so it is vital to treat the prove today. For a long time it was easier
wood in these structures to protect it. and more efficient to build vertically
A basic distinction is made between upwards than in a horizontal direction.
the natural, structural and chemical pro- The stone arch, whose origins go back
tection of wood. Various types of wood to Roman times, became the archetype
also have their own natural protection of bridge building. The Romans were
(Fig. 3, p. 27). able to bridge large spans using very flat
Structural wood protection involves per- arches (Fig. 9).
manently protecting the material through Natural stone is divided into igneous stone
structural measures, such as roofing types (e.g. granite or basalt) and sedi-
(in accordance with DIN 68 800-2) so mentary stone (e.g. sandstone or lime-
preventative chemical treatment can be stone). Both types can be used for build-
dispensed with. This should generally ing bridges. Stone’s compressive strength
be considered at the design stage, even depends on its weight, which can be up
if further protective measures are subse- to 240 N/mm2 – a figure that even ultra-
8 quently used. high strength concrete barely reaches.


9 10

Further important parameters to consider used, whereas unbonded tendons are The formwork facing structure, surface
are the stone’s durability, type of joining now mainly used. They are easier to finish and colour of textured concrete
and workability. A look back at stone control, especially if they are externally surfaces should be precisely defined.
arch bridges, some of which have with- attached, and can also be exchanged Modifying the cement or adding pig-
stood assaults from the weather (and if necessary. ments can also change the concrete’s
other things) for over 2,000 years, testi- Concrete road and railway bridges are colour.
fies to this material’s durability. Stone is often longitudinally and transversely The reinforcement rods or mesh laid
a very robust material and cutting and pre-stressed. For narrow pedestrian in concrete consist of ductile, mallea-
milling machines that can cut very pre- bridges, longitudinal pre-stressing is ble steel, the yield point of which is
cisely have made working it much easier sufficient in the construction of slender 500 N/mm2. This reinforcement is easy
and less expensive. It is now possible beam and plate support structures. to weld and wound or rolled-on ribs
to exactly cut impact surfaces, the pre- In using concrete it must be noted that ensure that it bonds with the concrete.
condition for a sound transfer of forces it exhibits a time and load-dependent Pre-stressed steels are unalloyed steels
and high load-bearing capacity. This deformation behaviour, which is espe- that are cold-drawn and thus three times
also means that very thick layers of mor- cially noticeable in bridges whose own as strong as ordinary reinforcing steels.
tar can be dispensed with, because the weight is high. Shrinkage is a time- The ensuing tempering process means
transverse expansion of mortar joints dependent drying process of concrete. that this steel has less creep, also re-
can lead to damaging transverse stresses After a few years, concrete reaches a ferred to as “relaxation”. Damage to many
in the stone. In combination with other final shrinkage rate of approx. 0.2 mm /m. bridges shows how important it is to pay
materials in particular, exciting designs Creep in contrast, depends on both load great attention in particular to the con-
can be created with stone (Fig. 8), which and duration. A simple reinforced con- crete covering of reinforcements and pre-
is why a renaissance in the use of this crete flexural beam is subject to defor- stressed steel, because these elements
familiar and natural material would be mation from its own weight as well as to need adequate reinforcement protection.
highly desirable. additional creep deformation at three or DIN EN 1992-1-1 contains precise speci-
four times the rate of its elastic deforma- fications on this issue.
Concrete tion. If the stresses caused by its own
Many concrete and stone bridges can weight are neutralised by pre-stressing,
be categorised as »solid bridges«, but creep will be limited to purely normal
the two materials have very different force creep, i.e. a simple axial contrac-
applications. Concrete can basically only tion of the superstructure and thus of
absorb compression stress. However, the tendons. This results in a loss of pre-
if it is reinforced, it can also bear tensile stressing stress of 5 –10 %, which must
stress and can then be used as a flexural be taken into account in static calcula-
or even tension element. Owing to its tions and in designing tendons to ensure
formability and inexpensive manufacture, that the support structure will function
concrete has developed rapidly, particu- over its entire life cycle. 4 Shrinkage rate and dry density of some wood
larly for bridge construction. The tech- Concrete technology is now so advanced types
nique of pre-stressing has been used on that very high compressive strengths 5 Assessment criteria for crack formation in wood
6 Installing a glued laminated timber beam for a
most concrete bridges since the second can be achieved. Textile concrete, a fine- pedestrian and cycle path bridge, Steyrermühl
half of the 20th century (Fig. 10). Pre- grained concrete with inlaid textile glass (A) 2008, Halm Kaschnig Architekten; Kurt Pock
7 Wooden support structure, Tomasjordnesbrücke,
stressing has two very useful effects: a fibre reinforcement, is a material with Tromsø (N) 2006, Sweco Norge AS
garland-shaped tendon profile adapted potential for use in sustainable and robust 8 Combination of stone (mast) and steel cable.
to the stress reduces bending stress, and structures. It could also be used to build Footbridge over the Hessenring, Bad Homburg
(D) 2002, schlaich bergermann und partner
the bridge’s cross section is compressed, filigree structures, because the reinforce- 9 Roman stone arched bridge, Pont Julien, near
which prevents cracking. Tendons with ment’s concrete covering only has to Bonnieux (F), 3rd century B. C..
10 Reinforced concrete bridge, La-Ferté-Steg,
tension ducts that were compressed after cope with joining technique issues and Stuttgart (D) 2001, asp Architekten; Peter und
stressing were once almost exclusively not with corrosion protection. Lochner


Stress σ [N/mm2]
S 690

S 460
S 355

S 235


0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
11 12 Strain ε [%]

Steel creep, so the steel part of the section Locked coil cables are often used as sus-
The most interesting types of steel for has to compensate for higher loads. In pension cables in suspension bridges.
building and especially for pedestrian measuring a structure’s initial state, its They have a smooth surface, are easy
bridgeconstruction are cable steel and condition without the influence of creep to clamp and deflect over sheaves and
cast steel. and its final state once creep is complete make compact end anchorages possible
Construction steel is usually an unalloyed must be taken into account. (see Design and construction, p. 48ff.).
steel with average properties. Its yield Non-corroding steels (stainless steels) Galvanised zinc-coated wires offer high-
point is 180 – 360 N/mm2, i.e. 1 cm² can have a higher degree of purity. The mate- quality protection against corrosion and
bear a load of 1.8 – 3.6 t before it starts rial’s strength, weldability and the prod- make further painting unnecessary.
to yield, so it deforms very extensively as ucts that can be made with it are basi- Locked coil cables are only available
a result of slight load increases (Fig. 12). cally similar to those of unalloyed steels. from a diameter of 30 mm, while open
The yield point of fine-grained and high- Stainless steel does not however offer spiral cables are available from a diame-
strength and tempered construction steels the same diversity of profiles and the ter of 6 mm. Open spiral cables are suit-
can be increased to more than double material and its processing are much able mainly for less stressed pedestrian
these values. These steels are used in more expensive. It is therefore used bridge hanger elements, so they can be
all areas in the form of solid, extruded or mainly for secondary structural elements used to hang the bridge deck from a sus-
rolled profiles. A very diverse range of such as railings or safety nets, which are pension cable or arch, for example (Fig.
profiles is available, extending from open exposed to high levels of mechanical 14). Integrally moulded end anchorages
and closed through sharp-edged, round stress or are hard to access. make it possible to use various kinds of
and thick profiles up to flat elements for Cold drawn wires are used to make steel attachments and adjust cable lengths
sheet piles or plates. It is also easy to cables, which increases their strength using threaded elements if necessary.
weld, which makes it possible to manu- three or four-fold. It also considerably Like normal steel, cable steel can be
facture any type of cross section by com- reduces their cross-sectional area, but upgraded by adding alloying elements
bining individual metal elements. results in a significant loss of axial rigidity, such as chrome, nickel, molybdenum
Construction steel is used in pedestrian which leads to much greater deforma- and titanium to it to make stainless steel –
bridges in the support structure or as tions in the support structure. The form an option often chosen for pedestrian
hollow box girders welded together for and geometry of its wires determine a bridge suspension cables, because it
superstructures, in the form of hollow cable’s properties. Only non-moving gives cables an even finish and they look
sections for piers, pylons or masts and in ropes are used in bridge construction finer. It also makes them less delicate and
solid rods for tension elements (Fig. 11). as integral parts of the structure that do more resistant to corrosion and mechan-
Composite construction efficiently com- not move. Two types are mainly used in ical impacts.
bines the advantages of concrete and footbridges: locked coil and open spiral Construction steel and steel cable are
steel, with steel used where tension cables. Both types of cable consist of moulded into its final form in rolling, press-
forces predominate, while a concrete many thin round wires ( up to 4 mm) or ing and drawing processes. Cast steel
slab, which is at the same time a robust profile wires ( up to 8 mm), which are in contrast, combines the advantageous
platform for pedestrian and vehicle traf- built up in layers and laid in opposing properties of steel with the design bene-
fic, is installed in the compression range directions to prevent the cable untwisting fits of using cast techniques to shape the
of the cross section. Welded dowels when exposed to tensile loads. While material. Cast steel’s strength, toughness
create a shear-resistant bond. Very slen- open spiral cables consist solely of round and workability (weldability) is now so
der structures can be built economically wires, locked coil cables are wound with highly technologically developed, that it
in this way. Using pre-assembled steel several layers of Z-wires on the outside is directly comparable with construction
beams as support structures for form- (Fig. 13). The form closure of these wires steel as a material. Making construction
work or fully or partly prefabricated com- creates a closed surface, so the wires models, which are usually wood or Styro-
ponents saves installation time and costs. are flat when deflected over sheaves and foam, and casting takes special expertise
It must also be taken into account that not pressed together at various points to achieve a smooth, gap-free surface.
the concrete in a composite section will like the round wires, which improves their Cast steel is suitable not only for pedes-
try to shift under its load over time due to load-bearing capacity and durability. trian bridge cable fittings, but can also

Aluminium, glass, CFK/GFK

3 Z-profile wire layers

Round wire core

a b

13 14 15

be used to easily resolve geometrically glass can be used either in a purely 11 Steel footbridge, Hotton (B) 2002, Ney + Partners
12 Stress-strain diagram of various kinds of steel
complicated junctions. It also offers a way pressure-loaded structure (arch) or in 13 Structure of steel cable
of dealing specifically with different types combination with steel (Fig. 17). a open; b locked-coil
and degrees of stress through the appli- 14 Steel cable hanger elements, harbour bridge,
Sassnitz (D) 2007, schlaich bergermann und
cation of materials (Fig. 16). CRP/GRP partner
Glass is also used as a material in the 15 Stress ribbon bridge with carbon fibre stress
ribbon, TU Berlin 2011
Aluminium form of glass-fibre reinforced plastics 16 Cast steel juncture points, jetty
A light metal, aluminium is a soft but (GRP) or textile concrete with a glass Ökologischer Gehölzgarten, Oberhausen-
tough construction material. Its strength fibre core. Fibres have a much higher Ripshorst (D) 1997, Diekmann und Lohaus;
schlaich bergermann und partner
is similar to steel’s (up to 700 N/mm2) tensile strength than their material itself, 17 Glass bridge in a research centre, Lisbon (P)
but with only a third of the stiffness (E = because a small area has statistically 2012, Charles Correa Associates; schlaich
bergermann und partner
70,000 N/mm2). Aluminium’s advantages fewer voids than a large cross-sectional
lie in its good material efficiency, stability area. This scale effect means that the
and low maintenance requirements. Alu- tensile strength of glass fibres can in-
minium has a breaking length three times crease enormously, up to 2,400 N/mm2.
greater than that of construction steel, an The material is therefore recommended
indication of its capacity despite its low for use as a composite material. Carbon-
weight. Its disadvantages are its high fibre reinforced plastics (CRP) are now
price, low fatigue strength and difficult available but still quite rarely used in
jointing technique. Manufacturing alu- pedestrian bridge construction. GRP and
minium also uses a great deal of energy, CRP have similar strengths, but CRP is
which negatively affects its ecological much stiffer than GRP. Some inroads have
balance. Aluminium can be worth consid- been made towards establishing this new
ering for use in components exposed material in pedestrian bridge construc-
to high levels of mechanical stress and tion, but many open questions remain
structural elements such as footbridge about its joining and dynamic behaviour.
surfaces that require a minimal use of CRP in particular has great potential for
material and weight. In primary support use in suspension bridges and in the ten-
structures too, aluminium profiles are sion members of stress ribbon bridges.
used in standardised truss structures. A number of universities are carrying out
Prefabricated construction methods intensive research in this area (Fig. 15).
make it very economical, but leave little
leeway for individual and attractive
design solutions.

Glass can be used in pedestrian
bridge surfaces and parapets. It has
very high compressive strength (up
to 1,000 N/mm2), but a comparatively
low tensile strength at 30 N/mm2 with
a stiffness of 70,000 N/mm2 and a spe-
cific weight of 25 kN/m3. Because of
its lower tensile strength, glass has only
limited bending resistance, so its use
in beam elements is restricted to small
spans up to 5 m long. In longer spans, 16 17

Design and construction

Design Usage and capacity Poor soil conditions can diminish the
Designing bridges is a complex task The question of the right width for a range of possible foundations for eco-
requiring experience in construction and bridge must be sophisticatedly and sensi- nomic reasons, making longer spans
technical expertise as well as creativity tively examined and answered, because necessary. Conversely, good soil con-
and the courage to innovate. it is linked to the question of the type of ditions on a site can favour certain con-
The design process can be divided into usage and capacity required. A bridge structions, if they make it easy to anchor
three main phases: designed to ensure a smooth, panic-free tensile elements, making suspension
outflow of people from large-scale events structures with long spans possible, for
• Reviewing and clarifying the tasks must be designed differently to a bridge example.
involved in a solitary valley that is occasionally If there is initially less focus on the assem-
• Choosing a design crossed by a few hikers (see Functional bly process at the beginning of a design
• Developing a design requirements, p. 9f.). task, it can make a crucial difference
Surprisingly, the most commonly applied to the design or at least to details. This
Reviewing and clarifying the tasks involved standards do not distinguish between question is naturally more important in
The design process involves firstly clarify- different loads on pedestrian bridges. the construction of major bridges than
ing the overall conditions, ranging from They also do not specify the stiffness that in pedestrian bridge construction, yet the
topography through the type of usage up such a structure must have and which mark of a good pedestrian bridge design
to technical parameters. deformations can be permitted. If the is also the ability to erect it for a reasona-
standardised specifications alone are ble amount of cost and effort.
Topography and trajectories followed, malleable pedestrian bridges
The design should develop out of a that are susceptible to dynamic excitation Choosing a design
thorough and sensitive appreciation of will be just as permissible as very stiff, Pedestrian bridges should be striking
the bridge’s site. A suspension bridge, almost rigid structures (see Statics and not because of their size or appearance,
a light, transparent structure, may be dynamics, p. 23). This offers a great deal but due to their fineness and appropri-
right for one place, while at another site of scope for designers to find an appro- ateness. They can and should highlight
an arch will be more incisive and have priate and efficient solution for each indi- innovative features in harmony with indi-
a greater visual presence. vidual situation. vidual design tasks but should do so
A bridge’s layout should be oriented accessibly and on a scale appropriate
towards existing route trajectories. It is Type of usage and clearance gauges to the site and its usage. The scope for
important to incorporate the site’s topog- A bridge’s width will depend on whether design of major bridges is often defined
raphy into the bridge’s design, because it is for pedestrians only or will also be by functionality and cost-effectiveness.
this can help to keep the need for unnec- used by cyclists and service vehicles. Planners have much more leeway with
essarily long ramps and for expensive The clearance gauge on a bridge is pedestrian bridges because they are
and time-consuming terrain modelling 2.50 m. This determines the positioning not subject to demands anything like as
to a minimum. Fluid paths without abrupt of structural components above the restrictive as those imposed on road or
changes in direction or gradient should deck in structures with major overhead railway bridges. Pedestrian bridges are
be aimed for, even if a straight line would components such as suspension bridges. also often created to make a mark, confer
be the geometrically shortest and easiest Initial ideas on the possible positioning a special identity on a site or upgrade an
connection between two points in con- of supports, suitable span and ramp urban area.
struction terms. Sightlines are also impor- lengths, protective measures and impact
tant, especially for pedestrian bridges in risks can thus emerge from the type Investors are usually prepared to spend
inner-city areas, where these structures of usage (see Functional requirements, more on these qualities. Pedestrian
can provide views over the city while at p. 11f.). bridges are exposed to slow-moving
the same time contributing to giving a traffic, so there is no distance between
district a specific identity. Technical boundary conditions people and the structure; they can touch
A site’s foundation soil can decisively it directly. Users can feel, hear and see
influence the choice of support structure. vibrations and movements much more

Design and construction
Definitions of terms

than they do on a major bridge, where a is implemented as the engineers and Definitions of terms
car or a train separates people from the architects planned it, right down to the A bridge usually consists of a beam,
bridge. Pedestrian bridge users engage details. also called the superstructure, and a
in an active dialogue with the bridge Conversely, this also requires that plan- substructure. The substructure absorbs
structure, which they do not do with road ners incorporate aspects relevant to loads from the superstructure and trans-
and railway bridges. For this reason, production and assembly, including the fers them into the ground. The substruc-
the focus must be on the bridge’s scale, risk of higher costs, to reduce long dis- ture includes the abutments, which
structural proportions and details. putes about the structure’s feasibility. All mark the bridge‘s end points and tran-
too often, this is called into question by sition into the ground, and any central
Developing the design implementing firms seeking to assert their supports, such as piers or pillars. Bridge
Only careful planning of the design own influence and ideas. bearings are points of contact between
details will produce an appealing struc- the superstructure and substructure.
ture. There are many examples of good The canon of pedestrian bridge forms They ensure that the superstructure is
design producing just an average result ranges from beam bridges subject to kept as tension-free as possible and no
because planning was not consistently bending loads, through trussed girder excessive forces impact the superstruc-
followed through to completion. This may bridges, up to structures consisting ture and substructure.
be due to implementation planning being entirely of compression and tension ele-
entrusted to firms that often have little ments, such as rope and arch bridges. Suspension bridges also include cable
sensitivity to design and have their own Their diversity is impressive and it would elements such as support cables, hang-
practical economic interests. It is then be unrealistic to attempt a complete ers or stayed cables, on which the
laborious and time-consuming for plan- description of all the types of structures superstructure is hung from pylons or
ners to supervise construction and to and their combinations. The following masts. Arch bridges are also supported
correct it if necessary. In building com- notes on structural forms are therefore by imposts that transfer loads into the
plex structures, it should therefore be restricted to their main design parameters ground.
ensured that a suitable firm is commis- and feasibility. The examples described Bridge substructures, masts, pylons
sioned and provided with a planning pro- represent the main bridge types. and imposts are set on foundations,
cedure that comprehensively describes The outline of various types of bridges which can either be set flat on founda-
and specifies all of the details. This helps below begins with arch bridges and goes tion plates or deep in the ground with
those responsible for executing the pro- on to describe beam and trussed girder piles or anchors, depending on subsoil
ject to make reliable costs calculations bridges, concluding with cable-stayed conditions.
and guarantees the client that the design and curved footbridges.

Design and construction
Arch bridges

Arch bridges arched bridges, it is also an engineering be stiff to be stable, can also follow other
History masterpiece. The further development arch forms. The positions of impost points
The arch is one of the oldest forms of of iron into tough high-tensile steel made and an arch’s height are parameters
support structure in bridge construction. it possible to build increasingly long that can be adapted to a design without
Massive stone bridges were built more spans and lower gauge arches. Today breaching framework specifications. As
than 2,000 years ago, have lasted over pedestrian bridges with spans of more with a rope, the ideal line of thrust of an
the centuries, and still represent a stan- than 200 m can be built, while the longest arch is an unalterable component of an
dard today. From the 18th century on- arch bridges for road traffic have spans economic and efficient support structure,
wards, the form developed swiftly with that are over 500 m long. so it cannot be freely selected. If these
the advent of new materials such as prerequisites are not taken into account,
concrete and steel. Function normal stresses as well as bending
Some imposing examples, such as the There are various forms of arches, differ- stresses will occur in the arch, which
Pons Fabricius (62 B. C.) in Rome, testify ing in their geometry and support spec- quickly multiply the axial stress, poten-
not only to the robustness of these struc- ifications. The geometries of arched tially making much larger dimensions
tures, but also to the great expertise of bridges range from round and pointed and a far greater use of materials neces-
the master builders of the antiquity. In arches through basket arches to segmen- sary (Fig. 4).
the Middle Ages, the arch bridge was in tal arches. In terms of support specifica- When deflection occurs, a rope under a
its heyday. Stone arch bridges, such as tions, a distinction is made between an tensile load develops a self-stabilising
the Charles Bridge in Prague, the Stone encastré arch and a two or three-hinged force and attempts to return to its original
Bridge in Regensburg and the Augustus arch. Whatever the bridge’s form, it is position. Precisely the opposite occurs
Bridge in Dresden, were built all over important in designing arched bridges when a continuous beam or an arch is
Central Europe to facilitate trade. Smaller that the geometry of the support structure subject to tensile loading. The force re-
bridges too, such as the Ponte dei Salti follows the line of thrust, i.e. all resulting sulting from deflection is destabilising,
in Lavertezzo in Switzerland, built in the forces acting on the structure should further deforms the arch and increases
17th century (Fig. 3), show how such follow the centroidal line of the arch. Put stress. At worst, this can lead to an in-
stone bridges continued to develop as simply, this line of thrust is comparable crease in force and result in stability
well as the increasing use that was made to the line of a “standing rope” under an failure. These reactions are referred to
of their structural potential. equal load. in structural analysis as geometrically
Louis-Alexandre de Cessart’s filigree While a flexible rope must take on this non-linear effects for small deformations.
Pont des Arts in Paris (1804) marked not distinct form, an arched support struc- They must always be allowed for if the
only the beginning of the use of iron in ture is different. Arches, which have to loads on the deformed system are very

1 Design sketch for a footbridge on the island of

Usedom (D) 2004, schlaich bergermann and
2 Competition model for a footbridge on the island
of Usedom
3 Arch bridge, Ponte dei Salti, Lavertezzo (CH),
17th century
4 Ideal (a) and not ideal (b) pressure line of an arch
bridge under normal stress and bending stress
4a b P Load [kN]

Design and construction
Arch bridges

D Dv


True False
arch bridge arch bridge

5 V Pi P P P P Pi V

different from those on the original sys- ries the roadway or walkway deck, and an diagonals in a truss system. This means
tem. This behaviour can be countered overlying slender arch from which the that they are exposed to large alternating
by increasing bending stiffness or by beam is hung with rods. The beam func- loads or threshold loads.
mounting side supports. tions as a tension member and prevents
the ends of the arch from pushing apart. Cross section
True and false arch bridges False arch bridges can be built on sub- Stiffness plays a major role in the choice
A distinction is made in bridge con- soils that are less stable and able to bear of a bridge’s cross section, as it does
struction between true and false arch loads, because no horizontal forces have with any loaded structural elements.
bridges (Fig. 5). True arch bridges are to be transferred. While the hangers and superstructure
stressed under loads by compressive Another advantage of this type of arch is prevent buckling at the arch level, the
force, there is no tensile stress. The that it can be completely prefabricated arch needs adequate transverse stabili-
roadway or walkway deck takes on the and the arch together with the superstruc- sation. If an arch’s rotation axis is above
stiffening function in this type of bridge ture forms an inherently stable and func- the hangers’ angle of attack (analogous
and stabilises the arch under asymmet- tioning support structure. This makes it to a guyed mast), the hangers can pro-
rical loads. It can be erected or hung possible to efficiently assemble the entire vide this stabilisation by pulling the arch
using rods and hangers. The rods or structure by floating, lifting or sliding it back into its original position if any buck-
hangers should be very slender so that into place. The superstructure stiffens the ling occurs. This is however rarely enough
they are not subject to large bending system, so it must have a corresponding to completely stiffen the arch. If two
moments. Compact cross sections with bending stiffness and an appropriate arches are planned, they can be inclined
large cross section areas and low bend- structural depth. towards each other or joined at the verti-
ing rigidity are suitable for the arch. The One special form of such arch bridges is ces, which improves transverse bending
shear force of a true arch bridge’s arch the network arch bridge. Here the posi- stiffness because the two arches stabilise
is transferred through the imposts into tioning of diagonal hangers stiffens the each other. This is however only effective
the ground below, which should be able system through an interaction of the arch if the joints between the arches are built
to bear this load (Fig. 6). and superstructure, like the upper and to be shear-resistant as frames or with
The horizontal components of the arch’s lower chords of a truss system. Fatigue in crossed struts.
forces in false arch bridges, also called the hangers can cause problems with this Such a static measure is effective, al-
‘tied arch bridges’ or »bowstring arch type of bridge. The hangers are subject though the arches seem to merge, which
bridges«, are transferred by a tension to heavy loads because they transfer “waters down” their symbolic character
member (Fig. 7). Tied arch bridges con- loads not only to the arch, but also in a as classic support elements from a
sist of a lower beam, which usually car- longitudinal direction, functioning like design point of view.

6 7

Design and construction
Arch bridges

f/l R [m] Δf/Δl
1/10 130 1.9 /1
R 190.8 2.8 /1
1/ 30 376.7 4.0 /1

l Δl 1/ 60 750.8 12.2 /1
8a b

If this measure is not taken, the unsup- auxiliary support structure. Because of ground. Apart from shallow foundations,
ported arch must have sufficient lateral its much greater strength, high-strength which are braced against the ground by
strength; horizontal rectangular cross concrete allows for reductions in the angled base plates, deep foundations
sections with low longitudinal bending cross section’s surface area and in the can also be used.
strength can provide this. weight of parts. If a prefabricated con- The decision on the most suitable foun-
No particular demands are made on the struction method is used, the arch’s dation will depend on the site’s soil con-
superstructure of arch bridges. Open individual segments must be pressed ditions and should be made in conjunc-
cross sections can be used for two together with pre-stressing tendons so tion with a geotechnical engineer in
arches that support the walkway on both that even if the arch is unilaterally loaded each individual case. This also applies
sides because these do not have to pro- no excessive tensile stresses occur and to all other forms of support structure
vide torsional stiffness. If hangers are joints stay closed. Modern arch struc- and structures.
spaced 3 to 5 m apart, the cross section’s tures made of natural stone blocks can
longitudinal structural depth will usually also be built in this way.
also be sufficient for the transverse direc- Given today’s manufacturing options
tion if the structure is 4 to 5 m wide. The and in combination with other materials,
superstructure of a tied arch bridge is such as high strength steel (cable) or
subject to tensile forces, which must be glass, entirely new and exciting stone
absorbed by the superstructure cross structures are now conceivable (Fig. 8, 5 Support system of a true and a false arch bridge
P Load[ kN]
section or by tension members added p. 28). Z Tension [kN]
in the form of ropes. An arch positioned D Pressure [kN]
centrally or to one side requires a torsion- Load bearing V Reaction force [kN]
6 True arch bridge. Force is transferred from the
ally stiff superstructure, such as a steel An arch bridge’s rise should be approxi- arch directly into the imposts. Passerelle Lyon
box girder, for example. mately one tenth of its span length. This Confluence, Lyon (F) 2004, RFR Ingenieure
7 False arch bridge. The carriageway functions as
balances the strength ratio in the arch a tension member and forces are transferred.
Materials and the system will not be overly sensi- Three Countries Bridge, Weil am Rhein (D) 2007,
Arches can be made of steel and con- tive to soil subsidence. If lower rises are Dietmar Feichtinger Architects; Wolfgang Strobl
8 Arch deformation Δf in dependence on rise f/l
crete – especially high-strength concrete chosen, greater arch forces result. The at constant horizontal displacement Δl using an
– or wood or stone. If wood is used, the support system also becomes increas- example of an arch with a 100 m span
9 Underspanned arch bridge with pre-stressed
cross section must be large, which can ingly sensitive to horizontal deformations tie rod to stabilise the arch. Pedestrian bridge
look clumsy. It is also only possible to of the imposts, i.e. the rise changes over the Allmandring, Stuttgart (D) 1994, Kaag +
provide good active wood protection, by due to horizontal settling of the arch Schwarz; Gustl Lachenmann

means of a metal cover for example, to abutments, which can reduce the arch’s
a limited extent. resistance to buckling. Figure 8 shows
There are many options available for how this sensitivity increases due to
shaping a cross section using steel pre- lower rises.
fabricated arches. Apart from classic Depending on a site’s soil subsidence,
tubular profiles, welded triangular, qua- a planner must decide whether an arch
dratic or trapezoid profiles, which can bridge’s deformations need to be spe-
vary in size, are regarded as reasonable cially monitored. Any settling can be com-
and efficient cross sections that are also pensated for by subsequently mounting
satisfactory in design terms. backing plates so that the bridge retains
its geometry.
Concrete arches are complicated to man- The arch shear force to be absorbed
ufacture because they are built either can be calculated using an arch’s rise,
using complex formwork in cast-in-place- height and the loads to be assumed. If
concrete construction, or as jointed pre- these are not diverted via tension mem-
fabricated components, which need an bers, they must be transferred into the 9

Design and construction
Beam and slab bridges

10 11

Beam and slab bridges Based on these considerations, a series span length, and the clamped beam is
History of support forms intended to also save only approximately 66 % fully loaded at a
A beam or slab bridge is the simplest materials were developed. If the cross constant structural depth compared with
and oldest form of pedestrian bridge. section design follows this parabolic a single-span girder (Figs. 14 and 15,
The first beam bridge spans were deter- curve, special forms such as parabolic p. 40). These fixed end moments must
mined by the length of the available mate- or lenticular trusses can be built, which however be anchored in the abutments
rials, such as tree trunks or stone slabs reduce material use and weight. This and transferred into the ground, which
(Fig. 10), which limited the spans of such optimisation is especially important in can make larger and more complex foun-
structures. Bridges with larger spans longer spans to prevent the structure’s dations necessary.
could only be built after the introduction own weight from overburdening the sup-
of primary supports in truss, suspension port system so that it can bear only light A continuous girder behaves similarly
or arch bridges to take on the support traffic loads. to a clamped beam and its balanced
function. The beam or slab became a Even if it is a fish-belly truss, a beam with moment means that it can be far more
secondary support element. a rectangular cross section must still bear slender and homogeneous than a series
The development of steel cross sections a good deal of unnecessary ballast. As of single-span girders.
and new steel-reinforced and pre-stressed the triangular stress diagram shows, only Further advantages of continuous sys-
concretes meant that from the 18th cen- the cross section’s edges are fully utilised tems are that there is less deformation
tury more efficient beam bridges could (Fig. 11). They are furthest away from the and no high-maintenance joints are nec-
be built. These new materials made it centroidal axis and therefore have the essary. Multi-span girders are however
possible to economically build bridges greatest share of the cross section’s more complicated to build because they
with longer spans. Famous 19th century resistance to bending. All other parts of can rarely be manufactured in one piece
engineers such as Robert Maillart, Eugène the cross section are far less loaded due and construction joints can make design
Freysinnet, François Hennebique and to their position near the centroid, yet and corrosion protection problematic.
later Ulrich Finsterwalder and Fritz Leon- they still load the beam with the same
hardt played decisive roles in developing weight as the highly stressed peripheral A clamped beam’s static indeterminacy
this kind of bridge. fibres do. gives rise to yet another, more important
A consolidation of material in the middle difference from statically determined
Function of the span makes such single-span systems. The stress of the clamped beam
Beam bridge supports can consist of girders seem unwieldy and less transpar- depends on the distribution of stiffness,
a single-span or multi-span girder, a ent. This can become even more extreme while the stress on a single-span girder
continuous girder or a cantilever girder. if they are standardised and assembled does not depend on stiffness. Converse-
Flexibly mounted single-span girders rep- in a series to form a chain of single spans ly, this means that through an appropriate
resent the simplest form of beam bridge for reasons of economy and technical distribution of stiffness, i.e. the cross
(Fig. 13). They are statically determinate, assembly. section’s structural depth, stress on the
simple to design, and allow for quality clamped beam can be controlled (Fig. 17,
prefabrication and assembly. The beam’s Another way of reducing the cross sec- p. 40).
own weight, and the traffic load it is sub- tion of a beam bridge is to fix the beam If a cross section depth for a beam is
ject to, impose compressive stress on the to the abutments. It can be anchored chosen that follows the stress of the
top side and tensile stress on the under- there so that it cannot warp, which results clamped beam, the stiffer cross section
side (Fig. 12). in a statically indeterminate system with will impose a greater load on the abut-
The bending moment of a single-span altered stress distribution. The maximum ments and the change in stiffness will
girder under uniformly distributed loads loads are now on the abutments. These transfer additional stress to them. In
has a parabolic curve. A support beam loads are reduced by a third in the middle extreme cases, i.e. with a theoretical
with a cross section of uniform height of the span compared with those on a cross section depth of zero in the middle
is therefore not optimal because this single-span girder. This distributed stress of the span – in fact a central joint – the
form does not adequately account for means that the cross section’s structural result will be two cantilever arms. This
the distribution of forces within the beam. depth can be lower, even at the same system is also advantageous because of

Design and construction
Beam and slab bridges


12 V V

the further reduction in the load of its own composite cross sections made of con-
weight precisely in areas in which a mini- crete and steel or wood and concrete.
mised cross section would normally work Tensile stresses are considerably re-
against these loads. They require only duced in pre-stressed concrete cross
very low cross section depths at the ends sections due to parabolic pre-stressing
of the two cantilevers – in the middle of tendons, so slenderness ratios of I/35 to
the clamped girder’s span – meaning that I/40 can be achieved.
such single-span girders can be made In steel construction, box sections made
10 Stone slab bridge, Clapper Bridge, Dartmoor
very slender and transparent. of sheet metal welded together have (GB), 13th century
been shown to be especially efficient. 11 Stress distribution under the moment load of a
Cross sections They are very stiff at low weights and rectangular solid cross section compared with
a double T-cross section (tensile: +, compres-
The cross sections available for beam make it possible to build spans of up to sive: -)
bridges range from pre-stressed and 100 m, although they also have the dis- 12 Beam bridge support system
13 Beam bridge with box girder, Bridge memorial,
steel reinforced concrete to pure steel advantage that they require a structural Rijeka (HR) 2004, 3LHD arhitekti; C.E.S. Civil
and wood cross sections up to different depth of 2.20 to 2.80 m (approx. I/45), Engineering Solutions


Design and construction
Beam and slab bridges

A [cm2] 61.1 63.3 41.3 A [cm2] 51.8 54.5 35.2

q = 10 kN/m q = 10 kN/m

10 m 10 m

83.3 kN/m
125 kN/m
41.7 kN/m

Mmax = q ⋅ l = 125 kN/m Mmax = q ⋅ l = 41.7 kN/m

2 2

14 8 15 24

which detracts from the bridge’s transpar- ing the height, i.e. increasing the extent must be especially accounted for in
ent, light appearance. to which a beam is made higher in manu- aligning the bearings of curved layouts.
Compared with relieved support struc- facturing to include the expected sag in These fixed points are usually attached
tures, such beam bridges involve a high the middle. However, theoretical calcula- in places where horizontal forces can
use of materials and their large cross sec- tions of such will vary to a certain extent be efficiently transferred, commonly at
tions also make them harder to assemble. because the material’s precise behaviour bearings, where large vertical forces
Trough cross sections have the advan- is difficult to predict. also occur.
tage that they do not require any addi- Such long-term deformations should be Displacement paths must be able to be
tional railings, although their effective especially taken into account in concrete absorbed as tension-free as far as possi-
structural depth is similar to that of box beam bridges with long spans to prevent ble, apart from slight friction, by bearings,
sections. an impression of sagging in the com- joints and transitions. Bearings are either
pleted bridge. prefabricated standard parts or individu-
Apart from loading, a bridge’s deforma- ally manufactured assembly parts. Their
tions must also be taken into account. Load bearing size and construction depends on load-
They indicate the system’s sensitivity Fixed points on supports or abutments ing and the length of displacement paths
to dynamic excitation, and in the case transfer the horizontal loads of bridges. (see Finishings, p. 72). Elastomeric bear-
of concrete bridges, their sensitivity The fixed point remains in a resting ings in the form of fixed bearing pads or
to creep. Creep deformations make up position during longitudinal expansion, deformation slip bearings are normally
approximately three to four times the while all the other points shift along an used for slab and beam bridges. Roller,
dead-weight deformation. They can be imaginary line between the fixed point pin or spherical bearings are rarely used
accounted for in advance by exaggerat- and the point under consideration. This for larger loads.

14 Single-span girder: stress distribution and result-

ing required cross section
15 Clamped beam: stress distribution and resulting
required cross section
16 Integral beam bridge, pedestrian bridge over
the Carpinteíra river, Covilhã (P) 2009, João Luís
Carrilho da Graça; AFA Ingenieure
17 Stress distribution of a clamped beam by
a constant structural depth
b uneven structural depth
18 Stress M with prescribed displacement path Δs
for different support conditions
Geometrically linear: firmly clamped supports
Geometrically non-linear for small deformations:
elastic restraint
Geometrically non-linear for large deformations:
flexibly mounted supports
α twisting angle of supports
M Bending moment due to displacement [kN/m]
E Bending stiffness [N/m2]
Ι Moment of inertia [m4]
l Support length [m]
19 Stress on a cross section with the same area but
16 varying form

Design and construction
Beam and slab bridges

q = 10 kN/m q = 10 kN/m

h 2h
l l

q · l2 q · l2 q · l2 q · l2
24 12 40 10

17 a b

Rocking piers can also react to a longi- bearings are also called integral bridges foundations shortens the piers’ buckling
tudinal expansion of the superstructure and a distinction is made between semi- length, but it is subjected to an additional
by tilting. Through a butt strap joint they integral and integral bridges. Integral bending stress from the superstructure
can be made to absorb tensile and com- bridges dispense with bearings alto- displacements.
pressive forces, which standardised gether, while the superstructure of a Because superstructure displacements
bearings can only do to a limited extent. semi-integral bridge is connected with are almost independent of the stiffness
If the deformations are larger and rocker the substructure partly with and partly of the piers, the question is how this
member lengths short, it must be taken without bearings. constraining force can be dealt with by
into account that horizontal forces will selecting a suitable cross section. The
result from the tilting and that these can An integral bridge has no definitive fixed pier cross section must be balanced; on
impose additional horizontal loads on the point (Fig. 16) so the bridge can expand the one hand, it must provide sufficient
superstructure and on the rocker mem- and deform wherever it encounters the buckling stability to absorb forces, on
ber’s anchoring. least resistance. The so-called elastic the other hand, it must be flexible enough
fixed point is also the system’s resting to not unnecessarily draw forces from
Integral and semi-integral bridges point, from which the bridge deforms. the imposed longitudinal displacements
Bearings and joints wear out and must This fixed point must not necessarily coin- of the superstructure. The piers’ length
be regularly inspected, maintained and cide with a support point. has a major influence in this context.
replaced, so it is better to dispense with Piers and abutments in structures with The longer the deformable part, the lower
bearings if possible, which can also integral bearing are subject to widely the stress. This dependence is quadratic,
reduce maintenance costs and make varying horizontal loads. Anchoring the i.e. with a double deformation length
structures more robust. Bridges without piers in the superstructure and in the the stress is reduced to a quarter, so the
Δs Cross section Stress

α (I)1 = 0 M (I)1 = 6 · ⋅ Δs

Round profile 100 %

I α (I)2 = 0 M (I)2 = 6 · E 2⋅ Ι ⋅ Δs
cross section 105 %
α (II)1 = 0 M(III)1 < M(II)1 < M(I)1

α (II)2 h
Rectangular cross section
II M(III)2 < M(II)2 < M(I)2 b/h = 1/2 38 %

M (III)1 = 3 · ⋅ Δs
α (III)
=0 l2
1 Rectangular cross section
b/h = 1/4 16 %

Two-point cross section

III α (III)2 > α (II) M (III)2 = 0 b/h = 1/2
18 19 (2 supports) 16 %

Design and construction
Beam and slab bridges

20 a b

pier should be as long as possible. Backfilling the abutment should have as Δs Change in length [m]
As Figure 18 (p. 41) shows, a flexible little as possible or no influence on the l Original length [m]
joint at the foot of the support halves restraint behaviour. This is ensured by αt Coefficient of linear expansion
the stress on the fixing point to the super- decoupling or padding the abutment [1/K]
structure, reducing it to half. With a with a soft layer of soil or stabilising the ΔT Change in temperature [K]
so-called elastic end restraint, i.e. not ground behind the abutment so that there F Axial force [N]
a complete end restraint, but also not a is complete separation and no interaction A Cross section area [m2]
flexible connection, a state between a takes place. E Modulus of elasticity [N/m2]
geometrically linear and geometrically σ Stress [N/m2]
non-linear state for large deformations With rigid supports, the bridge is com-
occurs. For this the foundation must pletely held by the abutments and com- Two things are interesting here: the
be as slender as possible. If it is a deep pensates for any variations in length with force does not depend on the bridge
foundation, it should be built with just internal strain. length and the stress is, like changes
one row of piles if possible, to reduce If there is a change in temperature, ΔT in length, independent of the area of
torsional rigidity. the tension-free expansion is calculated the cross section. It can therefore be
as follows: advisable, especially with long bridges,
Cross sections that are slender in a longi- to choose integral solutions. Large ten-
tudinal direction and stiff in a transverse Δs = l ∙ αt ∙ ΔT [m] (I) sile forces must be anchored in the
direction are suitable as supports. Fig. 19 abutments of such structures, but the
(p. 41) shows the different stress levels The extent of the change in length does piers can be very simply built without
for structures with the same area of cross not depend on the cross section’s surface constraining forces, because every
section, same head displacement, but area; it is determined solely by the ther- point of the bridge remains in the resting
different forms of support. mal expansion coefficient and differences position.
Their shorter deformation lengths make in temperature. A temperature increase of
splayed Y-shaped supports unsuitable for 30 °C would for example cause a 100 m In contrast to straight bridges, a curved
absorbing constraining forces. V-shaped long bridge to elongate to the following bridge can divest itself of constraining
supports are very stiff and allow only extents: forces through changes in the curve of
slight deformations without causing large • Steel bridge by approx. 36 mm the horizontal section, resulting in much
constraining forces. Various approaches (αt = 1.2 e-6) lower stresses (Fig. 20).
are used for the abutments of an integral • Concrete bridge by 30 mm
bridge. (αt = 1.0 e-6) Trends indicate that integral bridges will
• Wood or glass bridge by 24 mm significantly influence bridge construc-
The bearing situation on the abutments (αt = 0.8 e-6) tion in future. The technical processing
should either be as flexible as possible or of such bridges’ support structures must
completely rigid. An elastic bearing can The axial force required to compensate be approached in a far more precise
be built with one or two flexible, slender for this deformation is: and sophisticated way. Individual ele-
wall plates, depending on whether clamp- ments’ stiffness can influence the whole
ing is required or not. For the stiffness of F = Δs ∙ E ∙ A / l [N] (II) support structure’s stress condition. This
the wall plates, a similar principle applies means that the dimensions of the struc-
as for the piers: the more flexible they are, If you apply in (II) Δs of (I), the forces tural elements are mutually dependent,
the lower the stress. If reinforced con- result in so it is no longer necessary to pursue the
crete is used, it is advisable to include classic segregation and separate treat-
possible increases in deformation and the F = αt ∙ ΔT ∙ E ∙ A [N] ment of foundations, substructure and
associated loss of stiffness as a result of superstructure.
crack formation (geometrically non-linear and the stress in
state for small deformations) in planning
considerations. σ = F/A = αt ∙ ΔT ∙ E

Design and construction
Truss bridges


Truss bridges One example of this type of structure New railway bridge construction systems
History is the Rhine Bridge in Waldshut, which were developed in North America during
Although Leonardo da Vinci and Andrea opened in 1859. The further development the country’s industrialisation. James
Palladio were designing truss systems of steel as a material and new calculation Warren connected the bridges’ upper
in the 15th and 16th centuries (Fig. 21), methods devised by engineers and math- and lower chords with criss-crossed diag-
the term ‘truss bridge’ was first coined in ematicians such as Karl Culmann, August onals, developing the pure form of the
the 18th century. The first classic truss Ritter and Luigi Cremona culminated in truss. In a Fink truss the beam’s truss
bridges were also built of wood in that the building of a series of truss bridges rods overlap, so they provide very effi-
century. Lattice truss bridges, with criss- in the second half of the 19th century cient and transparent bridge supports.
crossed wooden slats connecting the (Fig. 22). A Schwedler truss imposes
upper and lower chords, were first built purely tensile loads on its struts. Friedrich Function
in America in the early 19th century. In August von Pauli and Isambard Kingdom A truss is a structure that consists of
the years following, cast iron profiles Brunel developed and built fish-belly several rods that are connected at both
improved this system. truss girders with spans of up to 130 m. ends. Each rod forms part of at least one
triangular panel. When loads are imposed
on structures built on this principle, the
truss girder’s individual rods are subject
only to axial forces (Fig. 23, p. 44). While
only the edges are fully exploited under
bending stress, the entire cross section
is loaded under axial stress. Truss struc-
tures are therefore very efficient. They
dispense with unnecessary material and
are therefore also light.
Forces in a truss – as long as they are
statically determinate – can be identified
by graphic methods such as the Cre-
mona diagram without complex calcula-
tion. This purely axial stress means that
each rod can be optimally dimensioned
and used.
If the cross sections of the individual rods
are adapted to compressive and tensile
forces and this results in a discernible
difference, such support structures can
be optimised and »thinned out«.

20 Displacement due to elongation

a straight design
b curved design
21 Covered wooden bridge, Ponte degli Alpini,
Bassano del Grappa (I) 1569, built after a design
by Andrea Palladio
22 Various truss forms (left column from top,
followed by right column from top): Fink truss,
Bollman truss, Howe truss, Pratt truss, Whipple
truss, Petit truss, Warren truss, lattice truss,
Pauli-fish-belly truss, Schwedler truss, parabolic
22 truss, semi-parabolic girder truss, Engesser truss

Design and construction
Truss bridges






Underspanned systems stability plays an important role here. to differentiate between cross sections
Trusses can be positioned above or be- Upper chords above single-span beams subject to compressive and tensile stress.
low the bridge deck. In planning under- are subject to compression and there is Struts under compressive pressure
spanned structures it must be ensured a risk of lateral deflection. This must be must always be rigid so that they do not
that any clearance limits and flood pro- prevented either by a proportionate trans- buckle. In contrast, struts under tensile
tection regulations applying to the area verse stiffness of the truss girder, or the stress can be flexible compact solid rods
under the bridge are observed. struts and diagonals must prevent lateral or cables.
A single-span beam with an unders- deflection by exercising an appropriate
panned truss has the advantage that the framing action. If trusses are positioned Apart from classic truss structures, other,
lower chord is only subject to tension, along both sides of a walkway and both further developed truss forms have been
which makes slender structures possible. chords are above the bridge’s clearance used in some pedestrian bridges. One of
Function and structure can also be com- gauge, connecting and filling the upper these is the inverse Fink truss, which is
bined to make the walkway function as chords can result in very efficient recip- based on the classic principle of the Fink
a compression chord, which efficiently rocal stabilisation. It also changes the truss. The German-American engineer
uses structural elements. Simple unders- bridge’s character: users no longer walk Albert Fink developed this type of sup-
panned systems have few connection along but through the support structure. port structure for railway bridges. Nesting
details and are uncomplicated to assem- The upper chord of a cantilevered truss underspanned systems provides an
ble. Their spans can be up to 40 m long. is subject to tension, which makes it extremely transparent support system
The superstructure of a bridge with a possible to build smaller cross sections. for single-span beams, although the
longer span will require more support to There is however a risk of lateral deflec- many overlaps make a restless impres-
limit its own structural height (king posts). tion of the upper chord, which can be sion. This principle looks more harmoni-
This can be provided in the form of a fish- countered by clamping the struts in the ous in an inverse through truss system
belly trussed girder with a curved tension superstructure. because there is only one overlap, so
chord, such as the one in the Traversiner the system looks more ‘readable’ and
Steg I, a pedestrian bridge that was de- Forms of support structures clearer (Figs. 31 and 32, p. 46).
stroyed by a rock fall in 1999 (Figs. 26 Truss girders with parallel chords are very
and 27). Omitting the crossed rods will differently stressed, as the graduation in One special kind of truss structure is a
result in a self-anchored suspension struc- the cross section suggests. This type of trussed triangular mesh tube. It gives
ture with the superstructure as a tension truss is especially suitable for systems users walking through it an exciting three-
chord, such as the multi-span, slightly made up of equal, standardised individ- dimensional interior space. The circular
curved Living Bridge in Limerick (Fig. 28 ual parts, because all the elements have cross section means that the tubes tend
and 29). Its underspanned truss level has the same length and the detail points are to take on an oval shape under lateral
also been tilted outwards, making the un- repeated. If the upper chord follows the loading. To counteract this, individual
derlying truss visible to users and giving stress distribution, as it does in a trape- elements must either be inherently stiff
the system more transverse stability. zoidal or parabolic girder, the forces are enough or the cross section’s rings (ribs)
Akio Kasuga’s Seishun Bridge in Tsuma- more balanced. must be sufficiently strongly shaped.
goi in Japan was built in segments and A lenticular or fish-belly truss has two The curved surface makes connecting
has an underspanned hanger cable at curved chords, which means that a the truss rod nodes more complex
the height of the superstructure. This straight walkway or roadway deck must and expensive compared with those in
served in the installation of the concrete often be either hung or erected. Choos- straight trusses.
railing segments and in the bridge’s final ing a geometry that follows the stress
state provides additional reinforcement distribution will result at best in making Materials
for the support system. continuously uniform chord cross sec- Wood
tions possible. Truss structures were initially built using
Through truss systems Diagonals can also be very differently wood because wooden rods and joins
If the truss is above the walkway, it is a stressed depending on their position were relatively easy to make. Some of the
through truss system. The upper chord’s and direction. Here too, it is advisable first simple wooden truss bridges are still

Design and construction
Truss bridges

24 25

standing today, such as the Chapel The old wooden structures owe their 23 Support system of a truss bridge
24 View, bridge over the Rhine-Main-Danube
Bridge in Lucerne in Switzerland, which robustness and durability to a thorough Canal, Regensburg (D) 1998, Felix Schürmann
is still in use more than 600 years after it protection of the wood, which then, as Architects; Mayr und Ludescher Ingenieure;
was built. now, could be best provided by shield- Scale 1:500
25 Through truss system, bridge over the Rhine-
Wooden structures quickly reach their ing wood from the weather and ensuring Main-Danube Canal
limits with larger spans because carpen- that bridges’ structural elements are 26 Longitudinal section, Traversina Steg I,
Viamala (CH) 1996 (destroyed in 1999),
try joints cannot transfer large forces. In adequately ventilated. Branger, Conzett & Partner; without scale
particular, the inability of joints to transfer 27 Underspanned system with diagonal reinforce-
tensile forces without slipping limits the A roof for example, not only fulfils this ment Traversina Steg I
28 View, Living Bridge, Limerick (GB) 2007,
span lengths of such wooden bridges. function, but can also serve as an ele- Wilkinson Eyre Architects; Arup; without scale
Only with the advent of new materials, such ment for stabilising the truss’s upper 29 Underspanned system without diagonal rein-
forcement, Living Bridge
as iron and steel, were methods of joint- chord. Damp spots, such as those under
ing developed that could transfer larger metal coverings, can destroy wood and
forces, making longer spans possible. should be avoided.

26 27

28 29

Design and construction
Truss bridges


Steel Concrete bearings can be used. Truss girders

This material’s greater efficiency means The advantage of using concrete as a should be mounted tension-free, because
that steel trusses can be used not only material is that it is easy to shape and the eccentric position of the point of sup-
for much larger spans, but steel coated can react very well to all static and topo- port with respect to the support struc-
with corrosion protection can also be graphical constraints. One interesting ture’s axis means that apart from axial
unrestrictedly exposed to weather with- example of a concrete truss bridge is stress, additional moment stress can
out its integrity being impacted, which the Alfenz Bridge in Lorüns in Austria also occur.
allows for open structures without pro- (see p. 94f.). This bridge’s concise Shallow foundations and all kinds of
tective roofing. The truss elements can design, presence and its sculptural rein- deep foundations with piles, anchors
consist of standard rolled sections or forced concrete structure make it a strik- or in extreme cases a diaphragm wall
composite, welded cross sections. High- ing feature in the landscape. Concrete or well foundations can be used, de-
strength cables, steel sheeting or tie makes the deliberate irregularity of the pending on stresses and the site’s soil
rods are often used as tension elements. diagonals, the positioning of which is conditions.
These elements’ connection points – the based on bionic principles, seem natural
truss joints – can be made of metal and and fluid.
welded together or cast in steel. Joints The development of high-strength con-
that follow the flow of forces and look crete, which can reach compressive
very compact and well proportioned can strengths of up to 200 N/mm2, opened
be cast in this way. This is an important up new potentials for concrete truss
aspect in designing pedestrian bridges bridges. Using prefabricated parts that
whose details need to be to scale and are pre-stressed in a pre-stressing bed
proportions balanced. and very light and thus easy to transport
Ideally, these joints should be flexible makes it possible to build filigree truss
to exclude the possibility of secondary structures.
bending stress, also called secondary
truss stress. Flexible joints are however Load bearing
much more complex to manufacture, so Their longer spans mean that truss
it would seem reasonable to tolerate the bridge bearings have to absorb greater
secondary stresses occurring in rigid forces than simple beam or slab bridges
joints, which can make up 10 –20 % of do. If the capacity of elastomeric bear-
the total stress load. ings is not sufficient, roller or spherical

31 32

Design and construction
Suspension bridges


Suspension bridges structure can be hung in sections, which anced ratio between span length and
History is a great advantage over self-anchored sag (camber), the ratio of the structure’s
Suspension bridges originated in the suspension bridges. With this type of own weight to traffic load therefore plays
advanced civilisations of Asia and South bridge, it is important that the two oppo- a major role in suspension bridges. Bal-
America. In India and Peru there are still site anchorage points of the support anced force ratios in the support cables,
suspension bridges with plant fibre sup- cable are connected. This means that guys and masts are achieved with a
port ropes (Fig. 33). the superstructure must be at least partly rise of approximately 1/10 to 1/12. The
In Europe in contrast, suspension bridges complete before the support cable can greater the bridge’s own weight, the less
were completely unknown for a long time be loaded. Alternatively, the support sensitive it is to deformations caused by
and their history only began with the de- cable can be temporarily anchored in the traffic loads. This is a major difference
velopment of tough steel. Their tension ground to transfer the horizontal forces between these structures and cable-
members were initially forged chains. into the ground, which involves some stayed, beam and truss bridges. In the
Only in the 19th and 20th centuries were expense and effort. latter bridge types only the stiffness of
wire ropes developed, mainly in France, Although it could be thought that under- structural elements contributes to defor-
Switzerland and America, so that contin- spanned bridges without crossed struts mation, not the forces in the structural
uous tension elements could be manu- should be classified as truss or even elements.
factured. Wire cable was also easier beam bridges, they belong strictly speak- If the hangers’ angles are changed, the
to build with, which made it possible to ing to the category of self-anchored sus- system’s stiffness will also be modified.
create greater spans. The Pont Charles- pension bridges, although in modified Angled hangers slightly improve stiff-
Albert, built near Cruseilles in France in form. Underspanning (hanger ropes) ness, while zigzag diagonal hangers
1839, was one of Europe’s earliest wire bears the superstructure on supports completely change a bridge’s support
cable suspension bridges. The Brooklyn (hangers), which in turn diverts the hori- characteristics so that they resemble
Bridge in New York (1883) represented zontal forces in the system and also those of a truss bridge. The compressive
the final breakthrough of wire cable and ensures stiffness under loads not corre- forces occurring in a truss in a suspen-
launched the race for increasingly long sponding to the structure’s geometry. sion structure can however only be com-
spans. Suspension bridges with spans of Underspanning can be provided in the pletely absorbed by the cables if there
over 3,000 m are now regarded as con- form of cable, metal or concrete, while is enough own weight. The weight pre-
structible. the use of concrete is only advisable in stresses the hanger ropes, i.e. the
construction terms if it is pre-stressed reduction in tensile forces enables them
Function and can absorb tensile forces without to absorb compressive forces from traf-
Suspension bridges offer a range of developing large cracks. fic loads. To prevent the hangers from
construction options, from classic back- Suspension bridges are very efficient developing fatigue problems, it must be
anchored or self-anchored suspension support structures, because they require ensured that they are adequately pre-
bridges through bridges with angled rope only a minimal use of materials. Their stressed with sufficient weight so that
planes or lateral guying, to multi-span tension line is directly developed out of they can absorb the compressive forces
suspension bridges. the moment distribution. The disadvan- from traffic loads.
In back-anchored suspension bridges, tage of suspension bridges is however,
the tensile force of the support cable is that loads such as individual loads or
completely anchored into the ground, unilateral traffic loads that do not corre-
whereas with self-anchored suspension spond with the bridge’s own weight 30 Triangular and square mesh truss tube,
Peace Bridge, Calgary (CDN) 2012,
bridges only the vertical component is can lead to extensive deformations. The Santiago Calatrava
transferred into the ground, while the greater the force in the support cable, 31 Inverse Fink truss, Royal Victoria Dock Bridge,
horizontal component is diverted via the the lower the levels of deformation it London (GB) 1998, Lifschutz Davidson;
superstructure with the opposite side demonstrates. 32 Inverse Fink truss with various outward tilted
(Fig. 34, p. 48). The level of forces in the support cables struts, Forthside Bridge, Stirling (GB) 2009,
Wilkinson Eyre Architects; Gifford
In a back-anchored system, the support is determined by the rope’s geometry 33 Simple suspension bridge made of osiers in
cable is first mounted, then the super- and its own weight. As well as a bal- the Ladakh region (IND)

Design and construction
Suspension bridges

Z Pi
Zh Z

back- self- Z
anchored anchored


34 VD

While suspension bridges can only be strong as normal construction steel and Cables must be pre-stretched to forestall
built as major bridges with very long therefore has a very favourable ratio of any remaining deformation, also called
spans due to their complex manufac- own weight to strength (see Materials, creep deformation. To do this, the cable
ture and susceptibility to dynamic exci- p. 27). On the other hand, the cross is ratcheted up to five times its service
tation, pedestrian bridges with medium- section, which is made up of many indi- load. Despite pre-stretching, cables will
length spans of 30 to 100 m make much vidual wires, only has a fraction of the continue to creep. The remaining 3 to
less static and dynamic demands on stiffness that a solid steel rod of the same 4 mm of a 10 m-long cable must be taken
their support systems. This makes it pos- diameter would have. This also makes into account in determining length by
sible to build very light and aesthetically redirection without large additional bend- shortening it accordingly in advance.
appealing bridges in this smaller-scale ing stress possible. This means that suspension bridges usu-
range (Fig. 35). Locked coil spiral cables in particular ally sit a little too high shortly after com-
have proven their worth in pedestrian pletion and only gradually creep into their
Support elements bridge construction. At its core, this type final position over the course of the next
Support cables of cable consists of several round wires year or two.
The main support element of a suspen- laid in opposing directions. Z-wires form
sion bridge is the support cable. Support the outer layers, providing a closed struc- The wires in the end anchorages are cast
cables have to be able to absorb large ture. The outer Z-wires create a form clo- in a conical sleeve with a zinc-aluminium-
axial forces using as little material as pos- sure so the cable can absorb transverse magnesium-copper alloy called Zamak.
sible. To avoid greater bending stress compression through the arching effect. The cylindrical ends can transfer their
resulting from changes in curvature and This means that the cables can be bent forces either directly to an anchorage
redirection, continuous support cables and clamped without damaging the wires body (Fig. 39) or via cast-on eye plates
should be as flexible as possible. While and weakening them. to a bolt connection (Fig. 38). While
it can be interesting and economical in Locked coil cables are far less resistant a cylindrical spelter socket allows for
building shorter spans to use support to fatigue than parallel wire bundle length adjustments through bearing
cables made of articulated chain con- cables, which is especially important in plates, this option is not available with
sisting of chain links or steel sections, the stayed cables of transport bridges. an open spelter socket.
continuous cables, which ideally meet Their much lighter traffic means that
all support requirements in one tension pedestrian bridges are subject to smaller Cables are protected against corrosion
member, are mainly used for longer alternate loads, so the fatigue resistance by a Galfan coating. Galfan is a metallic
spans. On the one hand, high-strength of structural elements tends to play a less coating for round and profiled wires con-
tempered steel is three or four times as crucial role in them. sisting of an alloy of approximately 95 %


Design and construction
Suspension bridges

36 37

zinc and 5 % aluminium and is made with tion it decreases. Differential forces from direction of the mast) to the mast shaft.
a coating weight per unit area of around the support cables must be transferred These anchorings, which are usually
300 g/m2. into the mast. If a cable saddle is used, made of metal welded together, require
Since no further coating is necessary, forces must be transferred via friction very careful planning due to the large
the cable can retain its structured metallic between the rope and rope groove and, forces and complex geometry involved,
surface. Galfan coatings are designed if necessary, via additional clamping in as well as the often-cramped space avail-
to be durable for up to 50 years. If the the saddle. able if a proper transfer of forces, perfect
anti-corrosion protection deteriorates or With respect to cable saddles, some assembly and good weldability is to be
is damaged, the coating can easily be construction parameters must be com- ensured.
renewed with the application of a new plied with. A minimum radius of 20 times
layer. the cable diameter is required for cable Hanger ropes
redirection. The saddle’s length and Open spiral cables are suitable for use
As classic suspension bridge support size will be a consequence of the cable as hanger ropes, because they are much
cables run over masts to the abutments, diameter and the aperture angle between less loaded than the support cables.
some geometrical considerations must the cable and the mast. So-called ’end They usually consist of 7, 19, 37, 61 or 91
be kept in mind within this context. trumpets’ must be installed at the end of round wires and are made with diameters
Put simply, the support cable force is the saddle. These help to minimise local ranging from 10 mm up to 36 mm. Open
anchored by a brace, which consists of bending stress in the cable if the angle spiral cables are not as stiff as locked
the mast and the retaining or continuous of the support cable changes. Due to its coil cables, especially if they are made of
support cable (Fig. 46, p. 52). The forces often-complex three-dimensional geome- stainless steel. Due to the lower stress,
in this system depend on the tilt of the try, it may be advisable to manufacture the end fittings can be pressed onto the
mast. If the mast stands in the angle the saddle using cast steel. This also open spiral cables.
bisector, then the support cable forces provides a harmonious transition into the The required press or anchoring length
will be equal and no tangential forces mast shaft. is approximately seven times the rope’s
have to be transferred to the mast. If how- One alternative to cable saddles are strap diameter and makes the fittings look elon-
ever, the mast moves out of this ideal anchors. In contrast to a cable saddle, gated. A distinction is made between
position, differential forces occur in the they transfer the rope’s entire force into fork, eye and threaded fittings (Fig. 42).
support cables and the forces affecting the mast head. The rope force is diverted If adjustment is necessary, an additional
the mast change. If the mast tilts towards into the mast head with the opposite side turnbuckle can be added, although it
the bridge’s centre, the force in the mast and transfers its vertical component (with must be ensured that the turnbuckles are
increases; if it tilts in the opposite direc- a tilted mast the component in the axial appropriately secured.

34 Support system of a suspension bridge

35 Self-anchored suspension bridge, Glacis Bridge,
Minden (D) 1994, schlaich bergermann and
36 Cable clamp hanger rope with redirection
37 Cable clamp with bolt connection and end fitting
38 Open spelter socket
38 39 39 Cylindrical spelter socket

Design and construction
Suspension bridges

40 41

Hanger ropes are connected to the sup- sion in the bridge construction has is clamped to these to prevent it slip-
port cable by rope clamps (Figs. 36 already been identified when hangers ping through should a unilateral load
and 37, p. 49). These consist of two were fitted and will have to be taken into be imposed upon it.
half shells clamped to the support cable consideration and whether expected
with high-strength pre-stressed bolts to long-term deformations (e.g. creep Support cable anchorings
form a slip-resistant joint. The amount effect of rope or the concrete superstruc- Cables must be anchored in the abut-
of pre-stressing depends on the tangen- ture) can be predicted and calculated ments and anchor points or to the
tial or slip forces to be transferred. In precisely enough. An engineer must superstructure so that tensile forces
the case of vertical hangers these in- decide in each individual case whether can be transferred into the ground or
crease with the support cable’s angle, a non-adjustable, fixed anchoring will the superstructure’s cross section. This
i.e. clamps near the mast, which are suffice or whether a turnbuckle will be can be done either with brackets, which
usually connected to the most heavily necessary. are clamped with tendons to concrete
loaded hangers, have the greatest slip bases, or by building or welding steel
force. In dealing with widely varying slip Hanger ropes can be connected to the elements onto the abutments or super-
forces it is advisable to graduate the superstructure by a simple butt and strap structure.
hanger clamp cross sections. Because joint (Fig. 40) or by bollards. The latter In the cross sections of concrete super-
these clamps are often cast parts, it must will only function however with double- structures with minimised heights there
be determined whether it is worth going shear hanger loops, which are also run is often not much space available, so
through the complex and costly process over a support cable clamp. While a forces can only be transferred over
of manufacturing new foundry models or threaded fitting can be adjusted, all the greater lengths. This is achieved using
whether the same clamps can be used other connections mentioned here are serrated steel strips, which ensure a
throughout. rigid and do not allow for any length continuous transfer of force.
Before choosing suitable hanger anchor- adjustment. A special kind of anchoring Loop anchoring means that two rope
ing, it must be determined whether the is the looping of hanger ropes through end anchorings can be dispensed with,
hanger rope length will have to be cor- the substructure’s lower edge, which although cable saddles with suitable
rected. It must be taken into account that is only possible with symmetrical anchor- openings in the abutments to thread
diagonal hangers are much more sensi- ings or those positioned opposite each the ropes through will be necessary
tive than vertical hangers to changes in other. This obviates the need for the two (Fig. 43).
the length of support structure compo- fittings and anchoring on the superstruc- In choosing support cable anchorings it
nents. The choice of hanger anchoring ture, however cable saddles are required must be taken into account that if a cable
will also depend on whether any impreci- which are no less complicated; the cable is clamped in a butt and strap joint and

a c

42 b d e

Design and construction
Suspension bridges


looped it cannot be adjusted. Should section, this course can be traced with Anchors or piles are often a better solu-
adjustment be necessary, a cylindrical a reasonable amount of effort. The mast tion because they anchor forces in the
anchor head with washers or braced looks more slender and its function as a ground and the adjacent ground can
anchoring must be used. pendulum rod is made clear. be activated. If the tension rods have a
Self-supporting masts can be stabilised robust corrosion protection and if tests
Masts, pylons either by anchoring or by using support show that they are stable after installation,
A mast is subject mainly to compressive cables. If only two cables stabilise the they can be used as a permanent anchor
forces from the support cables, so buck- mast, it must be ensured that recovery without restriction.
ling stability issues will determine its forces always compensate and the
dimensions. The bending and deforma- cables do not exert any down forces Superstructure
tion components from the mast’s own on the mast if it is deflected, so that the A superstructure’s dimensions will de-
weight must be taken into account with mast is pulled back into its initial posi- pend on stress and often on admissible
tilted masts. In connection with great tion. This is ensured if the mast’s centre local deformations. Installation consid-
compressive forces, these can substan- of rotation is lower than an imaginary erations, such as an assessment of dy-
tially increase stress (geometrically non- line between the two cable anchorings namic properties, must also be taken into
linear for small deformations). With skil- (Fig. 44, p. 52). account here. If the bridge is hung on
ful pre-cambering, the bending moment This problem will not occur with three both sides, the superstructure does not
from the structure’s own weight can be cables or if two masts mutually stabilise have to be torsion-resistant and demands
balanced by the pre-camber and com- each other with connecting bars. In this on the cross section’s bending stiffness
pressive force moments. case, horizontal forces can be directly are also low, because the cable support
Pressure-stable or buckle-resistant cross transferred using guy ropes or by a structure provides the necessary stiffness.
sections must be as stiff as possible, framework effect. A simple slab, which could be either a
meaning that from a static-constructive purely concrete cross section or a com-
and economic point of view, hollow sec- A mast can also be installed with a flexi- posite cross section made up of a steel
tions are most suitable for these as they ble joint in the form of a sphere at the end beam with a thin concrete slab laid on
have the largest possible amount of of its lower conic section (Fig. 45, p. 52). it, will suffice. The latter has the advan-
material at the greatest possible distance This ball bearing allows for large changes tage that the steel beam can be pre-
from the centre of gravity and therefore of angle, which is advantageous, espe- installed with the cable support structure
have a large radius of gyration. cially if the mast has to be tipped from a and the concrete elements can be added
vertical position into its final tilted position in a second step as finished or semi-
i = √Ι/A during installation. finished parts.
(moment of inertia Ι, cross section area A) Alternatively, bearings such as spherical
bearings or rubber pot bearings can be The cross section of a self-anchored sus-
If open sections are chosen, much more used. These are however only suitable to pension bridge is subject to compressive
material will have to be used to achieve a limited extent for flexible joints and often forces, so its superstructure requires axial
an identical radius of gyration, i.e. the require a diameter similar to that of the
same buckling stability. mast itself, which prevents the mast being
Relieved cross sections also follow this tapered down to its foot and can make it
40 Anchorage of cables to the superstructure with
principle of maximum »material removal«. look clumsy. a fork fitting
They are more costly and complex to Anchored foundations and abutments 41 Support cable anchorings on a superstructure
with support cables anchored to cross girders
manufacture, but compared with hollow to which the mast’s main support cables 42 Cable end connections
sections can look more structured, yet are anchored must be designed to take a Cylindrical spelter socket with an external
sometimes also ‘busy’. tensile and horizontal forces. Immov- and internal thread
b Fork fitting
Stress on the mast follows a cigar-shaped able heavyweight foundations are suita- c Fork turnbuckle
parabola. By dividing the mast into three ble for this purpose, although the large d Eye fitting
e Threaded fitting
conical sections at the top, the foot and a volumes they require tend to make them 43 Bearer cable redirected over a cast saddle in
middle section with a consistent cross uneconomic. abutments

Design and construction
Suspension bridges

44 a b

stiffness. Purely concrete cross sections, From there the bridge moves in both
which are subject to compressive forces directions and the deformation paths
through the diversion of rope forces, are of the superstructure are halved. If float-
suitable here. This compressive force ing support is used, it must be ensured
has a positive effect, because the tensile that the superstructure does not make
stress from bending is reduced so the excessive pendulum movements. To
cross section will not break up as quickly. limit these, retainers can be installed to
The great disadvantage of a self-anchored prevent any exceptionally large longitu-
suspension bridge is – as already men- dinal deformations, such as those caused
tioned – its complex installation. The by very large numbers of pedestrians or
superstructure is first completely manu- even earthquakes.
factured using falsework and only then Suspension bridges can deform very
can it be hung in the cable support struc- severely, especially under unilateral traffic
ture. Segmental manufacture followed loads and the support cable can shift hor-
45 by an assembly of the superstructure in izontally in the direction of the stress. This
mid-air is only possible if the support can be prevented by immovably joining
cables are temporarily back-anchored, the superstructure in the middle of the
which is often depicted in spectacular bridge horizontally to the support cable
photos of the construction of large sus- so that it functions as a support bar for
pension bridges. the support cable. This prevents horizon-
tal displacement of the support cable and
A suspension bridge’s superstructure reduces vertical deformations. If the sup-
must be able to absorb horizontal forces port cable is anchored in the superstruc-
and excessive relative displacement ture, it must be taken into account that
between the cable support structure and differential forces are transferred from the
the superstructure, which can lead to support cable into the superstructure, so
skewing of the hangers, which must not it is necessary to clamp the continuous
be allowed to occur. cable. This also only works if the super-
If a fixed point is chosen on one of the structure has a fixed point for absorbing
abutments, very large longitudinal dis- horizontal forces and is not resting on
placements will occur in the other abut- floating support.
ment and in back-anchored structures.
This can lead to the relative displace-
ment between the cable support structure
and superstructure described above.
Floating support of the superstructure is
therefore often advisable, especially for
larger spans.
With floating support there is no desig-
nated fixed point, the bridge deforms
freely and the horizontal longitudinal
forces must be compensated for by acti-
vating recovery forces in the cable sup-
port structure. One advantage of this kind
of support is that the resting point, also
called the elastic fixed point, is near the
46 bridge’s middle.

Design and construction
Cable-stayed bridges

44 Stabilising of a mast with various stresses

a Guyed mast
b Free-standing mast. The mast tips if the mast
foundation is above the cable anchoring. If the
mast foundation is under the cable anchoring
it remains stable.
45 Setting of a mast on a spherical joint
46 Mast with cable saddle and spherical joint,
Glacis Bridge, Minden (D) 1994, schlaich
bergermann und partner
47 Guyed wooden bridge by Carl Immanuel
Löscher, 1784
48 Longitudinal arrangement of stay cables
a Harp arrangement
b Fan arrangement
c Semi-harp arrangement
47 d Asymmetrical arrangement

Cable-stayed bridges ciently and economically manufactured In a parallel arrangement of angled stay
History in cantilever construction without scaf- cables – harp formation – the mast shaft
As early as the 18th century, bridge de- folding. This has led in recent decades to is subjected to much higher stresses,
signers were thinking about using angled a rapid increase in span lengths, which because the cables act on it at varying
stay rods or cables to rig overhanging can now reach up to 1,100 m for large heights, which is why the so-called semi-
structures. Carl Immanuel Löscher made bridges. harp form has become established. In
the first known design of a guyed wooden this form, the anchorings of the angled
bridge in 1784 (Fig. 47). In the early Function cables are pushed together opposite
19th century, Claude-Louis Navier devel- A cable-stayed bridge superstructure the ‘harp’ in the direction of the mast
oped cable-stayed systems, distinguish- hangs directly from a pylon or mast on head and can be easily anchored while
ing between a radial (fan) and parallel angled and tensioned ropes or cables. exerting only slight bending stress on
(harp) arrangement of stays. Only very They therefore belong, strictly speaking, the mast.
few ‘true’ cable-stayed bridges were to the category of truss bridges, because
however built. Most such structures are they are made up of individual triangles As pedestrian bridges have to bear much
combined suspension/cable-stayed with a systematic separation of tensile lesser loads than major bridges, special
structures, such as the Albert Bridge over (stay cables) and compressive (super- forms of mast geometry and cable an-
the Thames in London (1872) or the structure, pylon) elements. This truss chorings are technically feasible for them.
Brooklyn Bridge in New York (1883). effect also makes them much stiffer than Masts can be asymmetrically positioned,
The first true cable-stayed bridges were suspension bridges. tilted or straddled, or even form an arch
however only built in the mid-20th century Stay cables can be arranged in the form or be bent. Interesting geometrical forms
because they react far more sensitively of a harp or a fan. A fan arrangement is can be produced by varying the heights
to various construction tolerances than more favourable for economic and con- of cable anchorings, although such ex-
suspended structures do. Minor errors in struction reasons (Fig. 48). In an ideal fan travagant arrangements result in greater
length are immediately noticeable and arrangement all the stay cables meet at forces and use of materials. In a structure
produce widely varying, barely control- one point, concentrating the anchorings with a curved mast and harp arrange-
lable forces in the angled cable stays, at the mast head. ment, the force from the angled cable
resulting in excessive stress on the super- A clean constructional implementation stays must be in equilibrium with the
structure. is not possible due to the size of the redirection force, which results out of the
Improved manufacturing options have anchorings, unless these are positioned curve of the mast subject to axial stress,
now solved these problems, so cable- next to each other, which results in large otherwise the mast will be subject to sig-
stayed bridges can now be very effi- mast heads. nificant bending moments that it will only
be able to absorb through a reinforced
cross section.

While the massive dimensions of classic

cable-stayed major bridge structures
make them look imposing but well propor-
tioned, they can often make both a linear
a c
and static impression in a much smaller
pedestrian bridge.
One of the reasons for this is the strict
geometry of these structures. More
fluid, organic forms are more appealing.
Classic cable-stayed bridges tend to
be more frequently represented in the
major bridge category and less so among
48 b d smaller, less austere pedestrian bridges.

Design and construction
Cable-stayed bridges

Zi Zi +1
Zi, V Zi +1,V
Zi, h Zi +1, h Zi, h= -ΔDi


P P Pi Pi +1

49 V

Leaving behind this familiar arrange- cables made up of many seven-wire Cables can usually be adjusted to com-
ment of mast, superstructure and cables strands bundled together and usually pensate for tolerances, with the cable
and two-dimensionality and venturing used in major bridge construction, can adjusted to the right force. This is impor-
into other spatial dimensions can result be used but have the disadvantage that tant because significantly changed
in very interesting and appealing cable the anchorings are complex and costly, stresses can occur due to errors in
stayed structures (see Curved bridges because every strand has to be individu- length not only in the cables but also
p. 60ff.). ally anchored with wedges. This results in the superstructure.
in very large anchorings, which can look Apart from being hung from both sides,
Support elements out of scale in smaller pedestrian bridges. bridges can also be hung on one side
Stay cables Very long cables sag, which can cause or in the middle. The superstructure of a
Cables should be at an angle of no less them to lose stiffness. In spans of less straight bridge with just one rope plane
than 20 degrees. Open spiral cables can than 100 m with a correspondingly high must have sufficient torsional stiffness.
be used as angled cable stays for smaller level of stress in the cable this tends Curved bridges with just one rope plane
diameters; locked coil cables are more to play a less crucial role with thinner can use the curve to transform the torsion
suitable for larger diameters. Stranded pedestrian bridge cables. in bending. Here more expensive and
complex box beam sections can be dis-
pensed with and open cross sections,
which must have higher bending stiff-
ness, can be used.

Because of the angled cable stays,
the superstructure has to absorb com-
pressive forces, meaning that adequate
axial stiffness must be taken into ac-
count in planning. From a construction
and economic point of view, massive
concrete slabs or composite sections
are more suitable than pure steel sec-
tions, because the angled stay cables
provide them with beneficial external

Cable-stayed bridges can be built using

a cantilever construction method without
scaffolding, beginning with the mast and
working down both sides, which is a
great advantage compared with suspen-
sion bridges. They are assembled either
out of completely prefabricated compo-
nents, which are lifted into place, or with
semi-finished parts, which are finished
by being cast in concrete in-situ. To cre-
ate a composite section, the main steel
girder is first installed, then concrete is
poured onto the composite slab or the
50 structure is completed with prefabricated

Design and construction
Cable-stayed bridges


parts. This construction method saves tubes (Fig. 52). Redirection over the Load bearing
time and money. masthead is also possible, however, as As with suspension bridges, heavyweight
Massive wooden cross sections are it is very complicated to run many cables foundations or tie rods or piles absorb
also suitable as superstructures, because over special cable saddles, this kind of the vertical tensile forces at the ends of
the joints of individual superstructure ele- anchoring is very rarely used in pedes- the bridge. External longitudinal forces
ments are subject to compressive stress. trian bridges. If a cable cannot be are transferred either to fixed points on
They can be joined with contact splices, adjusted, by a turnbuckle for example, the abutments or via a bearing to a pylon
which are much easier to make in other means of adjustment must be pro- or mast. Floating support, which provides
wooden structures than tensile splices. vided in the superstructure anchorings by no definitive fixed point, is not very eco-
Active protection of the wood is usually lining them with washers or by using nomical because horizontal longitudinal
provided by a metal cover. adjustable bolted connections. forces are transferred to the mast head
Glass can also be suitable for such super- by the angled cable stays and then
structures because of its high compres- Masts and pylons through the bending of the mast down
sive strength, although glass walkways The stress on a mast depends on its into the foundations and thus have to
can cause problems because they are support and the arrangement of cable travel long distances. The mast must also
slippery when wet. For this reason, glass anchorings. With a flexible joint at the have sufficient bending stiffness.
bridges are usually only built indoors. foot of the mast and a concentrated
If glass panels have to be replaced, it anchoring of cables on the mast in a
can be carried out either using a tempo- fan formation, almost exclusively axial
rary support or by diverting the compres- forces occur in the mast (Fig. 51). If
sive forces to temporary compressive the foot of the mast is fixed, the mast’s
elements. buckling length is reduced, although
bending moments result from this fixing,
Cables should be spaced in the super- in particular under asymmetrical traffic
structure to ensure that no excessive loads, which can defeat this advantage. 49 Cable-stayed bridge support system
forces occur in the angled cable stays If it is fixed, it is also not possible to 50 Cable-stayed bridge with pylons on each side
and that cable cross sections are not taper the mast to its foot, which can of the deck, bridge over the Hoofdvaart Canal
Hoofddorp (NL) 2004, Santiago Calatrava
disproportionally large. Distances of 3 to make it look clumsier. If the cable anchor- 51 Mast head with cable stay anchoring,
5 m are not only economical, they can ing at the mast head is widely spaced, Passerelle des deux Rives, Strasbourg (F) 2004,
Marc Mimram
make the rope plane look flatter, which as in a harp formation, the mast will be 52 Cable stay anchoring to a substructure,
produces interesting three-dimensional subject to additional bending stress, Bridge over the Hoofdvaart Canal
geometries, especially in curved and because the cable forces are distrib-
unilateral arrangements. These spacings uted. The same applies to the cross sec-
allow for a slender superstructure beam tions of pylons and the masts of cable-
with an overall depth ranging from 30 stayed bridge as for those of suspension
to 50 cm. If the distances between the bridges.
cables are longer, the superstructure
must have greater longitudinal stiffness Cable-stayed bridge mast forms range
so that it can transfer loads to the angled from freestanding masts through to H or
cable stays. The transfer of loads in a A-shaped pylons. In H-shaped masts, the
transverse direction is only decisive for rope plane can be arranged vertically,
the superstructure’s overall structural while lateral loads are transferred by the
depth if the bridge is wider than 5 to 6 m. supporting framework effect. In contrast,
in the case of an A form and an angled
Cables can be anchored to the super- rope plane, loads are transferred far more
structure and mast either with a butt and efficiently by a type of brace, in this case
strap joint or fastened over cleats or the mast shafts. 52

Design and construction
Stress ribbon bridges



53 54

Stress ribbon bridges suitable for pedestrian bridges, because s Slope [%]
History the bridge’s bobbing and swaying will not f Sag [m]
Stress ribbon bridges made of natural necessarily be regarded as disturbing l Span [m]
fibres have a long tradition throughout (Fig. 56). F Force in the stress ribbon [kN]
Asia and North America. The oldest exist- q Load [kN/m2]
ing multi-span stress ribbon bridge is the Function
Anlan Bridge in south-western China. It The load-bearing behaviour of stress Slopes of up to 6 % are usually accepta-
is said to have been built in 960 A. D. and ribbon bridges is very similar to that of ble for pedestrian bridges. This results
has a total length, incredible for those back-anchored suspension bridges. The in a f/l ratio of 0.06 /4 = 1/67. If this is
times, of about 300 m, in eight spans, difference is that the tension member is compared with the f /l ratio of approxi-
each up to 60 m long. It hangs from ten directly used as a walkway. The force F mately 1/10 recommended for suspen-
thick bamboo ropes that run through in the stress ribbon depends on the span sion bridges, it becomes clear that this
wooden guides on both sides (Fig. 53). length l, the distributed load q and the type of bridge must transfer much greater
The Incas in South America further devel- sag f. The maximum slope at the ends of forces, which must be anchored at some
oped stress ribbon bridge construction. A the bridge can be determined by means cost and effort. Spans of up to 130 m are
bridge made of plaited osier ropes once of the sag f and span length l. As Figure possible with these rise ratios, but they
spanned the 45 m-wide Apurímac Gorge 55 shows, there is a linear dependency require very large stress ribbon cross
in Peru. Suspension bridges tended to between the rise and the slope and also sections and huge foundations. This is
be preferred in later eras, because stress between the rise and the force in the clearly evident in the Millennium Bridge
ribbon bridges, with their steep slopes at stress ribbon – although they are in in London for example, which is not a
each end, made going hard for pedestri- inverse proportion. This means that dou- stress-ribbon bridge, but a suspension
ans. Only with the development of tough, bling the slope also doubles the rise but bridge with a comparable rise ratio. Its
high-strength steels in the 19th century halves the force and the following equa- superstructure hangs on four steel cables,
did stress ribbon bridges again start to tion results: each 120 mm in diameter. The average
be built more frequently. Today‘s modern span length is 130 m with a rise of approx-
stress ribbon bridges are made up of one 4∙f imately 2.30 m.
s= [%]
or more tensile members consisting of l Stress ribbons can extend over one or
pre-stressed tendons or stress ribbons. several spans. Like multi-span suspen-
Their characteristic sag in the middle q ∙ l2 sion and cable-stayed bridges, multi-
F= [kN]
makes these types of structure especially 8∙f span systems have their own specific


Forces in the stress ribbon [kN]

q = 10 kN/m2 for a width of 1 m
s [%] l [m]
20 40 60 100
4% 2500 5000 7500 12 500
6% 1667 3333 5000 8333
8% 1250 2500 3750 6250
10 % 1000 2000 3000 5000
12 % 833 1667 2500 4167
55 56

Design and construction
Stress ribbon bridges

53 Anlan Bridge, Dujiangyan (CN), 960 A. D.

54 Support system of a stress ribbon bridge
55 Forces in the stress ribbon depending on
span length and slope s
56 Steel stress ribbon bridge, Aaresteg, Auenstein
(CH) 2010, Conzett Bronzini Gartmann
57 Deformation of a cable without guying (a) and
with guying (b)
P Traffic load
G Own weight
sG Cable force from own weight
sP Cable force from own weight and traffic load
f Deformation
V Cable force underspanning
This results in: f1 > f2; s1G < s2G;
s1P = s2P; V1P = 0
58 Stress ribbon bridge with guying at the Trift
Glacier (CH) 2010, Ingenieurbüro Hans Pfaffen

characteristics. They are very economi- Stiffening

cal structures because the stress ribbon Stress ribbon bridges have little natural
passes over the spans under a constant damping so tend to be subject to verti-
load and the abutments cost the same cal vibrations. It is therefore advisable to
as those for single-span stress ribbon choose a heavier superstructure.
bridges (Fig. 54). The individual span Concrete slabs or granite elements are
loads mean however, that stress ribbons suitable for this purpose, so as to favour-
are subject to differing forces. If piers ably influence the ratio of exciting mass P
are very stiff, the force is transferred to (pedestrians) to the vibrating mass
them and does not influence the adjoining (bridge) – also referred to as the modal
s1G G s1G
spans. This results in massive, sometimes mass – and reduce excitability.
clumsy looking piers, which have to trans-
fer differential forces via fixed support in Additive vibration absorbers must in any
s1P f1 s1P
the foundation. If the pier is flexible and case not be allowed to impair or destroy a
yields at the top, it transfers force to the stress ribbon bridge’s slender silhouette. a
adjoining span. This pliability of piers
gives rise to greater deformations in the Cross sections
spans, which can be tolerated in pedes- There are various ways of combining a
trian bridges, in contrast to a gain in force walkway slab with a stress ribbon.
in major bridges. The bridge’s fitness for P
service must not however be impaired, Integrated solution s2G s2G
i.e. deformations and accelerations must In the integrated version, the superstruc-
be limited to a reasonable extent. ture itself is designed as a stress ribbon
Stress ribbon bridges can be bent span- that can absorb tensile forces. While steel s2P s2P
by-span in the horizontal section. This and wood are suitable for these struc- f2
bending results in horizontal loads at the tures, concrete requires reinforcement
height of the stress ribbon, which can be with tendons. Concrete cross sections
transferred by massive or relieved sup- can be manufactured in stages. Semi
port structures. pre-cast superstructure segments are
first hung on the tendons and then con- V1G V1G
Deformations, torsion crete is poured onto them in-situ to form 57b
While symmetric loads corresponding a continuous band. After the concrete
with the structure’s own weight cause has hardened, more tendons are inserted
moderate deformations, deformation is and pre-stressed so that tensile strength is
much greater under asymmetrical loads. transferred via the pre-stressed concrete
The deformations consist of cable elon- cross section. The advantage compared
gation and a large inextensible compo- with completely prefabricated slabs is the
nent, like a sagging chain, which reacts jointless surface, which avoids the risk
to a concentrated load by deforming with- of icicles forming under the bridge from
out an increase in force i.e. inextensibly. dripping water; this is an important con-
Deformation depends on the magnitude sideration in bridges over traffic routes.
of force in the stress ribbon – the higher Pre-stressed steel is manufactured as
the tensile force, the slighter the deforma- an endless roll and wound into reels for
tion, like a heavy chain, which under the transport so that it can be installed on site
same concentrated load and with the in one piece. Anchoring onto the abut-
same geometry will deform less than a ments is carried out using a conventional
light one. pre-stressed anchor. 58

Design and construction
Stress ribbon bridges


If wood or steel is used, superstructure the other hand via the suspension effect ribbons are passed over arches, the
segments can be lifted up in one piece of the stress ribbon. The different ways geometry of the arches can be made to
and anchored. If joints outside the bear- in which loads are transferred can be correspond with that of the rolling radius.
ing area are necessary for transport illustrated with a thick and a thin band The arch then takes on the function of
reasons, a continuous temporary support of the same geometry and load. A thick a vertical intermediate support; the stress
must be used to ensure that the joint band transfers far more load but low lev- ribbon passes over it and transfers no
does not have to transfer horizontal els of tensile force to its supports when larger horizontal force to the arch.
forces in joining. subject to bending, while a thin band has
greater tensile force, but transfers less Another means of stabilising a bridge
Additive solution bending force. Targeted pre-stressing is by underspanning, such as that used
In an additive or laid solution, concrete can be used to control the distribution of in the stress ribbon bridge at the Trift
or stone superstructure segments are the structure’s own weight. Under traffic Glacier (Fig. 58; see also p. 102f.). From
laid on steel bands (Fig. 59). Elastomeric loads, stresses are transferred in accor- diagonal downward underspanning, the
cushioning pads separate the segments dance with the prevailing stiffness. Load stress ribbon gains not only more weight,
so that the plates cannot damage each transfer behaviour can only then be influ- but also more force, which increases
other if the bridge deforms. They also enced by changing the structure’s cross its stiffness. Under an increasing load,
have a damping effect, which is an section or geometry. force is successively minimised by under-
advantage in stress ribbon bridges sus- The stress ribbon bridge near Essing in spanning, while in the stress ribbon it
ceptible to dynamic excitation. Steel Germany is an example of a combined increases at only a disproportionately
bands are usually anchored to welded form (Fig. 60). It was delivered in several low rate.
end plates, which are in turn anchored pieces, lifted into place and pre-stressed When no more force acts on the under-
to concrete abutments. after completion. The supports on both spanning, the stress ribbon transfers
sides of the Main-Danube Canal provide loads again the usual way with only slight
Mixed forms a harmonious transition between the deformations (Fig. 57). Although interest-
Apart from ’true’ stress ribbon bridges main span and side spans, creating a ing and very economical structures for
there are also mixed forms combining kind of fixed point, which prevents hori- long spans can be developed using such
features of both stress ribbon and beam zontal displacement of the head, limiting systems, very high demands in terms of
bridges. Two types of load transferral can deformation and bending in the super- deformation and slope cannot be made
be distinguished here, depending on their structure. on them. Railings, which contribute to
stiffness: on the one hand transferral via Stress ribbons can also be combined damping through friction, or superstruc-
the superstructure’s beam action and on with arched support structures. If stress ture plates mounted to increase damping,
can often help to improve a bridge’s
vibration behaviour.

The situation is different if the stress rib-

bon is part of an overhanging system, in
which greater forces must be transferred
between the angled pillar and the tension
member (Fig. 56, p. 56). Forces in the
stress ribbon in such systems can only
be regulated by using the structure’s
geometry and own weight. The rise
results of itself out of the stress ribbon’s
own weight and tensile force from the
cantilever system. A combination of the
compressive (angled pillar) and tensile
60 elements (stress ribbon) balances the

Design and construction
Stress ribbon bridges

horizontal forces so the ground beneath the supports. A haunch is designed with
is subject only to vertical loads, which an iterative form so that the load and
can be a great advantage. deformation stresses match the cross
section’s ability to withstand stress. This
Redirection solution is not suitable for the additive
The critical points in stress ribbon version however, because here the stress
bridges are the transitions from the stress ribbon and walkway are separate from
ribbon to the abutments. Stress ribbons each other. In this case, the stress ribbon
have a very low bending stiffness and is either reinforced by underlying slats,
tend to be subject to larger deformations, similar to a leaf spring, or equipped
not only under asymmetrical loads, but with a saddle, which will determine the
also due to changes in length resulting band’s curvature.
from temperature variations, creep and
shrinkage. Load bearing
Particular attention must therefore be The foundations of classical stress ribbon 61
paid to the anchoring of the stress ribbon bridges must be able to absorb large
in the abutments and with multi-span horizontal forces. Foundation blocks that
bridges to the redirection of the ribbon to are anchored in the ground with perma-
the supports. If the stress ribbon warps, nent anchors or micro piles have proven
the ribbon will buckle at the fixing point, their worth within this context. Both sys-
which leads to very large local bending tems can be made with very flat gradi-
stress due to the great tensile force. ents, which help to transfer horizontal
To avoid this, the stress ribbon is either forces with as little anchorage force as
passed over a saddle or a haunch is built, possible.
which minimises the bending stress from
the curvature (Figs. 61 and 62).
Passed over a saddle, the stress ribbon
can unroll in a controlled way. By select-
ing a suitable saddle radius, the bending
stress in the band can be controlled.
Saddle length will depend on radius; the
radius is in turn determined by the rib-
bon’s thickness. The thinner the stress
ribbon, the smaller the radius can be and
the more compact the saddle. A stress
ribbon’s cross section must however al-
ways be able to absorb the tensile forces
imposed. Materials with great tensile
strength that can be applied very thinly
are particularly appropriate here. Re-
search is being carried out at Berlin’s
Technical University into the use of
high-strength carbon fibre bands less 59 Stress ribbon, additive solution
60 Combination of a beam and stress ribbon
than 1 mm thick for use in stress ribbon bridge, Bridge over the Main-Danube Canal,
bridges (Fig. 15, p. 31). Essing (D) 1986, Richard J. Dietrich; Brüninghoff
und Rampf
If there is a haunch, the stress ribbon 61 Concrete haunch of a stress ribbon bridge
cross section tapers out successively to 62 Haunch of a stress ribbon bridge with leaf spring 62

Design and construction
Curved bridges


Curved bridges be unilaterally supported or hung so the vertical stabilisation of the cables to
History as not to breach the clearance gauge. a tension ring below and to the super-
Curved bridges have a relatively short This significantly affects the design how- structure, are gathered there, then trans-
history. Innovative engineers such as the ever, potentially influencing the choice ported to the abutments. Even if the
Swiss Robert Maillart experimented in of a bridge cross section or support support structure exactly follows the load-
the first half of the 20th century with the conditions. bearing behaviour and its geometry is
properties of freely mouldable concrete optimised, a steel box girder with high
and designed the first curved bridges A distinction is made between two princi- levels of bending and torsional stiffness
(Fig. 63). After the Second World War, ples in curved bridges: their superstruc- will still be required for the superstructure
several such bridges with small spans tures are supported either by a primary if it is to be able to also absorb loads that
were built, but only in recent decades support structure in the form of a sus- do not correspond with the structure’s
have engineers attempted suspension pension or arch structure, or the primary geometry.
or arch structures with larger spans. support structure can be integrated into
The rapid development of curved pedes- the superstructure. These two principles Circular ring girders
trian bridges began in 1988 with the con- are subject to completely different laws Circular ring girder bridges with circular
struction of a suspension bridge over the of statics. and unilaterally hung superstructures are
Rhine-Main-Danube Canal in Kelheim. The superstructure of an external pri- interesting because they very efficiently
New software tools and calculation meth- mary support structure is not subjected transfer the expected carding moments.
ods have made it possible to attract and to any great stress if it is supported on A circular ring girder structure takes
establish interest in this new bridge con- both sides; it can be regarded as a cross advantage of the fact that a slab curved
struction genre, with all its functional and section supported on both sides. If a in plan can be kept stable with single
structural design potentials. The following bridge is unilaterally, eccentrically hung supports arranged on one side alone,
section deals mainly with bridges with however, a so-called ‘local carding while a straight slab supported on just
medium and long spans, because simple moment’ occurs, which results from the one side with one row of supports will tip
curved bridges with closely placed sup- eccentricity between the point from over. With a straight beam, a torsionally
ports fall more into the category of beam which the superstructure is hung and stiff superstructure and a fork bearing
bridges and have no major special char- its centroid. The carding moment must are necessary. With a curved beam, it is
acteristics. be absorbed by the superstructure’s possible to convert the carding moment
cross section. into a horizontal force couple and gather
Function If the superstructure is part of the pri- the horizontal forces through the ring
In contrast to road and railway bridges, mary support structure, its load-bearing effect. As with the support cables of a
it is possible to choose free forms with capacity is more like that of a curved suspension bridge or an arch bridge’s
curved layouts and tighter radii for pedes- beam, which transfers loads through its compression arch, loads can then be
trian bridges. Their superstructures can bending and torsional stiffness. An exam- transferred without causing transverse
be skilfully adapted to existing route tra- ple of this is curved, bending and torsion- bending. This allows the design’s curva-
jectories and terrains, resulting in a very ally stiff trussed tubes, which are able ture to efficiently compensate for the
varied range of basic layouts. There to transfer torsional moments even over effects of the eccentric support.
is a great scope for individual design, longer spans. Other relieved cross sec-
because not only can superstructures be tions such as the one in the Passerelle The support system alone will determine
curved, but masts can be tilted, arches La Défense in Paris work with clearly sep- which chord tension or pressure occurs
slanted and cables angled through space arated load-bearing functions (Figs. 67 in it. If the circular ring girder is externally
– can and must be – if the equilibrium and 68). Vertical loads are transferred supported, the lower chord will be subject
conditions are to be maintained with rea- via an outwards tilted truss system con- to tension and the upper chord to pres-
sonable expense and effort. sisting of several vertical masts and sure; if it is supported on the inside, it is
A fluid route trajectory suitable for both angled guys. exactly the other way around. The super-
pedestrians and cyclists often means The horizontal forces on the mast heads structure of the Erzbahnschwinge Bridge
that suspended bridge decks can only caused by the curve are transferred via in Bochum is hung from the inside from a

Design and construction
Curved bridges

D 63 Schwandbach Bridge, Hinterfultigen (CH) 1933,
Robert Maillart
64 Circular ring girder support system. If the tension
and pressure rings are positioned one above the
other, they can absorb opposing forces (tensile
V and compressive forces).
65 View of a pedestrian bridge, Weiden (D) 1998,
Richard J. Dietrich; Heinrich Schröter Ingenieure;
no scale
66 Curved bridge beam as spatial truss construc-
tion made of tubular rods, pedestrian bridge in
Z Weiden
V 67 View, Passerelle La Défense, Paris (F) 2007,
Dietmar Feichtinger Architects; schlaich
bergermann und partner; no scale
D 68 The 90 metre long curved steel structure is held
V at the ends by just two support points. Passerelle
64 La Défense

mast, which leads up to a tension ring hung externally, so it is subject to tension due to the cable geometry. By shifting
above, which is integrated into the walk- below and pressure above, which can be the anchorage point it is possible to cen-
way slab and a compression chord in clearly seen in the tension ring of three tre the hanger axis through the super-
the form of a tube below (Fig. 71, p. 62). ring cables, which are each redirected structure’s centroid (Fig. 70, p. 62). In an
This principle is even clearer in the visi- on counterforts at intervals of 3.20 m ideal case, the carding moment, which
tors’ bridge in the Deutsches Museum (Fig. 72, p. 62). If a continuous deck like is defined by the distance of the hanger
in Munich. the Liberty Bridge deck is installed, it can axis to the centroid, can thereby be elimi-
This bridge’s superstructure is also a be used to optimally absorb the annular nated. The superstructure is not subject
unilaterally supported circular ring girder compressive force and is also thereby to any further torsional stress under an
hung from support cables. The support provided with pre-stressing, which will even stress load and can therefore be
function is provided by the tension ring minimise cracking. much more slender.
under the glass surface, which consists This principle was used in the Seebrücke
of three steel cables, while the tube below Cable arrangement in Sassnitz (Fig. 69). The hanger cables
serves as a compression arch. The hanger cables of a unilaterally hung, are fixed to cantilever arms on each
The Liberty Bridge in Greenville, USA is curved suspension bridge are often tilted, side above the walkway and extending

65 66

67 68

Design and construction
Curved bridges

s s

sV sV
sH sH
P P eV P

MA = P ⋅ e MA = P ⋅ e MA = P ⋅ e – sH · ev = 0
s v= P sv= P sv= P

69 70 a b c

beyond it. The cables are at various so no guys will be necessary. Load bearing
heights due to the different hanger angles, The extent to which such an ideally If the bridge deck is not too wide and
so the bridge has its own dynamic. The balanced mast position is possible and the radius of curvature not too large,
reduced stress allowed this wing- guys can fundamentally be dispensed fully integral solutions may be feasible
like superstructure to be built with an with will however depend on whether the (Fig. 20, p. 42). The Hafen Grimberg
extremely slender cross section. support cables have a recovery effect, pedestrian and cyclist bridge features
A similar superstructure cross section i.e. whether the cables stabilise the mast such an integral structure with a mono-
was chosen for the Hafen Grimberg (Fig. 44, p. 52). This is the case when lithic anchoring of the superstructure in
pedestrian and cyclist bridge in Gelsen- the mast’s foot is positioned under the the abutments. Its steel box girder was
kirchen, although without the cantilever cables’ anchorage points. In this case, fixed with long anchoring elements in
arm (see p. 108f.). The greater stresses guys can be dispensed with, although the abutment block and can neither warp
here did however make a somewhat it must be ensured that no damaging nor shift.
higher steel box girder necessary. deformations that are too great for the This support results in complex stresses
connection details will occur and that the on the abutments, which usually require
Mast structure is not excessively susceptible deep foundations with piles. If an integral
The question of the best site for one to vibration. While it was not possible solution is not chosen, as in the case of
or more masts is a very important one to dispense with guys in the Seebrücke the Seebrücke, support elements must
with curved suspension bridges. If no in Sassnitz due to the large masthead be provided, which on the one hand
functional or topographical constraints deformations, the deformations in the ensure that force is absorbed in the sup-
indicate specific locations, the mast Erzbahnschwinge Bridge were within an ports, but also allow for the deformation
should stand exactly at the structure’s acceptable range, even without guys. due to unspecified degrees of freedom.
centroid for statics reasons. Only then Whether or not the mast needs guys
will the system be in equilibrium and depends on many other factors such Curved arch bridges
without any bearing reaction at the ends as the bridge’s geometry, its superstruc- The boundary conditions for curved arch
of the superstructure. If the mast is tilted, ture size and stiffness, and levels of pre- bridges are very similar to those of sus-
its foot must be displaced so that the stressing. Every bridge’s support and pension bridges. The design of the
mast’s axis passes through the struc- deformation behaviour must therefore bridge’s cross section in accordance with
ture’s overall centre of gravity. Only in always be individually examined and its stress loads will depend on where the
this case will the support cable running especially if the bridge has a mast that is superstructure is supported and whether
up to the mast head and the mast itself not guyed it must be ensured that it is not it is hung or erected within or outside the
form a plane and thus be in equilibrium, susceptible to excessive deformations. curve. The cross sections of curved arch

71 72

Design and construction
Curved bridges

bridges can be built just like those of a ing process and larger cross sections, 69 Anchoring of hanger cables on half frames,
Seebrücke, Sassnitz (D) 2007, schlaich
rope bridge, either as compact or as which generally means that freestanding bergermann and partners
relieved cross sections with a tension ring concrete arches are rarely used in pedes- 70 Modification of the carding moment by displacing
or compression arch (Fig. 73). trian bridges. the cable anchorage point
a Vertical bearing axis
b Tilted bearing axis without displaced
In determining the arch’s geometry, the As this excursion into the third dimension suspension point
c Tilted bearing axis with displaced suspension
right position for the arch imposts must has shown, the load-bearing behaviour point
first be found, in a process analogous to of curved bridges is more complex than P Force [kN]
positioning a suspension bridge mast. that of straight bridges. The same princi- M Moment [kN]
eV Vertical spacing between anchorage point
If possible, the resulting net force of the ple applies to designing these as to all and centroid [m]
support loads from the arch should be as other support systems: global static cal- eh Horizontal spacing between anchoring point
and centroid [m]
close as possible to the structure’s cen- culations must be clearly worked out s Cable force [kN]
troid. This avoids large horizontal stresses before complex computer calculations 71 Circular ring girder with tension member above,
in the superstructure and abutments. The are carried out. Planners need suitable Erzbahnschwinge Bridge, Bochum (D) 2003,
schlaich bergermann and partners
ideal arch geometry follows the spatial calculation software to be able to build 72 Circular ring girder with tension member below,
pressure line, which can be identified such complex support structures and Liberty Bridge, Greenville /South Carolina (USA)
2004, schlaich bergermann and partners
by means of a form-finding process. The every engineer should be qualified to 73 Design for a curved arch bridge, Deizisau (D)
spatial form is configured to provide equi- understand and interpret these computer 2005, schlaich bergermann and partners
librium at every point, i.e. the hangers or calculations.
pillars and two adjacent arch segments
are on the same level. If this ideal form for
constant loads can be found, this will be
followed by an investigation of the stress
occurring as a result of stress loads that
do not correspond to the structure’s
geometry. The resulting bending stress
and normal stress from the arch effect
will determine the arch’s dimensions.

In selecting a cross section, the feasibil-

ity of manufacturing its spatial geometry
must also be taken into account. Steel
tubes are suitable here because of their
rotational symmetry. Composite tubes
can follow any spatial curve due to their
variously angled and axially twisted
Manufacturing elements with square or
rectangular steel sections is far more
costly and complex, because the arch
has to be turned in on itself to follow the
three-dimensional curve. If it is to be built
of concrete, complicated formwork has
to be used and if prefabricated parts are
used, additional temporary props are
required. Concrete forms also involve an
expensive and complicated manufactur- 73


Pedestrian bridge finishings include on such as local wood or stone, can also does however make higher demands
the one hand structural elements, such as lend a bridge a special character. on the concrete’s quality. These require-
floor surfaces, railings, expansion joints, • Slip-resistance: ments are specified in exposure classes,
drainage and bearings and on the other The bridge must have a non-slip sur- which stipulate the demands on con-
hand, design aspects, such as choice of face so that it is safe to use, especial- crete’s durability, depending on the pos-
colour or material. Structure and design ly if it is directly exposed to weather sible impacts on it.
are closely interrelated in bridges, espe- or its walkway slopes longitudinally. Structural problems can occur if a con-
cially in their floor surfaces and railings. Details on this topic can be found in the crete slab, such as a solid deck walkway,
Furniture and lighting can also underline German trade association guidelines which can also improve the structure’s
a bridge’s functional-aesthetic aspects BGR 181 »Floors in workspaces and dynamic behaviour, is cast on a steel box
and highlight the structure as a whole. working areas that may be slippery« girder and there must be a watertight
or in the »Guidelines on the slip-resist- connection to the steel structure below.
Surface ance of paving and slab surfaces for A concrete walkway is therefore usually
The choice of suitable surfaces for pe- pedestrian traffic« issued by the Ger- coated with a thin synthetic coating that
destrian and cyclists’ bridges may be man Road and Transportation Research provides slip-resistance, protection for
limited or even predetermined by the Association. the concrete, sealing and even a range
bridge’s structure. A wooden surface • Abrasion-resistance: of colours.
will not usually be added to a purely The deck surfaces of bridges used
concrete structure, and a glass structure by cyclists or service vehicles must be Steel /aluminium
will rarely be topped with a concrete resistant to mechanical abrasion. Metallic surfaces such as those of ortho-
walkway. Some construction materials, • Mass: tropic plates or box girders can be used
however, offer a large degree of design The mass of the walkway slab influ- without additional coatings (Fig. 2, p. 66).
freedom. Steel structures for example, ences a bridge’s dynamic behaviour. It must be taken into account however,
can be effectively combined with con- A heavy concrete slab may be advisa- that slip resistance can be ensured by
crete, wooden or even glass surfaces. ble for static reasons in some cases appropriate metal sheeting, such as
to reduce vibration. perforated or grooved plates, or metal
The following criteria should be taken into • Transparency: grating, although the corrosion protec-
account in choosing a suitable surface for Using glass or metal grating as floor tion usually wears off due to mechanical
a bridge’s walkway. surfaces opens up exciting possibilities abrasion.
and can lend the bridge an extra di- Using stainless steels, weatherproof
• Usage: mension for those crossing it. Skillful steels or aluminium can reduce wear,
A bridge’s principal usage plays a lighting will also highlight the bridge but these metals are not used in most
major role in the choice of a suitable at night. cases because they are too expensive.
deck surface. It must be determined • Colour: Adding a thin synthetic coating to a
in advance whether the bridge will be Thin epoxy-resin based coatings and metallic surface provides a non-slip
used only by pedestrians or will also coloured asphalt or synthetic floorings surface while also preventing damage
be crossed by cyclists, horse riders make it possible to design walkways in to its corrosion protection.
or service vehicles. If the bridge is almost all shades.
covered, different deck surfaces to
those installed in open structures can Concrete
be used. Structures with a concrete walkway don’t
• Material: need any further coating. Their surface
In most cases the primary structure, must however be roughened with a spe-
type of usage and economic aspects cial broom, given the so-called ’broom
determine the surfaces’ materials, or finish’, to ensure that the surface will
at least significantly limit the available have the necessary slip-resistance (Fig. 1,
choices. A reasoned choice of material, p. 66). The lack of a protective coating


Thin synthetic coatings especially for light-weight bridges. As

Synthetic resin-based coatings seal and with synthetic coatings, (mastic) asphalt
protect steel and concrete surfaces. In surfaces can be stained to provide colour
Germany the use of such coatings on con- highlights. Attention should be paid to
crete surfaces is regulated by the Federal the fact that mastic asphalt has an instal-
Highway Research Institute (Bundesan- lation temperature of approx. 180 – 220 °C.
stalt für Straßenwesen – BASt) (surface The impact of such a high temperature
protection systems) in its »Additional on the structure as a whole when the
technical regulations and guidelines for asphalt is poured can therefore be a
civil engineering structures« (ZTV-ING) design-relevant loading condition.
standard, in »Part 3: Solid structures,
Chapter 4: Protection and maintenance Wood
of Concrete structures«. For use of thin Wooden elements, especially if they are
coatings on steel surfaces, »ZTV-ING, exposed to weather, must be ventilated
1 Section 7 Part 7: Bridge surfaces – Chap- on all sides preferably to avoid mould
ter 5, Synthetic resin-based coatings formation or rotting (structural wood pro-
on steel« applies. Synthetic coatings usu- tection). This is a precondition for the
ally consist of three layers: a base coat, use of wooden surfaces and means that
a mainly effective protective layer and wood is usually only used for bridge sur-
deck sealing, and are approximately faces in open structures such as girder
4– 5 mm thick. Applying a layer of quartz grids or trussed girders. Joint details
sand provides a non-slip surface. Sur- must be carefully planned to avoid badly
faces can be made in almost all shades, ventilated details or areas under standing
providing colourful highlights. Light- water.
coloured surfaces are however suscep-
tible to dirt and visible skid marks, from When designing wooden elements, the
bicycles for example. To avoid spalling maximum available dimensions and
or large flaws, demands on the sub- usage must be taken into account. Lon-
structure, such as the adhesion of con- gitudinal planks may pose a danger to
crete and environmental conditions such cyclists and inline skaters because they
2 as humidity and temperature must be could cause them to fall if their wheels
taken into account in the concrete’s get caught in the gap. The comparative
manufacture. slipperiness of wet wood must also be
considered, especially with weathered
Asphalt and sloping surfaces. It is advisable in
(Mastic) asphalt deck surfaces are any case to lay planks across the grain.
poured onto concrete and steel sub- Additional anti-slip measures may also
structures (Fig. 4). Bitumen is mainly be necessary. The surface can for exam-
used as a sealant, cf. »ZTV-ING Part 7: ple be grooved in strips with additional
Bridge surfaces, Chapters 1– 4. The epoxy-resin filling scattered with quartz
overall thickness is usually 8 cm consist- sand (Fig. 3).
ing of a 0.5 cm sealing layer, a 3.5 cm Wood changes colour during its natural
protective layer and a 4 cm deck layer. ageing process, which can enliven a
An overall thickness of 4 – 5 cm can also structure and a bridge’s appearance.
be applied in some cases. Such surfaces
do significantly increase the structure’s
3 weight, which can be a disadvantage,


4 5 6

Glass Natural stone up additional design possibilities (Fig. 6).

Glass surfaces can provide a unique The use of stone as a deck surface can, Such surfaces generally consist of two
perspective and sense of space, in like wood, lend a bridge a special design layers; a rubber granulate elastic layer
bridging a ravine for example, and a character (Fig. 5). A careful choice of and a top layer of EPDM granulate, as
transparent surface highlights a struc- stone in an urban development or histori- well as a polyurethane bonding agent.
ture’s lightness (Fig. 7). A glass walk- cal context can help establish a structure This flexible surface defines the expe-
way can also be lit up with appropriately in its location. Conventional laying of rience of walking on the bridge for
placed lighting, providing additional stone in a mortar bed is however not ad- people crossing it – a factor that must
design highlights. visable for light and dynamic structures, be intended and be appropriate to the
because deformations of the bridge individual structure.
The construction of such glass walkways under wind or traffic loads will damage
in Germany must be approved in each the surface’s impermeability.
case by the “Center of competence in No such restrictions apply if open gaps
civil engineering” (DIBt) in Berlin. As are used, but in this case the drainage
well as performing impact tests, the DIBt of the surface must be precisely consid-
comprehensively tests structure’s resid- ered. Installing a second drainage layer
ual strength. These tests guarantee that under a stone surface makes the struc-
the crack of a single layer does not ture more complex to maintain. Direct
cause the failure of the pane or it’s an- drainage through the structure’s joints
chorage as a whole. The decision to may be possible in some cases, but not
use a glass surface can however already if de-icing salts are used in winter or
affect the primary structure at the design there is a danger of icicles forming and
stage as glass panes allow for only falling from the gaps.
slight local differential deformations and
they must be able to be replaced easily. Synthetics
It must also be ensured that the surface Synthetic surfaces are usually found at
has the necessary non-slip properties, athletics sport facilities. They are also
especially if it is a sloping or weathered used on pedestrian bridge decks in
surface. some cases and dyeing them can open

1 Concrete surface with broom finish, Alfenz

Bridge, Lorüns (A) 2011, Marte.Marte Architects;
H + G Engineers
2 Metallic surface, pedestrian bridge, Hotton (NL)
2002, Ney + Partners
3 Wooden deck with quartz sand surface,
Laufgraben Bridge, Brabant (NL) 2011,
RO&AD Architects; H. E. Lüning
4 Asphalt surface, Nordbahnhof Bridge, Stuttgart
(D) 1993, Planungsgruppe Luz, Lohrer, Egen-
hofer, Schlaich
5 Stone slab surface, Fehrlesteg bridge,
Schwäbisch Gmünd (D) 2011, schlaich
bergermann and partners
6 Plastic surface, »Slinky springs to fame« bridge
sculpture, Oberhausen (D) 2011, schlaich
bergermann and partners with Tobias Rehberger
7 Glass bridge deck, Quarto Ponte over the Canale
7 Grande, Venice (I) 2008, Santiago Calatrava


Railings it can even have integrated illumination

Railings on bridges serve primarily to pro- to highlight the bridge at night. In design-
b tect people from falling, so they are an ing railings however, the most important
essential component of every pedestrian thing is that the individual elements and
bridge. Because they are not usually the railing as a whole have the right pro-
part of the primary structure, they can be portions. Railings should not be regarded
reduced as far as possible so as not to as a necessary evil that detract from the
detract from a bridge’s appearance and look of the structure, but rather as an
from the perception of the supporting integral, if not integrated component of
structure. The design of railings should the bridge.
take both structural and constructive as- Some types of railing and their special
pects into consideration: characteristics are described below.
• Horizontal load, also called capping
e f load, is set in Germany at 0.8 kN/m on Vertical bars
the railing’s upper edge. A railing with vertical bars set at a maxi-
c • The distance between adjacent ele- mum clear distance of 120 mm is the
ments must be no more than 120 mm most common form of railing. The main
to prevent children from getting their focus in planning this type of railing is on
heads stuck between individual struc- reducing the cross section, designing
tural elements. connection details and integrating the
• If cross bars are horizontal, people handrail.
must be prevented from climbing on
them. This can be ensured by an addi- Horizontal cross bars
tional inward-sloping handrail on the People can be prevented from climbing
inside of the walkway or by tilting the horizontal cross bars by an additional
railing inwards towards the bridge. inwards-sloping handrail or by tilting
• The railing height must be set based the entire railing inwards (Figs. 8 and 9).
on the type of usage. If cyclists or Alternatively, the lower section of the
horse riders use the bridge, the parapet railing up to a height of 60 cm can re-
should be higher than it would be on a cieve a closed, flat surface or the lower
8 footbridge exclusively for pedestrians. bearing bars can be arranged at a
If the bridge’s fall height is very high, distance that a child’s foot cannot fit
i.e. its deck is a long way above the between them. The clear distance here
ground, it will need a higher railing to must be less than 2 cm, although this
increase the users’ feeling of safety. can detract from the structure’s trans-
• Rigid continuous railing elements parency. Consistently applied, this type
should have expansion joints at regular of railing visually accentuates the struc-
intervals to prevent secondary stresses ture’s direction.
due to changes in temperature.
Stainless steel cable mesh railings
Design and functional factors must Highly transparent railings can be real-
also be considered in choosing suitable ised using stainless steel cable mesh. The
railings, too. cables are approximately 1.5 – 2.0 mm
The transparency of railings in particular in diameter and are clamped to form dia-
has a major influence on a bridge’s over- mond shapes. To effectively prevent peo-
all appearance. A well-shaped handrail ple from climbing the railing, the mesh
9 can invite people to lean on it and linger, size must be selected so that a child’s foot



of 60 ≈ 40 mm cannot fit into the mesh. additional loads from anchoring the pre- q
A distinction is made between vertical stressed rope cables. They are anchored
and horizontal meshes. Vertical meshes either to rigid end posts by back anchor-
allow for larger mesh sizes, even with ing with deflection of the upper edge rope
the same requirements to protect people or by an inwards-sloping support with a
from climbing on them, but accentuate pressure bar. In all three cases, the posts
the structure’s verticality and create are subjected to much higher stresses,
greater transparency. Cable mesh must so their cross sections must be larger or
be pre-stressed to ensure that it has must be reinforced.
the necessary stiffness equivalent to One great advantage of cable meshes o
the plane. The prestressing force is up is that they are very flexible at the mesh
to 0.5 kN/m in both directions. If cables level and also vertically. This means that
are used as a border instead of rigid bending routes, curves and turns can j
edge beams and if the edge cable has be very well executed with a continuous
a sag of approximately 30 mm, the posts railing. They are also vandal-proof. n
can be arranged at a distance of approxi-
mately 3 m. If rigid edge beams are used, Chain link railings
the distance between the posts can be A (stainless steel) chain link railing cre-
freely chosen, although the edge beams ates a structure resembling a cable mesh m
and railing posts have to have appropri- and also looks similar. Chain link railings
ate dimensions. are more cost-effective but do not have
The edge cables or beams of cable mesh the fine detailing of cable mesh. The l
railings are also made, logically, of stain- meshes are always quadratic and cannot
less steel, because if they were made of absorb bends at the mesh level – a dis-
other materials the corrosion protection advantage compared with more flexible
would be damaged by friction from the cable meshes. There is also a risk that the
cable mesh. wires’ greater stiffness will mean that any k

While the intermediate posts only take deformations that do occur, such as from
horizontal forces transverse to the walk- wanton kicking, will remain visible in the
ing direction, the end posts have to take form of bulging. 11

8 Vertical section, pedestrian bridge, West India Ney + Partners

Dock, London (GB) 1996, Future Systems; 11 Vertical section, bridge memorial, Rijeka (CR)
Anthony Hunt Associates, Scale 1:20 2004, 3LHD arhitekti; C.E.S. Civil Engineering
a Handrail, stainless steel tubing Ø 60.3 mm Solutions. Scale 1:20
with integrated lighting j Floor surface, bridge:
b Flat steel railings 60 –120/15 mm profiled metal sheet, aluminium,
with steel cable, stainless steel Ø 6 mm anodized, ribbed
c Steel tube Ø 219 mm halved and welded 202/40/3.5 mm, sealed sheeting plastic,
with flat steel, 220 /12 mm epoxy tar 5 – 30 mm
d Electric cable channel, stainless steel Box girder steel 650/5000 mm:
e Intermediate layer, EPDM, 5 mm Upper/lower chord 34 mm,
f Extruded aluminium profile deck planks centre bar 6≈ 15 mm
with closed chambers and integrated k Tension bearing, steel joint 6≈ 575/15 mm
cable conduit l Blade with pipe guide, flat steel 10 mm
g Integrated deck lights m Revetment, profiled metal sheet
h Steel angle 139 –425/125/12 mm Aluminium, anodized, ribbed 40 mm
i Steel tube Ø 225 mm n Aluminium profile fi 75/120 mm
9 Horizontal stainless steel cable filled-rod railing, o Balustrade, ESG, 19 mm, PVC coating
pedestrian bridge, West India Dock p Covered LED strips, epoxy resin
10 Railing as part of the primary structure, q Handrail, teak 112/60 mm
pedestrian bridge, Stalhille (B) 2004, 12 Glass railing, bridge memorial 12

Furniture, expansion joints

13 Seating on a bridge, Living Bridge, Limerick (GB)

13 2007, Wilkinson Eyre Architects; Arup

Glass railings Handrails wanted external influences such as traffic

Glass railings offer further opportunities A bridge’s handrail is a particularly im- noise. Added fittings sometimes also very
for reducing a railing’s visual impact on portant component. As well as having pragmatically fulfil an essential purpose,
the support structure to a minimum, of functional, static and structural aspects, serving for example as shockproof pro-
making a bridge appear as slender as properties such as proportion and tection from overhead wiring if the bridge
possible, and of giving users a feeling materials will influence a bridge’s us- crosses an electrified railway line.
of maximum transparency (Figs. 11 and age and appearance. The height of the
12). If a bridge does not need any rail- handrail, in accordance with ergonomic Expansion joints
ings at all and the glass surface reflects findings, should not be over 1.10 m. If Depending on expansion lengths and
only slightly, users can even be given the railings are higher, it is advisable to the bridge’s static system, its abutments
impression that they are moving through install an extra handrail at a height of may have to absorb large displacement
open space. 85 – 90 cm. paths. Expansion joints and transitions
Glass railings are made of at least two to the deck are, like bridge bearings,
panes of laminated glass with a com- In its most reduced form, as an edge structural elements requiring high mainte-
posite film between them. In designing rope in a cable mesh or chain link rail- nance, so the option of an integral struc-
them and determining their size, the rele- ing, a handrail contributes greatly to a ture should be examined in the interests
vant codes, »Technical Rules for the use bridge’s transparency. An all-glass hand- of ensuring the bridge’s durability and
of accident-proof glazing« (TRAV) and rail that seems to ‘disappear’ can give robustness.
»Technical Rules for the use of glazing users a feeling of freedom of movement.
on linear supports« in Germany (TRLV), A handrail with an appropriate form and Integral structures without expansion joints
which are issued by the DIBt, must be size can also enhance a lookout point, In an integral structure, the superstruc-
observed. Approval will also usually be inviting people to rest their arms on it ture is monolithically integrated into the
required in each individual case. and take in the view of the landscape or substructure, i.e. the abutments or piers.
surrounding area. Longitudinal deformations resulting from
Integrated railings An additional inward-sloping handrail is changes in temperature are largely ab-
In some cases, a bridge’s design will purely functional, in that it provides the sorbed by internal indirect stresses – in
make it possible to integrate railings necessary protection against people curved bridges by radial deformations,
as an essential component of the pri- climbing on the structure and if the walk- which shortens displacement paths to the
mary structure into the overall support way slopes, it also allows people whose abutments in a longitudinal direction. At
structure. The upper chord of a beam mobility is impaired to use the bridge best, it may be possible to dispense with
or trough bridge with a small span can without restriction. A handrail can also expansion joints altogether.
function as a handrail, while railings carry integrated lighting, discreetly and
with countless small openings will give effectively illuminating the walkway and Expansion joints for small expansion distances
the bridge an appearance of permeabil- highlighting the bridge at night. If expansion distances to the abutments
ity (Fig. 10, p. 69). exceed approximately 5 mm, expan-
If the hanger cables of rope and arch Furniture sion joints should be installed, even in
bridges are regularly positioned, it may Equipping a bridge with seating can integral structures. For small expansion
even be possible to dispense with rail- highlight individual areas (Fig. 13). joints of up to 10 mm, small expansion
ing posts entirely. In this case, the rail- Benches, which can also be integrated joints from various manufacturers can
ing’s edge rope must be securely con- into the structure, invite users to linger be built in (Fig. 15), and for expansion
nected to the bridge’s bearer cables and or enjoy the view. Creating various deck distances up to 30 mm, practically main-
it must be ensured that the horizontal surfaces or different walkway levels can tenance-free bitumen transitions to the
force resulting from the flexibility of the help to further accentuate these areas deck in accordance with the German
hanger cables does not produce exces- and emphasize the deck’s separation civil engineering standard »ZTV-ING,
sive deformations. There is only a slight into paths for cyclists and for pedestrians. Part 8: Structural equipment, Chapter 2,
risk that this will overload the hanger Plantings on bridges may be desirable Asphalt carriageway transitions« are
cables. in some cases to protect users from un- used (Fig. 14).


a b c d ef g h i j k l

14 15

Expansion joints for large expansion distances A gradient of approximately 1.5 – 2.5 % 14 Expansion joint for medium expansion distances
up to 30 mm
If the expansion distances are larger, the in a transverse direction is required. To a Reinforced concrete abutment
transition between the bridge and the keep rainwater from collecting on the b Thin film surface
deck should be planned with great care usually structurally complex edge details, c Bitumen transition to the deck
d Masking strips
because expansion joints cannot normally such as the transition between a deck e Fixing pin
be used here due to the increased space surface and a side plate, a V-shaped f Underfill
g Strip foundation, reinforced concrete
they require. It is usually difficult to con- slope with a flow channel in the middle h Drainage channel, steel profile
nect transition constructions with overall of the bridge can be used for narrow 15 Expansion joint for small expansion distances
heights of up to 40 cm with the height of superstructures up to 3.50 m wide. up to 10 mm
i Superstructure, box girder, steel
the walkway slab. A project-specific solu- On wider superstructures, it may be ad- j Thin film surface
tion should be found in such cases, with visable to incorporate a W-shaped trans- k Neoprene profile expansion joint
l Edge profile, steel
cover plates absorbing the deformations, verse crossfall because this will keep 16 Transition construction for large displacement
for example (Figs. 16 and 17). water away from critical edge areas and paths, lift bridge, Innenhafen Duisburg (D) 1999,
the main traffic area, usually the middle schlaich, bergermann and partners
m Cover plate
Drainage of the walkway. 17 Lift bridge, Innenhafen Duisburg
To ensure proper drainage on an open There are several ways of draining sur-
bridge, its walkway must have a minimum face water from a bridge. One simple
slope in a longitudinal and a transverse and inexpensive solution is to mount
direction. box gutters behind the abutments at the
If a bridge does not already have a transition between the bridge and the
planned gradient, its slope should not path. This dispenses with the need to
be less than 2 % in in a longitudinal direc- penetrate the structure, which can be
tion. It must also be taken into account complicated. Otherwise, drainage may
that creep deformations in straight con- have to be integrated into the walkway or
crete superstructures can negatively even the superstructure. This solution’s
affect their gradients. The superstructure feasibility will depend on the drainage
must therefore be manufactured with lengths and amounts of water involved,
a camber that will compensate for the but the aim should always be to imple-
expected deformations by modifying the ment this type of solution, even in critical
structure’s geometry in advance during drainage conditions. Installing transverse
the manufacturing process. drains or inflows in or near the super-

16 17

Bearings, lighting

18 19 20

structure always involves complex and are more satisfactory from a design point Classic bearings
correspondingly expensive joint details. of view. As well as classic forms of bear- Spherical, pivoted or sliding bearings
Drainpipes under the superstructure are ings, some other types of bearings used are examples of classic bearings with
also usually unacceptable for design rea- in pedestrian bridge construction are slide pairings. This type of bearing trans-
sons, unless they can be made almost described below. fers vertical forces into the bridge’s sub-
invisible and hidden in the cross section, structure and consists of a sliding plastic,
while remaining accessible. Pendulum bearings e.g. PTFE, and (stainless) steel bearing
Integrated direct drainage through down- A (tensile) compressive pendulum forms base (Fig. 19). These bearings must
pipes can only be installed at the super- a solid joint appropriate for steel con- be inspected at regular intervals and
structure’s intermediate supports. An struction between the superstructure, replaced if necessary.
economical alternative to this that may supports and foundations (Fig. 18). A These structural elements are more func-
also be acceptable in design terms is bolted connection forms a movable tional than aesthetically satisfying in
direct drainage from waterspouts. Author- joint, which can move between adjacent most cases, so they are better placed
ities will however only rarely approve this structural elements due to the pendu- in »hidden« joints, such as in the abut-
method, because uncontrolled drainage lum’s rotation. The dimensions of bolts ments.
is usually prohibited, especially for inner- and brackets will be based on current
city bridges, due to the use of de-icing steel construction standards. Quenched Elastomeric bearings
salt in winter. and tempered steel 34CrNiMo6V is a Reinforced elastomeric bearings are
suitable material for bolts and meets high made of special raw rubber compounds.
Bearings demands in terms of strength and ductil- During the manufacturing process and
Bearings are usually used wherever su- ity, although approval may be required vulcanising, the elastomer is provided
perstructures or supporting structural ele- in each individual case. with high-strength steel reinforcement,
ments require a tension-free connection Bolted joints are also used in cable and which ensures the necessary stiffness.
to substructures. Bearings must friction- tension and compression rod anchor- The bearing can absorb torsion through
lock two adjoining structural elements to ings. In this context, their dimensions, compressive strain and expansion and
each other and absorb displacements materials and corrosion protection are horizontal displacements through shear
and /or torsion with as little tension as pos- integral parts of officially approved ten- deformation (Fig. 20). The bearings’
sible. Depending on the required flexibility sion elements. strength and existing deformations
and degree of freedom, bearings can be If movability in several directions is re- should therefore be taken into account in
fixed or movable in one or many direc- quired, a bolted joint can be combined the dimensions of elastomeric bearings.
tions. Since a bridge structure usually has with pivot bearings. Larger displacements can be absorbed
a definite longitudinal or transverse direc- through combination with an additional
tion, degrees of freedom can be required Point rocker bearings and ball bearings sliding surface.
in a longitudinal or transverse direction Fixed, movable bearings can also be Such bearings are usually less expensive
and in combinations of the two. manufactured to comply with steel con- and more robust than classic bearings
Classic bearing types such as spherical struction standards. They can absorb with slide pairings, although they may still
or sliding bearings are, like expansion angle displacements and allow the bear- need to be replaced. Elastomeric bear-
joints, particularly high-maintenance spe- ing to tilt through any axis. With an appro- ings are less suitable for use in highly
cial components. Planners should there- priate calculation procedure (Hertzian visible joints because of their block-like
fore give preference to integral structures contact stress) and the help of the rota- appearance.
as they are largely maintenance-free. tional kinematics of cylindrical or spheri-
Conventional bearings are now very reli- cal bodies, the flux of force can be clearly Lighting
able and approved for use by building and compactly represented. To absorb Pedestrian bridges are usually used not
authorities, but can often seem too obvi- horizontal forces and secure the position only by day, but also at night or during
ous. For this reason it is advisable, espe- it is advisable to install thrust dowels, twilight. A bridge’s lighting must there-
cially with filigree pedestrian bridges, to which fit precisely into openings and fore be taken into account at an early
consider other bearing constructions that prevent displacement. stage of planning. Lighting is either pro-


21 22

vided indirectly in the form of ambient standard. The standard divides struc- measured in lux. EV classes EV1– EV6
light or directly by light sources inte- tures into lighting classes in accord- also help to assess these criteria. They
grated into or placed on the bridge. ance with the quantity and speed of road apply in situations in which vertical sur-
or path users, an analysis of potential faces, such as the safety fencing of a
A bridge’s lighting must fulfill three main hazards, and the intensity of ambient cycle path for example, need to be highly
tasks: illumination. visible.
• Lighting the walkway to ensure safe Lighting classes are defined by a series
use of the bridge of photometric specifications such as Lighting of the deck surface
• Illuminating the immediate environment, luminance, intensity of illumination, the Its lighting must illuminate the bridge’s
so that oncoming users can be recog- light’s evenness, glare limitation and col- deck so that users can cross the bridge
nised in good time, increasing peoples’ our reproduction. safely and quickly.
subjective feeling of safety. In Germany planners work with the The actual perception of the structure and
• Highlighting the structure at night to S-classes S1– S7 and an assessment its environment – and thus the clarity of
accentuate its shape and support of the horizontal intensity of illumination. the route and subjective feeling of safety
structure and to call attention to it as In other European countries, this assess- – is determined by the intensity of illumi-
part of a specific local identity within ment is made using the hemispherical nation E, which is measured in lux, and
an urban planning context (Figs. 21 luminance and the A-classes A1– A6. the luminance L, which is measured in
and 22). The lighting levels of the S and A classes candela/m2. While the intensity of illumi-
are comparable, S2 with A1, S3 with A2 nation measures the light output hitting
Planning a lighting concept is a highly etc. Classes S7 or A6 at the end of the a surface, luminance describes the light
complex task that should be carried out scale are lighting classes with indeter- issuing from a surface. Luminance is also
by a qualified lighting designer. The type minate specifications, i.e. there are no the measure of the impression of bright-
of lighting, intensity of illumination, the minimum requirements on the lighting ness that the eye has of a luminous or
integration of lighting into the structure, of bridges. illuminated surface.
its power supply and any colour concepts If for example a higher level of lighting
all play an important role here. Some The ES classes ES1– ES9 can be used is desired for a bridge, more or stronger
major aspects and issues in the lighting as additional classes for pedestrian areas lights can be used to increase the inten-
of a bridge are outlined below. if it is important to be able to identify peo- sity of illumination. Alternatively, the sur-
ple or objects, especially in areas with face’s reflective properties – especially if
Lighting planning is based on the high crime rates. They assess the semi- it is very dark – can be improved by the
German DIN EN 13 201 »Street lighting« cylindrical intensity of illumination Ehz, installation of a lighter deck with better

18 Pendulum bearing
19 Spherical bearings transfer vertical forces into
the bridge’s substructure and absorb rotations
via a spherical calotte and a concave bearing
20 Elastomeric bearings can absorb vertical loads,
horizontal displacements and torsion though
all axes.
21 Bridge without lighting, bridge sculpture »Slinky
springs to fame«, Oberhausen (D) 2011, schlaich
bergermann and partners with Tobias Rehberger
22 Bridge with illuminated handrail and integrated
lighting from below, »Slinky springs to fame«
bridge sculpture
23 Highlighting at night, Aaresteg Mülimatt, Windisch
(CH) 2010, Conzett Bronzini Gartmann 23


24 25 a b

reflective properties, which will increase Illuminants, lights and their mounting Choosing lights
its brightness. Even lighting is another The choice of lights will depend primarily A light consists of an illuminant, a reflec-
important aspect in bridge illumination. on the lighting’s purpose and the effect tor and casing. Their range is enormous;
On the one hand, the human eye takes it aims to achieve. Extensively radiant a selection of suitable lights is listed
a long time to adapt to big differences light can provide evenly diffused illumi- below:
in brightness; on the other hand, this nation, or lighting can be high-contrast, • Handrail lighting (Figs. 24 and 25):
means that potential dangers in dark with targeted, selectively placed spots Integrating lighting elements into hand-
areas will not be seen or only seen with (Fig. 23, p. 73). Lights, through their rails allows lighting to be designed in
difficulty. dimensions, form, and positioning as inte- many diverse ways. Fluorescent tubes
A further disruption to perception is grated or independent elements, also or LED bar-shaped lights are gener-
caused by glare. Depending on the influence perceptions of the bridge as ally used for this purpose. Because a
glare’s intensity, it can reduce visual an architectonic whole. handrail is a functional element in con-
comfort or even lead to a complete in- stant contact with passing users, partic-
ability to see. If a bridge crosses a traffic Protection from the weather and /or van- ular care must be taken to protect lights
route it must be ensured that traffic pass- dalism should also be taken into account from vandalism.
ing below (shipping, cars, trains) is not in planning and may limit the choice of • Floodlights and spotlights (Fig. 26):
negatively affected by its lighting, either suitable illuminants. Last but not least, A bridge’s structure can be used to
by directing the light or taking appropri- technical factors such as investment and integrate floodlights into tall masts or
ate anti-glare measures. maintenance costs or forecast service life pylons or on a cable-stayed or suspen-
may be further criteria in the choice of sion bridge. Arch bridges can be espe-
Adapting luminance lights and illuminants. cially effectively highlighted by an illu-
A bridge’s luminance should be adapted For lighting pedestrian bridges, illumi- mination of their arch. Walkways are
to its users and the surrounding area. nants are chosen that will render colours often lit from a great height so that they
Adaptation to the ambient light is required well and produce a pleasant ambience in are extensively and evenly illuminated.
to avoid great differences in luminance. a warm white tone. Halogen metal halide • Pillar lights (Fig. 27):
Objects or buildings close to the bridge lamps, which provide brilliant light with Various manufacturers make modular
in particular must be taken into account in fewer fluorescent lamps as well as a uni- pillar lights that provide varying points
planning lighting. form light, are particularly suitable for this of light at different heights and diverse
In an inner-city area, adapting the purpose. LEDs, which can be combined distributions of light. While these lights
bridge’s lighting levels to the surrounding to form modules as floodlights, linear blend into the structure as simple stelae
area may sometimes require levels of bands or spotlights, are also increasingly by day, at night they provide a targeted
luminance well in excess of the specifica- being used. Their advantages lie in their illumination of the walkway. The princi-
tions of DIN EN 13 201. In a natural set- minimal dimensions, long service life, en- ple in installing these is, the lower the
ting in contrast, a bridge’s lighting, taking ergy efficiency, good dimmability and ex- point of light, the shorter the distance
the surrounding area into account, may cellent operational performance at cool to the next light should be.
be reduced to orientational lights to pro- temperatures. • Orientation lights (Fig. 28 and 29):
vide visual guidance. Or the bridge itself The illumination they provide is homo- Bands of light integrated into bollard
could be completely unlit, with floodlit genous and sharply defined without luminaires, railing posts or railing termi-
trees or art works marking the way at its diffused light. The lighting colour can nals can be used to incorporate visual
beginning and end, exercising a percep- be freely chosen and range from warm guidance and orientation aids into the
tible visual attraction, even from far away. white through cold white up to coloured walkway.
In this context, it must be decided lights. Because of their small size, LED
whether the bridge’s lighting is designed lamps can be unobtrusively integrated Installation, maintenance and power supply
to achieve an architectonic or artistic into the structure and with appropriate A light’s position should not only satisfy
effect. Coloured highlights can also give management, a very diverse range of functional and design criteria; its installa-
a bridge an orientational or representa- lighting scenarios can be developed and tion and maintenance must also be able
tive function. created. to be carried out at reasonable cost and


26 a b

effort. All lighting components, such as

power cables, distributors, operating
equipment and the connection to the
power grid, should be integrated into
the structure as far as possible, so that
they don’t seem like inept and belated
Involving an experienced, independent
lighting designer at an early stage of
planning and appropriate care in lighting
planning will ensure that the bridge’s
unique and distinctive symbolic character
is effectively presented, even at night.

27 a b

24 LED lighting, integrated into the handrail, bridge 28 a b

memorial, Rijeka (CR) 2004, 3LHD arhitekti;
C.E.S. Civil Engineering Solutions
25 Handrail with integrated LED lighting,
Vertical section, Scale 1:5
a Handrail with LED lighting in a steel profile
b Handrail with LED lighting in a u-profile
26 Mast light
a Schematic section
b Pedestrian bridge Max-Eyth Lake, Stuttgart (D)
1989, schlaich bergermann and partners
27 Pillar light
a Schematic section
b Salinensteg Bridge, Bad Rappenau (D) 2008,
schlaich bergermann and partners
28 Mini floodlight
a Schematic section
b Hoge Brug bridge, Maastricht (NL) 2003,
Bgroup, Greisch
29 Light band
a Schematic section
b Bridge monument in Rijeka (CR) 2004, 3LHD
arhitekti; C.E.S. Civil Engineering Solutions 29 a b

Economic aspects

Until three decades ago, purely economic Support system reduced, costs will increase even more.
considerations still governed bridge con- The support system chosen and its geom- Only if the structure designed is a stress
struction, however, this has changed etry have a major influence on costs. A ribbon bridge will it be more cost-effec-
greatly, especially for pedestrian bridge bridge’s span should be an appropriate tive, because the hangers and masts can
construction. The development of bridges length and basic static principles, such be dispensed with and the walkway plate
from purely functional into symbolic, ex- as balanced overall heights in beam and will be carried directly by the tension
pressive structures grew out of a desire to truss bridges and reasonable rises in sus- members.
create more than just a way of getting from pension, stress ribbon and arch bridges It is therefore not surprising that the
A to B. Pedestrian bridges are often built should be followed. In this context, global Millennium Bridge in London, with its
in prestigious areas in cities or parks and contiguities, such as the positioning of extremely low rise of 1/60 was many
are designed to lend their sites a unique suspension bridge guy ropes, are just times more expensive than a classic
identity, upgrading their surrounding areas as important as local load transfer mech- suspension bridge with a rise five times
and making them more attractive. A desire anisms in the bridge’s cross section. greater.
for something new and different demands Breaching these principles usually results Planners must be aware that failure
individual ideas and solutions from archi- in higher costs. to observe tried and tested basic con-
tects and engineers. If they can provide Figures available based on experience struction principles in a design will
these, a new bridge can make a distinc- in major bridge construction demon- almost inevitably result in higher costs.
tive mark and have a positive effect on strate what types of bridge can be prof- In some cases the context or the impe-
areas around it. Pedestrian bridges can itably built for which spans. There are tus expected from the structure or from
also be furniture or sculptures, be regarded also design rules that not only ensure the design or technical innovations used
as (art) objects, and inspire engagement that a bridge has appropriate dimen- to create it may justify making an ex-
with their environment as well as debate. sions and appealing proportions, but ception, but the structure should not only
The value of a pedestrian bridge is also also that it fits into a specific economic be subordinated to purely formal de-
far higher than the mere sum of its con- framework. mands.
struction costs. It develops out of a holis- Basic design principles also apply to It is important to critically question the
tic approach that includes all the positive smaller pedestrian bridges, but com- classic basic principles, however, to
and possibly negative influences that a pared with large bridges the former offer ignore them is unjustifiable. Planners owe
bridge can have on its immediate envi- more scope for individual design as the it to their clients and the environment to
ronment. Such a costs-benefit analysis is overall investment is usually much lower. use resources responsibly and what is
extremely complex and must be based While this potential should be used, it usually public money.
on many assumptions, meaning that its should not be abused because costs
results are useful only to a limited extent; can otherwise increase unexpectedly Materials
any conclusions reached tend to be diffi- and quickly, as the following example The cost-effectiveness of various materi-
cult and very uncertain. For this reason, demonstrates. als can be determined by simple calcula-
such analyses are rarely carried out and A ratio of span length to rise of 1/10 tions which compare their strength with
considerations are usually limited to bridge to 1/12 is recommended for a back- the material‘s cost. One major parameter
manufacturing and maintenance costs. anchored suspension bridge. If you halve for the performance of a material is its
the rise, the rope force is doubled, then maximum breaking length or threshold
Construction principles not only is double the rope diameter span limit (see Materials, p. 27). Put sim-
The basic principles and tendencies required, but the foundation forces that ply, steel and concrete have a maximum
outlined here are intended to contribute must be anchored are also doubled. In breaking length ratio of 4 : 1. If you include
to the designing of appropriate and return, the superstructure will be subject the material costs per m3 in these consid-
profitable bridges in the planning phase. to less bending stress and the masts erations, which can be expressed in a
Examples great and small show that can be lower, but this will not offset the ratio of about 30 : 1 (steel to concrete),
beautiful, clear and innovative structures far greater expenses of ropes and foun- and divide the maximum breaking length
can be created in this way within an dations. The costs of the bridge will by that cost, you obtain a very different
acceptable costs framework. increase significantly. If the rise is further ratio of approximately 1: 8. It therefore

Economic aspects

costs around eight times more to axially formwork in-situ is only slightly more Manufacture and assembly
transfer the same force with steel as it expensive than a straight one, while A bridge’s manufacture and assembly
does with concrete. a curved steel box girder is far more is always individual and a major element
Apart from material costs, processing costly and complex, because it has to of the overall costs. Special topographi-
costs are also significant. The raw mate- be assembled from individual parts cal or functional requirements can make
rial for steel and wooden structures must whose geometry follows its curve. As special assembly processes necessary,
be cut to size and the pieces assembled, little radius of curvature as possible which will also partly determine the
their surfaces may require protection should be used, because the many dif- bridge’s design and costs.
from corrosion or other surface conser- ferent parts it requires will result in higher
vation measures and the pieces have to costs. Curved layouts tend to play a Costs
be transported and installed. Concrete subordinate role in bridges with shorter Planners are often required at a very
structures require scaffolding and form- spans, also from a static and structural early stage in the planning process to
work, which has to be erected and taken point of view, because the torsional provide very precise information on the
down. Such costs can be estimated stresses do not accumulate. In bridges forecast costs. Every bridge is however
using detailed costs calculations then with longer spans in contrast, the primary a prototype and factors such as the
allocated per unit of material. These support structure also has to react to the bridge’s width, site soil, topography,
processing costs are often many times curvature and is thereby subject to a far accessibility and installation process
higher than the material price itself and more complex range of stresses, which can majorly influence costs. It is possible
can vary considerably. A simple, continu- inevitably results in higher costs. at an early stage of the design to esti-
ous steel girder with an even cross sec- mate the costs of a new bridge based
tion and top flange plates welded onto Foundations and subsoil on figures gained from experience, but
it costs much less than a section that var- It is more difficult to transfer tensile forces only subsequent, substantiated static-
ies along its length and has to be welded into the ground under a bridge than it is structural planning and dimensioning will
together. to transfer compressive forces, because enable planners to make exact state-
Such simple considerations can certainly the former must be transferred either ments on costs.
be a guide in choosing the right material via large heavyweight foundations or by
and appropriate cross sections, but they activating a body of soil connected by It is always more difficult and unpre-
alone are not definitive design parame- anchoring. The same applies for hori- dictable to try new things than to repeat
ters because aspects such as durability, zontal forces, which also require either old ones and it is important to make
design quality or haptics may often also a heavy- weight foundation with an ap- this clear to clients, especially in develop-
play a role. propriately high weight or a pile trestle, ing complex und new types of designs,
which can transfer forces by tension and and to persuade them that they will also
Span lengths by pressure. Large transverse bending have to bear part of the risk in terms of
Span length costs money. It must there- moments can also develop on the abut- the possible costs and time required. A
fore always be carefully considered ments of curved bridges, which are an client will understand that the costs of a
whether the selected span is really a additional load on the foundations. These bridge with a 20 m span and a simple.
functional necessity or whether it has must be transferred either as shear force straight superstructure cross-section can
been chosen for purely formal reasons. via friction into the foundation joint or via be more quickly and precisely estimated
The cost of a simply supported concrete a pile trestle, which converts the moment than those for a suspension bridge with
slab with a 10 to 12 m span is less than into a horizontal force couple. a 100 m span, a curved layout and bear-
half that of a concrete slab hung on a Long spans often require suspended ings, which will require an analysis of the
suspended structure (span > 50 m). structures, in which tensile and/or hori- structure’s boundary limits in its static-
After determining the positions of the zontal forces are almost inevitable. In structural development.
supports and span length, an appropri- this case, the best and most economical
ate support structure that is oriented type of foundation should be used given Cost estimates
towards the span length must be devel- the prevailing forces and site’s soil con- Once the conceptual design has been
oped. As explained in the chapter on ditions. Permanent anchors and micro developed, an initial rough estimate
»Design and construction« (p. 32 – 63), piles, which can be manufactured with of the bridge’s total area can be made.
different support systems are suitable for almost any pitch, have proven their worth This area can usually be determined by
different span lengths. Economic aspects in pedestrian bridge construction as eco- multiplying the bridge width between
must always be taken into account here, nomic types of foundation for managing the railings with the total length from
although they should not be followed tensile forces. seam to seam. Based on built examples,
too dogmatically for pedestrian bridges, The soil conditions of the bridge’s site figures gathered from experience are
otherwise they will excessively limit the will also influence its costs. Very long available for prices per m2, which can
scope of the design and prevent new anchors or piles will be required for par- be calculated from the manufacturing
developments from being tested. ticularly deep foundations. In this case, it costs of the structure for the bridge’s
may be better in the interests of economy area. Since costs can depend on many
Curved layouts to make do with fewer foundation points factors such as site, choice of materials,
Bridges that are curved in plan are more and accept the need for a longer span. It geometry, installation options and build-
expensive than straight bridges. The is important that the site’s soil conditions ing standards etc., it requires some
amount of extra cost depends heavily, are understood during the design pro- experience to be able to translate the
however, on the bridge’s cross section cess so that they can be included in the existing values to new structures. The
and span length. A curving slab cast in design development. table on page 80f. shows a compilation

Economic aspects
Life cycle considerations

of the costs of a range of very different Life cycle considerations cost of restoring the existing road net-
pedestrian bridges. The divergences Where the planning focus was once only work and the expense of maintaining the
among the same types of structures on construction costs, in recent years bridge over its entire life cycle. Because
alone convey an idea of how difficult it increased attention has been paid to this is a one-off financial settlement,
can be to correctly estimate the costs of considering costs over a structure’s maintenance of the structure must be
new bridges based on these prices. entire life cycle. quantified from the outset and capital-
In the area of bridge construction, it was ised over the structure’s life cycle. The
Cost calculations decided decades ago that structures ABBV specifications apply mainly to
Once the design has been developed, should undergo structural inspections. road bridges, but can also be applied
a costs estimate is drawn up. The struc- A minor structural inspection – mainly a to pedestrian bridges
ture of this costs estimate is oriented visual inspection – is carried out every
around the structure. There are often three years. A major structural inspection, The construction materials used and their
precise specifications on this for public a more precise examination and survey combined use in certain circumstances
structures, which allow for comparisons of the structure, is made every six years. substantially determine life cycle costs. A
with other structures and a consistent These are regulated in DIN 1076, »Civil distinction is made between reinforced
monitoring of costs through to the final engineering structures in the course and pre-stressed concrete in concrete
manufacturing costs. of roads and streets – supervision and structures. Pre-stressed concrete is not
The costs of a structure can be calcu- inspection«. The large number of defects as highly rated, which is doubtless due
lated from the sum of the costs of individ- identified in comparatively new road to the many defects found in older pre-
ual structural elements, which arise out bridges during such structural inspec- stressed concrete bridges (built in 1980
of the specific mass (quantity) multiplied tions have made it clear that so-called or before). Steel bridges are also ranked
by the exact cost (price per unit). It is Life Cycle Costs (LCC) must be included lower than concrete bridges, due mainly
important in this context that apart from a in calculations from the outset. Life cycle to the need to repeatedly renew their cor-
reasonable structure, details that are not costs estimate the costs of a bridge over rosion protection.
yet worked out in the design are correct its entire service life. Very high maintenance costs are speci-
and taken into account across the board. These costs depend heavily on the struc- fied for wooden bridges (2 % of construc-
In steel construction it is for example ture in question and can vary widely, tion costs annually), because they tend
usual practice to estimate smaller parts especially with bridges, and over the to show more signs of fatigue and be less
such as stays, anchoring plates etc. with structure’s life cycle can reach the same resistant to weather than concrete or steel
a 10 to 20 % surcharge, depending on levels as the actual construction costs. bridges. These specifications are how-
the scale of the structure. In concrete This means that the presumed additional ever very generalised and do not differ-
construction, the amount of reinforcing cost of building a robust, low-mainte- entiate between different kinds of wood
steel required is determined by means nance bridge must be very differently preservation, for example. This has been
of the volume of concrete, which is multi- evaluated if the expected LCC are incor- criticised and rightly so, because wooden
plied by the specific reinforcement con- porated. Such a bridge, considered over bridges with active wood protection are
tent, which ranges from 80 kg/m3 for its entire life cycle, can in fact be a better more impervious, resistant and durable
simple foundations up to 400 kg/m3 for and more economical option. than bridges with no such protection or
slender concrete supports, depending those built of chemically treated wood.
on the structural component. The »Verordnung zur Berechnung von
Ablösebeträgen nach dem Eisenbahn-
Costs calculation/costing kreuzungsgesetz, dem Bundesfernstra-
The tender documents form the basis ßengesetz und dem Bundeswasserstra-
of the costs calculations of companies ßengesetz (Regulation on the calculation
carrying out the work. These docu- of settlement fees in accordance with the
ments cover contractual regulations, Railways Intersection Act, the Federal
technical specifications and the bill of Highway Act and Federal Waterways Act)
quantities, which itemises all structural also known as the Ablösungsbeträge-
components. The documents help com- Berechnungsverordnung – ABBV (Settle-
panies to draw up tenders and must ment Amount Calculation Regulation)«
precisely describe the construction pro- issued by Germany’s Federal Ministry of
ject qualitatively and quantitatively to Transport, Building and Urban Develop-
avoid the risk of unexpected supple- ment (BMVBS) specifies some reference
mentary charges and additional costs. values on the theoretical service life and
It is therefore important, especially in annual maintenance costs of a bridge,
the case of complex structures, to allow depending on the type of construction
some scheduling and contractual leeway and materials used. The background to
for the work plan – or at least a large the Regulation is that a party instigating
part of it – to be developed before the a construction project must pay the
tender documents are drafted. Only then related manufacturing and maintenance
will the planner be able to exactly list all costs. If the German railway company
items relevant to costs and protect clients Deutsche Bahn wants to build a new rail-
from unexpected supplementary charges way track, for example, it must reimburse
and additional costs. the road construction authority for the

Economic aspects
Costs summary

Type1) Bridge Structure /Material Length x Total Costs 2)

Width costs 2) per m2
[m] [€] [€/m2]
1 Glass bridge in a Glass tube with underslung steel structure 21 ≈ 2.30 875,000 18,200
research centre, • Superstructure: Laminated safety glass on a steel
Lisbon (P) 2010 substructure consisting of longitudinal and cross girders
• Surface: slip-resistant glass walking surface
• Railings: Built-in glass balustrade with no extra handrail
• Curved glass roofing

1 Messebrücke Triple-span beam bridge with partial longitudinal 54 ≈ 5.50 1,076,000 3,600
(Trade fair centre pre-stressing
bridge) II, IGA • Superstructure: Reinforced concrete slab, haunched
Rostock (D) 2003 • Thin film surface on a concrete slab
• Filled-rod railing (vertical)

1 Passerelle Simone Cantilevers with suspended fish beam 304 ≈ 12 23,649,000 6,500
de Beauvoir, Paris • Steel construction
(F) 2006 • Wooden surface with a non-slip surface
• Cable mesh railing with handrail

1 Steg Cité, Baden Integral concrete frame bridge with Y-shaped central supports 38 ≈ 3 355,000 3,100
Baden (D) 2006 • Superstructure: Reinforced concrete slab
• Thin film surface on a concrete slab
• Filled-rod railing (vertical)
• Flat foundations

1 Bridge for Deutsche Continuous beam on rocking piers 65 ≈ 3 1,873,000 9,600

Telekom, Bonn (D) • Superstructure: Reinforced concrete slab
2010 • Thin film surface on a concrete slab
• Glass railings with stainless steel handrail
• Foundations: Micro piles
• Special feature: LED media band (1/3 of costs)

1 Living Bridge, Seven-span underslung bridge 350 ≈ 5.50 13,249,000 6,900

Limerick (GB) 2007 • Superstructure: Steel girders
• Surface: Aluminium panels
• Glass railings with stainless steel handrail
• Foundations: Large-diameter piles

2 Bridge sculpture Triple-span stress ribbon bridge with ramps as a continuous beam 406 ≈ 2.67 5,100,000 4,700
»Slinky springs to • Superstructure: Prefabricated reinforced steel components
fame«, Oberhausen on steel plates
(D) 2011 • 40 mm coloured surface designed to protect against falls
• Stainless steel cable mesh railings with handrail
• Aluminium spirals
• Foundations: Micro piles
3 Pedestrian bridge Cable-stayed bridge 76 ≈ 7 1,768,000 3,300
over the Hessen- • Superstructure: Reinforced concrete slab
ring, Bad Homburg • Surface: Concrete surface with broom finish
(D) 2002 • Filled-rod railing with illuminated handrail
• Pre-stressed and milled stone block masts
• Foundations: Large-diameter piles

3 Pedestrian bridge Back-anchored suspension bridge with ramps as continuous beam 295 ≈ 3 1,914,000 2,200
over the Neckar, • Superstructure: Reinforced concrete slab on cross girders/
Esslingen-Mettingen paired supports
(D) 2006 • Thin film surface on a concrete slab
• Filled-rod railing (vertical)
• Foundations: Large-diameter piles and permanent anchor,
ramp with flat foundations
3 Millennium Bridge, Suspension bridge with a very slight sag 333 ≈ 4 50,225,000 37,700
London (GB) 2000 • Superstructure: Longitudinal steel girder hung with
aluminium panels
• Surface: Aluminium panels
• Railings: horizontal cable with handrail
• Foundations: Large-diameter piles

3 Nessebrücke, Cable-stayed bridge with hinged main span 130 ≈ 4 2,365,000 4,500
Leer (D) 2006 • Superstructure: Longitudinal steel girder with reinforced
concrete slab on cross girders
• Thin film surface on a concrete slab
• Filled-rod railing (vertical)

Economic aspects
Costs summary

Type1) Bridge Structure /Material Length x Total Costs 2)

Width costs 2) per m2
[m] [€] [€/m2]
3 Pedestrian bridge, Back-anchored suspension/lift bridge 74 ≈ 3.50 3,234,000 12,500
Innenhafen • Superstructure: Articulated steel frame chain with pre-fabricated
Duisburg (D) 1999 reinforced concrete components
• Thin film surface on a concrete slab
• Filled rod railing (vertical)
• Lifting mechanism with hydraulic cylinders in the guy ropes

4 Erzbahnschwinge S-shaped, curved, unilaterally hung suspension bridge 142 ≈ 3 2,689,000 6,300
bridge, Bochum (D) • Superstructure: relieved steel cross section with concrete slab
2003 • Thin film surface
• Stainless steel chain link railing with no extra handrail
• Foundations: Large-diameter piles

4 Pedestrian and Curved, unilaterally hung, integral suspension bridge 190 ≈ 3 42,45,000 7,400
cyclist bridge Hafen • Superstructure: Steel box girder
Grimberg, Gelsen- • Thin film surface on a concrete slab
kirchen (D) 2009 • Stainless steel cable mesh railing with no extra handrail
• Deep foundations with piles

4 Seebrücke, Curved, unilaterally hung, suspension bridge with 243 ≈ 3 4,240,000 4,000
Sassnitz /Rügen (D) connected ramp as continuous beam
2008 • Superstructure: Steel box girder with concrete slab
• Ramp built in composite construction
• Guyed tubular steel mast
• Foundations: In-situ cast concrete piles driven into chalk cliff

4 Nesciobrug, Curved, unilaterally hung, self-anchored suspension bridge 700 ≈ 3 11,832,000 5,600
Amsterdam (NL) • Superstructure: Steel box girder
2005 • Thin film surface
• Cable mesh railing with handrail
• Foundations: Large-diameter piles

4 Passerelle La Curved, self-supporting, guyed truss bridge with ring cables 91 ≈ 4.50 3,789,000 9,200
Défense, Paris (F) • Superstructure: Steel box girder
2008 • Thin film surface on a steel box girder
• Railing: horizontal stainless steel cable
• Previously existing foundations

5 Börstelbrücke, Twin-span stress ribbon bridge over a central arch 96 ≈ 3.50 1,141,000 3,400
Löhne (D) 2000 • Superstructure: Prefabricated reinforced concrete components
on steel plates
• Surface: Concrete
• Stainless steel cable mesh railings with additional handrail
• Foundations: Micro piles

5 Three Countries Self-anchored arch bridge 248 ≈ 5 9,937,000 8,000

Bridge, Weil am • Superstructure: orthotropic plate
Rhein (D)/Huningue • Thin film surface
(F) 2007 • Railing: horizontal fill rods with handrail
• Flat foundations

5 Pedestrian Bridge, Triple-arch bridge with suspended walkway 34/38/41 ≈ 5 1,561,000 2,800
Phoenix See, • Superstructure: Reinforced concrete slab on cross girders,
Dortmund lateral arches made of bundles of rolled steel
Hörde (D) 2011 • Thin film surface on a concrete slab
• Post and beam railings (horizontal) with inward sloping handrail
• Foundations: Large-diameter piles

5 Gateshead Millen- Arch bridge with tilting mechanism 126 ≈ 8 45,937,000 45,600
nium Bridge, New • Superstructure: Steel box girder
castle (GB) 2001 • Surface: Aluminium panels
• Horizontal filled-rod railing
• Foundations: Large-diameter piles

5 Pedestrian Bridge. Spatially curved arch bridge with elevated walkway 130 ≈ 3 1,750,000 4,500
Ökologischer • Superstructure: Steel box girder
Gehölzgarten, • Thin film surface on a steel box girder
Oberhausen • Cable mesh railings with additional handrail
Ripshorst (D) 1997 • Foundations: Large-diameter piles

Bridge types: 1 Beam/truss and plate bridge; 2 Stress ribbon bridge; 3 Cable-stayed/suspension bridge; 4 Curved suspension bridge; 5 Arch bridge
Referenced costs for 2012 with a 2 % inflation rate

Special pedestrian bridges

Apart from fixed pedestrian bridges served to protect castle gates or town cially if it is an entire bridge, attracts
erected in gardens, parks and land- fortifications. Today’s movable bridges attention. It is not surprising then, that
scapes to ensure a smooth flow of pedes- make it possible to travel along inter- new and striking mechanisms are con-
trians, bridges are also built to meet secting traffic routes without restriction. stantly being developed to highlight
other, very specific demands. Examples They continue to be built in place of fixed these movements and to make them as
of these include movable or covered bridges if there is too little space for long attractive as possible. Movable bridges
structures or, as a special case, even access ramps and paths or if very high are therefore a major and interesting
platforms. Geometrical constraints com- clearance gauges (e.g. for sailing ships) challenge for interdisciplinary coopera-
bined with a lack of space may make it would result in extremely long ramps. tion between engineers from various
impossible or economically impractical The financial cost of such access is often specialist fields.
to build a fixed bridge with long ramps, greater than the extra cost of a movable
making a movable bridge a suitable alter- bridge. Urban planning must also be Apart from taking fundamental principles
native. Or particular physical demands considered, as long ramps usually of construction into account, it is impor-
on the structure, such as protection from require much greater intervention into tant that as little energy as possible is
wind and rain, or for air conditioning, can existing structures. expended to move a bridge. This applies
make the bridge an interior space. As Designing movable bridges requires to all types of structures, regardless of
elements of mechanical engineering and intensive collaboration with mechanical whether the bridge turns, swings, folds, or
facade technology may be involved in and structural civil engineers. While civil lifts. The movement processes described
designing such special structures, good engineers are responsible for the struc- below can still be found in modern mov-
interdisciplinary cooperation between ture itself, making static calculations and able pedestrian bridges, although with
different areas of expertise is essential. interpreting various states, mechanical current developments in machine tech-
Exciting examples of such pedestrian engineers deal with issues around drive nology and new, improved materials, the
bridges and special structures testify to mechanism technology, interlocking classic lifting and turning movements are
the diverse range of their potentials. mechanisms and controls. not the only ones to be applied these
days. Spectacular movement processes
Movable bridges The choice of a suitable construction type consisting of combinations of lifting,
Movable bridges have been built since is largely determined by local conditions turning and sliding are also now being
the Middle Ages, when they were erect- and the clearance gauge that must be employed, as the Gateshead Millennium
ed as drawbridges. In those days, they observed. Anything that moves, espe- Bridge (Fig. 1) or the »Katzenbuckel-

1 Turn and tilt bridge, Gateshead Millennium Bridge,

Newcastle (GB) 2001, Wilkinson Eyre Architects;
Gifford & Partners 1

Special pedestrian bridges
Movable bridges

brücke« (Cat’s arched back bridge) in the bridge was lifted, which was then lost states and the movements must be
Duisburg (Figs. 4 and 5, p. 85) impres- when it was lowered. exactly synchronised (Fig. 8, p. 86).
sively demonstrate. Bascule and balanced beam bridges are Apart from the necessary space for
different. They are also drawn by pivoting pivots, cables and winches to move, it
Drawbridges on one side, but the centre of gravity of must be ensured that there is no danger
Aside from floating or pontoon bridges, all movable parts lies in the rotational axis, of the primary and secondary parts of
the drawbridge is the oldest type of so only frictional force must be overcome the structure colliding with each other.
movable bridge. Using simple means to produce movement, and only very little It is often the details for the secondary
such as chains, the bridge’s surface was energy is used (Figs. 2 and 7, p. 86). structural components such as railings
pulled up on one side in a rotary move- that are hard to solve and frequently
ment. Large amounts of energy were Folding bridge have a substantial influence on the
required to move these bridges, because Folding is a combined process of lifting, design of such bridges. They make high
it was not yet possible to store the energy turning and sliding. The mechanism is demands on planners and require a lot
resulting from lowering the bridge. New very complex and expensive, because of maintenance for which reasons this
energy had to be generated every time there are many different intermediate type of bridge is rarely built.

Rotating bridge Lifting bridge Drawbridge Pontoon bridge Folding bridge

3 Swing-tilt bridge Telescoping bridge Suspension/vertical lift bridge Passenger bridge Laterally swinging bridge

Special pedestrian bridges
Movable bridges

Retractable bridges made on the support structure if the

Retractable bridges take up a lot of static system completely changes during
space, because they translate as a movement due to the absence of one
whole, i.e. without turning. Their guides abutment.
and foundations are very complex as A bridge girder moved along its centre
the support points shift and the bridge line must then function not only as
requires abutments that can transfer single-span girder, but also as a cantile-
loads through every intermediate state ver beam, although only under its own
into the ground. weight.
The advantage of these bridges is that
their centre of gravity shifts horizontally Swing bridges
meaning that only frictional energy Swing bridges are like retractable bridges,
must be used in the process and no although with the advantage that their
additional weights are necessary for support point does not shift, but remains
energy storage. Special demands are stationary (Fig. 6, p. 86). Movements

2 Drawbridge, Tervaete (B) 2004, Ney + Partners

3 Selection of movable bridge types
4 Back-anchored suspension-vertical lift bridges,
View showing the three possible lifting positions,
pedestrian bridge, Innenhafen Duisburg (D) 1999,
schlaich bergermann and partners
5 Pedestrian bridge in the Duisburg Innenhafen in
5 the raised position

Special pedestrian bridges
Movable bridges

6 7

can therefore be made using simple situations, which are determined by the

and compact drive mechanisms, as aircraft’s position and size. Telescoping
long as the structure’s centre of gravity bridges should perhaps be assigned
remains in the pivotal point. If this is to the area of mechanical engineering,
the case, only mainly vertical reaction because their technology is based more
forces develop and the abutment can on their movement mechanisms than on
be a simple one. their support structures. They are also
While a retractable bridge sweeps over less subject to aesthetic requirements
a rectangle or parallelogram, a rota- and are primarily functional.
tional movement describes a segment
of a circle. Both movements require a Materials
great deal of space. Movable bridges should preferably be
light so that as little mass as possible has
Rolling bridges to be moved, meaning that materials such
The upper chord of a rolling bridge is as steel and aluminium, but also wood
continuously shortened by a scissor and fibre-reinforced plastics are suitable.
mechanism, which rolls up the bridge in The carbon-fibre reinforced plastic bas-
a very spectacular manner. This mecha- cule bridge in Fredrikstad demonstrates,
nism is an example of how a whole bridge for example, the potentials that such new
can be moved using vertical hydraulic materials offer (Fig. 7). The bridge has
cylinders with many small forces (Figs. 9 a 56 m span and both halves of it can
and 10). be folded up without a counterweight,
each using just one hydraulic cylinder.
Telescoping bridges It weighs a total of 40 t.
Telescoping bridges are used mainly as Concrete is very suitable for counter-
access aids for aircraft. Telescoping indi- weights and has a far more favourable
vidual bridge elements alters the bridge’s ratio of weight to cost than steel. The
length and with additional mechanisms, fact that concrete takes up to three
these bridges can be moved up and times as much space as steel does at
down and turned. This allows for quick the same weight can however be a dis-
and individual adjusting to various access advantage.

6 Swing bridge over the Alter Hafen (old harbour),

(D) 2007, nps tschoban voss; WTM Engineers
7 Carbon-fibre reinforced plastic bascule bridge,
Fredrikstad (N) 2006, Griff Arkitektur; FiReCo
8 Folding bridge, Kiel-Hörn (D) 1997, gmp
Architekten von Gerkan, Marg and Partners;
schlaich, bergermann and partners
9 Construction scheme, Rolling Bridge, London
(GB) 2004, Heatherwick Studio; SKM Anthony
10 Rolling movement of the Rolling Bridge 8

Special pedestrian bridges
Covered bridges

Drive mechanisms the bridge. Lucerne’s medieval Chapel

Hydraulic aggregates or electric motors Bridge, for example, is almost entirely
are mainly used to operate movable encased. A projecting roof protects
bridges. Hydraulic drive mechanisms its wooden support structure from the
work with oil pressure cylinders. They direct impact of the weather. Newer
can produce great force and make very wooden bridges also use this protective
little or no noise. The pressure can be principle for wooden support structures,
distributed through pipelines, so the where it is implemented with contempo-
engine room and cylinders do not have rary joining technologies (Figs. 11 –13,
to be close to the structure. Hydraulic p. 88). Bridges that connect buildings,
cylinders must be redundant and should in contrast, are designed to protect
not take on any permanent static force people passing over them from the
to avoid endangering the structure’s weather, on their way into the adjacent
stability if there are any leaks or if hose- building. A single-layer waterproof and
pipes burst. windproof shell is enough for protec-
Electric motors, like petrol or diesel tion from wind and rain alone. If air
motors mainly perform rotational move- conditioning is needed, additional mea-
ments. Their rotation speeds are so high sures on the roof and facade will be
however, that they can only be used with required to provide climate protection
appropriate translations in the form of of the kind used in buildings (Figs. 14
gears and winding tackle for movable and 15, p. 88).
bridges. Mechanisms such as gear racks All types of hollow cross sections (circu-
and cable winches translate the rota- lar, square, elliptical or polygonal) can
tional movement into shifting motion. By be used for such connecting bridges.
choosing the translation, it is possible to Rectangular or square cross sections
control its force and course. A motor can are normally used however, because their
use the same power to move a bridge flat surfaces are easier and less expen-
either a short distance with great force sive to clad than curved ones.
or a longer distance with less force. The Facade elements made of glass, metal,
length of cylinders in hydraulic aggre- plastic and wood can be used for rigid
gates limits the lengths that can be trav- cladding. Free forms, in contrast, can
elled, although very long cables wound be covered with translucent, individually
onto winches make it possible to cover fitted textile covers. An air-conditioned
much longer distances, even if they are interior space can only be provided in
coiled onto winding tackle. this context with a double-layered shell,
Cable winches impose very high alter- which does however have a negative
nating stresses on cables, because they impact on the structure’s translucency.
are constantly bent when they run over The interiors of glazed structures can
the sheaves. They are therefore funda- become very hot such that, as with build-
mentally different from standing ropes in ings, appropriate protection from the
their composition and fatigue resistance sun must be provided, either in the form
and are subject to much higher safety of heat insulating glazing or by external
requirements. shading elements. Adequate ventilation
of the interior space must also be en-
Covered bridges sured. This can be achieved through nat-
The first roofed bridges were built less ural airflow or skilfully arranged ventilation
to protect pedestrians than to protect holes or slits. 10

Special pedestrian bridges

11 12 13

Because of the clearance gauge that determines how it is integrated into the Platforms often have a large cantilever,
must be kept unobstructed to allow free façade. The options range from truss so they are exposed to static as well
passage, covered bridges have a struc- and Vierendeel structures to suspended as dynamic loads. Their vibration behav-
tural depth that can be efficiently used in structures. As the latter only require one iour must therefore be precisely investi-
the support structure, with the floor used chord, their suspension points can be gated to avoid causing queasiness or
as the lower chord, the roof as the upper installed above roof level (Fig. 15). even fear among visitors due to unpleas-
chord, and shear connectors in the form Because closed tubes are subjected to ant movements or speeds. This can be
of frames or diagonals integrated into the much higher wind loads, adequate lateral achieved by installing dynamic vibration
facade. The disadvantage of this is that stability of the tube itself and its support absorbers.
these elements are visible and detract points must also be ensured. Frames are Platforms must be securely anchored to
from the users’ view of the outside, or a suitable way of laterally stabilising a the ground without being subjected to
at least influence it. For this reason, the tube and can at the same time be used subsidence or lifting. Ground conditions
bridge elements, ropes or rods, should as truss rods for longitudinal support. play a major role here. Solutions for rocky
be as transparent as possible with mini- If buildings cannot absorb horizontal and uneven ground are often required,
mal cross sections. forces, separate supports adequately especially in mountainous regions. Per-
Very long spans can be achieved with anchored in the ground must take on this mafrost soils, which occur in some high
a 3 metre-high closed tube, which takes function. mountain regions and in the Alps, repre-
on both static and functional roles. Inter- sent a particular challenge. It is espe-
mediate supports are however still built Platforms cially difficult to permanently and securely
in many cases, because the capacity Some bridges lead straight to a place that anchor support structures in such places.
of the support points in existing build- cannot be reached under normal condi- There is also a risk that the frozen ground
ings is often limited. Complex and expen- tions rather than over or past something; will thaw over the long term, changing
sive reinforcement and strengthening very special views can be had from them. its mechanical properties entirely. Long
measures are often necessary in old A trend of attracting tourists with spec- piles or anchors in non-frozen zones must
buildings in particular. It may then be tacular observation platforms is growing often therefore provide anchoring for
better to choose a stand-alone, inherently (Fig. 16 –19), particularly in developed such structures.
stable structure, which transfers no or mountainous areas. Such structures re- Another vital aspect that can influence
only very slight forces into the existing quire a high level of design sensitivity. They design and construction is the issue of
structure. must respect their natural surroundings actually building such platforms. The
When the support structure has been and be integrated into them, so that they inaccessibility of many areas often makes
selected, the positioning of any supports are not ‘alien elements’ in the landscape. it impossible to directly manufacture parts

14 15

Special pedestrian bridges

16 17

on site, meaning that all structural com-

ponents should be delivered to site as
prefabricated as possible for ease of
installation. Installation by helicopter may
also be necessary. This requires great
skill and extreme precision on the part
of both the helicopter pilots and the plan-
ners. All parts must be carefully weighed
and their installation precisely planned,
as subsequent adjustments or corrections
can cost a great deal of time and money
in such difficult conditions.


11 Zinkenbach Bridge, St. Gilgen am Wolfgang-

see (A) 2008, Halm Kaschnig Architects;
Kurt Pock
12 Roofed wooden bridge, Gaissau (A) 1999,
Hermann Kaufmann; Franz Dickbauer
13 Pedestrian bridge, Boudry (CH) 2003, Geninasca
Delefortrie; Chablais Poffet
14 Skywalk Rennweg, Vienna (A) 2009, SOLID
architecture; RWT Plus
15 Pedestrian bridge, Bietigheim (D) 1994, Noller
Architects; schlaich bergermann and partners
16 Observation platform »AlpspiX«, near Garmisch-
Partenkirchen (D) 2010, Wallmann Architects;
Acht Ziviltechniker
17 Axonometry, »Top of Tyrol« mountain platform,
Stubaier Glacier (A) 2009, LAAC; Aste Weis-
18 »Top of Tyrol« mountain platform, Stubaier
Glacier (A)
19 Lookout bridge, Aurland (N) 2006, Todd
Saunders, Tommie Wilhelmsen 19

Built pedestrian bridges

92 Pedestrian and cyclist bridge in Eichstätt (D)

Christian Vogel Architekten, Munich
Grad Ingenieurplanungen, Ingolstadt

94 Alfenz Bridge in Lorüns (A)

Marte.Marte Architekten, Weiler
M+G Ingenieure, Feldkirch

96 Sackler Crossing, Kew Gardens, London (GB)

John Pawson, London
Buro Happold, London

98 Bridge over the Gessental Valley near Ronneburg (D)

Richard J. Dietrich, Traunstein
Köppl Ingenieure, Rosenheim

100 »Slinky springs to fame« bridge sculpture in Oberhausen (D)

schlaich bergermann and partners, Stuttgart
Tobias Rehberger, Frankfurt a. M.

102 Bridge on the Trift Glacier (CH)

Ingenieurbüro Hans Pfaffen, Chur

104 Pedestrian and cyclist bridge in Knokke-Heist (B)

Ney & Partners, Brussels

106 Media City Footbridge in Salford (GB)

Wilkinson Eyre Architects, London
Ramboll UK, Southampton

108 Pedestrian and cycle path bridge,

Hafen Gimberg (Port Grimberg), Gelsenkirchen (D)
schlaich bergermann and partners, Stuttgart

Pedestrian and cyclist bridge in
Eichstätt (D)

Architects: Christian Vogel Architekten,

Contributor: Rafael Schulik
Structural designer: Grad Ingenieurplanungen,
Completed: 2009

This delicate bridge for pedestrians and length of approximately 35 m and a The structure is supported by a torsion-
cyclists, which crosses the Altmühl River maximum width of 3.50 m. Despite its ally stiff steel beam fixed at both ends
in the Bavarian town of Eichstätt since long span, the steel box girder‘s struc- with 7 longitudinal and 18 transverse
2009, is distinguished by its restrained tural depth, at just 30 cm in the middle ribs set in a 2 m grid. Any horizontal
elegance. Without additional supports of its span and 90 cm at its abutments, and torsional forces resulting from uni-
the bridge‘s elegantly flat arch spans the is very low. On the one hand, this reduc- lateral loads or forces from floods carry-
river and with its low constructional depth tion to the necessary minimum enables ing flotsam are transferred via triangu-
it appears to almost float. the bridge to achieve its filigree appear- lar concrete foundations into two ring
There were a number of major challenges ance. On the other hand, its low static foundations.
involved in designing this bridge. The height, which still complies with the pre- The railing, which can be disassem-
structure had to ensure free passage for scribed flow height clearance, means bled in the event of flooding, has also
boats and withstand a German category that the bridge’s ends land at around been reduced to a minimum of materi-
HHW 100 flood. the height of the existing path, so only als and underscores the structure’s
The planners designed a smooth, fish slight adjustments to the banks were lightness. Its surface is slip-resistant
belly-shaped cross section with a total necessary. asphalt.

Examples of structures
Pedestrian and cyclist bridge in Eichstätt (D)

Site plan Scale 1:1000 5 Web, flat steel, hot-dip galvanised Structure: Arch bridge
Side view Scale 1:200 ¡ 20/40/210 mm, connected to the railing Material: Steel
Vertical section Scale 1:20 supports by countersunk bolts Total length: 34 m
6 Walkway surface: Slip-resistant asphalt, Span length: 26 m
1 Flat steel, hot-dip galvanised ¡ 20/40/210 mm 60 mm Width: max. 3.5 m
2 Railings, stainless steel mesh Ø 1.5 mm 7 Steel plate 5 mm Surface area: 130 m2
Mesh size, 50 mm, spanned on flat steel 8 Box girder, steel plate 10 mm Superstructure height: 30 – 90 cm
hot-dip galvanised ¡ 50/10 mm 9 Longitudinal ribs, steel plate 20 mm
3 Handrail, steel tube Ø 42.4/3.2 mm welded to transverse ribs with a three-sheet
4 Handrail supports, flat steel 2≈ ¡ 60/10 mm weld seam

2 3

5 6 8 b

aa 8 bb

Alfenz Bridge in Lorüns (A)

Architects: Marte.Marte Architekten, Weiler

Contributors: Bernhard Marte,
Clemens Metzler
Structural designer: M+G Ingenieure, Feldkirch
Team: Josef Galehr, Rolf Ennulat,
Clemens Beiter
Completed: 2010

An unusual bridge has been built not meant that only a small area was available the bridge’s upper and lower chords.
far from the small town of Lorüns in as a building site. An underlying support Modelled on bionic principles, irregularly
Austria’s Vorarlberg region; it looks more structure could not be built because of the positioned tension and compression rods
like a sculpture than a civil engineering way it is connected to the riverbank and with reinforced ends form an open bridge
structure. The Alfenz Bridge marks the flood protection requirements. A wooden structure. The angles of the truss frame
entry to the Montafon Valley, through structure was impossible because of the braces follow the course of transverse
which the Ill River flows, a rushing river risk of a possible spark discharge. The force, becoming steeper towards the sup-
that often causes major flooding. Situated planners therefore proposed a covered ports. A massive wall screens the bridge
a few metres from where the Alfenz flows concrete bridge supported by its side from the busy road to the north. To the
into the Ill, the new concrete bridge over walls whose box form re-inteprets the south, the irregular truss opens up views
the river provides walkers and cyclists classic truss bridge. The structure con- into the surrounding natural area. The
with a secure crossing point. sists of 4.30 m high fair-faced concrete bridge therefore reacts naturally to static
Its planners faced some major challenges. trusses along the sides that are joined to influences while at the same time integrat-
High-voltage power lines in the vicinity the deck and floor slab and function as ing into its environment.

c b

a a

c b


Examples of structures
Alfenz Bridge in Lorüns (A)

Top view • section Scale 1:200

Site plan Scale 1:5000
Vertical section Scale 1:50

1 Deck, fair-faced concrete, untreated 250 mm,

2 Roof drainage, deck element, stainless steel
3 Railings, stainless steel mesh Ø 1.5 mm
Mesh size, 80 mm spanned on a stainless steel
cable Ø 8 mm
4 Floor structure:
Surface, hard concrete with broom finish 2 mm
Fair-faced concrete, untreated 250 mm, sloping
5 Fair-faced concrete, untreated 300 mm
Structure: Truss bridge
Material: Concrete
Total length: 38.30 m
Span length: ca. 33 m
Width: 4.20 – 4.70 m
Bridge surface area: 116 m2
Superstructure height: 3.80 – 4.30 m

1 2

3 4


3 4


Sackler Crossing in Kew Gardens,
London (GB)

Architect: John Pawson, London

Team: Ben Collins, Chris Masson,
Vishwa Kaushal
Structural designer: Buro Happold, London
Team: Simon Fryer, Chris Woodfield,
Anthony Holder
Completed: 2006

The Royal Botanic Gardens are in Kew,

south-west of London and are home to
the world’s largest collection of different
plant species. The botanical garden
complex, which was declared a Unesco
World Heritage Site in 2003, is one of
the oldest of its kind. It was developed
almost 250 years ago from several
smaller gardens, which were all in the
possession of the royal family. In sub-
sequent years they grew together to
form a large park, which was planned
by various landscape architects. The
park’s buildings, including the renowned
Victorian greenhouses, have now been
complemented by another structure: the
Sackler Crossing – named after Mortimer
and Theresa Sackler, whose foundation
financed its construction.
It spans the larger of two artificial lakes
in the western part of the grounds. In the
overview the bridge forms a sine curve,
meanders between two densely vege-
tated islands and thanks to its double
curve offers various views of its surround-
ings from different angles.
Seen from far away, it is barely percepti-
ble, because the slender extruded bronze
railing posts, with a diameter of 2.5 cm,
provide transparency and the interplay
of their colouring means that they fit in
perfectly with their immediate environ-
ment. Standing on the banks of the lake,
the curving bridge’s parapet looks like a
solid wall because of the optical overlap-
ping of the bronze rods. The reflections
of the shimmering railing posts in the
rippling water are delightful. Because
the bridge sits very low over the water’s
surface, visitors crossing it gain an
impression of the close proximity of the
water, which shimmers through the joints
between the dark granite joists. Small
LEDs have been integrated into these,
which illuminate the bridge and the water
when it is dark.

Examples of structures
Sackler Crossing in Kew Gardens, London (GB)

Structure: Beam bridge

Material: Steel
Total length: 102 m
Span length: 28 m/46 m/28 m
Width: 3m
Bridge surface area: 306 m2
Superstructure height: 28 – 44 cm

Site plan pressed in with steel pins

Scale 1:500 4 Moulded part, granite 80/300 mm
Vertical section • Horizontal section 5 Stainless steel tubing
Scale 1:20 | 150/150/6,3 mm
6 Bracing, stainless steel, welded,
1 Posts, bronze 110/24 mm with welded on flat steel ¡ 10 mm 1
attaching plates, 16 mm 7 Stainless steel tubing | 300/300/16 mm
2 LED floor lights 1 W 8 Bearing, neoprene strips 250/ 5 mm
3 Granite joist 120/99 –104 mm, 9 Steel pin, stainless steel  10 mm,
joint 10 –15 mm, drill holes  12 mm, welded to stainless steel tubing
t = 60 mm, filled with epoxy resin and 10 Piers, stainless steel

b b

8 9 3




bb 3

Bridge over the Gessen Valley near
Ronneburg (D)

Object and
structural design: Richard J. Dietrich,
Contributor: David Oppermann
Statics and dynamics: Köppl Ingenieure, Rosenheim
Contributor: Johann Bleiziffer
Completed: 2006

Extremely light and elegant, this wooden

stress ribbon bridge rises 25 metres
above the Gessen Valley in the ‘New
Landscape Ronneburg’, which was
developed on a former uranium mine
site as part of Germany’s Federal Gar-
den Show in 2007. The bridge is part
of the Towns of Thuringia Long Distance
Cycle Route (Fernradweg Thüringer
Städtekette) and with a total length of
225 metres is one of the world’s longest
wooden bridges. At its highest lookout
point, the bridge widens and offers an
unimpeded view across the recultivated
The stress ribbon structure, made of
block-glued laminated timber, stretches
like a taut rope from pier to pier. Its pro-
file, just 50 centimetres deep, is divided
into three self-supporting spans, 52.50
metres, 55 metres and 52.50 metres long.
This extremely slender cross section is
made possible by the almost exclusive
transfer of loads by tensile force. Tensile
forces of approximately 800 tonnes are
absorbed by massive concrete abut-
ments, which are clamped to 14 ground
anchors in the stony ground. 25 metre
high, tree-like tubular steel support pillars
hold the slightly curved ribbon.
The stress ribbon has a sag of approxi-
mately 2.30 metres in each span. To
prevent the walkway from sloping too
steeply, additional glued laminated timber
beams are doubled up on the stress
ribbon, which increase in height towards
the middle of the spans and reduce the
slopes. These are simply screwed on and
can therefore also damp vertical vibra-
tions through friction. Horizontal torsional
vibrations are checked by the ribbon’s
slender “waist”.
This very economical structure, includ-
ing the steel coupling elements and 25 to
30 metre long parts of the railings, was
prefabricated in a plant and then installed
on site.

Examples of structures
Bridge over the Gessen Valley near Ronneburg (D)

5 1



Site plan Scale 1:2000 6 Surface, larch planks 60/140 mm 11 Struts, steel tubing Ø 457/20 mm
Vertical section • Horizontal section, Coupling Squared timber 30/40 mm, covered with 12 Slotted plates with steel dowels Ø 16 mm,
Stress ribbon Scale 1:20 neoprene band on spacers, synthetic 3 rows of 8 pieces each
Sealing, aluminium sheeting 0.7 mm 13 Coupling stress ribbon
1 Railing posts larch wood 160/100 mm Underlay, fibreglass reinforced plastic
Coping, steel sheeting, 2 mm 7 Veneer laminated timber slab 51 mm Structure: Stress ribbon bridge
2 Handrail, larch wood profile Ø 80 mm 8 Doubling-up, glued laminated timber Material: Wood
3 Railing infill, steel wire net 40/40/4 mm on a 100 – 500 mm, screwed onto the stress ribbon, Total length: 225 m
tubular steel frame, hot-dip galvanised Glued laminated timber block-glued 500 mm Span length: 52.50 /55.00 /52.50 m
Ø 26.9/3.2 mm 9 Pivoting bearing element that moves Width: 2.50 – 4.00 m
4 Railing attachment with screws M 16 longitudinally and laterally Bridge surface area: 715 m2
5 Weather-proof cladding, plywood 16 mm 10 Side profile, steel tubing Ø 323.9/20 mm Superstructure height: 10 – 50 cm

1 2

6 7 8 6 7

c c


10 10

aa bb

»Slinky springs to fame« bridge
sculpture, Oberhausen (D)

Structural designer: schlaich bergermann and
partners, Stuttgart
Team: Mike Schlaich, Mathias Nier,
Arndt Goldack, Sarah Peters,
Christiane Sander, Ulrich
Schütz, Rüdiger Weitzmann
Artist: Tobias Rehberger,
Frankfurt a. M.
Completed: 2011

This sculptural pedestrian bridge over The design’s lightness is due to the stress damping vibrations in this lively bridge.
the Rhine-Herne Canal in Oberhausen ribbon bridge’s support structure, which Users’ dynamic experience of the bridge
created a new connection between the has been reduced to a minimum. Two is emphasised by its spirals, which are
Kaisergarten and Emscher Island Parks. high-strength steel bands connect to set at varying distances from each other,
The planners developed the concept in the two inclined supports across the making the bridge resemble the famous
collaboration with artist Tobias Rehberger canal; the resulting tensile force is trans- spiral toy (Slinky). However, the serpen-
as part of the »EMSCHERKUNST.2010« ferred through outer vertical tension rods tine structure only really unfolds its full
project. into the abutments. The 406 metre long effect in darkness. LEDs concealed in
With an S-shaped ramp on one side and bridge’s walkway is a springy synthetic the handrail bathe the coloured surface
a U-shaped ramp on the other, the bridge’s surface in 16 different colours bolted along the entire surface in an even light.
coloured band, encased by 496 hollow on to prefabricated concrete plates, Seen from below, the bridge glows in
aluminium coils, straddles the canal at to which the bridge’s railings and spirals bright colours. Lights integrated into
the clearance height of 10 metres, which are attached. The steel post and cable the spirals also illuminate the bridge’s
must be kept free for shipping. mesh railing effectively contributes to underside.

Examples of structures
»Slinky springs to fame« bridge sculpture in Oberhausen (D)

Structure: Stress ribbon bridge

Material: Steel
Total length: 406 m
Ramp length: 130 and 170 m
Span length: 20 /66 /20 m
(Stress ribbon bridge)
Width: 2.67 m
Bridge surface area: 1,085 m2
Superstructure height: 12 cm (Stress ribbon bridge)

Site plan Scale 1:1500

Details bridge superstructure and
spiral connectors – strut Scale 1:5
Vertical section Scale 1:20

1 Spiral aluminium tube | 80/80/2 mm

2 Handrail, stainless steel tube Ø 60,3/4 mm
3 Railing: stainless steel mesh Ø 2 mm, mesh size
60/104 mm, on stainless steel tube Ø 20/1.5 mm
4 Posts with cable routing, steel tube Ø 60.3/8 mm
5 Steel profile ∑ 40/25/3 mm
6 Base plate, flat steel ¡ 15 mm
7 Surface, PU-bound EPDM virgin rubber
granulate on reinforced concrete prefabricated
parts 120 mm
8 Stress ribbon, steel 460/30 mm
9 Strut, steel tube Ø 76,1/5 mm 2
10 Connecting plate, flat steel ¡ 20 mm
11 Counter plate, flat steel ¡ 15 mm

4 3

5 6

6 7

1 9



Bridge on Trift Glacier (CH)




West side Eastern side

Windegg Drosi 1680

Structural designer: Ingenieurbüro Hans Pfaffen,

Project manager: Walter Brog, x-alpin, 1660 m a. s. l.
Completed: 2009 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 m

On the Trift Glacier near Switzerland’s

Susten Pass – one of the fastest-melting
glaciers in the Alps – the first Trift Bridge
opened in September 2004. It was how-
ever, built on a site not easily accessible
to visitors. Given the large increase in
visitor numbers, it was decided to build
a new bridge in a more secure location,
20 m to the north and 30 m higher.
This would be easier to climb up to and
thanks to the broader opening of the
ravine, the wind speeds there would
also be lower. The construction principle
remained the same but underwent some
crucial adjustments, partly due to the
longer span. Parabolic underspanning
reinforces the slender structure and
prevents lifting in extreme wind speeds.
Pylons and two U-shaped steel elements
a third of a way along the span further
stabilise the railings at parapet height
at their terminals and reinforce the
bearer cables.
After two years of planning, the new
170 metre long bridge, which spans the
Triftwasser stream just 100 m above it,
was built over six weeks in the summer
of 2009. During construction, the old
bridge served as a work platform, during
delivery of the bearer cables by helicop-
ter, for example. After they were deeply
anchored in granite using threaded rods
Section Trift Ravine
and tensioned, a small, sliding work Scale 1:2000
...... 1st Trift Bridge site, 2004
gondola could be placed on them and
--- 2nd Trift Bridge site, 2009
was used to install the crossbeams, walk-
way planks and parapet elements, step Section
by step. The arch-shaped underspan- Scale 1:50
ning was then installed. Only after this
work was completed was the old bridge
dismantled and erected in its new site.
It is now called the »Salbit Bridge« and
links two mountain huts in the nearby
Göschener Valley.

Examples of structures
Bridge on Trift Glacier (CH)

Vertical section • Horizontal section Scale 1:10 Structure: Reinforced

stress ribbon bridge
1 Wire cable, load-bearing Ø 32 mm Material: Steel
2 Bracket, flat steel, bent Total length: 168.24 m
3 Steel rod with screw nuts welded on Span length: 101.60 m
4 Parapet, wire cable Width: 88 cm
5 Walkway edging, squared timber, Bridge surface area: 148 m2
larch, rough-sawn 80/120 mm Superstructure height: 25 cm
6 Walkway, larch planks
rough-sawn 200/45 mm,
for structural wood protection, spaced
7 Pairs of cross beams: steel profile ∑ 50/50 mm
8 Diagonal struts, flat steel
9 Lock nut, bonded
10 Turnbuckle 22 mm 1
11 Guy, wire cable Ø 16 mm
12 U-clamp for cable 2
13 Guy, wire cable Ø 32 mm
All steel parts and cables hot-dip galvanised

6 5

a a

9 10

6 5 8 1 7

9 10


Pedestrian and cyclist bridge in
Knokke-Heist (B)

a a

Structural designer: Ney & Partners, Brussels

Team: Laurent Ney, Eric Bodarwé,
Nicolas De Breuck
Completed: 2007

Arching over busy Queen Elisabeth Various materials and static systems and cycle path with its slip-resistant PU
Avenue, this pedestrian and cyclist were trialed during the design phase coating. The suspended structure’s open-
bridge links the North Sea bay of Heist with the aim of producing a shape as ings also accommodate vehicle traffic,
with the Zwin nature reserve. In an ele- delicate as possible. A computer pro- providing drivers driving under it with an
gant curve, the 102 metre long bridge gramme calculated the openings’ opti- unobstructed view.
winds above a four-lane road and tram mum position and size. The result is a To make installation easier, most of the
line, marking the entry into the city of sculptural form that follows the course of structure was prefabricated and assem-
Knokke-Heist. forces and is supported on two Y-shaped bled on site using slip joints. Several
The bridge’s light, floating form is impres- supports 46 metres apart. The super- layers of coating – white on the inside,
sive and naturally fits in with its environ- structure consists of 12 mm thick steel grey-blue on the outside – protect the
ment. Ramps at each end connect with plates welded together and held up by steel structure from the corrosive effect
pre-existing route trajectories and lead the Y-supports, a bit like a hammock. of the salty North Sea air. Its railing
up to the structure, which was designed This crescent-shaped steel structure con- posts and handrail are made of stainless
as a suspension bridge. tinues the reinforced concrete pedestrian steel tubing.

Examples of structures
Pedestrian and cyclist bridge in Knokke-Heist (B)

11 6 5 4


Site plan Scale 1:1000

Vertical section Scale 1:20

1 Handrail, stainless steel tubing Ø 48.1/2.77 mm

with integrated LED lighting
2 Railing supports, flat steel 40 –20/20 mm
3 Railings, steel net stainless steel Ø 2 mm,
mesh size 80/130 mm, spanned on a
steel tube Ø 20 mm
4 Surface PUR 8 mm
5 Reinforced concrete 120 mm
6 Lightweight concrete 360 kg/m3
7 Trough, flat steel ¡ 12 mm
8 Edging, steel plate ¡ 120/15 mm
9 Reinforcement, flat steel ¡ 80/15/2000 mm
10 Bolts Ø 16 mm, l = 175 mm
11 Conduit, Ø 125 mm
12 Y-supports, flat steel ¡ 50 mm coated white
on the inside, grey-blue on the outside
13 Reinforcement, flat steel ¡ 40 mm
14 Bolted connection 4≈ M 52
15 Base plate, steel plate 60 mm



Structure: Suspension bridge

Material: Steel
Total length: 102 m (without ramp)
Ramp length: 68 m
15 Span lengths: 28 /46 /28 m
Width: 3m
Bridge surface area: 306 m2
aa Superstructure height: 7m

Media City Footbridge in
Salford (GB)

Architects: Wilkinson Eyre Architects,

Team: Chris Wilkinson, James Marks,
Simon Roberts, Ezra Groskin, a
Connor Worth
Structural designer: Ramboll UK, Southampton
Team: Peter Curran, Steve Thompson
Completed: 2011

A pedestrian bridge over the Manchester

Ship Canal in Salford links the Media
City with the Imperial War Museum.
Media City, an ambitious urban planning
concept, was built on the old Salford
Quays site to the west of Manchester,
where there were still loading cranes
and container ships until the docks
closed in 1982.
A pivoting cable-stayed bridge was built
to enable ships with high superstructures
to pass along the canal unimpeded. The
bridge, with a span of 83 metres, consists
of a main cantilever arm that is 65 metres
in length and an 18-metre-long auxiliary
arm. The latter fans out in the direction
of the Imperial War Museum, creating a
public space that can be used in a vari-
ety of ways. It also forms a counterweight
to the main cantilever arm. To open the
bridge, its moveable part in plan is turned
90 degrees, opening up a navigation
channel approximately 48 metres wide
and with no height restrictions. Eight high-
tensile cables running over tilt-mounted
masts up to 30 metres high connect
the two cantilever arms with each other.
Each tension cable is set at a specific
angle to the horizontal plane and rotates
tangentially to the curved superstructure,
producing the bridge’s three-dimen-
sional turning.
The slightly curved superstructure con-
sists of a closed massive steel box
girder, to which the anchorings of the
stay cables are attached, and a filigree
part, which is attached to the box girder
via the cantilever arm. This division
reduces the structure’s weight and has
static advantages. Both abutment side
walls are slightly angled, which makes
the structure look very slender and

Examples of structures
Media City Footbridge in Salford (GB)

Site plan Scale 1:1000

Axonometric main bridge arm
Vertical section Scale 1:20

1 Handrail, stainless steel tubing Ø 50 mm

2 Railing supports, flat steel 2≈ ¡ 10 mm
3 Parapet, VSG 13.5 mm transparent upper,
translucent underside
4 Frames, steel section ∑ 40/40 mm
5 Lights under acrylic glass covers
6 Stainless steel section ∑ 48/72 mm
7 Surface, slip-resistant epoxy resin
8 Box girder 1250 –2400 mm, flat steel,
fully welded ¡ 20 mm
9 Reinforcement, flat steel ¡ 44/2,400 mm
Structure: Cable-stayed swing bridge 10 Aluminium element 1,440/2,000/50 mm
Material: Steel 11 Steel section } 140/100/6 mm
Total length: 83 m (excluding ramps) 12 LED lights that change colour
Spans: 65 m /18 m 13 Cantilever arm, flat steel ¡ 3,650/15 mm
Width: 4m 14 Flat steel ¡ 15 mm
Superstructure height: 1.25 – 0.4 m 15 Railing rods, steel section 1,480/42/20 mm

1 b



7 10 10




13 b

aa bb

Cyclist and pedestrian bridge,
Hafen Gimberg (Gimberg Port) in
Gelsenkirchen (D)

a a

Structural designer: schlaich bergermann and

partners, Stuttgart
Team: Andreas Keil, Sebastian Linden,
Sandra Hagenmayer, Roman
Kemmler, Mathias Widmayer Site plan
Completed: 2009 Scale 1:1500

In 2006, the Ruhr Regional Association The bridge features a unilaterally hung into the abutments and are anchored
(Regionalverband Ruhr) launched a ring girder with a span of 141 m between there. Here however, the support cable
competition to design a new bridge con- its abutments. With a single tensioned is unsupported and is anchored 24 m
necting the Erzbahntrasse cycle route 45 m high pylon standing to one side, away from the abutments. The steel box
with the Emscher Park bike path over the superstructure, a torsionally stiff box girder is therefore monolithically con-
the Rhine-Herne Canal. The winners girder, seems to float over the landscape nected to the abutments and of a size
convinced the competition judges with – a unique experience for those passing to bear torsional and bending loads. With
a design for an innovative suspension by or crossing the bridge. a structural depth of just 80 cm, it forms
bridge structure that crosses the canal in the ‘backbone’ of the bridge deck and
a single broad sweep. Support cables are arranged around bears the 12 cm thick concrete slab. The
The bridge’s circular trajectory fits in with a circle with hangers spaced 3 m apart slab serves as a robust walking surface
the existing network of paths, creating and tangentially anchored in the curved and its weight improves the bridge’s
the precondition for this asymmetric sus- superstructure. The support cables of dynamic behaviour. A sheer cable mesh
pension bridge, which elegantly and con- a back-anchored suspension bridge railing underscores the bridge‘s lightness
cisely marks the end of Erzbahntrasse. usually pass through the superstructure and delicacy.

Examples of structure
Cyclist and pedestrian bridge Hafen Gimberg (Gimberg Port) in Gelsenkirchen (D)



Structure: Curved suspension bridge

Material: Steel
Total length: 156 m (excluding ramps)
Ramp length: 37 m (North)
Span: 141 m
Width: 3m
Bridge surface area: 579 m2
Superstructure height: 80 cm
Mast height: 40 m (+ 5 m mast head) bb

Detail section, hanger clamp Scale 1:10

Vertical section Scale 1:20

1 Boundary cable, stainless steel Ø 16 mm

2 Railings, stainless steel mesh Ø 2 mm,
mesh size 60 mm
3 Railing posts, flat steel ¡ 30 mm
4 Side plate as cover, flat steel ¡ 10 mm
5 Hangers Ø 24 mm
6 Fork fitting with eye plates
connected to ribs
7 Stainless steel sheeting ¡ 10 mm
screwed to a steel bracket ¡ 15 mm,
welded to the box girder
8 Ribs, steel plate 15 mm
9 Box girder, steel plate ¡ 15 – 40 mm
10 Thin film surface 5 mm
Concrete walkway slab 120 mm
11 Cable clamp, milled
12 Garland-shaped cable Ø 50 mm
13 Screws M 24

1 1

2 2

3 3





Literature: Standards, guidelines, regulations

Reference texts and papers (a selection)
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Konstruktion, Gestalt, Geschichte. Basel/Boston/ Inspection. 1999-11 tures - Part 1-1: General – Common rules and rules
Berlin 2007 DIN 18 024-1 Barrier-free built environment – Part 1: for buildings. 2012-02
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tion, Design, History. Basel/Boston/Berlin 2007 1998-01 DIN EN 13 201-1 Road lighting – Part 1: Selection of
DIN 18 065 Stairs in buildings – Terminology, lighting classes. 2005-11
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Technik, Geschichte. Munich 2001 constructional measures in buildings DIN EN 50 122-1 Railway applications – Fixed instal-
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Part 2: Guide to the natural durability and treata- DIN Technical rule 102 Concrete bridges
Heinemeyer, Christoph et. al.: Design of Lightweight bility of selected wood species of importance DIN Technical rule 103 Steel bridges
Footbridges for Human Induced Vibrations. in Europe DIN Technical rule 104 Composite steel and concrete
JRC Scientific and Technical Reports. 2009 DIN EN 1090-1 Execution of steel structures and bridges
aluminium structures – Part 1: Requirements for
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Conzett and his Partners. London 2006 General design rules. 2001-02 Bundesanstalt für Straßenwesen (pub.): Zusätzliche
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Brussels 2010 DIN EN 1337-3 Structural bearings – Part 3: Stahlverbundbau. 2003-01
Elastomeric bearings. 2005-07 Bundesanstalt für Straßenwesen (pub.): Zusätzliche
Pearce, Martin; Jobson, Richard: Bridge Builders. DIN EN 1337-4 Structural bearings – Part 4: Technische Vertragsbedingungen und Richtlinien
Chichester 2002. Roller bearings. 2007-05 für Ingenieurbauten (ZTV-ING). Teil 7: Brücken-
DIN EN 1337-5 Structural bearings – Part 5: beläge. 2003-01
Petersen, Christian: Schwingungsdämpfer im Inge- ot bearings. 2005-07 Bundesanstalt für Straßenwesen (pub.): Zusätzliche
nieurbau. Munich 2001 DIN EN 1337-6 Structural bearings – Part 6: Technische Vertragsbedingungen und Richtlinien
Rocker bearings. 2004-08 für Ingenieurbauten (ZTV-ING). Teil 8: Bauwerks-
RWTH Aachen et al.: Advanced Load Models for DIN EN 1337-7 Structural bearings – Part 7: ausstattung. 2010-04
Synchronous Pedestrian Excitation and Optimised Spherical and cylindrical PTFE bearings. 2004-08 Bundesminister für Verkehr (pub.): Richtlinien für
Design Guidelines for Steel Foot Bridges (SYNPEX). DIN EN 1337-8 Structural bearings – Part 8: den Korrosionsschutz von Seilen und Kabeln im
2008 Guide Bearings and Restraint bearings. 2008-01 Brückenbau (RKS-Seile). Dortmund 1984
DIN EN 1337-9 Structural bearings – Part 9: Deutsche Bahn AG (pub.): Richtlinie (Ril) 997.0101
RWTH Aachen et al.: Human Induced Vibrations of Protection. 1998-04 Oberleitungsanlagen. Allgemeine Grundsätze.
Steel Structures. Leitfaden für die Bemessung von DIN EN 1337-10 Structural bearings – Part 10: 2001-01
Fußgängerbrücken (HIVOSS). 2008 Inspection and maintenance. 2003-11 Deutsche Bahn AG (pub.): Richtzeichnungen. 3 Ebs
DIN EN 1337-11 Structural bearings – Part 11: 02.05.19, Berührschutzmaßnahmen. Deutsches
Service d’Études Techniques des Routes et Auto Transport, storage and Installation. 1998-04 Institut für Bautechnik (pub.): Technische Regeln
routes – SETRA (pub.): Footbridges – Assessment DIN EN 1990 Eurocode: Basis of structural design. für die Verwendung von absturzsichernden Ver-
of Vibrational Behaviour of Footbridges under 2012-08 glasungen (TRAV). 2003
Pedestrian Loading. Paris 2006 DIN EN 1991-1-1 Eurocode 1: General actions on Deutsches Institut für Bautechnik (pub.): Technische
structures – Part 1-1: Densities, self-weight, Regeln für die Verwendung von linienförmig
Strasky, Jiri: Stress Ribbon and Cablesupported imposed loads for buildings. 2010-12 gelagerten Verglasungen (TRLV). 2006
Pedestrian Bridges. London 2011 DIN EN 1991-2 Eurocode 1: General actions on Forschungsgesellschaft für Straßen und Verkehrs-
structures – Part 2: Traffic loads on bridges. wesen (pub.): Empfehlungen für Fußgängerver-
2012-08 kehrsanlagen (EFA). Cologne 2002
DIN EN 1992-1-1 Eurocode 2: Design of concrete Forschungsgesellschaft für Straßen- und Verkehrs-
structures – Part 1-1: General rules and rules for wesen (pub.): Empfehlungen für Radverkehrs-
buildings. 2012-05 anlagen (ERA). Cologne, 2010
DIN EN 1992-2 Eurocode 2: Design of concrete Forschungsgesellschaft für Straßen- und Verkehrs-
structures – Part 2: Concrete bridges – Design and wesen (pub.): Merkblatt über den Rutschwiderstand
detailing rules. 2012-04 von Pflaster und Plattenbelägen für den Fußgänger-
DIN EN 1993-1-1 Eurocode 3: Design of steel verkehr. Cologne, 1997
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buildings. 2010-12 schaften (pub.): BGR 181 Fußböden in Arbeits-
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DIN EN 1994-1-1 Eurocode 4: Design of composite
steel and concrete structures – Part 1-1: General
rules and rules for buildings. 2010-12
DIN EN 1994-2 Eurocode 4: Design of composite
steel and concrete structures – Part 2: General rules
and rules for bridges. 2010-12


Picture credits

To everyone who has helped with putting this book Page 26, 54, 55 below Alan Karchmer/ Esto, Page 81 from top to bottom:
together, through licensing their pictures, giving New York, USA HG Esch Photography, D – Hennef
permission for reproduction and through providing Page 27 above Erhard Kargel, A – Linz Tomas Riehle/
information, the authors and publishers would like to Page 27 centre from Frank Dehn, Gert König, Gero schlaich bergermann and partners/
say a sincere thank you. All of the drawings in this Marzahn: Konstruktionswerkstoffe im Bauwesen. Michael Zimmermann, D – Stuttgart
book have been created in-house. Pictures without Berlin 2003, p. 14 Wilfried Dechau, D – Stuttgart
credits come from the archive of the architects or Page 27 below, 28 upper left after: DIN EN 350-2. Rob ’t Hart, NL– Rotterdam
from the archive of DETAIL journal. Despite intensive 1994 Michael Zimmermann, D – Stuttgart
efforts we were not able to determine some of the Page 28 above left Schaffitzel Holzindustrie GmbH schlaich bergermann and partners, D – Stuttgart
creators of the photos and images, however, their + Co. KG, D – Schwäbisch Hall
copyrights are protected. We would ask you to keep Page 28 centre left Sweco Norge AS Datei:Dreilaenderbruecke003.jpg&filetimesta
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right, 85 HG Esch Photography, D – Hennef schlaich bergermann and partners, D – Stuttgart
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P – Lisbon Page 30, 66 centre, 69 above, 84 above, 104, 105 Page 83 Wilkinson Eyre Architects,
Page 9 from International Federation for Structural Jean-Luc Deru, B – Liège GB – London
Concrete (pub.): Guidelines for the Design of Page 31 upper left Page 84 below from, Mike Schlaich, Ursula Baus:
Footbridges. Lausanne 2005, p. 11 view221,1,1535.html Fußgängerbrücken. Basel / Boston / Berlin 2007,
Page 10 top left, top centre, above right Page 31 upper right Achim Bleicher: Aktive p. 194f.
Elsa Caetano, P– Porto Schwingungskontrolle einer Spannbandbrücke Page 86 upper left WTM Engineers GmbH,
Page 10 centre from Bundesministerium für Verkehr, mit pneumatischen Aktuatoren. Diss., TU Berlin D – Hamburg
Bau und Stadtentwicklung – BMVBS (pub.): 2011 Page 86 upper right Griff Arkitektur,
Forschung Straßenbau und Straßenverkehrs- Page 31 lower right Carles Teixidor/Bellapart N – Fredrikstad
technik. 22/1963, p. 3 S.A.U., E – Olot Page 86 below Klaus Frahm, D – Cologne
Page 11 top from RWTH Aachen et al.: Advanced Page 32, 49 lower left, 50 upper right, 58 above, Page 87 above SKM Anthony Hunt Associates,
Load Models for Synchronous Pedestrian 61 below, 108, 109 Michael Zimmermann, GB – London
Excitation and Optimised Design Guidelines D – Stuttgart Page 87 upper right, centre right, lower right
for Steel Foot Bridges (SYNPEX). 2008 Page 35 Franziska Andre / Steve Speller/
Page 12 left Lukas Roth, D – Cologne Page 88 upper left, Kurt Pock/
Page 12 right Stahlbau Urfer, D – Remseck Page 36 left RFR, F – Paris Page 88 centre Ignacio Martínez,
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below right Christian Vogel, D – Munich Page 47 Manfred Gerner, D – Fulda Page 103 lower centre Robert Bösch,
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Straßenwesen (pub.): Zusätzliche Technische Page 52 above, from Mike Schlaich, Ursula Baus: Page 106, 107 left Daniel Hopkinson,
Vertragsbedingungen und Richtlinien für Inge- Fußgängerbrücken. Basel /Boston /Berlin 2007, GB – Manchester
nieurbauten (ZTVING). Part 8: Bauwerksaus- p. 119
stattung, Section 4: Absturzsicherungen. Page 52 centre, 56 below, 62 above, 73 below, 76
2010, p. 3 Wilfried Dechau, D – Stuttgart Photos between chapters
Page 16 Christian Schittich, D – Munich Page 53 N. Koshofer /Archiv Kiedrowski,
Page 17 from, International Federation for Structural D – Ratingen Page 8:
Concrete (pub.): Guidelines for the Design of Page 55 above Gabriele Basilico, I – Milan Footbridge, Stuttgart (D), Kaag + Schwarz,
Footbridges. Lausanne 2005, p. 24 Page 56 above David Newbegin/ Stuttgart
Page 18 above from International Federation for Pages 57, 102, 103 above Thomas Madlener,
Structural Concrete (pub.): Guidelines for the D – Munich Page 16:
Design of Footbridges. Lausanne 2005, p. 15 Page 58 below, 98, 99 left, right Richard J. Millennium Bridge, London (GB) 2000, Foster +
Page 18 below Wacker Ingenieure, D – Birkenfeld Dietrich, D – Traunstein Partners, London; Sir Anthony Caro, London;
Page 19 from DIN Fachbericht 101 Einwirkungen Page 60 Shigeyama / Ove Arup & Partners, London
auf Brücken. 2009, p. 122 Page 62 below left, Thomas Riehle, D – Bergisch
Page 26:
Page 20 left from DIN Fachbericht 101 Einwirkungen Gladbach
Bridge over the Hoofdvaart Canal, Nieuw Vennep
auf Brücken. 2009, p. 132 Page 62 below right, Jürgen Schmidt, D – Cologne
(NL) 2004, Santiago Calatrava, Zurich; Combinatie
Page 20 right, 25 Gerb Schwingungsisolierungen Page 64 Roland Halbe, D – Stuttgart
Dekker, Vobi van der Horst, Warmenhuizen
GmbH & Co. KG, D – Berlin Page 67 upper right, 100, 101 Roman Mensing,
Page 23 above from International Federation for D – Münster Page 32:
Structural Concrete (pub.): Guidelines for the Page 67 below Palladium Photodesign / Passerelle La Défense, Paris (F) 2007, Dietmar
Design of Footbridges. Lausanne 2005, p. 31f. Barbara Burg + Oliver Schuh, D – Cologne Feichtinger Architectes, Paris; schlaich bergermann
Page 24 above from RWTH Aachen et al.: Pages 68, 96 Richard Davies, GB – London and partners, Stuttgart
Advanced Load Models for Synchronous Page 71 upper right from
Pedestrian Excitation and Optimised Design bauwerkschutzsysteme/dehnfugen Page 64:
Guidelines for Steel Foot Bridges (SYNPEX). Page 72 upper left, upper right, centre Arganzuela footbridge, Madrid (E) 2011,
2008, p. 29 mageba sa, CH – Bülach Dominique Perrault Architecture, Paris; MC2 /Julio
Page 24 top left, 48, 49 above left, above right, 75 top Pages 74, 75 below 3LHD, HR – Zagreb Martínez Calzón, Madrid; TYPSA, Madrid
Gert Elsner, D – Stuttgart Page 75 lower centre Rene Pelzer, D – Simmerath
Page 24 above left from RWTH Aachen et al.: Page 80 from top to bottom: Page 76:
Advanced Load Models for Synchronous schlaich bergermann and partners, D – Stuttgart Aaresteg, Rupperswil (CH) 2010, Conzett Bronzini
Pedestrian Excitation and Optimised Design HG Esch Photography, D – Hennef Gartmann, Chur
Guidelines for Steel Foot Bridges (SYNPEX). David Boureau, F – Paris
2008, p. 13 Michael Zimmermann, D – Stuttgart Page 82:
Page 24 lower left seggel/ / Lukas Roth, D – Cologne Footbridge, West India Dock, London (GB)
Wachtelsteg Ros Kavanag / 1996, Future Systems, London; Anthony Hunt Asso-
Page 24 bottom left from RWTH Aachen et al.: Roman Mensing, D – Münster ciates, Cirencester
Advanced Load Models for Synchronous HG Esch Photography, D – Hennef
Pedestrian Excitation and Optimised Design schlaich bergermann and partners, D – Stuttgart Page 90:
Guidelines for Steel Foot Bridges (SYNPEX). Adrian Pingston/ Trift Glacier bridge (CH) 2009, Ingenieurbüro
2008, p. 14 Ingrid Fiebak, D – Leer Hans Pfaffen, Chur



abutment 34 fairface concrete, exposed concrete 29 rolling bridge 86

acceleration 20f., 23 fan arrangement 53 route layout 12ff.
access 12 flow capacity 10
aerodynamic shape parameter cp 18 flow, flow rate 9 sailor’s walk 23
aeroelastic instabilities 19, 21 flutter 21f. shrinkage rate 28
aluminium 31, 65 folding bridges 84 single mass oscillator 20
anchored foundations 51 foot of the mast 55 slab bridges 38ff.
arch bridges 35ff., 92f. furniture 70 slip-resistance 15
- true 36 slopes 13
- curved 63 galfan zinc coating 30 spiral cables
- false 36 galloping 22 - open 30, 49, 54
assessment of vibration 24 galvanised coating 48 - locked coil 30, 48, 54
geometrically non-linear effects for stairs 13
barrier-free construction 9, 13 small deformations 35 statics 17ff.
beam bridges 20, 38 glass 31, 67 stay cable 54
beam, truss, support steel 29f., 65
- truss girder 43ff. handrail 14, 70 - construction steel 29
- fish-belly truss 44 hanger ropes, hanger cables 49f. - high-grade steel 30
- lenticular truss 44 - correction of length 50 step frequency 23
- parabolic truss 43 harp arrangement 53 steps 13
- Fink truss 44 heavyweight foundations 55 stone arch 28
bearing 34, 72 stone, natural stone 28, 67
- elastomeric bearing 40, 72 impact loads 11, 18 stress ribbon bridges 56ff., 98f., 100f.
- ball bearing 72 intermediate landing 14 substructure 34
- pendulum bearing 72 superstructure 34
- point rocker bearing 72 life cycle considerations 79 support cable anchoring,
bending galloping 21 life cycle costs 79 bearer cable anchoring 50
bending stiffness 20 lifts 13 support cable, bearer cable 48f.
bollard 50 lighting 72ff. surface 15, 65ff.
bowstring arch bridge 36f. loads - aluminium 65
breaking length 27 - concentrated load 17 - asphalt 66
bridges - horizontal 14, 17f. - concrete 65
- moveable 83ff. - temperature loads 18 - bituminous 15
- bridge beam 34 - traffic loads 17 - thin film surface 15, 66
- bridge width 9 - vertical 17 - glass 67
- bridge mass 25 lock-in effect 17, 23 - wood 66
- curved 60ff. loop anchoring 51 - synthetic, plastic 67, 100
- closed 87f. - stone 67
- integral 41f. maintenance costs 77 susceptibility to vibration 18
- semi-integral 41 manufacturing costs 77 suspension bridges 47ff., 102f., 104f., 108f.
- telescoping 86 mast head 55 - multi-span 57
- underspanned 47 masts 49, 51, 55 - back-anchored 47
butt and strap joint 55 material damping 21 - self-anchored 47
maximum height 27 swing bridge 85
cable clamps, rope clamps 50 measurement of vibration 25 synchronisation 20, 23
cable end connections 50 minimum width 9ff. synthetic, plastic
cable saddle 49 modal mass 20 - carbon fibre reinforced 31, 86
cable steel 30 modal shape 20 - glass fibre reinforced 27, 31
cable-stayed bridge 57 model of a section 23 - synthetic surface 67, 100
capacity 9, 33 multi-span cable-stayed bridge 53ff., 106f.
capping loads 17 textile concrete 29
cast steel 30 natural frequencies 20 through truss system 44
clearance gauge 11f. network arch bridge 36 tie rod 55
comfort classes 11, 24 network of paths 33 tied arch bridge 36
comfort criteria 23, 24 normal modes 20 topography 33
composite construction 30 torsional galloping 21
concrete 29, 65 own weight 17 torsional vibrations 22f.
costs 78f. traffic classes 11, 24
costs calculation 79 piers, supports 34 traffic density 9
costs estimate 79 - rocking pier 40 traffic speed 9
critical speed 22 piles 55 truss bridges 43ff., 94f.
platforms 88f. tuned mass dampers 25
damper elements 19f., 25 pre-stressed steel 29 turnbuckle 50
- viscous dampers 25 propulsion 87
- liquid column dampers 25 pylons 51, 55 underspanned systems 43
- mass dampers 25 underspanning 57
- pendulum dampers 25 railings 14, 68
- viscous 25 - stainless steel cable mesh railings 69 vandalism 19
damping 21 - railing infill 14 vibration control 25
- structure damping 21, 25 - railing height 14 vibration meter 25
danger zones 11 - glass railing 69 vibrations 19, 24
design 33 - horizontal filled rod railing 68 - human-induced 19
design situation 23 - integrated 70 - self-induced 22
divergence 22 - chain link railings 69 - vertical vibrations 22f.
drawbridges 83f. - cable net railing 15 - wind-induced 19
durability 28 - vertical filled-rod railings 15, 68 - turbulence-induced transverse vibrations 22
dynamic 19ff. ramps 13
dynamic vibration absorber 25 redirection 59 water drainage 71
reinforcement 29 wind load zones 18
excitation 20 resistance classes 27 wind loads 18
- by pedestrians 23f. resonance 20f. wind tunnel 18, 22
- by wind 21f. retaining cable, rope 49 wood 27f., 45, 66
excitation frequency 21 retractable bridges 84 wood protection, treatment
expansion joints 70 ring girder 60 - chemical 28
rise height 37, 77 - structural 28, 87

Pedestrian bridges are primarily functional, but they should also respond to
the special features of their sites, route trajectories, topography and contexts.
Their presence in public spaces offers an opportunity not only to connect sepa-
rate areas with each other, but also to confer a unique identity on the immediate
environment. Creating a good pedestrian bridge requires a high level of design
sensitivity, especially if the bridge is in an inner-city area or a special landscape.
Pedestrian bridges are subject to fewer restrictive functional and statical de-
mands than road or railway bridges, which gives designers and planners the
freedom to respond to specific sites and usages with individual solutions.
This book provides an overview of current trends in pedestrian bridge construc-
tion. Fundamental statical and functional requirements, various support systems,
the applications of different materials, and the main economic aspects are all
described. The book is rounded off with descriptions of a range of successful
new bridges serving to motivate designers and planners to create exciting
designs in interdisciplinary cooperation.

• Basic knowledge on all aspects, from design through to support systems

• Explanations of a range of construction principals
• Descriptions of various materials serve as practical inspiration
• Examples of successful projects in urban and natural landscape settings

Andreas Keil, Dipl.-Ing.

Editorial services:
Steffi Lenzen, Dipl.-Ing. Architect
Cosima Frohnmaier, Dipl.-Ing. Architect
Sandra Leitte, Dipl.-Ing.

Institut für internationale

Architektur-Dokumentation GmbH & Co. KG, Munich

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