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: Essay (1) ‘Task ‘nyour Engi class you have been taking about the rate af vv i the workplace. Now your Enlish teaches has asked you co write can esay. Wore an essay using al the nates ad give reasons fo your pent of ews Not many warren reach top postions in the workplace. Do you think this stair? Notes: Wirt about 4 whet important er wemen 2 chicane 3 {yourown ees) White your essay in 140-790 Words in an appropriate syle Model answer State-your aan, Startvith = Inmany counires mate than hall he yorkfonce ate women eee ve Mowinermnmveentedwpeaiscandworeneamy | ouanswene hare bu mecha charged Waren ato lito wankant meta | SOE wart to have & family 1° = Sion the Some people aig that worven xetoobuiy tacommittafultime | shew gnasnese faragaph nih | carersatnetees his te ht rovdg gone thikcte not easit—T~ parva ast working hours are unreazarabiy eng bat tshou'd be the esponsbiliy | S12" Sensence ofthe company to accept laable morkngarangertents Another gumimis tat worse areless aggresive and compettve | ps poco Show awareness. 7" than men and find itharder to get te best job tu, agin, tis rnuence Ofaneter point | irvasoradle Women ae amblies toa bu et ne ferent 1 avi Soe mays companies shia tbe hatin accoure Te wort: | open |e the female hls being good communcators and nots h “anor pestions. Toconclute Gt reasoretor “| iy ry view te cure siuatonsuraccepable and campnies eld] | SOC your poinc of Trae i cole to rave ma-female bance atte highest [| ~soyrere Further practice ‘nyow English cass you have been talking about ervireriental ses. ‘Naw your English ceacher has asked you 0 weite an exeay Wire on essay using al the notes ad give reasons for your point of viet We are damaging the environment for aur children. What can bre done about if Rotes Write abou 4 pluton 2 animals snd plats 3 __ your oni es ‘Wte your essay in 740-190 wards in an appropriate syle Part 1; Essay (2) Task Inyour English class you have been taking about vagetarianisen, Now _your English teacher has asked you te wnitean essay. Write an essay using al the notes and give seasons for your point of view Do you think hurmans should eas meat? Notes Werte about Tradiena fc heath 5__(yourcinnided) White your essay in 140-190 words in an appropriate syle Model answer trroavcetie [Fen peop irkthatsnceanimas etciheraniral smarty | Md veponing tape ntee fl hanan ees However one ion. dupes onde roe Hea rs.pararaph, || qumbe ef people ae chacsng i become vegetarians for fivingthe whote | [Man . ee ie ka not: tue ancan | Fgh dlieta pure angmentsin fac obs meat mans | ‘ornate Tresductonse._ | | {Srcahwige Renedard toon atimak: rE peoole dp a equ fou botnscies othe | shy are avoiding the main foo that ges them encrey, Bees, eee aepenrs. ‘we use the animals fur ani skon for clothes and shoes. % Fon the other rand, mary vegetarian bebeve tht eanng Wi eee pee Have asepartie 7 onl urinecesary, butik abo unhealthy We can easly arow plants paragraph the a et spin te topie Reaeerrcrine | [iRatgheusallwe need in cur diet and mes can causeseious eect argue sree, : amaies “ance strong argent againsceaing mest shat the wey we er ames ania cr a wel 3 daraging othe ernment, at we are Libba destioyng rainforests to provide andor animals Hae a separ Seana, in my view, there are srong neath reasons far nat eating meat paragraph for : Howe fe hecome vogctarans or mora! eeson,hnk we diferer pint vere dfloret || sad alo nat wear fur or athe vardsfemtie | fmroductar, Yeu right wan Further practice ces cece your Engh ca you hay ben wing bot profane spot "Now your English teacher has askad you to write an essay. (Write an essay using al the nates ane ewe reasons for your point of view, ‘Are sports stars paid 100 much maney? Notes Weve abou: 1 special talent ara ttm levels 2 otherpmatesceons 3 (your owns} White your estay in 140-190 worden an appropriate syle

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