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ASM Specialty Handbook Copyright © 1997 ASM International®

Heat-Resistant Materials All rights reserved

levated-Temperature Characteristics of
Engineering Materials

IDGH-TEMPERATURE ALLOYS broadly tore properties markedly improved by the addi- contain 0.35% C (max) with manganese contents
refer to materials that provide strength, environ- tion of certain alloying elements, singly or in ranging from 0.30 to 1.06%. These grades are
mental resistance, and stability within the 260 to combination, principally chromium, nickel, mo- used for tubing, pipe, forgings, and castings.
1200 'C (500 to 2200 'F) temperature range. lybdenum, aluminum, and silicon in excess of For low-stress applications, plain carbon steels
They have generally been used in the presence of 3%. Silicon and chromium increase resistance to can be used at temperatures ~25 °C (800 °F).
combustion from heat sources such as turbine heavy scaling by forming a light surface oxide Temperatures up to about 540 °C (1 000 °F) can
engines, reciprocating engines, power plants, fur- that is impervious to oxidizing atmospheres. Both be withstood for only short periods. Figures 1 to
naces, and pollution control equipment. fu order elements reduce the toughness and thermal shock 5 compare· the elevated-temperature properties of
to retain strength under these conditions, it is resistance of the metal. Although nickel does not carbon steels with those of other alloy systems.
imperative that their microstructures remain sta- appreciably affect oxidation resistance, it in- Carbon-molybdenum steels contain 0.50%
ble at high operating temperatures. creases strength and toughness at elevated tem- Mo with a carbon content of about 0.20%. These
During the last few decades, a better under- peratures by promoting an austenitic structure steels are used in the same kind of equipment as
standing of alloying effects, advances in melting that is significantly stronger than ferritic struc- carbon steel, but they can be more highly stressed
technology, and the development of controlled tures above 540 'C (1000 'F). Molybdenum in- because the molybdenum addition increases
thermomechanical processing have led to new creases high-temperature strength in both ferritic short-time tensile strength and reduces the creep
and improved high-temperature alloys. Most and austenitic iron alloys. Aluminum additions rate for a given stress and temperature. If graphi-
such alloys have sufficient amounts of chromium are very potent in raising the equilibrium tem- tization under service conditions is probable, the
(with or without additions of aluminum or sili- perature (A1) and in reducing both growth and maximum service temperature for carbon-molyb-
con) to form cbromia (C!'203), alumina (Ah03), scaling, but they adversely affect mechanical denum steels is about 450 'C (850 "F).
and/or silica (Si02) protective oxide scales, properties at room temperature. Chromium-Molybdenum Steels. Creep-re-
which provide resistance to environmental degra- Alloy cast irons that have successfully been sistant low-alloy steels usually contain 0.5 to 1%
dation. However, oxides cannot protect against used for low-stress elevated-temperature applica- Mo for enhanced creep strength, along with chro-
failure by creep, mechanical or thermal fatigue, tions include: mium contents between 0.5 and 9% for improved
thermal shock, or embrittlement. In actual serv- corrosion resistance, rupture ductility, and resis-
ice, failure of a component/material is typically • High-silicon irons (4 to 6% Si), with or without tance against graphitization. Small additions of
caused by a combination of two or more attack molybdenum additions (0:2 to 2.5%), used at carbide fonners such as vanadium, niobium, and
modes, which synergistically accelerate degrada- temperatures up to 900 'C (1650 'F) titanium may also be added for precipitation
tion. • Austenitic nickel-alloyed irons (18 to 34% Ni strengthening and/or grain refmement. The ef-
This article briefly reviews the elevated-tem- with 0.5 to 5.5% Cr), used at temperatures up fects of alloy elements on transformation harden-·
perature characteristics of various engineered to 815 'C (1500 'F) ing and weldability are, of course, additional fac-
materials. Although emphasis has been placed on • High-chromium white irons (12 to 39%), used tors.
the most commonly employed-most notably at temperatures up to 1040 'C (1900 'F) The three general types of creep-resistant low-
chromium-alloyed steels and superalloys-low- alloy steels are:
density metals (titanium- aluminum-, and magne- Applications for these alloys include cylinder liners,
sium-base alloys), refractory metal alloys, in- exhaust manifolds, valve guides, gas turbine hous- • Plain chromium-molybdenum steels include
tennetallics, ceramics, and carbon-carbon ings, turbocharger housings, nozzle rings, water the !Cr-0.5Mo and 1.25Cr-0.5Mo alloys used
composites are also discussed. The high-tem- pump bodies, and piston rings in aluminum pistons. at temperatures up to 510 'C (950 'F); 2.25Cr-
perature property data presented are comparative, More detailed infonnation on heat-resistant irons 1Mo steel, the most widely employed grade,
the intent being to provide the reader with an can be found in the article ''High-Alloy Cast Irons" used at temperatures up to 580 'C (1075 'F);
understanding of alloy group rankings (see, for in this Volume. 5Cr-0.5Mo steel used at temperatures up to
example, Fig. I to 5). More detailed informa- Carbon steel, the most widely used steel, is 620 'C (1150 'F); and the 7Cr-0.5Mo and
tion/data on specific alloys can be found in the suitable where corrosion or oxidation is relatively 9Cr-1Mo alloys, used at temperatures up to
many cited articles found throughout this Volume. mild. It is used for applications in condensers, 650 'C (1200 'F).
heat exchangers, boilers, superheaters, and stills. • The chromium-molybdenum-vanadium steels
The widespread usage reflects its relatively low provide higher creep strengths and are used in
Cast Irons and Steels cost, generally good service performance, and applications where allowable design stresses
good weldability. The basic low-carbon grade may require deformations less than 1% over
Heat-resistant cast irons are basically alloys contains nominally 0.15% C and is used in vari- the life of components operating at tempera-
of iron, carbon, and silicon having high-tempera- ous tubing applications. Medium-carbon grades tures up to 540 °C (1000 °F). The most com-
4 I Introduction

mon composition contains 1% Cr, 1% Mo, and the properties of chromium-molybdenum steels Stainless Steels and Superalloys
0.25% v. with those of other alloy systems. Detailed infor-
• Modified chromium-molybdenum steels con- mation on the compositions and properties of
tain various microalloying elements such as these steels, which are covered by various ASTM When the severity of the service environments
vanadium, niobium, titanium, and boron and specifications, can be found in the article "Ele- precludes the use of cast irons, carbon steels, or
are used for thick-section components in hy- vated-Temperature Mechanical Properties of low-aHoy steels, more highly alloyed materials
drogen-containing environments. Depending Carbon and Alloy Steels" in this Volume. such as stainless steels and superallOys must be
on the grade, these modified grades can be Chromium hot-work die steels (types H!O to considered. As shown in Fig. 6, some wrought
used at temperatures up to 455 to 600 °C (850 H19) have good resistance to thennal softening superalloys-particularly those based on the
to 1110 •F). (high hot hardness) up to 540 •c (1000 •F) be- austenitic Fe-Ni-Cr system-----evolved from stain-
cause of their medium chromium content (5%) less steel technology. In fact, some stainless
Chromium-molybdenum steels are widely and the addition of carbide-forming elements steels are also considered iron-base superalloys.
used for pressure vessels and piping in the oil and such as molybdenum, tungsten, and vanadium. Examples include A-286 (UNS 566286), a pre-
gas industries and in fossil fuel and nuclear power An increase in silicon content (up to 1.20%) im- cipitation-hardening austenitic stainless steel,
plants. Product forms include forgings, tubing, proves oxidation resistance at temperatures up to and 19-9-DL (UNS S63198), a solid-solution-
pipe, castings, and plate. Figures 3 and 5 compare 8oo ·c (1475 •F). strengthened austenitic stainless steel.

Temperature, oc







Temperature (T), K

Fig. 1 Short-term high-temperature yield strength for various materials. The broken property envelope lines indicate that ceramic strength values are compressive, not tensile or yield.
These data should not be used in material selection and design for long-term creep and stress rupture. Source: Ref 1, 2
Elevated-Temperature Characteristics of Engineering Materials I 5

Test temperature, oc
204 427 649 871 1093 1316 1538
280 1931
Ti-8 A!~1 Mo-1 V titanium alloy,
duplex annealed
240 1655

200 1379 ..

301 stainless steel,
cold worked "'~
160 1103
Rene 41 nickel-base alloy, ..,!l
/ heat treated c
l'! 120 827

316 stainless steel, annealed
Tungsten (unalloyed)


Test temperature, oF

Fig. 2 Effect of temperature on the ultimate tensile strength of various metals and alloys. Source: Ref 3

Generally, however, stainless steels can be dif- resistance up to 815 "C (1500 "F). Where ele- type 430 steel. The major application of type 446
ferentiated by their lower alloying content. For vated-temperature strength is a requirement, the steel is in such items as furnace parts, soot blow-
example, compare the analysis of type 304 stain- use of this composition is limited because of its ers, and thennocouple protection tubes, where
less with Waspaloy alloy (UNS N07001), a pre- relatively low creep strength. Although it is duc- stresses are relatively low.
cipitation-hardening nickel-base high-tempera- tile between about 400 and 590 "C (750 and 1100 The martensitic stainless steels most com-
ture alloy. Type 304 includes carbon, manganese, F), this steel will be brittle when it is cooled to monly used for elevated-temperature applica-
silicon, chromium, and nickel. Waspaloy alloy, ambient temperature after prolonged heating in tions are the so-called "Super 12 Chrome" steels
in addition to these elements, includes molybde- this range (sigma-phase embrittlement). The brit- that contain molybdenum (up to 3%) and/or tung-
num, cobalt, titanium, aluminum, zirconium, and tleness may be eliminated by reheating to about sten (up to 3.5%) for greater strength at elevated
boron. These additional elements in the right 760 "C (1400 "F). The 27% Cr stainless steel, temperatures. Other elements, such as vanadium,
combination give Waspaloy alloy its consider- type 446, which has relatively low elevated-tem- niobium, and nitrogen, may also be added in
able strength and corrosion resistance at tempera- perature strength, is used between 870 and 1095 small amounts for additional strengthening. The
tures of up to 870 "C (1600 "F). "C (1600 and 2000 "F) in applications where the 12% Cr martensitics with the aforementioned al-
most severe oxidation is encountered. It is also loying additions can be used at temperatures up
Stainless Steels (Ref 7, 8) subject to the same embrittling phenomena as to 650 "C (1200 "F), but they provide only mod-
Stainless steels for elevated-temperature appli-
cations include ferritic, martensitic, precipitation-
hardening, and austenitic grades. Next to the su- OOOr-------------~~--------~~-------------------------,
peralloys, the stainless steels provide the best
combination of high-temperature corrosion resis- 12% Cr MoV steels
tance and high-temperature mechanical strength
of any alloy group. More detailed information on 450
stainless steels can be found in the articles "Ele-
vated-Temperature Mechanical Properties of ~
Stainless Steels" and "Elevated-Temperature a.
Corrosion Properties of Stainless Steels" in this
"'.-• 300

The ferritic grades, which have good resis- ~

tance to oxidation at elevated temperature, are not
known for their mechanical strength at high tem- 150
perature. Instead, these alloys are primarily used
in corrosion-resistant applications. Another lim-
iting factor for high-chromium ferritic stainless
steels is sigma-phase embrittlement due to high-
temperature exposure. Two examples of ferritic
stainless steels are given below. Temperature, oc
The 17% Cr stainless steel, type 430, is used in
applications that require oxidation and corrosion Fig. 3 Stress to produce rupture in100 h for various alloys. Source; Ref 4
6 I Introduction

erate strength above 540 °C (1000 °F). Straight num will form an oxide that will volatilize and between these materials is their carbon content.
(unalloyed) martensitic grades can only be used result in rapid oxidation of the steel. With only a few exceptions, carbon in the cast
at temperatures up to 400 °C (750 °F). Property For service above about 870 oc (1600 °F), heat-resistant alloys falls in a range from 0.3 to
data for martensitic stainless steels are given in types 309 and 310 stainless steels. which contain 0.6%, compared with the O.ot to 0.25% C that is
Fig. 3 to 5. about 23 to 25% Cr, are used. These steels have normally associated with the wrought and cast
The austenitic stainless steels are essentially the best high-temperature strength of the austeni- corrosion-resistant grades.
alloys of iron, chromium, and nickel. These steels tic stainless steels at these temperatures, and be- The standard cast heat-resistant grades have
as a class are the strongest steels for service above cause of their chromium contents, they can be high creep strength and generally good oxidation
about 540 oc (1000 °F). Property data for the used in applications where extreme corrosion or resistance, show better carburization behavior
austenitic grades are given in Fig. 2 to 5. Some of oxidation is encountered. than the corresponding wrought alloy, and are
The highest service limits for oxidation resis- available in product forms such as tubes. retorts,
the more commonly employed alloys are dis-
tance of stainless steels is achieved by the highly and hangers at relatively low cost for the alloy
cussed below.
alloyed type 330 grade. This alloy, which con- content. Detailed information on the composi-
Type 304 is the most common grade of austeni-
tains 19% Cr, 25%Ni, and 1.0% Si. is suitable for tions and properties of cast heat-resistant alloys
tic chromium-nickel steels, which as a group are
continuous service at temperatures as high as can be found in the article ''High-Alloy Cast
used for handling many corrosive materials or
1150 °C (2100 °F). Steels" in this Volume.
resisting severe oxidation. Type 304 steel has Cast duplex nickel-chromium alloys near the
Precipitation-hardening stainless steels
excellent resistance to corrosion and oxidation, eutectic composition (about 50% Cr) develop
have the highest room-temperature strengths of
has high creep strength, and is frequently used at compact chromia scales rapidly and show excep-
all the stainless steels. They ftll an important gap
temperatures up to 815 oc (1500 °F). Type 304 tional resistance to oxidation and fuel ash corro-
between the chromium-free 18% Ni maraging
steel is being used successfully and economically sion. Small niobium additions, as in IN-657, im-
steels and the 12% Cr quenched and tempered
in high-temperature service in such applications prove creep strength. Such duplex alloy~ are
martensitic grades. One grade, the austenitic A-
as high-pressure steam pipes and boiler tubes. described in the article "Nickel-Chromium and
286, has moderate strength and long-tenn service
radiant superheaters, and oil-refinery and process Nickel-Thoria Alloys" in this Volume.
capability up to 620 °C (1150 °F).
industry equipment. Valve steels are austenitic nitrogen-strength-
Types 321 and 347 stainless steels are similar ened steels that have been used extensively in
to type 304 except that titanium and niobium, automotive/internal combustion engine valve ap- Superalloys
respectively. have been added to these steels. The plications. Examples of such alloys include 21- Superalloys are nickel-, iron-nickel-, and co-
titanium and niobium additions combine with 2N (21Cr, 8Mn, 2Ni + N), 21-4N (21Cr, 9Mn, balt-base alloys generally used at temperatures
carbon and minimize intcrgranular corrosion that 4Ni + N), 21-IZN (21Cr, 12Ni, 1.25 Mn + N), above about 540 oc (1000 °F). As shown in Fig.
may occur in certain media after welding. How- and 23-8N (21Cr, 8Ni, 3.5Mn + N). The nitrogen 6, the iron-nickel-base superalloys are an exten-
ever. the use of niobium (or titanium) does not contents in these alloys range from 0.20 to sion of stainless steel technology and generally
ensure complete immunity to sensitization and 0.50%. These engine valve grades are used at are wrought, whereas cobalt- and nickel-base su-
subsequent intergranular attack when the steel is temperatures up to 760 oc (1400 °F), but they peralloys may be wrought or cast, depending on
exposed for long times in the sensitization range provide fairly low strength at the upper end of the application/composition involved. Appropri-
of 425 to 815 °C (800 to 1500 °F). However, their temperature capability. ate compositions of all superalloy base metals
types 321 and 347 stainless steels are widely used Cast heat-resistant alloys are primarily used can be forged, rolled to sheet, or otherwise
for service in this temperature range. in applications where service temperatures ex- formed into a variety of shapes. The more highly
Type 316 stainless steel, which contains mo- ceed 650 °C (1200 °F) and may reach extremes alloyed compositions normally are processed as
lybdenum, is used for high-strength service up to as high as 1315 °C (2400 °F). Many of the cast castings. Properties can be controlled by adjust-
about 815 °C (1500 °F), and it will resist oxida- heat-resistant alloys are compositionally related ments in composition and by processing (includ-
tion up to about 900 oc (1650 °F). However, to the wrought stainless steels and to the cast ing heat treatment), and excellent elevated-tem-
above this temperature, in still air. the molybde- corrosion-resistant alloys. The major difference perature strengths are available in finished
products. Figures 1 to 5 illustrate the excellent
elevated-temperature characteristics of superal-
loys. As indicated in Fig. 5, no other alloy system
1400 has a better combination of high-temperature cor-
rosion resistance and stress-rupture strength.
1200 Some superalloys, particularly nickel-base cast-

n. Maraging '\··
ing alloys, can be used at temperatures that are
approximately 85% of their incipient melting
point. Such alloys exhibit outstanding creep and
stress-rupture properties at temperatures in ex-
"- 12% Cr steels
cess of 1040 oc (1900 °F). The oxidation resis-
tc BOO
tance of most superalloys is excellent at moderate
~ temperatures~about 870 °C (1600 °F) and be-
~ 600
a2 low. Some alloys can be used at temperatures up
to 1200 °C (2200 °F). Coatings can further en-
:i! 400 hance high-temperature corrosion resistance.
~ steels
More detailed information regarding the compo-
Ala~ sitions, properties, and processing of superalloys
can be found in the Sections "Properties of Super-
alloys" and "Special Topics" in this Volume.
0 Superalloy Development. Nickel-base su-
500 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700
peralloys were created at approximately the tum
Temperature, K
of the century with the addition of 20 wt% Cr in
Fig. 4 Maximum service temperatures of various creep-resistant materials. Source: Ref 5 an 80 wt% Ni alloy for electrical heating ele-
Elevated-Temperature Characteristics of Engineering Materials I 7

ments. In the late 1920s, small amounts of alumi-

,£ 1500,-----------,-------------,-----------,------------,
num and titanium were added to the 80Ni-20Cr
alloy, with a significant gain in creep strength at §_
elevated temperatures. It soon became apparent
that iron and cobalt alloys could be more effec- Nickel-base
tively strengthened by solid-solution additions,
while nickel alloys could be strengthened by a
~c Platinum-group

coherent phase, "( '. Concurrent with these addi- ~ 1000 f--------~i---------~-+----\l?r"'------t------------1
tions, the carbon present in the alloys was identi- ~
fied as having a strengthening effect when com- § Stainless
bined with other alloying elements to form M6C steels Molybdenum Tungsten
and M23C6 carbides. Other grain-boundary fonn- .ll Aluminum alloys alloys

ers, such as boron and zirconium, were added to
polycrystalline materialS to hold the material to- 12 Cr steels
In the early development time period (about
1926), Heraeus Vacuumschmelze A.G. received
a patent for a nickel-chromium alloy that con-
tained up to 15 wt% Wand 12 wt% Mo, thereby ·I

introducing the refractory metals into superalloy 0

compositions. The purpose of adding refractory 0~--------~--------~~------~~------~
0 500 1000 1500 2000
metals was to increase the high-temperature Creep resistance: Temperature for 20 ksi stress-rupture capability in 10,000 h, oc
strength of the nickel-base alloy. By the 1930s
there were two iron-base "heat-resisting alloys" Fig. 5 Relative oxidation/stress-rupture capabilities of various alloy systems. Source: Ref6
containing either tungsten or molybdenum addi-
tions, and the use of these two metals was widely
accepted in cobalt-base alloys. In the early 1950s,
nickel-base superalloys is represented by Hastel- third c1ass includes oxide-dispersion-strength-
alloys containing about 5 wt% Mo were intro-
loy X, which is essentially solid-solution ened (ODS) alloys such as MA 754 and MA
duced in the United States. The commercial ex-
strengthened but probably also derives some 6000, which are strengthened by dispersions of
ploitation of molybdenum additions took place in
strengthening from carbide precipitation pro- inert particleS such as yttria coupled in some
1955. A cast alloy containing 2 wt% Nb was
duced through a working-plus-aging schedule. A cases withy' precipitation (MA 6000).
available in the late 1950s In the early 1960s,
tungsten and tantalum were widely accepted for
alloying in nickel-base alloys. The demonstration
of the effectiveness of rhenium additions in
nickel-base alloys occurred in the late 1960s.
Some highly alloyed nickel-base castings have
total refractory metal contents exceeding 20 wt%.
Finally, also in the late 1960s, hafnium additions
were found to stabilize and strengthen grain- Balance Ni* + Cr*
boundary structures. Figure 7 charts the develop-
ment of superalloys from 1940 to the 1990s.
Superalloy Systems. As stated above, superal-
loys can be divided into three types: iron-nickel-,
nickel-, and cobalt-base. Each of these is briefly
446, 309, 310,
reviewed below. 321,347
The most important class of iron-nickel-base
superalloys includes alloys that are strengthened
by intermetallic compound precipitation in a Add Nb"
face-centered cubic (fcc) matrix. The most com-
mon precipitate isy', typified by A-286, V-57, or ~ 601,214,

Incoloy 901, but some alloys precipitate gamma 602CA
(y "),typified by lnconel718. Other
ir,on-nic:kel-b;ase superalloys consist of modified
stainless steels primarily strengthened by solid-
solution hardening. Alloys in this last category
from 19-9DL (18-8 stainless with slight 617,556, 314, RAB5H,
chrorrlimn and nickel adjustments, additional so- 160, C-263 DS,330,45TM
lution hardeners and higher carbon) to Incoloy
800H (21% Cr, high nickel, and small additions
"""muuand aluminum). The iron-nickel-base AddW* Add AI* and Ti*

superalloys are used in the wrought condition.
The most important class of nickel-base super-
alloys is that strengthened by intennetallic-com-
-pound precipitation in an fcc matrix. The
\'-----1 Nimonic and
Udimet series

strengthening precipitate is y ', typified by Fig. 6 Relationship of high-temperature alloy formulations for stainless steels and superalloys based on the Fe-Ni-Cr sys-
or Udimet 700. Another class of tem. Asterisk indicates addition of other elements. Source: VDM Techno1ogies Corp.
8 I Introduction

Mechanical Single
alloying crystals
structures ~ MABOOO " CMSX-10

1100 ~
Cast alloys +!Wand Nb


IN5.91 I
+Hf \ DS eutectics

MAR-M-002 DS


. _.
MAR-M-200 M21 M246 MAR-M-200 + HfDS
a TRW~+Re
Vacuum~ 8190~0 ABO IN792
melting 713C D R77
Udimet700 N115 IN738
Udimet sao
+MO~ N105

+Co~ D W152


alloys Cast j•o Nl-base
• Co-base
N81 Wrought
1o Co-base
6. OS and SC
Hastelloy 8 P/M .& ODS Nl-base

700L________________L_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _L__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~~------------~~------~;------~

1940 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990s
Year introduced
Fig. 7 Temperature capability of superalloys with approximate year of introduction. OS, directionally solidified; SC, single-crystal; P/M, powder metallurgy; ODS, oxide-dispersion-
strengthened. Source: adapted from Ref 9

Nickel-base superalloys are used in both cast (Mg-3.3Th-0.7Zr) and HZ32A (Mg-3.3Th- 425 "C (700 to 800 "F) for applicalions in which
and wrought forms, although special processing 2.1Zn-O. 7Zr) are intended primarily for use at good creep resistance is needed.
(powder melallurgy/isolhennal forging) fre- lemperatures of 200 "C (400 "F) and higher. At HK31A and HM21A alloys, produced in sheet
quently is used to produce wrought versions of 260 "C (500 "F) and slighlly higher, HZ32A is and plate fonns, are suitable for use at tempera-
the more highly alloyed compositions (Udimet equal to or better than HK31A in short-time and tures up to 315 and 345 OC (600 and 650 "F),
700/Astroloy, IN-100). long-time creep strength at all extensions. The respectively. However, HM21A has superior
An additional aspect of nickel-base superalloys HlO!A alloy has higher tensile, yield, and short- strength and creep resistance, as shown in the
has been the introduction of directional-solidifi- time creep strengths up to 370 "C (700 "F). following table:
cation and single-crystal casting technology. As Anolhercast alloy, QH21A (Mg.2.5Ag-1.0Th-
shown in Fig. 7, these alloys exhibit better high- 0.7Zr), retains a high yield strenglh up to 300 "C Stress forO. I% c~pinlOOh
temperature properties than polycrystalline (570 °F), This alloy is relatively expensive due to Alloy Ml'• 100
wrought or cast alloys. its silver content.
Rare earth (RE) additions also contribule to
HM2IA 86.2 12.5
improved elevated-temperature performance. Al- HIOIA 41 6.0
loys WE54 (Mg-5.2Y-3.0RE-0.7Zr) and WE43
At 260 "C (500 "F)
(Mg-4.0Y-3.4RE-0.7Zr) have high !ensile
HM21A 72.4 10.5
Low-Density Metals strengths and yield strengths, and they exhibit HK31A 28 4.0
good properties at temperatures up to 300 °C (570
Density is very important in the design of air- "F) and 250 "C (480 "F), respeclively. The WE54
HM21A 52 7.5
craft because excess weight in engine and struc- alloy retains its properties at high temperature for IIK31A 14 2.0
tural components decreases load-carrying capac- up to 1000 h, whereas WE43 retains its properties
ity. As a result, materials with a high at high temperature in excess of 5000 h.
strength-to-weight ratio are in ever-increasing Thorium-alloyed wrought a1loys are also used Additional data on magnesium alloys are given
demand. Low-density alloys, which are com- at elevated temperatures. Alloy HM31A (Mg- in Fig. 1 to 3. As these data indicate, the elevated-
monly referred to as light metals, include magne- 3.0Th-l.2Mn), produced in extruded forms, is of temperature performance of magnesium alloys is
sium-, aluminum-, and titanium-base alloys. moderate strength. It is suitable for use in appli- comparable to that of some aluminum alloys.
Magnesium alloys have the lowest densities cations requiring good strength and creep resis- Most other alloy systems, however, have superior
(-1.8 g!cm3) of any structural alloy. Magnesium tance at temperatures in the range of 150 to 425 high-temperature properties.
alloys for elevated-temperature applications usu- "C (300 to 800 "F). Aluminum alloys have higher densities (-2.8
ally contain thorium (up to 3 wt%). The magne- Alloy HM21A (Mg-2.0Th-0.6Mn), produced g/cm3) and higher room-temperature strengths
sium-thorium-zirconium cast alloys HK31A as forgings, is useful at temperatures up to 370 to than magnesium alloys. Some cast aluminum al-
Elevated-Temperature Characteristics of Engineering Materials I 9

MPo ksi Temperature, oF can be found in the article ''Refractory Metals and
500 70 32 120 212 300 390 480 570 660
600 Alloys" in this Volume.
450 224.0-T7 1

_ _______
60 (permanent mold casting) 7 075-i6 80
350 50
242_0-T571 •
500 1---- ~ 70 ·;;;
~ _}._ mold casting)
60 ~ Structural lntermetallics
"•'" 400
r- f.\ ;2618-TB 50
250 ~ 300
r- f-.\ The search for new high-temperature structural
30 40
~ 200 t;

""', ""
240.0-F (sand casting) \ '-,
~ 150 20
200 ----- 30 ID materials has stimulated much interest in ordered
100 >' 1 20 intermetallics. Recent interest has been focused
10 100
50 -....__; I>. L'--; 10 on nickel aluminides based on NhAl and NiAl,
~OL0--~20~0--1~00~0L_~10~0~2~00~30~0~40~0~5+,00~00~0~700 0 0 iron aluminides based on Fe3Al and PeAl, and
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 titanium aluminides based on ThAI aod TiAJ.
Temperature, "F
Temperature, oc
These aluminides possess many attributes that
Fig. 9 Values of 0.2% yield stress of aluminum alloys af- make them attractive for high-temperature struc-
ter exposure for 1000 h at temperatures between tural applications. They contain enough alumi-
200-150 100 50 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 0 and 350°C num to form, in oxidizing environments, thin
Temperature, oc
films of aluminide oxides that often are compact
Fig 8 Tensile strengths of aluminum alloys 240.0-F, and protective. They have low densities, rela-
• 224.0-T?, and 242.0-T571 as functions of to nickel-base superalloys for certain gas turbine
tively high melting points, and good high-tem-
temperature components.
perature strength properties.
Most of the titanium alloys for elevated-tem-
Nickel, iron, and titanium aluminides, like
perature applications are near-alpha alloys based
Ioys are used in applications at moderately ele- other ordered intennetallics, exhibit brittle frac-
on the Ti-Al-Sn-Zr system. Important alloying
vated temperatures (e.g., pistons in internal com- ture and low ductility at ambient temperatures.
elements are molybdenum, silicon, and niobium.
bustion engines). One commonly employed alloy Poor fracture resiStance and limited fabricability
Molybdenum enhances hardenability and en-
is permanent mold cast alloy 242 (Al-4Cu-2Ni- hances short-time high-temperature strength or restrict the use of aluminides as engineering ma-
2.5Mg). As shown in Fig. 8, this alloy retains its improves strength at lower temperatures. Minor terials in most cases. Nevertheless, these materi-
strength at temperatures as high as ~ 150 °C (300 silicon additions improve creep strength, while als appear the most likely to replace superalloys
F). Some other cast aluminum alloys can be used niobium is added primarily for oxidation resis- in high-perfonnance applications. A brief review
at slightly higher temperatures (175 "C, or 350 tance at elevated temperature. Examples of these of these materials is given below. More detailed
"F). near-alpha alloys are Ti-1100 (Ti-6AI-2.75Sn- information can be found in the article "Structural
The 7xxx series of wrought age-hardenable al- 4Zr-0.4Mo-0.45Si) and !Ml-834 (Ti-5.5Al-4Sn- Intennetallics" in this Volume.
loys that are based on the Al-Zn-Mg-Cu system 4Zr-0.3Mo-1Nb-0.5Si). Specific yield strengths Nickel Aluminides. The nickel aluminide
develop the highest room-temperature tensile (density corrected) of titanium- and nickel-base based on NiAl has a melting point of 1638 °C
properties of any aluminum alloys produced from alloys are compared in Fig. 10. Additional data (2980 °F), compared with a solidus temperature
conventionally cast ingots. However, the strength are shown in Fig. 1, 2, and 4. As these data clearly of about 1300 "C (2370 "F) for most superalloys.
of these alloys declines rapidly if they are ex- show, titanium alloys have far greater elevated- NiAl has excellent cyclic-oxidation resistance to
posed to elevated temperatures (Fig. 9), due temperature strength than do plain carbon steels 1300 "C (2370 "F), low density, and, through
mainly to coarsening of the fine precipitates on and low-density aluminum- and magnesium al- minor alloy additions, can provide creep strength
which the alloys depend for their strength. Alloys loys. More detailed information can be found in superior to that of superalloys. While it has good
of the 2xxx series, such as 2014 and 2024, per- the article ''Titanium and Titanium Alloys" in this ductility in single-crystal fonn, its polycrystalline
form better above these temperatures but are not Volume. ductility must be improved significantly, which
nonnally used for elevated-temperature applica- provides a challenge to alloy developers.
tions. Considerable research also has been conducted
Strength at temperatures above about 100 to on the NhAl compound, which has a lower melt-
Refractory Metal Alloys ing point than NiAl but still offers strength and
200 "C (200 to 400 "F) is improved mainly by
solid-solution strengthening or second-phase Refractory metals include tungsten, molybde- density advantages over current superalloys. Bo-
hardening. Another approach to improve the ele- num, niobium, tantalum, and rhenium. These ron additions significantly enhance ductility over
vated-temperature perfonnance of aluminum al- metals and their alloys have melting points in a wide temperature range up to its melting point.
loys has been the use of rapid solidification tech- excess of 2200 "C (4000 "F), which is substan- NhAI ingots produced using conventional elec-
nology to produce powders containing high tially higher than those of stainless steels or su- troslag remelt (ESR) and vacuum induction melt-
supersaturations of elements such as iron or chro- peralloys. As indicated in Fig. 1 to 5, the creep ing (VIM) techniques be-have superplastically
mium that diffuse slowly in solid aluminum. In strength of some refractory metals (tungsten and when thennomechanically worked at low strain
this regard, several experimental materials based niobium) exceeds that of superalloys. There are, rates, such .as those associated with isothermal
on the Al-Fe-Ce, AI-Fe- V -Si, and Al-Cr-Zr sys- however, a number of deficiencies of refractory forging.
tems are now available that have promising creep metals and alloys that have precluded their being Advantages claimed for "ductilized" nickel
properties up to 350 "C (650 "F) (Ref 10). Addi- viable alternatives to superalloys in gas turbine aluminides over conventional nickel-base super-
tional data on aluminum alloys are given in Fig. engine applications: the open body-centered cu- alloys include:
I to 5. bic structure (precluding high creep resistance
Titanium alloys provide an outstanding com- relative to the melting point), lack of low-tem- • Lower densities due to the higher aluminum
bination of low density (-4.5 g/cm3) and high perature ductility in the VIa metals (tungsten and content of the aluminides
strength (up to 1100 MPa, or 160 ksi, yield molybdenum), severe lack of oxidation resis- • Much simpler chemical compositions than
strength). Alloys have been developed that have tance for all, and significantly higher density than many superalloys
useful strength and resist oxidation at tempera- superalloys for all except niobium. Detailed in- • Single-phase structure
tures as high as 595 "C (I 100 "F). The improved formation on the processing and properties of • Strength derived from their ordered structure,
elevated-temperature characteristics of these al- these materials, as well as efforts made to over- not from precipitates of second phases; thus,
loys, combined with their high strength-to- come Some of the aforementioned deficiencies no special heat treatments, such as aging, are
weight ratios, make them an attractive alternative (e.g., coatings to prevent catastrophic oxidation) required
10 I Introduction

• Yield strengths that increase with increasing Temperature, "F

temperatures (as high as 650 to 750 °C, or
0 100 300 500 700 900
1200 to 1380 •F) 1300
• Very good oxidation resistance to 1100 oc I I I I I - 180
(2010 •F) due to their high aluminum content
• Potential lower cost than many superalloys
when full-scale production is achieved 1100
Ti-~ 1'------

While as-cast properties of nickel alurninides "'

" ~ - 1 40 ~

suggest possible use in applications such as hot-
forming dies, turbochargers, permanent molds, "'
~ )'.. -........ IN-100
- 1 20

and advanced pistons, relatively little research
has been performed to date on the suitability of
producing nickel aluminides by investment cast- cf'

"' 700
~ -----------
100 ~

--------------- ~
ing. 0 lnconel718


Iron and titanium aluminides, unlike the
nickel-aluminum compounds, do not offer the ~ ---..Ii-811 80
same creep strength at very high temperatures.

- ~
They do, however, have unique specific (density- "
0 - 60
corrected) properties that should ensure their use 0 0

of some rotating components. FeAI. for example,

has good strength to 700 •c (1290 "F), while its 40
high melting point (1340 •c, or 2444 •F) and - - - - Density correction "" yield stress x
Ti-6242S density
good oxidation resistance may well lead to its use Nickel-base alloy density - 20
as a matrix material in metal-matrix composites. 100
Both ThAI and TiAl have good specific
strength at temperatures to llOO •c (2010 •F). 0
However, compared with superalloys, they each -17 100 200 300 400 500
have limitations, such as inferior oxidation resis- Temperature, "C
tance (ThAI) and ductility (TW)-areas requir-
ing further development.
Fig. 10 Specific yield strengths for various titanium-base and nickel-base alloys

Nonmetallic Materials tomic bonds. Mechanical properties also are SiC, produced by chemical vapor infiltration and
Polymer~Matrix Composites. Generally, highly variable, depending sensitively on prepa- deposition, SiC-fiber-reinforced Ah03, and zir-
polymers or polymer-matrix composites are not ration technique, impurities, and surface finish; in conium carbide composites reinforced with zir-
considered heat-resistant materials. Most organic ceramics the process basically detennines the conium diboride, produced by directed metal oxi-
polymers soften or melt below 205 •c (400 °F). properties. Processing of ceramics is also quite dation. Multidirectionally reinforced ceramics
As a result, most polymeric materials arc used at costly. Nevertheless, the toughness and thermal have also been produced, such as silica reinforced
or just above ambient temperature (less than 100 shock resistance of silicon nitride (ShN4) and its with Ah03 or fused quartz.
oc, or 212 °F), Polymer-matrix composites are ability to form protective Si02 layers makes it a The excellent high-temperature strength, oxi-
attractive, however, because they provide major candidate for turbine or diesel applications. Sili- dation resistance, and thermal shock resistance of
weight and durability advantages. They have spe- con carbide (SiC) has similar properties. Other ShN4 has led to the development of SiCw-rein-
cific stiffness and strength values of not less than applications include heat exchangers, recupera- forced Si3N4. The major phase, ShN4, offers
twice that of metallic structures. They also have tors, and furnace components. many favorable properties, and the SiC whiskers
similar advantages in fatigue strength. Oxides, such as alumina (Ah03) and zirconia provide significant improvement in fracture
The most successful high-temperature poly- (Zr02), are also used for high-temperature appli- toughness. Whisker-reinforced ShN4 is a leading
meric material developed to date is a polyimide cations. Zirconia has been in service as a thermal candidate material for hot-section ceramic-en-
resin reinforced with graphite fibers. Graphite-re- barrier coating in aircraft combustors on superal- gine components. More detailed information on
inforced polyimide composites haye been re- loys for many years. However, the oxide-type nonreinforced and reinforced ceramic materials
ported to be suitable for use in air at 288 oc (550
ceramics tend to be less desirable mechanically can be found in the article "Structural Ceramics"
•f) for at least 5000 h. At 316 •c (600 •F), the
than are carbide-nitride ceramics, although they in this Volume.
useful life of these composites is in the range of
are very stable in oxidizing atmospheres. Carbon~Carbon Composites. The highest
1200 to 1400 h. More detailed information on
Ceramic-matrix composites also show great temperature capability of any material considered
polymer-matrix composites can be found in Vol-
potential. A wide variety of reinforcing materials, for high-temperature use is exhibited by carbon-
ume 1, Composites, of the Engineered Materials
matrices, and corresponding processing methods carbon composites, graphite fibers in a carbon-
Handbook published by ASM International.
Ceramics, both in monolithic and composite have been studied. The most successful fiber-re- graphite matrix. Carbon-carbon composites are
fonns, offer the prospect of useful heat resistance, inforced composites have been produced by hot now used for one-time service in rocket-nozzle
possibly to temperatures near 1650 •c (3000 •F), pressing, chemical vapor infiltration, or directed and missile exit core structures and in turbine
coupled with low density and in some cases ex- metal oxidation, a process that uses accelerated aircraft brake shoes; SiC-coated carbon-carbon
cellent oxidation and corrosion resistance. Unfor- oxidation reactions of molten metals to grow ce- parts are being used as the nose cap and heating
tunately, these ceramics also are brittle, prone to ramic matrices around preplaced filler or rein- edges of the space shuttle.
thermal shock, and less thermally conductive forcement material preforms. Much of the work Because carbon fibers tend to increase in
than heat-resistant metals, leading to severe defi- has been on glass and glass-ceramic matrices strength with increasing temperature, carbon-
ciencies under tensile loading. These are inherent reinforced with carbon fibers. Other fiber-rein- carbon composites retain their tensile strength at
properties determined by the nature of the intera- forced ceramic composites include SiC fibers in extreme temperatures. Carbon-carbon compos-
Elevated-Temperature Characteristics of Engineering Materials I 11




.. ,
' .

.: Engineering
/.' ,'and ,' :;
• I I I •
: ,' ,' pottery ..,........_-.l/7
100 !-----.~··/
'' ''
"' ' ''

:".,, ....--~~.-
::; '
'' ''
l .' ' Engineering
c ~~-~~:'~. plastics

~ Cement,


0.1 10 100 1000 10,000
Relative cost/unit volume

Fig. 11 Strength plotted against relative cost per unitvolumeforvariousengineered materials. Broken property envelope lines indicate that the strength values are compressive, not ten-
sile, strengths. See text for details. Source: Ref 1, 2

ites provide unmatched specific stiffness and 425 °C (800 °F), coatings are essential. Refrac- may be justified for certain components in a sys-
strength at temperatures from 1200 to 2200 °C tory carbides such as SiC are applied by various tem that is critical and/or expensive to shut down
(2192 to 3992 "F). At temperatures below 1000 processes. The selection and performance of for maintenance. Knowledge of alloy capabilities
°C (1832 °F), carbon-carbon composites exhibit coatings is the focus of the article "Carbon-Car- can be helpful in making a wise decision.
specific strength equivalent to that of the most bon Composites" in this Volume. Figure 11 provides an overview of the costs of
advanced superalloys. As a result of their carbon various materials. The relative cost is calculated
constituents and weakly bonded reinforced ma- by dividing the cost per kilogram of the material
trix, carbon-carbon composites also have supe- Cost Considerations in question by the cost per kilogram of low-car-
rior thennal shock, toughness, ablation, and high- bon (mild) steel reinforcing rod (rebar). Materials
speed friction properties. Another outstanding From a competitive standpoint, alloy selection offering the greatest strength per unit cost lie
feature is the low density (-1.6 g/cm3) of carbon- must be based on expected cost-effectiveness. toward the upper left comer. Included here would
carbon composites. The best choice is usua11y the lowest-cost mate- be steels and aluminum alloys. As alloying in-
Because carbon-carbon is not stable in oxidiz- rial able to meet design criteria. However, a creases in steels, costs go up. Hence, stainless
ing environments at temperatures above about higher-cost material offering greater reliability steels containing chromium (an expensive alloy-
12 I Introduction

ing element) are much more costly. Further alloy- REFERENCES 6. Superallnys n, C.T. Sims, N.S. Stoloff, and W.C.
ing to produce superalloys results in even higher Hage~ Ed., John Wiley & Sons, 1987, p 15
costs. Superalloys with high cobalt or refractory 1. M.F. Ashby, Materials Selection in Mechanical 7. "Steels for Elevated Temperature Service,"
metal contents are very expensive. Design, Pergamon Press, 1992, p 24-55 United States Steel Corp., 1974
Some materials are expensive because of high 2. M.P. Ashby, Materials and Process Selection 8. K.P. Rohrbach, Trends in High-Temperature
processing costs. An example here would be the Charts, Pergamon Press, 1992, p 1-57 Alloys,Adv. Mater. Proc., Vol148 (No.4), Oct
engineering ceramics shown in Fig. 11. The costs 3. F.J. Clauss, Engineer's Guide to High~Tem~ 1995, p 37-40
of the principal starting materials (silicon, car- perature Materials, Addison-Wesley Publish- 9. W.J. Molloy, lovestment-Cast Superalloys-A
bon, and nitrogen) are relatively low, but the cost ing Co., 1969, p 2 Good Invesbnent, Adv. Mater. Proc., Vol138
of engineering ceramics is significantly increased 4. G.A. Webster and RA. Ainsworth, High Tem- (No.4}, Oct 1990, p 23-30
by raw material preparation (mixing, milling, perature Component Life Assessment, Chap- 10. J.R Pickens, High-Strength Aluminum P/M
etc.), fonning and fabrication (hot pressing or hot man & Hall, 1994, p 13 Alloys, Properties and Selection: Nonferrous
isostatic pressing), thermal processing (sinter- 5. A Weronski and T. Hejwowski, Thennal Fa- Alloys and Special-Purpose Materials, Vol2,
ing), and finishing (grinding, polishing, and in- tigue of Metals, Marcel Dekker, loc., 1991, ASM Handbook, ASM lotemational, 1990, p
spection). p 83 200-215

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