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7 sins uk.qxd 8/4/05 07:54 Página 1

Controls. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Main game screen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Moving around and actions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
The bottom left cylinder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Relationships . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Star actions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Themes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Character info windows . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
My three little weaknesses… . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Sins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Virtue and virtuous actions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
How does that work in practice?. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Mini-games . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
End of game and saving . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Credits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
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Menu Screens

Select option: Left-click on the option

Back to menu screen: ESC key

In-game controls

 Arrow keys: Move character

Move mouse sideways: Rotate camera
Move mouse up and down: Zoom in - Zoom out
Mouse wheel or
 keys: Scroll available actions
Right click or
PageUp - PageDown keys: Scroll 2 special actions when talking
to a character
Left click or space or Enter: Activate selected action
ESC key: Pause the game and access mission,
records and save screens
F1 key: Display the character info window
(when the player can interact with
another character).

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“Apple City! The capital of money, power and all the vices that go with it…
It’s a real magnet for businessmen, super-rich stars, political figures and a
whole circus of wannabes and hangers-on that revolve around them.
In a word, PERFECT for a guy like me! Perfect for making easy money, for
becoming famous and for entering into all their little intrigues and
grabbing from right under their noses what they all crave: Power!
So the objective is simple: starting out with nothing, I use my talents to
climb and claw my way right to the top of the heap.
Man, you’re going nowhere without ambition! And if you’re not smart, then
you’d better forget all about being ambitious...”

Main game screen

Devil’s fork Relationship indicator bar

Player’s gauges



Sins (special actions)

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Moving around and actions

Basically, life in Apple City couldn’t be easier!

You can move in all directions with the mouse and arrow keys ().
Each time you approach an object or a character, the actions you can carry
out will appear at the bottom left of the screen.

If the actions are displayed, it means that you can act on something or
someone. Select the action with the wheel of the mouse or with the
PageUp - PageDown keys and left-click with the mouse to perform the
If no actions are displayed, it means something is happening. Look, listen to
what you are being told and wait until the actions reappear at the bottom
left of the screen before you act.

The bottom left cylinder

Certain objects enable you to access many more actions when you are with
another character; e.g. sitting at a table with a businessman or on a dance
floor with a gorgeous bimbo, etc.
There are quite a lot of available actions which will appear on the bottom
left cylinder. Scroll with the mouse wheel or with the  keys.

Then left-click with the mouse to carry out the selected action.

Attention: when the scroll bar is shown on-screen, two special actions will
appear above. The first action allows you to quit the action (get off the
chair or bed for example). The second one is the useful “Star” action that
allows you to unlock a new relationship level with a character.
Both of these actions are outside the bottom left cylinder and can be
selected with a right-click or PageUp - PageDown followed by a left-click
to perform the action.

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When you are standing opposite someone, your
relationship to them will appear at the top right of
the screen.

The relationship is shown by an indicator bar; an

empty bar means you don’t know each other at all,
and a full bar means you are best friends who can say
or do anything to each other…

When you carry out actions with someone

(i.e. talk, kiss, smack, etc.), the relationship
indicator will immediately rise if they like
it (e.g. I give Ingrid, the sado-masochist a
hard smack), or decrease if it provokes an
angry reaction (e.g.: I kiss my boss).

The relationship is also divided into levels

shown by six squares in the relationship

Level 0: first meeting. You don’t know each

other, so nice and easy does it…

Level 1: relationship. You have

exchanged a few words and there is
definitely a spark there.

Level 2: friendship/flirting. You’re

getting down to basics; your
intentions are becoming
obvious, you’re hitting on them!

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Level 3: love/friendship. Now you are really getting to like each other and
you may even give the lady a kiss. If you’re the romantic type, you may be
quite happy to leave it at that!

Level 4: sex/intimacy. No need to spell this one out; let’s just say this level
means you are very close.

Level 5: passion. Need we say more… a level above sex, and if you don’t
know what that’s like, then go and find out!

Star actions
OK, but to progress through the relationship levels, you have to unlock
them first. Each time a square fills up on the relationship indicator, a star
action appears at the bottom left of the screen.

This action is outside the cylinder, you must therefore select with a right-
click or PageUp - PageDown followed by a left-click to perform the action.

When you carry out the action you will earn a star and therefore a
relationship level, so you can now unlock another square in your
relationship indicator.

OK! OK! You have to increase your relationship level with everyone you
meet; but how?

You’ll have to become a keen psychologist! To do this, you must choose your
topics of conversation and actions very carefully. Each time an action is
shown in the cylinder (bottom left of the screen), a small logo will appear
indicating the theme of the action.

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There are 11 themes:

Flattery: basic method. In the best possible

taste! It usually works.

Humor: this isn’t particularly original as a first

approach but, as the saying goes:
“Raise a laugh… and you raise your chances”.

Culture: flaunt your

knowledge, talk in refined
tones; it works with other
people of intellect. Men do
make passes at women
who wear glasses…

Serious: work, business,

family, career. You’re
addressing key issues here,
but whatever; it can be a
good way of breaking the

Money: the most

universal topic of
conversation! But
just talking about
money isn’t always
enough and you’ll
have to put your
money where your mouth
is, and that could cost you a few

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Jet-set: talk about your famous friends even though you don’t have
any; that will really impress the chicks.

New Age: charisma and incense, poems and psychobabble. Imitate

the gurus in long white robes and use charisma to mesmerize your

Sensitivity: showing you are sensitive and shedding a tear from

time to time will soften the hardest of hearts. It can prove effective,
but if it backfires you may wind up looking stupid…

Alcohol: one little glass and you’re relaxed; two and you start to
have fun, three loosens your tongue and four will take care of the

Macho man: the same applies when dealing with kids; during your
conversations it’s a good idea to let them know who is boss and
that you’ve got what it takes where it counts.

Sex: let’s face it, sex is like money; a universal language that
everyone understands. A gentle hint here and there and everyone
starts to relax.

So, to summarize: select your theme and perform your action. If the person
you are talking to likes it, the logo relating to the theme will appear in green
above their head; if they don’t, the logo will have a red bar through it. If no
logo appears, it means they don’t care either way…

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Character info windows

The initial meet-
ing is very
When you arrive
somewhere for
the first time,
start by looking
around and press
F1 each time you
are near another
This will provide your first impression in the form of a
quick character portrait of the person facing you.

The themes likely to interest the character will

also be displayed with this information, but
only if you already know them. If not, a
large question mark will appear

My three little

It would be too easy if you didn’t have some

little weaknesses. C’mon, admit it! Everyone
has their little weaknesses and you know it.
Yours are fairly… primal; these are sex, fear and
violence and are represented by three gauges
at the top left of the screen.

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During your conversations and activities you will see these three gauges
rise either sharply or gradually. Watch them closely; if one reaches
maximum, you’ll turn into a real brute! You will be overcome by your
animal instincts and who knows what will happen next!
In short, to be avoided!
OK… but how?

You just have to cool off occasionally. This goes for all of us; if you want to
attain the inner peace you deserve, if you want to avoid the explosions of
frustration and anger constantly simmering just under the surface,
consider letting off some steam!
How? By sinning, my dear, by sinning…
You can choose between: pride, anger, gluttony, greed, avarice, sloth
and lust.

The right choice will, of course, depend on your inner state. No

need to spell it out, if your sex gauge is at rock bottom, lust
would be the obvious remedy! The sins are actions just like the
others, and are shown by a special logo: a devil’s fork. A fork! Are
we trying to prick your conscience…

Isn’t that great? You do exactly what you want if you’re a little up-tight,
commit a teeny sin and you can relax again! Easy…

Hey! Hold it right there! You have a conscience, haven’t you! A what? A
conscience; that thing in your head that ultimately stops you committing a
sin. You’ll see that conscience is like the flu: not life-threatening, but a pain

What actually happens is that your conscience lights up the little forks at
the top left of the screen each time you commit a sin. Seven forks and
you’ve gone too far! Your conscience gains the upper hand and you are
incapable of committing the tiniest little sin. The mere thought of it…

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Virtue and virtuous actions

Yes indeed! The moral here is that life can’t just be one long catalog of sins;
that wouldn’t be right! So luckily for you, virtuous actions also exist!
So what is a virtuous action? That needs a little explanation, as it doesn’t
come naturally. Do the dishes, listen to some chick talk about the in-store
sales, feed the goldfish without tapping on the tank or dropping a nose
bogey into it. In short, resist your natural impulses and behave like a
civilized human being.

You will recognize virtuous actions by the angel logo. You act
decently and hoopla; four forks at the top of the screen
disappear. You don’t get it? Think! One virtuous action allows
you to commit four sins, four forks… That’s a good return,
isn’t it?
So, now you know the score: the actions and the bottom left cylinder,
relationships and the star actions, themes and logos, the three little
weaknesses, sins, forks and virtuous actions.

But how does that work in practice?

How does that work in practice?
For example: you want to flirt with a girl; we could have chosen another
example, but this is a good one.

Like candy from a baby. Just go nice and slow and, whatever you do, don’t
rush it.

1. You’re out in the city, checking out various places, digging the scene. The
hunter knows how long to stay hidden to bag the tigress; rushing in and
blasting away right at the start may be fine in a turkey shoot!

2. Remember you’re a psychologist! Use the F1 key to know more about who
you are dealing with. “F1 button, F1 button, F1 button” this is the soul-
searcher’s slogan.

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3. Now is the time to make your move. The easiest way: you see the girl and
invite her somewhere. The action “Invite” is always available at the bottom
left of the screen. Select it with the mouse wheel and carry out the action
with a left-click. If she accepts your invitation, and don’t automatically
assume she will, she’ll follow you.

4. Well, don’t just stand there! OK, you have invited her somewhere, but
where? Take a quick look around… you’re like the matador, you need an
arena where you can take the bull by the horns, and your arena is the
dance floor, a romantic dinner, a bar. So decide where you want to go
and she’ll follow you.

5. Now act! Once you’re in the arena with your new girlfriend, all the actions
you can perform and the sweet-talk you can give her will appear. You must
find the best strategy. How? Well, try to guess what will interest her and
select the actions with the relevant logo.

6. It’s all plain sailing from now on… select an action and this will increase
the relationship indicator. A star action will appear when a square in the
bar is full. Perform this action (right click to exit the cylinder and select a
“Star” action, the left-click to carry out the action.) and voilà! A new
relationship level!

7. Monitor the effectiveness of your actions; after a while you’ll notice they
become increasingly unproductive, indicating that your arena is running
low. In other words, the sweet-talk at the bar may be nice, but after a while
you’ll need a change of scene! So get up and try something else; change
the arena. You must judge the best place to go next, depending on the
relationship level with your beautiful babe.

8. Watch out for those hormone levels! Keep an eye on your little weaknesses
(you know, the three gauges at the top left of the screen). If the situation
gets too critical, just get up politely and go let off some steam.
Where? Someplace else, anywhere! Just not in front of your blonde
bombshell. What will she think of you if she sees you suddenly start eating
the plants or taking a leak in the aquarium?

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9. Then what? OK, you’re a big boy now and you’re not going to learn about
life from a computer game manual, right? So let’s be frank. Find
somewhere more intimate and choose all the right actions… you could
even invite her back to your place.

Sweet-talk, booze, food (romantic dinners, but chow by any other name)…
if this goes on much longer you’ll be heading for a heart attack…
but luckily you can take a little exercise in the mini-games.

The mini-games automatically appear when you commit certain sins. Each
mini-game starts with an opening screen explaining what to do and the
score you must achieve to win.

Then, GO! Do as you were instructed, you’ll tire yourself

out a little. If you achieve the score, you’ll win a nice
gift, depending on the sin you have committed: i.e.
one of your little weaknesses reverts to zero, you
win money, etc.

It’s not the end of the world if you mess up;

you can usually try again.

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End of game and saving

7 Sins is good fun, but don’t let it ruin your social life! So when the time
comes to talk to real live people, without committing a single sin, press ESC
and select the Save option.

The current game status will automatically be saved. When you return to
the game, you can select the Resume option to continue your game at the
point where you left it.

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Monte Cristo Game Design Frédéric Nahon
Jean-Christophe & Dialogs Jean-Marc Warion
Marquis Jean-Philippe Depotte Adrien Zelinski
Jérôme Gastaldi Samuel Jacques
Localization Manager
Project Manager Level Design François Potentier
Jean-Philippe Depotte Samuel Jacques
Sébastien Guilbert Localization
Lead programmer Pierre Kessler UK :
Christophe André Vincent Vimont Nick Walkland,
Virginie Martin.
Programmers Sound Design &
Eric Audinet Additional Music Ger :
Laury Michel Sylvain Prunier Coda Entertainment –
Frédéric Ménez Hans Schneck
Nicolas Sérouart Music
Martin Milenkovic Nimrod It – Sp :
Additional Voices
Programmers Outsource media Sales & Marketing
Christophe Bidal Nathalie Bousquet,
Frédéric Duval QA Manager Sandrine Chastang,
Hervé Denis François Potentier Stéphane Grand-
Lead Artist Lead Tester Nicolas Meylan,
Nicolas Simon Sandro Hoffmann Stéphane Roger,
Julia Salmon
Artists Testers
Characters : David Silverio Special Thanks
Julien Briatte Guillaume Facon Stéphane Versini
Marc Hernandez
Animations : Gameplay Testers Manuel Bevand
Catherine Tirran Thomas Iacobone Lionel Barthelemy
Lionel Chauvin Julien Arbod
Frédéric Attoun
Mini-games & 2D : Renato Christ
Laurent Samani Jonathan Dieudonné
Elsa El-Hachem
Additional Artists Jonathan Lankry
Jean-Baptiste Rollin Frédéric Lasseret
Arnaud Barbier Jean-Marie Leclerc
Florent Rouat Sébastien Leleu
Jonathan Mayer
Bravo Interactive


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