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A Design ofInsatiability
Circuit: Understanding Channel Type: Projected

The Channel of Judgment links the Root Center to the Splenic Center
through the Gate of Vitality (58) and the Gate of Correction (18). Logic
needs to be able to prove it has the best answers, and underlying the logical
process is an insatiable drive to challenge, correct and perfect any pattern.
Channel 58-18 fuels the art of mastery.

Background: Gate 58 fuels our love of and vitality for life, and pressures us
" . to want to perpetuate this energy. The insatiability of Channel 58-18 is a
by-product of feeling so wonderful. It is as though Gate 58 says, "more and
better, more and better" as logic's impulse to keep us alive, while Gate 18, the
Gate of Correction, tempers this impulse by alerting us to what isn't healthy, or is out of balance or
in need of correcting. The Channel ofJudgement is like a sentry who judges if what it perceives is
stopping life from being joyous for the Collective. Such judgment is based on testing patterns, and
comparing what is inherently correct and workable with what has worked or not worked in the past.
This sense ofwhat needs correcting keeps society on track because Channel 58-18 wants everybody
to find satisfaction in the perfected pattern. The Channel ofJudgment's underlying purpose is the
purpose of Human Design; to reclaim or recover the joy and love that have been lost in living a
homogenized, conditioned life.

Personal: Even for the true perfectionist, perfection can never exist because patterns are subject to
continual change. Your ability to judge, and your desire to correct, are expressed when you become
dissatisfied with or feel the need to challenge something. When this perfecting or correcting process
is made personal, however, and either turned inward or directed at others in relationship, the result is
perceived as constant fault finding or a pervasive dissatisfaction with yourself and life in general. You
will find yourself challenging your mother, father, teachers, governments, anyone and everything. 0
challenge is too great for logic to take on or lies beyond your Root-fueled need to perfect the pattern.
When a critical evaluation bursts forth unbidden or uninvited, however, it usually takes the form
of an endless and incessant stream of data, about what is wrong, that no one wants to hear. On the
other hand, what brings you real joy is being asked to share as in, "Is there something wrong here?"
Those who ask you are the people who are prepared for and open to your answer.

Interpersonal: To avoid wasting precious energy, and to use your essential gifts wisely, you are advised
to pick your battles with care by first waiting to be asked to share your solution, and by devising
solutions applicable to the collective. In this way, you challenge only what others are most open
and ready to address and potentially correct. Two different ways of squeezing the toothpaste tube
provide a humorous and poignant example of how logic can work effectively to reconcile differences.
Logic says toothpaste should be squeezed from the bottom of the tube. The Individual says they will
squeeze the tube anywhere they please. The reconciling, impersonal and practical Collective solution
was to invent - and share with society - a gadget that dispenses the toothpaste with a press of the
pump. Mutually agreeing to apply the solution restores peace, saving the relationship and probably
many others in the process.


- Stimulation is the key to joy-
Center: Root Qyarter: Mutation Theme: Purpose fulfi.lled through Transformation
RAC of Service - JC ofVitality - LAC of Demands

Gate 58 has the ability to sense when something is weak or unhealthy. You bring to living a joyful
and compassionate audacity to challenge a pattern or the authority behind it. The pleasure you derive
from sharing your appreciation of beauty, your sense of wonder and your zest for living, naturally
attracts and delights others. To satisfY a driving desire to contribute something of value, you focus
your vitality and joy for life on correcting anything that keeps society from achieving and maintaining
well-being and health. Gate 58 provides the fuel logic needs to test the viability of patterns, formulas,
rhythms and directions that are moving humanity into the future. It is logic's most precious and highly
coveted energy resource. You often provide the energy that is needed to move people from talking
about something to doing something about it. To channel your energy correctly, to conservatively and
appropriately apply it where it is most needed, you look to people with Gate 18 who are attracted to
you. Their existential awareness helps you focus your energy on determining which improvements
should be made and how to manifest them. Without Gate 18 you can feel desperate to be of service in
some way, and push too hard to figure it out yourself
Line 6 - Carried away Line 3 - Electricity
Line 5 - Defense Line 2 - Perversion
Line 4 - Focusing Line 1 - Love of Life

- The vigilance and determination to uphold and defend basic and fundamental human rights -
Center: Spleen Qyarter: Duality Theme: Purpose fulfi.lled through Bonding
RAC of Service - JC of Correction - LAC of Upheaval

Gate 18 enjoys discovering, naming and challenging what needs correcting. When you experience
dissatisfaction with something, chances are it has lost its vitality. Underneath this dissatisfaction lies a
deep concern for human rights, and for what will keep society healthy and in harmony with itself Your
gift ofcritical awareness directs you to the source ofa weakness or imperfection, and focuses your thinking
on ways to correct or modifY or replace it. It is your way of cleaning out what isn't healthy, or restoring
vitality to something that has been corrupted. Your gift is enhanced by impartial discernment, and logic's
drive to perfect or fine tune your own skills of critical analysis. Ushering in a new understanding tl1rough
identifYing what needs correcting is the by-product of the process. Gate 18 also represents the fear of
authority and the challenge to that authority. As a Collective gate, it is designed to point out what needs
to be corrected at the Collective level, but when used at the personal level it tends to backfire. Without
Gate 58's joyful fuel for correction, your dissatisfaction can become merely a constant source of fault
finding. This is especially true ifyour valuable and crucial awareness is no longer productively focused on
situations, patterns or institutions, but rather on people's idiosyncrasies and foibles.
Line 6 - Buddhahood Line 3 - The Zealot
Line 5 - Therapy Line 2 - Terminal Disease
Line 4 -The Incompetent Line 1 - Conservatism

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