The Channel of Acceptance:: The Definitive Book of Human Design - The Science of Differentiation

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A Design of an Organizational Being
Circuit: Understanding Channel Type: Projected

The Channel of Acceptance links the Ajna Center to the Throat Center
through the Gate of Opinions (17) and the Gate of Details (62). Logic
influences humanity's thinking processes, and shapes the way humanity reaches
understanding. Acceptance here means mentally organizing information
based on already substantiated detail, and it is an ongoing, internal process.

.. ' Background: As the gate of the right eye, Gate 17 visualizes the patterns
..... ' . while Gate 62 translates them and manifests the detail through words. Gate
62 is responsible for the creation of language, the means by which we name,
organize, evaluate, communicate and give meaning to what we see and
experience. Whatever Channel 17-62 can successfully organize into its own internal picture, it can
understand; what it can't integrate into its own perspective in this way, it will not understand. Gate
62 is also one of three gates in the design of mammals that connects to humans, in this case with
Gate 17. Such inter-species connections led to the domestication of animals, which in turn led to
the organization of sustainable communities. This particular connection also enhances the training
of animals by connecting them to mind, to higher cognition.

Personal: Your mind is constantly busy organizing details into your own mental filing system,
always making adjustments to your 'big picture' by fitting what others think or say into it. This is
how you keep a constant vigil on your internal patterns. All new data has to be logically organized
and integrated to fit your perspective. When you say to someone, "1 just don't understand you"
you're simply saying, "1 haven't been able to organize my perception of you (or what you are saying
or thinking) in a way that fits into my picture of the world."With constant pressure on your Throat
Center to speak, you will find you derive satisfaction and a sense of release by sharing your opinions
in great detail, or explaining what you do or do not understand about something. In both instances,
it is particularly important to pay attention to your timing and the receptivity of your audience.
You have a highly sought-after gift for logically organizing things such as business groups, events,
projects and other people's spaces, yet you may not be particularly interested in keeping your own
space neat and in order.

Interpersonal: People with the Channel of Acceptance have a built-in foundation for teaching or
presenting information to others. They have a gift for effectively translating detailed visual patterns
into language, as formulas, theories or hypotheses, so that they can be tested for viability. Waiting
to be invited to speak ensures the successful timing, effectiveness and clarity of their sharing, and
decreases the possibility of meeting resistance or merely boring others with unasked for trivia. Logic
naturally stands its ground. Debate and argumentation, fundamental forms of criticism and friction
that are necessary for logic to scrutinize an existing pattern, remain a common source of stress-
inducing interactions between people, especially if taken personally.


-The ancient law that those who wish to rule must know how to serve -
Center: Ajna Q!Jarter: Initiation Theme: Purpose fulfilled through Mind
RAC of Service - JC of Opinions - LAC ofUpheaval

Gate 17 looks for one concept or opinion among many that we can all trust - one that will survive
both testing and criticism, and calm our fears about the future. Gate 17 is designed to structure
an answer into a concept, workable pattern or a possible solution, in preparation for Gate 62's
substantiating details. Up to this point in the logic process, your mind has taken a doubt about the
future, formulated a potential solution, and now feels pressured to express it as an opinion. What
it needs next is Gate 62's ability to translate the concept into language, to support it with facts and
details, and present it to the public for their examination and analysis. Your right eye takes in the
world at a glance, seeing it as a collection of recognizable, visual patterns. If a pattern or an opinion
cannot stand up to logic's scrutiny, it will be or should be rejected. Unfortunately, you cannot always
translate your visual image or what you understand about it, into language. Without Gate 62, you
will find yourself looking for a name to represent your concepts, for facts to support your opinions,
and for an effective means to communicate your suggestions. Mental anxiety for you arises out of
the fear that no one will understand and value your input.
Line 6 - 1he Bodhisattva Line 3 - Understanding
Line 5 - No Human is an Island Line 2 - Discrimination
Line 4 - The Personnel Manager Line 1 - Openness


- Caution, patience and detail produce excellence out oflimitation -
Center: Throat Q!Jarter: Civilization Theme: Purpose fulfilled through Form
RAC ofMaia - JC of Detail- LAC of Obscuration

Gate 62 says, "1 think." It is designed to name, concretize, and communicate a visual pattern. It
selects and organizes details as facts in order to better understand and explain complex concepts or
situations. When connected to Gate 17's ability to structure the concept, Gate 62's supportive details
make these concepts tangible, meaningful and understandable so they can be repeated and tested
over time. Understanding is logic's gift - and yours. When you address complicated situations with
clear, appropriate and well-organized details, your opinions increase our understanding of the world.
When you wait to be asked to speak, you increase the Collective's potential receptivity to what you
are sharing, and you avoid the embarrassment of compulsively blurting out facts and details that
are unwanted, unnecessary and may potentially obscure people's understanding. The quality of your
opinion is always dependent on your grasp of the facts, but all facts are not equal. It is helpful to
remember that you can have all the details in hand, but without Gate 17 may not necessarily be able
to put them into their proper structural context for expression in the moment.
Line 6 - Self-Discipline Line 3 - Discovery
Line 5 - Metamorphosis Line 2 - Restraint
Line 4 - Asceticism Line 1 - Routine

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