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Activity 1.3rd.Q: Discovering the Pacific Ring of Fire. Barnabas B.


Documentary Film-Viewing. “How the Earth Was Made: The Ring of Fire”
Discover the Pacific Ring of Fire and learn how volcanoes are formed through this very
interesting documentary film. While watching the film, jot down important terms or
concepts and get their meanings as well. Use the Vocabulary Journal to write all the
words that you will gather.



Peanut butter and honey concept It defines the thickness and viscosity of
Subduction Subduction occurs when the seafloor
moves and slides down under the land
Seismic data Judge the severity of the earthquake
Raised shoreline Evidence that the ring of fire experiences
violent mega thrust earthquakes
Subduction trenches They mark the the exact spot where the
seafloor disappear down into the earth
the process that jolts the land in mega
thrust earthquakes and forms the volcano
es that make the ring of fire so dangerous
Gps data Provides evidence to the convection
currents that force its plates against its

Now, click the link to watch the film. The film is 43.38 minutes long.

1. What is the Ring of Fire? Is the Philippines in the Ring of Fire? Explain.

The Ring of Fire, also referred to as the Circum-Pacific Belt, is a path along the Pacific Ocean
characterized by active volcanoes and frequent earthquakes

2. Why is the Ring of Fire dotted with volcanoes?

The ring of fire is dotted with volcanoes, because the Pacific plate is surrounded with
subduction zones

3. How are volcanoes formed in the Ring of Fire?

The Ring of Fire is a ring of volcanoes around the Pacific Ocean that result from
subduction of oceanic plates beneath lighter continental plates.

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