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Particulars Units

GMV (MRP - Fulfilled by B2C Business) INR mn

GMV Net of GST and Returns INR mn

Discounts INR mn
As a % of GMV Net of GST and Returns %

Net Revenue (Post discounts) INR mn


Gross Margin Before Discounts INR mn

As a % of GMV Net of GST and Returns %

Gross Margin After Discounts INR mn

As a % of GMV Net of GST and Returns %

Retailer Margin INR mn

As a % of Net Revenue %

Packaging Costs INR mn

As a % of Net Revenue %

Payment Gateway Charges INR mn

As a % of Net Revenue %

Delivery Costs INR mn

As a % of Net Revenue %

Customer Support INR mn

As a % of Net Revenue %

Doctor Consultation Charges INR mn

As a % of Net Revenue %

Contribution Margin 1 INR mn

As a % of Net Revenue %

Warehouse Logistics INR mn

As a % of Net Revenue %

Warehouse Salaries INR mn

As a % of Net Revenue %

Warehouse Utilities INR mn

As a % of Net Revenue %

Warehouse Rentals INR mn

As a % of Net Revenue %

Contribution Margin 2 INR mn

As a % of Net Revenue %

Marketing Costs (Direct Marketing + ATL) INR mn

As a % of Net Revenue %

Contribution Margin 3 INR mn

As a % of Net Revenue %

Other Operating Income (Net of Expenses) INR mn

DocOn Subscription Revenue INR mn
Diagnostics INR mn

Other Income (Data Analytics) INR mn

Corporate Expenses INR mn

As a % of Net Revenue %

D&A INR mn
As a % of Net Revenue %

As a % of Net Revenue %

Non recurring expenses/Income INR mn

Interest Expenses INR mn
Interest Income INR mn

As a % of Net Revenue %

Tax INR mn

As a % of Net Revenue %
FY17 FY18 FY19E FY25P

831 1,966 5,486 90,000

457 1,465 4,786 78,521

(91) (293) (957) (12,563)

20.00% 20.00% 20.00% 16.00%

366 1,172 3,829 65,957

(456) (1,457) (3,494) (45,542)

1 7 1,292 32,979
0.2% 0.5% 27.0% 42.0%

(91) (286) 335 20,415

-19.8% -19.5% 7.0% 26.0%

(44) (78) (48)

12.0% 6.7% 1.3%

(6) (11) (22)

1.7% 0.9% 0.6%

(0) (8) (26)

0.1% 0.7% 0.7%

(67) (97) (201) (1,583)

18.3% 8.3% 5.2% 2.4%

(15) (44) (83)

4.1% 3.8% 2.2%

(4) (21) (47)

1.1% 1.8% 1.2%

(227) (545) (92) 16,489

-62.0% -46.5% -2.4% 25.0%

(21) (32) (36)

5.8% 2.7% 0.9%

(17) (51) (136)

4.6% 4.3% 3.6%

(1) (7) (18)

0.4% 0.6% 0.5%

(6) (18) (39)

1.5% 1.5% 1.0%

(272) (652) (321) 8,574

-74.4% -55.7% -8.4% 13.0%

(70) (124) (758)

19.2% 10.6% 19.8%

(342) (776) (1,079) 6,596

-93.6% -66.2% -28.2% 10.0%

- - 3
- - 9
- - (6)
- - 0

- - -

(218) (430) (952)

(560) (1,206) (2,028) 5,936

-153.2% -102.9% -53.0% 9.0%

- - (12)
0.0% 0.0% 0.3%

(560) (1,206) (2,040)

-153.2% -102.9% -53.3%

(11) (41) (89)

- (21) (34)
- 21 39

(571) (1,246) (2,124)

-156.2% -106.4% -55.5%

- - -

(571) (1,246) (2,124)

-156.2% -106.4% -55.5%

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