Ratio Practice

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Q1. Wheat of x Rs./kg is mixed with wheat of y Rs./kg in the ratio 2 : 3.

On selling the
mixture at 49 Rs./kg there is a gain of 16 %. If the quantity in which they were mixed
is reversed and selling price remains same, then gain percent becomes %. What is
the volume of ‘x’.
(a) 25 Rs./kg
(b) 30 Rs./kg
(c) 28 Rs./kg
(d) 32 Rs./kg
(e) 20 Rs./kg

Q2. A certain product C is made of two ingredients A and B in the proportion of 2 : 5. The
price of A is three times that of B. The overall cost of C is Rs. 5.20 per kg including
labour charges of 80 paisa per kg. Find the cost of B per kg ?
(a) Rs. 8.40
(b) Rs. 4.20
(c) Rs. 4.80
(d) Rs. 2.80
(e) None of these

Q3. 48 gm zinc is mixed in a container, which contain 120 gm copper. 42 gm mixture from
container taken out and some quantity of zinc and copper is mixed in the ratio of 2 : 1. If in
the resulting mixture ratio of copper and zinc is 11 : 6, then find what quantity of zinc was
(a) 14 gm
(b) 12 gm
(c) 10 gm
(d) 16 gm
(e) 18 gm

Q4 Ratio of Vodka and Wine in vessel A is 5 : 3 and same mixture in vessel B in the ratio
of 3 : 2, 16ℓ of mixture from vessel A taken out and poured in vessel B new ratio of Vodka
to wine becomes 29 : 19. If new quantity of mixture in vessel B is equal to initial quantity of
mixture in vessel A, then find quantity of Vodka after 16 ℓ of mixture has been taken out
from vessel A ?
(a) 50 l
(b) 48l
(c) 54l
(d) 80l
(e) 84l

Q5. Two farmers A and B have mixture of potassium and Urea in the quantity of (θ + 54) kg
& (θ + 84) kg respectively. The ratio of potassium and Urea in mixture which farmer A has
is 3 : 2, while farmer B has 2 : 1. If 60% and 66 ⅔% of their respective mixture farmer A
and B used for their field and the remaining mixture of A and B are equal, then find the
quantity of potassium in the mixture of farmer B has ?
(a) 60 kg
(b) 120 kg
(c) 90 kg
(d) 100 kg
(e) 75 kg

Q6. Two Beaker A and B having mixture of milk and water in ratio of 3 : 2 and 2 : 3
respectively. 20 liter of mixture is taken out from A and mix in beaker B, due to which
new ratio of milk and water in B becomes 11 : 14 and volume of beaker B become
equal to initial volume of A. Now, ‘x’ liter mixture is taken out from B and mix in A and
ratio of milk and water become 7 : 6 in beaker A. Find the value of ‘x’.
(a) 20
(b) 25
(c) 50
(d) 30
(e) 40

Q7. There are three vessels A, B & C having Milk to water ratio as 3 : 5, 1 : 3 and 7 : y. After
adding mixture of vessel B to A, the milk to water ratio becomes 1 : 2 in A . Now 60%
of mixture is taken out from vessel A and mixture of vessel C is mixed with remaining
mixture of vessel A which results in final Milk to Water ratio of 3 : 4. Find the value of
y given that volume of B is 20 ltrs and volume of C is (7 + y) ltrs.
(a) 1
(b) 4
(c) 5
(d) 3
(e) 2

Q8. There are three mixtures A, B and C. Mixture A contains 10% of water and B contains
15% of water. If A and B are mixed together than resultant mixture contains 12%
water. while If B is mixed with C, which contains 22% water so the resultant mixture
contains of 18% water. All these mixture are mixed in a jar and then 30 ml water is
also added. Find total volume of water preset in jar, if initially mixture C contains 66
ml water.
(a) 144 ml
(b) 216 ml
(c) 184 ml
(d) 196 ml
(e) 200 ml
Directions (9-10): Three friends P, Q and R share an apartment and share the rent equally.
The monthly income of R is 25% less than that of Q and Rs.8000 less than that of P. Monthly
expenditure of Q on food is Rs.1000 more than that of P and is Rs.1000 less than that of R.
After meeting the expenses on rent and food, they save amounts in the ratio 6 : 7 : 4.

Q9. If Q saves 62 % of his total monthly income, then how much percent does R save out of
his monthly income? (2 Marks)
13 12 5
(a) 47 % (b) 48 % (c) 45 %
21 21 21
(d) 49 % (e) Cannot be determined

Q10. If the total amount spent by all the three on food is Rs.27000 and the monthly income
of Q is Rs.6000 more than that of P, then what is the monthly rent of the apartment? (2
(a) Rs.48000 (b) Rs.30000 (c) Rs.24000
(d) Rs.36000 (e) Cannot be determined

S1. Ans.(b)
C.P. of mixture = 49 × = 42Rs/kg
2 y – 42
3 42 – x
84 – 2x = 3y – 126
3y + 2x = 210 …(i)
New cost price of mixture after reverting the quantity in which they are mixed.
11 ¿
38) new CP = 49
New CP=49 ×
= 38 Rs./kg

3 y – 38
2 38 – x
114 – 3x = 2y – 76
190 = 2y + 3x ...(ii)
Solving (i) and (ii)
x = 30 Rs/kg

S2. Ans.(d)
Let the price of B per kg be Rs. X. Then, the price of A per kg = Rs. 3X
1kg of C contains 2/7 kg of A and 5/7 kg of B
Price of 1 kg of C = (2/7) × 3X + (5/7)X = (11/7)X
By the given condition, 11X/7
= 5.20 – 0.80
= Rs. 4.40
⇒ X = 4.40 × (7/11) = Rs. 2.80
Hence the price of B per kg = Rs. 2.80.

S3. Ans.(e)
Total quantity of mixture in container = (48 + 120) = 168 gm
Lets 2x gm and x gm of zinc and Copper added in container
120 – 42 × + x
7 11
2 6
48 – 42× +2 x
90+ x 11
36+2 x 6
22x – 6x = 540 – 396
16x = 144
x = 9 cm
Quantity of zinc added = 9 × 2 = 18 gm

S4. Ans.(a)
Let ratio of Vodka and wine in vessel A be 5x and 3x
and ratio of Vodka and wine in vessel B be 3y and 2y
3 y+16 ×
8 29
3 19
2 y +16 ×
3 y+10 29
2 y +6 19
58y – 57y = 190 – 174
y = 16
New quantity of mixture in vessel B
= (16 × 3 + 10) + (16 × 2 + 6)
= 96 ℓ = initial quantity of mixture in vessel A
Quantity of Vodka remaining in vessel A
5 16 ×5
¿ 96 × – ¿ 60 – 10=50 l
8 8
S5. Ans.(b)
Total potassium farmer A has
= ( θ+54 ) × kg
Total urea farmer A has = ( θ+54 ) × kg
Total potassium farmer B has = ( θ+84 ) × kg
Total Urea farmer B has = ( θ+84 ) × kg
40 1
( θ+54 ) × = ( θ+84 ) ×
100 3
θ = 96 kg
Quantity of potassium in mixture of farmer B
= ( 96+ 84 ) ×
= 120 kg

S6. Ans.(c)
Let quantity of milk and water in A and B is 3a, 2a, 2b and 3b respectively.
2b +12 11
3 b+ 8 14
Initially beaker B → 32 milk , 48 water
After mixing → 32 + 12 → 44 milk
48 + 8 → 56 water
Initial volume of A → 80 + 20 = 100
11 x
25 7
= ⇒ x =50
14 x 6
S7. Ans (b)
ATQ, Volume of B is 20 liters
Milk (vessel B)= × 20 = 5 liters.
Water (vessel B) = × 20 = 15 liters.
When this is added to vessel A.
3 x +5 1
= ⇒ 6x + 10 = 5x + 15
5 x +15 2
x= 5 liters
Hence, milk in vessel A = 3x + 5 = 3 × 5 + 5 = 20 liters
Water in vessal A = 5x + 15 = 5 × 5 + 15 = 40 liters
60% of mixture of A = × (40 + 20) = 36 liters.
Remaining mixture = 24 liters.
Milk remaining = 8 liters.
Water remaining = 16 liters.
After adding the content of Vessel C.
8+7 3 12
= ⇒ 60 = 48 + 3x ⇒ x = =4
16+ x 4 3

S8. Ans.(b)

Ratio of mixture, A to B is 3:2.
And ratio of mixture B to C is 4:3.
Hence, ratio of volume of mixtures A, B & C is
It is given that contains 22% water, which is 66 ml. Hence total volume of mixture C is
66 × = 300 ml
B is 400 ml
A is 600 ml
Water in B = × 400 = 60 ml
Water in A = ×600=60 ml
Total water in jar after adding 30 ml water = 60 + 66 + 60 + 30 = 216 ml.

S9. Ans.(a)
Let, the income, expenditures and saving of P, Q and R:
Income 3 x 3
x + 8000 x
4 4
Expenditure on Rent y y y
Expenditure on Food z z + 1000 z + 2000
Savings 6t 7t 4t
1 5
Savings of Q = 62 % of income of Q = x
2 8
Savings of Q and R are in the ratio 7 : 4.
4 5 5
∴ Savings of R = × x = x
7 8 14
Percent of Type equation here .R’s savings out of his monthly income
¿ ×100
¿ 47 %

S10. Ans.(d)
Let, the income, expenditures and saving of P, Q and R:
Income 3 x 3
x + 8000 x
4 4
Expenditure on Rent y y y
Expenditure on Food z z + 1000 z + 2000
Savings 6t 7t 4t
Total amount spent by all the three on food = 27000
⟹ z + z + 1000 + z + 2000 = 27000
⟹ z = 8000
Monthly income of Q = Monthly income of P + 6000
⟹ x = x + 8000 + 6000
⟹ x = 56000
Savings of P 6
Savings of Q 7
x +8000− y−z
⟹ 4 6
x − y−z−1000 7
Putting the values of x and z
42000− y 6
⟹ =
47000− y 7
⟹ y = 12000
Monthly rent of the apartment = 3y = Rs.36000

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