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Total areas in Bengaluru 8

Number of areas served in Bengaluru city 3

Number of central hubs 7
Number of peripheral hubs 8

People costs
Number of delivery boys per drone serviceable areas 87
Number of staff per central hub 11
Number of people for handling the drones (non-tech) 5
Number of tech staff in each central hub 4
Security Personnel per central hub 2
Number of staff per peripheral hubs 9
Number of people for handling the drones (non-tech) in peripheral hub 5
Number of tech staff in each peripheral hub 2
Security Personnel per peripheral hub 2
Number of tech emergency on-ground assistance 10
Salary of tech staff (monthly) 20,000
Tech Staff salary in all hubs (central + peripheral+ emergency) 1,080,000
Fixed Salary of delivery boys 4000
Variable salary of delivery boys/order 55
Monthly salary of staff in hubs (non-tech) 8,000
Non Tech Staff salary in all hubs (central + peripheral+ emergency) 840,000

Attrition rate of delivery boys 0.1

Total salary of delivery boys/month 1049407
Total salary of staff in hubs (central + peripheral) / month 1,920,000
Total people expenses 2,969,407

Drone costs
Number of drones/area 7 14.82353
Battery costs/drone 13,000
Purchase cost/drone 130,000
Maintenance cost/drone/month 6,500

Cost of electricity/recharge of all drones in the pilot model / day 16200

Time taken for recharge (hrs) 0.25
Spare drones/ area 2 2.964706
Total drones/ area 9 17.78824

Drone specifications
Battery life of drone (years) 0.25
Flight time (hr) 0.1166666667
Carrying capacity (kgs) 5
Top speed (km/hr) 50
Average speed (km/hr) 40
Annual drone capex
Cost of purchase of drones 3510000
Hardware + Software Costs (Tech Integration Costs) 2745000
Government Approvals for drone operations 25000

Total Capex 2770000

Annual drone Opex

Cost of Batteries ( per year) 4212000
Cost of charging the batteries (yearly) 13122000
Cost of drone repairs & replacement costs (yearly) 1579500
Electricity + other overheads ( all the hubs) (yearly) 4500000

Total Opex 23413500

Number of orders
Total monthly orders in India 500,000
Monthly orders in Bengaluru 120000
Peak hour monthly orders 84000
Peak hour daily orders 2800
Peak hour daily orders per rush time (2 rush times per day) 1400
Peak hour daily orders in 3 catchment areas 840
Peak hour orders per rush time per area 280 630
Number of orders/ delivery boy/month 350 Min
500 Max
Number of delivery boys in Bengaluru 240 Min
343 Max
Number of restaraunts in catchment of peripheral hub 20
Number of restaraunts in catchment of central hub 50
Average weight of an order (in kg) 0.3
Number of orders/drone/flight 17
Number of orders/drone/rush hour time 43

Time aspects
Distance between delivery boy and restaurant(km) (average) 3
Time for restaurant to prepare order (hours) 0.3
Average speed of delivery boy near central hub (peak traffic) (km/hr) 10
Time for delivery boy to get order from restaurant to hub 0.3
Distance between central hub and peripheral hub (km) 4
Number of hours per peak rush time 3
Number of trips/drone 3

Infrastructure Costs
Initial Deposit Costs (only year 1) ( refundable costs) 3,960,000
Yearly Rental Costs (of all the hubs) 7920000
Total Infra Costs 11,880,000

Revenue aspects
Average order revenue (INR) 64

Growth factor
Y-o-Y Revenue/order growth (CAGR from 2020-2022) 16%
Y-o-Y number of orders growth 125%

Delivery personnel Commission / order 4,536,000

Refer line 43- ->200K eateries in 500 cities --> 400 eateries/city--> dividing a city into 8 main regions
Assuming that these 3 initially selected areas contribute to 50% of all orders in Bengaluru
As we have 3 central hubs in Koramangla area and 2 in each of the other two areas.
Based on the total number of outer hubs in our map (selected as per the population density and traffic maps )

refer cell E48 for number of delivery boys in bangalore calculation

Assuming responsibility to handle 8 drones per area + 16 drones from other areas ( Total 24 drones)

Assuming 2 shifts ( 1 per shift)

Assuming responsibility to handle 8 drones per area + 16 drones from other areas ( Total 24 drones)

Assuming 2 shifts ( 1 per shift)

Assuming delivery boys work in both shifts of peak rush hour

Assuming 40Wh recharge per drone at the rate of Rs6/kwh(

Assuming each drone in a hub gets charged 10 times a day

See Drone & Realestate costs sheet
See Drone & Realestate costs sheet

Assuming each drone has 3 batteries & needs to be replaced 4 times a year
Assuming the drone is operating for 9 months given the various seasonal constraints ( heavy rains & winds)
From case
Assuming 25000 per month overheadcosts / hub / month

3 hours each in lunch and 3 hours during dinner

Assuming 60% of all orders in Bengaluru come from these 3 regions

200K eateries in 500 cities --> 400 eateries/city--> dividing a city into 8 main regions

Assuming orders in backward trip is 50% of onward trip. 2 Onward trips and 1 backward trip

Assuming that delivery boy sets out for restaurant at the moment order is placed, hence, reaching restaurant exactly when ord
Since this cannot exceed maximum flying range of drone

Since 0.5 hours of flying time per trip (with a buffer of 6 mins hovering time) and 1.5 hours of charging time per battery. Batter
Thus, a single drone can make 3 trips for 1.5 hours out of 3 hours of rush time
As per 2020 level

From case
From case

Assuming the drone is operating for 9 months given the various seasonal constraints ( heavy rains & winds) { Given that 2 deliv
co-ordinating to send the order)
next battery after 80% of charge is depleted
Since, 70% of orders are placed in peak hours, all calculations are done only during this time
For every area area served there will be one central hub and 5 peripheral hubs
The central serve primarily as drone stations and secondarily as kitchens. The peripheral hubs serves only as a dron
The fuel costs for the rides are paid by delivery boys (inclusive in their salaries)
Drones to be used only in rush hours
ral hubs serves only as a drone dock
Year 1
Rush hour order revenue 29030400
Total Revenues 29030400

Drone annual Capex 2,770,000.00
Hub infra costs (one-time) 3,960,000.00
Total Capex 6,730,000.00

Hub rents 7,920,000.00
Cost of Batteries 4,212,000.00
Cost of charging the batteries 13,122,000.00
Cost of drone repairs & replacement costs 1,579,500.00
Electricity + other overheads ( all the hubs) 4,500,000.00
Delivery boy expenses 9,444,663.66
Tech staff expenses 1,080,000.00
Non-tech staff expenses 840,000.00
Kitchen staff expenses
Depreciation 673,000.00
Total Opex 35,451,163.66

Net Profit -13,150,763.66

NPV ₹ 37,114,951.37

Have not added the non-peak hour revenue as it is N/A

Assuming in year 1 we operate out of only 3 areas
Inflation has not been considered
Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5

75923071.875 198561261.399651 519296355.573341 1358113375.24183

75923071.875 198561261.399651 519296355.573341 1358113375.24183

6,371,000.00 14,653,300.00 43,959,900.00 123,087,720.00

6371000 14653300 43959900 123087720

7,920,000.00 7,920,000.00 7,920,000.00 7,920,000.00

9,687,600.00 22,281,480.00 66,844,440.00 187,164,432.00
30,180,600.00 69,415,380.00 208,246,140.00 583,089,192.00
3,632,850.00 8,355,555.00 25,066,665.00 70,186,662.00
4,500,000.00 4,500,000.00 4,500,000.00 4,500,000.00
21,250,493.22 47,813,609.76 107,580,621.95 242,056,399.39
2,484,000.00 5,713,200.00 17,139,600.00 47,990,880.00
1,932,000.00 4,443,600.00 13,330,800.00 37,326,240.00

637100 1465330 4395990 12308772

82,224,643.22 171,908,154.76 455,024,256.95 1,192,542,577.39

-12,672,571.35 11,999,806.64 20,312,198.62 42,483,077.85

Name Location
KH1 Jaksendra ext.
KH2 Block 6
KH3 Block 3
IH 1 HAL Stage II
IH 2 Indira nagar stage !
WH 1 Near Palm Meadows
WH 2 Near Vijaynagar
OH 1 BTM layout
OH 2 Mangammanapalya
OH 3 Jaya Nagar
OH 4 Bhuvaneswari Nagar
OH 5 Victoria Layout
OH 6 Kadugodi
OH 7 Bellandur
OH 8 Garudachar Palya
Total Costs
All rates are according to &

Technical Integration Costs


Storage Dock per drone 3700

Battery Charger + panel (6 at a time) 3400

Computational (sotware + hardware) per hub 250,000

Opex per battery

Battery charging cost (60 Wh) (1.5 hr per

battery) (Rs. 6/KWh) 0.36

Government permission Unmanned aircraft operator permit (valid for 5 years)

Electricity + overheads Rs.25,000

Deposit (Rs.) {one-time}
(Assuming 6 months
Area (sqft) advance) Rental rate (Rs.) {monthly}
2500 270,000 45,000
2250 300,000 50,000
2500 300,000 50,000
2000 240,000 40,000
2200 330,000 55,000
2000 240,000 40,000
2250 240,000 40,000
2400 240,000 40,000
2300 300,000 50,000
2000 180,000 30,000
2000 210,000 35,000
3000 480,000 80,000
1800 180,000 30,000
2600 210,000 35,000
2250 240,000 40,000
34050 3,960,000 660,000


183000 for 1 hub
2745000 for 15 hubs

per day per hub (assumption - 80 charges/day) per day for 14 hubs

28.8 432
Rs.25,000 (is it per drone or a complete license
cost )
Rental rate (Rs.) {yearly}

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