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Singapore Med J 2008; 49(11) : 856

CME Article

(Effective Ç?*ÇgcficaÍ cWritin8

Tointers to fjettin9 -your article published


Writing the
materials and methods
ABSTRACT replicate the study, if necessary.
When writing scientific papers to share their Although this section is not intended to provide
research findings with their peers, it is not enough a step-by-step tutorial for the reader, the author must,
for researchers to just communicate the results nonetheless, systematically state what was done, how it
of their study; it is equally important to explain was done, how the data was collected, and how it was
the process by which they arrived at their results, analysed.
so that the study can be replicated to validate the Use questions like "what", "how much", how often",
observations. The materials and methods section "where", "when" and "why" to guide your explanations.
is used to describe the experimental design and Here, the author will have to tread the line between
provide sufficient details so that a competent completeness (providing sufficient details to enable
colleague can repeat the experiment. A good replication and verification of the findings) and brevity
materials and methods section will enable readers (do not describe every technical detail).
to evaluate the research performed and replicate
the study, if necessary. BE SYSTEMATIC
Write this section as one would carry out the study. That
Keywords: medical writing, materials and means arranging the experiments chronologically, or
methods, methodology group them in logical sequence. Use sub-headings where
Singapore Medi 2008;49(11): 856-859 appropriate. The order of presentation has to make the
most sense to the readers (Fig.1).
Science is a system of knowledge that delivers reproducible
observations about the physical universe. The key term Describe the research plan
Biomedical Imaging
and Interventional
here is "reproducible", whereby the observations or
Journal, results of a scientific study are validated if they can be
c/o Department of
Biomedical Imaging, consistently reproduced. Understanding this as an inherent
University of Malaya, aspect of research, scientists should place a great deal of
Kuala Lumpur
50603, importance on the experimental design of a study. When Describe the materials (or subjects)
writing papers to share their research findings with their
Ng KH, PhD, MIPEM, peers, it is not enough for scientists to just communicate
Editor the results oftheir study; it is equally important to explain
the process by which they arrived at their results.
Singapore Medical Describe the methods used
Journal, This is usually done in the materials and methods
2 College Road,
Singapore 169850 section. The main purpose of this section is to describe the
experimental design and provide sufficient details so that Fig. I The three -step process of writing the materials and
a competent colleague can repeat the experiment. In some methods.
journals, this section may be named subjects and methods, Make sure to include all the items that are later presented
Correspondence to: or simply, methods. in the Results section. In a recipe, for instance, it would
Prof Ng Kwan Hoong
Tel: (60) 3 7949 2069 In this section, the author should explain clearly how be extremely incongruous to find that some items of
Fax: (60) 3 7949 4603 ingredients used in the cooking methods had not been
Email: dwing@tm.
the study was conducted, in order to: (1) enable readers to
net my evaluate the research performed, and (2) permit others to listed earlier.
Singapore Med J 2008; 49(11) : 857


Box 1. Describing the materials - animals:
Since each journal has different requirements, review the
State the species or strain used, as well as the age,
journal's Instructions to Authors or Author Guidelines gender and weight.
before beginning to write this section. Here are some Describe the physiological or pathological state of
general guidelines: the animal; e.g. pregnant, castrated, etc.
Describe the rearing method.
(1) For human-related studies, the first paragraph should
Describe the nutritional state of the animal.
indicate if institutional review board approval and
Provide the supplier's name.
patient informed consent were obtained. If not,
it should be clear that any studies conducted were Animal diets:
Describe the diet administered during the
so performed for accepted clinical indications and
maintenance period.
that the studies themselves are considered Describe the diet administered during the treatment
acceptable and ethical for patient care. period.
(2) For animal experiments, include a statement Describe the constituents of the diet and their
regarding approval by the institutional animal care sources.
committee or appropriate body. Box 2. Describing the materials - drugs:
(3) Describe the experimental design if it was not a Drugs and other interventional agents:
standard design readily understood or described Provide the generic and trade names of the drugs/
succinctly by a standard term. agents. Provide the chemical names for non-standard
(4) Describe clearly the number and selection of the drugs.
Provide the supplier's name.
subjects studied (patients, volunteers or experimental
animals, including controls). Briefly state the Drug administration:
population and the sampling method used. Describe the schedule for drug administration.
Describe the forms and doses ofthe drugs
(5) State the inclusion and exclusion criteria for the
recruitment of subjects, patients or experimental
animals in the study group. Box 3. Describing the materials - cultures:
(6) Describe how the control group was selected, and Tissues and tissue cultures:
State the sources.
how they relate to the study group, e.g. matching
Provide details of any prior treatment or procedure
by age, gender, ethnicity, clinical condition, etc.
administered to the tissue or culture.
(7) Identify the methods, instrumentation (trade names Provide the supplier's name.
and manufacturer's name and location in
Cell lines, DNA:
parentheses), and procedures in sufficient detail to
Describe in detail the types and sources used.
allow other researchers to reproduce the study. Provide the supplier's name.
(8) State the manner by which the studies were evaluated:
Immune sera:
independent readings, consensus readings, blinded
Describe the source and type ofthe immune
or unblinded to other information, time sequencing serum used.
between readings of several studies of the same Provide the supplier's name.
patient or animal to eliminate recall bias, random
Bacterial cultures and viruses:
ordering of studies, etc. State if the study was Provide the standard taxonomic nomenclature.
retrospective or prospective. Describe the sources.
(9) Provide specific descriptions of experimental
Culture media and buffer:
materials (Boxes 1-5) and methods. Give references State the components and their concentrations.
to established methods and provide statements on the
availability of materials. Some materials may not Box 4. Describing the materials - reagents:
be commercially available; for example, materials Reagents:
distributed by the author or some other non- Provide detailed chemical identification of the
commercial source, such as a research laboratory. reagents used.
(10)Identify the equipment used (with specifications Provide the supplier's name.
if appropriate) and the supplier(s). Describe in Other procedures and interventions:
detail any modifications made to the equipment Describe any other procedures, such as surgical, that
or any equipment that was constructed specifically were used. Provide references for standard
for the study and, if necessary, provide illustrations procedures, and detailed descriptions for non-
or photographs of the modifications. standard procedures.
Singapore Med J 2008; 49(11) : 858

Box 5. Describing the materials - equipment

recommended that the author seeks statistical
consultation before planning a study, to ensure both
Identify the equipment used appropriate data collection and suitable use of
Provide specific information of the equipment statistical tests for analysis.
(trade names and manufacturer's name and location
in parentheses). When describing materials, similar materials can be
grouped together to save space. Materials should only be
Box 6. Common errors:
described separately if the study is very complicated and
1. Writing this section as a set of instructions. Instead, requires separate explanations. Do not describe supplies
it should just be a description of the experiments and equipment commonly found in all laboratories.
2. Mixing the results with the methods. Results should SUMMARY
be discussed and analysed in a subsequent section, Writing about how the research was conducted is just as
entitled "Results". important as doing it. Describing how the research was
3. Omitting all explanatory information and back done is a crucial aspect of recording the scientific process
ground - save these for the discussion section.
by which the results were achieved. A good materials and
4. Including information irrelevant to the reader, such
methods section will enable readers to evaluate the research
as who fed the animals or who helped to input the
performed and provide the option to replicate the study if

(11)Briefly state the statistical tests used to analyse the

Box 7. Take home points:
data. Usual, common statistical methods could be
stated without providing a reference; for advanced
or unusual methods, a reference or citation is 1. What was done,
2. How it was done.
required. New or substantially modified methods
3. How data was collected, and
should be described in detail with reasons given
4. How the data was analysed.
to justify using these techniques. It is strongly
Singapore Med J 2008; 49(11) : 859


Multiple Choice Questions (Code SMJ 20081 IA)

True False
Question 1. What are the reasons for clearly explaining how a scientific study was
(a) To enable readers to evaluate the work performed.
(b) To provide a step-by-step tutorial for the readers.
(c) To permit others to replicate the study.
(d) To describe the experimental design and provide sufficient details about the study.

Question 2. The following statements regarding writing style and format are true:
(a) Be systematic.
(b) Follow the specific journal's Instructions to Authors.
(c) Explain clearly how the experiment was done.
(d) Follow a non -chronological format.

Question 3. The following are examples of the types of materials to be included in the
materials and methods section:
(a) Animals.
(b) Drugs and other interventional agents.
(c) Immune sera.
(d) Results.

Question 4. The following statements about the Instructions to Authors are true:
(a) Indicate whether or not institutional review board approval and patient informed
consent were obtained for human -related studies.
(b) Provide minute details, such as the names of the research assistants.
(c) Describe clearly the number and selection of the subjects studied.
(d) Identify the equipment(s) used and the supplier(s).

Question 5. Which of the following statements apply when writing the materials and
methods section?
(a) Do not write this section as a set of instructions.
(b) Provide the background to the purpose of the study.
(c) Describe the experiment in chronological order.
(d) Do not include irrelevant information.

Doctor's particulars:
Name in full:
MCR number: Specialty:
Email address:

(1) Log on at the SMI website: and select the appro, to set of questions. (2) Select your answers and provide your name, email
address and MCR number. Click on "Submit answers" to submit

(1) Answers will be published in the SMJ January 2009 issue. (2) The MCR numbers of successful candidates will be posted online at
by 15 January 2009. (3) All online submissions will receive an automatic email acknowledgment (4) Passing mark is 60%. No mark will be deducted for incorrect
answers. (5) The SMJ editorial office will submit the list of successful candidates to the Singapore Medical Council.

Deadline for submission: (November 2008 SMJ 3B CME programme): 12 noon, 25 December 2008.

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