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(>) (70) :1)] Business English Ee ‘ if Panty Breas SOCIALIZING OC aati with Pocket Book and MultiROM aN a iy NG of o = 2 SE Ee ee UNIT2 oo The world of work een © @ 21 Lisento thre extracts from interviews fora business magazine. Complete the information about teehee people Extract 1 Name: Jose Manuel Faria Job: Food Division Company: Unilever lace of work: Extract 2 Name: Genevieve Cresset Job; Team Co-ordinator Company: Téleimages Place of work: Extract 3 Name= Kensuke Matsumura Job: Professional Products, Company: Electrolux Place of work: @ 21 Listen two the incerview extraets again Joxé Manel, Genevieve, and Kensuke all need English for differen activities at work, Which activites? Workin groups. Answer the questions. 1 Do you need English fr any ofthe atvtes you ised in @? 2. Makea list of needs for your group @ 22 Listen three more extracts frm the interviews Answer the questions Extract 1 What very higchange is Unilever making ots istribusion system inSpain? 2 Why is José Manuel having a lor of mectings with consulants? Extract2 1 Inwhat way’ Tléimages changing? 2 What news is Télimages hoping gt soon? Extracts \Whatis happening to Elestrolx sales in Japan in 1 the Professional Products Division? 2 the Consumer Products Division? © Look at the verbs in @ They arc all inthe Present Continuous. Why? Present Simple and Present Continuous ‘ead the examples. Complete the grammar rules and answer the question. Present Simple usualy stay therefor about a week. © Hedoesn' speak Japanese © Doyou need English in yourjob? © How often do you go to inernational meetings? Present Continuous. ‘We're changing our distbution system. ‘The Consumer Proivets Division isnt having this problem, Are companies ke Flectrolas having problems 00? ‘What changes is Unilever making? Wei the Present Contos or he Present Sample Silber ralabour regular activites © Use roralkc about cueent acts © Tomake scams sing form of the vrh, Howe do we make shore answers with the Present Continuous? Qrsew Pronunciation 1 @ 23 Linen othe examples, Noise the pronunciation of do and does ‘Ms weak) (song) Example a DoyouworkinParis? —b Yes. do. ‘az (weak) ida (sr0ng) Example? —s Docs shelve in Madid? Yes she does. 2 @ 24 Listen othe pronunciation of do and does inthe sentences Which sound do you hear? Tick 3 ob, The frst one is done a5 snexample (weak) b(stong) 1 Where dothey ive? x 2 Does she speak English? 3. Yes, shedoes. 4 What ime do we arrive? - 5 Doyouoltentavel abroad? 6 Yes,tdo, 3.) 24 Listen again and repeat the sentences 4 When do or dows is at the end ofthe sentence, do we pronounce its thestrong form or the weak frm? uNtT2 @ 15 16 @ uni ‘Work in pir, Stadent A wits another Stent A, Student B with another Student. Student 1 Read about Kensuke Matumara, Sten Bwillask you questions about him in. enstike Matsumura works n Tokyo but he doesn'c Ive there He goes to-work by underrounel and his journey takes one ad ‘shar hours, He works nine hours a day oF more and usually Takes work home at weekends. He spends about five hours a day ‘on phone calls and emma. He doesn't get much the to relax but hhe enjoys watching TV, and once a month he does kendo. Like a Joc of managers Japan fe has two weeks’ hoidaya yer. and usually takes one week inthe summer and the other in the winter Prepare questions about oxé Manuel Faria to ask Seen Bin @. Userthe words below ashe Present Simple 2 How many cildren!fse Manvel Fasiathave? 1b What languagefhespek at home? © What works wield? {1 Wherefhespendnost of his work time? How oftenfeferavel e Bilbao? F Whyelgot Bilbao? 4 heikefiving in Barcelona? Fh Whatheenjo doing his fee ime? ‘student 8 1 Read about José Manuel Faria Student A willask you questions about himin José Manuel Fara ives th his wife and two sons in Barcelona After seven years in Spal they all speak Spanish, but at home their language Is Portuguese and his wife works asa translator In both languages. Jose ane! spenls most of his tne working in Barcelona but every Monday’ he goes to Bilbao Co visit his ‘company’s Factory and have meetings with people there. He kes living in Barcelona and inhi free time enjoys swimming with is sons and walking in the nota. 2 Prepare questions about Kensuke Matsumura to ask Student A in Use he words below andthe Present Simple, a Where/Kensuke Matsumura B hfivein Tokyo? Hove longihis journey to worktae 41 How many hors a dayrhe work? How much tnefhespend on phone calls and emails? Whavteldatto relax? ork 5 Whatheidofonce a month? i How many weeks eliday a yarthefbave? e Work wth diferent partner, Student A with StadentB. Ask your question: and answer your partners questions Complete the article abour Genevidve reset, Use the Present Simple or Presene Continous form of the verbs in brackets, Genevieve Cresset (stare) work at 9am. and (nish) around 6 oF 7 pam. The company she (ovorkt fr, Teleimages, . (produce) TV programmes and (sel them to TV channels in France and other countries, About a hundred people ‘work? fll time in he company’s Champs Lysées office. Genevieve (ot have) much me ‘outside work but at present she * (ork) on an Important project - she * rte) a book. The book Isabour the wartime memories of two World War I soles, They were heroes," she says, so tht now | record) their stories for the future. think it important we (noe forget the enormous courage of people ike chem, tbe) Prepare your answersto these questions Whar’s happening you fe these days? Atwork ‘Ave there any changes or new devlopmentsin your + ib? Outside work Isanything new happening in amily ie 1 soa fee Areyou ‘taking any plans for your next holiday? 1 Sing money for something importa? 1 making any changes ro you home Workin pits, Ask and answer the questions in @. Tellthe clas thre things about your partner's urcent activities unit2 @ 0 a= Work file. Verb groups © Compete he verb groups with words fom the box ‘honecall some work fullxime amecting adecsion a holiday Miscussion part-me flxtime ajoh anexam a basiness tip) Tromework a appotatnent Ten From Samo ‘4pm © Prepares question about each topic inthe job description Examples What bows do you work? Doyoubove dscusions at work? Who with? What about? Name Job title e: 1 Working hours 2 Lunch 3 Phone calls aie 4 Meetings or discussions 5 Business trips 6 Holidays, © Work inpuirs Ask your partner your questions. Answer your partner’. westions @ unre ofillnss ‘conditions et © Work in groups, Discuss the questions. In your countey Do unemployed people get Are there exp Describing a company © The picrares show some ofthe produes made by companies inthe Electrolux Group. In pats atch the names ofthe prodact with he pistes lawnmower freezer —____refigerator dishwasher cooker vacuum leaner voshing machine © Electrolux ® 22fci2snictinssscompiaeteconpany diate COMPANY DATAFILE ‘The Blectrolux Group the world’s largest producer of powered appliances for kitchen, cleaning, and outdoor use, Nationality Head office amas Started — rt World's first vacuum cleaner First ride sare Employs people Sellsits products in — countries Worldwide tumover* € ‘million Global divisions: Consumer Durables wotsales Professional Products (Pes tr200 ‘evo =the ble dune yet © Read che phrase for deserting a company Describing a company (UnileveriRenaul) | staredin... UA) has | companies | in dates trom sulsciries lus) head offic isin ae) | produces. Imanactores, wells 08 | employs has employees (it) worldwide tmmoveris lunhas | (2) divisions (5) business groups (many) well known brands spends (5%) ofitsrevenue* on R + D {S080} ofits | revenue comes | from... ([t)hasa (10%) market share in Ssles come 20 @ uNIT2 © Workin Group A or Govp B Groupa Look at the information about Unilever Prepare a short presentation about the company. Use suitable phrases from ©. Unilever Nationa rish-Dureh Seared 1930 Head ofces Roteentam and London Employs 247,000 peoplein 7 countries Worlwideturover —€48,760m Un SpendngonRrD 2.3% ef turmover Global dviions: Food - ver SO fale Home and Personal Care ‘ucnes groupe 1Wreponal groups, to meet neds oflocal mares Sclnitproductsin 1SDcounciesto 1S0m customers Unilever’ wellknown consumer brands include Food Home and Personal Care Krowr Ome Lipton tea cr Helimann's mayonnaise Domestos Magnmicccream Dove Flo ux Groups Lok atthe information about Renault. Prepare a shore presentation about ‘the company: Use suitable phrase from @. WAM lrsngonk-0 “saree BEST iste esesain “The Automotive Division “TheRenaule Group Renaul, Samsung (South Korea), and Dacia (Romania) Sedlagestcompany nFrance ‘4ahword market share op-lingcars- Mégane, Co, Laguna Renault-Nissan Group word's Sth ages automobile manufacture (Peo s002) © Present your company tothe other group Listen to ther presentation © _Writea shore description of your own company or organization fora business magazine ‘Answor phone. ‘Asks caling ‘Askcalort olathe line ‘Say shes inameeting, Offer tot Making contact, 26 James Tamer itclephoning Monique Bresson at her London [Essen to the sonsersaion and complete the receptions’ message pad Message for Callers nae capi ee ae Nae = aN Pease call Calle willphone back © 26 Listen to the call agin, Tsk /) the phrases you hear. Could Ispeak 10 Monique Besson, please? Tike to speak to Monique Bresson, please Who'sclling please? Wes James Turner Hol th ine, please Pmsorr she's ina meeting Tmafrad she’s busy athe moment Can youtakea message? Gan [ake a message? Cond you ak her sll me? Could you tel her Tealed? ‘conversation. Use phrases from @. Then change roles and practise the conversation again, ‘Work in pits, Pacts thie reeph cal ‘Asko spskto Monique Bresson {Give youram and company. Give he message Say thankyou and goodbye, @ 22 James phones Monique later. [isten and complete the conversation. R Bresson Translation Services, J Cant a Monique Bresson, please? R Whos 2 J James Tore R Hold “Me Turnet speaking R Ihave James Torner fry © @ 28 Jamestelephones Monique another day 1 arrange a meeting Listen {Othe phone clland tick (the correct answers 1 The appoinement is wth a MrMikeloweb MrMichelmore ¢ MeMichinore 2 on a Friday Wednesday Tuesday 3a 4 cleveno'clock —b teno'clock ¢ threco'lock 4 Hiselephone number is 4 0207623 5469 02076234459 © 0207623 09 © _Purthe letters ofthe alphabet in the correct boxes below. Then practise saying them avedefghijkemnopgrstuvwxyz {asinsay} | lasinshe} | (asin ten) | (asin fly) | (asingo) | (asin bar) | (asin who) © Workin pir Spell your name andthe names ewo people ia your family to your parce Nour parte rites down the nas. Chck he splings © Look sethse ways ofsying telephone numbers 4459 sixfourfourfvenine si double ou five aine 01731 chonescven thee ne (UK) _zeroone seven re one (USA) © Practise saying chese numbers 56767 293401 334477 220499 0209112 3665 @ Workin pairs. Choose one ofthe lee headings below, or your own ‘company's leer heading, sk and answer questions ahowt your companies Examples What’ the name of your company? Can you spell zat, please? Could you tell me your fa number please? a) im S “050 Bes ois “Tal (+32) 2/538 93 67 ‘The Bam we Cen ames Tea) 35391846 Wise siaeez email: infstpapyrusb Bilton 37026 Fac wanorea 3210 sreom | Te(san 129, 26 Fac (sa0 or248 97 ‘wom pay ima ‘wmatonnelapaden Call Cosco 7 Madd, 28008 Fo 19491 S619834 fora agosang et unit? @ 2 Yu NIT3 pena Challenges Lot TD © Read the nformation abou the Eden Proje attractions, Would you like wo go there? ofthe UK's top visitor The_Eden=PiBject sholws the importance of planis end how we depend on them for theif ‘we breatte, the does welwear, and for our food and medicines sinjthe biomes. there are: ¥u;000 pants. trom arouncithe worl The Humid Epics Biome is the worlds largest Greenhouse, 50 metes high and 240. metres, Tong, with slantreiferesttreesandia 95-metre Fighvwaterfll. It has plants and products from the Amazon, -West Africa, Malaysia, and Oceania. pa2foid uapa Thé Warm Tempefate Biome has plants from ‘three different areas ofthe world withthe same climate: South Afticg, the Mediterranéam-end California. There’ afewalsom eve groves, stapeyines, and orange and lemon trees. Te Rootes Biome outside has plants trom Chile, the Himalayas, Austalasia, and Cornwall Works far tel theory ofthe plants and their Lise jn food medicine/and construction. oe © G31 Listento an interview with Tim Smig the man who rst had the ides ofthe Eden Project. Complete the data Eden Project datafile ‘The ides ofthe Eden Moxct besan witha dscusson nau, Theidea becamearealty vers lier OE. im Commission save When werk besanin Inset ye, Eder vistors, tained every fe @ 31 Listento the iaresiow again. Anvwer the questions Whar Tim Smit andhis friend wanto do for Carsall? Where dd he idea ofa rsnforest in gresnhouse come fom 3 Did they expect have 4 ln Tia Smits opinion, what was the reason for Eden's success ook ae the verbs in and ©, They are alin the Pest Simple. Why? Te Past Simple Read the examples. Complete he rammae ules, Positive We wanted ro bring more vistors to the ara, We had wondedal eam of people Questions Did you find ie? Did you expect so many visiors? How much did the project cost? ‘Where did you got he ney fom? “To make the Pas Simple of regular verbs, add ‘Tomake the negative, use did nor or ‘Tomake the question, use + subject» ‘Tomakeshort answers, ase (ponitiv) and QD etovkp. 10 Practice @ sree become | begin | come Past sre Negative "The weather certainly dda help us © Thoworkers dda make any progres fo three months Short answers © Yew wedi + Nowwedida', Use the Pas Simple for finished actions and situations inthe past. tthe end of the verb, For the Past Simple of ieeglaevecbs, ee Pocket Book p 6 “inne repative) Pas Simple quick rest. Complete the tbl do sive | have hike found | gor | [made | Pronunciation 1 G) 32 Liston tothe examples, Notice the pronunciation ofthe ed endings ofthe verbs, a lived b helped « visited 2.@ 33 Linen tothe verbs and tick 6/) the sound you hea at the end ofeach word. The first one ie done a a example. arrived | started | worked | wanted | sined| increased | expected | watched | received | needed 3.G) 33 Listen to the verbs again and cepa them, 4 How do we pronounce the for-dy ee start need? ci ending when the iafisitive For ofthe verb end in © Compete he antce, Use he Pas Simple form ofthe verbs in brackets, ‘The man behind the Eden Project “im smt was bom in 1955 nthe Netherland ofan Englsh mother anda Dutch father. Because his father "ork fr Kanes pares “tive abroad. Tin (got ve) with them but Englh Boarcing school, which he (nate). On holidays in Tukey he (ecome) interested in arcnaeology and study itatuniversiy, Aer university he = (get 200 as an archaeclog[s ata museum in the north of England, He "lowe thejob bathe 2 * (not earn) a geod salary so Insteadhe " (bes) ecarecas feck musician in London and — (Star) @ band. In 98 the bana — _* (have) srumber one hit in thiteen counties. Five ‘years lter he — — (move) to Coral “withihis wife end three young children, and this move: ™ (orn) the Biggest chense in hei, UNITs @ 25 © The jounalse who intrviwed Tim Smit forthe aril in @ asked him questions ike the ones below. Think of more questions and ad then 0 the list Early years “Trave/olidays Where were you horn? Howe did youspend your holidays? Where di you grow up? School years Afterschool Where did you go 1o school? Whar did you do aftr leaving school? What subjects were you god at? Hobbievsports Work Whachoblies dd you have when What vas your frst job? you were younger? What di you do after that? ‘Workin pits. Ask your parner he questions inthe stin @). Answer your partner's questions. Tell each other more about past eventsin your lives ‘Workin pits, Student A with another Stadt A, Student B with another Student Student 1 Read Eden key dat Seudene B will ask you questions about itin @. Eden—key dates feNovenber 1994 The EdenProjectrecetved is fst rant” of 95 00 enay 197 Te ilenian Commision gave Eden aga of £375, “99000 Theusancs of pecple watches the corenucton fhe biomes. ‘*ctober2000 The geen tear plated fat reese uid Topics Biome ‘*Mach9001 7,000 istersanivedat Een forthe oficial openin. ‘exnes001 Eden welcomedt#s ane milion vet, ‘tam =nover at se.e0 De aPMre ape pO 2 Prepare questions to ask Student Bin @ to complete 2001 Eden’ ist eat The stove done as an example 2001 — Eden's first year a Thefden Posctbrcugtt tothe localeccromy. (How much .2) (How much dd the Eden Project bing the acl eccnary) bb TheProjectcreated 9b (How many?) 94%: oflocal busines pecplesac —_ovmat..2) 4 tocalpeoplecompred’ because hy.) © Onanavrage day Een hac vistors (How many 2) fon 2001 teeruiberofwstor wert up io 14000.<¥hen 2) colina yu ey Student B 1 Read 2001- Edens first yar, Student B will ask you questions about it in. 2001 - Eden's first year * The€den Poet brous # TheProject created 0006s + 94% of acl business people sen vas very good fr business. * Local people omplarea” becaise afc problems ntheatea ceased lint he local economy (Onanaverage dy Een hac 10,000 vse (0728 uy 2001 he number ofvsters wert upto 14000 conolin nyse 2 Prepare questions to ask Student A in @ ro complete Eden ~ hey dates The frseoneis dane as an example, Eden—key dates a __ThefdenPojectreceived its rst rant of £25,000, C¥M en... 2) (iene antot £25, 0007) 1 may 1997 ‘The blew an Commision gave Eden “1 owmicn 2) ecple matched Maysc00 Octobe 2000 The’seen eam plated the frst reesin Whee.) © Marcn2001 ——_7,00vistorsarivesatEcen oy fin cen welcomed sone millon wo When?) Work with diffrent partner, Student A with Sudent B. Ask your questions and answer your partners questions. Write the missing information, Diseusthe questions 1 Whardo you think ofthe Een Project? Did your county et any new buildings or special projects inthe 200010 celebrate the millennium? Iso, whats your opinion of them? {Choose one ofthe topics below. Prepare tlk aout it for one inate © holiday I emember ‘© My esti abroad A childhood memory Workin groups Take tums to talk about the topic you prepared in @, Answer questions about it rom your group, units @ 7 xD Sports and leisure file. Verb groups © whacaceshemost poplarsprts and eure ative in your oun? @ Complete the verb eoups with vocabulary from ee box windsurfing exercises you weight waning squash aepor Teasing ‘able toe judo ‘ling "Add other sports to the verb groups in @. eo ‘Work in groups Discs the questions 1 Doyoudoany ofthe spocsin @ and @ so, how fen? 2. Do you watch any of the spores in @ and @? Ifo, which do you enjoy watching most? © Macc che vers nA with he word and phrases in B Aesaurant music TV. acompurer game magazines books chess Ju sical instrament © Workin pars. Writ eighe questions abou the activities in @, Use the Present Simple and the Past Spe. Examples Do you sualy read a newspaper every day? Did yea watch TV yesterday evening? What kindof music do you liter Work with diferent pare. Ask your partner the questions you weote in. Answer your pare’ questions ° “Tall dheclas thee things about your partner's ire activites. 23 @ UNITS: Solo achievements © Look sth picrores and headlines, What do you think happened? = ORE nennorcs Alife of ups and downs for Debra Veal Pernt er tarter ert eee tec - I'm going to carry on without you © March he words in A wich their meaning in B A B 1 panic small electric ight that you can earey 2 supertanker —b large dangeroustsh with sharp teeth 3 hurricane ¢ sudden felingf fear 4 share 44. very large ship that transport ol petrol et: 5 loneliness © violent storm with very stong winds 6 torch f feeling of unhappiness because you are alone a aa Going it alone ‘On 7O4t0bF 2001 Debraand Andale enero | fowactosthe Alani Ocean, One nded atten das lero 26 nary 2002, after ajourny 0478 bk Debrasnedin Barbados alone. The elaine forthe rac fr four ers baler eight days tea her hua 2 {Op rower th teen yeas experience, began a have panic tacks and couldnt sleep aight Scar set )acht | ricotake Andro home and 27searoldDebramadethe “cat deasionto conte the joey alone She sued roningat 8.30 every mori andrested for short peidsia thediy Dring nigh she woke ety hurt check or supelankers She sured hrc, shar, andloneiness, © Read the article Going it alone ‘with information abour Dera Veal and her ourney smpete the seston onthe lft ofthe chart ‘Onenightawavesb meteshightured er oat ver and damaged her naigcton hgh. She repre inthe dk, Debratedto her susan eve dy by stele phone ‘en nis the emblecontons nthe frst nes theteephone las $4000" fe ahi Barbados she ssid Teantthink too eked then ded Tm ooking. fons proper mel nsec o achge fod. the ‘company of humans stead brs ad fish and eepingin bedhat doesnt novearound:Lteronshewrote book about erjoumey ee Rong Alone age travelled in vett Tenerife on on 2001 2002 rived in oat on 2002 17 May2002 length ofouney km kn umber of days problems hurricanes, ‘Wopicl understoxms, © Read the article Going it alone on p. 29 again, What do these phrases refer to? 1 fouryeats 3 fifcenyears 5 everyhour 7 £8,000 2 cightdays 45.30 6 sie metes © Workin pairs. The words and phrases below are fom a rao news report, lou the solo journey of another woman, Polly Vachee Use them to describe ‘what you think happened on her oueney roundthe-worldtcip one-engine aeroplane deserts and oceans tropical thunderstorms ran outoffuel_ £150,000 fora chaity disabled people © G34 Listen so he news report. Were you right? © G34 Listen again. tn thecharein @ on p. 29, complete the section onthe Tight wich information abou Polly Vachers journey © Work in pairs. How many similarities can you find between the two women and theie journeys? How many differences? Contin the iss. Sisarites Differences Debra and Polly both made Debra’ didtstrt asa soo journey. so journeys They are both married. Polly has thre children, © Work ingroups.Disass he questions 1 Do you know af ther people who took on big challenges ike Debra snd Pll? 2 What do you think makes people want to do things ike row across the Audantic and fly around he world alone? Would yo lke vo do something very adventurous or challenging in your lie feo, what? 0 @ UNITS. Welcoming a visitor @ 35 Jamesisin California to visits local wine business. Listen wo his ‘inversion with the receptionist and answer the questions 1 Who does James want to sc? 2 What does the receptionist sk im to do? James ismecting Wayne Brown for the ist ime. Which oftheseropcs do people aften talk about when they meet profesionaly fr theistic? Undecine your choices. the visitor's journey the owiplace they are in the weather ‘other townsleescountries spore thei salaries thei jobs politics holidays ‘workiobs in general G 58 Listenro hee conversation Tk ¢) the questions Wayne asks James How did you get here? How was your fight? Did youhave any problems findings? Did you havea good joweney? ‘Whar was the weather like in London? Is this your fit visto California? G37, Wayne and James have lunch cogether and get toknow each other ‘ete, What does James say about 1 hisfiseeipto California? 2 hiscareein wine journalism? Which ofthe following do you thik are impoctanto make a good conversation? Tick (you choices and ad suggestions. Ta be good at conversition you need to listen carefully. sive only"! oro! answers Show interest and ask questions both isten anal wer questions and add extra information, ‘nly ask questions youae the host. © G37 Lisento james and Wayne again. Lok st @ snd underline what they doin their conversation. Why is this good conversation? Here are some topics peopl often alk about the ist five minutes ina professional situation. Work in groups. Think ofa ew questions for ach opie. Gauche The weathe “(home and away) ren (Gravel, reason for visio eet (amily home life, leisure, interests) cee (likes and distkes, food and drink) SPY (city you arein, other places) {gen cme pj ft plas) (oeal or global) © Now check Pocker Book p.23 fora list of useful questions. © Work inputs. One stadenis the hose and the othe isthe visitor. Choose from he topics in @ and alk togsther for hice minutes. Then change Partners and oes. unirs @ 3 UNIT6 Flying gets cheaper mae jelBlus, nt 29nd Lashes to/tom fhoeni( Aras) ‘ony §59 any Tndangpolstotrom Oeando( Pais) On 79d Wasaga totam Cro Feri) nt s88 ear (Cheage rom Moeax(Araonn| ene 2299 99 £999 500 599 e238 at tars are ney e ° eo Look athe names of some aisins and examples of thei faces, 1 Doyouknow the nationalities ofthese acines? 2 What do you think of he faves? 3. These ailnes are called ‘no-frills’ sirlines, Whatdo you think that means? @ €41 Listen am interview with travel ndosry consultant She describe sik ways no-flls aidines save money. What does she say about 1 method of sling? tickets? 2 3 number of flght artendants? 4 ype ofaicrae? 5 rurmaround ime? 6 sinpors? Work in pairs. Compare your answers for @. @ 64 Listen co the interview again, Check your answers for @. CCompletethe abl. Hf you are no sue of the forms, check Listening sri 6. op. 128-3, Adjective Comparative Superative Regular big base syllable) cheap = few — fewest long longer ie low _ lowest ‘ick = ‘uickere small smallest (2silabes easy the} | case endingin-y) (ormore crowded les! _ crowded syllables) efficient — more — they eas | ecient expensive more most lerogular far factherfurther lie tthe | least many ost ‘Comparative and superlative adjectives ‘Complete the grammar rues, asing the able ian @, and answer the questions, One-syllable adjectives ‘© Toimake the comparative, add-erto the end of the adetive 4+ Tomakethe superlative, ad ofthe adjective tothe end ‘When dows dhe consonant usally double in a one syllableadiecive? Connie ‘Two syllable adjectives ending in -y ‘© To make the comparative change the (0-1 and ad To mmake i sapetatie, change the -y 0 -iand ad Other adjectives with two or more syllables *# Tomake he compacative, pur more ot ess before the adjective # To make the superlative, put before the adjective, Look 3 Listening seript 61 0m p. 128-9. Which ‘words da we use Belore a comparative adjective o show abgger difference? © Dorthey have ax many ight attendants s on texdationasines? Simlleraepors ate usually no as busy asthe big one. 1 Weuseas... asto show somethings thesame ‘ores and nota... as to show is QD retterto0k 2 Practice @ Complete che article. Use the comparative or superlative form ofthe Check Pocket Book p.2 neces adjectives in brackets, No-frills airl nes How do they rate?* Inarecent Which Atines? survey of 6 aitines, the low-cost arin easylet was voted one of the ‘bes (good) atlines, alongwith famous names ike Singapore Aiines, Emirates, SAS, and Thai Airways. Ryenairhad 3 “low rating than east but, not surprising ll the ottis aiines go the tien) Fatings for valve fr money andthe bad ratings for eg room an seat comfort. How to find the cheapest flight The ® important) thing to Femembe sto book as early as possible and to be fleuble about dates, Traveling a weeks and on Fridays and Mondays is [expensive] han onthe other days ofthe week becouse Migs on those days are (crowed). To get the 5 fare, fyon the late gts on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, or Thursdays is = ood) to book oni than onthe phone because athe aitines give adscount fo anne bookings. Delays? Ingengal, nos (baa Fecor for ‘nines ond thee oe samy) Commplaints about delays rom customers of low-cost fines than fom ober aitines tere is 3 technical problem t usualy means a ong) delay than with other airines because lv.cost aiines don't usualy have teva aera they can use Changing a booking you need to change a passenger name or fight bookingit's — "(easy with some airines than with others For example with easyJet Youn £102 make am hang pis ore taney ie fr fo ten “il, Rana 2 = eompieated) system, wit seven itferent types offre, As a general guide, the “(nigh tres are te *fexbie. Mow ety ate? Soest? units @ 57 ion {3 Look arthese phrases. Mark the main stress and ‘underline the sound. 1 @ 62 Lista othe examples, The underlined BYar ean esse coerce sound s/t Isestresed? 2 ahigherfare 5 notascheapas 2 aloteheaper i quicker than 3 thesameas © themost popular thee 4 G62 Listen and check your answers 2G) 62 Listen again, Mark the main sess. 5G) 63 Listen again and repeat, @ Work in pats Look a the information abou four no-fllaicins in 2002, Write sc questions inthe Past Simple. Use adjectives rom the box inthe comparative or supedative fem. Example Which airline cared the highest mumherofpasengorst © Work with ctferone partner and exchange questions, Read your partner’ questosandpreaetie answer When ae ret your ater © G64 Listen orwo people taking abou the methods of travel they we Complete the able. ‘ravelby ‘Speaker Speaker? plane: ‘Bosnesstrins holays holidays ‘underground | | | © G84 Lisen agin, Make note of he comparative and superaive fetes they we Examples faster, most onjoyable © _Workingroups. Talk abour which ofthe methods of ravelin @ you wse and wand ay oer methods you ve “Think about travel = towork * focholidays for busines tips or evening activities © royourEnglshlesson —& at weekends © Workin groups. Tell you colleagues about you best or worst travel experience. Then aaswer their questions about it 55 @ UNITS Air travel file. Word groups Look at che pictures What do they show? Find the words inthe bo: ‘vetheadlocker windowseat check-in desk wicker Jnformation desk arivalsscreen security check trolley passport contol Iandingeaed passport seat belt ffery instructions handluggage —suitese label fight attendant ducy-freeshop briefs. ————alislesea ‘Workin pars. Write he words and phases inthe boxin @ under the comet heading Documents | Terminal Onboard | Luggage ‘boarding card | deparinesscreon | ifejacker | baggage cai z: Do you normally hear the sentences below athe check-in desk (Co onthe BOOT ERE plane (P)? Tek (71 Cor? DOOD Go 7 How much hand-luggage do you have? Do you prefer a aisle ora window sea? 1 3 Could you put your bag inthe overhead locker, please? 4 Did yo pack your hogs yours 5 Plase make ute you tur ofall mobile phones {6 Wesuggest you keep your satel fastened during the ight. Have you left your has unattended at any time? 8. Non-BU passengers ae required fillina landing card {9 Please remain seated uni the aircraft has come to. complete standstill. 65 Listen to some airpore announcements. Number the descriptions below 1 to inthe order you hear the announcement, 2 an announcement fr passengers waiting to get onthe plane 'b asecuriy announcement tal passengers arequestto.a pasenger 4 alastcll tow passengers ‘Workin groups. Choos atopic. Talk about the topic fr one minute 1 My mostecen fight 2 Why Lydon’ fly 3. AleporsHikeldisike Transformations Look the photos. Tell the class anything you ow abour these wo Tete oe Work in pir Stadent A and Student ‘Student A 1 Read about the Musée d'Orsay. 2. TellStudentB about the Musce d'Orsay. Include information about a the year 1900, © aferthewar © 19 I using World Wael, 1973, F 1986, 3 Student B will ell you abour Tate Modern. Ask questions if you don understand anything The Musée d’Orsay “Today. the Musée Ors one of Pass mast mous art maseums.andithat over two illo vistors ene t began fe note a museum bc ain Station and hae Like he Ef! Tower was bul or ha Wor Exhibion of 1900, andunol 1939 was one of heey main stasians Ten tans started 0 get loner and more powerfl andthe plforms at the Ory Station were to shore, Ss after 1939 as used onl for local eins OurngWorld War Ibe rmalingcenere for sending packages to prisoners of war. fer the war erved 35 welcome ceer fr prisoners returning hore e was then used in evra fim ‘ts nding Orson Wale fn of Kaas Teil In 1973 he hotel closets doors for delat ime There were pins to demalsh {he old hotel nd season, and bla age modem hotel in the place Fortunately Anew interest in [century arte saved irom dertrtion ang in 1977, the French government decded vo convert the bung nt mateum of art The Student 8 Read about Tate Modern, Student A will ell you about the Musée d'Orsay Ask questions if you don understand anything ‘TellSeedent A about Tate Modeen, Include information aboot 4 har he building was before it became an art museum. b 1981 the architect ofthe power station 4 two Swiss archtets, © 1995, F 12May 2000 Tate Modern Inthe year 2000 London go ts frst modern ar museum Tae Modern Ie was project to celebrate he Milenim ands now one of London mos popular ‘ruseums is however very diferent rom other modern are mureus Bethe ‘spectacular Guggenheim Museum in Bilao or the Pompdou Centre Pari. Both of hese are contemporary builds, designed tobe museums fart. Tate Modern rtd le not ae muzeum but 3 power station producing elecry for Landon. Construction began in 1947 anit was used a3 power ton und 1961 when the price ofclincreaced an became mare effcento produce clecrcty in other ways The architect ofthe power tation at degre the famous British red elephone box Seventy architects ning ome ofthe barcknawn nthe word etered he competion to deri he museum Two young Swit architect wee the winners ‘Work began in 1998 andTate Mader apened to he pub on 12 May 2000 © The phrases below are from an interview about the two museums. What do the underined words mean? the exterior is very uly 2... amsnonmousamount af space 3 that huge area was the thine hall 4 ideal asan exibition space 5. the museums aresimila in other ways © G 65 Listen waninerview with tourist guide about the Musée d'Orsay And Tate Modern, What does she sy about 1 people opinions ofthe buildings? 2 the space inside the museums? 5 their locations? © Work in groups. Choose topic rom the lst and tell your colleagues about it a museum you know 1 museums you won ike to visti he fture 1 arryoulikelisike 1 abuilding you kedistike © Answer questions fom your colleagues about your ope UNITS @ 6) GX «— Making arrangements June 4 Monday 2 @ unre © Read the lerter and answer the question. ‘Why is Duncan Ros writing to Moni Bresson? Wine + Dine ‘nanan 1stoneol sre tonion calor Te +4¢(02075118579 Fae 4401073317250 mal rssdvineine cae ear resan "hope ouremenbar me on as ea James Tuer intoducedust Vine buses car Lam rng toyoubecause want to push French eton of Wr ‘nd el ik forma long trmbusinesrstonhip wth transite gen _oyoutave tie to oinne for rch one day tics possi ig Tlteephoeyou net week ad youre terested we cn arrangea me Yours sear Ounean DuteanRass tor andPuliher @ G67 Duncan Ross cals Monique a week ater Listen to theit conversation and write down the appoitmeat (day, ime, name of ‘estaurant] in Moniqie' dary © G67 Liswento he conversation again and tick the phrases you hear ‘Making an appointment Saying ‘ve When would heconvenient for you? Yes,.. suits me ne. When ae you fee? Yess that’ fine Is... posible for you? Yes, eanmakeiton Shall wesay 2 ool forward ro meting you. Whattime would sie you? Seeyou on How about... Whar about 2 ‘Changing an appointment Saying ‘no! Pn very soy No, 1'mafrad I'm busy hen Thavetocanceltheappointment _No,1'm afraid I've go another on. appoinement.. Prmafead can manage our meeting... ‘Could we arrange another ie? @ 68 Monique phones Duncan Rossa few day ater Listen to theit sonversation and answer the questions. 1 Whatis Monique's problem? 2 IsDuncan fee on Thursday 17th? 3 Which day sits hoth of them? @ 88 Listenco thee conversation again and ick Y) the phrases in @ you heat Complete the conversation, Use phases rom @). Andrew Hello. that Chris Yes speaking Andrew This Could we serange a meeting to discuss our wip tthe UK? Chris Ofcourse for you? Andrew “next Tuesday morning? Chris No, _ then on Wednesday after Andrew Yes, Chris 302 Andrew +, See you on Wednesda c Work in pars Practise making an appointment. Change roles and make an appointment for another meeting Complete the conversation, Use phrases from @). Armand Hello. tsthat hn Yes, Armand ‘Thisis Ta very sory +. Could we Jon Yes When Armand Is foe you? Jan No How about Armand Yes, Jan Good, ‘Work in pairs. Change the appointments you made in @ above Work in pairs. Role-play ewo more phone call Telephone you colleague and make an appointment for next week Ring agin and change the appoinment units @

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