C of Post-Modermism in A.K Ramanujan'S Poetry Submitted To: Maam Momina Submitted By: - DATED: 6 - OCT-2019

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DATED: 6- OCT-2019

Post innovation could be a complex wonder. It could be a item of sixties. The sixties are a composite

of conflicting patterns, as is post-modernism. Post- innovation is different; it amplifies into the culture
at huge, it characterizes the hypotheses that clarify the condition of world and the arts, and is
responsible for the imaginative control of the inventive expressions. Post- innovation could be
a distant- reaching reorganisation and revaluation not as it were of expressions, music and literature,
but of the exceptionally ideas of what culture and civilisation are, ought to be and can be (Hoffmann
pg. 13). Post- innovation may be a particular philosophy or world see characterized by scepticism,
subjectivism, fracture, multiculturalism and dismissals of terrific accounts. It speaks to a shift within
the hones predominant in innovation and the in whom there's mix of se innovatory ideas
are exceptionally much clear in
music, craftsmanship and writing Post- innovation scholar incorporate Jean Francois Lyotard, Jacques
Derrida and Michael Foucault (Albright pg.

“its substance is both Indian and Western” In his verse there's amalgamation of the conventional and

western, for occasion, in his lyric ‘A River’ he celebrates the magnificence of Madurai city
with conventional Tamil culture, a city in south Indian. He is inspiring normal south
Indian symbolism in spite of the fact that his dialect is English. In Madurai, City of sanctuaries and
poets, Who sang of cities and temples Every summer” The hypothesis of post- innovation depends
on support of a distrustful state of mind. Here Philosopher Jean Francois commitment includes
a incredible centrality. He says that we presently live in an era where the fantastic stories are
declining and are biting the dust out, for occurrence, western grand narratives
of dominion where radical saw himself as the agent of civilisation ad defined the arrange as inverse.
Post-t innovation challenges the extraordinary ideas of middle and favours pluralism to maintain a
strategic distance from mastery of others Lyotard says that it could be a work of craftsman to
challenge the meta- account of innovation.

For such reasons it is differentiated from humanism which considers man as middle of social life
(Leontidou pg. 5). Such meta- story is challenged in Ramanujan lyric: ‘A River’ where he is
foregrounding temples, bovines whereas decentralizing human. He portrays the veneration of
the creatures and has described the common objects such as trees, creatures and streams etc. which
are related to Hindu gods and goddess in one way or another. Ordinarily dairy animals are not
given significance, but here in this poem the significance is given to fringe subjects by giving names
to bovines: Gopi and Brinda. ‘a couple of cows named Gopi and Brinda and one pregnant women’
Similarly in his other sonnet ‘The Striders’ he has given significance and importance to Bugs which are
considered degraded. Post- innovation talks around immaterial subjects and focusses on
everyday unremarkable exercises. Here everything either critical or inconsequential is celebrated.

“And search For certain thin Stemmed, bubble peered toward water bugs” ‘ The
other exceptionally vital include of post- innovation is deconstruction which is created by Derrida in
late 1960s which declarations that all writings have equivocalness. Post- structuralism believes
that there's no one elucidation, each individual has his claim way of considering. The finest for one
person may be considered as most exceedingly bad for other individual. This can be moreover same
in scholarly content. According to post- structuralist whereas perusing a content there will
be interminable number of elucidations. That is to say we can’t deny or claim another’s feelings
as wrong or genuine (Guney pg. 220). Barthes in his’ essay ‘The Passing of Author’ says there's no
single meaning to a content, but or maybe ready to give multiple implications to it and here
meaning gets to be a property of translator. It is cleared out open to all sorts of translations (qtd. In
Butler 23). For occasion, in his sonnet ‘Anxiety’ Ramanujan describes
such sentiments related with uneasiness where he is una

Post- innovators have said so much approximately the control of words and the part they play to

foster certain philosophies. They see dialect as having a specific control. It is utilized to marginalize
certain bunch of individuals. We expect these philosophies as genuine and we go beside them
unwittingly, as realities instead of mentally and politically spurred highlights of our language (Butler
pg. 45). A.K Ramanujan has utilized such strategy in his sonnet ‘ A River’ where he
has utilized Pronoun ‘ He’ to dodge inclination as post- innovation is all around amalgamation
of diverse societies and perspectives and pluralism. Here he challenges pecking order of artists by

“He was there for a day When they had the floods People all over talked of the inches rising” As a
post- innovation writer Ramanujan in his verse tries to appear modern conditions,
social issues, impediments and socio- social concern. In’ A river’ he tells the ancient and modern poets
to appear not as it were joy, but too hopelessness in expansive scale:

“The modern writers still quoted The ancient writers, but no one spoke In verse Of the pregnant

woman Drowned” Moreover, Ramanujan handles the Indian myth
and appears the different incarnation of God. In this respect intertextuality are moreover found in
his verse. He has highlighted Indian culture, ceremonies and rites in his verse.

Incongruity has ended up the foremost frequently cited characterizing characteristics of post-

modernism. Concurring to Samuel Johnson incongruity is a” mode of discourse of which the meaning
is opposite to the words.” It gives us understanding that the words on the page implies something
else at that point what they say. However, it too gives us room for different translation (Stephan pg.
44). This exceptionally highlight of irony is there in his verse and the discourse of Ramanujan as a
post- innovator writer will be incomplete without highlighting incongruity in his verse. In his poem’ A
River’ incongruity comes to to its peak when he names the dairy animals, but
doesn’t specify the title of lady. He too highlights the incapability
of ancient and modern artists to depict the devastation caused by surge.

Be that as it may, it too gives us room for numerous elucidation (Stephan pg. 44).

This exceptionally include of irony is there in his verse and the discourse of Ramanujan as a
post- innovator artist will be incomplete without highlighting incongruity in his verse. In his poem’ A
River’ incongruity comes to to its peak when he names the bovines, but doesn’t say the title of lady.
He moreover highlights the incapability of ancient and modern writers to depict the ruin caused

“a couple of cows Named Gopi and Brinda And one pregnant women” In a nutshell, Ramanujan has
combined the highlights of post-modernism in his verse with his Indian culture to highlight the
changing drift and differing qualities of modern age.

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