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Nomogram for Determination of CCAI 504.26

Page 1 (2) Edition 02


Fig 1 Nomogram for determination of CCAI.

01.34 - ES1
504.26 Nomogram for Determination of CCAI Description
Edition 02 Page 2 (2)


Example: Ignition quality is an important fuel parameter. The

reason why it does not appear in the international
Viscosity: 180 cSt at 50°C specifications is that there are no standardized testing
Density: 990 kg/m³ at 15°C method is non-existent. Therefore, parameters such
as the Calculated Carbon Aromaticity Index (CCAI)
The combining straight line across density (990 kg/ are resorted to as an aid which is derived from
m³) and viscosity (180 cSt) of a heavy fuel oil results determinable fuel parameters. According to our
in CCAI (859). From CCAI, conclusions may be experience, only a rough assessment of the ignition
derived with regard to the ignition qualities. quality of the heavy fuel oil is possible with the help
of this method.
CCAI may be calculated with the aid of the following
formula: However, the CCAI has become so well-known in
widespread publications that, in spite of the
CCAI = D - 141 log (log (v + 0.85)) - 81 reservations mentioned above. We were compelled
to classify the respective MAN B&W Diesel A/S,
Holeby engines according to CCAI-rating, too.


01.34 - ES1

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