Megan Engstrom Unit 1 Project: Classroom Management Plan 3rd Grade

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Megan Engstrom

Unit 1 Project: Classroom Management Plan

3rd Grade
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● Learning Environment:

I plan to have a positive learning environment for all my students. I want all of my

students to get along with each other and accept each other for who they are. In order for this to

happen, I need to create an environment that is comfortable and safe for every student. I plan to

do this by taking the first couple of weeks to let the students tell everyone in the classroom about

themselves. This will allow everyone to get to know each student in the classroom and also get to

know me.

When it comes to teaching the students what they need to learn, I plan to use multiple

strategies for students to learn how they need to. Whether they are a visual, auditory, kinesthetic,

or spatial learner, I want to make sure I use strategies they prepare for them to learn. I want to

teach students using the whiteboard to demonstrate how to solve math problems, listen to audio

tapes of their reading books, do group project in class for science projects, and watch videos or

movies that help tie in what we are learning. Using different strategies for students to learn will

help keep them interested in what we are doing and apply to every different student in how they

prefer to learn.

Being with each other for 7 or more hours per day throughout the week, I want to make

sure the classroom is kept in a nice and organized way. Every time before we leave the

classroom, I want to take a couple of minutes for students to put things away in their desk and to

clean up their area around their desk so when we return to the classroom we can get started on

the next assignment. This will allow us to get the housekeeping skills they need and save on time

at the end of the day.

I also believe students need to learn how to self-manage themselves. In order for them to

do this I want them to think of what they would do at home if they got in trouble with their
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parents. If they get in trouble with me, I want us to be able to talk about why they got in trouble

and what they think would be a good consequence for their behavior.

● Room Arrangement:

When my students walk into the classroom on the first day of school, they will see the

desks are arranged in groups of four. I believe students should be sitting by each other in groups

to get to know each other and help each other when someone is struggling. If this arrangement

doesn’t work out after a couple of weeks or days, I will arrange the desks to be in rows facing the

front of the board so every student can see the board clearly. The teacher’s desk will be in the

back of the room facing the student’s desk so I can see everyone and what they are doing.

Students will be allowed to use classroom materials that I provide. Those materials will

be in the front and the back of the room. Each of these places will have the same materials,

students may need like pencils, paper, markers, scissors, etc. I want there to be two locations of

student materials because I don’t want students fighting over materials, taking too much time for

students to wait on materials, and having plenty of materials per student. If the desks are

arranged in groups of four half of the students in the front groups will go to the front table for

materials. The back two groups of students will go to the back table to get their materials.

Throughout the room, there will be student’s work and projects hanging from the ceiling

and stapled on the walls. Behind my desk will be the wall of excellence, where every week we

track each other’s progress in math, reading, and writing. This is a way for students who are

excelling to encourage students who are struggling or students who are struggling can get

motivation from looking at the board and wanting to do better. Along the entire back wall, there

will be the holiday wall, which will be decorated by a group of student’s artworks. Every group

will get the chance to decorate the wall throughout the school year.
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In the front of the classroom, there will be a wall of rules and procedures so students can

be reminded also on that wall will be the behavior chart. When students have to move their clip

for bad behavior, they can look at the rules or procedures to be reminded of why they are moving

their clip.

Next to the door on the side wall, will be the attendance and lunch count chart. After they

do their morning routine, they will need to move their clip for lunch and attendance. With all of

these decorations and arrangement of desk will make students feel comfortable and welcomed

every day they are in class. The arrangement of desks help the students get to know each other

and help each other when needed, the wall of excellence encourages students to do better and

motivates students to try harder and giving students the ability to use their creativity when

decorating the holiday board. All of these play an important role in making the classroom a safe

and comfortable environment for all students to want to learn.

● Classroom Rules:

1. Please raise your hand to participate.

2. Be nice to each other and other belongings.

3. Make sure classroom materials get back to where they belong.

4. Make sure not to talk when someone else is talking during learning time.

5. Please do your homework and assignments when they are due.

● Consequences for Breaking Rules:

1. If a student breaks the rules of not raising their hand or talking when someone else is

talking, they will get a verbal warning first but if that verbal warning doesn’t work, they

will need to move their behavior clip down. If they move their clip down one space, they

will get time taken away from their personal time in the classroom, where you can read,
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play on tablets, draw or color, etc. If they continue to move their clip down, they will

have a letter sent home to their parents explaining what happened for them to get this

letter sent home.

2. If a student breaks the rule of not doing their homework or working on their assignments

will get a verbal warning to work on their homework assignment but if that doesn’t work,

they will have to stay in from recess or P.E. to finish their assignment. If they continue to

not work on their assignments or homework, they will get a late grade or not a grade at


3. If a student breaks the rule of not being nice to others or their belongings, they will get a

verbal warning but if that doesn’t work they will need to apologize to the other student or

if it’s too bad they will need to meet with the principal to discuss what happened and


● Classroom Procedures:

1. Turning in Assignments (Lesson Running)

Step 1: When you are finished with your assignment, go to the teacher’s desk

where the turn “in” and “out” bins will be.

Step 2: Turn your assignment into the “In” bin and then ask the teacher if they

need to grab another assignment from the “Out” bin. If they don’t need to pick anything up, go

back to your seats and read until everyone else is done.

Step 3: Pick up a new assignment from the “Out” bin and go back to your seats and

start on the assignment by yourself until everyone is finished, and the teacher starts talking about

the new assignment.

2. Morning Routine (Student Movement)

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Step 1: Students will walk into the classroom with their coats and bookbags out in

the hall in their cubbies.

Step 2: First thing when they walk into the classroom go to the attendance and

lunch count board and move their clip to here and what type of lunch they will have for that day.

Step 3: They will turn in their homework from the night before in the homework bin

underneath the board of attendance and lunch count.

Step 4: They will grab the bellwork assignment next to the homework bin. Go to

their seats and start on the bellwork assignment for 5 to 10 minutes.

3. Taking attendance and lunch count (Administrative)

Step 1: While everyone is working on the bellwork assignment, I will go over to the

board of attendance and lunch count.

Step 2: Count all of the name clips of the students here for the day.

Step 3: Count all the hot lunches, cold lunches.

Step 4: Go to my desk and put in the attendance for the day and submit it to the front


Step 5: Go to lunch count in the computer and submit the number of hot lunches and

cold lunches to the cafeteria ladies.

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