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If you believe in something enough, that makes it real. I know that for a fact, because I believe
it a lot. Palm reading is real. ESP is real. Magic for sure is real.

(Hold up book.)

See this? It’s a book of magic spells from forever ago. Like 1990. Maybe even 1980. It says you
need a magic wand to make the spells work, but I’m pretty sure that any kind of stick will do it.
Because I believe that a lot.

(Hold up pen.)

See this? I stole this pen from my brother. It’s like fifteen years old and has a lot of power. I
think. Probably. OK, now watch. This is a spell for weather.

(Clear your throat. Be sure to use big, “magical” gestures when casting the spell.)

Clouds - gather overhead. Text

Skies darken.
Sun go dead.
Air, thicken – turn to black.
Winds roar.
Clouds crack.
Foul breezes howl and blow.
Thunder growl.
Tempest grow.
Earth shake and lightening flash.
Trees break and mountains crash.
Whirlwind shatter, scream and spin.
Lightening, thunder, rain – BEGIN!

(Look around and listen for several moments for any sign of a storm.)

Darn it! Darn it! That always happens.

(Look at your “wand,” then throw it on the ground.)

I need to get a better pen.

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