Current Understanding of Narcissism

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BJPsych Advances (2018), page 1 of 11 doi: 10.1192/bja.2018.


Current understanding of narcissism ARTICLE

and narcissistic personality disorder

Jessica Yakeley

Lasch published The Culture of Narcissism, in Jessica Yakeley is a consultant

SUMMARY psychiatrist in forensic psychother-
which he explores the rise of narcissistic entitlement
This article reviews historical contributions to the and decadence (Lasch 1979). These popularised
apy, Director of the Portman Clinic,
conceptualisation of narcissism and narcissistic and Director of Medical Education at
texts have been paralleled by a growing body of aca- the Tavistock and Portman NHS
personality disorder (NPD), including its evolution
demic interest and empirical research, particularly Foundation Trust, London. She is also
as a clinical diagnosis within the DSM classifica-
tion of mental disorders. It discusses the epidemi- in the fields of psychology, social science and cul- Editor of Psychoanalytic
Psychotherapy and a Fellow of the
ology and aetiology of NPD, noting that empirical tural studies. Within psychiatry, the concept of nar- British Psychoanalytical Society.
studies of both are limited. The challenges of man- cissism has evolved from early psychoanalytic Correspondence Dr Jessica
aging patients with prominent narcissistic traits theorising to its official inclusion as a personality Yakeley, Portman Clinic, 8 Fitzjohns
are presented, and the psychological therapies disorder in psychiatric nomenclature. Avenue, London NW3 5NA, UK.
specifically designed for the treatment of patients
with NPD are summarised. Historical review of the concept of Copyright and usage
narcissism © The Royal College of Psychiatrists
• Understand different models of narcissism Psychoanalytic models of narcissism
• Understand the epidemiology, comorbidity and Havelock Ellis was the first theoretician to use the
theories of aetiology of NPD
Narcissus myth to describe narcissism as a clinical
• Know how to manage and treat patients with
entity, in his description of states of intense autoero-
pathological narcissism and NPD
tism or preoccupation with one’s own sexual body
DECLARATION OF INTEREST (Ellis 1898). Psychoanalysts subsequently elabo-
None. rated the construct of narcissism as a personality
characteristic of vanity and self-love that is not
exclusively sexual, nor confined to the realm of path-
ology, but a normal part of human development.
The legend of Narcissus in Greek mythology, from Otto Rank (1911) wrote the first psychoanalytic
which the term narcissism derives, has become one paper focusing on narcissism, and this was followed
of the most prototypical myths of modern times. by the publication of Freud’s now classic text On
The most popular version of the story is by Ovid in Narcissism (Freud 1914). These papers highlighted
his work Metamorphoses, in which Echo, a mountain the defensive function of narcissism in protecting the
nymph, encounters Narcissus, a beautiful young man, individual from feelings of low self-worth and self-
who rejects her advances. Heartbroken, Echo lives out esteem, as well as conceptualising narcissism as a
her life in desolation until only an echo of her voice dimensional psychological state that ranged from
remains. Nemesis, the goddess of revenge, punishes normal to pathological, forerunning the ideas of
Narcissus by luring him to a pool of water, in which more contemporary personality trait theorists
he catches an image of himself and, not realising it is (Levy 2011). Later psychoanalysts expanded on
his own reflection, falls in love with it. The more he the idea of a narcissistic personality type, for
gazes, the more infatuated he becomes. Eventually example in Wilhelm Reich’s ‘phallic–narcissistic
he realises that his love can never be reciprocated character’ (Reich 1933), Karen Horney’s subdivi-
and, condemned to the same fate that he had inflicted sions of ‘aggressive–expansive’, ‘perfectionist’ and
on Echo, he remains in despair, fixated by his image ‘arrogant–vindictive’ (Horney 1939) and Donald
until death; Echo, at his side, repeats his last words. Winnicott’s notions of the true and false self
Narcissism has become a defining feature of the (Winnicott 1960).
modern era: interest in the concept has captured However, the respective (and conflicting) theories
the imagination of the public, media and literature. of the psychoanalysts Heinz Kohut and Otto
In the 1970s the American journalist Tom Wolfe Kernberg might be said to have exerted the most
coined the phrase ‘the “Me” decade’ to describe the influence on modern conceptualisations of narcis-
rise in celebration of the self (Wolfe 1976) and the sism and on shaping the construct of narcissistic per-
American historian and social critic Christopher sonality disorder (NPD). Kohut’s self-psychology


approach (Kohut 1971) offers the ‘deficit model’ of The field of social–personality psychology and its
narcissism, which asserts that pathological narcis- research on assessment and factor analysis has
sism originates in childhood as a result of the increasingly influenced contemporary theories
failure of parents to empathise with their child. regarding narcissism, such as its links to shame, vic-
The normal integration of the ‘grandiose self’ and timhood and aggression. There is now a large empir-
‘idealised parental imago’ does not occur and gran- ical literature in the field that conceptualises
diose omnipotence emerges as a defence against narcissism as a normative personality trait, which
fragmentation of the self. Narcissistic individuals can be adaptive and maladaptive. Most of this
are prone to experiencing emptiness and depression research has relied on the Narcissistic Personality
in response to narcissistic injury. By contrast, Inventory (Raskin 1979), the instrument most fre-
Kernberg’s object relations approach (Kernberg quently used to measure narcissism, although it
1984) emphasises aggression and conflict in the has been criticised for assessing adaptive compo-
psychological development of narcissism, focusing nents such as self-esteem, well-being and leadership
on the patient’s aggression towards and envy of at the same time as maladaptive features such as
others. In this ‘conflict model’, early childhood grandiosity and entitlement.
experiences of cold, indifferent or aggressive paren- Although the cognitive–behavioural literature on
tal figures push the child to develop feelings of spe- narcissism is relatively sparse in comparison with
cialness as a retreat. These feelings evolve into a that on psychoanalytic and psychodynamic
pathological grandiose self-structure, which approaches, theoreticians and clinicians within the
defends against the child’s rage at his inability to cognitive–behavioural tradition have more recently
internalise good objects. In pathologically narcissis- applied this approach to the study of NPD, in their
tic individuals, primitive defence mechanisms of emphasis on the social learning of core beliefs or
idealisation, denigration and splitting predominate, self-schemas. Theodore Millon’s (1981) social learn-
the capacity for sadness, guilt and mourning is ing perspective proposes that children learn about
lacking, and the main affects are shame, envy and themselves and others from their parents’ behav-
aggression. iour, and in narcissistic individuals, beliefs about
specialness and entitlement are thought to stem
from early parental overindulgence. Others have
pointed to parental abuse and neglect as instrumen-
Social and personality models of narcissism tal in the development of pathological narcissism.
These psychoanalytic theories, based on clinical Beck described dysfunctional core beliefs or
work with narcissistic patients, were paralleled by schemas, stemming from early experiences of
developments in social critical theory. Following adverse parenting, associated with NPD that lead
the sociologist and philosopher Theodore Adorno’s the person to be self-indulgent, demanding and
(1968) proposition that narcissism was a result of aggressive, but also highlighted how these indivi-
the collective ego’s defensive response to industrial- duals often presented with symptoms of depression
isation and the changing economic and social struc- (Beck 1990). Cognitive theorists such as Jeffrey
ture of society, writers such as Wolfe and Lasch Young (Young 2003) have expanded Beck &
documented the rise of the cult of the individual, Freeman’s (1990) original theories of core distorted
self-expression, self-admiration and materialism as beliefs and dysfunctional schemas via integration
key to economic prosperity, happiness and success, with interpersonal and gestalt perspectives and a
away from traditional American societal values particular focus on the role of negative early experi-
anchored in family and community. More recently, ences and affects in the aetiology and treatment of
accumulated empirical research findings from NPD.
studies that document rising rates of narcissism in
American college students between 1979 and 2006
revealed an ‘epidemic of narcissism’ within Narcissism, narcissistic personality
American society (Twenge 2009). Cultural studies disorder and the DSM
have suggested that the USA is seen as a more nar- The widespread use of the concept of pathological
cissistic society, in which individualism, profes- narcissism as a distinct personality type by clini-
sional success, fame and material wealth are cians influenced by psychoanalysts such as
celebrated, in contrast to Eastern cultures in Asia Kernberg and Kohut, as well as psychologists such
and the Middle East, which promote collectivism as Millon, led to the introduction of narcissistic per-
and more shared parenting practices and where sonality disorder into the third edition of the DSM
self-reports of narcissistic traits have been shown (DSM-III) in 1980 (American Psychiatric
to being lower than in Western countries such as Association 1980). The NPD construct was further
the USA (Foster 2003). refined and modified as it evolved through

2 BJPsych Advances (2018), page 1 of 11 doi: 10.1192/bja.2018.20

Narcissism and narcissistic personality disorder

DSM-III-R (1987) and DSM-IV (1994) on the basis

of the empirical findings of an increasing number of BOX 1 DSM-5 criteria for NPD
psychological studies identifying narcissism as a
– Grandiosity and self-importance – Manipulates and exploits others
personality trait. However, these shifts in the diag-
nostic criteria for the disorder were criticised for – Persistent fantasies of success, power, – Lack of empathy
attractiveness, intellectual superiority or ideal – Believes others are envious of him/her and
losing some of the more dynamic variables present
love envy of others
in its phenomenological manifestations. Authors
– Sense of superiority and specialness – Arrogant and contemptuous attitudes and
such as Cain et al (2008) noted that DSM-IV pre-
dominantly focused on the disorder’s grandiose fea- – Wish to be admired behaviours
tures and did not adequately capture the underlying – Strong sense of entitlement
vulnerability that is evident in many narcissistic
Inconsistencies in the conceptualisation of narcis-
sism, including differences in describing its nature Trump, with NPD led the American Psychiatric
(normal, pathological), phenotype (grandiosity, vul- Association to issue a warning to its members to
nerability), expression (overt, covert) and structure stop ‘psychoanalysing’ him, because it breached the
(category, dimension, prototype), were reflected in organisation’s code of ethics by offering a profes-
the limited descriptions of these areas in the DSM- sional opinion without conducting an examination
IV definition of NPD (Pincus 2010). Another criti- and being granted proper authorisation to make
cism levelled at NPD as defined by the DSM is such a statement (Oquendo 2016), and it exemplifies
that it is one of the rarer personality disorders some of the pitfalls of diagnosing personality disor-
found in community and clinical samples, despite ders. The conceptual confusion in defining NPD
the widespread clinical observation of a much may render this disorder particularly prone to being
higher prevalence of problematic narcissistic traits attributed to individuals, especially those in the
in patients with personality difficulties. These short- public limelight, without taking a full history and
comings were to be ameliorated in a new model of examination, failing to confirm functional impair-
personality disorder as a categorical–dimensional ment or diagnosing on the basis of a single trait.
hybrid, which was intended to become the official The diagnostic criteria for NPD in DSM-5, as
approach to the diagnosis of all personality path- noted above, are focused on characteristics of gran-
ology and disorders in DSM-5 (American diosity and entitlement rather than more vulnerable
Psychiatric Association, 2013). This model is manifestations of the disorder. It is now generally
based on the assessment of core aspects of personal- accepted that at least two subtypes or phenotypic
ity functioning and pathological personality traits presentations of pathological narcissism can be dif-
and has received much support from researchers ferentiated: grandiose or overt narcissism and vul-
and clinicians in the personality disorder field. One nerable or covert narcissism (Cain 2008; Pincus
of the main goals of the new classification in DSM- 2014). People with the former subtype may appear
5 was to increase the validity of mental disorder arrogant, pretentious, dominant, self-assured,
diagnoses by incorporating dimensional assessment, exhibitionist or aggressive, whereas people with
which is particularly relevant to NPD, given that the latter may present as overly sensitive, insecure,
narcissism occurs on a spectrum of severity from defensive and anxious about an underlying sense
normal to pathological. However, disagreements of shame and inadequacy. These two opposing pre-
within the personality disorder research community, sentations have been well described in the psycho-
as well as the American Psychiatric Association, analytic literature, exemplified by Rosenfeld’s
resulted in this new model of personality disorder original description of ‘thick-skinned’ and ‘thin-
not being adopted by DSM-5, although it has been skinned’ narcissism (Rosenfeld 1987), ideas elabo-
placed in Section III of the manual (‘Emerging mea- rated by Bateman (1998) and Britton (2003), who
sures and models’) as an area for future study emphasise how the coexistence of thick- and thin-
(Skodol 2014). The diagnostic criteria for NPD in skinned narcissistic aspects in the same individual
DSM-5 (American Psychiatric Association 2013) may be understood as the former defending
therefore remain identical to those in DSM-IV against the latter, and raise some of the technical
(Box 1). challenges of how to address these in treatment, as
described later in this article.
These theories highlight how the narcissistic
Diagnosis of narcissistic personality person’s overt attitudes and behaviours may differ
disorder markedly from their inner subjective experience,
The recent controversy over psychiatrists ‘diagnos- where grandiosity may conceal an underlying sense
ing’ the current President of the USA, Donald of impotence, shame and inadequacy and, conversely,

BJPsych Advances (2018), page 1 of 11 doi: 10.1192/bja.2018.20 3


manifest shyness and reticence may shield a secret for personality disorder: the overall mean prevalence
sense of importance. Moreover, healthy narcissistic of NPD was 1.2% and the range 0–6.2% (Dhawan
functioning may coexist with pathological narcissism 2010). The most recent and comprehensive of
and vary according to context and interpersonal rela- these studies is the Wave 2 National
tionships. Nevertheless, both individuals with grandi- Epidemiologic Survey on Alcoholism and Related
ose and those with vulnerable narcissism share a Conditions (NESARC). This was a large, nationally
preoccupation with satisfying their own needs at the representative epidemiological survey of 34 093
expense of the consideration of others: pathological civilians in the USA carried out between 2004 and
narcissism is defined by a fragility in self-regulation, 2005, which assessed alcohol and drug use, psychi-
self-esteem and sense of agency, accompanied by atric disorders, and the risk factors associated with
self-protective reactivity and emotional dysregulation. and the consequences of alcohol and drug use, by
Grandiose and self-serving behaviours may be under- conducting face-to-face interviews (Hasin 2015).
stood as enhancing an underlying depleted sense of This survey showed an overall prevalence of NPD
self and are part of a self-regulatory spectrum of nar- of 6.2%, with rates higher for men (7.7%) than for
cissistic personality functioning (Ronningstam 2014). women (4.8%). NPD was also significantly more
Confusion may arise, however, in the differential common in Black men and women and Hispanic
diagnosis of NPD from antisocial personality dis- women, younger adults and people who were sepa-
order and psychopathy. The overlap between con- rated, divorced, widowed or never married. High
ceptualisations of pathological narcissism and rates of co-occurring substance use, mood, anxiety
psychopathy is well-documented. In his seminal and other personality disorders were observed
work on the characteristics of the psychopath, (Stinson 2008). The prevalence of NPD in the UK
Cleckley (1941) includes several aspects of narcis- population is not known, as it has not been specific-
sism, such as a sense of entitlement, ego-centricity ally measured in large-scale studies of the prevalence
and lack of empathy, which are reflected in the of mental disorders here, such as the British psychi-
Psychopathy Checklist – Revised (PCL-R; Hare atric morbidity surveys (Jenkins 2003).
2003), the most commonly used risk-assessment NPD has a relatively low prevalence in most clinical
instrument measuring psychopathy in forensic set- samples of patients with mental or personality disor-
tings. Kernberg proposes that psychopathy is a ders (Zimmerman 2005; Katerud 2007). Depression
malignant form of narcissism characterised by and dysthymia are the most commonly found
NPD, antisocial features, paranoid traits and comorbid mental illnesses in NPD. Symptoms of
sadism (Kernberg 1992). However, neither malig- NPD, in particular grandiosity and inflated self-
nant narcissism nor psychopathy is recognised as a esteem, may be seen in the manic phase of bipolar dis-
discrete diagnostic category in the DSM or ICD clas- order, and it is not clear whether the comorbidity
sifications of mental disorders. Features of psychop- between the two disorders is a reflection of shared vul-
athy are subsumed within the broader DSM category nerability or is just an overlap of diagnostic criteria.
of antisocial personality disorder, which is the most NPD is a relatively common comorbid disorder in
common personality disorder that is comorbid with drug and substance use disorders and has also been
NPD. Patients with NPD who also have features of found to be comorbid with anxiety disorders, anor-
antisocial personality disorder and psychopathy exia nervosa and post-traumatic stress disorder.
may present a higher risk to others and may need People with NPD are at increased risk of suicide
to be managed within forensic services. (Ronningstam 1996). The DSM-5 personality disor-
ders most frequently found to be comorbid with
NPD are histrionic personality disorder and antisocial
Epidemiology of narcissistic personality personality disorder (Widiger 1998), which may pose
disorder difficulties in differential diagnosis. The overall rela-
Most of the epidemiological research on NPD has tively low prevalence rates of NPD reported in
been conducted using clinical samples, and studies samples from both clinical settings and the general
measuring the prevalence of NPD in the general population may in part be due to the narrow
population are lacking. Community studies of the concept identified by the DSM-5 diagnosis, which
prevalence of personality disorders have been hin- does not capture the more vulnerable aspects of
dered by their small sample sizes and their confine- pathological narcissism.
ment to specific geographical areas such as
individual cities, limiting statistical analysis of the
sociodemographics of NPD. A systematic review of Aetiology of pathological narcissism and
studies reporting the prevalence of NPD in adult narcissistic personality disorder
non-clinical samples found seven studies that used There is an extensive and rich literature regarding
structured or semi-structured interviews to assess aetiological theories of narcissism, predominantly

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Narcissism and narcissistic personality disorder

from psychoanalytic and psychodynamic perspec- Challenges in the management and

tives, but more recently from social learning treatment of narcissistic personality
theory and from attachment research. As described disorder
above, these theories have been informed by clin-
Individuals with symptoms of NPD may present to
ical practice and treatment for narcissistic patients
primary care services with a variety of complaints,
and it is only in the past 15 years or so that they
although the diagnosis is often missed at this stage.
have been put to empirical testing. Most of these
They seek treatment for various reasons, but a
recent studies have primarily focused on parental
common theme is that their experience of life, and
behaviour, and although there are differences in
in particular of their relationships, does not live up
measures of narcissism and parenting style, ages
to their elevated standards and expectations. They
of children studied and nationality of participants,
often have little insight that their difficulties may
all converge to support psychodynamic and learn-
be due to problematic personality traits and
ing theories in showing that dysfunctional parent-
instead externalise their problems, projecting them
ing is significantly associated with the
onto others. A sense of victimhood or entitlement
development of pathological narcissism in adult-
is common, with the patient blaming others for treat-
hood (for a comprehensive review of these studies
ing them badly or criticising them for faults that they
see Horton 2011). Interestingly, although studies
see in other people but deny in themselves. They
suggest that parental indulgence is associated
may also present in crisis, describing difficulties
with both grandiose narcissism and vulnerable nar-
with or complaints from family, friends or employ-
cissism, parental coldness and emotional control of
ers, or legal sanctions that they do not accept; or
the child are more likely to be associated with vul-
they may be referred to mental health services
nerable narcissism.
because of comorbid mental conditions, such as a
Emerging evidence that very early disturbances
depressive disorder, or suicidality. Other manifest
in the relationship between the child and primary
difficulties include social isolation, sexual dysfunc-
caregiver may be linked to the development of nar-
tion, irritability and aggression, and an increasing
cissism arises from attachment research, in which
reliance on drugs and/or alcohol to elevate mood.
studies have reported an association between
Some report feelings of emptiness, dysphoria and
both dismissing and preoccupied attachment
despair; in others, feelings of shame, humiliation
styles as measured on the Adult Attachment
and worthlessness may predominate, particularly
Interview and pathological narcissism and NPD
in relation to events such as the break-up of a rela-
in adults (Rosenstein 1996; Dickinson 2003;
tionship or loss of their job.
Smolewska 2005; Otway 2006; Bakermans-
The most common entry point for patients with
Kranenburg 2009; Miller 2010; Diamond 2014;
NPD to psychological therapy services in the UK
Fossati 2014). These contradictory attachment
is through the Improving Access to Psychological
patterns (i.e. dismissing and anxious/preoccupied)
Therapies (IAPT) programme, where again, the dis-
have been linked respectively to the mental states of
order may not be immediately recognised. If the
grandiosity and vulnerability found in NPD (Cain
diagnosis is made, patients often reject it as it chal-
2008; Meyers 2011).
lenges their sense of specialness and/or may accen-
Very few studies have looked at a genetic basis for
tuate feelings of low self-worth, shame and
NPD. One such, assessing cluster B personality dis-
humiliation. Patients are rarely referred to second-
orders in 1386 Norwegian twin pairs between the
ary mental health services on account of a diagnosis
ages of 19 and 35, estimated a heritability of 24%
of NPD, but they may present because of comorbid
for NPD compared with 38% for antisocial person-
mental illness such as anxiety or depressive
ality disorder, 35% for borderline personality dis-
order and 31% for histrionic personality disorder
People with NPD are often difficult to engage in
(Torgersen 2008). In another, 144 community par-
treatment, which underscores the importance of
ticipants belonging to 36 biological family groups
gradually building a therapeutic alliance, with
completed the Narcissistic Personality Inventory
mutually agreed goals within a clearly outlined
and a measure of parenting style. Results indicated
treatment frame in the initial stages of any treatment
a significant father–daughter correlation for levels
offered. If a therapeutic process can be initiated, fre-
of narcissism, but close to zero correlations for
quent ruptures in the therapeutic relationship
other parent–offspring dyads. The authors cau-
should be anticipated, often precipitated by the
tiously interpreted this as evidence for a possible
patient feeling criticised or unfairly treated by the
genetic basis, including X-chromosome involve-
clinician. The patient may also resent the perceived
ment, for narcissistic personality traits, with
power or expertise of the clinician and reject
parenting style contributing relatively little (Miles
any treatment offered. Alternatively, narcissistic

BJPsych Advances (2018), page 1 of 11 doi: 10.1192/bja.2018.20 5


individuals may wish to please the therapist and be

their favourite patient; such individuals are often BOX 2 Case vignette: entitlement and
skilled at learning what is expected of them in grandiosity
therapy and may report improvement without evi-
dence of any real therapeutic change. Marco, a middle-aged man, was referred to mental health
As in some individuals with antisocial or histri- services following an overdose taken in the context of the
break-up of a relationship. He was assessed by a female
onic personality disorder, feelings of shame and
higher trainee in general adult psychiatry, who recom-
humiliation arising in relation to perceived slights
mended that he be referred to the psychological therapies
and lack of respect from others may be a central con- service for an assessment for dialectical behaviour therapy
flict for people with NPD and may cause particular (DBT). He reported previously receiving several years of
challenges within the therapeutic relationship. The intensive psychotherapy in his home country with ‘a well-
offer of therapeutic help may in itself precipitate feel- known analyst’. Following this assessment, he complained
ings of shame if the individual equates weakness and that the psychiatrist who had seen him was clearly too
vulnerability with being a patient. Such feelings of young and inexperienced to understand the complexity of
vulnerability may be experienced as intolerable his difficulties and demanded to be seen by a more senior
and may be defended against by projection, grandi- clinician. The consultant psychiatrist, an older man, agreed
osity and omnipotence within the relationship to review him. He noted that Marco probably fulfilled cri-
teria for narcissistic personality disorder, but that it would
between patient and therapist, so that the latter is
be counterproductive to discuss this diagnosis with him.
the one who feels shameful and inadequate. Such
Instead, he acknowledged Marco’s concerns and explained
countertransferential responses in the therapist that, although the female psychiatrist was clearly younger
may be understood psychoanalytically as an uncon- than himself and Marco, nevertheless she was well trained
scious communication from the patient to the ther- and achieved as good results as any other clinician in the
apist of the former’s problem in receiving and service. Moreover, he confirmed that DBT might be a
using help, via the process of projective identifica- suitable therapy at this point, as although it was time-
tion (Klein 1946) in which the therapist is made to limited, it would be more focused, particularly on destruc-
feel feelings that the patient disowns. Returning to tive behaviours such as self-harm, and would give Marco
the myth of Narcissus and Echo, this illustrates the skills to better manage his impulses and emotions, espe-
idea of how Narcissus thwarts a relationship by cially in the context of his relationships. He suggested that
DBT could build on what Marco had achieved in his previ-
turning away from the desire for connection,
ous therapy. Marco subsequently engaged in a DBT pro-
leaving a rejected and vulnerable part of himself
gramme and, although he frequently complained that the
reflected in the character of Echo. Similarly, in treatment was much more ‘superficial’ than his previous
trying to make a connection with a narcissistic therapy, he made some gains, particularly in controlling his
patient, the professional may need to unconsciously self-harm and being able to acknowledge chronic feelings
bear the echo of the patient’s narcissistic psycho- of low self-worth.
pathology and tolerate holding the rejected and vul-
nerable part of the patient’s self.
These treatment challenges highlight the complex
Box 3 lists some common challenges in the treat-
countertransferential responses that may be pro-
ment of NPD. Please note all case vignettes in this
voked in clinicians, such as frustration, anger or
article are fictitious.
therapeutic nihilism, or, on the contrary, feelings of
specialness and therapeutic expertise. This under-
scores the importance of regular clinical supervision, Treatments for narcissistic personality
reflective practice, case discussion groups or Balint disorder
groups, regardless of treatment modality, in which There is no evidence that any specific psychophar-
the clinician’s feelings can be safely explored to gain macological treatment is effective for NPD, although
insight into the patient’s psychopathology and inter- comorbid mental illnesses such as anxiety, depres-
personal difficulties and the way they affect the thera- sion and bipolar disorder should be treated in their
peutic relationship. It should be recognised, however, own right. People with NPD may report being par-
that feelings of shame and resentment in therapists ticularly sensitive to the side-effects of medication,
and other professionals in contact with narcissistic particularly those that affect their sexual function
patients may make it particularly difficult for them or intellectual capacity; they may also resent the
to seek or effectively use supervision, with the idea that they might be dependent on pharmaco-
risk that unhelpful and even punitive countertrans- logical interventions. These factors may reduce
ferential responses by clinicians, for example their adherence to treatment.
refusing access to treatment, may go unchecked The mainstay of treatment for NPD is psycho-
(Box 2). logical therapy. A number of specific treatment

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Narcissism and narcissistic personality disorder

BOX 3 Case vignette: countertransference BOX 4 Challenges in the treatment of narcis-

sistic personality disorder
Andrew had recently come to the UK from the USA, where
he had sought treatment for depression and had been • Premature termination of treatment or sudden drop-out
briefly admitted as an in-patient because of concerns
• Sensitivity to developmental life changes (e.g. marriage,
regarding his suicide risk. However, following several
childbirth, aging) and sudden life events that can disrupt
incidents in which he became confrontational with other
the treatment alliance
patients and staff on the ward when his demands were not
• Rejection of the diagnosis, especially features of grandi-
met immediately, he had been discharged with the
explanation that he had narcissistic personality disorder osity, entitlement and lack of empathy
and was clearly unable to benefit at the time from treat- • Sensitivity to feeling blamed, criticised and unfairly trea-
ment. Still feeling wounded and angry on arrival in the UK, ted, including by the therapist
he again started experiencing suicidal thoughts and was • Poor affect tolerance, especially of feelings of shame,
referred for a psychiatric assessment. He was initially seen humiliation and vulnerability
by a junior trainee in psychiatry, who was unable to com- • Wish to please/impress the therapist or imitation of their
plete the assessment as he found it difficult to interrupt the views without evidence of therapeutic change
patient’s lengthy accounts of being ‘disrespected’ by • Seeking therapy after several failed previous treatments
others, including members of the psychiatric profession.
• Suicidal ideation and behaviour
Believing that a doctor’s professional code of conduct
meant that he should not feel negative emotions towards • Secondary gain from symptoms
patients, the trainee suppressed his anger but was left • Aggressive, antisocial or psychopathic features, which
feeling ashamed that he had not been able to properly are associated with poorer prognosis
assess the patient. Fearing that his supervising consultant • Negative countertransferential feelings in the treating
would reprimand him for this, he feigned illness on the day clinician, which may lead to unhelpful or punitive
of their next scheduled clinical supervision. However, he responses such as excluding the patient from treatment
eventually felt able to talk about this situation in the Balint
group for trainee psychiatrists that he attended, where the
therapist enabled him to understand his countertransfer-
ential reaction to the patient as a projection of the patient’s
feelings of shame and rejection resonating with the trai- therapy; however, group therapy may be effective
nee’s own doubts regarding his competencies and skills as in challenging difficulties related to shame, depend-
a psychiatrist in training. ency, self-sufficiency, and contempt for and envy of
others, although highly narcissistic individuals
may dominate or disrupt groups and compete with
modalities and strategies have been developed and the therapist to be group leader (Box 5).
advocated for people with pathological narcissism
or NPD, but none have been robustly tested for effi-
cacy, and although there is emerging empirical evi- Psychodynamic approaches
dence for their effectiveness, no one modality has
Psychodynamic psychotherapy is grounded in psy-
been proved superior to any other. However,
choanalytic principles, but it is based on a broader
across these differing approaches, common strat-
theoretical framework capturing relational, inter-
egies and techniques have been found to be useful,
personal, intersubjective and embodied experiences
such as the necessity of building a positive thera-
of both the social world and the internal world.
peutic alliance (Box 4).
Psychotherapeutic treatments of NPD have been
developed from within two main traditions: the psy-
choanalytic/psychodynamic and the cognitive– BOX 5 Top tips for assessing and managing individuals with narcissistic
behavioural. These two approaches differ by being personality disorder
based on distinct theoretical models, paradigms
and frameworks, but they share certain techniques • Anticipate being treated as an audience to interpreted as disrespectful or generates a
and therapeutic interventions. There is increasing the patient’s performance feeling of shame or humiliation
support for a more integrated approach to the treat- • Expect to be drawn into lengthy accounts • Avoid directly challenging a patient, even
ment of personality disorders, including NPD of the patient’s life when they express very negative attitudes
(Livesley 2012), with the recognition that different • In interviewing the patient, agree at the • Be empathic without colluding with what
modalities and techniques can be used synergistic- start how and why you will interrupt the patient says
ally and in a step-wise fashion for the different pre- • Anticipate negative responses to perceived • Reflect on negative countertransference
sentations and developmental stages of the disorders. criticism – any comment that may be reactions rather than revealing these to
In most of the psychotherapeutic modalities the patient
described below, the treatment is one-to-one

BJPsych Advances (2018), page 1 of 11 doi: 10.1192/bja.2018.20 7


Transference-focused psychotherapy personality disorder, has been used in the treatment

The most prominent psychodynamic psychotherapy of other mental disorders (Bateman 2012). This
that has been specifically designed for the treatment group and individual therapy is based on attachment
of NPD is transference-focused psychotherapy, theory and it integrates psychodynamic, cognitive
developed by Kernberg and his collaborators in and relational components. It focuses on enhancing
the USA (Clarkin 2006). Originally developed for mentalisation – the ability to reflect on one’s own
the treatment of borderline personality disorder, and others’ states of mind and link these to actions
transference-focused psychotherapy is based on the and behaviour Although mentalisation-based treat-
principles of psychoanalytic object relations theory ment has not been systematically studied in relation
and its technique is aimed at the active exploration to NPD, there are a few reports in the literature of
of the patient’s aggression, envy, grandiosity and mentalisation-based treatment programmes specific-
defensiveness. Interpretations are targeted towards ally designed to treat the disorder (Cherrier 2013;
uncovering the negative transference, challenging Lee 2013) and of the use of mentalisation-based treat-
the patient’s pathological grandiose defences, and ment or mentalisation techniques with patients with
exploring their sensitivity to shame and humiliation; narcissistic traits (Seligman 2007; Rossouw 2015).
the therapist’s countertransference is used as a tool Both transference-focused psychotherapy and menta-
to understand the patient’s projection of unaccept- lisation-based treatment draw from attachment
able aspects of themselves. Transference-focused research in their conceptualisations of the psycho-
psychotherapy is a manualised one-to-one therapy pathology of NPD.
delivered two or three times a week, and it has
been shown in randomised controlled trials to Cognitive–behavioural approaches
improve symptomatic and reflective functioning in Several specific empirically based therapeutic
borderline personality disorder (Clarkin 2007). For modalities developed for the treatment of personal-
more narcissistic patients, a less interpretative and ity disorder from within a cognitive–behavioural
more supportive technique is used. There has been framework have been modified for patients with nar-
growing interest in transference-focused psychother- cissistic difficulties or disorder. These include
apy in the UK over the past decade, and it is avail- schema-focused therapy, dialectical behaviour
able in some National Health Service (NHS) therapy and metacognitive interpersonal therapy.
psychological therapy services. Therapists and researchers have adapted Beck’s
cognitive therapy model (Beck 1990) to treat narcis-
Mentalisation-based treatment sistic thoughts and behaviours. Cognitive techniques
In the UK, mentalisation-based treatment, also ori- such as cognitive reframing, problem-solving and
ginally developed for the treatment of borderline altering dysfunctional thoughts, coupled with
behavioural modification techniques such as
impulse control, maintaining eye contact and redu-
BOX 6 Case vignette: a disruption of group dynamics cing grandiosity, have been demonstrated in narcis-
sistic patients to strengthen the therapeutic alliance
Laura, a socially isolated woman with prom- moments and whether she was even aware of and increase adherence to therapy and therapeutic
inent narcissistic pathology, attended a her behaviour. Laura said she wasn’t sure that goals (Cukrowicz 2011).
mentalisation-based treatment group for she was bored – she just automatically
patients with a range of personality disorders. ‘switched off’ sometimes, especially when
When other group members spoke, she would people spoke too fast or loudly and went ‘on
Schema-focused therapy
frequently lean back in her chair, look bored, and on about their problems’. What gradually Schema-focused therapy is an integrative psycho-
close her eyes and not contribute to the became clearer and could be talked about therapy that expands strategies from traditional
ensuing discussion unless it directly related to more openly over several sessions was why cognitive–behavioural therapy, but also systematic-
herself. At other times she would dominate Laura retreated and appeared to be dismis- ally incorporates elements from object relations,
the group discussion, frequently interrupt the sive and contemptuous when the emotional psychodynamic and gestalt therapeutic models.
therapist and give advice to others about how intensity of the interactions between group
Originally developed by Jeffrey Young and collea-
they should change their behaviour. Another members became too heated. She became
gues in The Netherlands (Young 2003), it is increas-
group member eventually complained that able to identify this withdrawal as a way of
Laura was clearly disinterested in what they managing fleeting feelings of anxiety, inad-
ingly used in the UK and other countries to treat
were saying and that her behaviour was rude equacy and self-consciousness when others borderline personality disorder, and there is some
and disrespectful. The therapist said that he spoke about their relationships: she had been evidence from randomised controlled trials for its
had noticed that Laura seemed to zone out coping only by telling herself that she was not efficacy in the treatment of that disorder (Giesson-
when others talked and he could see that as disturbed as the other group members and Bloo 2006). To date, no clinical trials of schema-
others might interpret this as rudeness, but he that it was a waste of time being in the group. focused therapy have been conducted for NPD,
wondered how Laura felt during these but clinical reports suggest that it may be effective
for the disorder. Schema-focused therapy focuses

8 BJPsych Advances (2018), page 1 of 11 doi: 10.1192/bja.2018.20

Narcissism and narcissistic personality disorder

on challenging early maladaptive schemas regard- disorder, is used as the official diagnostic classifica-
MCQ answers
ing relationships to self and others and on promot- tion system for mental disorders in this country,
1c 2d 3d 4b 5c
ing a healthier ‘adult mode’ of functioning. The rather than DSM-5.
therapist uses a process of ‘re-parenting’, encour- Nevertheless, regardless of whether a formal DSM
aging the patient to better regulate narcissistic fluc- diagnosis of NPD is made, psychiatrists should be
tuations in emotional reactivity and to develop alert to the presence of narcissistic pathology in
empathy for and achieve emotional intimacy with their patients, as it may significantly influence their
others. management and treatment within mental health
services. Moreover, personality disorder services
Dialectical behaviour therapy are increasingly offering a range of evidence-based
Dialectical behaviour therapy is a manualised psychological interventions, and although for the
treatment developed by Marsha Linehan (1993) most part these are not specifically targeted at
in the USA, again originally for borderline person- people with NPD, the adaptations and innovations
ality disorder, for which there is evidence of efficacy in therapeutic technique that are being developed
in randomised controlled trials. It combines indi- by specialists in the field should be of interest to
vidual and group therapy sessions and incorporates any clinician involved in treating this difficult
cognitive–behavioural principles with acceptance patient population.
and mindfulness-based skills originating in Work with these individuals highlights the fine
Buddhist philosophy. Group skills-training ses- balance between healthy and pathological narcis-
sions are used to promote mindfulness, emotion sism, the problems of desire and dependency, and
regulation, distress tolerance and interpersonal the challenges in accepting human limitation, vul-
effectiveness. It has been used with some patients nerability and need that exist in all of us. All clini-
with symptoms of NPD (Reed-Knight 2011), with cians should strive for compassion towards
whom validation is a key technique to reduce the patients at risk of re-enacting the story of
feelings of shame and self-criticism common in Narcissus, who turned away from life and love
the disorder (Box 6). towards the death of Echo and himself in the ultim-
ate narcissistic act.
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Select the single best option for each question stem d is unchanged from DSM-IV b patients with NPD whose presentation is char-
e is best measured by the Narcissistic Personality acterised by prominent grandiosity are more
1 Regarding the concept of narcissism: Inventory. likely to have dismissing attachment patterns as
a Freud was the first to conceptualise narcissism measured on the Adult Attachment Interview
as a clinical entity 3 In the epidemiology of NPD: c studies show that parental coldness is consist-
b Freud, Rank and Winnicott all conceptualised a studies consistently report a prevalence in non- ently associated with both grandiose narcissism
narcissism as a dimensional psychological state clinical samples of 1–3% and vulnerable narcissism
that ranged from normal to pathological b the most frequent DSM-5 personality d Kernberg suggests that a failure of parental
c Kernberg emphasises conflict and aggression in disorders comorbid with NPD are borderline empathy is a main contributor to the development
the development of pathological narcissism personality disorder and histrionic personality of NPD
d social–personality psychology conceptualises disorder e sibling rivalry is likely to be a contributory factor.
narcissism as a maladaptive personality trait c NPD is more common in older White men
e Millon’s social learning perspective proposes d comorbidity between bipolar affective disorder 5 In the management and treatment of NPD:
that pathological narcissism results from early and NPD suggests that both disorders may share a individual therapy is the treatment of choice
parental neglect. underlying aetiological factors b cognitive behavioural therapy has been shown to
e empirical studies have reported that the have superior efficacy to other modalities
2 The DSM-5 diagnosis of NPD: prevalence of NPD is greater in the USA than in c the patient may simulate therapeutic progress
a is weighted towards the vulnerable aspects of the UK. d the patient is best treated by an experienced
the disorder clinician
b is modelled on a dimensional/categorical hybrid 4 Regarding the aetiology of NPD: e patients with more prominent symptoms of low
c is usually welcomed by the patient in providing a a genetic factors are unlikely to have an influence self-worth are less likely to drop out of therapy.
legitimate diagnosis of their difficulties in the development of NPD

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