Dietary Restriction Enhances Neurotrophin Expression and Neurogenesis in The Hippocampus of Adult Mice

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Journal of Neurochemistry, 2002, 80, 539±547

Dietary restriction enhances neurotrophin expression

and neurogenesis in the hippocampus of adult mice

Jaewon Lee,*,  Kim B. Seroogy  and Mark P. Mattson*, ,à

*Laboratory of Neurosciences, National Institute on Aging Gerontology Research Center, Baltimore, Maryland, USA
 Department of Anatomy and Neurobiology, University of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky, USA
àDepartment of Neuroscience, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, Maryland, USA

Abstract The new cells exhibit phenotypes of neurons and astrocytes.

The adult brain contains small populations of neural precursor Levels of expression of brain-derived neurotrophic factor
cells (NPC) that can give rise to new neurons and glia, and (BDNF) and neurotrophin-3 (NT-3) are increased by DR, while
may play important roles in learning and memory, and levels of expression of high-af®nity receptors for these
recovery from injury. Growth factors can in¯uence the proli- neurotrophins (trkB and trkC) are unchanged. In addition, DR
feration, differentiation and survival of NPC, and may mediate increases the ratio of full-length trkB to truncated trkB in the
responses of NPC to injury and environmental stimuli such as hippocampus. The ability of a change in diet to stimulate
enriched environments and physical activity. We now report neurotrophin expression and enhance neurogenesis has
that neurotrophin expression and neurogenesis can be mod- important implications for dietary modi®cation of neuroplas-
i®ed by a change in diet. When adult mice are maintained on a ticity and responses of the brain to injury and disease.
dietary restriction (DR) feeding regimen, numbers of newly Keywords: brain-derived neurotrophic factor, caloric restric-
generated cells in the dentate gyrus of the hippocampus are tion, neurotrophin-3, stem cells, trkB, tyrosine kinase.
increased, apparently as the result of increased cell survival. J. Neurochem. (2002) 80, 539±547.

The brain of adult mammals, including humans, contains epidermal growth factor, and members of the neurotrophin
populations of cells that can divide and differentiate into family including brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF)
neurons and glia (Gage 2000). These neural precursor cells and neurotrophin-3 (NT-3). Data suggest that BDNF and
(NPC) are present in the subventricular zone and in the NT-3 can affect the proliferation, differentiation and/or
dentate gyrus of the hippocampus, Neurogenesis may allow survival of NPC from different brain regions including the
the brain to respond to environmental demands such as subventricular zone and hippocampus (Vicario-Abejon et al.
increased intellectual challenge and brain injury. Indeed, 1995; Lachyankar et al. 1997; Shetty and Turner 1998;
studies of rodents have shown that the proliferation of NPC Zigova et al. 1998; Benoit et al. 2001).
is reduced in association with age-related cognitive decline The impact of diet on brain function and susceptibility
(Kuhn et al. 1996), and that suppression of NPC prolifera- to neuropsychiatric and neurodegenerative disorders is
tion can impair learning and memory (Shors et al. 2001). In increasingly appreciated (Young 1993). Dietary restriction
addition, ischemic and excitotoxic brain injuries (Parent
et al. 1997; Liu et al. 1998), exposure to enriched environ-
ments (Kempermann et al. 1997; Nilsson et al. 1999; Young
Received October 24, 2001; revised manuscript received November 28,
et al. 1999) and physical activity (van Praag et al. 1999) can 2001; accepted November 29, 2001.
increase the production and/or survival of new neural cells Address correspondence and reprint requests to Mark P. Mattson,
in the dentate gyrus of the hippocampus. The signaling National Institute on Aging, GRC 4F01, 5600 Nathan Shock Drive,
mechanisms that mediate the effects of environmental stimuli Baltimore, MD 21224, USA. E-mail:
on NPC proliferation, differentiation and survival are not yet Abbreviations used: AL, ad libitum; BDNF, brain-derived neuro-
trophic factor; BrdU, bromo-deoxyuridine; DR, dietary restriction;
established, but appear to involve neurotrophic factors GFAP, glial ®brillary acidic protein; MAP-2, microtubule-associated
(Cameron et al. 1998). Growth factors that have been shown protein-2; NPC, neural precursor cells; NT-3, neurotrophin-3; TBS, Tris-
to affect NPC include basic ®broblast growth factor, buffered saline.

Ó 2002 International Society for Neurochemistry, Journal of Neurochemistry, 80, 539±547 539
540 J. Lee et al.

(DR) can increase the lifespan of rodents and may ward off formation was saved. The protocol for immunostaining of brain
many different age-related diseases (Sohal and Weindruch sections with BrdU antibody was similar to that described previously
1996) including neurodegenerative disorders (Mattson 2000). (Nilsson et al. 1999). Brie¯y, free ¯oating sections were treated with
Increasing numbers of reports have documented ÔantiagingÕ 0.6% H2O2 in Tris-buffered saline (TBS; pH 7.5) to block
endogenous peroxidases, and DNA was denatured by exposing
effects of DR on the brain. Epidemiological data suggest that
sections sequentially to heat, acid and base. The sections were
individuals with a low calorie intake are at reduced risk for
incubated in TBS/0.1% Triton X-100/3% goat serum (TBS-TS) for
Parkinson's (Logroscino et al. 1996) and Alzheimer's (May- 30 min, and incubated with primary anti-BrdU antibody (rat
eux et al. 1999) diseases. In addition, rodents maintained on monoclonal, 1 : 400; Accurate Chemicals, Westbury, NY, USA) in
DR perform better on learning and memory tasks than do rats TBS-TS overnight at 4°C. Sections were further processed using a
fed ad libitum (Idrobo et al. 1987; Ingram et al. 1987; biotinylated secondary goat anti-rat IgG antibody (Vector Labora-
Stewart et al. 1989). DR increases the resistance of neurons tories, Burlingame, CA, USA, 1 : 200), avidin±peroxidase complex,
to degeneration and improves behavioral outcome in exper- and diaminobenzidine. Stained sections were mounted onto slides
imental animal models of Alzheimer's disease (Bruce-Keller and counter-stained with cresyl violet to measure granule cell layer
et al. 1999; Zhu et al. 1999), Parkinson's disease (Duan and volume.
Mattson 1999), Huntington's disease (Bruce-Keller et al. The total number of BrdU-positive cells in the dentate gyrus of
each mouse was estimated using the optical fractionator technique
1999) and stroke (Yu and Mattson 1999). It was recently
(West 1993) assisted by a computer-based system, StereologerTM
reported that levels of BDNF are increased in the hippo-
(SPA, Alexandria, VA, USA) using methods similar to those
campus and cerebral cortex of rats maintained on a dietary described previously (Long et al. 1998). Estimates of region volume
restriction feeding regimen (Lee et al. 2000; Duan et al. were assessed using the Cavalieri point counting method (Gundersen
2001). Here we show that DR can enhance neurogenesis in and Jensen 1987). Cells in every sixth section throughout the entire
the hippocampus of adult mice, and that this effect of DR on rostro-caudal extent of the hippocampus were counted: the reference
NPC is associated with increased production of BDNF and space consisted of the granular cell layer of the dentate gyrus. For
NT-3. Our ®ndings suggest a contribution of enhanced each section, the reference space was delineated by outlining at low
neurogenesis to the bene®cial effects of DR on hippocampal power (10 ´ objective; on-screen magni®cation ˆ 271 ´); identi®-
plasticity and resistance to neurodegenerative disorders. cation of BrdU-positive cells was accomplished at high power
(63 ´ objective; on-screen magni®cation ˆ 1714 ´). The dimension
of the sampling frames were 92.2 lm in length by 92.2 lm in width
and 12 lm in depth. The guard height for each section was 1 lm.
Materials and methods
The optical fractionator technique estimates the number of cells by
multiplying the sum of cells counted by the reciprocal of the fraction
Mice, diets and BrdU administration
of the region sampled. Volume densities were calculated by dividing
Fifty-six adult (8 weeks old) male C57BL/6 mice obtained from
the number of BrdU positive cells counted by the total volume
the National Cancer Institute were maintained under temperature-
sampled of the reference space. The volume of the sampled reference
and light-controlled conditions (20±23°C, 12-h light/12-h dark
space was the number of disectors multiplied by the volume of one
cycle). Mice were divided into two groups (28 mice/group), an
disector. All cell counts were performed by the same investigator (JL)
ad libitum (AL) group which had continual access to food, and a
blind to the group identi®cation of each section.
DR group which was provided food on alternate days. Previous
studies have shown that rats and mice maintained on such an
alternate day feeding schedule will consume less calories over time
Immunostaining for confocal analysis was performed on 40 lm
and live longer than animals fed AL (Goodrick et al. 1983). For
coronal brain sections as follows. Sections were incubated for 1 h
evaluations of neurogenesis, 12 mice in each group were given a
in a solution containing 2.5% normal horse serum, 2.5% normal
daily intraperitoneal injection of bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU;
goat serum, and 0.1% Triton X-100 in TBS. Primary antibodies
50 mg/kg body weight) for 12 days. Half of the mice in each
were then added and the cultures were incubated overnight at
diet group were killed 1 day after the last BrdU injection and half
4°C. The primary antibodies used were a rat monoclonal antibody
were killed 1 month after the last BrdU injection. The remaining
against BrdU (Accurate Chemicals, 1 : 200 dilution), rabbit
16 mice in each diet group were processed for analyses of
polyclonal antibody against GFAP (Sigma, St Louis, MO, USA,
neurotrophin and neurotrophin receptor expression as described
1 : 500 dilution) and a mouse monoclonal antibody against the
below. All procedures complied with National Institutes of Health
neuron-speci®c nuclear antigen NeuN (Chemicon, Temecula, CA,
guidelines and were approved by the Institutional Animal Care and
USA, 1 : 500 dilution) and mature neuron-speci®c cytoskeletal
Use Committee.
antigen MAP2ab (Chemicon, 1 : 500 dilution). Cultures were
then washed with TBS and incubated for 1 h in the presence
Quanti®cation of newly produced neural cells
of anti-rat IgG labeled with AlexaFluor-488, anti-rabbit IgG
Mice were perfused transcardially with 4% paraformaldehyde and
labeled with AlexaFluor-633 and anti-mouse IgG labeled with
their brains were removed, post®xed at 4°C overnight, and
AlexaFluor-543 (Molecular Probes, Eugene, OR, USA; 1: 2000
transferred to a 30% sucrose solution. The cryoprotected brains
dilution). Confocal images were acquired using a Zeiss 510
were sectioned serially at 40 lm in the coronal plane using a
CSLM microscope.
freezing microtome. Every section which contained the hippocampal

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Dietary restriction, neurotrophins and neurogenesis 541

In situ hybridization followed by Fisher's protected least signi®cant differences proce-

Adjacent, coronal sections through the hippocampus were processed dure where appropriate. The NIH image software was also used to
for the in situ hybridization detection of BDNF, NT-3, trkB, and acquire images of representative sections from ®lm autoradiograms.
trkC mRNAs by using 35S-labeled cRNA probes as described
previously (Seroogy et al. 1994; Seroogy and Herman 1997; Numan Immunoblot analyses
and Seroogy 1999). Brie¯y, the slide-mounted sections were Hippocampal and cerebral cortical tissues were homogenized in a
brought to room temperature, placed in 4% paraformaldehyde for sample buffer (62 mM Tris, 2 mM EDTA, 2 mM EGTA, 2% SDS,
10 min, and washed sequentially in 0.1 M phosphate buffer (PB), 10% glycerol and a protease inhibitor cocktail; pH 6.0). Solubilized
0.1 M PB/0.2% glycine, and 0.25% acetic anhydride in 0.1 M proteins were separated by electrophoresis on a 7.5% SDS±
triethanolamine. The sections were then dehydrated with increasing acrylamide gel, and transferred to a nitrocellulose sheet. Following
concentrations of ethanol, delipidated in chloroform, and air-dried. incubation of the membrane in blocking solution (5% non-fat milk
Sections were hybridized at 60°C overnight in a hybridization in TTBS), the membrane was incubated overnight at 4°C in TTBS
solution consisting of 50% formamide, 10% dextran sulfate, 1 ´ containing a primary antibody. The primary antibody was a rabbit
Denhardt's solution, 0.15 mg/mL yeast tRNA, 0.33 mg/mL dena- polyclonal antibody that recognizes both full-length and truncated
tured salmon sperm DNA, 40 mM dithiothreitol, 1 mM EDTA, forms of trkB (Santa Cruz Biotechnology, Santa Cruz, CA, USA;
20 mM Tris-HCl and the 35S-labeled cRNA probe at a concentration 1 : 500 dilution). The membrane was then incubated for 1 h in
of 1.0 ´ 106 cpm/50 lL/slide. Both sense and antisense cRNA TTBS containing HRP-conjugated secondary antibody (1 : 3000;
probes for each neurotrophin and trk receptor were prepared by Jackson Immunological Research Laborites Inc., West Grove, PA,
in vitro transcription using linearized DNA constructs in the USA) and immunoreactive proteins were visualized using a
presence of RNA polymerase (T3, T7 or SP6) and [35S]UTP chemiluminescence-based detection kit according to the manufac-
(New England Nuclear; Boston, MA, USA). BDNF and NT-3 ture's protocol (ECL kit; Amersham Corp., Arlington Heights, IL,
cDNA constructs (generous gifts from C. Gall and J. Lauterborn, USA). Bands were quanti®ed by densitometric scanning.
University of California at Irvine) resulted in antisense transcripts
that were 540 and 550 bases long, respectively. The cDNA
constructs for trkB and trkC (kindly supplied by D. McKinnon, Results
State University of New York at Stony Brook) resulted in antisense Mice were maintained on either an ad libitum diet (AL) or a
RNA transcripts that were 196 and 300 bases long, respectively. The
dietary restriction (DR) feeding regimen in which they were
trkB cRNA probe detects only the kinase-speci®c, full-length
fed every other day; their body weights after 3 months on the
catalytic form of the receptor mRNA (Klein et al. 1990; Middlemas
et al. 1991; Sternini et al. 1996), whereas the trkC cRNA probe diets were: AL, 32.9 ‹ 0.46 g; DR, 27.2 ‹ 0.35 g (n ˆ 24;
recognizes mRNA transcripts for both the catalytic and non-catalytic p < 0.0001; paired t-test). Mice were then administered
isoforms of the receptor (Valenzuela et al. 1993; Dixon and bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU) and killed either 1 day or
McKinnon 1994; Albers et al. 1996). For posthybridization treat- 4 weeks later. BrdU-immunoreactive cells in the dentate
ment, sections were washed several times in 4 x saline sodium gyrus of the hippocampus were quanti®ed using unbiased
citrate buffer (SSC; 1 ´ SSC ˆ 0.15 M sodium chloride, 0.015 M stereological methods. At the 1 day time point the numbers
sodium citrate, pH 7.0) containing 10 mM sodium thiosulfate, of BrdU positive cells in the dentate gyrus were not
at 37°C. The sections were then incubated in ribonuclease A signi®cantly different in groups AL and DR (Figs 1a,b;
(0.05 mg/mL) for 30 min at 45°C, followed by several washes in Table 1). At the 4-week time point there were signi®cantly
decreasing concentrations of SSC (2 ´, 0.5 ´ and 0.1 ´) at 37°C.
more BrdU-positive cells in the dentate gyrus of mice in
The sections were then brie¯y rinsed in dH20, dipped in 95%
group DR compared to rats in the control group (Figs 1c,d;
ethanol, and air-dried. To generate ®lm autoradiograms the sections
were exposed to b-Max Hyper®lm (Amersham; Arlington Heights, Table 1). The volume of the dentate gyrus was not signi®-
IL, USA) for 11 days (BDNF and NT-3) or 7 days (trkB and trkC). cantly different in mice that had been maintained on AL and
In control procedures, prehybridization treatment of tissue with DR diets (data not shown).
ribonuclease A (0.05 mg/mL; 45°C for 30 min), processing tissue In order to determine the phenotypes of the newly
with 35S-labeled sense strand transcripts for each probe, and generated cells, we performed either triple or double label
processing tissue with no probe at all (positive chemography confocal immunohistochemical analysis of hippocampi using
control), resulted in no speci®c hybridization signal. Film autora- antibodies against the astrocyte protein (GFAP) and the
diograms were analyzed with NIH Image public domain software mature neuron-speci®c protein (NeuN or MAP2ab), in
(Image 1.62) to compare the densities of hybridization (mean combination with the BrdU antibody. At one day after BrdU
corrected gray level) of each probe in various hippocampal sub®elds
administration the vast majority of BrdU-positive cells were
(dentate gyrus, CA1 and CA3) and in parietal cortex in each
con®ned to the subgranular zone of the dentate gyrus and
treatment paradigm. We did not attempt to quantify hybridization
levels in speci®c subpopulations of cortical neurons; the analysis were not immunoreactive with either the GFAP or NeuN
was made on the entire thickness of the cortex to provide a measure antibodies (Figs 2a and b). At 4 weeks after BrdU admini-
of overall levels of mRNA in the cortex. At least six measurements stration, BrdU-positive cells were scattered throughout the
were taken for each probe from each animal. Statistical analysis dentate gyrus. Essentially all BrdU-positive cells that were
included Student's unpaired t-test, and analysis of variance (ANOVA) located in the granule cell layer were also NeuN and

Ó 2002 International Society for Neurochemistry, Journal of Neurochemistry, 80, 539±547

542 J. Lee et al.

Fig. 1 Dietary restriction increases neuro-

genesis in the dentate gyrus of adult mice.
Photomicrographs of BrdU-positive cells in
the dentate gyrus 1 day (a and b) and
4 weeks (c and d) after BrdU administration
in mice that had been maintained fed on
either ad libitum (a and c) or dietary
restriction (b and d) for 3 months prior
to BrdU administration. Quanti®cation of
labeled cells is shown in Table 1.

Table 1 Proliferation, survival and survival rate of cells in the dentate of BDNF, NT-3, trkB and trkC was unchanged in mice that
gyrus of mice fed ad libitum in comparison with mice maintained on had been maintained on DR (Fig. 3). BDNF and trkB were
dietary restriction expressed in pyramidal neurons in all regions of the
hippocampus and in dentate granule cells. The BDNF
Ad libitum Dietary restriction mRNA hybridization signal appeared to be increased in CA1
Proliferation, 1 day 3579 ‹ 222.3 3188 ‹ 116.8 and CA3 pyramidal neurons. NT-3 expression was con®ned
Survival, 4 weeks 992 ‹ 113.5 1404 ‹ 73.7* to dentate granule cells and a small population of pyramidal
Survival (%), 4 weeks 28 ‹ 3.2 44 ‹ 2.3* neurons in region CA2, while trkC was expressed in all
pyramidal neurons in all regions of the hippocampus and in
All mice received BrdU (50 mg per kg) for 12 days. Cell proliferation dentate granule cells. The pattern of hybridization with each
was assessed on 1 day after last injection. Survival of BrdU-labeled of the probes also appeared similar in the cerebral cortex of
cells in the dentate gyrus were determined 4 weeks after last injection
AL and DR mice (Fig. 3). Quantitative comparisons of
(n ˆ 6 per group). All data presented as means ‹ standard error.
levels of mRNAs encoding BDNF and NT-3 revealed
*Signi®cantly different from ad libitum group (p < 0.02).
signi®cant effects of DR. Levels of BDNF mRNA were
signi®cantly increased by approximately 20% in CA1 and
CA3 pyramidal neurons in hippocampi of DR mice
MAP2ab positive (Figs 2c, d, e, g and h, arrow). BrdU- compared to AL mice (Fig. 4). Levels of BDNF mRNA in
positive cells located in the molecular layers of the dentate dentate granule cells and cerebral cortical cells were
gyrus were mostly GFAP-positive (Fig. 2f, arrowhead), unaffected by DR. Levels of NT-3 mRNA were signi®cantly
although some cells in the molecular layers were MAP2ab- increased by approximately 30% in dentate granule cells of
positive (Fig. 2h). DR mice compared to AL mice (Fig. 4). There were no
Previous studies have shown that environmental stimuli signi®cant differences in trkB or trkC mRNA levels in
that increase neurogenesis in the dentate gyrus of the hippocampal pyramidal cells, dentate granule cells or
hippocampus also stimulate expression of the neurotrophins cortical cells in AL and DR mice.
BDNF and NT-3 (Ballarin et al. 1991; Lee et al. 1997; The BDNF receptor trkB exists in cells in full-length and
Young et al. 1999). We therefore performed in situ hybrid- truncated forms; the full-length form is a functional receptor
ization analyses of brain sections from AL and DR mice to tyrosine kinase, while the truncated form may serve to
determine whether DR affects the expression of BDNF, NT-3 negatively regulate trkB by sequestering BDNF. In order for
and/or their high-af®nity receptors trkB and trkC. Examin- the DR-induced increase of BDNF expression to enhance
ation of the pseudocolor densitometric images of autoradio- BDNF signaling in target neurons, it is essential that levels of
grams revealed that the overall cellular pattern of expression functional trkB are maintained. We therefore determined

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Dietary restriction, neurotrophins and neurogenesis 543


Fig. 3 Pseudocolor densitometric images of ®lm autoradiograms

showing hybridization levels of BDNF, NT-3, trkB and trkC mRNAs in
hippocampi from a control mouse fed ad-libitum (AL) and a mouse that
had been maintained for 3 months on dietary restriction (DR). Arrows
indicate regions of increased mRNA expression in the DR mice.

Fig. 2 Confocal images documenting the phenotypes of newly gen-

erated cells in the dentate gyrus of mice that had been maintained on a
dietary restriction feeding regimen. Sections were triple-labeled with
either antibodies against BrdU (green, newborn cells), GFAP (white,
astrocyte antigen) and NeuN (red, neuronal antigen) (a±d), or BrdU
(green), GFAP (white) and MAP2ab (red) (g and h). (f) shows the
molecular layer of the dentate gyrus in a section double labeled with
antibodies against BrdU (green) and GFAP (red) (the arrowhead
points to a double-labeled cell). Most of the BrdU-positive cells in the
dentate gyrus did not exhibit a neuronal or astrocyte antigen 1 day Fig. 4 Dietary restriction increases BDNF mRNA levels in CA1-3
after BrdU administration (a and b). Four weeks after BrdU adminis- pyramidal cells and NT-3 levels in dentate gyrus granule cells.
tration, the majority of cells labeled with BrdU were also immunore- Densitometric analyses of hybridization levels of BDNF, NT-3, trkB
active with the NeuN antibody (arrows in c and e). The neuronal and trkC mRNAs were performed on autoradiograms of hippocampal
phenotype of newborn cells on 4 weeks after BrdU administration was brain sections from mice that had been maintained for 3 months on AL
con®rmed by immuno¯uorescence using antibodies to another neu- or DR diets. Values are the mean and SE of determinations made in
ronal marker MAP2, which labeled cell bodies and dendrites of granule six mice per group. *p < 0.02, **p < 0.01 compared to corresponding
neurons (arrows in g and h). value for mice fed AL [ANOVA with Fisher's protected least signi®cant
difference procedure (PLSD)].

relative levels of full-length and truncated trkB in hippo-

campal and cortical tissue from AL and DR mice (Fig. 5a). of DR mice compared to AL mice (Fig. 5b). Levels of full-
The ratio of full-length trkB to truncated trkB was signi®- length and truncated trkB in the cerebral cortex were not
cantly increased by approximately 25% in the hippocampus different in AL and DR mice.

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544 J. Lee et al.

(a) CORTEX (b)


Fig. 5 The ratio of full-length to truncated trkB is increased in the lane was loaded with a sample (50 lg) from a different mouse.
hippocampus of mice maintained on DR. (a) Proteins in homogenates (b) Densitometric analyses of full-length and truncated trkB levels were
of hippocampus and cerebral cortex from AL and DR mice were performed on immunoblots. Values are the mean and SE of determi-
subjected to immunoblot analysis using antibodies that selectively nations made in six mice per group. **p < 0.01 compared to corre-
recognize either full-length (145 kDa) or truncated (95 kDa) trkB. Each sponding AL value (ANOVA with PLSD test).

increase in hippocampal volume. On the other hand, it is

possible that DR also affects the rate of loss of granule
The present ®ndings establish an effect of diet on the neurons or their size, or DR might affect gliogenesis or
expression of neurotrophins and on neurogenesis in the activation of glial cells (activated astrocytes increase in size).
hippocampus of adult mice. DR had no signi®cant effect on Indeed, it has been reported that DR can reduce activation of
the proliferation of NPC; instead, DR enhanced neurogenesis astrocytes (Major et al. 1997).
by increasing the survival of newly generated cells. Some of Our ®ndings suggest a role for neurotrophins in mediating
the newly generated cells were localized to the dentate the positive effects of DR on neurogenesis. The expression of
granule cell layer and expressed NeuN suggesting that they BDNF was increased in CA1 and CA3 pyramidal neurons,
had differentiated into granule neurons, in agreement with and the expression of NT-3 was increased in granule neurons
previous reports that the majority of newly generated cells in of the dentate gyrus, in mice maintained on DR. The ratio of
the dentate gyrus migrate into the granule cell layer and full-length to truncated trkB was increased in hippocampus
display neuron-like properties (Parent et al. 1997; Young which, in the presence of increased BDNF, would be
et al. 1999). A previous study showed that mice maintained expected to result in increased signaling via trkB. BDNF
in an enriched environment exhibit increased neurogenesis in can promote the survival and differentiation of hippocampal
the dentate gyrus, and a signi®cant increase in the total NPC in culture (Lowenstein and Arsenault 1996; Shetty and
number of dentate granule neurons, compared with litter- Turner 1998) and of newly generated embryonic hippocam-
mates housed in standard cages (Kempermann et al. 1997). pal and cortical neurons (Cheng and Mattson 1994; Mattson
Another study showed that rats raised in an enriched et al. 1995; Cheng et al. 1997; Hetman et al. 1999). Further
environment exhibit increased neurogenesis (Nilsson et al. evidence that BDNF mediates the effects of DR on
1999). Similar to the effect of DR, the enriched environment neurogenesis comes from studies showing that stimuli that
did not increase NPC proliferation but did increase survival increase neurogenesis in the dentate gyrus also increase
of the NPC progeny. This suggests that environmental BDNF expression including seizure activity (Parent et al.
enrichment and DR share a common mechanism of action in 1997; Lowenstein and Arsenault 1996; Lee et al. 1997),
increasing the number of newly generated dentate cells. The ischemia (Lindvall et al. 1992; Liu et al. 1998) and an
progeny of many NPC may undergo apoptosis, as indicated enriched environment (Cameron et al. 1998; Young et al.
by a decrease in the number of BrdU-positive cells with 1999). A study of primary hippocampal progenitor cells in
increasing time postlabeling. Consistent with this interpreta- culture showed that NT-3 and BDNF promote neuronal
tion, environmental enrichment reduces spontaneous death of differentiation as indicated by increased expression of
newly generated neural cells in the hippocampus (Young glutamate receptors (Sah et al. 1997). NT-3 promotes the
et al. 1999). We did not observe a signi®cant effect of DR on maturation of the immature cells in the embryonic striatum
the volume of the dentate gyrus, despite a signi®cant increase into neurons that produce one or more neurotransmitters and
in the survival of BrdU-labeled cells. This result is similar to (Vicario-Abejon et al. 1995), and also promotes differenti-
that observed in animals maintained for several months in an ation of adult hippocampal NPC (Takahashi et al. 1999).
enriched environment (van Praag et al. 1999). Perhaps a Studies of mice lacking NT-3 revealed a requirement for this
more prolonged period of DR would result in a measurable neurotrophin for the survival of certain populations of NPC

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Dietary restriction, neurotrophins and neurogenesis 545

and their neuronal and glial progeny (El Shamy et al. 1998; synaptic plasticity in hippocampal slices have shown that
Kahn et al. 1999). BDNF plays an important role in learning and memory
It has been reported that the proliferation of NPC is rapidly (Levine et al. 1995; Minichiello et al. 1999). The ability of a
increased in response to kainic acid-induced seizures and change in diet to affect neurotrophin expression and neuro-
ischemic stroke in the adult brain; these insults also increase genesis therefore has important implications for brain
the production of several different neurotrophic factors function in humans. For example, it may be possible
and cytokines including BDNF (Mattson and Lindvall to establish dietary regimens that enhance learning and
1997). Under basal conditions, NT-3 is expressed in the memory, increase resistance of neurons to neurodegenerative
hippocampus predominately in dentate granule neurons and conditions, and improve outcome following brain injury. In
CA2 pyramidal neurons, and is down-regulated in dentate this view, brain healthspan might be increased through
neurons following seizures (Rocamora et al. 1992; Lowen- dietary manipulations.
stein and Arsenault 1996). In contrast, we found that NT-3
expression was increased in dentate neurons in response to
DR. Because BDNF and NT-3 can promote differentiation
and survival of granule neurons, the DR-induced increases in We thank K. Lundgren for technical assistance, and M. Rao and
BDNF and NT-3 levels may enhance the production of new D. Ingram for valuable discussions. Supported by the NIA and
granule neurons. a grant to KBS from the NINDS (NS39128).
The mechanism whereby DR up-regulates BDNF and
NT-3 production and enhances neurogenesis is not known. References
One possibility is that DR induces a mild metabolic stress
Albers K. M., Perrone T. N., Goodness T. P., Jones M. E., Green M. A.
response in neurons, a possibility supported by data showing
and Davis B. M. (1996) Cutaneous overexpression of NT-3
that levels of the stress protein chaperones HSP-70 and increases sensory and sympathetic neuron number and enhances
GRP-78 are increased in neurons in the brains of rats touch dome and hair follicle innervation. J. Cell Biol. 134,
and mice maintained on DR (Duan and Mattson 1999; Yu and 487±497.
Mattson 1999), and that more severe metabolic (ischemic) Ballarin M., Ernfors P., Lindefors N. and Persson H. (1991) Hippo-
campal damage and kainic acid injection induce a rapid increase in
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