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The Relationship of Providing Information with Anxiety Levels in

Preoperative Patients in Kenanga I and Melati III Rooms

RSUD Dr. Pirngadi Medan in 2019
Khairunnisa Lubis
Poltekkes Kemenkes RI Medan Department of
Nursing Email: khairunlubid1828@gmail.com
Pre operation means a state / time before surgery is performed. Pre surgery is the phase that begins when the
decision to undergo surgery or surgery is made and ends when the patient is transferred to the operating table. Based
on data obtained from the World Health Organization (WHO) 2011-2012, the number of patients with surgery has
increased significantly from year to year. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between the
provision of information and the level of anxiety in preoperative patients in Kenanga I and Melati III Hospital Dr.
Pirngadi Medan. This research method is descriptive with cross sectional design, population 974 respondents,
sampling using accidental sampling technique with a sample size of 42 respondents, using observation sheets and
questionnaires. Based on the results of the study, it was found that the majority of respondents who received less
information were 24 people (57.1%) and the majority of respondents experienced moderate anxiety as many as 22
people (52.4%). The results of the research that was carried out on 42 respondents obtained the conclusion in this
study that the provision of information with anxiety levels obtained p value = 0.001 (p <0.05) with a 95%
confidence level. This shows statistically that there is a significant relationship between providing information with
the level of anxiety in preoperative patients. The results of the research that was carried out on 42 respondents
obtained the conclusion in this study that the provision of information with anxiety levels obtained p value = 0.001
(p <0.05) with a 95% confidence level. This shows statistically that there is a significant relationship between
providing information with the level of anxiety in preoperative patients. The results of the research that was carried
out on 42 respondents obtained the conclusion in this study that the provision of information with anxiety levels
obtained p value = 0.001 (p <0.05) with a 95% confidence level. This shows statistically that there is a significant
relationship between providing information with the level of anxiety in preoperative patients.
Keywords : Provision of Information, Level of Anxiety, Pre Operation.

PRELIMINARY in the category done immediately. This anxious

Surgery is a form of therapeutic effort that can reaction will continue if the client has never received
threaten the integrity of a person's body and soul. The or lacks information related to the disease and the
planned operation can elicit both physiological and actions that will be taken against him. Carbonel
psychological responses in the patient. The (2004) says that everyone has experienced periods of
psychological response that usually occurs in anxiety, especially patients who are going to undergo
preoperative patients is anxiety (Rohmawati, 2012). surgery. Anxiety is a clear clinical symptom seen in
Based on data obtained from the World Health patients with medical management. Carpenito (2006)
Organization (WHO) 2011-2012, the number of says that 90% of preoperative patients experience
patients with surgery has reached a very significant anxiety (Nuraeni 2015).
rate from year to year. It was recorded that in 2011 According to Solehati and Kosasih (2018) anxiety
there were 140 million patients in all hospitals in the is a universal human experience, an unpleasant
world, while in 2012 the data had increased by response, full of worry, an unexpressed and
148 million people. Based on WHO data in 2007, the undirected fear because a source of threat or thoughts
United States analyzed data from 35,539 surgery of something that will come is unclear and
patients admitted to the intensive care unit between unidentified.
October 10, 2003 and September 30, 2006, of 8,922 The results of the research by Rohmawati (2012)
patients (25.1%) had psychiatric conditions and 2,473 that patients who experience mild anxiety are likely
patients (7%). ) experiencing anxiety before surgery due to the fact that the patient has received complete
(Hasanah, 2017). information about the results of the examination and
Treatment actions that cause a lot of anxiety, the reasons for surgery and the possibilities that occur
namely surgery which is a very frightening if the operation is not performed, so that the patient
experience, both for health people themselves and for can consider the benefits obtained if the patient is not.
ordinary people, especially those that are not planned performed surgery. The patient can
if the surgery is carried out including
prepare yourself physically and mentally to face the surgery that will be performed so that you experience mild
anxiety. Patients who experience moderate and severe measurement of anxiety using the HRS-A (Hamilton
anxiety may be caused by the patient not getting Rating Scale For Anxiety) measurement tool.
detailed information about his health condition and
the operation to be performed. The patient feels the RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
operation is a threat to his integrity.
The results of Nuraeni's (2015) study show that a 1. Univariate Analysis
person's low level of knowledge increases the The form of univariate analysis depends on the
patient's anxiety level. The anxiety experienced by type of data. In general, this analysis only produces
the operation was good, the anxiety when going to the frequency distribution and presentation of each
undergo surgery was lower than that of people who variable.
had poor knowledge. This is understandable because Table 1.1
the pre-surgical information provided by the officer Frequency Distribution of Respondents in
aims to rectify the patient's inaccurate perception or Preoperative Patients Based on Information
understanding of the operation. Giving in Kenanga I and Melati III Rooms
Based on the prevalence of data obtained at RSUD Dr. Pirngadi Medan
Dr.Pirngadi Hospital in Medan from January to
December 2018, in Kenanga I room totaled 538
patients and Melati III amounted to 436 patients who No. Giving Frequency %
would undergo surgery.
1 Enough 18 42.9
Based on the description above, the researcher is
2 Less 24 57.1
interested in conducting research on "The
Total 42 100.0
Relationship of Providing Information to
Preoperative Patients with Anxiety Levels in
Kenanga I and Melati III Rooms at Dr. Pirngadi From table 1.1 above, it is found that the majority
Medan in 2019 ". of respondents who received less information were
24 people (57.1%).
Table 1.2
The type of research used in this research is Frequency Distribution of Respondents in
analytic, which is to find the relationship between the Preoperative Patients by Level of Anxiety in
independent variable and the dependent variable. This Kenanga I and Melati III Rooms
research uses a cross-sectional design, which is a RSUD Dr. Pirngadi Medan
study to study the dynamics of the correlation
between risk factors and effects, by approaching, No Anxiety Level Frequenc %
observing, or collecting. data at once at a time (point . y
time approach). This means that each subject is 1 Light 3 7.1
observed only once and the measurement of the 2 Moderate 22 52.4
subject variable is carried out during the examination 3 No worries 17 40.5
(Notoatmodjo, 2012). The location of this research Total 42 100.0
will be conducted in the Kenanga I and Melati III
rooms at the Dr Pirngadi Hospital, Medan City. Based on Table 1.2 above, it was found that the
The population in this study were all preoperative majority of respondents experienced moderate
patients undergoing treatment at RSUD Dr. Pirngadi anxiety as many as 22 people (52.4%).
Medan. It is known that the number of patients who
will undergo surgery is 974 people in 2018. And the 2. Bivariate Analysis
sample size in this study was 42 people using the Bivariate analysis was carried out on two
Slovin formula. variables that were thought to be related or correlated
In this study the researchers used a different using the chi-square (x2) statistical test, which was to
questionnaire, the questionnaire for providing see the relationship between providing information
information used standard operational procedures for and anxiety levels in preoperative patients, as shown
providing information before surgery and the in the table below:
questionnaire for the level of anxiety researchers
used. Table 1.3
Frequency Distribution of Respondents Based on
Providing Information with Anxiety Levels in
Preoperative Patients in Kenanga I and Melati III
RSUD Dr. Pirngadi Medan
Anxiety level
Light % Modera % No % Total % p value
Information te
Enough 1 2.4 4 9.5 13 31.0 18 42.9
Less 2 4.8 18 42.9 4 9.5 24 57.1
Total 3 7.1 22 52.4 17 40.5 42 100.0

Based on Table 1.3 above, the results of the chi- surgery, so that patients who previously did not know
square analysis (Pearson Chi-Square) provide any information about pre surgery became aware and
information with the level of anxiety, the p value = were even able to control their minds to remain calm
0.001 (p <0.05) with a confidence level of 95 in the face of surgery. Based on the research
%. This shows statistically that there is a significant conducted, there was no Standard Operating
relationship between providing information with the Procedure on Giving Pre Operations in the Room.
level of anxiety in preoperative patients.
2. Anxiety Level
DISCUSSION Anxiety is a natural disorder characterized by
deep and continuous feelings of fear or worry, does
1. Provision of Information not experience disturbances in assessing reality,
Provision of information is all information personality is still intact, behavior can be disturbed,
provided by nurses or other medical personnel to but is still within normal limits. (Jaya, 2017)
patients about the preparation and basic procedures The results showed that the majority of
for surgery. respondents experienced moderate anxiety as many
The results showed that the majority of as 22 people (52.4%), while this result is in line with
respondents who received less information were 24 Nuraeni (2015), namely patients in the Cideres
people (57.1%). These results are in line with Hospital Surgery room in 2015 out of 71 respondents
research by Nuraeni (2015) that 23 adult surgical as many as 37 people (52.1%) experienced moderate
patients out of 71 respondents with less knowledge anxiety levels. These results indicate that most adult
(32.4%). These results indicate that the surgical surgical patients have moderate anxiety. Meanwhile,
patient is agedadults are almost half of that according to Jaya (2017), usually in anxiety, patients
respondents less experience internal obstaclespay attention to certain
knowledgeable about preoperative information. things, however could
According to Baradero, Dayrit and Siswandi (2008), do or pay attention to those things when asked, have
the benefit of pre-surgical information provision is to enough difficulty concentrating, difficulty in adapting
meet individual needs for knowledgesurgery, and analyzing, changes in voice or tone, breathing
increasing the safety of the patient , and pulse increases and
increase psychological and physiological comfort, tremor.
meanwhile according to Wiramiharja (2004) in Therefore, researchers assume that most patients
Nuraeni (2015) people who have knowledge about who will undergo surgery experience anxiety because
preoperative information well, they are worried about the condition of the disease,
anxiety when going to undergo surgery is lower than worry that they will not recover, worry about the
that of people who have poor knowledge. This is failure of the operation, there is no experience, lack
understandable because the pre-surgical information of information from the hospital or other people, and
provided by the officer aims to straighten the patient's the type of surgery performed is high risk. against
perception or understanding death.
less precise about surgery.
Therefore, the researchers assumed that the lack 3. Relationship of Providing Information with
of information was due to the pre-surgical standard Anxiety Level in Preoperative Patients
operational procedures regarding the provision of Based on the results of the study, it was found that
insufficient information by nurses and other medical the majority of respondents who received less
personnel to patients. Providing information about a information were 24 people (57.1%) and the majority
good preoperative procedure is needed before the of respondents experienced moderate anxiety as
patient will be done many as 22 people (52.4%).
Based on the results of the chi-square analysis between providing information with the level of anxiety
(Pearson Chi-Square) providing information with in preoperative patients.
anxiety levels obtained p value = 0.0001 (p <0.05) The results of this study are in line with Sawitri and
with a confidence level of 95%. This shows Sudaryanto (2008) with the title "The Effect of
statistically that there is a significant relationship Providing Pre-Surgical Information on Anxiety Levels
in Major Pre-Surgical Patients at the Orthopedic provide good information to patients in order to
Ward, Kustati Hospital, Surakarta." major minimize the level of anxiety in patients who will
preoperative patients. perform surgery.
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