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English Report

About the Report Text and Difficult Word With its Meaning

Baby Ayline Kurniawan/ IX B/ 06

Parents Student

(Caroline) English Teacher (Baby A.K)

(Mrs. Febri)
The Lions

The Lion is one of the largest, strongest and powerful felines in the world second only in size
to the Siberian Tiger. Although Lions are able to make a number of different sounds it is their
roar that is most distinctive and not only serves to warn off strange males, but also allows
members of the pride to find one another as it’s sound can travel up to six miles.
Lions have a short coat of tawny or golden fur with a long tail that has a tuft of longer fur at
the end. The markings on their coats are much fainter than the bold stripes and spots
displayed on other felines which helps these large carnivores in going unseen when stalking
prey in the long grasses. The males are taller and heavier than females and displaying a mane
of long hair around their faces (in fact, it is the only case in the feline world where males and
females actually look different). Thought to be connected with testosterone levels, the mane
of the male Lion ranges from blonde, to red, brown and black in colour and covers their head,
neck and chest. Lions have strong and powerful jaws that contain 30 teeth in total which
includes four fang-like canines and four carnassial teeth that are perfectly designed for slicing
through flesh.
Lions live together in strong social groups called a pride which is made up of 5-15 related
females and their cubs along with a generally single male (small groups of 2 or 3 though are
not uncommon). Male Lions patrol a territory of around 100m² marking trees and rocks with
urine and roaring to warn off intruders.  The Lionesses in the pride hunt together meaning
that they are not only more successful on their trips, but they are also able to catch and kill
animals that are both faster than them and much bigger. Young Lion cubs spend a great deal
of time playing together which actually helps them to develop their hunting techniques.
The Lion is a carnivorous. Unlike other felines, Lions are not solitary hunters but instead the
Lionesses work together in order to chase down and catch their prey with each female having
a different strategic role. This strategy allows them to kill animals that are both faster and
much larger than they are including Buffalo, Wildebeest and even Giraffe.
The difficult words and its meaning :
1. Felines, it means the animal who entries cat category or cat family; like a cat
(binatang yang termasuk keluarga kucing; seperti kucing).
2. Distinctive, it means special, different from others, specifically for (special; khusus;
berbeda dari yang lain; spesifik).
3. Coat, it means fur or hair covering an animal’s body (jas; mantel; lapisan).
4. Tawny, it means orange - brown (kuning; kecoklatan).
5. Fainter, it means indistinct; not intense (redup; perlahan).
6. Fang-like canines, it means long sharp tooth like a dog’s tooth (gigi taring seperti
7. carnassial, it means tooth are sharp (karnasial; gigi taring; gigi runcing).
8. Lionesses, it means the female lions (singa-singa betina).

The word “tsunami” comes from the Japanese language meaning Great Waves (Tsu: port and
Nami: wave). Adapan agreed definition many people is a tsunami is a natural disaster caused
by rising sea waves to the mainland at high speeds due to the earthquake centered under the
sea. The quake could have been caused by soil erosion, the plates were shifting, volcanic
eruptions and who experienced meteor that crashed in the ocean. This usually happens when
the tsunami earthquakes exceeding magnitude 7 on the Richter scale. Tsunami is quite
dangerous, especially for those who live in Area beach. With great power, he will sweep
everything in its path.

When talking about the tsunami, then we would have to start from the cause, namely the
earthquake in the ocean. Tsunami always preceded a powerful movement that we commonly
call the earthquake. Although it is known that there are various types of this earthquake, but
90% of the tsunami caused by the movement of the plates in the earth that happened to be
located in areas of the oceans. It should be also mentioned, the history of tsunamis ever
recorded due to the eruption of Krakatoa.

An earthquake in the bowels of the earth will result in the emergence of pressure to the
vertical direction so that the bottom of the sea will rise and fall in a short time span. This will
then lead to an imbalance in the ocean water which is then pushed into a large wave that
moves reached the mainland.

With great power there in the water waves, naturally if the buildings on the mainland can be
washed away easily. The tsunami waves propagate at speeds unimaginable. He could reach
500 to 1000 kilometers per hour at sea. And when it reaches the shore, the speed is reduced to
50 to 30 kilometers per hour. Although reduced rapidly, but the pace was able to cause severe
damage to humans.

If we look at the tsunami, of course we understand that there is no human intervention in it.
Thus, we do not have control to prevent these causes. However, the preparation and
maximum vigilance, we can minimize the impact of the tsunami itself. A good example has
been shown in Japan. Although prone to tsunamis, but the awareness of people able to reduce
the number of victims of the disaster
The difficult words and its meaning :

1. Disaster, it means sudden great misfortune (bencana; kemalangan; malapetaka).

2. Mainland , it means country or continent without its adjacent islands (tanah daratan).
3. Crash, it means sudden loud noise; violent collision (tubrukan; dentaman).
4. Preced, it means come or go before in time or order (mendahului).
5. Propagate , it means spread (news, etc.); transmit (menyebarkan; memperbanyak).
6. Unimaginable , it means not flawed; not sanctioned (tidak bercela; tidak becacat;
tidak dapat disangsikan).
7. Rapidly , it means fastly (dengan cepat).
8. Pace , it means single step in walking or runnning (langkah).
9. Intervention , it means meeting; companionship; coming together; an assembly for
discussion (pertemuan).
10. Prevent , it means stop or hinder (mencegah; menghalangi; menjaga).
11. Vigilance, it means cautious; wariness (kewaspadaan).
12. Prone , it means lying face downwards; likely to do or suffer something (mudah;
mudah mendapat; cenderung).
13. Awareness, it means consciousness; realization; come to a realization (kesadaran;
14. Impact , it means collision; force of this; strong effect (tubrukan atau pengaruh yang
15. Victims , it means person injured, killed, or made to suffer (korban-korban).

Go To The Zoo
Last Holiday, my sister and went to the zoo. She’s a genuine animal lover. At home she spent
all her energy playing and strolling our pet dog, and in all honesty, she’s been approaching
me to take her for some time.

At first I wasn’t certain about going in light of the fact that I’ve generally been uncomfortable
with zoo. I considered them to be similar to detainment facilities for wild creatures that ought
to be sans running, not secured up pens.

All things considered, I need to say current zoos are vastly improved than I recollect, the
creatures have bunches of space, they appear to be well dealt with and we took in a ton.

The main thing we saw were the gorilla. They look so human, it’s anything but difficult to
how we are identified with them. They don’t have tails like chimpanzees and can walk
upright a bit.

Next were the elephant. It’s stunning how they can get nourishment with their trunks. I
learned you can tell in the event that they are African or Indian by the extent of their ears –
African ones have greater ears.

After that it was the lions, nicknamed the ‘king of the jungle’. We didn’t hear any of them
thunder, however we did get the opportunity to see them stroll about. The guys have
wonderful manes of hair around their necks. Evidently it’s to ensure them in battles. I
additionally read that the females do the vast majority of the chasing.

My little girl was a bit frightened of the snakes, I figure quite a few people don’t care for
reptiles. I need to concede any creature with a long thin body and no arms or legs is

The penguins made we chuckle, they are so charming! It’s unusual to believe they’re a
feathered creature that can’t fly. While different winged animals have wings for flying, they
have adjusted their flippers for swimming.

Alternate flying creatures I loved taking a gander at were the owl. They have gigantic eyes,
delightful quills, and they can turn their necks the distance around. I read their extensive eyes
are to help them see during the evening, when they are generally dynamic.

My girl was interested with the giraffe and their long, long necks. She asked me for what
reason they have long necks rather than long legs – great inquiry!
With everything taken into account, it was an awesome day. Next time I’ll take her to the
aquarium to see the dolphins and sharks.

The difficult words and its meaning :

2. Last Holiday, my sister and went to the zoo. She’s a genuine animal lover. At home
she spent all her energy playing and strolling our pet dog, and in all honesty, she’s
been approaching me to take her for some time.
3. At first I wasn’t certain about going in light of the fact that I’ve generally been
uncomfortable with zoo. I considered them to be similar to detainment facilities for
wild creatures that ought to be sans running, not secured up pens.
4. All things considered, I need to say current zoos are vastly improved than I recollect,
the creatures have bunches of space, they appear to be well dealt with and we took in
a ton.
Pangandaran Beach

The tour to Pangandaran Beach started on holiday last semester. We decided to go to

Pangandaran Beach by our motorbike. That was very interesting tour. Riding a motorbike
from my hometown, Cirebon, to Pangandaran Beach with my best friends made me feel

The tour to Pangandaran Beach began at 09.00 a.m. in the morning and it took 5 hours riding
to Pangandaran Beach. There were so many story that my friends and I got when we were in
the tour such as there was my friend who got lost, ran out of fuel in the middle of jungle, and
so forth. But it was interesting, because it was the first moment that I ever had in touring.

We arrived at Pangandaran Beach at 02.00 p.m. and we stright to move to the beach. At
beach we just lied down there to stretch our muscle because of 5 hours riding. We also had a
lunch there by eating some foods that we brought from Cirebon. That was very nice moment
when we shared our own food to others.

After we had enough rest, we began to explore Pangandaran Beach. Started by exploring the
beach, and the sea using rented boat. Then we went to dive by renting some diving
equipment. We could see many coral there. We just had 2 hours to enjoy Pangandaran Beach
because we had to come back to Cirebon.

We came back to Cirebon at 04.00 p.m. It was imposible to ride in the night, so we just
decided to stay over in our friend house in Ciamis and we started to come back in the
morning. That was very nice experience that I and my friends ever had. We would never
forget that moment.

The difficult words and its meaning :

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