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Relax and focus yourself in the soul. Then sound the O.M. 3 times, with the thought in mind as you
sound it, of:

a. The cleansing and purifying of the aura so that you can then become a cleansing force to all
you contact.
b. Purifying the mind and the silencing of all discords so that the illusion of the separated self
c. Driving out selfish preoccupation and substituting intense interest in the alleviation of human
suffering and carrying out God's plan for humanity.

2. Awakening the Heart

Next, definitely throw the light and energy of the soul into the heart centre. Bring about a focusing and
concentration of the potencies of aspiration and thought in the etheric heart by the power of the
imagination and careful visualization. It must be recognized that the concentration of thought energy is
definitely there.

3. The Master in the Heart

Next attempt to sense the Doc's vibration, tuning into the periphery of his aura and on the energy of his
heart centre. Then see or build, within your heart, a picture of Dr. Hawkins. Build this thoughtform
with care, love and attention. See him holding his hands out in a mudra style, which thus act as
distributive centres that send forth the blessing of his high level of consciousness into the collective
consciousness of mankind. Realize that he is, through you, transmitting the vibrational frequency of
enlightened consciousness to the human thought field of consciousness and awareness. This serves to
establish a closer link between yourself and this group on the subtle planes of which he is the focal

4. Linking Up with the Group

Attempt, as a soul, to link up mentally with the members of this specific Hawkins group and send forth
to them the spirit of love and peace. From the highest point of consciousness that you can achieve, seek
consciously to take them into the light. Visualize that light building a protecting wall of love (but not a
separating barrier) around the group as a whole. See the group-unit “in the mind's eye" and pour out to
it the love and wisdom which may be yours. As we think about the group formation, links are created
and kept vitally alive by this daily work.

5. Allying the Group with the Angelic Hierarchy

Then, seeking to ally the group itself with the angelic hierarchy that works from the celestial planes,
hold in mind the group itself saying the following invocative prayer:

“Lord, make me an instrument of thy peace! That where there is hatred, I may bring love. That where
there is wrong, I may bring the spirit of forgiveness. That where there is discord, I may bring harmony.
That where there is error, I may bring truth. That where there is doubt, I may bring faith. That where
there is despair, I may bring hope. That where there are shadows, I may bring light. That where there is
sadness, I may bring joy. Lord, grant that I may seek rather to comfort, than to be comforted. To
understand, than to be understood. To love, than to be loved. For it is by self-forgetting that one finds.
It is by forgiving that one is forgiven. It is by dying that one awakens to Eternal Life.”

The aim here is to fit the group so as to be a channel through which those angelic energies can
unhindered pour Their blessing upon the world, to function as a clear outpost for the inflow and
transmission of their love, and to make it an instrument for their service in the world.

6. The Group Radiance of Love

Now gather together all the forces of love that are to be found in your aura and focus yourself and all
that you have to offer within the awakening heart centre. See the energy of the Hawkins group
members as the radiating spokes of a great wheel of light, radiant centre of loving energy. This wheel
has many spokes and at the centre of the wheel, like the hub of the wheel, can be found your teacher
Dr. Hawkins. Then see this wheel as actively moving and rotating, and thus serving humanity through
its focused radiation. This radiation is the radiation of the pure expression of the love of the soul.

Then by an act of the creative imagination, see the group saying:

"Asking nothing for our separated selves, we pour forth love."

Feel a deep light of love and understanding pouring into you and realize that these forces are pouring
out and being projected upon the world of humanity through the group. Visualize the group sending out
a stream of living miraculous love, radiating upon the world, instantaneously and effectively, making it
a living centre of light, love and miracles.

In doing this, hold the hands extended with palms outward in mudra style. In this way, the stream
which is issuing from the heart centre becomes divided into two and pours out through the two hands.
It is thus directed on to the world, as lines going out from your heart and the heart of the group to the
heart centres of those in the world crying out for help. Visualize it as pouring out as whatever spiritual
blessing may be outpoured for the helping of the world, and sense the people receiving it.

See that energy enveloping the people or persons in distress (“insert situation here”) and bathing them
in pure golden loving prana. Consciously direct and impress the quality of this pure love throughout the
auras of the people in distress, focusing that power within the aura of the thought currents of the Christ
principle. Visualize the group transmitting to them a revelation of the shining light of the Self,
illuminating their consciousness by the realization of an Infinite Oneness that expresses itself as all
things revealed in their infinite beauty and perfection.

7. Closing
In closing, sound the O.M. and raise the consciousness into the head to the etheric centre between the
eyebrows. There endeavor to contemplate or to realize yourself as the soul, as divine, as the Christ

Gloria in Excelsis Deo!

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