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Good afternoon professor Barrero, flores and calvimontes.

My name is is Jimena Olimpia rodriguez lopez

Today we are going to present my final work of translation to obtain our language


We can say that translation is very useful for all people, because we always want
to communicate with other people and learning a new language is essential, taking
into account that language is one of the most powerful media of communication
known by man, especially the English language because the most updated
information is in this language in most countries.

In addition, this final written work of translation is divided in four chapters:

In the first chapter, we present the theoretical support for the article translated
since the origins and development of translation, definitions of the term translation,
types of translations, methods of translation until the strategies of translation.

In the chapter II, we develop the steps followed to do the translation of the two
articles. We also give examples of some translation methods, elements and
procedures applied in both articles.

Next part is Chapter III denominated as “Demonstration” in which it is possible to

observe the two articles corresponding to this work translated from English to
Spanish. To end, we present chapter IV that includes our conclusions and our
recommendations as regards to the elaboration of the work.

In this chapter, we present all the theory related to translation, such as:

Types of text, types of translation, translation methods, elements and procedures.

Types of texts

There are different types of texts such as:

Vocative texts, informative, expressive, scientific, audio-medial and expository.

In this case, we choose two types of texts that is informative and expository.
Because, the journalistic article is belong to the informative and the scientific article
to the expository texts.

Types of translation

As you can see in this graph, there are many types of translation. As general,
administrative, technical, financial, literary and scientific.

Also in this part, we use two types of translation that is general and scientific
because the journalistic article belong to general translation because, The
languages used don’t need specific or technical terminology. Most translation work
falls into this particular category. They can be either oral or written. And the second
article belongs to scientific because, they are usually characterized by a distinctive
and objective language with a very complex terminology.
Translation methods

In this section, we are going to present the translation methods such as:

Word for word translation, literal, faithful, semantic, adaptation, free, idiomatic and

As we can see, several translation methods allow us to translate different texts, but
for the translation of our texts, we have taken into account semantic and
communicative translation because some translated paragraphs keep the structure
of the original and sound more natural while other paragraphs change the structure
of the original text but keep the message of the text.

Translation elements

Elements or principles of translation are a kind of guide to take into account when
translating. As the followings:

Meaning, form, register, style and clarity, idiom, faithful and false friends and

Therefore, to translate the articles, we use some elements as meaning and style
and clarity because these elements helped us to do a clear and more natural
Translation procedures

As we can see in the graph, we have several translation procedures such as:

Equivalence, modulation, compensation adaptation etc.

The procedures are tools that helps us solve problems in translation, as

grammatical structures and cultural expressions of both languages. Some of the
procedures we used to translate the texts were expansion and transposition
because they helped us to do it better.


In this part, we are going to present the examples of the methods, procedures and
elements we used in our translation work, but also it shows how we made the
translation itself systematically since the first reading of both articles; as well as the
sources of information we read until the last translation.

Skimming According to abby marks says the skimming is one of the tools you
can use to read more in less time. In addition, Skimming refers to looking only for
the general or main ideas, and works best with non-fiction (or factual) material.
With skimming, your overall understanding is reduced because you do not read
everything. You read only what is important to your purpose.

What is the text about?

Actually, we have two articles in two different areas:

In the journalistic area, we have: “COVID-19 has pushed the Indian Economy into
a Tailspin. But There's a Way Out." which talk about the economic and health crisis
in India and on a silent political response, the COVID-19 pandemic has exposed
and brutally worsened existing vulnerabilities in India's economy. And another one
from scientific area: “Myntra- An Online E-Commerce Retailer to a Mobile
Commerce Player" talks about Online sales and cell phone innovations have
opened the door for companies to win buyers through downloadable smart phone

What kind of text is it?

According to the information in the first chapter, the first article is informative text;
because this article shows reports on the economic and health crisis of people
related to COVID-19 disease in India.

On the other hand, the second article is also a scientific text because it shows the
advances in research focused on communication, information, knowledge,
opinions, etc.

What kind of audience is it addressed to?

According to the information on the first articles, we can say that the audience are
teachers, students and all the people interested in this topic.

In the second article, the audience are people with knowledge of software and
hardware, students, teachers, computer professionals who want to learn more
about future technologies such as smart phones.

What is the author’s intention?

In the first article, “COVID-19 Has Pushed the Indian Economy into a Tailspin.
However, there is a Way Out. “The author informs on the financial crisis in India
and what will happen to the economy after the completion of Covid-19. As, India
has become the world's new entry hotspot for the COVID-19 pandemic because
cases of infection have increased in recent months.

On the other hand, the auteur explains about the revolution of mobile phone
innovations as it has opened doors for businesses to win buyers through
downloadable smartphone apps. These applications have also generated
significant interest due to high customer engagement. The biggest example of this
was recently evidenced by online fashion retailer Myntra's decision to operate via
apps only by shutting down its e-commerce website entirely.

Is the style formal or informal?

Regarding to the style, the first article is informal because use “delaying
expressions” to give themselves time, use “correcting expressions” to correct
themselves and use “qualifying expressions” to show that what they said is not
exactly right (some reports). The second article is formal because the longer
sentences are more prevalent, offer full support arguments, and do not have many
contractions. To conclude, this formal article does not use first person unless it is in
inverted commas.

Is the SL source language difficult to understand?

Firstly, the journalistic article was difficult to understand because they contain
technical words related to economy field and phrases that were difficult to
understand. For example, "Tailspin”, succumbing, etc.

In the second article was also difficult to understand because was not
comprehensible to us, because there are some unknown words, but with a
dictionary, we can solve this problem. However, despite the technical words we
were able to understand them.

Scanning/ Scanning will provide similar challenges but is not quite as complex in
difficulty. It still requires that readers be able to comprehend words quickly, but
instead of understanding the entire main idea, they are now only looking for a key
piece of information.

Translation itself
In this section, we can say that we corrected all the drafts and we did the final
version of the translated article.

First Draft

To start with the translation, we read each article many times. The first time for
understanding what each article was about, we underlined all the words whose
meaning we did not understand. Once we were ready with all the meanings and we
knew the main idea of the texts we started to translate the articles trying to keep
the original message.

Second Draft

Following, we read the translation and we stopped in the sentences or words that
sounded unnatural in order to solve that problem. We improved the format so that it
looks the same to original text by caring about the comprehension of the reader.

Final translation Version

Finally, the professor of APF 504 reviewed the drafts and we corrected the
translations. We used the communicative and the semantic translation methods to
do the work. We used a balance between the intentions of the writers with the need
of the reader.

Translation Methods

In this part, we give examples about the translation methods used, based on
Newmark’s classification. The examples were extracted while we were translating
both articles.
Information Sources

The next ones are the resources we followed to obtain information that helped us
in the process of translation.


In this section, applying all the knowledge of translation acquired in these 5 years,
we present the two articles translated, the first journalistic articles are: “COVID-19
Has Pushed the Indian Economy into a Tailspin. But there’s a Way Out” And the
second scientific article is “Myntra- An Online E-Commerce Retailer to a Mobile
Commerce Player”.


To conclude, this work is possible to say that we achieved the general objective
because we translated two articles, the first one from the journalistic area: “COVID-
19 has Pushed the Indian Economy into a Tailspin. But There's a Way Out” and
the second one from the scientific area: “Myntra- An Online E-Commerce Retailer
to a Mobile Commerce Player” from English into Spanish by using methods,
techniques and procedure of translation, in order to reinforce our knowledge in this

However, the two methods (semantic and communicative) were very useful. In the
translation of the first article, we attempt to render the exact contextual meaning. In
addition, in the translation of the second article we took more into account the
aesthetic value.
Finally, we reviewed different type of methods, procedures, when we were
searching information about Translation on internet or some books.

In this section, we present some recommendations for the development of this final
work of translation of the journalistic and scientific articles. It is also important to
give recommendations about the work and the subjects of the translated texts

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