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Organizational Structures for Cooperative Groups

Type of Group Activities/Need for Decisions Organizational Form Membership Requirements

Support group Ideas and feelings shared, no critical Loose discussion, no designated facilitator May be open or restricted to those
decisions who are safe for other participants
Discussion group Ideas and information shared, no Loose discussion, participants may try to persuade each Usually open
critical decisions other to a particular perspective, but don’t need to
Lectures, workshops Presentation by knowledgeable or Very structured agenda, designated presenter/facilitator Usually open
skilled person to less-knowledgeable
or less-skilled, no critical decisions
Individual working on Individual takes own initiative to do whatever she/he
her/his own — wants; individual is not restricted unless she/he —
infringes on others
Individual (or small Day-to-day tasks, many non-critical Decisions are (1) left to individual’s discretion, (2) Supervisor or steering group
task group) working on decisions dictated by a supervisor (who interprets the group’s selects; payment may be made for
behalf of a larger group mandate), or (3) obvious from steering group’s mandate satisfactory work
Task group Tasks to reach a goal, important Consensus of group, cooperative facilitation Restricted to those willing to work
decisions — everyone’s input needed, with group and who have skills of
careful deliberation necessary cooperative decision-making
Federation, alliance of Tasks to reach a goal, decisions Consent of each group to federation decisions, Restricted to those willing to work
groups with similar restricted to areas where groups are cooperative facilitation with other groups and who have
values and goals trying to work together skills of cooperative decision-
Coalition of groups Tasks to reach a goal, decisions Minimal consent of each group to coalition decisions, Restricted to those groups useful
with diverse values and restricted to areas where groups are may require strong facilitation and structured, rule- for coalition purposes
goals trying to work together based decision-making process
Network Communication among dispersed Loose discussion, participants may try to persuade each Usually open
individuals or groups, no critical other to a particular perspective, but don’t need to
Large, dispersed task Tasks to reach a goal, decisions must Hierarchical organization with strict authority, decisions Very restricted and chosen by those
group that must be coordinated made by those at the top and passed down, sanctions at the top; payment probably
coordinate many imposed against those who disobey required for compliance
Prepared by Randy Schutt, P.O. Box 608867, Cleveland, OH 44108 <>. OrgStruct-1.2W RDS 8-10-01

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