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Instructor:​ Mrs.

218-327-5760 ext. 41588 
Course Description: T ​ he average college senior graduates with $4,1oo of credit card debt! The 
average annual income for high school teenagers is $4,023! What are you going to do with this 
money? ​Money Matters will help you to learn financial strategies for a sound financial future.​ In 
this course, students will learn about budgeting, checking accounts, savings accounts, investment 
opportunities, credit cards, interest rates, insurance, and more. The goal of this course is to prepare 
students to be better managers of their money, setting themselves up for personal financial success. 
Class Materials Needed (every day): ​iPad, Access to Schoology, Note-Taking Materials,  
Solid Work Ethic, and Positive Attitude 
Grading:​ A: 90-100 
B: 80-89 
C: 70-79 
D: 60-69 
*It is your responsibility to complete missing assignments when absent. All assignments will be 
posted on Schoology organized in weekly/daily folders. 
Classroom Expectations ​ ​(co-created by students and the teacher) 
Respect:​ Treat others the way you want to be treated. Both the teacher and students will show 
respect to others, this includes respecting others’ freedom to learn. No bullying!   
Positive:​ Come into the classroom with positive vibes. Don’t bring others down. Always make sure 
you add to the positive learning atmosphere of the classroom. 
Engaging: B ​ oth the teacher and students will come to class ready to engage in the learning. Engage 
in classroom discussions. This will keep learning fun for all people involved. 
Effort:​ Put into the class what you want to get out of it. 
Welcoming:​ Have a welcoming attitude. Be nice to everyone. Everyone needs to do their part to 
make others feel safe, accepted, included, and welcome. 
Fun:​ Have fun as long as it’s respectful. Take an interest in your learning and relate what you learn to 
your personal life. Make an effort to enjoy what you do! 
Encouraging: T ​ he teacher will always encourage and guide students towards success. We will all 
learn from our mistakes and help each other out. We will encourage ourselves and each other to do 
our best. We will work together so we can be proud of our accomplishments.   
Clean: W ​ e will work together to create a healthy and clean classroom.   
Approachable:​ Both the teacher and students will be approachable so we can have efficient and 
open communications. We will always ask for help when we need it and we will help others when 
we can.  
Accommodating: W ​ e will be patient and accommodating to others. We will use our technology 
appropriately and we will stay on task. We will positively contribute to the environment of the 
classroom so others can learn in an atmosphere that allows them to be successful. 

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