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A Conversation with

Flavia Cymbalista
including a case study:
A Real World HRIS Dilemma
By Robert H. Stambaugh

RHS: Hello, Flavia. I’m really excited derstanding of market uncertainty with What He Knows.”
about this interview — I got your name psychology to develop a new approach Now, back to my research back-
from Tom Stewart, just before he left Busi- to decision-making under uncertainty ground: I wanted to find out what is it
ness 2.0 to take over as the editor of the has many important implications and that speculators are actually doing
Harvard Business Review. Tom told me he applications. when they “smell the market” — and
had explored some of the “focusing” ideas That kind of a reception encouraged whether this was something that could
with you as a part of his last Business 2.0 me to broaden the group of decision- be systematically taught. So I went on to
article on “hunches” in business decision- makers I worked with, and I must say I do post-doctoral work in psychology —
making — and that you had also helped haven’t yet found a field where a tool working with the leading edge of cogni-
him learn the focusing technique for per- like this is not needed. tive science, embodied cognition. That’s
sonal use. about what we call “bodily knowing.” I
RHS: I’m glad to hear about the back- experimented with several different
FC: Yes, Tom has been picking my ground. I have to tell you, I was originally a methodologies, practices and educa-
brains on the relationships between un- little leery about exploring this whole ap- tional systems, evaluated whether they
certainty, complexity and hunches/intu- proach in a business setting, especially could be adapted to the market situa-
ition/gut feeling (whatever you want to with an audience of hard-nosed informa- tion, and field-tested them out with real
call them) for quite a while now. tion systems analysts and HR managers traders.
When I first told him about the pro- who’ve been working hard for a decade or One technique, focusing, turned out
cedure we developed for improving the more to dispel the “touchy-feely” cachet to be the simplest, cleanest and best re-
intuitive element of decision-making in that goes with human resources. But with searched. That’s where I started. I then
financial markets, he immediately Tom’s seal of approval, I started out, and I adapted it to the particulars of the deci-
thought that this would be very interest- was surprised to learn about the kinds of sion-situation that traders face, creating
ing for management, too. clients you and others work with in this a procedure that adds my concern with
Managers make decisions. It’s really area. Tell me a little more about the back- uncertainty to the original technique.
their basic, most important job. In the ground and context. And it proved itself the most successful
20th century, the science of manage- in improving traders’ decision-making.
ment was mostly about making deci- FC: Where do I start? I initially devel- That may seem a little surprising, since
sions that would increase an organiza- oped the methodology in the financial it is a totally different type of learning
tion’s predictability — or put another markets decision-making context. That’s than what is taught in business school,
way, decrease uncertainty. That part of really my background — my doctoral where people are taught to dismiss their
the science won’t go away, but Tom is dissertation in financial economics was “subjective,” more organic bodily reac-
convinced that the fundamental chal- already on the question of rational valu- tions. I work hard to dispel the “touchy-
lenge of the 21st century is different: It’s ation under intrinsic uncertainty. But feely” cachet, so I can relate to the prob-
about how to cope with intrinsic uncer- that was highly theoretical work, and af- lem that IS analysts and HR managers
tainty, not just decrease it. terwards I went on to the question of have with “soft” approaches. It’s a criti-
Now, financial markets are, after all, how speculators actually know what cally important expansion of where we
the best-studied example we have for in- they know. That may sound awfully theo- have been. That’s because there is a vast
trinsically uncertain systems. That’s why retical — but I’ve recently written a pa- amount of information, which you can’t
he finds that the way I combined my un- per called “How George Soros Knows get otherwise. It’s in your experience,

IHRIM Journal • March/April 2003 1


and you simply have no way of accessing issues that underlie specific problems on past data and expert past experience.
it through “hard” approaches. and questions. Gendlin then devised a They’re like “expert systems.”
method that includes specific directions Now, just think of how those expert
RHS: This is exciting — what I wanted to systematically contact and expli- systems were constructed in the first
to do in this issue of the Journal is go out- cate/articulate this intuitive level. Loads place: they didn’t just rely on analyses;
side the usual approaches we employ of subsequent experience and research they made explicit the expert’s tacit
with HR systems and look for some real have proven that this kind of skill can be knowledge. But here’s the problem: the
departures from what we’ve seen as taught. Focusing is now used in many more structured at the detailed level you
“best practices.” I think there are some fields. Gendlin and I then honed my ap- make your system, the less opportunity
valuable lessons here for our readers. plication for financial markets into a there is for utilizing this other type of
So I want to do a couple of things with procedure that can be applied to any de- knowledge, the expertise, that users do
this session. First, I want to learn a little cision-making under uncertainty. We call have of the particularities of their com-
about the background to this whole field the approach “MarketFocusing.” panies and their current situation and
of inquiry — the more we know, the more I found that focusing ideally comple- needs. For some applications, the bene-
credible it becomes for the hard-liners. ments the analytical tools that traders fits can outweigh the costs, but what are
Next, I’d like to have you walk me step- use. They cannot just follow known rules you going to do when this is not the
by-step through the basic sequence you and procedures blindly since the rules of case? And how will you know whether
use and teach — what you taught Tom the game are constantly changing. Their this is the case?
— and you can use the “case study” I analytical tools assume the relevant
sent to you ahead of time to help illustrate variables they have captured are going RHS: So, once I get better at what I do
some of the issues HR and HR systems to remain the same in the future. — stocks, or any other decision for that
people deal with. It’s a real-life case, and I You have to remember that analytical matter, I subconsciously or uncon-
think it represents the sort of challenge tools always abstract from the context, sciously modify the original analyses
most of us in this business have been it’s in their nature. They cannot tell you with a “little voice” that warns me or en-
dealing with for a long time now. Then, if when they’re relevant and when they’re courages me, based on something else?
we have the time, I hope we can look at a not — when they are applicable to the
couple of the other dilemmas that people particular concrete situation you’re fac- FC: Actually, it’s not a “little voice” —
in this business are now starting to en- ing right now. So, how do you judge it doesn’t really have words at first. It’s
counter as their systems do more and im- that? Where can you find this situational truly a bodily sensation, and I recognize
pact more people in the enterprise. information that addresses relevance? how threatening that may sound in the
Let’s start with “the birth of focusing.” The answer is pretty clear: it’s in your world of information systems and engi-
What’s its pedigree? experience, all tacit, implicit. Focusing neering. But it is a critical concept. Sub-
articulates your implicit sense of the sit- tle bodily feelings communicate to us all
FC: Well, the first important point is uation and how it can unfold. the time when a decision that might
that this isn’t something new. It’s a time- look perfectly logical and reasonable on
tested approach. A philosopher and psy- RHS: Okay, let me see if I can para- paper doesn’t really address the crux of
chologist, Eugene Gendlin, at the Uni- phrase the whole thing in general, in non- the problem. It’s not a voice, but an un-
versity of Chicago, created focusing in HRIS terms. I’m an investor, and I have a easiness, which — if you attend to it —
the 1970s. He was looking for experi- lot of experience to draw upon. Maybe I you can feel in your body, perhaps in
mental evidence for his philosophical started out by reading a book or two, or your stomach, chest or throat. It’s often
work on the relationship between logical maybe going to a seminar on investment. dim and fuzzy at first; something we usu-
reasoning and bodily-felt experience, Maybe I even listen to a broker or ana- ally dismiss because we think it’s just an
and he thought the question of psycho- lysts. But I start out thinking I can be suc- uncomfortable “nothing.” In fact, what
logical change was the right testing field: cessful by applying and acting on a series you’re experiencing is your body com-
what makes therapy work for some peo- of rational tests and approaches that are plaining that your decision is violating
ple but fail for so many others? After an- very much the accepted way to go when it your experiential knowledge; there’s
alyzing thousands of therapy sessions, comes to making stock market decisions. something crucial that you’re not taking
he was able to show that the successful And all of them are, I guess, based on into account.
cases were differentiated by their ability looking at past activity and what we now
to tap an internal process ignored by know about future strategies and mar- RHS: So I eventually want to get to the
most other subjects. Right from the be- kets, and then moving forward based on point that my decision-making behavior
ginning the successful ones showed a what we just analyzed. And the more consciously accesses what might have
capacity to attend to the murky edge of analysis, the better. Is that a fair descrip- been called — in a less politically correct
what is being said — which can only be tion of the way most people think we age — women’s intuition?
sensed physically. This different kind of work?
attention — inward attention — to what FC: Yes. These old approaches — FC: You can call it intuition, body-
is, at first, sensed unclearly allows peo- and there’s a wide variety of them, some knowledge, gut feeling — however you
ple to identify broad attitudes or larger more, some less mechanized, all based decide to characterize it, what’s meant

2 March/April 2003 • IHRIM Journal


by that is the store of experienced infor- Now recall the decision you’re less because when you first find the bodily
mation that simply cannot be sum- happy with. Keep sensing your throat, sense, it almost always contains not
moned piece by piece. The process takes chest and belly from the inside, and no- only the decision-situation but also a
you to the point where you can access tice how the quality of your inner space lot of other concerns that one is carrying
all that. But I need to emphasize that it’s changes. The change will now be less in it just now. For example, it is often
not a matter of finding your gut feelings subtle. You might feel a constriction, something that happened earlier in the
and following them blindly. It lets you heaviness or nervousness. day that still occupies you. Many people
think with your gut. So the process leads Is that clear now? I’d encourage your also carry certain chronic worries. Each
you to articulate what really matters. Let readers to actually try it out, and if they such concern results in a certain quality
me repeat this because it’s so impor- do, most of them will start to recognize in the body. These are mixed into what
tant: it lets you think with your gut. what we’re talking about — they’ll have is at first perceived as one’s bodily
had an experience of it. Some people sense. It usually takes only a moment to
RHS: I think I have it. Now let’s suppose are naturally very adept at sensing find these and sort them out. The
we are in an HR systems setting. The themselves from the inside. Many, unique physical quality of each might be
“case study” I sent — and that I in- though, aren’t that used to this and like a weight, constriction or a sense of
cluded with the printed version of our need some training. restlessness. Actually, some of these
discussion — will resonate with most of won’t be “cleared”— some of these are
the people who read the Journal. Can RHS: Well, I know that when you and I always there although they won’t be no-
you walk me through the steps the tried the process, it took me a little while ticed any longer. In my experience, it
“hero” in the case would likely follow, as- to make contact with the sense, and then takes a minute or less to set each of
suming familiarity with the focusing ap- a little longer to recognize the sensation these physical qualities aside — not
proach, so the resulting decision about a you’re describing. But you know, as soon just mentally but with a physically-felt
new system would “feel right?” as I did — how did you put it? — “say “clearing,” so that one can then focus
hello,” I recognized a feeling I have had fully on the situation in which one
FC: Before I address the situation it- all too many times in the past. needs to make the decision.
self, I need to describe a little about the You know, this first step alone is a vi-
approach. Let me first re-emphasize the FC: That’s it! Let me give you the tal skill one can use whenever one
general idea that the unease one feels seven basic steps that people can use to needs to concentrate fully on any task.
about decisions that don’t sit right can accomplish what we’re talking about. People I’ve worked with use it all the
be recognized as a bodily sensation. And I’ll do it in the context of the HR time.
Let’s start by thinking of two deci- systems dilemma you gave me as an ex- Let me give you an idea of how that
sions you’ve recently made — preferably ample when we first talked several goes. Start by making a mental list of all
decisions where the outcome is not yet weeks ago. the sources of unease you feel right now
known. Pick one that will “sit right;” The first step in the process is what I — all the concerns that are pressing in
you’re comfortable with it. For the other, call “Finding the murky zone.” on you. Think of each one of them as a
pick something that, when you think Your character would begin by sens- weight that you put down one by one.
about it, you feel some hesitation; it just ing himself from the inside and contact- You stack them up in front of you or to
“sits wrong”— you wish you had found ing his bodily felt sense of the decision your side. You’ll get a lot of different
another solution. situation — the way we discussed it a things, personal concerns mixed with
Now take a moment to sense your moment ago. Remember, this bodily-felt professional ones, major life issues
body from the inside. Sense your throat sense is nothing mysterious. On the mixed with trivial stuff like: “oh no, I for-
from the inside, your chest and your contrary, it’s so familiar that we’re gener- got to mail the letter.” or maybe “have I
belly. Ask yourself: what’s it like, this in- ally barely aware of it. fed the cat?” Don’t bother sorting them
ner space, right now? Search for a word You always know what you’re doing out, and don’t get into any of them, just
or phrase that describes its quality. and how you came to be here, right now. keep stacking them up. When you think
Maybe it’s soft and wooly or jumpy, or Well, how do you know this? You have it you’re done, keep sensing yourself from
wiry, maybe it’s described with a as a wordless bodily sense of knowing the inside and tell yourself: “If it weren’t
metaphor — for example “being at the what’s going on. It’s different than mere for this, that and the other — everything
edge of a cliff” — would better describe physical sensations such as indigestion that’s now stacked up — I’d be perfectly
what’s there. or heart pound. And it’s not the usual at ease right now.” If this is true, the in-
Once you know what it’s like right “feelings” either. At first, it does not fit ner space will feel spacious. If that’s not
now — even if you haven’t got the per- any recognizable category. We are used true, something inside you will protest.
fect description for it — recall the deci- to paying no attention to it, but once we You’ll feel some something like a tight-
sion that “sits right” as you keep sensing do pay attention, it’s definitely physically ening in your throat, chest or belly. That
this inner space. Maybe there’s a slight here — that’s what I call the murky zone. means you haven’t yet finished, there’s
shift and you can sense a subtle change. So, after our HR system manager another source of unease that you
Maybe the quality you now sense is a bit found the murky zone, he’d clear the haven’t yet acknowledged.
clearer, more open or brighter. bodily sense of other concerns. That’s

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Your HR system manager would now listening skills, which is a difficult thing
RHS: Our HRIS manager will do what search for something — a word, an im- for people to do on their own. In fact, it’s
you’ve been describing, and let’s say age or a metaphor — that describes the maybe the most difficult thing to learn
stack up other concerns like the quarterly “protest” he’s experiencing when he tells about this whole process — most peo-
budget, or a project review, or maybe himself that he’s perfectly satisfied with ple need to have some training for that.
some task force deliverable that’s also on the corporate solution. He’d look for a
his plate? “quality word” that describes the sensa- RHS: Did you train Tom Stewart?
tion, a “handle” for it. This “handle” word
FC: Exactly! And then he’s ready to or image does not express the content FC: I guided him through the
move on to the second step. I call Step 2 — not “expensive” or “it will cost too process a couple of times, for a couple
“connecting with what the body knows.” much” — instead, it’s a word that ap- of different decisions. When I guide
Here’s how it works. By now our HR plies to this particular bodily sense of someone, they “catch” the right attitude,
systems manager has located the murky the decision that experienced right now they learn it by having experienced it —
zone and cleared some space. He’s — “nervous,” “jumpy,” “stuck,” “antsy,” and often can then have it on their own
ready to evoke this specific bodily sense “wired,” “fluttery,” “heavy.” later on, in other circumstances. They
of just what refuses to “sit right” about already know what to look for and how
this decision, now. One way he can do RHS: Yes. Our readers could probably add to go about it.
this (among others) is with the appar- another hundred synonyms from painful Here’s what happens: once the body
ently paradoxical procedure of “pre- and personal experience. signal is a concrete presence, you can
tending you have nothing to decide.” take a position in relationship to it; you
To locate the unease about the cur- FC: If the word or image our subject can look at whatever arises from your
rent decision, this manager would go has found is right, that is, if there’s a felt experience as an “it” to which you
back to sensing himself from the inside. good “fit” between the bodily signal and can relate. If the quality you felt was, for
He’d tell himself that his current deci- the handle, he will experience a slight example, “nervous,” you need to go from
sion about what to recommend has al- change in the body signal itself. This re- “I’m nervous” to “there’s something ner-
ready been made, and that he’s perfectly sponse is somewhat subtle, I have had vous there.” Looking at our HR systems
satisfied with the corporate solution, people say it’s similar to the relief you manager, he’ll then go from “I have a
while attending to the inside of his feel when you remember a word you had knot in my stomach,” which feels bad
throat, chest and belly. If the decision forgotten and had been looking for. and which he’d like to have disappear,
doesn’t sit right — and we’re pretty sure What’s important is that by having a to “there’s something knotted there,”
this is the case — something inside him handle, you are creating a firm and re- the exploration he welcomes and is cu-
is going to complain, and he’ll feel a peatable contact with something that is rious about.
sort of bodily protest, letting him know otherwise ephemeral and that may dis- At this point he’s ready to start find-
that this “done deal” is not really true. appear easily. When you lose hold of the ing out what makes “it” so knotted. See,
bodily sense, when something else when we first meet a bodily sense, it is
RHS: Right about now, everyone who is come up (in the regular business day — undifferentiated. It’s just a glob. It con-
reading this will be nodding their heads NO, in the course of the process, as tains lots of emotional, personal, irrele-
— vigorously. Most of us have just as- you’re trying to do it) and you lose track vant components along with the factual
sumed this feeling was just part of any of your concern, saying the handle word component — everything’s mixed up.
HRIS project. will bring it back concretely every time. This “glob” explains why our hunches
Say this manager’s bodily signal was are so often unreliable. So next our HR
FC: (Laughing) That’s nothing like a knot in his belly. The knot will system manager needs to “clean up” his
unique to HR or systems implementa- guide our HR systems manager into bodily sense of these biases so that he
tion! Everyone’s familiar with all this — finding out what’s so knotted in the situ- can get to the knowledge that is specific
so what we have to do is “trap” it if you ation — and how to unknot it. That to this current situation.
will: time for the next step, which I call leads to the next step in the process. At this stage he might find, for in-
“stabilizing the bodily signal.” See, in Think about Step 4 as “Clearing the stance, that he’s offended by the fact
order to be guided by your bodily know- decks.” that upper management hasn’t recog-
ing in making a decision that sits right, Before our HR manager can really be- nized all the work he and his staff have
you need to stay in contact with the gin inquiring into his felt sense, he done to customize the basic system and
bodily signal. Remember our investors? needs to establish the “right” attitude make it fit the real needs of the cus-
They need to be in contact with the bod- towards it. This guy needs to be able to tomers. Or maybe he dreads telling his
ily sense all the time, while they’re mak- observe his felt sense of the issue with a staff that all their work was for nothing
ing the split-second decisions they live sort of interested curiosity, like a scien- — maybe they’ll quit or transfer. These
by. tist who’s interested in finding out what- are reactive familiar feelings, and once
How do we do that? Well, the unease ever is there. This stance is a necessary he acknowledges each of them, he can
now needs to become a stable enough condition for accessing the information put them to the side.
presence that it takes a concrete shape. that it contains. It involves learning self- After he’s done that, if he again tells

4 March/April 2003 • IHRIM Journal


himself the decision is fine, the bodily hear lots of horror stories about other how frequently people ask “how come I
sense ought not feel like a tight knot any companies that have started doing what didn’t realize that before?” In fact, the in-
more — it’ll be more like a bundle with he’s being pressured to do, only to find formation was there but not in its cur-
different strands, maybe like a bundle of part way down the road that what works rent, new form. It had been previously
spaghetti that needs to be untangled. At for other areas doesn’t always work in undifferentiated, just part of an initial
this point, he’s now found the edge of HR. If he is a real veteran, he probably mess, and it emerged out of there.
what he knows. He’s ready for the next has a few war wounds, and maybe he’s Here’s an interesting thing: what
step. not eager for any more. emerges is always logical in retrospect.
This is where the manager needs to Sometimes, this process surfaces en- But while with hindsight you can see
start “nurturing and creating alterna- tirely new issues. I’m not an HRIS ex- how the new piece of information logi-
tives.” He will now have a sense that the pert, but let’s say one of the vendors be- cally follows from what you knew before,
problem isn’t really how good his sys- ing considered is “different” — perhaps you couldn’t have deduced it by abstract
tem already is, but — something else — there’s a perception or suspicion that reasoning alone.
what? the whole process isn’t fair; it’s “wired” That’s why we say that market focus-
One of the strands he starts to un- for one vendor. Maybe something in ing — this is what we call my application
ravel might have something to do with vendor demos tipped that vendor’s of the focusing process — is a tool for
one of the unique capabilities he’s been hand. They acted like the decision about “more-than-logical” decision-making.
able to build into the current system packages was already made. On the Here’s where we start with the sixth
and the accompanying data warehouse; other hand, maybe one of the vendors is of the seven steps. Let’s call it “Stepping
he’s been around long enough to know rumored to be in the middle of a man- through the alternatives.”
how the company works and he’s built in agement change, or a strategic shift in At this stage we take a look at the al-
some data elements and reporting capa- direction, or — after all, this is the En- ternatives that have been identified —
bilities that he knows will be needed the ron era — maybe someone is suspected which, by now, often differ from the ones
next time a business downturn begins. of “cooking the books.” we had at the beginning. And then re-
From what he has seen and heard about peat the process for each of the alterna-
the potential replacement systems — RHS: Flavia, every one of those possibili- tives, pretending we have already de-
maybe from trading stories at an IHRIM ties occurs every day in this business. I cided for each solution, in turn. If there’s
meeting — he suspects that “you can’t want to hear how we address these “gut” a bodily protest, going through the steps
get there from here” with the new pack- issues in the context of the focusing will clarify what exactly is “off,” which
ages. process. facets of the situation are really crucial.
Or perhaps, he has a different view of So, our manager now pretends that
the costs of implementing or even main- FC: None of the factors that he al- he’s already decided to reject the overall
taining the system. Let’s say he’s seen ready knows is a monolithic thing: once solution. Guess what? That doesn’t sit
the projections for five-year cost of own- you start to see what’s in there, each fac- right either. Meaning: there’s something
ership as they relate to the HR depart- tor includes many factors, and the fo- about the political solution that is in-
ment — and they are based on the as- cusing process guides you into finding deed needed. To find out what it is, he
sumption that a new system, using out exactly where you were hung up. then goes through Steps 2-5 again. At
industry best practices, and with enter- Sometimes what looks at first like a Step 5 he might find out, for instance,
prise-wide processes and data consis- small detail leads you to new questions that not causing trouble for a successor
tency, won’t need major modification. If that end up shifting the whole picture. is not the main point, and pin down ex-
he’s a veteran, like many of the investors You re-organize the knowledge you actly what political solution is wanted,
I’ve looked at, he knows things will have. And your gut feeling guides you in why it matters to be a “good citizen.”
change and the rules won’t work the way that until you’ve articulated what you
they were originally defined. need to know — it accepts or rejects cer- Step 7: Embracing the parts
There’s probably a political compo- tain directions, it will only take in what
nent as well: “corporate” versus line con- really fits. It’s like when you cannot find Now he has a clear sense of what’s
trol, U.S.-centric versus regional or truly the words to express what you want to wanted: result from 5 and result from 6.
global definition, IT versus HR owner- say — there’s a tension in your body, It’s clear that he’s looking for a solution
ship and stewardship for the new sys- which only “lets go” when the right that encompasses the pros of the two
tem. And this might have several words come. The tension “knows what’s sides — “good citizen,” but with no loss
smaller strands: sure, there would be needed,” and it guides you into finding of the crucial capabilities that the exist-
politics, but there may be personalities it out. ing system has. Instead of being torn be-
in play, or a sense that IT is going to Now, exactly what our manager will tween the two alternatives, he’s now for-
make a major shift in infrastructure that find out here, I cannot say — it’s in his mulated the crucial features that an
could frustrate HR users. experience. But one thing often hap- overall solution would need to make it
And just for fun, let’s add a third pens: once new information is there, it desirable.
strand: he’s been in contact with his net- seems like it’s been there all along, From there, theoretically, what’s
work or community, and he is starting to merely overlooked. You’d be surprised wanted could be reconciled experien-

IHRIM Journal • March/April 2003 5


tially, and new steps of action would your discomfort, you can put that on pa- RHS: Flavia, how long does this process
emerge. I have no idea about what’s per, too. It’s no wonder people don’t take? Do I need a gazillion dollars and
technically and otherwise feasible, in trust unarticulated hunches — they just three weeks or a month to apply it in a sit-
any case it would come out of his experi- aren’t reliable. uation like the case we reviewed? Or can I
ence and his differentiating it, pulling apply it in the two-hour meeting where
out strands, with the process. He’d then RHS: It seems to me that this approach someone presents a system proposal that
be able to re-constellate what’s needed also has some real promise for decisions just plain makes me squirm with a dis-
without being caught up between the al- that are made by a group — like a project comfort that I can’t identify?
ready formulated alternatives. I can team looking at new software, or the com-
imagine such a step being something mittee that’s trying to come up with next FC: In your business, it seems like
like proposing that the big vendor cus- year’s compensation plan. Again, we’ve more time is often equated with better
tomizes the new system so that it also been used to very deliberate and straight- decisions. But, the focusing method ac-
delivers what he needs, with the price forward rational approach: we ask mem- tually generates better decisions in
difference being funded by HR (in the- bers of the group to present their evalua- short periods of time. Remember, it was
ory, it’s thinkable also that if this vendor tions, there’s often a process of weighting first developed as a method for improv-
doesn’t do it, another one might, and a and prioritization, and then — voila! — we ing decision making in financial markets,
positive outcome for the company as a have a plan that everyone is supposed to where participants sometimes make
whole would be if IS were to shop get behind and support. more decisions in a day than most of us
around with an expanded set of criteria I have two questions here — first, is there make in a month or year.
and see if they can come out with a bet- any way to balance multiple individual fo- But exactly how long it takes, well,
ter overall solution). Does that make cusing outcomes? I may be falling into the that really depends on the nature of your
sense? What happened in real life — quantification quagmire here, but how do decision. When I guide a client through
how did he decide? we weigh and balance different hunches the process, our sessions are usually
about the same problem? And second, is one-hour long. Sometimes we cover a
RHS: Wow! We have been so indoctrinated there a way to use the focusing process great many decisions in a single session.
to downplay all these feelings and non- not only at the individual level, but also for Sometimes the outcome isn’t a final de-
quantifiable phenomena. But they’re there a group as a whole? Could you apply the cision at all, but rather a step where new
— as I said, I’ve had that sinking feeling steps we’ve just discussed during a week- questions emerge, and the person then
on just about every needs assessment and end retreat where the project team for a has to go and look for more information.
implementation project I ever worked on, new system works through its misgivings Instead of an answer, the person finds
and I have just swallowed my misgivings about what’s being proposed — or how out what’s the right question to ask. Or
and papered them over with some more it’s supposed to unfold — so that there’s what’s the right question to ask next.
return on investment calculations. an appreciation of the concerns or an Whether you can apply it in a two-hour
Have you ever run into situations where agreement on some of the unspoken con- meeting also depends on a lot of other
making these issues visible creates an cerns? factors — such as how comfortable you
ethical issue for your clients? For example, are with the group, if others have the
does a stockbroker recommend a stock or FC: It’s not so much a matter of bal- good listening skills that support your
portfolio distribution based solely on the ancing different outcomes as of using process, how practiced you are in self-
technicals, or do they pass hunches on to each of them as input. The outcome is listening in a group situation, etc. It’s
clients? There’s an analogous situation not some amorphous “feel” — remem- not easy to “not-know” in public, but
with the HR dilemma we just discussed: do ber, that’s how you begin, but then with once the members of the group have ex-
I push forward with the system I selected the process you differentiate and articu- perienced the focusing process individu-
solely based on my analyses, or do I make late all that is implicit in the “feel.” The ally, and as they become more practiced,
a case for doing something other than the outcome is, therefore, information that the easier it becomes.
best “paper” solution? is always logical in retrospect and with
which you can argue logically. Now, in a RHS: There’s another area we’ve ad-
FC: You use your discomfort, your group situation, if each member goes dressed in passing, I think, but I want to
misgivings, to guide you into improving through the process individually, differ- get a better idea about it before we wind
the case you’re making for something ent people will be sensitive to different up using the technique to deal with the
other than the best “paper” solution. Un- aspects of one and the same situation, kind of uncertainty we have when we plan
til it looks good on paper, too. situations are multi-schematic, not for the future. When I think about hunches
You know, it’s not a matter of playing monolithic. They’ll have a multiplicity of and making decisions based on feelings, I
best “paper” solutions against hunches. relevant aspects. So in a group process, generally assume we’re addressing deci-
Just a feeling of this or that doesn’t each person might bring to the table a sions we make “now” for courses of action
mean anything until you identify the different facet. Each facet is an input to we’ll be following next week, month or
piece of information that your bodily ex- the group — and each one can then be year. So it seems like we are applying our
perience is telling you that you aren’t thought over and thought out by every- tacit knowledge and experience to “to-
taking into account. Once you articulate body else. day’s” problems. But I wonder, isn’t our

6 March/April 2003 • IHRIM Journal


strategic planning to product innovation of their experience, and use it in all sorts
non-rational side strongest when it’s han- to ethical questions. It’s proving excep- of situations and decisions, professional
dling all the ebbs and flows of future tionally helpful for “right vs. right” deci- as well as personal. With time, it be-
events that collectively create “uncer- sions, for reconciling what you feel like comes more and more second nature.
tainty?” Is there a less or more compelling doing with what you think you should be People become sensitive to the signals
reason to “focus” when I am trying to de- doing — both at the level of corporate that are telling them when something is
cide about things three or four years out, ethics and at the individual level, where “off,” and they learn to listen to them
as opposed to next month’s questions and the question of meaningfulness and em- and find out the knowledge that they
answers? ployee motivation comes up. contain.
I think that’s because the methodol-
FC: Your sense of the situation also RHS: Great! You know, what I really like ogy starts exactly at the spot that tradi-
includes ways in which it can unfold, about this is its personal nature: we learn tional approaches neglect: the inner
your sense of possibilities, and also the how to do it and then keep doing it, and place from which decision and action
possibilities you have not met in the getting better at it, without big-dollar inter- both originate, the inner source from
past. This is an area of inquiry that can- vention from consultants and vendors. which we operate: our experiencing in a
not be covered by the standard ap- Before we conclude, can you give us a few situation. By beginning at the “edge” of
proaches. The farther you think into the suggestions for getting started with this what you know, rather than ending there,
future, the more likely it is that the as- kind of program? Any books, seminars, you can learn to find the things that you
sumptions underlying an “objective” ap- Web sites? Any tips for personal ap- sense are important, but can’t immedi-
proach won’t hold — and the more im- proaches? ately define. When you do access them,
portant it is that you come to a decision small surprising new items come, shifts
you’re comfortable with. Otherwise you FC: You can find more information in your take of the situation that leads to
won’t be able to adequately react to un- about decision-making under uncer- new action or new inquiry. By means of
foreseen factors and developments. I tainty, the procedure that resulted from the steps of this method you find new
can’t emphasize this enough: your level my collaboration with Gendlin and arti- factors, new alternatives, new questions
of comfort is not a luxury — it’s a neces- cles by both of us at www.marketfocus- about facts that you can find out. These
sity. factors were implicit in what you knew
The Focusing Institute, a non-profit and sensed, but they were not separately
RHS: And you know what often makes me organization presided by Gendlin, also seen and formulated.
uncomfortable? It’s the decisions that has a Web site,, with a Let me just summarize what focusing
come from — for lack of a better analogy lot of information on the basic method- can do — what we’ve seen with the case
— being painted into a corner. Most of ology and uses in different fields — edu- you provided. I see six (we have five ar-
what we do is so constrained by standard cation, psychotherapy, medicine and eas there) main areas of value:
definitions, standard processes, standard other non-business areas. Many articles It positions you to generate a “reli-
templates for ROI. It’s as if we start out by Gendlin are available online, along able hunch” when you need one.
thinking we have choices, but we’re really with some longer works. The site has a It enables you to base your decisions
being led to the only outcome that could bookstore, too. They also announce on knowledge from all your experience
have been possible. workshops on the basic methodology, and from your sense of the present situ-
and have a program where you have ation.
FC: In HRIS, as in lots of other areas, some coaching sessions that qualify you It helps you discriminate and set
wherever decisions have been standard- for a partnership pool — many people aside emotional reactions and irrelevant
ized and made mechanic to the point prefer to focus with a partner rather than influences that distort your body’s sense
where the experience of the people in on their own. As a non-profit, they’re of the real situation.
the organization is not being made use self-help oriented. Even with routine decisions, you can
of, you’ll see an opportunity for focus- keep your moves sound so that you
ing. You had a good example of the spot RHS: I’m so glad we could get together for don’t have to fix so much later, or do
where experience should play the most this interview. I know I will apply the tech- something over again.
important role: detecting a mismatch nique when I get into some of the strategic It will show how to find and decide
between the standard procedures and planning projects I’m scheduled to do this from the place where you actually care
the specifics of the actual company situ- year. And I suspect I’ll use it on some non- about what you’re doing, rather than
ation. There’s knowledge that is being business settings as well. from anxiety or concern.
wasted. I can also see the process being Have you seen people who become profi-
very beneficial in improving the quality of cient with this approach use it elsewhere RHS: Thank you for sharing your expertise
feedback you get from communication ac- in their life? with us. What you’ve described reminds
tivities, whatever they are, like chat rooms. me of a poem by Patrick Overton, which
It’s a useful tool wherever improving FC: In fact, I’ve never seen people includes the words:
the quality of decision-making is who become proficient with it not use it
needed — that is, everywhere — from elsewhere. They get attuned to this side “When you walk to the edge of all the light

IHRIM Journal • March/April 2003


you have REPRINT 032003-05

And take that first step into the darkness Seems to me our systems approach gives
of the unknown, us a place to stand. I think you may have
You must believe that one of two things helped us to fly.
will happen: If you have comments or questions on
There will be something solid for you to anything you read in the Journal, write to
stand upon Editor–In–Chief,
Or, you will be taught how to fly.”

A Real World HRIS Dilemma:A Case Study

A hi-tech company with lots of engineers and a very to allow new parts of the company to go with the corpo-
developed culture of constructive confrontation and rate system, but to allow those now using and comfort-
structured decision-making has decided to implement a able with the old package to keep and even expand it.
new company-wide enterprise resource system (ERP) The HR systems manager has to come up with a rec-
from one of the big vendors. Their rationale is that stan- ommendation for the head of HR to take forward to the
dardizing all the IT systems in the organization — cus- management committee in a few weeks. He understands
tomer relationship management, accounts payable, re- the political value of being a good corporate citizen and
ceivables, scheduling, general ledger, order entry, all the going with the new one-size-fits-all approach. He knows
way to travel reimbursements — will be better if there’s a he is in the minority with his desire to keep what he has.
single set of data definitions, procedures, and practices An ERP is clearly the path the folks in Information Sys-
that can be used worldwide, assuring consistency, mini- tems want to take as well.
mal cost and exemplary data quality. On the other hand, he knows from more than 20 years
HR is the one possible exception to the “everyone at the company how fast things shift in HR and how diffi-
must get on board” directive, partly because it has re- cult it would be to get information he is often asked to
cently spent about seven gazillion dollars installing and provide if he accepts a new and (in HR terms) very
customizing a separate system that — finally — appears mediocre system. When he tries a rational balance sheet
to meet at least the basic needs of the many different approach, he ends up with an equal number of plusses
user populations. The powers that be are trying to entice and minuses for the two main options — upgrade the old
the HR people into switching to the proposed enterprise and acquiesce to the new. He feels too close to the prob-
system, but there is widespread resistance, especially at lem. He tried to take a vacation during the company’s
the corporate site — where a cadre of HR systems spe- “shut down” at Christmas time, but even sitting on the
cialists now do all kinds of reporting and analysis in addi- beach in Maui didn’t do much good. The problem re-
tion to basic processing of transactions like salary in- mained.
creases and transfers, terminations and promotions, etc. With time running short after the holidays, he decides
This headquarters (HQ) group has been using and polish- that he’s only going to be with the company for another
ing their current system for five or six years — it’s been a three or four years (it’s time for retirement as soon as the
showcase for the vendor, and the head of the systems stock option situation improves), and with things in a
group is on the vendor advisory board and is a frequent deadlock, he opts for the “good citizen” option and ratio-
speaker at conferences here and abroad. They’re ready to nalizes it by saying it’s the best way to secure a productive
begin the latest upgrade in a month or so. playing field for his replacement when the time comes.
The lure management is dangling for a changeover to He has about five or six days left before the decision
the corporate standard is an open checkbook for the goes to his boss. He’s got the white paper finished and is
process: HR can have this new system and the company just sitting on it for a day or so — so he says. But he’s also
won’t charge the HR budget for a thing. agonizing about the outcome: stomach in knots, trouble
There are two other options for the HR systems group: sleeping, inability to concentrate on other issues. What
one is to upgrade the current system, which would be he keeps coming back to is all the work he and his staff
funded by HR, so it offers a slew of new capabilities that have done to customize the basic system and how good it
far exceed what is there now or, for that matter, what seems to be right now. He feels like any other “solution”
would be possible with the corporate option during the would be going against the tide. He’s tired. And he’s very,
initial three or four years of operation. The other path is very unhappy.

8 March/April 2003 • IHRIM Journal

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