01.08 Honors Scientific Knowledge

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Gabriel Dolan

Honors scientific knowledge activity 1.08 HONORS

Article Possible new threat to Earth's ozone layer

1. What information in the article shows that the research has been subject to peer
review? Provide an example.

In the article the research is subject to peer review because there are several scientists
finding results about the chemicals and their effects on the atmosphere, such as the research
done by the British and American scientists that found out that an unknown chemical not
controlled by the montreal protocol poses a potential risk to the Earth's protective ozone
layer. Then later other scientists (NOAA scientist Steve Montzka) reported that the
accumulations of this specific chemical have increased a lot in recent times. On top of that
many other scientists investigated possible effects of this gas in the future if nothing is done.

2. What information about the article demonstrates its global access to other
scientists? Provide an example.

In the article it reports that the NOAA reported several findings about the chemical effects
and measurements at sites across the globe. Which indicates that the results have been
shared by scientists around the globe and collected in many separate regions in the world. In
the article it also talks about the Montreal protocol, a global treaty consisting of many nations
and scientists around the globe.

3. Provide two excerpts from the article that include analysis or conclusions that
demonstrate logical thinking and reasoning. Explain why the examples selected
demonstrate logical thinking and reasoning.

"The increases observed for dichloromethane from our measurements are striking and
unexpected," said NOAA scientist Steve Montzka, a co-author on the paper. "Concentrations
were decreasing slowly in the late 1990s, but reversed course and have doubled since the
early 2000s. "

In this quote there are two excerpts such as, the first one which states the chemicals
concentrations number and quantity (increase and decrease) which shows that the scientists
did logical research and found these findings.

The rapid increase in dichloromethane was revealed by long-term NOAA atmospheric

measurements at sites across the globe.
Excerpt two provides a statement based on evidence and good reasoning making
it logical and acceptable.

4. Provide two excerpts from the article that demonstrate the rules of evidence and
the scientific method were followed when creating scientific explanations. Explain
why the examples selected demonstrate that the scientific method and rules of
evidence were followed.\

In a study published June 27 in Nature Communications, the scientists report that if dichloromethane
concentrations continue to increase, it could offset some gains made under the Montreal Protocol and
delay the recovery of the ozone layer.

This first excerpt uses the scientific method because it uses evidence and makes an
explanation saying if the concentration of this chemical gets any worse than, it could damage
the ozone and hurt the Montreal protocol’s recovery efforts. This study is peer reviewing the
Montreal protocol’s efforts and warning about the damaging effect of concentrations if this
chemical continues to increase.

Unlike chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) and similar long-lived gases that are responsible for most ozone
depletion, dichloromethane has a short lifetime and is not controlled by the Montreal Protocol.

This second excerpt uses the scientific method because it states that the chlorofluorocarbons
have already been researched and they affect the ozone layer and all, but they found even
another substance that affects it as well. So they knew about they previous research into
chlorofluorocarbons and with that found another damaging substance which they call

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