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10th APPS Newsletter

February 2011
Lets know more about Jogja ^^

ogyakarta Special Region (Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta, DIY) is officially one of Indonesia's 33 provinces.

Y This region is located at the foot of the active Merapi volcano, Yogyakarta was in the 16th and 17th centuries
the seat of the mighty Javanese empire of Mataram from which present day Yogyakarta has the best
inherited of traditions. Yogyakarta is an old city that keeps a lot of hidden charm in it and it has a unique provincial
government as it is the only province in Indonesia which is lead by the Monarchy.Although the formal spelling of the city's
name is "Yogyakarta", for many years it has been fondly called "Yogya". In recent years the spellings have been modernized
to reflect the true pronunciations "Jogjakarta" and "Jogja". Nowadays, most people use "Jogja" when talking about the city.

Yogyakarta located on the island of Java is one of Indonesia's
most popular tourist destinations. Yogyakarta is geographically
located almost equidistant from Indonesia's two most important
international gateways, Jakarta and Bali.
Because of its location, Yogyakarta is strategically positioned
for the economic activity network in Java as well as for the tourist
destination area. Yogyakarta lies midway on the axis of several main
tourist destination areas, Jakarta and West Java westward, Central
Java northward, East Java and Bali eastward. It is linked by regular rail,
road and air services to other parts of Indonesian archipelago.

Climate and Weather

Yogyakarta has a tropical weather and it enjoys plenty of sunshine all
through the year. The days are generally hot and humid and there are only two
distinct seasons in the year: the rainy season and the dry monsoon season.
As the former capital and the center of several kingdoms in the past, this
region and its people are very rich in a variety of cultures. It is widely known from
to historical records that the civilization, art and culture had developed well in
the center of those kingdoms respectively. The cultural heritage from the past
includes the magnificent temples, the ruins of palaces and monasteries, the
various kind of traditions, cultural events, traditional folk and performing arts,
architecture and other traditional activities which make the city has high value
of tradition, art, and culture. Traditional and modern exhibition are held almost
every day and night. Even more, there are abundant of cultural ceremony, such
as Sekaten, Gunungan, Labuhan, Malioboro Fair. Also, there are beaches that
will make you gape with awe, museums and exotic markets where you can get
some flavor of the culture, traditions and customs of the place.

10th APPS Newsletter P

Issue No.2 G
Vol. 10th APPS Newsletter
February 2011

he cultural heritage from the past includes the
magnificent temples, the ruins of palaces and
monasteries, the various kind of traditions, cultural
events, traditional folk and performing arts, architecture and other
traditional activities which make the city has high value of tradition, art,
and culture. Traditional and modern exhibition are held almost every day
and night. Even more, there are abundant of cultural ceremony, such as
Sekaten, Gunungan, Labuhan, Malioboro Fair. Also, there are beaches that
will make you gape with awe, museums and exotic markets where you can
get some flavor of the culture, traditions and customs of the place.
Yogyakarta has more than just culture though. It is a very lively city and a shopper's delight. The main road,
Malioboro Street, is always crowded and famous for its night street food-culture and street vendors. Many tourist
shops and cheap hotels are concentrated along this street. Your visit to Yogyakarta will be welcomed warmly!


1. Academic Session
- Symposium
There are 4 symposiums with different themes and speakers
will be held. These are forum based-session. Those 4 themes
are: Future of Pharmacy Education, Advanced Drug
Development, Pharmacy Goes Green, and Health Insurance.
- Workshops
In each day, participants are free to choose which workshop
they want to attend, with various invited speakers. There are 5
topics of workshop will be held. The topics will notify later.
- Oral Presentation and Poster Exhibition
There are 2 scientific competitions. Each country should
submit at least one scientific poster and one scientific
paper.There will be reviewers for judging the best poster and
presenter. Best poster and best oral presentator will be
Notes : the deadline for abstract is 25th May and the deadline
for full paper is 25th June 2. Regional Meeting
This is the annual formal meeting to elect the
new committee members of Asia Pacific Regional Office
(APRO). The immediate-past committee board will
present information and accomplishments done by
APRO during 10/11 term. Announcement of other
upcoming events, as well as the promotion of next APPS
will also be held during this event.

3. PCE (Pharmacy Counseling Event)

Patient Counseling Event consist of three parts:
PCE workshop, closed door competition, and PCE final.
The participants can join PCE competition and the
winner will be awarded.

10th APPS Newsletter P

Issue No.2 G
Vol. 10th APPS Newsletter
February 2011

4. Campaign
The theme is “how to use herbal medicines safely”. The
participants will be handling several spots along Malioboro
street and Jogja 0 km. There are some campaign materials as a
guideline what to deliver to societies.
Note: wear your comfortable and simple clothes and shoes.

5. Jogja City Tour

This event will give a chance to explore Jogjakarta.
Participant can learn the tradition, history, or just enjoy every
impressed part of Jogja. We will visit some destination which
is selected; Sultan Palace and Prambanan Temple. You will
feel the beauty and friendly Jogja.
Note: wear your comfortable and simple clothes and shoes.

6. University and Faculty Tour

University and Faculty tour will enable to explore
Gadjah Mada University and the faculty of Pharmacy. Take a
tour around, whereby the participants are given a chance to
visit various parts of UGM. We'll have a trip around this
university and also some major part of its and the faculties.
Do not forget to ask your Group Leader if there's something
Note: wear your comfortable and simple clothes and shoes.

Social event description

fter having symposium, discussion, and workshop in the morning and afternoon, in the evening we
organize a colorful and interesting cultural program, where the participants, delegates, and all people
interested have the possibility to get to know each other, relax and also introduce your fabulous country.
1.Welcome Party :
Witamy! Ni Hao! Hosgeldin! Bienvida! Sawubona! Dzien' dobry!
Tervetulua! Istenhozta! Assalamualaikum! After weeks full of
preparing, planning and impatient anticipation the day has come on
which we can finally welcome you all, all the delegates who have
traveled to Yogyakarta from all parts of the world. It is a great pleasure
to welcome you in Yogyakarta. You will have chance to get to know
each other, see a short performance from us and feel our hospitality.
Just wear your casual dress or as long as you feel comfort with it. We
are very pleased to celebrate this special night together!!
Selamat Datang!!!!

10th APPS Newsletter P

Issue No.2 G
Vol. 10th APPS Newsletter
February 2011
2. Cultural Night and Auction Night :
We will surprise you with the richness of Indonesia
Culture especially from Yogyakarta. Feel the difference here
and enjoy the show.
Both of cultural night and auction night will be held in same
time. Auction night is an IPSF tradition to raise money to help
less fortunate students from developing countries to attend
IPSF events or to take part in the Student Exchange Program.
Please bring your iconic and unique items from your native
3. International Night
Do you want to surprise everyone with your unique
culture? It's a show time. The show must go on. We invite
you to a traditional IPSF cultural exchange event where
different cultures meet and inspire each other; unique
sounds and performances fill the stage and its surroundings.
On this evening you as participants and delegates from all
over the world get the chance to create an event to represent
your cultures as well as to get to know more about the other
ones. Please prepare a short performance (it shouldn't be
longer than 10 minutes) to represent your country. All the
songs, dance, spontaneous performances and emotions are
not to be missed. If you bring CD to complement your
performance, please give it to a RC member when
4. Gala Night
Hei, it's your last night in APPS 2011. We want make it as your memorable night. We will surprise you with red
carpet-gala night. Enjoy your last time as a superstar wannabe
Please wear your formal costume and evening gown. And also bring your camera. We will take picture together. So we
can keep the pictures and might be look it in the days to come..It is also awarding night. We want to let the evening fade
out with some music, performance, good chats and discussions in arelaxed atmosphere. So just prepare your self and
make this night as your unforgettable night.
NEXT ISSUE : Indonesian Cuisine

10th APPS Newsletter P

Issue No.2 G

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