Lesson Language Language Strategies College & Career Readiness

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Step Forward supports learners as they work to meet the

TABLE OF CONTENTS English Language Proficiency Standards for Adult Education (ELPS) and
College and Career
Readiness Standards
STANDARDS FOR for Adult Education

the College and Career Readiness Standards for Adult Education (CCRS). ADULT EDUCATION Susan Pimentel

With Correspondences to College and Career Readiness

See Step Forward’s Teacher Resource Center for step-by-step

Standards for English Language Arts and Literacy, and
Mathematical and Science Practices
October 2016

lesson plans that list the level-specific ELP and CCR standards,
and for other detailed correlations.


Unit Key Objectives Vocabulary Grammar Reading & Writing Listening & Speaking Critical Thinking Collaboration

PRE-UNIT ■ Meet classmates Topic-Specific ■ Verb tense review ■ Read a conversation Conversation ■ Process instructions ■ Understand teamwork
The First Step ■ Alphabetize names ■ Greetings ■ Parts of speech ■ Practice with greetings ■ Communicate information
■ Review parts of speech ■ Names ■ Communicate verbally
page 2 Focused Listening
■ Prepositions of location
■ Listen for past, present, and
OPD Connection future
■ Greeting others
■ Meeting and Greeting
■ Parts of speech
■ Prepositions

1 Learning Together  iscuss study skills and the U.S. Topic-Specific

D R eview present and past verb  rite about a challenge
W Conversation Critical thinking Work independently
■ ■ ■ ■
educational system ■ Study skills forms you faced ■ Talk about career goals ■ Locate information ■ Understand teamwork
■ Write a paragraph about your ■ Types of schools in the U.S. ■ Yes/no questions and answers ■ Read an advice column ■ Express uncertainty ■ Infer information ■ Locate information
page 4
feelings the first day of class ■ The prefix dis- ■ Adjectives and adverbs to ■ Read a graph ■ Show that you are listening ■ Analyze information ■ Communicate verbally
Themes ■ Describe study habits and describe skills
OPD Connection Writing strategy Focused Listening Problem solving ■ Listen actively
■ Study skills and the U.S.
■ Schools and Subjects ■ Focusing on the main Idea in ■ Listen for details about ■ Determine how to talk with ■ Use writing skills
■ Talk about career choices,
educational system different paragraphs educational experiences classmates as a new student ■ Comprehend written material
strengths and weaknesses ■ Succeeding in School
■ Express uncertainty
■ Identify educational resources ■ Career Planning Reading strategy ■ Listen for verb tenses ■ Analyze information
■ Reading with a purpose
■ Show that you are listening Academic language Pronunciation
■ Reading complex charts and ■ sh, ch, and j
accurately, challenge, revise,
research, schedule tables multiple times

2 Ready for Fun I dentify and locate places to Topic-Specific Review be going to and will  rite an email to get
W Conversation Critical thinking Work independently
■ ■ ■ ■
go for fun ■ Recreational places and events ■ Future plans and promises information to plan an event ■ Describe a recreational activity ■ Use inference to match words ■ Understand teamwork
page 20 ■ Write an email asking for
■ Adjectives to describe ■ Future predictions
■ Read an article about the ■ Discuss future predictions with pictures ■ Locate information
information to plan a party recreational places and events benefits of being outdoors ■ Express a preference ■ Match words with their ■ Communicate verbally
■ Express preferences with
Themes ■ Talk about future plans
■ Very and too
■ Read a pie chart and text
■ Acknowledge responses
definitions ■ Listen actively
would rather + verb
■ Determine categories of
■ Community involvement ■ Identify some causes of stress
■ The suffix -ful
Writing strategy ■ Make plans ■ Use writing skills
■ Express a preference ■ Writing a business email
information for a request
■ Identify the benefits of walking ■ Comprehend written material
OPD Connection Focused Listening ■ Determine the purpose of
in the park Reading strategy ■ Listen for activities, plans, ■ Analyze information
■ Taking Care of Your Health statements
■ Check your understanding ■ Understanding the purpose of promises and predictions
■ The Park and Playground Problem solving
topic sentences ■ Listen for reasons an employee
■ Entertainment ■ Determine how to compromise
■ Understanding chart labels asks for time off
and text to agree on plans
Academic language Pronunciation
physical, relaxing, prediction, ■ j and ch
resolution, stress, security

3 A Job to Do I dentify computer and office Topic-Specific Comparisons R ead an article about work- Conversation Critical thinking Work independently
■ ■ ■ ■
vocabulary ■ Computer vocabulary ■ Superlatives based training and a bar graph ■ Use comparisons to talk about ■ Decide which meaning of a ■ Work with others
page 36
■ Write an email describing the ■ Suffix -tion ■ Write an email about problems your life experience word is appropriate ■ Locate information
rules in your neighborhood ■ Respond to negative feedback ■ Decide on the seriousness of ■ Listen actively
OPD Connection
Themes ■ Use comparisons to choose the Writing strategy ■ Politely ask for clarification bad behavior at work ■ Use writing skills
■ Describing Things
■ Work environment
best product to buy ■ Writing a title for an email Problem solving
■ Respond to negative feedback ■ The Workplace Focused Listening ■ Comprehend written material
■ Respond to feedback ■ Decide which factors are most
■ Learn about work-based ■ Career Planning Reading strategy ■ Listen for comparisons ■ Analyze information
■ Understanding the purpose of ■ Listen for details about ways to
important in accepting a job
training and education ■ Information Technology (IT)

■ Learn what to do when you

bold headings improve work performance
Academic language ■ Reading a bar graph ■ Listen to a staff meeting
don’t understand the speaker evaluation, range, subsidize,
policy, flexible, medical, benefits Pronunciation
■ v, b, and f

ii  Table of contents Grammar charts pages 196-203 Table of contents iii

© Copyright Oxford University Press
Unit Key Objectives Vocabulary Grammar Reading & Writing Listening & Speaking Critical Thinking Collaboration

4 Good Work I dentify job interview Topic-Specific The present perfect R ead an article about how to Conversation Critical thinking Work independently
■ ■ ■ ■
vocabulary ■ Job interview dos and don’ts ■ For and since with the get a promotion ■ Interview for a promotion ■ Decide whether you agree ■ Understand teamwork
page 52 ■ Write a thank-you letter after a
■ Types of workers and present perfect ■ Read a flow chart and text
■ Encourage a team member or or disagree with statements ■ Locate information
job interview their strengths ■ Contractions with the present ■ Write a thank-you email for a a group about jobs
■ Communicate verbally
Themes ■ Use the present perfect to talk
■ The prefix inter- perfect job interview ■ Persuade
■ Discuss good and bad things
■ Listen actively
■ Job search about past events to do at a job interview
OPD Connection Writing strategy ■ Show a willingness to learn
■ Use writing skills
■ Persuade ■ Interview for a promotion ■ Answer questions about
■ Using colons in a formal
■ Jobs and Occupations Focused Listening yourself for a job interview ■ Comprehend written material
■ Identify ways to get
business letter
a promotion ■ Job Skills ■ Listen for what someone has ■ Analyze information
Problem solving
■ Show a willingness to learn ■ Career Planning
Reading strategy done on a job
■ Decide what to do when you’re
at work ■ Reading insets ■ Listen to a job interview
■ Job Search not prepared for an upcoming
■ Reading organizational charts job interview
■ Interview Skills Pronunciation
■ Two pronunciations of th
Academic language
network, promotion , creative,
team, promoted, automatically,
interact, intermediate

5 Community I dentify and locate community Topic-Specific Yes/no questions with the  rite an email to your
W Conversation Critical thinking Work independently
■ ■ ■ ■
resources ■ Community resources present perfect school board ■ Express interest in ■ Choose solutions to workplace ■ Understand teamwork
Resources ■ Identify community problems
■ Safety precautions
■ Use ever, already, and yet with ■ Read an article about volunteering problems ■ Locate information
and write an email asking for the present perfect Earth Day ■ Discuss the benefits of ■ Determine what makes a job
page 68 ■ Prefix -un ■ Communicate verbally
assistance ■ Simple past and present ■ Read a scatter plot graph volunteering safe or unsafe
■ Use yes/no questions in the ■ Listen actively
Themes OPD Connection perfect and text ■ Build on others’ ideas
present perfect to ask about Problem solving ■ Use writing skills
■ Everyday Conversation
■ Community involvement
personal, work, and academic Writing strategy ■ Give helpful suggestions ■ Decide what steps to take to
■ Downtown ■ Comprehend written material
■ Express interest experiences ■ Understanding the purpose of
Focused Listening find volunteer opportunities
■ Civic Engagement each paragraph in a multi- ■ Analyze information
■ Express interest in
■ Listen for information about
volunteering ■ Public Safety
paragraph email, letter, etc.
community resources
■ Identify ways to reduce trash ■ Energy and the Environment Reading strategy ■ Listen for details about
and protect the environment ■ Understanding the purpose of volunteering in America
Academic language
■ Give helpful suggestions introductory paragraphs ■ Listen to a staff meeting
consequences, community, job,
behalf, contractor, environment, ■ Reading scatter plot graphs
■ I’m, I’d, and I’ll

6 What’s Cooking? Identify kitchen vocabulary Topic-Specific Separable phrasal verbs  rite a story about a favorite
W Conversation Critical thinking Work independently
■ ■ ■ ■

■ Describe the steps to cook a ■ Kitchen vocabulary ■ Inseparable phrasal verbs family dish ■ Order a meal ■ Determine how much to tip in ■ Understand teamwork
page 84 favorite recipe ■ Kitchen equipment ■ Possessive pronouns
■ Read an article about
■ Express uncertainty different situations ■ Locate information
■ Use phrasal verbs food poisoning ■ Use inferences to match
■ Interrupt to ask a question ■ Communicate verbally
Themes OPD Connection ■ Read a chart and text pictures and words
■ Express uncertainty
■ Food Preparation and Safety ■ Listen actively
■ Recipes and cooking Focused Listening
■ Identify ways to protect Writing strategy Problem solving ■ Use writing skills
■ Express uncertainty ■ A Restaurant ■ Listen for details about tipping
yourself from food poisoning ■ Sequencing ■ Decide how much to tip
■ Listen to a conversation in a ■ Comprehend written material
■ Identify ways to safely store Academic language
food sequencing , assistant Reading strategy restaurant ■ Analyze information
■ Using imperatives to establish
■ Interrupt someone to ask Pronunciation
a question a tone
■ Linking in phrasal verbs
■ Annotating a text

iv  Table of contents Table of contents v

© Copyright Oxford University Press
Unit Key Objectives Vocabulary Grammar Reading & Writing Listening & Speaking Critical Thinking Collaboration

7 Money Wise Identify bank vocabulary Topic-Specific Real conditionals Write a financial plan Conversation Critical thinking Work independently
■ ■ ■ ■

■ Identify ways to reach your ■ Bank vocabulary ■ Questions with real ■ Read about financial planning ■ Ask about a problem ■ Decide why it’s important to ■ Understand teamwork
page 100 financial goals ■ Banking services conditionals ■ Read a pie chart ■ Discuss the pros and cons of save money ■ Locate information
■ Use real conditionals to talk ■ Time clauses to discuss credits cards ■ Deciding how to avoid identity
■ Suffix -al ■ Communicate verbally
Themes about ways to save money future events Writing strategy theft
■ Disagree with someone
■ Identity theft ■ Using linking words because ■ Listen actively
■ Banking and money ■ Use real conditionals to talk
and since Focused Listening Problem solving ■ Use writing skills
management about possible outcomes OPD Connection
■ Deciding whether to get a
■ Focusing each paragraph on a ■ Listen for details about a credit ■ Comprehend written material
■ Asking about a problem ■ Ask about a problem ■ The Bank
purpose card problem credit card
■ Identify ways to protect ■ Shopping ■ Analyze information
■ Listen to automated message
yourself against identity theft ■ Crime
Reading strategy
about banking options
■ Disagree with someone ■ Using context clues to
Academic language ■ Listen for solutions to a
understand words and phrases
financial, security, transfer, credit, work problem
■ Reading the key to a pie chart
identity, equipped, professional,
■ Linking words

8 Living Well I dentify organs and parts of Topic-Specific Used to Write a wellness plan Conversation Critical thinking Work independently
■ ■ ■ ■
the body and locate hospitals ■ Organs and other parts of ■ Used to in questions ■ Read an article about using ■ Making and accepting ■ Think of alternatives to ■ Understand teamwork
page 116 ■ Identify ways to improve your the body and answers medication safely suggestions unhealthy habits ■ Locate information
health ■ Medical departments ■ Present perfect continuous ■ Read a pie chart ■ Discuss diet and exercise ■ Match quotes and pictures
■ Communicate verbally
Themes ■ Use used to
■ Prefix re- ■ Help teammates participate
Writing strategy Problem solving ■ Listen actively
■ Health problems and ■ Learn ways to make and
■ Diet and exercise ■ Writing an outline ■ Decide what to do after
hospitals accept suggestions Focused Listening ■ Use writing skills

OPD Connection ■ Listen for different solutions an accident ■ Comprehend written material
■ Make and accept ■ Learn about the information Reading strategy
on prescription medication ■ Inside and Outside the Body to paying for health ■ Analyze information
suggestions ■ Separating examples with
insurance costs
labels ■ A Pharmacy bullets
■ Listen for details at a medical
■ Help teammates participate ■ Reading text near a chart
■ Taking Care of Your Health
check up
■ Medical Care
■ The Hospital
■ z sound and s sound in use (to)
Academic language
relax, stress, injury, medical, benefit

9 Hit the Road Identify automotive Topic-Specific  escribe events with time
D  rite a blog post about your
W Conversation Critical thinking Work independently
■ ■ ■ ■
vocabulary ■ Automotive vocabulary clauses last vacation ■ Use time clauses to talk about ■ Compare time clauses ■ Understand teamwork
page 132 ■ Write a post about a
■ Interior of a car
■ Compare time clauses ■ Read about lemon laws your life experience ■ Determine pros and cons of ■ Locate information
memorable vacation ■ And…too, and…not either, but ■ Read a repair and maintenance ■ Confirm advice owning a car
■ Negotiating price ■ Communicate verbally
Themes ■ Use time clauses to log ■ Make a deal ■ Analyze different types of car
■ Suffixes -er and -or ■ Listen actively
■ Car ownership describe events ■ Read a table comparing cars
■ Build consensus
■ Use time clauses to talk about OPD Connection Problem solving ■ Use writing skills
■ Make a deal
life experiences Writing strategy Focused Listening ■ Decide what to do if your car ■ Comprehend written material
■ Basic Transportation
■ Negotiate a price
■ Understanding the purposes
■ Listen for details about car suddenly stops ■ Analyze information
■ Buying and Maintaining a Car
of an introduction insurance
■ Learn about the lemon law
■ Parts of a Car
■ Compare cars
Reading strategy ■ Listen to details about a car
■ A Road Trip
■ Using questions to organize sale
■ Build consensus
Academic language a text Pronunciation
maintenance, manual, consumer, ■ Reading tables
■ The schwa sound
reliable, features

vi  Table of contents Table of contents vii

© Copyright Oxford University Press
Unit Key Objectives Vocabulary Grammar Reading & Writing Listening & Speaking Critical Thinking Collaboration

10 Crime Doesn’t Identify safety vocabulary Topic-Specific Gerunds as subjects  rite about your home
W Conversation Critical thinking Listen actively
■ ■ ■ ■

Identify home security features ■ Safety vocabulary

■ ■ Compare gerunds and the security ■ Report a crime ■ Determine the best way to ■ Understand teamwork
Pay and write a letter asking for ■ The criminal justice system present continuous ■ Read two articles about public
■ Sequence events avoid common crimes ■ Communicate information
assistance ■ Review infinitives and gerunds safety jobs ■ Decide the similarities and
page 148 ■ Changing verbs to nouns with ■ Show a positive attitude ■ Work independently
■ Use gerunds as subjects to talk
-ment ■ Read a graph differences between articles
■ Discuss safety problems in ■ Comprehend written material
Themes about home security
OPD Connection Writing strategy your neighborhood Problem solving ■ Analyze information
■ Crime and community safety ■ Report a crime
■ Using connecting words to ■ Decide what to do if you think
■ The Legal System Focused Listening
■ Identify careers in public safety
■ Sequence events show contrast you see a crime
■ Crime ■ Listen for stressed words
■ Show a positive attitude ■ Using quotation marks
■ Public Safety ■ Listen for details of a reported
Reading strategy crime
Academic language
■ Comparing information from ■ Listen to details of a public
commit, areas, security, domestic,
enforcement, options, inspector, more than one source safety talk
investigate, federal, positive, ■ Using comprehension
attitude questions to focus your
■ Stressed words in sentences

11 That’s Life Identify life-event vocabulary Topic-Specific Present passive  rite an email to reschedule
W Conversation Critical thinking Work independently
■ ■ ■ ■

■ Write an email to reschedule ■ Life-event vocabulary ■ Active and passive voice an event ■ Talk about life events ■ Ask for and give directions ■ Work with others
page 164 a meeting ■ Website vocabulary ■ The passive with by
■ Read an article about moving
■ Respond to good news ■ Distinguish between ■ Locate information
■ Use the present passive to
■ Suffix -ment ■ be able to + verb for ability
■ Read an infographic and text
■ Help someone understand emergencies and non- ■ Communicate verbally
Themes describe scheduled events at a emergencies
retirement community OPD Connection Writing strategy ■ Discuss children’s birthday ■ Listen actively
■ Life events
■ Learning what to avoid when celebrations around the world Problem solving ■ Use writing skills
■ Respond to news ■ Show excitement or concern ■ Everyday Conversation
writing formal messages ■ Decide whether to accept an
when you respond to good or ■ Life Events and Documents Focused Listening ■ Comprehend written material
bad news invitation
■ Finding a Home
Reading strategy ■ Listen for wedding traditions ■ Analyze information
■ Identify when and why ■ Paraphrasing what is read in different countries
people move Academic language ■ Listen for details of a wedding
■ Understanding the purpose
■ Praise someone discrimination, promotion, preparation
reschedule, community, tradition, of text that goes with an
infographic Pronunciation
majority, security, utilities, indicate
■ Rising and falling intonation

12 Do the Right I dentify civic rights and Topic-Specific Verbs + infinitives  rite an email about
W Conversation Critical thinking Work independently
■ ■ ■ ■
responsibilities ■ Civic vocabulary ■ Verbs + gerunds or infinitives volunteering ■ Express interest in ■ Decide when to talk about ■ Understand teamwork
Thing ■ Identify a community problem
■ Leadership qualities
■ Read an article about the Civil volunteering your achievements ■ Locate information
and write an email asking for Rights Movement ■ Respond to feedback ■ Determine whether feedback
page 180 ■ Word stress in nouns and verbs ■ Communicate verbally
assistance ■ Read pie chart and text is positive or negative
■ Ask or detail and elaboration
■ Use verbs plus infinitives to ■ Listen actively
Themes OPD Connection ■ Analyze why young people do
plan an event Writing strategy ■ Help someone understand
■ Use writing skills
■ Civic rights and ■ Civic Engagement not vote
■ Providing examples and details
■ Write and report requests Focused Listening ■ Comprehend written material
responsibilities ■ Community Cleanup
Problem solving
■ Describe possible reasons
■ Learn about the Civil Rights Reading strategy ■ Listen for details of problems ■ Analyze information
Academic language ■ Deciding what to do after a
Movement ■ Identifying an author’s opinion discussed in a staff meeting
constitutional, contribution, traffic accident
■ Help someone understand ■ Reading sources ■ Listen to details in a
immigrant, involvement, credit
staff meeting
■ Homophones

viii  Table of contents Table of contents ix

© Copyright Oxford University Press

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