Measurement of Horizontal Distances 2

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When distances are measured along the slope, the equivalent horizontal distance may
correspondingly be determined by applying an approximate slope correction.

Slope Correction = C SL



h = difference in elevation between
Using Pythagorean Theorem: two points
h2 =S 2−D 2=( S−D ) ( S+ D ) s = slope distance
h2 Note:
S− D=
 C SL is always negative or
C SL= exact formula short
S+ D
 Tape to be short
Since S ≈ D
C SL= approximate formula

A slope is classified as gentle when it is not greater than 20%. This means a rise or fall of
20 units in a horizontal distance of 100 units. The slope is calculated by dividing the difference
in elevation by the horizontal distance and multiplying by 100% to obtain the slope in percent
h o Slope is in decimal points
SLOPE= 100 %
d o + upward (Elevation)
o -downward (Depression)
By employing binomial expansion, the equation for slope correction (Eq. 1) expands to
h2 h3
C SL= +
2 S 8 S3

This equation, which now includes a second term, gives more precise results and is used
for steep slopes such as those ranging between 20% and 30%
When very steep slopes are involved such as those greater than 30%, the corresponding
slope correction should be calculated by exact trigonometric relations as follows
sin θ= , d=s cos θ , C h=s−d

C h=s−s cos θ∨C h=s(l−cos θ)

The following, therefore, summarizes the different slope correction formulas used when
reducing measurements to equivalent horizontal distances.
1. Gentle Slopes (Less than 20%)
C SL=C h=
2. Steep Slopes (Between 20% and 30%)
h2 h3
C SL=C h= +
2 S 8 S3
3. Very Steep Slopes (Greater than 30%)
C h=s(l−cos θ)


It is usually difficult to keep the tape in perfect alignment with the end marks when
taping through grass or when a strong wind is blowing. The head tapeman is likely to set the
zero end of the tape on one side and sometimes on the other side of the correct line.
The tape lengthens as the temperature rises and shortens as the temperature falls. The
correction applied to the length of the tape due to change in temperature C 1 is given by the
C T =CL(T −T S )
Another formula:

Correction due to Temperature (C T )

C T =L(T 1−T o )K Where;
L = Length of Tape as shown
by its graduation
T 1 = Actual Temperature

T o = Standard Temperature

K = Coefficient of
Expansion of Tape (Steel)
K = 0.0000116/°C
K = 0.00000645/°F
Note: If negative (-); Tape is short
If Positive (+); Tape is Long


L(P1−P o) Where;
C P = Correction due to Pull

L = Length of tape as shown

by its graduation
P1 = Applied Pull

Po = Standard Pull

A = Cross sectional area of

E = Modulus elasticity of
Note: Tape is either + (tape too
long0 or – (tape too short)
By measuring the thickness and width of a steel tape by means of a caliper, its cross-
sectional area can be determined. The cross-sectional area may laso be calculated by dividing
the total weight (W) of the tape by the product of its length (L) and the unit weight of steel
which is approximately 7.866 x 10−3kg/cm3. This is given by the following equation
L(Unit Weight )

The cross-sectional area of most light and heavy steel tapes which are 30m long vary
from about 0.02 to 0.06 sq. cm. The modulus of elasticity of a steel tape usually varies from
2.00 x 106 to 2.10 x 106kg/cm2

1. CORRECTION DUE TO SLOPE. Slope distances AB and AC measures 330.49m and
660.97m, respectively. The differences in elevation are 12.22m for points A and B, and
10.85m for points B and C. Using the approximate slope correction formula for gentle
slopes, determine the horizontal length of line ABC. Assume that line AB has a rising
slope and BC a falling slope.

S1 = 330.49m
h1 = 12.22m
S2 = 660.97m
h2 = 10.85m

h21 (12.22)2
d 1=S1 − =330.49−
2 S1 2(330.49)
d 1=330.49−0.23
d 1=330.26 m

h22 (10.85)2
d 2=S 2− =660.97−
2 S2 2( 660.97)
d 2=660.97−0.09
d 2=660.88 m

d = d 1 +d 2 = 330.26 + 660.88
d = 991.14m
2. CORRECTION DUE TO SLOPE. A line AB cannot be measured directly because of
an obstruction on line. Accordingly, the two lines AC and CB were measured as
2,400.850m and 1,320.420m, respectively. Point C was set at a perpendicular distance of
155m from point D on line AB. Using the approximate slope correction formula for steep
slopes, determine the length of AB.

S1 = 2,400.850m
S2 = 1,320.420m
h = 155m

h2 h4 ( 155 )2 (155)4
d 1=S1 − − 3 =2400.85− −
2 S1 8 S1 2 ( 2400.850 ) 8(2400.850)3
d 1=¿ 2400.850 - 5.003 - 0.005
d 1=¿ 2395.842m

h2 h4 ( 155 )2 (155)4
d 2=S 2− − 3 =1320.420− −
2 S2 8 S 2 2 ( 1320.420 ) 8(1320.420)3
d 2=¿ 1320.420 – 9.097 – 0.031
d 2=¿ 1311.292m

d = d 1 +d 2 = 2395.842 + 1311.292
d = 3707.134m

3. CORRECTION DUE TO TEMPERATURE. A steel tape with coefficient of linear

expansion of 0.0000116/1°C is known to be 50m long at 20°C. The tape was used to
measure a line which was found to be 523.28 meters long when the temperature was
35°C. Determine the following:
a. Temperature correction per tape length
b. Temperature correction for the measured line
c. Correct length of the line

a. C T =CL ( T −T S )=0.0000116 ( 50 ) (35 °−20° )
C T =¿ +0.0087m
b. C T '=CL ( T −T S )=0.0000116 ( 532.28 ) (35 °−20° )
C T '=¿ +0.0926m

c. L’ = L ± C T ' = 532.28 + 0.0926

L’ = 532.37m

4. CORRECTION DUE TO TEMPERATURE. A steel tape, known to be of standard

length at 20°C, is used in laying out a runway 2,500.00m long. If its coefficient of linear
expansion is 0.0000116/1°C, determine the temperature correction and the correct length
to be laid out when the temperature is 42°C.

T o = 20°C
M = 2,500m
K = 0.0000116/1°C
T 1 = 42°C

Required: Determine the temperature correctionC T , T

C T = L (T 1 - T o) K = 2500m(42° - 20°)(0.0000116/1°C)
C T = 0.638m (tape too long)

T = M - L = M - C T = 2500-0.638
T = 2499.36m

5. CORRECTION DUE TO TENSION. A heavy 50m tape having a cross-sectional area

of 0.05cm2 has been standardized at a tension of 5.5kg. If E = 2.10 x 106 kg/cm2, determine
the elongation of the tape if a pull of 12kg is applied.

( Pm−P s ) L (12−5.5 ) 50
C p= = =0.003 m
AE 0.05(2.10 x 10 6)

6. CORRECTION DUE TO TENSION. A 30m steel tape weighing 1.45kg is of standard

length under a pull of 5kg, supported for full length. The tape was used in measuring a
line 938.55m long on smooth level ground under a steady pull of 10kg. Assuming E = 2.0
x 106 kg/cm2 and the unit weight of steel to be 7.9 x 10−3 kg/cm3, determine the following:
a. Cross-sectional area of the tape
b. Correction for increase in tension
c. Correct length of the line measured
W 1.45 kg
a. A = L(Unit Weight) 100 cm 7.9 x 10−3 kg = 0.06cm 2
30 m
m )( cm 3 )
( Pm−P s ) L ( 10−5 ) 3 0
b. C p= = 6
=+0.00125 m
AE 0.06( 2.0 x 10 )
Cp 0.00125 m
938.55 m 30 m
0.00125 m
C p= ( 938.55 )
30 m
C p=+0.04 m
c. L’ = L ± C p = 938.55 + 0.04
L’ = 938.59m

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