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Generally, this experiment is conducted to determine whether the usage of extended

surface can improve heat transfer from the surface and to determine the temperature
distribution along an extended surface. There were three types of plate that being used in this
experiment which were flat plate, finned plate and also finned plate. Plus, the velocity of air was
being manipulated during the experiment with 0 m/s, 1.0 m/s and 1.5 m/s. According to the
theory, heat can be transferred into conduction, convection and radiation. Heat is being
transferred through convection in the bulk of fluid. However, the fluid will slow down until there is
no movement of fluid in the region near the surface which is under conduction phenomena. It
has been stated by the Newton’s Law of Cooling that the rate of convection heat transfer is
proportional to the temperature difference.
Based on the result recorded, the values of thermal conductivity, k were being specified
according to the temperature for each velocity. At 0 m/s, for flat, finned and pinned plates, the
value of the thermal conductivity are 0.02761 W/m.K, 0.02670 W/m.K and 0.02672 W/m.K
respectively. At 1 m/s, the value of thermal conductivity for both flat and pinned plates are the
same with the value of 0.02672 W/m.K while the finned plate is having the value of 0.02671
W/m.K. At 1.5 m/s, the value of thermal conductivity for both flat and pinned plates are the same
with the value of 0.02672 W/m.K while the finned plate is having the value of 0.02670 W/m.K.
The thermal conductivity will increase as the temperature increase because heat is being
transported the energy into gases. The kinetic energy molecule will collide with lower kinetic
energy molecule that will increase the energy transfer and increase in temperature. Thus,
thermal conductivity will increase as the temperature increase.
Next, the values of heat transfer coefficient, h for each plates were being calculated.
Based on Table 2, as the velocity increases, the heat transfer coefficient is also increasing. It is
shown that at 0 m/s, pinned plate has the highest value of heat transfer coefficient of 8.2939
W/m2.K followed by 5.8612 W/m2.K and 6.3584 W/m2.K for flat and finned plates respectively.
However, at 1 m/s, finned plate has the highest value of heat transfer coefficient of 34.7898
W/m2.K followed by 12.1699 W/m2.K and 28.923 W/m2.K for flat and pinned plates respectively.
At 1.5 m/s, finned plate also has the highest value of heat transfer coefficient of 46.793 W/m 2.K
followed by 14.905 W/m2.K and 34.937 W/m2.K for flat and pinned plates respectively. It is
assumed as free convection at the velocity of 0 m/s because there is no relative motion between
the surface and the fluid. However, the convection of heat transfer takes place as the velocity
and the temperature increases.
There are two graphs that have been plotted based on the results calculated from the
experiment. Based on Figure 1, it is shown that the finned plate has the highest increment of
average power supply as the velocity increases followed by pinned plate and flat plate.
Theoretically, the average power supply will increase when the velocity increases because more
power is required in order to maintain the surface temperature as the velocity increases. Next, it
is expected that the heat transfer from an object can be improved by increasing the surface area
in contact with air. According to Figure 3, as the velocity of air increases, the rate of heat
transfers for all plates are also increasing. By comparing those three plates, the finned plate
shows the highest rate of heat transfer at the velocity of 1.5 m/s with the value of 99.09 W and
clearly followed the theory since the finned plate has a greater surface area compared to the flat
and pinned plates with the rate of heat transfer of 6.02 W and 53.56 W respectively. For finned
plate, the heat is being transferred through the fin interface to the separator plate and continue
to transfer through the next set of fins into the adjacent fluid. Plus, finned plate is having a larger
surface area due to its geometries that will increase its ability to transfer the heat more
compared to the pinned and flat plate (Ramesh K., 2013).
There are several possible errors that might affect the experiment. One of them is when
the readings are being taken when it is not being stabilized. Next, the equipments that not being
regularly calibrated can also be one of the possible errors that affect the experiment. This is
because, the equipment can be malfunction out of the sudden, resulting to an inconsistent of
ambient temperature. On the other hand, the experimenter may be carelessly conduct the

Cengel, Y.A. (2014). Heat and Mass Transfer, 5th Edition. McGraw-Hill.
Ramesh K, (2013). Extended Surface Area Heat Transfer. [Online, accessed
16th August 2018]. Available at world wide web:

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