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While teaching cases online involves many of the

same approaches as teaching cases in a physical
classroom, there are still major differences.
Luckily, once you have done the upfront work
of planning for an online course, many aspects
can be preserved for future semesters which
make them very easy to reproduce. We hope this
guide can alleviate some of the pain points of
transitioning to an online classroom, especially
while using cases.

This guide was adapted from Bill Schiano and Espen Andersen’s
“Teaching with Cases Online,” (Boston: Harvard Business Publishing, 2017).



As in face-to-face classes, online Using both synchronous and

ONLINE TEACHING FORMATS: case teaching starts with learning asynchronous time for your

Synchronous and objectives that are broken into class will allow you to span case
chunks with corresponding cases discussions across multiple

and exercises that let the students “meetings.” You might open the
deduce and apply theory. The discussion in an asynchronous
main difference lies in the design of forum and then complete it in
In online case teaching, interactions with students may be teaching each individual case—an synchronous mode. You can also
instructor has to be more explicit use the asynchronous forums to
synchronous (at a designated time via Zoom, for example) about the discussion structure continue a discussion you started
or asynchronous, in which students discuss elements and be much more specific about in the synchronous class time. This
how and when people get access can offer wonderful opportunities
of a case in a learning management system (LMS) or to the certain major topics (or to drill into details that you did not
discussion forum. “discussion pastures”). Especially have time to address synchronously.
in the asynchronous format, in
which an individual case discussion
could take a week, you will need an
adjusted understanding of timing.


Students can more easily explore

multimedia case elements in an
asynchronous format.

Selecting Cases Compelling company, industry, Use of multimedia. Cases with

to Use Online or protagonist. Would students online components—such as video,

be eager to work in this audio, or dynamic graphics—
company? Is the case of specific fit well in an online course. The
A case that develops beautifully in a physical classroom economic or social interest? Is variety of multimedia elements
the protagonist interesting? can be more easily explored in an
may not work as well online since you can’t make use of asynchronous format as well.
the energy available to you when present in person. Recency. Students prefer
newer cases. While there are Well written and accessible.
Here are some attributes that are helpful in choosing a many good older cases, dated Using too many cases that employ
case for an online class: material increases the need to complicated or overly sophisticated
convince students that preparing language can be fatiguing for
these cases is worthwhile. students over the course of a
semester, especially if you have
Novelty. Can you create variety international students in your class.
in style or content? The iPremier
case by Robert Austin, for
instance, is also available in
a graphic novel edition.


Areas of tension and conflict. Look

for cases that are likely to provoke
Complex. If you manage the
discussion sequence well, you
Look for cases that are
strong feelings, particularly with
disagreement within the class.
can use more complex cases.
Also, discussion of each part of a likely to provoke strong
feelings, particularly
You may want to emphasize the complex case can happen across
conflicts in cases to engender multiple assignment periods.
better discussion (but be careful However, long complex cases
so students don’t lose their cool). are generally not a recipe for
engagement, so they are best with disagreement
within the class.
Multipart. A multipart case is one left for later in the course, after
with B and C (and sometimes students are used to the process.
even more) cases. These can
energize a discussion and facilitate
transitioning to a new pasture.
Additionally, you could follow a
single case with other “cases”
if you have other supplemental
materials that work well. You
could also transform long
cases into multipart ones.


What you want on the board is not

a transcription of words spoken but
a distillation.

Planning and Using Pre-produced slides. Preparing

detailed slides before class
Voice recognition. Most of the
time, what you want on the board

Shared Visual Space can make discussion seem is not a transcription of words
predetermined. One variation is to spoken but a distillation, so the
use slides with only pre-produced value of voice recognition is limited
A board in a synchronous online session will be a portion discussion topic headers. for synchronous teaching.
of the screen under the control of the teacher, and Live typing. This has the advantage Handwriting. Stylus technologies
perhaps of the entire class. Simplicity is paramount, of legibility, and depending on can allow you to write well on
your typing speed, it can be as fast many touch screens, which could
as is having a fallback position should the technology as or faster than using a traditional approximate a chalkboard. But on
cease to cooperate. Options for using an online board board. A quiet keyboard and good many systems, there is a noticeable
isolation for your microphone lag between your hand movements
include the following: are important if you go this and what appears on the screen. Be
route. For most discussions, this sure to test before using in class.
remains our preferred method.



Preparing for Different

Types of Students
As in an in-person class, you will usually deal with a variety Often there will be a handful of Finally, the students who are
students whose native language often quiet and sometimes
of students online with different backgrounds, cultures, is not the one spoken in your uncomfortable speaking out in an
knowledge, personalities, and learning styles. In general, classroom. If appropriate, look in-person class often will still feel
for translations and clarify your that way online. However, online
undergraduates have less experience to draw on and a objectives and expectations. learning gives you a few more
higher tendency to offer rote answers, while graduate Cultural issues may also exist. In avenues for participation than
some parts of the world, students a face-to-face classroom does.
students can be good at theoretical discussions and may will contribute what they think Encouraging student to participate
the teacher wants, whereas in in your LMS discussion board during
have some real-world experience to reference in their others, demonstrating mastery of asynchronous times could help
arguments. (Executives tend to have lots of experience but details and opposing the teacher to pull out the quieter students.
are seen as the way to excel. Breakout rooms and warm calling
sometimes see things from narrow perspectives.) are also often good ways to get
quieter students to engage more
vocally with the case discussion.


If students are given a structure for

understanding a challenging case,
they often put in much more effort.

Engaging Students
Engaging students is one of the greatest challenges in Introduce cases with some context to motivate students to prepare: “Prior
students have found the next case to be challenging, but I use it to unearth
online teaching. To what extent are students preparing? the details of an important management problem. A good way to approach it
Posting in discussions? Thinking deeply about the is to focus on this particular story line …” If students are given a structure for
understanding a challenging case, they often put in much more effort. Here
material? Engaging with each other? are a few other ways you can engage your students in a case discussion:

Project enthusiasm. Even if it feels Sell, sell, sell. Promote the value
inauthentic, it is critical that you of the case method regularly
show enthusiasm at the outset and imaginatively. For business
to build momentum; otherwise, students, links to career skills
online teaching can feel detached and job-hunting success
to students because of the lack are particularly helpful.
of subtle signals sent in person.
Use more cases. If cases are seen
Start early. Make the opening as a minor part of the course,
of your course as case-based or mainly used to illustrate
and interactive as possible. If other points, there is little
passivity gets a foothold in class, incentive for students to invest
transitioning to a student-centered deeply in preparing them.
course becomes difficult.


Employ breakout rooms. All kinds of

group work in a physical classroom
If you have nonnative speakers,
declare a general amnesty for
If you have nonnative
can be turned into activities
for breakout rooms: discussing
spelling mistakes and messy
language. Be aware that some speakers, declare a
general amnesty for
questions, brainstorming strategies, comments translated from
solving problems, or working on other languages can seem more
a long-term course project. aggressive or less clear than they

Use warm calls publicly and

are meant. Remind people during
synchronous discussions to show spelling mistakes and
messy language.
privately. Calling out individual courtesy to students who need a bit
students can be useful. In a more time to think when answering.
synchronous meeting this can
be done directly as a cold call.
In an asynchronous class (with
some exceptions when timer-
based tools are used) calls are
warm at best, as students have
time to think before responding.
These calls can be done publicly
in front of the group or privately
via email or other channels.
Private calls can be particularly
helpful when drawing out reticent
students or trying to change a
student’s tenor in the discussions.


Teaching Asynchronously
Particularly for asynchronous discussions, we suggest
making each question as immersive as possible:

Make things crystal clear. You Polarize. Craft questions on which Follow up. Follow-up questions Handling special challenges.
should certainly open up broad students will disagree, or assign can be tricky in an asynchronous Asynchronous discussions offer
and complex questions, but students to opposing groups. discussion because there may be additional options to manage
don’t make the wording of those “For this discussion, if your last many comments made in response special challenges. You can delete
questions complex. Be a very name begins with A through M, before you begin. When possible, offending comments, though
rigorous editor of yourself. assume you are the VP of risk try to incorporate the existing this is a drastic measure. We
management, and if your last responses into your question so always prefer to have the authors
Evoke emotions. Use any name begins with N through Z, you do not seem to be ignoring revise or delete them or post
devices you have to enhance assume you are VP of sales.” the flow of the discussion. If clarifications/apologies—unless
engagement. For example, there is an issue you want to there is something particularly
“If your best friend/sibling/ Put students in a role. Have them address that other students did egregious. You can also handle
partner were in this situation, respond as a case protagonist, not pursue, acknowledge that such challenges privately.
how would you advise them?” a board member, an analyst, you are taking a different tack.
a consultant, a blogger, or any
other role that will give them
a particular perspective.


Ending a Case Discussion

Once a case discussion ends, students and faculty often
want to summarize what has been learned. There are
many techniques, but they all come with a caveat: avoid
providing a neat summary yourself.

You don’t want to make it seem consider not doing it after each
there was a right answer you case and making your wrap up
were expecting all along. Having about much more than simply
students summarize the learning the conclusion from a given case.
points is often more valuable than Leaving students with a question
summarizing yourself. This is also rather than a conclusion is an
a helpful mechanism for you to effective way to help students
assess what they have learned. If remember what they have learned.
you are going to offer a summary,


Grading Participation You can have

The gold standard for judging the quality of participation
is to read and evaluate the comments of students in the
students peer rank
context of the discussions. posts in different
For grading asynchronous
participation, you can do this using
Having students give feedback for
grades can also be useful. Student
discussions, giving
the same basic method you use
for evaluating class participation
self-evaluations could identify their
best comments for each case. You
some weight to
what classmates
in traditional classrooms, except can have students peer rank posts
here you can keep your gradebook in different discussions, giving some
open and pause whenever you weight to what classmates thought
like without disrupting the flow
of the discussion. Additionally,
of a student’s comments. Ask for
students to summarize discussions thought of a
student’s comments.
the LMS you’re using should and evaluate each other for group
be able to provide data on the work (do at least some of your
number of times students have evaluation at the group level).
viewed pages and posted.


As more people and technologies become

involved in online learning, new approaches
and capabilities will arise along with new
questions. Please send your questions and
insights regarding online case teaching to us at so we can share
emerging best practices with other educators!


Top Ten Tips for
Teaching Cases Online
1 Understand the pros and cons of synchronous and 6 Engage students with cases by sharing your enthusiasm
asynchronous teaching and plan your course around for them and by creating tension and drama in
the two methods. classroom discussion.

2 Calibrate your materials and online approach to the kinds 7 Consider the potential linguistic and cultural challenges
of students that will attend your class. facing students who are nonnative speakers in a
particular classroom.
3 Select cases that energize your students before you start
class discussion. 8 Use clear and straightforward language when posting
questions in an asynchronous context.

4 Introduce cases with some context to motivate students to

prepare; be transparent about why you’re using them. 9 Debrief cases using many approaches and avoid
suggesting there was only one right answer.
5 Familiarize yourself with the pros and cons of the different
whiteboard technologies to optimize their use in a 10 Embrace the advantages of online tools such as
synchronous discussion. quantitative tracking of participation and online
breakout rooms.

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