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Student Version
Task AT2 Task Name WHS Consultation, Monitoring, Training and Report
Number Documents.

Section A - Assessment Information

Student Name (use full name not Kevin Michael Setiawan
abbreviations or nicknames)

Student ID 865295

Group number 2C

Date Submitted

Unit(s) of competency (code and SITXWHS003 – Implement and monitor work health and safety
title) practices

Duration and/or due date Your lecturer will provide you with the due dates and hand in
procedure on commencement of this unit.

Part A: WHS work safety kit

Part B: Staff consultation process

Part C: Monitoring WHS procedures

Part D: WHS report

Task instructions

There are 5 assessment tasks for this unit. You must be deemed satisfactory in all tasks in order to
meet Competency for this unit.

You will be assessed against the criteria listed in the marking guide in Section B of this task.

For this task you will be provided some class time to work on this assessment, however, it is expected
that the majority of this assessment will be completed outside of class. All work is to be referenced
using Australian Harvard and must be your own work.

Each student is to consider the tasks below. To complete some of the tasks, students will be required
to do some further research.

Part A: WHS work safety kit

SITXWHS003 - Implement and monitor work health and safety practices
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1. Create a work safety kit

Part B: Staff consultation process

1. Develop a staff consultation document or process to determine the effectiveness of current

WHS procedures, training requirements and future recommendations

Part C: Monitoring WHS procedures

1. Monitor staff adherence to the three procedures.

2. You must monitor staff on four separate occasions.
3. Use the monitor WHS procedures checklist

Part D: WHS report

1. Write a WHS report (min 400 words).

Include the following topics:

 Effectiveness of current WHS management practices

 Recommendations for required adjustments and change
 Staff training needs and formal training required.
 Record keeping

Conditions for assessment

Skills must be demonstrated in tourism, travel, hospitality or events business operation where WHS
management practices are implemented and monitored. This can be:

 An industry workplace
 A simulated industry environment.

Assessment must ensure access to:

 Computers, software programs, printers and communication technology used to administer the
implementation and monitoring of a WHS system
 Relevant state or territory WHS legislation
 Current plain English regulatory documents distributed by the local WHS government regulator
 Codes of practice and standards issued by government regulators or industry groups
 WHS information and business management manuals issued by industry associations or
commercial publishers
 Current commercial WHS policies and procedures
 Operational team for which the individual coordinates WHS management practices; this can be:

 Teams in an industry workplace who are assisted by the individual during the assessment
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process; or
 Individuals, who participate in role-plays or simulated activities, set up for the purpose of
assessment, in a simulated industry environment operated within a training organisation.

 For this task you are required to consult with industry and your peers to understand realistic
and expected standards for work health and safety.
 Your assessor will provide assessment procedures and templates for assessment tasks.
However, you can use your own assessment procedures and templates on approval by the
assessor to ensure they cover the required information.
 Please decide with your assessor within one week of commencing this assessment, if you feel
you require special allowance or adjustment to this task.
 You must submit all documents listed in the instructions and marking criteria. Your assessor
will assess the documentation you provide. They will contact you if any information is missing
and you will have 24 hours to provide the missing documentation for assessment.
 All documents must meet the criteria to the standard described in the marking guide in Section
B to be deemed satisfactory in this assessment
 It is expected all documents will be completed electronically but if this is not possible, make
alternative arrangements for submitting the documents with your assessor.
 You will have the opportunity to resubmit any tools that are deemed unsatisfactory (one
resubmit allowed per unit).
 Students MUST complete the allocated tasks within the maximum permissible time frame.
 Please make arrangements with your assessor at least one week prior to the assessment due
date if you feel you require special allowance or allowable adjustment to this task.
 Students MUST complete all the actions as listed in the marking guide to the standard
described in Section B to be deemed satisfactory in this assessment.
 Please ensure your full and correct name is written on the student version of this assessment
task (do not use nicknames or abbreviations)
 Students will be assessed as satisfactory (S) or not satisfactory (NS).
 Students can appeal the assessment decision according to the LCBA assessment policy and

Instructions on submitting your project/portfolio/report

Your instructor will advise the hand-in date and procedure for this assessment.

Equipment/resources students must supply: Equipment/resources to be provided by the

RTO or the workplace:

 Computer  Hard copies of the student version of this

SITXWHS003 - Implement and monitor work health and safety practices
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 Online access assessment task OR access to soft copies

 Computer and Internet access
 Appropriate space to complete the
 Complete set of Work Health and Safety
policies, procedures, templates and tools

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Section B - Marking Guide

Below is a checklist for how this assessment task will be judged as satisfactory or not satisfactory.

Criteria for assessment Satisfactory Comment

Yes No

1. The following documents have been supplied:

1) WHS work safety kit ☐ ☐

2) Staff consultation process ☐ ☐
1) Monitoring WHS procedures checklist (minimum 4) ☐ ☐
2) WHS report ☐ ☐
Part A: WHS Work Safety Kit

WHS kit has organisational policies and procedures and

state or territory acts and legislation for WHS procedures ☐ ☐
and information.

WHS kit includes information on WHS committee and

representatives. ☐ ☐
WHS kit provides employee and employer WHS obligations.
☐ ☐
WHS kit describes how to access organisational WHS
information and state or territory acts and legislation. What
WHS records are kept and where they are kept. ☐ ☐

WHS kit includes emergency procedures, first aid kit

locations and officers, evacuation procedures and muster ☐ ☐
Ramifications of failure to observe OHS or WHS legislation
and organisational policies and procedures has been
included in WHS safety kit ☐ ☐

Part B: Staff consultation process

A suitable staff consultation document or process was

developed to allow hospitality staff, students and employees
the opportunity to contribute current views, concerns and ☐ ☐
issues on WHS and security procedures.

The staff consultation process provides hospitality staff,

students and employees the opportunity to contribute ideas
and suggestions for future recommendations on WHS and ☐ ☐
security management practices.
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Criteria for assessment Satisfactory Comment

Staff consultation document or process aligns to current

organisational WHS policies and procedures and State or ☐ ☐
Territory WHS acts and legislation
Staff consultation document or process will capture required
information to be able to assess effectiveness of procedures,
identify potential hazards, assess possible risks and make ☐ ☐
future recommendations

Part C: Monitoring WHS procedures activity

Student was witnessed monitoring staff adherence and

compliance to three organisational WHS procedures on ☐ ☐
separate occasions

If applicable, student noted non-compliance with procedures

and safe work practices and referred to the appropriate ☐ ☐

Student consistently monitored day-to-day effectiveness of

WHS practices in maintaining the health, safety and security ☐ ☐
of personnel during practical classes or during service.

Part D: WHS report

Report accurately describes the effectiveness of current

WHS and Security management practices in the work place ☐ ☐
Report uses WHS acts and legislation as supporting
evidence for adherence to organisational WHS policies and ☐ ☐

Report outlines staff feedback; issues and concerns aligned

to three WHS procedures. ☐ ☐
Report discusses observations and explains how current
WHS procedures are effective. Evidenced through
monitoring team members adherence and compliance to ☐ ☐
work safety procedures.

Report identifies required adjustments to WHS procedures ☐ ☐

Report provides clear and accurate recommendations for
changes to WHS Management practices. Evidence has
been supported through staff consultation, WHS committee ☐ ☐
meetings, observations and risk control methods.

Report provides the appropriate person and position to refer

WHS recommendations to. ☐ ☐
SITXWHS003 - Implement and monitor work health and safety practices
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Criteria for assessment Satisfactory Comment

Recommendations include formal training in safe work

practices and identify appropriate timeframe and provider to ☐ ☐
conduct training.

Report identifies correct record keeping methods and

maintenance of WHS system. ☐ ☐

Section C - Feedback to Student

Yes No
Has the candidate successfully completed this assessment task?
☐ ☐
Feedback to the candidate

Assessor Name Date

Assessor Signature

Student Name Date

Student Signature


The WHS Work Safety Kit aims to provide WHS information to employees in support of
sustaining a safe workplace in the business. Use this worksheet to prepare a draft WHS kit for
SITXWHS003 - Implement and monitor work health and safety practices
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WHS Policies and Procedures

Our WHS policies and procedures support keeping a safe workplace:

List relevant WHS policies and procedures Identify the location /where they can be accessed
e.g. Evacuation procedures Signage located in all rooms and at entry ways to

Lock down procedure Intructions arre displayed in every room with

directions to exit

Uniform policy Intructions regarding uniform code is given

while induction

Chemical handling procedure Safety instructions on usage and MSDS

provided in every kitchen

Kitchen fires procedure Fire safety tips, personal protective equipments

provided in all areas of fire hazard

Safe lifting procedures Instructions are displayed near the storage

room and delivery area

WHS Records
We maintain WHS records to ensure compliance with WHS legislation and Codes of Practice:

List WHS records kept Identify the location /where they can be accessed
e.g, Staff induction including WHS induction Human Resources Team can access online training

Temperature log Kept in office of head chef or in each kitchen

safety in a folder

Standard operating procedure for all equipment Can be found in each kitchen, where
equipment are used

WHS risk assessment checklist Soft copy kept online can be access by all
department. Hard copy kept with HR for filing

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WHS incident report Kept online for departmental access. Hard copy
with HR for filling

HACCP HACCP developed custom for organizational


Relevant Legislation
The following WHS legislation applies to our business:

1.Work Health and Safety Act 2011

This legislation provide an overall framework and describes the responsibilities or work safety
duties designed to ensure work health and safety

2.Work Health and Safety Regulation 2011

This regulation provides further details regarsing health and safety obligations in relation to
specific hazards and risks

3. Model Code of Practice: Hazardous manual tasks

It shoes practical guidance on complying woth legal duties. This model Code of Practice has
been developed to explain how to identify hazardous manual tasks, assess the risks of musculoskeletal
disorders and eliminate or minimize those risks

4. Emergency Services Legislation Amendment Bill 2018

To protect employees who take part in emergency operations from victimization

WHS Representatives
Describe how the Work Health & Safety Committee operates:

A WHS committee alloes planned, structured discussion about WHS matters at regular meetings,
encourages cooperation between the PCBU and workers, brings workers and employer representatives
together to discuss and develop ways to improve the WHS systems and provides WHS committee
minutes and reports
 When there are 20 or more employees and a majority of the employees request the
establishment of one or more committees
 If the relevant government agency directs a WHS Committtee be established
 More than one committee os to be established of the majority of employees request their
establishment and the employer agrees or if the relevant government agency so directs
 Union representatives may be invited to observe or address a meeting

Identify key roles/teams for WHS and provide contact details:

Role Contact Details

Head Chef

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Head Security

WHS teacher

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Mutual Responsibilities
Both the business and the employees have mutual responsibilities to ensure a safe work place:

Employer Employees
Making sure that the employee and others are Report changes in the workplace
protected from anything that may cause harm

Give information about the risk in work place and Participate in the risk assessment
train them on how to deal with the risk

Employers must consult employees on health and Follow the instruction regarding risk hazard
safety issue

First Aid

Identify the location of first aid officers who have first aid kits on location:

First Aid Officer Location

Mark Bigeni Security

George Pellegrini Operations

Josephine Borsic Operations foods

Outline the consequences for failure to comply with WHS legislation and WHS policies and procedures:

1. Provisional Improvement Notices

2. Fines

3. Prosecutions

4. Inspector (securing compliance)

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5. Enforcement measures

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Emergency Procedures

A. Outline the main steps in the emergency lockdown procedure:

 Remain in the buikding/classroom
 Secure all doors and windows. Close blinds. Utrn off lights
 Move away from windows and secure valuable out of sight
 Switch off mobile phones or put to silent
 If safe, ensure that all staff and students are not in corridors or outside of building
 DO NOT leave the classroom ot building to get student/staff/visitors
 Record the names of people in the room
 DO NOT open doors or windows for any reason

B. Outline the main steps in the emergency evacuation procedure:

 Alarm bell must ring for minimum 10 secs, then assume emergency and advise your class of
 Notify security of any disabled students special needs
 Where practicable, switch off equipment, close windows, turn off lights, close door (do not lock)
 All students present in class to be accounted for before or as class leaves room. (Use temporary
roll vook or your own method)
 In an orderly manner, move your class as a group via nearest exit to designated evacuation area
 Once in designated evacuaton area confirm presence of all students from your class
 Co not allow students to leave the designated assembly area
 Wait with your students until directed to re-enter the building or any other instruction

SITXWHS003 - Implement and monitor work health and safety practices

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C. Use the campus map provided to identify the muster points for emergency evacuations:

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The business does not have a formalized WHS Staff Consultation Process. Use this worksheet to
develop a draft process for approval.

About the WHS Staff Consultation Process

Provide a brief introduction about the intention of this process including legal requirements:

The intention of a third consultation is to make sure the effectiveness of communication

between workers and PCBU’s. This will encourage cooperation between staff. As a results, the
workplace will become more productive and safe or minimum risk

Outline the process for conducting staff consultation to determine effectiveness of WHS:

 Giving workers the opportunity to express their opinion and to contribute to the resolution
of WHS welfare issues
 Share the WHS information to the workers
 Valuing the views of workers and taking them into consideration

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Describe how staff and students have the opportunity to contribute views, ideas, feedback, suggestions,
concerns and/or issues on WHS:

The staff and students can actively participate in any meeting, briefing, and feedback form to
discuss any concern or issues regarding the WHS. After a solution has been agreed on, it
should be inform to all the staff. The manager has to keep the record

How will the effectiveness of WHS procedures be reviewed?
(Consider risk assessment and hazard identification procedures in your response)

 Conducting workplace inspections

 Conducting risk assessment
 Providing input into developing and improving safety system
 Providing input and being consulted about emergency procedures
 Assist in development of arrangement for recording hazards and accident
 Recommends training of WHS rep and staffs

WHS Training
Discuss how WHS training is arranged and coordinated in the business as needed:

 Decide who needs to be trained (workers, supervisors, manager)

 What the training needs (induction, emergency evacuation)
 Who will conduct the training
 Decide is it internal or external training and the use of consultant
 What need to be include in the training
 What method of training (formal, informal, self-directed)
 How to evaluate and review the training (interviews, performance base)
 How will training be used to assist risk management and continuous improvement

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The teacher will provide you with links to suitable videos demonstrating workers in action, in order to
identify any non-compliance by the workers in the video in following any one of these three procedures:

• Manual handling
• Chemical & Hazardous Substance Handling; and
• Safe use of plant and equipment.

 No gloves
 No hat
 No 2 to 4 hours rules
 No apron
 No hairnet
 Not wearing chef jacket
 Not wearing PPE

Manual Handling

Chemical & Hazardous Substance Handling

 Handling chemical without gloves

Safe Use of Plant and Equipment

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 Using a dangerous equipment
 There is no protective guard on the machine

If these workers were in your workplace, discuss who you need to refer to about this non-compliant

 First discuss it with the supervisor and talk about the behavior
 Give the workers some training
 If the workers still not compliant then fire them

behavior and how you would go about it:

Please ensure you have completed this task in pen, not pencil, that it readable and you have placed your
name on each page. Submit to the teacher for assessment.

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Read the following guidelines for preparing a WHS report in your own words.

Use the headings (in bold) to structure your report. Remove the questions and numbers under each
heading and just put your own responses below the heading. Use complete sentences and a paragraph
structure. These heading/questions match up to the marking guide- ensure you complete all parts.

On 15th of October we did an inspection at kitchen 6 in Le cordon bleu. We went into the kitchen
suing a hariner and filled out riske assessment checklist. All the students and teacher was involved in
this site inspection. Because we need to ask the teacher about what risk that likely happened in the
kitchen. After the inspection, we held a meeting to discuss about the risk and feedback we received from
another student at kitchen 6
In results of this meeting, we still need to improve the effectiveness of current WHS management
practices. Because we still found some hazard and problem at the site inspection that can cause

Risk Assessment
In the site inscpection. We found that there are some kitchen towel on top of the stove, this is
very dangerous because it can cause fire inside the kitchen, to control this hazard we need to remind the
student or the staff tonever put something like kitchen towel on the stove. Second hazard was a tangled
cable of a machine laying on the ground, this can be a serious problem because it can trip people over
and cause some accident, imagine if a people carrying a pot of boiling water or hot oil and walked over
the cable and tripped, it will be disastorous. To control this hazard we need to train the students or staff
on how to tidy up the machine after using it. Third problem was a baking tray stored on the floor under
the bench, this hazard can lead to a cross contamination, because we don’t know what is on the floor
and it is dirty. To control this hazard we need to put a storage only for a baking tray so it doesn’t stored
on the floor

Legislative Compliance
Work Health and Safety Act 2011

Incident and Accident Reporting

In my observation, there are a lot of minor incident happened that are not reported. This can lead
to a big problem because small cuts can cause sepsis (infection) that can make them hospitalized. Some
staff also complaining to put more SDS near the equipment, because most of the staff didn’t know how
to operate the equipment.
My solution is to put more SDS in every equipment and needs to be clear and easy to
understand. Give a briefing about reporting every single incident no matter how small it is. Give some
walkthrough on how to use every equipment so they can understand how to use it and it will minimize
the accident

Handling Chemicals and Hazardous Substances

In my observation, There are some people that still don’t know how to handle chemical properly.
Because I saw some staff didn’t know which chemical to use for the dishwashing machine. This can lead
to a serious problem like food poisoning. Some staff also never use a gloves when handling a chemical,
this can cause irritatioin to their skin. Bacuse of this problem we need to give them more training about
chemical handlingand some quizzes so that they know hot to handle chemical properly

Hazard Identification
SITXWHS003 - Implement and monitor work health and safety practices
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There are some staff that don’t care about hazarz that occur in the kitchen. They also don’t know
how to do hazard identification. Because of that some staffs concern about the possibility of more
accident that could happen in the kitchen. Therefore, We need to give some training about how to do
hazard identification and how to do the risk assessment checklist. In this way, staff will be more cautious
in the kitchen. Because of the high number of hazards in the kitchen

Training Improvements
The training needs to be more fun and exciting, like give some activity instead of only theory. This
way the staff will be more interested and paying attention to the training and they will more likely to
remember the knowledge that we delivered. We can also invite a professional person that specialize in
that department. The headchef can also provides some training to the staffs to minimize the budget.

WHS System & Record-Keeping

The record must be kept by the supervisor and have to be locked, We can also put the record in
the online system to keep it simple and easily accessed

Review of Recommendations
We need to give this review to the supervisor so they can approve this documents and they can
communicate with the financial department about some adjustment that we made

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