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Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris PM

Kelas / Program : XI / IPA
Hari/Tanggal : Kamis, 05 Desember 2019
Waktu : 11.30 – 13.00 WIB
Jam Ke : 3 (TIGA)

Please choose the correct sentence to complete the dialogue.

1. Reservation agent : Good morning, Hyatt Hotel, may I help you?

Customer : ... a room for two people for 3 days from December 20 to the 22.
Reservation agent : Would you prefer a king-size bed or two double, sir?
Customer : I’d two double please.
A. Do you have available rooms for tomorrow?
B. Do you have any rooms with a park view?
C. This is Donna Smith speaking. I’d like to book
D. I’d like to make a reservation
E. What’s your full name?

2. Tour agent : Sparkly Airlines. How may I help you?

Customer : I’d like to book a round-trip flight for three people from Jakarta to Tokyo on October 10, returning on the
Tour agent : Do you have any preference for what time of a day would you prefer?
Customer : ...
A. How many people will travel?
B. Do you want window seat?
C. How old are you?
D. Is there terminal change?
E. We’d like to leave Jakarta at night and leave Tokyo in the morning.

3. Customer : Hello, is this Rendang restaurant?

Staff : You’re right, ma’am. How may I help you?
Customer : ....
Staff : I’m sorry ...
Customer : Do you have any openings for tomorrow?
Staff : Yes, we have tables available for tomorrow afternoon and evening.
A. I’d like to make a reservation this evening; We’re completely booked this evening.
B. I’d like to make a reservation this evening; We have available tables.
C. What time is your restaurant open? We’re closed.
D. We’re closed; Can I reserve?
E. Can I reserve? We’re full.

Number 4 - 8
Man                  : “Myron travel agency, good morning!”
Woman             : “Hello, operator. This is Melinda. Is there a plane to Samarinda today?”
Man                  : “Hello, Miss Melinda. There are daily flights at 7.30 am.
Woman             : “Well, can I book a seat on tomorrow’s flight?”
Man                  : “Sorry, Miss. We’re fully booked.”
Woman             : “How about the day after tomorrow?”
Man                  : “Yes, Miss, for how many persons
Woman             : “Two, please.”
Man                  : “Single or return?”
Woman             : “Return, please.”

4. What is the content about the dialogue above?

A. The woman buying the ticket anything C. Return to home.      E. Booked the beach hotel
B. The man cancelling the ticket airplane D. Booked the ticket airplane.

5. What is the same words of underlined words “book” above ?

A.    Receive B.  Send C. Make D. Order E. Messenger
6. How days the woman going to Samarinda ?
A. One day B. Two days C. Three days D. Four days E. Five days
Andi    : “Can we go now?”
Ivan     : “……………………”
Andi    : “Ok. No problem, but tomorrow we must go to Gramedia bookstore.”
Ivan     : “Ok. Never mind. But, I must to go home now. Bye!”
Andi    : “See you tomorrow. Bye!”
7. The suitable expression to complete the dialogue is ….
A. Ok. Let’s go! C. Yes, I think so E. With pleasure
B. Great man D. I am sorry I can’t, I am sick
8. Where Andi and Ivan want to go?
A. Kitchen B. Bedroom C. Bookstore D. Hall E. Hotel
9. Waiter              : Would you like anything to drink?
Customer         : ….
Waiter              : Yes, sure, I have. I’ll take it for you.
A.    I would like orange juice                 D. that’s all
B.    No, thank you                                 E. Do you have fresh water?
C.   How about mixed fruit salad?
10. Ani       : Hello, is Dedy in?
Fira      : He has gone out. ….
Ani       : Ani is, Can I leave a message?
Fira      : Ok, I’ll tell him later.
A.    I’m sorry                                         D. Wait a moment
B.    Can I help you                                E. Who’s calling?
C.   Thank you for calling me
11. Nino          : “........?”
Syifa         : “Based on my opinion it is an excellent film.”
A.    How about watching a movie?
B.    What do you think of this film?
C.   Don’t you think i am beautiful?
D.   How do you feel about him?
E.    What about the food
12. Elsa          : “What do you think about the new rules of school’s hours? I really don’t like the ideas that i should wake up
earlier than before?
Eko            : “I don’t know what to think about it. I’m still confused with the announcement.
From the dialogue, we know that....
A.    Elsa likes the new rules
B.    Eko is against the new rules
C.   Eko has no opinion on the new rules
D.   Elsa doesn’t understand the announcement
E.    Eko makes the new rules
13. The dialogue above uses the expression of….
A.    Suggestion
B.    Invitation
C.   Opinion
D.   Confirmation
E.    Gratitude
14. Where does the dialogue take place?
A.   In a zoo
B.   In a restaurant
C.   In the classroom
D.   In a movie
E.   In a market
15. Teacher    : “What are your opinions on bullying?
Mamat      : “…… it’s bad because it makes people feel badly about themselves and that shouldn’t happen.
Icha          : “I think bullying is a harrowing epidemic, and it needs to be stopped.
Suitable expression to complete the dialogue is….
A.   I don’t mind
B.   Can you help me
C.   I’m so sorry
D.   Excuse me
E.   I suppose
16. Which of the following is TRUE according to the dialogue?
A.   Both students supporting bullying
B.   Bullying is the name of a disease
C.   Icha is strongly reject bullying
D.   Being bullied brings good to people
E.   Bullying does not affect the community
17. These are the effect of bullying, except….
A.   Lack of self-confident
B.   Felling inferior
C.   Nice attitude
D.   No respect
E.   Over proud
18. Marta    : “It’s very hot here….
Sinta    : “Sure. No problem.
A.   Would you mind if I turn on the fan?
B.   Could you close the door?
C.   Would you turn off the fan?
D.   May I leave now?
E.   May you leave now?
19. Toni          : “I’m going to a jazz concert. Do you fancy coming along?
Yunita       : “……………”
A.   Never mind
B.   I don’t listen jazz
C.   Sounds fantastic. That’s my type
D.   Sounds great. Why not?
E.   That’s incredible
20. Anida        : “I heard that you didn’t past the test. That’s too bad. I’ve told you not to waste your time playing online
Diandra    : “I will listen you next time.”
It can be concluded from the dialogue that Anida expresses her…
A.   Displeasure
B.   Satisfaction
C.   Suggestion
D.   Happiness
E.   Doubt
1. What is the text about?
A. An offer to advertise your business 21. What is the Pamphlet about?
     B. An offer to download Facebook APP A. Open a new Restaurant
     C. An offer to make money from Facebook APP B. Promote Pizza House
     D. An offer to publish your prduct
C. Launch a new Pizza House
E. An offer to publish your account
D. Publish a bestunderlined
service word means ....
2. "Monetize your APP by showing ads from facebook's 2 million advertisers" The
A. Break APP E. Open a new factory
B. Invite someone
C. Gain connection 22. The statements below are true, EXCEPT ....
D. Produce money A. Pay 30$ you can get 1 regular pasta
E. Get profit B. Pay 50$ you can get 3 cold drinks
C. Pizza serve by skilled pizza baker
3. What isD. Amazing
the genre oflaunch set available for four hours
the text?
A. Notice E. Pay 50$ you can get three cold drinks
B. Banner
C. Label
D. Announcement
E. Pamphlet

4. "Enjoy the freedom of learning English ..." Synonym of the

underlined word is ....
A. Inability
B. Difficulty
C. Liberty
D. Equality
E. Possibility

5. Based on the text above, how to learn English online for free?
A. You need to watch the YouTube channel
B. You should download the E-book
C. You must subscribe the website
D. You can visit
E. You can visit

6. What event show in the poster?

A. Club night
B. Acoustic night
C. Music show
D. Fashion show
E. Jazz night

7. When the event be held?

A. Friday, 3 July 7pm
B. Saturday, 3 July 7pm
C. Friday, 3 July 8pm
D. Friday, 2 July 7pm
E. Wednesday, 3 July 7pm

8. Where is the event located?

A. Melbourne
B. New York
C. Malone Road
D. Jakarta
E. Singapore

Long, long ago, when the gods and goddesses used to mingle in the affairs of mortals, there was a small kingdom on the
slope of Mount Wayang in West Java.  The King, named Sang Prabu, was a wise man.  He had an only daughter, called Princess Teja
Nirmala, who was famous for her beauty but she was not married.  One day Sang Prabu made up his mind to settle the matter by a
show of strength.
After that, Prince of Blambangan, named Raden Begawan had won the competition.  Unfortunately, the wicked fairy, Princess Segara
fell in love with Raden Begawan and used magic power to render him unconscious and he forgot his wedding. 
When Sang Prabu was searching, Raden Begawan saw him and soon realized that he had been enchanted by the wicked fairy. 
The fairy could not accept this, so she killed Raden Begawan.  When Princess Teja Nirmala heard this, she was very sad.  So a nice
fairy took her to the Kahyangan.
23.  Which one of the following statements is false about Sang Prabu?
A.  Sang Prabu was a father of his only daughter
B.  Sang Prabu was a king of a kingdom in West Java
C.  Sang Prabu was  taken to Kahyangan by a wicked fairy
D.  Sang Prabu was a wise man
E.  Sang Prabu didn’t have a son
24. Why the wicked fairy did used her magic to make Raden Begawan unconscious?
A.  She didn’t like Raden Begawan
B.  She didn’t want Raden Prabu marry the princess
C.  She wanted Teja Nirmala to forget about her wedding
D.  She didn’t want the prince of Blambangan marry the princess
E.  She didn’t want the prince of Blambangan feel love with her
25. What do you think will happen if gods or goddesses cannot mingle in the affairs of people in the earth at that time?
A.  Princess Segara will have married with Raden Begawan
B.  Sang Prabu will not hold strength competition
C.  Raden Begawan will not die
D.  Teja Nirmala will stay in the Kahyangan
E.  Wicked Fairy will not take Raden Begawan’s life
26. So a nice fairy took her to the Kahyangan.  (Paragraph 2) The word her in the sentence refers to…
A.  The wicked fairy
B.  The nice fairy
C.  Princess Nirmala
D.  Prince Teja
E.  The prince of Blambangan
27. The similarity between fairy and human according to the text.
A.  The place they live
B.  The jealousy that they posses
C.  The way they don’t feel a love
D.  The strength they have
E.  Their life that is immortal

A long time ago, very few people lived in the New Territories.  There were only a few villages. 
If the people wanted to go from one village to another, they often had to pass through wild and unsafe forest.
One day, a farmer’s young wife went to the next village to visit her own mother and brother.  She brought along her baby son.  When it
was time for her to leave, her brother said “it is getting dark.  Let my son, Ah Tim go with you though the forest.”
So Ah Tim led the way and the young woman followed behind, carrying her baby.  When they were in the forest, suddenly
they saw a group of wolves.  They began to run to avoid the danger, but Ah Tim kicked against a stone and fell down.  At once the
wolves caught him.  The young woman cried to the wolves, “please eat my own son instead.” Then, she put her baby son on the
ground in front of the wolves and took her nephew away.  Everyone understood that this was because the woman was very good and
She had offered her own son’s life to save her nephew.They ran back to the house and called for help.  All men in the village
fetched thick sticks and went back with her into the forest.  When they got there, they saw something very strange.  Instead of eating
the woman’s baby the wolves were playing with him.

28. What separated between one village to another a long time ago in the New Territories ?
A.  Another village
B.  Mountains
C.  Forests
D.  Hills
E.  Towers and logs
29. Who was Ah Tim ?
A.  The young woman’s brother
B.  The young woman’s son
C.  The young woman’s brother and nephew
D.  The young woman’s brother’s son
E.  One of the men who fetched a stick
30. Who walked in front when they were in the forest ?
A.  Ah Tm
B.  The woman
C.  The woman’s son
D.  Her brother’s nephew
E.  The baby and his mother

31. How could the wolves catch Ah Tim ?

A.  He was afraid
B.  He was stumbled by a stone
C.  He ran slowly
D.  The woman cried
E.  The wolves were good runners
32. The woman gave her son to the wolves because
A.  She loved her nephew than her son.
B.  She thought about how her brother would be
C.  She wanted her son was eaten by the wolves
D.  She was crazy
E.  She kept a grudge on his brother
41 - 45
A: Would you like me to (41) ... you on your new project?
B: I would love the help! Would you prefer helping with the writing part or is programming more your thing?
A: I would (42) ... helping with the writing portion.
B: Perfect! You’ll be working alone on that (43) .... Do you like to work alone?
A: That is OK sometimes.
B: Our first meeting is next Monday. Could you (44 )... with us at that time?
A: No, I can’t be there.
B: Please send me your background (45) ... before the meeting so I can look at it.
A: I can send that information to you.
B: OK. I look forward to working with you. Enjoy your week!
33. A. help B. choose C. buy D. meet E. attend
34. A. cancel B. enjoy C. happy D. angry E. sad
35. A. portion B. site C. location D. place E. area
36. A. cancel B. enjoy C. meet D. attend E. close
37. A. confirmation B. information C. education D. allocation

46. Write a (+), (-), (?) sentence using Simple Present Tense pattern (Nominal Sentence)!
47. Write a (+), (-), (?) sentence using Simple Present Tense pattern (Verbal Sentence)!
48. Complete these sentences using Conditional Type 1 pattern!
If Rudi _____________________ (visit) Semarang, He ___________________ (buy) Wingko Babat.
49. Change these sentences into passive form!
Somebody cleans the room every day.
50. Change these sentences into Indirect Speech!
He said, “I know a better restaurant.”

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